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Image provided by: State Historical Society of North Dakota
Newspaper Page Text
Another Record Breaking Sale! U. S. Army Wool Blankets Regular O. D. Khaki Color, All-Wool A 410.00 Blanket Dark Brown Color Order No. 1212 Plus postage on arrival Men'* Sizes, 6 to 12 No. 102 $1.88 plui poitaie onarrtvat Boy's Sizes I to 5'A No. 314 $1.75' plu pottage on arrival Boys' Slzei, 9'to l3'/2 No. 315 $1.49 on arrival $2.98 pottage Order No. 3200 The most sensational bargain yet in army goods. Guaranteed perfect condition Khaki color 5. D. all wool U. 8. nrmy blankets, all full size 66x84. Send in your orders at once. Be sure fo\x set several at this big. bargnin price. MEN'S WORK SHOE Sizes 6 to 11 Order No. 186 plus postage on arrival A sturdy, work shoe it he a wearing upper stock, double leather 'in soles' and guaranteed counters. Made es pecially for the mod ern fanner, with up pers tanned to resist acids. Guaran teed to please or' your money back.- Don't send one cent. Pay postman, when you get the shoes. DRESS SHOE BARGAIN! Order No. 807 Plus postage on arrival Sixes 6 to If Truly a wonderful bar gain in a man's dress shoe. Not even before tiie war was it possible to equal this wonderful shoe at $1.98. They were a or could not be shipped on a of exchange rate— and are now sold at half a Order at once and get in on this big bar gain! Genuine Kid Comfort Oxford a 30x3 $7.45 Pins Postage We challenge all competi tion on this number. A genuine kid comfort oxford made with low heel and a-wide roomy toe. Order now! These oxfords will" go quickly at this greatly re duced price. Outing Shoe Sensation!" A won bargain. Men's or boys' outing a 11 made with tough muleskih ooze uppers, com fortable And wear iron. You will, never end bigger bargains. Order these at once. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED! We don't want ourcustomers to risk One cent S? JtS %pnny in Yes, there are literally carloads of wonderful bargains and you may buy them direct from America's greatest-bargain house. J0®® BALL STRAP OXFORD The very latest and most attractive stole In owcuts .offered this rear. beautiful Havana and^riihhprSiiit baiI de9lf»- nunute. Get your order in at once. Prices are made for immediate clearance and they will go quickly. Every Suajantee* t° please you or your money promptly re funded. oend no money. Just pay for goods when they arrive. !u» pottage on arrival Order No. 1208 2% to 8 medallion tip ana rubber heel. A startling value at $2,49. LADIES' JULIET Plus postage on arrival SIZES 3 TO 8 No. 239 ^e1'/andnL^M»fl,l?Mh^d ^?usf shoes with rubber «&• «:78.V"^eytobaS HIP BOOTS pins postage on arrival Sizes 6 to 12 Order No. 173 Absolute first quality hip boots at less than cost to manufacture. Order at once while we still have them in stock. Ladies' English Walking Boot TIRE PRICES SMASHED! Half price while 4hey last. Blaok color No. 923 plus postage on arrival Sizes 2'/a to 8. Same shoe in dark brown. No. 928 CO flO P^s postage on arrival Here we beat every tiargaln price ever offered, even before the war. Think of it! A ladies' boot at $1.98. And it ista strongly made boot with of wear in every pair. a limited quantity. -Tien these are gone we can get no more at this pflee. Order yours at once at $ 1 9 8 $2.49. $1.50 Leather Work Gloves While they last 69c and postage on arrival Order flo. 3201 .A fine leather work glove made for the army and now sold at less than half Its value. Made of a good grade of. leather. A re markable bargain, be sure to order several pairs! ARMY HANDKERCHIEFS Be sure to Include some with your order. No. 3300. fBRAND NEW STANDARD TIRES GUARANTEED 6,000 MILES ,, NON-SKID TREADS Positively the biggest tire bargain yet. Remember .. these are brand new standard non*ekid tires generously oversize sfad guaranteed to last 6,000 or adjustment made on the basis of mileage used. Many give 8,000 to 10,000 miles. We do not ^ell seconds or rebuilt fl*es. Sent C. O. D., no money in advance. You don't risk a penny. Prices 30x3 7.45 8.45 30x3% 32x31/® advance. Pay postman when thfgo^s rive. Then if not satisfied after examination you may return them find rot Knclr every cent including postage. Order at once! Bargains lik^ebe won?t lilt Ion* 32x4 $14.95 33x4 j. 15.95 34x4 ..... 16.95 12.45 13.45 51x4 PLU8 POSTAGE 'Jv ON ARRIVAL wmm pins postage «n arrival Order No. 3100 Regular Khaki color handkerchiefs, look like on W last, .6 handkerchiefs .Made of fine, soft kid flmshed leather with rob ber heel and flexible sole. lower Prices STYLISH SPORT OXFORD Order No. .1214, 8lzts 21/] to Many women with foof trouble have found in« stant relief in these shoes. Don't send one penny. Just pay when the a a arrive. Tour money bade if satisfied. 30x3 yz $8.45 Plus Postage a plus Kitut on arrlyal One '.the most staggering Esrofblack cuts of the season, te canvas, trimmed with or brown leather (state choice).' The season's leader. AU the rage in the dtles, where deal ers get from $4 to $S for them. Try a palr at risk. xour money gladly refunded it you are not de lighted. $6 Waterproof Work Coat While they last $1.98 Tliey are really.a good value at $5 or $6.* Bush your order In. If you don't And them all w» claim we will gladly refund every -penny. Ladies' Comfort Shoe Sizes 3 to 8 -vroer NO $1.98 39 -Order No. 233 Plus postagg on arrival BOYS' AND GIRLS' SHOES A: 4- if I ip Boys' No. 301,01 TO 8 to I3'/j...V-l. LADIES' 1-STRAP Irpf I to jya....§l,98 Girls' 8o.Ttt2,Q1 8'/s to ||,. «5i.D3 11'/a to 2... $1.49 Plui postal* on arrival Order No. 210 Sizes vsmA $1.89 2'/i to 8...S1.98 Strong, shoes for dress or wear, seal •mm. Order wh need NO a v'Vvi "V" Ladles' earn, comfortable kid .finished one-strap slippers. One of the best bargains ever offeree!. GORDON BATES COMPANY DEPARTMENT B, MINNEAPOLIS, MINN, the Leader When Writing