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Image provided by: Minnesota Historical Society; Saint Paul, MN
Newspaper Page Text
& rQL. 1. **. *t. '-v i^l «^*sss®s!p^^St3-ag & Minneapolis CfifllSi The dwelling house of Jonas Johnson, town of Mamie, was destroyed bv tire last Friday,the lot of this month. The tire caught through the burning out of the chimney. The men were not at home at the time so that the tire got the headway and burned the building to the ground. Mr. Johnson's dwelling was oue of the finest houses in that section. We have not learned whether he was insured, but at any count it was a serious loss and great inconvenience to be burnt out at this time of the year. The Willmar Tribune will also contain an agricultural column edited by Hon. N. Quam. Mr. Quam is"a native of this State, born and raised in Steele county, and has been a resident of this county for many years. He knows from practical experience just about what can be done un der our conditions of soil and cli mate and will, we doubt not, make the column interesting reading for farmers. We will al so have special correspondents principle to Tribune will "Stride med aaben prande for hvad den for alvos troer The Willmar Tribune will be- that price we mus4.\*e.wM.n have a large subscription list. Wermust also have bona fide cash down sub scribers, and not dead head sub scribers. We have entered on this enterprise at the solicita tions of prominent third party men of the county. We have not gone into it for our health, nor on the other hand to make mon-, 3feW&£ Ud CfinfSi Henrietta, Former price fl.00 goes at 53 cents per yard. A 1 re Su CfiDTSi A*' wo°^ 6 7 CBfltSl ^erj?e, a ad fifintSi B,ftCk. Blu« 10° J(* Flannel, former price 50 cts cut to 3b cts per yd shades, former price 75 cents cut to 39 cts. & Grs»y. Oj IT Ladies' Beaver Cloth Fenced, Kid Foxing, Button Shoe for $1.15. on particular branches of pro- pj properly we shall gracefully gressive farming. retire to our own sphere. The Tribune will not be a fence rider. If after mature delibera tion it assumes any position, it will maintain such position flat footed and square-toed, with all due respect tootherB that may differ with it, wav YOURS TO PLEASE, ey out of it. All we ask is a fair remuneration for time and labor. Now let every populist consider himself a committee of one and get one or more subscribers for the Willmar Tribune, and we will make it a credit to our communi ty and a success in every way. I ».ay of changing our school district until convinced system to the pronosed township that it is wrong. The public has system, we are informed that a S know where a news- the meeting was unanimously S a S I stands on important pub- opposed to the change and adop S W While the Tribune ted resolutions accoi-amgly. The wil? stitad ready to co-operate annual Farmer's Alliance meet all Sien of all parties for the mg at Minneapolis January to S whenever that is also adopted a resolution against S a it never relinquish the proposed change. Tketown DBLWBWJ, qne. The .y come iust what its patronage\Hli ihose who have in many instances warrant. We have set the price* bought farms because of the at 1 00 pavablein advance. To proximity to school houses or be abie to publish the paper at otherwise gone to expense to ad __._ a inert- MAPS*1* Is Here for the first TIME But we come to show the public what good Goods and low prices are to be FOUND. former price $1.25 cut to 67c. spool silk, only black former price 10 cents cut to 5 cents tl CfiillSi spools silk twist in black only former price 5 cts cut to 3 cents. Dress Ginghams 1 Outing Flannels 1 Muslins -A- We also have a lot of goods on bargain counters for MA If DriAfll Come and see them. Ildll riluui QH CPIlfc Ladies and Men's Velvet Slippers, former price $1.25 cut to 90cts All PPIltQ adies' Felt Slippers cut to 4u cents. &, Leciell The Willmar Tribune will come out, sayH C. H. LuiKlstedt. in two weeks. Dr. Johnson will move to Willmar. It in quite fashionable for M. D.'s to run newspapers. For ex ample Belgrade Sun and Graceville Phcenix. It must be the wonderful intellect that is bubbling over with high ideals, or the laek of practice, that sends them into the literary world.—Willmar Argus. No, Bro. Birch, M. D.'s do not run newspapers because of won derful intellect, nor lack of prac tice, but because the public thiuks that the literary world of editors needs a few doctors thereto teach a few lessons in hygiene. We are in this "literary* world" simply temporarily to teach you that the people need more shoes and less delinquent tax and mortgage foreclosure notices, and suchlike. WThen you learn to feed the peo- Quite a number of school offi cers from every part of the coun ty met at the court house last Friday to talk over the question a a11 S :. *. der certain conditions and in suitable localities. But to re-ar range our system now would en tail an enormous expense and it would seem work injustice to /"mir O flicrf.t'i/vfa. W just. ou present districts We also fear as a correspondent in this issue points out that the centralizing tendency of the township system would develop certain undesirable features in the management of our schools. However the Willmar*Tribune in vites discussion of the question to the end that the people may 4 *i 1 V4S»t^r-v r3g& -&f understand the reason why the change is urged upon the legisla ture. Our friends who have solicited subscribers may now call for the The adjourned session of the district court opens to-daty. We are informed that there is a long calendar on the docket. The Willmar Tribune has a short and clear political creed, to-wit: "Ecjual rights to all and special privileges to none." This is the golden rule of Dem ocratic institutions. It contains both the law and the prophets of all popular governments. Measure any policy or law by that rule and you can easily see whether it is democratic or plu tocratu^ We have heard it hinted that the Willmar Tribune is started to fight old political enemies. Now we want to say right here that this is a mistake. The Tri bune is not the organ of any clique or single person, but of the Populist party as a whole. It will be free from personalities and discuss principles with a view to find out what is best for all. Hard times will heal a good many political sores before another election comes around. COLD FACTS. This is a little pamphlet of less than 100 pages on the money question by Casca St. John Cole, the well-known editor of the Un ion of Minneapolis. It abounds in facts and figures and statistics from the reports of the secretary of the treasury during the last 30 years elucidating the evolu tion of our present money sys tem. It should be read by every body. Yes, and re-read until the facts therein set forth are digest ed and their bearings fully under stood. It costs only 10 cents a copy. We are pleased to especi ally recommena this little work for general circulation. Wlrot people now want is facts, reliabl and get-at-able, and this furnishes tuem ID a readable concise form. It is pa«$ ot Nation W a S Hemtfc[ avenue,Minneapolis,Minn. Send your order to our office and we will get copies for you if yon do' not want to send direct. ~lS^%^fv" 5 •ii?J Imperfect Pag !ft WILLMAR, MINNESOTA FEBRUARY 19, 189b. §UI a§$$sy$ •1* EXTRA PANTS* eAP.. Boy's suits us indicated bv cut are a fine Cassimere and all wool cheviots sold at |3.00. $4.00 rnd $5.00. ^**.vr^vr We have resolved to give 1 the people of Willmar better Bargains than before. *w*~ OFFER A Of such a high cliaractei that the mere mention of a few items will serve to illustrate THE MAGNITUDE OF REDUCTIONS we have made in every department^Our DRESS GOODS, CLOTHING and SHOE DEPARTMENTS deserve particular notice for their completeness and high qualities or goods, all new and seasonable. This fact, coupled with the enormously low prices at which we are able to sell, is the LEVER THAT MOVES THE TKADE and increases our business in great proportions in spite of these piping times of "financial depression." DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. All Wool French Henrietta in different colors, 42 inches wide, regular price 65 cents per yard, clos ing out price 39 cents. All wool French Henrietta, 48 inches wide, Sat in finish., regular price 85 cents per yard, closing out price 49 cents. Imported all wool French Serge, sold regularly at $].0J per yard. Our price only 59 cents. A large assortment of Standard Ginghams to be closed out at 4 cents per yard. An immense lot of Outing Flannels to be closed put at 5 ceuts per yard. A large assortment of Muslins and Sheetings to be closed out at almost your own price. Table Linens a large variety of styles and pat terns to be closed out at 25 cents per yard. ChenilleJCurtains, Regular low price $4.00 per pair, closing out at $2.05 $5.00 $3.15 $7.00 $4.00 A large assortment of Men's and Boys' Spring Hats and Caps of the latest styles just received. A Large line of Carpets, Rugs and Art Squares. Mid-Winter Everything which you expect to find in a FIRST CLASS DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING HOUSE you will find at our store with the further ad vantage of a lower price than can be found anywhere else. If you have any doubts as to this its your own fault for not having put us to the test and thus convince you. It will take Shotto do this. We are everybodies' Shoe Store and always carry shoes that everybody can buy. Pacific Ave. WILLMAR SHOE CO. Here is a few of our Bargains in Beaver cloth, Felt and Eubber Goods of all kinds Men's Beaver Cloth Cong., Calf Foxing, this is the warmest and Best wearing shoe on the market. Former price $2.50, to close out at $1.75 Ladies' Beaver Clotb, Fleece Lined, Kid Foxings, Pat Tip, Button Shoe, former price $2.50 to close out $1.85 Ladies' Felt Dongola Foxing, Button Shoe. This shoe will give you satisfaction in every respect. Former price $2.00, to close out at $1.35 Ladies, Velvet and Felt Slippers at a BIG REDUCTION. Childrens' Felt Shoes AT COST. Sizes 9 to 12. Ladies, Gents, Boys, Youths Misses and Children's Bub berGoods of all kinds at your OWN PRICES. We also have some Sample Shoes left to sell at MANUFACTURERS PRICES. G^-Please bear in mind that we are going to have your trade this coming year. You might as well commence now, come and get acquainted with us. JKJ jmiwii rim FfipATV 4 &r,Ti »-?tJLfews} '•-'-^'***rfi,efc3**3?* IB &*/<Zrsv%sr-£t*\ Dale, Roise & Qvale. We have more shoes Last: One of Our Popular Sales Mid-Winter Closing Sales -Commenced- SATURDAY, February 9th, -LASTING UNTIL- MARCH 1st, 1895. ,y,„f ffiaaJ^g^Nf^yiitMa ^^^rwn^ass v. '%8&%>Z .MINS&O" V. OVALE, GREAT BARGAINS SHOE DEPARTMENT. Broken Lots and odd sizes to be closed out at half value. Men's Felt Shoes in Lace and Congress $1.65. Men's $4., and $5., Calf and Cordavan Shoes for $2.50 Ladie's Fine vice Kid, Hand Turned Button Shoes, reuruhir prices ranging from $3.50, $4.00 to $4.50, will close out the entire lot at $1.98 Ladies' Hand Turned and Goodyears Welt But ton and Lace Shoes, regular low price $3.00, our price now $1.75 Ladies' Dongola Button Shoes sold at $1.50, our price only 75 cents. A Large lot of Misses and Childrens Felt Slip pers at 4 0 cents a pair. All Ladies Felt Shoes and Slippers at extraord inary reductions. tsm WORKING f~\ DALE, ROISE and QVALE. m& J.B.LEWIS*| WHOLE9AI-K I SHOEMAKER resolved to sell this year than •b£ os NO it* 6Cf 6'*- S i\ 11 •II *$# S "^S£#i^J. ^£V«*g«-JF*^