Newspaper Page Text
Oxfords buys a beauty in women's styles. Johnson, W I A I N E OIFU.1AL ShWSPiPE OF KASDUOHl COUNT\ Published every Wednesday at Willmar, Min nesota, by The Tribune Printing Company, a co-partnership consisting of Victor E. Lawson and J. Emil Nelson. OFFICE IN TRIBUNE BUILDING. 203 FOURTH STREET Subscription price, If .50 a year. [Entered Dec. 5,1903, at Willmar, Minnesota, as second class matter, under act of Mar 3,1879.] VietorB Lawson Editor. Aug. O. Forsberg, Associate Editor. Geo. E. Johnson, City Editor. J. Emil Nelson, Business Manager. WEDNESDAY. MAY 10, 1905. The cause of temperance is gaining ground. Some of the most influential country newspapers, as well as some of the leading dailies, are coming ou* against the saloon evil. Last week we published an editorial from the Bock County Herald, edited and pub lished by H. T. Miller, one of th* most prominent politicians of the sec* ond district, in which /the edilo showed the folly of licensing saloon* to obtain revenue. Another promi nent editor and politician, Sam Lang urn, late chief clerk of the senate, ir the latest issue of his paper, the Pres ton Times, comrs out against the li censed saloon in the following clear and decisive words: 'The argument is all on the side of no license and the sentiment in favor of abolishing the saloon |s surely growing in town and country. Let every friend of home and morality join hands in a constant endeavor to bring about the desired result. this end the Times prom'ses its best efforts." Nils Thompson & Co., are retiring from business. Sale now going on. Get your carpets from us, as we sell all-wool for 60 cents per yard and straw matting at 10 cents per yard Now is the time to get your bargains 12tf FRED W. SEGEKSTROM & Co. The Big Sale commences Thursday at daylight. -The Ne Store- PINGREE-MADE SHOES A RE so consistently made as to,readily appeal to the most particular of discriminating purchasers. They wear, fit and satisfy. We are pleased to recommend them. *S**8» Easily the most attractive assortment within the city limits .*M For men as well as for women and the youngsters.** The best of them are stamped on the soles **P!ngree-Made." vP^*DU for instance, GOVERNOR Pingree-Made shoes for men Sleekest shoe made $4 Special Sale ef Sheas and Oxfords Closing out odd and discontinued lines of men's, women's and children's Shoes and Oxfords. Placed on bargain tables at about half price and less. Ftid\xsndf Proceedings of the County Com missioners. County Auditor's Office. Willmar, Minn., May 1, 1905. The Board of County Commission ers of Kandiyohi county, Minnesota, met at 2 o'clock on said day pursuant to call. All members of the Board were present. Meeting was called to order by Chairman Feig, after which the Board took up the petition of Ed. Yonke and others praying for a change of county road in the town of Lake Elizabeth, which was set for hearing at this session, and the same was publicly read proof of posting of notices, and the committee's report in the matter were read and considered interested parties present were heard relative to the matter, after which motion was made and seconded that the committee's report be accepted and petition grant ed, which motion was unanimously carried. The following order was thereupon issued and adopted: FINAL ORDER ON COUNTY ROAD. STVTE OF MINNESOTA,! "CAMPUS TOGS" County of Kandiyohi, Whereas, A petition signed by twenty-four freeholders of said County, praying for the change ol a certain highway in said county, running into more than one town, and not within the limits of any incorporated city, us hereinafter described, was presented to this Board at its session on the 15th day of March, lDOfl, and this Board having deter mined by the jiidKment of majority of its members that said petition is reasonable on its face, and having by its order made at said session, appointed Monday the 1st day of May, 1905, at 2 o'clock p. m. at the coun ty auditor's office in Willmar in said county, us the time and place for a hearing upon said petition, and having by said order appointed a committee of its members to examine said proposed -change of said road and designated Saturday, the 29th day of April, 1905, at 9 o'clock a. m., at the residence of John A. Johnson, Sec. 27, town of Lake Elizabeth in said county, as the time and place for said committee to meet on- the route of said change of said road, for the examination of the same, and having caused notices of said hearing and said meeting of said committee embodying a copy of said petition, to be posted in the three most public places of each town through which said proposed change of said roads runs, or effected thereby, at least thirty days before the day of said hear ing upon said petition, and being satisfied that said notices were so posted and proof of said posting duly made, and the said com mittee having met at the time and plate des- Swagger, Graceful Clothes For Young Men These clothes have that snap and swing to them so eagerly sought for by the young fellows. are fashioned in the very nobbiest, most exclusive styles. have a character and individuality that stamps them as "some thing different from the other fellows." Not the broad shoulder effect note the graceful draping of the coat note the loose, roomy trousers. W we state that these dressy clothes art tailored by the makers of the reliable Kaufman Garment you need no further guarantee as to style, fit and workmanship. AVe are showing these popular clothes in all the newest patterns of stripes, checks and fancy mixtures* $10 to$25 For safe by G. O. SAND, Willmar. GLORIA Pingree-Made, $3.50 Any style, Any size Notman Co. ignated in said order and said notices, and examined the same and made its report in writing to this Board, and recommended that said petition be granted, and said Board having met at the time and place des ignated in said order and said notices to-\\ it at the coun^ auditor's office in Willmar in said county, on Monday, the 1st day of May, 1905, at 2 o'clock and duH heard all that anj one had to say in favor of, or against, the granting of said petition, and considered said petition and the report of said committee thereon, and a majority of said board having agreed that said petition should be granted. It is Herebv Ordered, That the prayer of said petition be and the same is hereby grant ed, and said highwaj' is hereby changed so as to run according to said committee's re port, by courses and distances as follows, to wit: Highway which is hereby changed runs as follows Beginning at the'southeast corner of section numbered three i3) in township one hundred and seventeen (117) north of range thirty-three (33) west, running thence due north on the section lines between sec tions numbered three (3) and four (4-) in township numbered one hundred and seven teen (117) north of range thirty-three (33) west, and on the section line between sec tions numbered thirty-four (34) and thirty three (33) and on the section line between sections numbered twenty-se\ en (27) and twentj-eight (28), the last four sections named being in township one-hundred and eighteen (118) north of range thirty-three (33) west, to the northwest corner of sec tion numbered twenty-seven (27) in town ship one hundred and eighteen (118) north of range thirty-three (33) west, and there ending. The portion of the above described highway which is hereby changed runs as follows: Beginning at a point which is 10 rods south of the northwest corner of sec tion twenty-seven (27) in township one hun dred and eighteen (118) north of range thir ty-three (33) west, and running thence south on the section line 30 rods and there termin ating, so that the same as changed runs as follows Beginning at a point which is 10 rods south of the northwest corner of sec tion twenty-seven 1.27) in township one hun dred and eighteen ^118) north of range thir ty-three (33) west and running thence west S rods, thence south 30 rods, thence east 3 rods to the section line and there connecting with the public road. It is Further Ordered, That the county auditor notify the town supervisors in the town in which said road is changed of the fact of said change and that they shall cause the same to be opened. In Witness Whereof, The Chairman of this Board has hereunto set his hand and af fixed our seal at Willmar in said county, this 2nd day of May, A. D. 1905. The Board of County Commissioners [SEAL.] of Kandiyohi County, Minn. By JOHN FEIG, Chairman. Attest LEWIS JOHNSON, County Auditor. Petiton of C. C. Lorenz and others for the establishment of a county road in towns of St. Johns and Mamre which was set for hearing at this session was taken up proof of posting of notices in the matter was read committee's report in the matter, in which the committee recommended that the petition be not granted,' was presented and rejid/ and interested parties present were heard relative to the matter, after which1 on motion further action on said petition was deferred until 10 o'clock a. m., May 2,1905. Petition of J. J. Bratberg. praying to be set off with his lands from school district No. 51, to school district No. 70, which was set for hearing at this session of the Board, was taken up proof of posting and serving of notices in the matter was read, and interested parties present were heard relative to the matter, after which on motion further action on said petition was deferred until 9 o'clock a. m., May 2, 1905. Petition of Oscar Thompson and Andrew W. Thompson, praying to be set off with their lands from school district No. 51, to school district No. 70, which was set for hearing at this session, was taken up proof of posting and serving of notices in the matter was read, and interested parties pres ent heard relative to the matter, after which on motion further action on the said petition was deferred until 9 o'clock a. m., May 2, 1905. On motion a recess was then taken until 9 o'clock a. in., May 2, 1905. The Board convened again on said 2nd day ot May, 9 o'clock a. m. The petition of J. J. Bratberg, pray ing to be set oft with his lands from school district No. 51, to school dist rict'No. 70, was taken up for further consideration, pursuant to motion passed on the previous day, and after due consideration the said petition was upon motion rejected. Petition of Oscar C. Thompson and Andrew W. Thompson, praying to be set off with their lands from school district No. 51 to school district No. 60, was taken up for further consider ation, pursuant to motion passed on the previous day, and after the same had been duly considered by the Board the said petition was upon motion re jected. At 10 o'clock a. m., the petition of C. C. Lorenz and others, praying for a county road in the towns of St. Johns and Mamre, was taken up for further consideration, pursuant to motion previously passed, and some interested parties who were present and wished to be heard were given an opportunity to express themselves in regard to the matter, after having heard all of said parties, and after having duly considered all what any one had to say in favor of and against the granting of the petition, on motion final action was deferred until 2 o'clock p. Applications ot the towns of Mamre, Fahlun and St. Johns for appropria tions from county road and bridge fund were presented, but owing to lack of available funds action on each and all of said application was de ferred until later Application of John Larson for correction of assessment and abate ment of taxes was presented, read and considered, and the same was recom mended to the state auditor. 7 On motion a recess was taken until 1:45 o'clock m. The Board convened again at 1:45 o'clock m., and all members were pre ent. At 2 o'clock p. m., the petition of C. C. Lorenz and others praying for a county road in towns of St. Johns and Mamre was taken up for final action, pursuant to motion previously passed, and motion was ma4e and seconded that the report of the com mittee in the matter (the same being adverse) be accepted, and petition re jected, which motion was unanimously carried. The Board proceeded to audit bills filed, and the following were allowed in amounts set forth: For What Purpose. Am't Allowed Town of Irving, ys of expenses in curred in the control of contagious disease $ 16.08 Recess until 8:30 o'clock p. m., May 3, 1905. The Board met at 8:30 o'clock a. m. on May 3, 1905 All members preset t. The Board resumed the work in auditing bills, and the following were allowed in amounts set forth: Miller-Davis Printing Co.,blank book 14.00 P. F. Nelson, witness fees municipal court H. J. Ramsett, clerk of court's fees.... J. B. Boyd, for court house ground. St. Paul Book & Stationery Co., ex amination paper H. J. Ramsett, services on board of audit H. J. Ramsett, clerk of court's fees in matter of Nick Sjaarda proposed ditch 19.25 O. Jorgen Olson, listing mortgages in the 1905 assessment books 151.45 O. Jorgen Olson, postage, register of deeds office 11.56 George Johnson, constable fees 4.75 Ole Lundquist, board for prisoners .. 36.48 Anton M. Anderson, justice fees N. A. Anderson, justice fees W. A. Shumaker, pro rata share in TO SLEEP WELL you require a good mattress. The soft side of a plank is good enough in fic tion, but you want something bet ter in real life. Let us show you what we consider THE BEST MATTRESSES. The mere sight of them will make you feel sleepy. They are a per fect cure for insomnia. But on the other hand the lownessof the prices will wake you up surpris ingly. ANDREW PETERSON House Furelsher and Undertaker. Geo. D. Barnard & Co., blank book and supplies Geo. Barnard & Co blank book. McGill Warner & Co., blank books... Fairbanks, Morse & Co., U. S. stan dard weights W. M. Welch Co., office supplies. .. A. B. Farnham, do The Journal-Press Co., blanks John Feig, services on board of audit do services on road committee Aug. Anderson, do N. B.Johnson, do Thos H. Olson, services on road and purchasing committees N. A. Anderson, costs in case State vs. Edwin Paulson and Edward Si monson, as follows Justicefees .'. Officer's fees Witness fees Turor's fees Hall rent N. A. Anderson, costs in case State vs. Edwin Paulson and Edward Si monson as follows: Justice fes Officer's fees 1.12 107.70 7.20 4.70 9.00 4 20 1.50 St. Cloud summer school expense.. Olof Perring, jury fees municipal court F. E. Stansberry, jury fees municipal court J. B. Boyd, trees forcourthouse yard and planting same 134.09 Willmar Telephone Exchange, phone rent for March and April 18.00 Tribune Printing Co., publishing .. 103.25 O. A. Perring, jury fees municipal court 16.00 1.12 A Board. [SEAL] 2.24 1.12 J. C. Preese, livery for County Attor ney Johnson 6.00 Alton Crosby, job printing 4 4 25 a Brickson & Co., grass seedss for court house lawn Will Lester, witness tees justice court A. B. Parnham Printing & Sta. Co., blank book Ole Lundquist, board for prisoners... Nick Sjaarda, rodman on Sjaarda proposed ditch Nick Sjaarda, rodman and services with team en Sjaarda proposed ditch Paynesvilte Press, publishing in the matter of Wegner proposed ditch E. S. Frost, coroner's fees A. A Anderson, jury fee municipal court Gregor Johnson, constable fees Raymond Merc. Co., material fur nished for Doeskcn proposed ditch. Raymond Merc. Co., material fur nished for Svobodny ditch 6.60 Lewis Johnson, services on board of audit Pioneer Press Co., blanks do do do do do blank book rid blanks. do blanks do blanks do blanks JVIillerDavis Printing Co..blank books do do do do Brown, Tracy & Sperry Co., court reporters' books 1S.00 7.35 1.60 9.00 62.70 3.SO 9.00 14.90 ,' 5 45 9.00 2 80 .70 1.40 28 00 1 40 1.65 2.00 2.00 36.00 24.00 102.75 Brown, Tracy A Sperry Co., blank* ,76 DEFECTIV E PAGE 70 00 3.20 6.00 5 95 9.00 6 20 4.80 8.60 14.60 Justice fees '.. .. Juror's fees Witness fees Sam Anderson, costs in case State vs. Edwin Paulson and Edward Si monson, as follows' 4.60 9.30 8.16 3 00 3.10 3.60 13.44 1.00 3 30 .50 Thos. H. Olson, services on board of county commissioners John Feig, services on board of coun ty commissioners 12.60 John Week, services on board of county commissioners 15.20 Aug. Anderson, services on board of county commissioners 13.80 N. B.Johnson, services on board of county commissioners'. ... 12.00 9.20 Bill of town of Harrison for expen ses incurred in the control of infec tious and contagious diseases was re ferred back for correction. Two bills of town of Irving for ex penses incurred in the control of in fectious and contagious diseases were referred back for correction. On motion the Board adjourned. JOHN FEIG, Chairman Board of County Commis sioners. Attest: LEWIS JOHNSON, County Auditor and ex-officio Clerk of Report of Board of Audit. The Board of Auditors of Kandi yohi County, Minnesota, met at the County Treasurer's office on April 26, 27 and 28, and on May 3 and 4, 1905, for the purpose of auditing the Treas urer's accounts, books and vouchers, and to count and ascertain the kind, description and amount of funds in the treasury as required by law and the following statement was made: Balance in the different funds at close of bus iness hours May 3,1905. DR. County treasurer $25905.92 Warrant account... Current taxes Delinquent taxes' Current school fund.... County revenue.... Koad and bridge fund. Ditch funds Redemption fund School fund (districts) Town, city and village Incidental fund School land fund Public building land fund Refunding 82.85 County attorney's con tingent iund 1.12 1.80 53.15 CX. 47.53 9672.33 1494.04 144.90 4273.61 2394.34 934.19 329.77 2318.95 967.15 88.39 2161.21 1062.36 200.00 $25988.77 $25988.77 The Board found the treasurer in possession of fundi as follows TO THE PUBLIC As I have purchased the business of the F. Downs Company, I wish to announce to the public that I am now in full charge of the place and respectfully solicit a share of your patronage. Having secured the ser vices of Mr. H. E. Crawford as my assistant in con ducting the grocery business, I am enabled to cater to the wants of all desiring the best that can be had in the grocery line, as Mr. Crawfprd has had several years of experience in this line of business. €11 will continue to handle nothing but the choicest of groceries and as I will conduct the business on a cash basis, my patrons will receive the benefit of this arrangement. €L Soliciting a share of your patronage, we remain, Court. 11 50 5 50 91.00 Cordially yours, Home Trade Grocery Deposited in First Nat ional Bank of Willmar $5576 75 Deposited in a of Willmar 5582 53 Deposited in Kandiyohi County Bank 5590.69 Deposited in S it Bank of Atwater .. 3000 00 Deposited in State Bank of New London 3000 00 Deposited in* State Bank of Raymond 3000.00 Cash in drawer. 155.95 AARON W. SWENSON, Proprietor. $25905 92 JOHN FEIG, Chairman Board of Co Commissioners. J. RAMSETT, Clerk of District LEWIS JOHNSON, County Auditor. (Board of Auditors The Chicago Brokerage Co., thelate World's Greatest Bargain Givers, are here. The Model stock to at 37c on the dollar. be slaughtered John Anderberg, of Sissetoo, S who has a number of friends and ac quaintances Jn this city, passed thru here Friday on his way to Sweden, where he will sojourn for some time visiting with old time friends. Everything goes, nothing reserved. Chicago Brokerage Co. We hate to do it, but we nerd money. J. Riley, manager. the We leave Willmar forever on Satur day, May 20. Come early. Chicago Brokerage Co. The Model stock to at 37c on the dollar. It means an investment for a lifetime. Few families ever buy more than one. This being true, you should be very careful what piano man gets your money. The pianos I han dle are safe investments. Good at the time of purchase good five, ten, twenty years hence. Isn't that the kind of piano you want? I handle the Conover Cable Kingsbury Welmlngton Mason & Hamlin MASON & HAMLIN ORGANS— Both Reed and Pipe Agency for the Wheeler ft Wilson Sewing Machine, sews evenly, works regularly and satisfies always. be slaughtered [First publication April 19 ORDER FOR HEARING APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATOR STATE OF MINNESOTA, (~. County of Kandiyohi In Probate Court Special Term, April 1*. 1905. In the matter of tbe estate of Jeremiah Leary, deceased. On receiving and filing the petition of Barney Leary of tbe City of Willmar of the county of Kandiyohi, representing, among other things, that Jeremiah Leary of the City of Willmar of tbe county of Kandiyohi in tbe state of Minnesota, on tbe 9th day of April, A 1905, at the county of Kandiyohi died intestate, and being an inhabitant of this county at the time of his death, leaving goods, chattels and estate within this county, and that the said petitioner is a brother of said deceased, and praying that administration of said estate be to Barney Leary, James Leary and John F. Leary grant ed. It is Ordered, That said petition be heard be fore said court on Monday thelbtb day of Mav, A 1905, at 10 o'clock a at the probate umce in the court house in the city of Willmar in said county. Ordered Further. That notice thereof be given to the heirs of said deceased and to all persons interested, by publishing this order once in each week for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing, in the Willmar Tribune, a weekl newspaper printed and pub lished at Willmar in said county. Dated at Willmar the 18th day of April, A D.1905 By the Court, [SEAL A NORDIN, .lucteeof Probate. JOHN M. DOWNS, Attorney, Willmar, Minn. When you buy a Piano CHICAGO COTTAGE ORGANS A. L. NELSON Repairing and Selling GASOLINE ENGINES All in of repairing In the lino of machinery. Special attention given to steam and gasoline engines and automobiles Gasoline engines from three to eighteen-horse power—both second-band and new— for sale at reasonable prices.— SATISFACTORY WOtK GUARANTEED AND PRICES ALWAYS RIGHT Am located in the blacksmith shop of P. £. Parson, who will -continue to cater to the wants of patrons in the blacksmith and wagonmaking business. C. A. JOHNSON Third Street Willmar, Minn. Let us serve you. Our charges are reasonable. HIGH CLASS UNDERTAKING SUPPLIES Andrew Peterson LICENSED EMBALMEK Corner 6th St. and Pacific Ave, WILLMAR, MINN. Tliee fi*«f—Wlllsssr Stotiee DAILY TRAINS. An. "Puget Sound Express" D*£if 0:00 p.m. No. 1. ToPacifie CoMt. e:05p.SVji 7:16 p.m. No. 4.... .To St. P»ul. 7:30 p.»£ Night Passenger, main line. ii.i7» )No.»To Grand Porks ...27 DAILY. EXCEPT SUNDAY, 1 20 p.m. No.13 St. Paul to Fargo.. 1-50 pjm. 30 p.m. No 14 Fargo to St. Paul 2 05 pjm. 3U m. No 31 Dulutn to SlouxOity l:5tp.a». 45 p.m. NoM SiouxCity to Dulutn 2:10 p4B. IUCOMMOBATIO*—Daily except Sunday. Dap Qoliig East to Minneapolis 7.GOa.». Ho 587 Going Wesf.toBreckenridgefi-30a.rn. No 575 Owing South to GarreUon.0:15 a.SB, So 518 Going North-, to St. Cloud. 2.-40 p.aa. Far any Information ooneernlnf the servlee, rates, schedules, etc., apply to A.MAY, Local AfCM. Or write to C. A. STONE Gen'l T. A P. Af*., St. Paul.maa 8 I O I A N I QR. J. M. RAINS, Thpsirian and jtargom. orriuaovBK uoseitKRa's DBTJOMOKI, Eeaidence on Litchfield Arena*. fflLLMAK, MINNESOTA QR. J. R. PETERSEN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Jfflce in Bank of Willmar Building. Room at L. A. VU residence. Office 'phone, i\% BENSON, Night 'phone, VI. WILLMAR, MINN. A. F. MANTOR, DENTIST, WILLMAR. MINN C. E. GERRETSON DENTIST, WILLMAR, MJNN. Office In Mikkelaon Block. A O N E CEO. H. OTTERNESS ATTORNEY AT LAW CODNTY ATTORNEY KANDIYOHI COUNTY Office in the Ruble Block WILLMAR, MINNESOTA JNO. M. DOWNS LAWYER Real Estate, Insurance and Collections Office in the Ruble Block WILLMAR, MINNESOTA CHARLES JOHNSON ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in C. Olson Block, WILLMAR. WILLMAR, OFFICE FrRST FLOOR RUBLE BLOCK COLLECTIONS ENSCRAN CE RUBLE BLOCK Runs easily, I n^ 4:00 a. m. No. 10. To St. Paul.. 4:03 e.av Night Passenger, Sioux City line. -f 3:50 a. m. No. 5* arrives at Willmar. g. No. 51. To Yankton 114 0 ^K. surf Sioux-City it WOlmar.Mlaa. INN. SAMUEL OLSON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW BANK OF WILLMAR BLDG WILLMAR. Collectioas. Real Estate and 1 nsurance E. C. RUBLE LAWYER MINN. REAL ESTATB T. O. GILBERT ATTORNEY AT LAW WILLMAR PRACTICE IN ALL THE CObETS OF TH E STAT». FRANK P. OLNEY, LAWYER MINN. A N BANK OF WILLMAR. IBOAMZID UNDU 1 BTATN A W 1AP1TAL AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS. 1100,000. a4«BFUL ATTBHTIOH TO COLLBCTIOM. Drafts mall principal cities of (be worldand Manunip tickets to and from Europe. VARK LOAMS AT 6 MR OBMT IWTSRMT. vnd. i-arion, Pres. I* O. Thorpe. Cashier. KANDIYOHI COUNTY BANK. Organised under the Bute Laws. •AiD-nr OAPITAI. AND SDRPLDS, tl^.ffW.W VONNY LOANBJTON UBAL BBTATN, OOUMMOBS Beoelv« Prompt aad Oarefnl Attention Bank Oorner ot Fifth 8tree« aad Paelio fILLMAB, ATV"-' rhoae MINNESOTA I I 8 O N A N N O 0 needing the aerricea of an auctioneer may address me at SUNBURG, MINN. ANDREW SATHER PROPRIETOR WILLMAR TANNERY Tanned Leather and Furs of all kinds Robes lined and repaired Hides bought fer cash or exchanged tor leather. WILLMAR, MINNESOTA. Far Asia. Small gasoline engine for sale cheap. As good as new. Just the thing on a (arm for pumping water, separating cream, churning, etc., etc. Inquire at this office. 9-tf Abstracts of title to Kandiyohi county lands and city properly promptly furnished by J. T. Otoe, the bonded abstracter. -IStf 1U