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:*QfV A' 8. Kür Bundesämter: B«ndessc«ator ASle I. (Broiroe, Kandidat für Wiederwahl aus hem republikanischen Ticket. (4.'^r»ml) (Politische Anzeige) Ich bin repuülifaiiifdici' Kandidat bei den Vormahlen am 21. ^uni für das Amt eines (SoimrcRabiioviWten vom dritten Diitrift, Nord-Dakota, und bitte die deutschen Wähler, für mich zu stimmen und mich ,ju unter stützen. Bin seit 24 fahren ein Be wohner Dickinsons und ein Mann für das Volk. (42 ml) L. A. Simpson. (Politische Anzeige) Für (SoiiflreMbfleurbnrter. f% Wm. P. Zuttlc Hiermit kündige ich an. daß ich republikanischer Kandidat bin für i»ci\ Congreb für den Zweiten Distrikt. Wm. P. Zuttle, Offener Brief an dir Wähler? Geehrter Herr: Ich bewerbe mich um die Nomina tion zum Amte des Bundessenators bei den Vorwahlen am 21. Juni 1914 auf dem republikanischen Ticket. Ich kann persönlich nur mit wenigen Wählern sprechen und schlage daher diesen Weg ein, Sie um Ihre Stimme und ^Unterstützung zu bitten. Wenn erwählt, werde ich nach besten Kräf ten nir das Wohl des Volkes arbeiten und ihm ehrlich dienen. Als Empfeh lung verweiie ich Sie auf meine Amtsthätigkeit als Generalanwalt dieses Ztaates während der verlange nen sechs Jahre. Achtungsvoll v&r Andrew Miller, (l:i) Kandidat für Pundecsenatol (Politische Anzeige) Mr Staatsämter: Arpublikanischtr Kandidat für Eisen Iinhn-b'oininisiär. Hiermit kündige ich an. daß ich mich bei den Vorwahlen am 24. ^uni auf dem republikanischen Ticket um die Nomination zum Eisenbahn-Coniniis für bewerbe, und bitte namentlich ineine deutschen Landsleute, bei diesen Vormahlen für mich zu stimmen und mich zu unterstützen. Ich werde, falls nominirt und erwählt, in jedem ^alle iMe Interessen des Volkes vertreten iiiii") gewissenhaft alle mir auferlegten Pflichten erfüllen. Achtungsvoll (27) Jakob Rieder (Politische Azzeige) ^ür 2taate-2dlatmieistet Ich bewerbe mich um die Nomina tiou zum Amte des Ztaats-Schatzmei' Iters bei den Vonvahlm am 24. Juni auf den: republikanischen Ticket und bitte gefälligst um Ihre Stimme und Unterstützung. (i:t-5ml Bismarck, N. $. (Politische Anzeige) Alfred Auger a»S Bismarck. Republikanischer Kandidat für Ge neral Staatsanwalt. Graduirte von der Universität Minnesota in 1894 ""d praktizire seitdem als Rechtsan- Stand im öffentlichen Dienste als Stadtanwalt. Staatsanwalt und ^ülfs-General-Staatsanwalt. Wenn vnoählt, verspreche ich, das Amt treu» lich und unparteiisch zu verwalten. 112'6ms) (Politische Anzeige) Kandidat für 5ommissär der Laud withschaft und Arbeit. Ich kündige hiermit an, daß ich mich bei den Vorwahlen am 24. Juni aus dem republikanischen Ticket um die Nomination zum Amte des Com miliars der Landwirtschaft und Ar beit bewerbe und bitte um die Stim men und Unterstützung der deutschen Wähler Nord-Dakotas .... «. S. Wim, (40*8ms) Bismarck, N. T. (Politische Anzeige) De? &*«**•*• jflflu%jgtnnr tf, N $., bes 21. SJtoi. A. T. Mraabcl, Clifford, Traill Co. Republikanischer Kandidat für Vize-Gouverneur, bittet um Ihre Unterstützung bei der Juni-Vorwahl. (43.3ml) (Politische Anzeige) A» chic Wähler Nord Da?Hß: Ich bin Kandidat für Wiederwahl zum Amte des Superintendenten der öffentlichen Schulet: in Nord-Takota. Mein 'Name erscheint auf dem. „im» parteiischen Schill-Stimmzettel. Ich habe keine Zeit, den Staat zu berei fen, dder Briese an alle Wähler aus zusenden und bin gezwungen, auf die se Weise die Wähler auf mcine-Kan didatur aufmerksam zu machest und um ihre Stimmen zu bitten. Achtungsvoll (42-6foQ E. A Tètzlor. (Politische Anzeige) McHenry CouGy: Republikanischer Äqudidat 4 fäf Sheriff, McHenrtz C»»utP I A. Wik. .. Ten deutschen Wähler« in Mc Henry County wünsche ich anzukündi gen, daß ich auf dem republikanischen Ticket mich um die Nomination zum Amte des Sheriffs bewerbe, und uni ihre Stimmen bei den Vorwahlen am 24. Juni bitte. Wenn nomittirt und erwählt, werde ich furchtlos und treu das Amt verwalten. I ». Wik. (Anz35-ba)?« Towner, N. D. Für Sheriff Isov McHenry (Sonett. An die republikanischen Wählen von McHenry County: Ich kündige hiermit an, daß ich bei den Vorwahlen im Juni mich um die Nomination zum Amt des Sheriffs bewerbe. Ich habe achtjäh rige Erfahrung als Hülssshernf ge habt und glaube völlig mit den Pflich ten des Amtes vertraut zu sein. Wenn für dieses Amt gewählt, »rspreche ich, demselben meine ganze Aufmerksam keit zu schenken. (39) S. I. Ltztz«. (Politische Anzeige) Für Staatsanwalt, ReHenrtz (Sensit Hiermit kündige ich an, daß ich bei den Vorwahlen im Juni mich auf dem republikanischen Ticket um die Nomination zum Amte des Staats anwalts von McHenry County be werbe. Wenn nominirt und erwählt, werde ich treu und unparteiisch fcte Pflichten des Amts erfüllen. Achtungsvoll (39) Jolju Thr«ye. (Politische Anzeige) Wer Land kansen oder verkanfen will wende sich en Brandt & Richers Box 528, vi«»»rck, IL McLean County: Fur Counth'Schatzmeister, McLean County. Ich kündige hiermit an, daß ich bei den Vorwahlen im Juni mich auf dem republikanischen Ticket für die Nomination zum Amte des County Schatzmeisters von McLean County bewerbe. Wenn nominirt und er wählt, werde ich dem Amte meine un geteilte Aufmerksamkeit schenken. (39) Geo. Johnston, Garrison, N. D. (Politische Anzeige) Für Gerichtsschreiber. Ich bin Candidat bei den Vorwah len im Juni für Gerichtsschreiber für McLean County auf dem republikani scheu Ticket. Wenn nominirt und er wählt, werde ich die Pflichten des Amtes treu erfüllen und dem Amte meine ungeteilte Aufmerksamkeit schenken. (39) Tklltfson, Garrison, 9t. 3). (Politische Anzeige) .: Für Sheriff, McLean County. Ich bin Kandidat für das Amt des Sheriffs auf dem republikanischen Ticket bei den Vorwahlen im Juni und bitte Um Ihre Unterstützung. Wenn erwählt,' verspreche ich den Wählern des Countys, meine Pflich ten voll und «mg zu thun. «lex. Miller, (43.5ml) Max. N. D. (Politische Anzeige) v Fur Gerichtsschreiber, McLean U». Ich kündige hiermit an, daß ich re publikanischer Kandidat für Gerichts schreiber von McLean County bin. Meine Geschäftserfahrung setzt mich in Stand, dem Posten in fähiger Wèise vorzustehen. (43-5ml) E. Fritz, Raub, N. T. (Politische Anzeige) McZntoshu. Logan Für die Legislatur. Mache .. hiermit meinen lieben Landsleuten in McIntofh und Logan Counties bekannt, daß ich Kandidat bin für Repräsentant auf dem repu blikanischen Ticket und ersuche die Detitschen, mich an der Iuniwahl. welche am 24. Juni stattfindet, zu unterstützen. Sollte ich erwählt wer den, so verpflichte ich mich für die besten Interessen des Volkes einzu stellen. Ich bin gegen ^raueitftimm recht itnd gegen Prohibition. Achtungsvoll John Rott Jr., (3) Hellwig, Wvlittsche Anzeige) 8. D. 1897. a s i s xjmm aottsa. ,1912 ab4. Total I Taxes on Premiums, MBT.« M. W9'' n. G. 1,371. $1 »,696.37 104.00 408.00 *84.65 163.0» t'i'fJ1-, Rates .•••»»• •••. Expen8e*' 247.82 »17.10^ *1 JHM82.00 Losses MM.395.00 4,448.29 i.m.ti Smith, CAPITAL D. «7. »72.62 «88,539.87 4M.00 946.00 4.807.8» IIS,74». 12 •:^W4.W utta 41.00 W. A' JwsÄ» Dl 18141 1 CAPITAL Losses H.000.00 184,000.00 1,081,283.00 Mi352.59 H|y 501.16 «146.50 M0,920.0« I 10, 10, 58.69 6.70 Xemtfleiiang Elektrische« Acht Durchaus «»der» Palaee Hotel I. K. ?»ch?ch», Eiqenth. Per Taa 81.25 und eefmirt# Per Woche §6.00 unb anfüfert# (Bute Zimmer Schmackhafte Mahlzeiten gflfe \n\n L. A. ?impson an? Dickinson. (43.6ml) Dawson. N. D. (Politische Anzeige» Thomas H. Tharalsou, Alfred Auger. ABSTRACT OF STATEMENT. For the Year Ending December 31, A. D. 1913. Of the condition and affairs of The Northwest Orraan Farmers Mutual Insurance Company, of Eureka, 8. v., organized under the laws of the State of South Dakota, made to the Com missioner of Insurance of the State of North Dakota, In pursuance of the iaws of »aid state. President. John Stabler. Vice President, Jacob Hlneh. Secretary, John Stork. Principal Office. Eureka, Attorney for' Servloe of'»Process In the State of North Dakota: Name. Commissioner of Insurance, Location, Bismarck, N. D. Organized or Incorporated, January 20th, 1898. Commenced business, March 86th, I. BALANCE SHIMfr. Amount of Net or Invest ed Assets December 31 of previous year (»7X1,47 II. INCOME DVRINO YBAR 1W*1 Gross amount due and unpaid at close of pre- "v. vlous year as shown by last report, Individ ual Interest 1,315.00 Net collected I Gross amount received during tf(e year from business written in inciudiitie Received from assess ments on deposit notes or contingent liability (without deduction for commissions or expens Rents from company's property, Including $.. for company's use of own buildings I Interest on Bank depos its Profit on sale or matur ity of Ledger Assets during the year over book values Total Income during the year Total paid Policy Holders during the year, not In cluding amount paid for losses .» Salaries and allowances to Agents V'V. Salaries. Fees and all other charges Officers Total Disbursements dur ing the yeair ............ 1,112.81 Balance 7» 12,251.03 Gross Assets |. 11^251.03 V. LEDGER ASSISTS, (a) Book Value Estate, (Schedule A) Unencumb ered 1,000.00 Cash in Company's office, 3 251.03 Deposited in Bank, 11,251.03 (Name Banks and am- German Bank» 6,500.00 Farmers and Merchants State Banks 6.500.00 STATE OF NORTH DAOKTA, Office of Commissioner of Insurance. I. XV. C. Taylor, Commlsisoner of In surance of the State of North Dakota, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true abstract of the original state ment now on file in this office. In testimony whereof, I have here unto set my hand and affixed the seal of this Office at Bismarck, the 1st day of April, A. 1914. (SEAL) W. C. TAYLOR, Commissioner of Insurance. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA, Office of Commissioner of Insuranoe. COMPANY'S CERTIFICATE OF- AUTHORITY. Whereas, the Northwest German Far mers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company, a corporation organized under the laws of South Dakota, as filed In this office a sworn statement exhibiting its con dition and business for the year ending December 31, 1913, conformable to the requirements of the laws of this state, regulating the business of Insurance, Whereas, the said Company has filed in this office a duly certified copy of its charter with certificate of organi zation In compliance with the require ments of «he Insurance laws aforesaid. Now, therefore, I, W. C. Taylor. Com missioner of Insurance of the State of North Dakota, pursuant to the provi sions of said laws, do hereby certify that the above named Company Is fully empowered, through its authorized agents, to transact its appropriate busi ness of Authorized Insurance in this state according to the laws thereof, until the 31st day of March, A. D. 1915. In testimony whereof, I have here unto set my hand and seal at Bismarck, this 1st- day- of April, A. D. 1914. (SEAL) W. C. TAYLOR. Commissioner of Insurance. ABSTRACT OF STATEMENT. Fer the Year Ending December SI, A. D. 1913. Of the condition and affairs of the German Alliance Insurance Company, of Ko. 1 Liberty street. New York, of Ne^v York, organized under the laws of the State of New York, made to the Commissioner of Insurance of the state of North Dakota, in pursuance of the laws of said state. President, William N. Kremer. Vice Presidents, Charles Total Assets $ 1.976,9*8.JO LiABCunraè™ Gross claims for Losses a Justed and unpaid» 47.6S1.61 Gross claims for Losses upon which n o action has been taken .... i«,s* o s s e e e sisted y e o pany «M40.00 Total gross amount of claims for losses ... Jk Deduct Re- Insurance and salv age claims thereon Net amount Total Footing I 20,363.84 III DISBURSEMENTS DURING THE TEAR. Gross amount paid for Losses ».»44.31 Net amount paid during the year for losses .... »,»44.81 Cash premiums returned during the year on ter minated policies On Real Estate 1».J0 Ins. Dept. Fees Agents' Licenses, Advertising, Printlng^and Stationery 336.40 LW Furniture and Fixtures. Miscellaneous of unpaid STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA, COMPANY'S CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY. Office of Commissioner of Insurance. 11,261.01 Total 12,161.03 NORTH DAKOTA BUSINESS Total Risks takeh during the year Total Premiums received during the year Total Ixjsses incurred during the year Total amount of Losses paid during the year .. Charles H. Coffin. Secretary, Edwin M. Cragln. Principal Office, No. 1. Liberty Street, New York. Attorney for Service of Process in the State of North Dakota: Name, Commissioner of Insurance Location, Bismarck, N. D. Organized or Incorporated, Febru&ry, 1897. Commenced business, February 7, Amount of Capital Stock paid up In full $ MlPOOO.OO ASSETS Loans on Bonds and Mortgages United States Stocks and Railroad Bonds and Stocks State. City County and other bonds Bank Stotks Other Corporation Stocks Cash on hand and in Premiums in course of collection and transmk«- Amount of unearned pre miums on all outstanding 487,467.06 All other Liabilities, Es timated amount of Tax es hereafter payable 10,000.00 Total Liabilities HC,53».67 RECEIPTS Premiums received dur- Ing the year In Cash .. f, #,326.86 Interest and Dividends e e i v e u i n e Amount received from all other sources 60,000.00 «17,215.96 8,622-38 19,425.82 Paid' for Commissions and Brokerage Paid for Salaries, Fees and other charges Paid for Taxes Loss from sale or matur ity of Ledger Assets. (Bonds) fe: Amount of all other Dls bureements Total Disbursements .... $ 671,608.01 NORTH DAKOTA BUSINESS Total risks taken during the year I SS1.484.0« Total Premiums received during the year 1»,«S7.»7 Total Losses incurred dur ing the year «,143.w Total amount of Losses paid during the year S.B3». zi Municipal 'licenses, .. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA, Office of Commissioner of Insurance. I 42.00 11.65 C. Taylor, Commissioner of In surance of the State of North Dakota, do hereby certify that the foregoing Is true s hfl tract of the original state ment now on file in this office. In testimony whereof, I have here unto set my hand and *««d the sejU of this Office at Bismarck, the 1st day ?SF\l!)1' W. C. TAYLOR Whereas. The German Alliance In surance Company, a corporation organ ized under the laws of New York, has filed in this office a sworn statement exnihiting Its condition and business for the year ending December 31, 1913, con formable to the requirements of the laws of this stale, regulating the business of Insurance, and. Whereas, the said Company has filed In this office a duly certified copy of Its charter with certificate of organiza tion in compliance with the require ments of the Insurance laws aforesaid. Now, therefore, I. W. C. Taylor, Com missioner of Insurance of the State of North Dakota, pursuant to the provi sions Qf said laws, do hereby certify that the above named Company is fully em powered, through Its authorized agents, to transact its appropriate business of Authorized Insurance in this state according to the laws thereof, until the 31st day of March, A. D. 1915. In testimony whereof, I have here unto set my hand and seal at Bismarck, this 1st day of April, A. D. 1914. (SEAL) W. C. TAYLOR, commissioner of Insurance. ABSTRACT OF STATEMENT. For the Year Ending December II, A. D. 1813. Of the condition and affairs of the German American Insurance Company of New York City, N. Y.. organized under the laws of the State of New York, made to the Commissioner of In surance of the state of North Dakota, in pursuance of the laws of said state. I'resident, William N. Kremer. Vice Presidents. Charles G. StBtth, Charles H. Coffin. Secretary, Edwin M. Cragin. Principal office. No. 1 Liberty Street, New York N. Y. Attorney for Service of Process In the State of North Dakota: Name, Commissioner of Insurance Location, Bismarck, N. D. Organized or Incorporated, March 1872. Commenced business, March 7, 1871. Amount of Capital Stock paid in full 8 1.000,080.0« ASSETS Value of Real Estate owned by the Company.. 1,450,000.00 Loans on Bonds and Mortgages 81,800.00 United States Stocks and Bonds 116.660.00 Railroad Bonds and Stocks 11.172,133.00 State, City, County and other bonds 8,130,236.00 Rank Stocks 711,001.00 Other Corporation Stocks 1,319,214.00 Cash on hand and In Rank 781,»18.14 Interest due and accrued 141,111.SI Premiums In course of col lection and transmis sion 1,600,100.44 Bills receivable, not matur ed. taken for Risks .... 98,049.03 Rents due and accrued .. 1,866.92 Unadmitted Assets 1,422,219.65 Total Assets $ 23,147,167.81 LIABILITIES Gross claims for losses a justed and unpaid 140.681.00 Gross claims for losses upon which n o action has been taken **8U»»».0» Losses re sisted by e o pany 1*1,611.00 Total gross amount of claims for Losses ...» MfMU.f* Deduct Re Insurance and salv age claims thereon .. 474,066.60 Net amount of unpaid 170,820.00 81,150.00 t7T.760.00 Acerued Interest on Mortgages 812.50 Bonds ... 8.334.00 Unadmitted Awets Amount of unearned pre miums on all Outstanding 9,420,888.88 All other Liabilities Total Liabilities ., 810,416.88 168,816.76 479,061.61 RECEIPTS Premiums received during the year In Cash 8 »08» 1»4 4V Interest and Dividends e e i v e u i n e year 881,174.78 Rents received during the year 818,178.7» Amount received from all other sources 18,086.66 Total Receipts 8 10.lS8.tTI.0e DISBURSEMENTS. Losses paid during the year 4.812,718.81 Dividends paid during the year 800.000.00 Paid for Commissions and Brokerage 1,672.041.37 Paid for Salaries, Fee* and other%charges 1,688,144.16 Paid for Taxes 301.081.38 Amount of all other Dis bursements 47,082.41 Total Disbursements .... 9.015,00». 1» NORTH DAKOTA BUSINESS. Total risks taken during the year 1,688,96$ Total Premiums received during the year Total Losses Incurred dur ing the year Total amount of Losses paid during the year .... 104,088.71 64.001.08 80 841 »8 TATE OF NORTH DAKOTA, Office of Commissioner of Insurance. I. W. C. Taylor, Commissioner of In surance of the State of North Dakota, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true abstract of the original state ment now on file In this office. In testimony whereof, I have here unto set my hand and affixed the seal of this office at Bismarck, the 1st day of April, A. v 1914. (SEAL) W. C. TAYLOR, Commissioner of Insurance. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA, COMPANY'S CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY Whereas, the German American Is« surance Company, a corporation organ ized under the laws of New York, has filed in this office a sworn statement exhibiting Its condition and business for the year ending December 31, 1913, conformable to the requirements of the laws of this state regulating the busi ness of Insurance, and. Total Receipts $ DISBURSEMENT*. Losses paid during the year I Dividends paid during the 710,193.43 Whereas, the said Company has filed in this office a duly certified copy ef its charter with certificate of organi zation in compliance with the require ments of the Insurance laws aforesaid. Now. therefore, I. W. C. Taylor, Com missioner of Insurance of the State of North Dakota, pursuant to the provi sions of said laws, do hereby certify that the above named Company is fully empowered, through Its authorized agents, to transact its appropriate busi ness of Authorized Insurance in this state according to the laws thereof, until the 31st day of March, A. D. 1918. In testimony whereof, I have here unto set my hand and seal at Bismarck, this 1st day of April, A. D. 1914. (SEAL) W. C. TAYLOR, Commissioner of Insurance. Main Strabe Btiewr#, ft. D.