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\l/ Staats Anzeiger Wist', Which Haine- Wir rathen (5uch bei uns (fuer Weib zu deponiren— wir schenken den kleinen sowie den großen Beträgen die sorgfältigste Aufmerksamkeit. J-20-27-.14-11-18-25 mi -MM W'fe. scribed for SS. Petitioner, vs. Die Die Die his of RUGBY, NORD-DAKOTA RUGBY, NORD-DAKOTA RUGBY, NORD-DAKOTA Besorgt allgemeine Bankgesehaefte. Besorgt allgemeine Bankgesehaefte. Besorgt allgemeine Bankgesehaefte. the exceptions, in writ of udge of the County.Court. L8«AL] J. T. Berdahl J6-13-30. Abonnirt auf den ,,Anzdiger" He MUM \b Wir bezahlen Interesse auf Zeit-Depositen iè) VI/ or v als 320 320 320 i23-80-J6-13-#0-27- j' Wir versichern Euer Farm- oder Stadteigenthum gegen Verlust durch Feuer, Blitz oder Sturm, zu den niedrigsten Raten. nb 380 so^ Sec. 1, Twp. 155, 9t. 74 & Lots 5 & 6 fo± nc»è Sec. 0, Twp. 155, N. 73. Wir werden obiges Land zu folgenden Bedingungen verkaufen: Eine mäßige Anbezahlung am 1. i)ioombcr, 1907, der Rest auf dem ,,Crop^-Abbezahluugs-Plan. Kauft jetzt und nehmt Besitz am 1. Nov. Keine Interessen ehe Ihr Besitz nehmt. -Sprecht vor or schreibt an- 0 L.T.Berdahlobr W.A.Warren u y o a k o a Gasoline Engine billig zu verkaufen Wenn Ihr ein gutes Gasolin Engin wollt dann spricht vor in unserer Office denn wir haben eins in gutem Zustand "Flacbsufragen in der StaateBnseiger ©fftee Einladung Unser Fleischerladen ist jetzt schön eingerichtet und Ihr seid Ihr hiermit srenndlichft eingeladen vorzusprechen. Für Wurstwaren solltet Ihr Euch vor aller Dingen an unsere Firma wenden, da wir die besten Wurstwaren im ganzen County haben. Wir sind jetzt vollständig eingerichtet und haben auch in unserem großen und sehr reinem Laoen zu diesem Zweck eine Wurftmaschine aufgestellt Dir haben zu jeder Zeit frisches Fleisch und andere Delikatessenwaren zur Hand. Bekannt ist unsere Leberwurst Blutwurst Geräucherte Worst Sommerwurst und Winterwurst außerdem Sauerkraut Geräucherte Heriuge Salzheringe %?nn sbam Haube, tt. 2. 'L \n\n o n n e s a e n 2 7 u n i 1 0 0 7 Notice el Sale on Mortgage Foreclosure By Advertisement Notice is hereby trivcn i hat that certain morttfatf«'madi'. exwuted inii Uvll vwed liy Johu W. Ilarknvss and Alive L. Harkm-ss, his its Pit-ire county. N. !.. as mortgagors, to Will llainrs of Benson County. North Da kota as mortgagee, dated 011 the -t'lid day of December A. If. It*« and tiled for record in tbe office of the Register of Deeds within and for the County of Pierce and State of North Dakota on the :Wst. day of December A. 1UV0V at U o'clock A. M. and was duly recorded in Book "16" of Mortgages on page 23ti: and said mortgage was thereafter liy the said Will duly assigned and set over by instrument in writing to the Bank of Ballon II at ton, N. IX. which said assign ment was tiled for record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said Coun'y of Pierce and State aforesaid on the Ulli day of Feb. A 1. liM at H:30 o'clock A, M. and was duly recorded in 'took "1-" of Assignments OH page and which said mortgage was thereafter by the said Bank of Hat ton duly assigned aixl transferred by an instrument In writing to •lames A Branum, which said in went was duly tiled for record in the Office of the Register of Deeds in and for said 4'ounty of Pierce and State of North Dakota on the 10th day of .lune A. D. at the hour of 4 o'clock P. M. and was duly recorded In Book"3."" of Mortgages on page it-: will by reason of the default made in the conditions Contained in said mortgage and the failure of the mortgagors to pay the amount secured thereby or any part thereof, and hy virtue of the power of sale in mortgage cont ained. le foreclosed hy sale of the premises in such mortgage and hereinafter described at the front door "f the Court. House at Rugby, Pierce County. North Dakota, at the hour of two o'clock P. oil Saturday the 27th day of July. A. I). 1 VH7 to satisfy lie amount due up on said mortgage on the day of sale. The premises described in such mortgage and which will be sold to satisfy the same are described as follows: The North East quarter of Section One (I) in Township One Hundred fifty two(l.VJ) North of Range Seventy two (~:1) West in the County of Pierce and State of North Dakota. That no action at law or in equity has been instituted to recover the amount secured by said mortgage or any part thereof, and that there will lie due on said mortgage on tin date of sale lie sum of Three-hundrt d-eight and no-IOlt lis Dollars (StOM.UO), besides the statutory costs and foreclosure expenses in cluding the attorneys fee allowed by law. Dated at Esmond. Benson County. North Dakota, on this the 17th, day of June. A. D. 19#7. James A. Branum. Assignee of Mortgagee. H. L. Halvorson. Esmond, N. D, Attorney for Assigne of Mortgagee. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of Interior. Land Office at Devils Lake. N. May -2b. 1907. Notice is hereby given that Anna B. Olson of Rugby. N !.. has tiled notice of her inten tion to make final five year proof in support of her claim, viz: Homestead Entry No. ''.V5I, made Octotier I, 1WI. for the wVt ne'i and e% nXVl4 Section 10. Township 15«. Rg 72 and that said proof will lie made before Seldon Crock ett. S. Comm., at his office at Rugby. N. D. on ul.v •th. 1V07 She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon, and cultiva tion of, tiie land, viz: Oscar S. Orr, Stephen Stempson, Cornelius E Barrett, Thonette Berg all of Rugby• N. D. m30-j6-l3--!0-,j7-jy4 M. Ii. Brcnnan. Register. Order And Notice of Hearing Petition For License to Sell Real Estate. State of North Dakota, I ^ss. County of Pierce. In County Court. Before Hon. J. T. Berdahl. Judge. In The Matter of the Estate of Aslak Sand, Deceased. Maria Sand, Petitioner vs Bert el Sanu. Knut Sand. Andrew Sand. Martin Sand. John Sand. Magna Sand and Lars Anderson, special guardian for John Sand and Magna Sand, Respondents The State of North Dakota, to the above named respondents and all persons in terested in the estate of Aslak Sand. De ceased: You are hereby notified that the petition of Tom H. Oksendahl. Administrator of the estate of Aslak Sand, late of the County of Pierce and State of North Dakota, deceased, lias been filed in this Court, therein petition ing that he be authorized, empowered and directed to sell realestate belonging to said decedent's estate, described as follows, to wit: The North East Quarter of Section Sev enteen (17) Township One Hundred Fifty-six (156) North of Range Seventy-three (73) West nd it appearing by said petition, that there iOt sufficient money or personal property nds of said administrator to pay the tration expenses and debts umstand st said deceased, and that it is Mid for the )est interest in said ffftthe said realestate: r" re ordered that said petition bslriy this Court on Monday, the 22 D. 1907, at 10 o'clock in the ICS iP'ay. at the Court Rooms of 3ourt House, in the City of ^'ierce and State of North er ordered, that you and lersons interested in said and required then and before this Court and 4^11't have. why this peti •no A. v. 1907. it: Court: Ir J. T. Berdahl. •f the County Court the above Citation be /ice upon the respond- berorion for four weeks in TZ%e. a weekly newspaper (3$fierce Ca. N. Dak.| J, T. Berdahl. Judge. Notice Mrrtgige Foreclosure alc Notice is hereby given that a certain mortgage made executed and delivered by (He II. Velogrina, and _lterte Velogrina, his mortgagors to Nathan M. Barnes of Minneapolis. Minne-o'a. Mortgagee, on the 20th day of March ltku and filed record in the office of Register of Deeds of Pierce County, North Dakota on March -Sth li'n^and recorded in Book !!(', of Mortgages on page .'130 will be forclosed by a sale of the premises in such mortgage and hereinafter described at the Front Door of the Court House in the City of Rugby Pierce County, North Dakota on the r.'Olh day of July 1W7 at o'clock in the afternoon of said day to satisfy the amount due upon said mortgage at lie date of sale. The premises described in such mortgage and which will be sold to satisfy the same are de as follows, to wit: The South half of the South West Quarter (sV4 swU) of Section Ten (10) in Township One Hundred jnd Fifty Seven l."7) North of Range Seventy Two West in Pierce County, North Dakota. Whereas, it is provided in said mortgage that in case of the failure of the mortgagor to pay any of the notes secured by said mort gage when due the mortgagee may at his option declare the whole sum due and pay able. and. whereas.the mortgagors have failed to pay the installment due upon said mort gage November 1st. 1!W. The mortgagee does hereby declare the whole sum due and pay able. That there will be due upon said mort gage at the date of sale the sum of Thirty Six Dollars and Seventy Eight Cents ($3(5.78). Dated this 12th day of June 1!H)7. Nathan M. Barnes, Mortgagee. (iuy L. Whittcmore, Attorney for Mortgagee, Rugby. N. Dak. jl3-30-27-jy4-ll-18. Notice and Citation, Hearing of Final Account and Distribution of Estate. State of North Dakota.) County of Pierce. In County Court Before Hon. J. T. Berdahl, Judge. In the matter of the estate Huldali 8. Irwin deceased. Robert E. Irwin Petitioner vs. Heirs at law of Huldah S. Irwin de ceased. and all other persons interest ed in said estate Respondents The State of North Dakota to the above named Respondents: You, the said Respondents are hereby noti fied that the final account of the Administra tor of the estate of Huldah S. Irwin late of the city of Rugby, in the county of Pierce and State of North Dakota, deceased, has been rendered to this Court, therein showing that the estate of said deceased Is ready for final settlement and distribution, and petitioning that his account be allowed, the residue of said estate be distributed to the persons thereunto cut itled, his administration closed and he be dischaaged: that Monday the lath day of July A. I). 1907. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, at the Court rooms of this Court, in the Court House, in the City of Rugby. County of Pierce and State of North Dakota has been duly apiiolnted by this Court for the settlement thereof, at which time and pi ace any person interested in said estate may appear and tile his exceptions, in writing to said account and petition and contest the same. And you. the alxjve named respondents, and each of you. are hereby cited and requir ed then and there to be and appear before this Court, and show cause, if any you have, why said account shall not lie allowed the residue of said estate dist ributed, the admin istration of said estate closed and said Ad ministrator lie discharged. Dated the (it It day of June A. D. 1907. iiy the Court i 1 J. T. Berdahl SEAL. I I !'et service of the alnive citation lie made by publishing the same in tlie Pierce County Tribune for four successive issues, beginning with the issue of June Oth. IV07, L. R. Xostdal. J. T. Berdahl. Attorney for Administrator Judge. Rugby, N. j6-12-20-22 Citation Hearing Petition for Appointment of Administrator. State of North Dakota I County of Pierce In County Court, Before Hon, J. T. Berdahl Judge. In the matter of the estate of Tohia Hammer deceased. ole Andrew Johnson. Bertha Ollna Rassmussen, formerly Bertha Olina Hammer. Torger Ham mer. Jolian Arndt Hammer, Jette So phia Grove, formerly Jette Sophia Hammer. Josie Matilda lliar. formerly Josie Matilda Hammer. Tilda Rosetta Johnson, A. M. Iverson. guardian of Tilda ltos"ttu Johnson, and all other persons interested in said estate. Respondents. Citation Hearing Petition for Appointment of Administrator. The State of North Dakota to the above named Respondents and all Persons Interest ed In the estati of Tobia Hammer, deceased. You, and each of you, are hereby notified that Ole Andrew Johnson, the petitioner, has filed In tills court his petition, praying that letters of administration upon the estate of Tobia Hammer, late of the County of Pierce, and State of North Dakota, deceased, be granted to George Watson, and that said pe tition will be heard and duly considered by this Court oil the 15th day of July, A. I). 1907, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day. at the Court Rooms of tliis!Court, in the County Court House, in the city of Rugby, county of Pierce, and state of North Dakota, and you, and each of you. are hereby cited to be and appear before this Court at said time and place, and answer said petition, and show cause. If any there be. why the prayer of said petition should not be granted. Dated tbe 6th day of Junc, A D„ 1907. By the Court. J. T. Berdahl, LSBAL] Judge of the County Court. J6-13-20. Let the service of the above citation be made by personal service of the same by de livering copy thereof, upon Bertha Olina Ras müssen, Torger Hammer, Jette Sophia Grove. Johan Arndt Hammer, Josie Matilda Hiar. Tilda Rosetta Johnson, and A. M. Iverson, guardian of Tilda Rosetta Johnson, and upon the other respondents of the same by pub lication in the Pierce County Tribune' a newspaper of general circulation published at Rugby. N. D„ for three successive issues be ginning with the issue of June 6,1907. L. R. Nostdal. J. T. Berdahl, Atty. for Petitioner, Judge. Bugby, If. D. J6-1M0 J. H. LOCKWOOD, President. A. M. IVERSON, Vice President O. L. CASADY, Casirer Notice of Real Estate Foreclosure Sale Notice is hereby given that that a certain mortgage executed and delivered by Franz Adam and Katharina Adam, mortgagors, to Butler I,amb, mortgagee, dated the 15th day of March.ADISXHi.and filed for record in the of fice of the Register of Deeds County oW'ierce. North Dakota on the Uith,day of March, lfloti, at 5 p. m.. and recorded in Book 3x of Mort gages on page 133, will be foreclosed by a sale of the premises in such mortgage and herein after described. at the front door of the Court House in the City of Rugby, in the County of Pierce, and State of North Dakota, at the hour of three o'clock p. m. on the tith day of July A. I). lW, to satisfy the amount due up on such mortgage on the day of sale. The premises described in such mortgage, and which will be sold to satisfy the same are described as follows: The northeast quarter of the southwest quarter, the north half of the southeast quar 'r. and the southeast quarter of the south east quarter, all in section eighteen, in town ship one hundred and Hfty-four north of range seventy-four west of the fifth principal meridian in the county of Pierce and state of North Dakota, (ne'4 swK, n% se& and seM se*i sec 18, t. 154 n, 74 w.) In addition to the amount set out in such mortgage there is also due thereon the a niount of Thirty Dollars paid by the mort gagee upon a prior encumbrance to protect this mortgage hereby foreclosed. There will be due on such mortgage at the date of sale including the 30.00aforesaid: the sum of Two Hundred and Twenty-Four Dol lars and Sixty cents (S^M.tSO). Dated at Towner. N. I)., May 18. 1907. Butler Lamb. Mortgagee. E. C. Rudolph, Towner. N. D. Citizens Staate Bank Citizens Staate Bank Citizens Staate Bank Attorney for Mortgagee, M-Ü3-30 J-6-18-20-27 .14 Notice and Citation. Hearing of Final Account and Distribution of Estate. State of North Dakota. fSS. County of Pierce. In County Court. Before Hon. J. T. Berdahl, Judge. In the matter of the estate of Ezra Irwin, deceased. Robert E. Irwin. Petitioner, Heirs at law of Ezra Irwin, deceased, and all other persons Interested in said estati» Respondents. The State of North Dakota to the above named Respondents: You. the said respondents are hereby notified that the final account of the Admin istrator of the estate of Ezra Irwin late of the City of Rugby, in the County of Pierce and State of North Dakota, deceased, has been rendered to this Court, therein showing that estate of said deceased is ready for final settlement anci distribution, and petitioning that his account be allowed, the residue of said estate be distributed to the persons thereunto entitled, his administration closed and he be discharged: that Monday the 15th day of July A.D., 1907. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day. at the Court rooms of this Court, in the Court House, in the City of Rugby. County of Pierce and State of North Dakota has been duly appointed by tills Court for the settlement thereof, at which time and place any person interested in said estate may appear and file ing. tw said account and petition and contest the same. And you. the above named respondents, and each of you are hereby cited and required then and there to be and appear before tills Court, and show cause, if any you have, why said account shall not be allowed, the residue said estate distributed, the administration said estate closed and said Administrator lie discharged. Dated the tith day of June A. D. 1907. 1 By the Court: SEAL. J. T. Berdahl, —r— Judge of the County Court Let service of the above Citation be made by Publishing the same in the Pierce County Tribune, tor four successive issues, beginning with the issue of June 6th, W7. J. T. Berdahl. Judge. L. R. Nostdal, Attorney for Administrator, Rugby. N. Dak. J-6-13-20-27 Notice of Hearing Petition to Establish Heir ship. State of North Dakota, i County of Grand Forks In County Court, Before Hon. J. T. Berdahl. Judge In the Matter of the Estate of Timothy alone Deceased, Amelia Salisbury Petitioner. Heirs at Law and next of Kin. and all persons Interested in the Estate of Timothy Malone. Deceased Respondents. The State of North Dakota to the above named Respondents and all Persons Interest ed In the Estate of Timothy Malone. deceased. Notice is hereby given, that Amelia Salis bury lias tiled in the County Court of said County of Pierce a duly verified petition pray ing for a decree establishing the right, of suc cession to the estate of Timothy Malone de ceased. and that Tuesday the l(5th day of July 1907, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day. being a day of a regular term of this Court, to-wit: of the July Term. A. D. 1907. at the County Court room in the city of Rugby County of Pierce North Dakota, has leen set by order of this Court as the time and place for hearing said petition. At which said time gnd place any and all persons interested may appear and show cause why the prayer of said petition should not be granted. Dated at Rugby, North Dakota» this ^ltb day of May 1907. By the Court: Judge of the County Court. Geo. R. Bobbins. Attorney for Petitioner, Postofflce and Residence. Grand Forks. N. V NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. Land Office at Devils Lake, N. T. May 21. 1907. Notice is hereby given that Lars Oksendahl of Rugby. N. D., lias filed notice of his inten tion to make final commuted proof in support of his claim, viz: Homestead Entry No. 34742 a e A i 1 0 1 9 0 5 o e o 1 S e i o n i Township 155. Range 73, and that said proof will be made before Seldon Crockett. U. 8. Comm., at his office at Bugby. N. D. on July 5th, 1907, the Mowlog witnesses te prove his continuous residence rpon and cultivation of said land, vis: Willie (i. Halvorson. Louie Leraas, Nels Lystegaard. Andrew Oksendahl all of Rugby, N. I). m30-jfi-13-20-:27-jy4 M. II. Brennan, Register Sheriff's Sale on Execution. By virtue of an execution issued out and under the seal of the District Court in and for the County of Wells. State of North Dakota, upon judgment rendered and docketed in said Court on the 27th. day of March. 18i*.i, in an action wherein F. W. Boettcher was plaintiff, and Baldasar Hoffart was defendant, in favor of said plaintiff and against said defendant, for the sum of $4*3.(50 as appears by the judg ment roll tiled in the office of the Clerk of the District Court, of said County of Wells. N. 1„ and the said judgment having been docketed in the County of Pierce, State of North Da kota, on the :7th, day of March lh99, which execution was directed and delivered tome as Sheriff, in and for Pierce County. North Da kota, I have this 2stli, day of May. 907. levied upon all the right, title and interest of the said defendant. Baldasar lloffart. in and to the following described real estate, no per sonal property having been found upon which to levy the execution herein, said real estate being described as follows: The South One Half of the Northeast Quarter and the East One Half of the Northwest Quarter and the East One Half of the Southwest Quarter in Section 35, Township 151, North of Range 72 West. Notice is hereby given, that I. the under signed Sheriff as aforesaid, will sell the above described real property, to the highest bidder for cash, at public auction, at the front door of the Court House in the City of Rugby, in the County of Pierce, and State of North Dakota, on Saturday, the 6th. day of July. A. D. 1907, at two o'clock P. M. of that day, to satisfy the said execution, together with the Interest and costs thereon. Dated, at Rugby. North Dakota, this 28th, day of May. A. P. 1907. Fred Ely. Sheriff of Pierce Co., N. D. 30-j6-13-20-27-jy4. Contest Notice. Department of the Interior. United States Land Office. Devils Lake, N. IX. May 28.1907. A sufficient contest affidavit having been tiled in this office by Johanna Fellger contest ant, against Homestead entry No. 2(KH6 made Jan. 20tli, 1W-, for ne^4 Section 31, Township 153 n. Range 74 w, by John McVay contestee, in which it Is alleged that entryman has wholly abandoned said land for more than six months last past, prior to Jan. 18th, 1907. That lie has never established a residence thereon That said contestant, having. In a proper affidavit tiled May 2K. 1907, set forth facts which show that after due diligence, personal service of this notice cannot be made, it is hereby ordered and directed that such notice IK* given by due and proper publication. cultivated said land in compliance with law: that said tract is wild and wholly unimproved: that said alleged absence from said land was not due to his employment in the Army, Navy or Marine Corps of the IT. S. as a private soldier, officer, seaman or marine during tin* War with Spain or during any other War in which the IT. S. may be engaged: said parties are hereby notified to appear, respond and offer evidence touching said alle gations, at 10 o'clock a- m., on July 13tli 1907, before C. F. Schaefer a Notary Public, at Iiis office in Anamoose. N. Dak., (and that final hearing will IM- held at 10 o'clock a. m., on July '-iOtli 1W07 before) the Registerand Receiv er at the United States Land Office In Devils Lake. N. 1. M. 11. Brennan, Register. Record Address of Contestee. New ltockford. N. Dak. G. 8. Wooledge. Anamoose N. D. Attorney for Contestant. j6-13-30-27. Notice of Real Estate Mortgage Porclosure Sale by Advertisement. Default having occurred In the conditions of the mortgage hereinafter described by which the power of sale therein contained has become operative and no action or pro ceeding having been Instituted at law or in eiiuityto recover the debt secured by said mortgage or any part thereof, and a power of attorney authorizing the foreclosure of said mortgage having been duly made, executed and delivered to R. A. Palmeter, the under signed attorney, by T. L. Beiseker. the mortgagee therein mentioned, on the 9th day of April, A, D. 1907. and Hied for record In the office of the Register of Deeds of tlieC- anty of Pierce and State of North Dakota on the 13th day of April. A. D. 1907 at9 o'clocka.m.antl recorded in Book 3 of Miscell aneousRecofls on page 329. notice is reby given that that certain mortgage, executed and deliV"red by William G. Mergel and Lydia L. Mergel, his wife. Mortgagors, to T. L. Beiseker. Mortgagee, dated the 14th. day of April. A. I). hxx. and filed for re cord in the office of the Register of Deeds of the County of Pierce and State of North Dakota on the 17th day of April, A. D. 1905 at 2 o'clock p. ni., and recorded in Book 27 of Mortgages on page 130, will lie forclosed by a sale of the premises In such mortgage and hereinafter described at the front door of the Court House in the City of Rugby, in the County of Pierce and State of North Dakota, at the hour of two o'clock, p. m., on the 13th day of August A. I). 1907,to satisfy the amount due upon said mortgage on the day of sale. The premises described in said mortgage and which will lie sold to satisfy the same are those certain premises situated in the County of Pierce and State of North Dakota, and described as follows to-wit: The south 1 of the southwest quarter (s% sw!4) and tbe northeast quarter of the southwest quarter (ne'4 swM) and the south west quarter of the southeast quarter (swX seX) of Section twenty-eight (28), In Town ship one hundred fifty-two (162) north of range seventy-four (74) west of the fifth principal meridian, containing one hundred sixty acres, of land more or less, according to the United States government survey thereof. There will be due on said mortgage on the day of sale, Including the 1903, 1901, l90.i and 1906 interest coupons, past due, secured by a prior mortgage, and the taxes for the years 1904, 1905 and 190(1 on the above described premises which have been paid by the mort gagee herein to protect the mortgage under foreclosure, the sum of One Thousand Eleven Dollars and Ninety-nine Cents. ($1011.71). excluslveof costs, disbursements and attor ney fees allowed by law. Dated at Fessenden, N. Dak., this 22nd day of June A. 1907. T. L. Beiseker, Mortgagee. B. A. Palmeter, Attorney for Mortgagee, essenden North Dakota, j87-j4-ll-l»-36-a^ 1 "X. I I a n z u v e k a u e n nro£ Sec. 34, Twp. 150, R. 74 se^ Sec. 23, Twp. 150, R. 74 noè nwj Sec. 22 und o£ sw^ itro^, snè Sec. 15, ff tup. 150, R. 74 fè fiu± Sec. 10, nwè Sec. 15, Tivp. 150, R. 74 fo± Sec. und f£ nro^ und sw^ Sec Twp. 155, R. 72 von Sec. 8, Twp. 166, R. 72 Lotten 1 & 2 & f^ Sec. 1, Twp. 155. iR. 74