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QR. CHRISTIAN JOHNSON, PHYSICIAN, SUR8E0N, OBSTETRICIAN. OFFICE IN JOHNSON BLOCK. RESIDENCE, 412 2d ST. PHONE 33. Calls from the country answered promptly, day or night, and phone calls tended to at all hours. Always give name of responsible party, town and section In the country, andstreet and house number for city. Insist that phone messages are promptly delivered. Wlllmar, Minn. A. F. MANTOR, DENTIST, WILLMAR. MINN. C. E. GERRETSON, DENTIST, WILLMAR, MJNN Ofece in New Ruble Block. H. F. PORTER DENTIST (SKAND1NAVISK TANDLAKARE) Otliee in Bonde Block. Phone 279. WILLMAR, MINN A O N E GEO. H. OTTERNESS ATTORNEY AT LAW COUNTY ATTORNEY KANDIYOHI COUNTY Office in the Ruble Block WILLMAR, MINNESOTA R. W. STANFORD LAWYER Real Estate, Insurance and Collections Oillee Postofliee Uuilding, WILLMAR, MINNESOTA CHARLE S JOHNSO N ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in I. Olson Block, WILLMAR, MINN. The Metropolitan barbershop, Bank of W lllrnar building, B. T. Otos, pro pi letor. is the shop to get a shave, hair cut or bath. 22f JOHN T. OTOS, ABSTRACTER AHD CONVEYANCER Abstracts of Title tc Unas in Kan diyohi County furrusned promptly, REAL E S A E INSURANC E A N S E A S I I E S Office in Bank of Wlllmar building. WILLMAR. MI*!* H. CUNDERSON INSURANCE SURETY BONDS STEAMSHIP TICKETS Opera House Bldg.. WILLMAR, MINN. A die, rrraiaant F. Q. HANEX. Gestae 0. M. LIES. Vice Praildsns. BANK OF WILLMAR. OSQARiZSD USDSK TH S STATB LAWfe CAPITAL AND DIVIDED mm PfiOJITS $100,000. CA8SPIL ATTBKTION TO COLLECTIONS Drafta on all principal cities of the world and •seamshlp tickets to and from Europe. rARM LOAJT3 AS 6 PSB CMR IHT1BBST and. Larson, Pres. L, O. Thorpe, Cashier KANDIYOHI COUNTY BANK. Organized acder the Bute Laws. 'AID-UP OAPITAX. AMD SUBPLU8, (US.OOO.W M0N3Y LOAN1D ON BBAL 18TATB Qollaatiom Reoeive Prompt *n£ Oarefu Attention. Bank Uorner of Fifth Street and Pacini Avenne, WILLXAK, MINNESOTA I. O O S O N N E A E (Licensed Embalmer.) Office 309 Litchfield Avenue W. Phone 217. Residence 311 First Street. Phone 118. J. G. MONSON, Licensed Auctioneer Wishes to ha\e the public know that he is prepared to conduct sales. May be reached b} phone, or will meet any inquirer at W lllmar by appointment. Address ROUTE 2, WLLLMAR, MINN. DeLaHunt's Parcel Delivery. Trunks, parcels, packages, letters, etc., called for and delivered to any part of the city. Prompt service. Charges moderate. Office Great Northern Express. Telephone No 92. Washed Nut Coal is something new but it does the busi Try it in your range and sur- & Western Grain Co. W I A I N E Established Feb. 1», 1806. Published every Wednesday at 114-116 4th Street, Willmar, Minn., by Viotor E Lawson under the4rmjtame of— TRIBUNE PRINTING COMPANY Address: Wlllmar. Minn. Local 'Phone No. 51 Tri-State and Northwestern Long Dist.'phones OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Off CITY AND COUNTY [Entered Dee. 5,1902, at Wlllmar, Minnesota, at second class matter, under aotof Mar.3,1879.] SUBSCRIPTION RATES. One Year [United States orCanada].... 91.50 Six Months 75 Three Months 40 Three months on trial to new subscribers 25 Fiveyeaisin advance 0 25 To foreign countries, always In advance, at the rate of, per year 2.00 After April 1, 1907, all subscriptions outside of Kandiyohi and next adjoining counties must be paid in advance, and PAPER WILL STOP un less a renewal is received. Within Kandiyohi county and on tributary mail routes, the paper will be continued until express notice Is re ceived to stop, to which time all arrearages should be paid. ADVERTISING RATES quoted on applica tion. Popular wants at 5 and 3 cents per line, minimum charges being 85 and 10cents Cards of thanks and other personal notices, 50c for ten lines or less. VICTOR E. LA WSON. Editor and Manager WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 20,1907 AN APOLOGY FOR SALOONS. The purpose of the Tribune is to create prejudice against the present administration of this city's affairs, but its effect is to show the personal vindictiveness of the editor of the Tribune towards Mr. Tallman and others. The bowling over of Mr. Lawson's pet schemes of personal ag grandizement and his repudiation by the people when seeking political pre ferment for selfish ends have so filled his soul with gall and bitterness that he has to unburden himself in the slightest provocation. It is probably true that the city of Willmar, like every other community in this broad land, has its wrong do ers, its violators of moral and stat utory laws: but this paper questions whether the conditions are worse now than they were under the blind pig re gime, and would want better testimony than that of a professional blind pig detective to chaLge its views. Under the blind pig administration gambling houses flourished—they have been closed up under the present adminis tration. Blind pigs were as thick as fleas in the old days, despite the stren uous endeavors to rid the city of them. The number now is certainly limited, and possibly the action at the present term of court will rid the city of its last blind pig. The records show that disorderly houses were known in blind pig days. If there are any here now, the administration will be glad of evi dence no doubt that will enable it to close them out. As to the violations, or alleged violations, of law by one of the saloon keepers, the administra tion should deal with it to the limit permitted by law, and to this end it will be found, in the opinion of this paper, that the council will be unani mous. It is a matter worthy of note that the present members of the city council while differing as to the best methods of handling the liquor ques tion, have worked together in practic ally perfect harmony on all other mat ters affecting the city's welfare, and their record in reducing taxation and promoting public improvements and betterment of streets and sidewalks is to be commended. The bitter and vindictive attacks of the Tribune against Mr. Tallman and his associates are not warranted by fair criticism. Take the case of Mr. Tallman, as an example. What has he done to warrant such attacks? He has pronounced views on public ques tions and matters of public policy and comes out squarely in the open and fights for them. Nobody ever accused him of hiding behind anybody or any thing, of being afraid to stand by his opinions, or of failiDg to accept defeat or victory with equal equanimity. He was placed in his present posi ion by an overwhelming vote of his constit uency and is attempting to help carry out the opinions of a majority of the voters of the city as expressed at the polls. Should that opinion be reversed at the coming election, the Tribune will find that no member of the new coun cil will be more earnest than Mr. Tall man in respecting and attempting to enforce the will of the people. Why not try fair criticism for once, Mr. LawsonV Forget your own little petty grievances and disappointments for a time and the wor.d will look bet ter and brighter to you. This contin ual nursing of personal ill will is in every way bad—unworthy of a self respecting American Citizen.—Will mar Gazette. A We reproduce the above- in order that our readers may judge for themselves as to the attitude of the saloon apologists of this city. MORE THAN ANY OTHER ONE MAN, Mr. Tallman is re sponsible for the present saloon regime. Now, if the new policy is such a transcendant success, why abuse a poor fellow editor with such language as the above for giving the credit to the prop er party? If the present saloon policy is anybody's policy, it is Tallman's. Is the Gazette so ashamed of it, that it considers it a vindictive act to connect anyone with it personally? The TRIBUNE has always con- tended that one of the chief evils of the licensed saloons is the in fluence which they come to wield in the administration of the city government. We have here an illustration of this truth in the attitude of the apologists for the saloons right now at Willmar. It will be time enough to boast of reduced taxation, when the year for which this council has levied taxes is at an end. LEGISLATIVE LETTER. St. Paul, Minn., Feb. 16, 1907. The sixth week of the Minnesota legislature opened up almost the first thing after the roll call with a report of the committee on elections, recom mending that the Riggins bill provid ing for a woman's suffrage amend ment to the constitution be indefinite ly postponed. The recommendation was voted down and the bill was placed on general orders. A somewhat notable event was the killing of a canteen bill that was in troduced providing for the introduc tion of the canteen into the Soldiers' Homes under the control of the state There was a sorry story or two put up to the effect that the old soldiers needed something to brace them up in their declining years, and there seemed to be some impression made on the committee of military affairs to which the measure was referred. A very lit ltle digging, however, developed the fact that neither the commandant nor the men themselves were interested in the measure, and it was promptly and unceremoniously dropped from the window. Petitions, praying for the passage of a county option bill, continue to pour in from every part of the state, and occupy by all means the major part of the order of 'Communications and Petitions." Probably He Is Not Such a Saint After All? pig is that of a lowly dive, where all is squalor and dirt, and where poorly clad individuals spend their time and money. Evident ly it does not consider that a fashionable "high-toned" place where liquor is doled out in de fiance of law only to the *'best" people might be designated as a blind-pig. Yet out of the two,now the latter does by far the great er harm. The temperance committee met for the first time, after the adjournment of the house for the week, on Friday. The session lasted some ten minutes, the entire time being given over to the discussion of what date should be set by the committee as the date to con sider the bills that had been referred to it. This precipitous celerity of ac tion on the part of this important com mittee is interesting. Nearly every other committee in the house has had a number of meetings, and most of them have reported out a number of the measures referred to them, and this committee, which holds the coun ty option bill, representing the issue around which there was the fiercest fight of the campaign, and concerning which there have easily been a hun dred times as many petitions as on any other subject before the house, met after the adjournment of the sixth week of the session, and appointed a date for its next meeting to consider the measure before it, on Tuesday the 26th, which is in the eighth week. Of course it is perfectly clear that if the enemies of the bill can delay the thing long enough, that delay in itself will be victory for them and defeat for the best interests of the state. More over, it seems perfectly clear that the delay is losing to the bill some of its lukewarm friends. This would come naturally, but the liquor lobby, which is in strong force, will see to it that what does not come naturally will, so far as its power and ability goes, come artificially. Interviews with friends of the bill develop the fact that a number of them believe that a roll call now would show a loss of from five to ten votes as compared with a roll call four weeks ago. From this opinion some dissent. From a money point of view, all of the rate regulation of railroads, both, passenger and freight, even though it were of a radical nature, would repre sent but a small saving to the state as compared with what would be saved by the operation of a local pption law, and to this financial saving would be added the social and moral benefits which would flow from it. W. G. a Building Biooks Barney Leary wishes to aunounce to the public that he is prepared to receive orders for concrete cement blocks for building -purposes.' The sizes'manufactured are from 10 to 12 inches. They will be furnished at reasonable prices. Call at j?esi4eiio& 906 Fifth street, or call up 'phone 273. Our Rural Schools. An agitation for the betterment of our rural schools cannot be started too soon. In some districts we realize that the people have seen their dnty in regard to the education of their child ren in the right light and are keeping somewhat abreast with modern times, tho much improvement is yet to be ex pected if we are going to raise our rural school system from the farce it is. It is a matter, well known to all who have taken the pains to investigate the matter, that country pupils have as a rule more of those sterling traits of character that go to make up the man or woman of value to the community, than the city children. The country boys and girls do not come in so close contact with all the filthy vices that the city offers, nor are they so apt to copy after them, because a purer at mosphere seems to surround them from earliest childhood. I dare say that many of the city boys and girls, of that type which even your beautiful city is invested with, would not be tol erated in many of our rural districts or life would be made so miserable for, them that they would not exist, yet look at all the opportunities the city has offered them for an education, for nine months in the year modern and elegant schools have been opened for them and they have been bound to at tend, receiving an education by 16 that 95 per cent of our country young people can never dream of. For them the poorest kind of a school has been open only six months in the year and some times not even that, and out of that time they have been able to attend only half of the time because either the parents' financial circumstances) did not permit of every day attendance or lack of interest in their children's own welfare to give them the scanty education offered them. What could not be expected from our rural schools then, if they were brought up some what to the standard of our city schools The greatest obstacle you have to con tend with in modernizing our rural districts is the strict economy of the people. Our country is blessed with conditions which have made its farmers prosperous and well-to-do but it seems as if the abominable spirit of com mercialism has so crept into the minds of our farmers that every available opportunity must be turned into dol lars and cents, even at the expense of their own children's welfare!and their own character in neglecting their high est moral and civic duty, the bringing up of good and valuable citizens. Let us all then make a common cause, especially all rural teachers and all people of influence in the community in which they live, for bettering our rural schools, getting better buildings, better equipment, better teachers, more regular attendance and a greater in terest in school work, knowing that with the bringing in of education, cul ture and refinement in our rural homes we have also confirmed our own char acters with knowlege of duties faith fully done. Then we have brought proportional prosperity and happi ness to the world in general, for as yet it is dependent upon the farmer for sustenance and whatever benefits him benefits the community as a whole. V. S. K. A conferance of ministers of the Nor wegian Lutheran Synod church was in session yesterday and today at Nor way Lake, the meetings being held with Rev. Jordahl. Rev. Anderson of this city was among those iu attendance. Not oes Color Hair Ayer's Hair Vigor, as now made from our new improved formula, does not stain or color the hair even to the slightest degree. Gray hair, white hair, blonde hair is not made a shade darker. But it certainly does atop falling hair. No .question about that. vers Vonbttots ytth—oh bottle Show It to jrow «oeWr Ask him abomt tt, thoaao—hooay. Indeed, we believe it will stop every cat* of falling hair unless there is some very: unusual complication, something greatly affecting the general health. Then yott should consultyour physician. Also ask DELINQUENT TAX LIST STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF KANDIYOHI. I N DISTRICT COURT, The list of taxes and penalties on real property for the County of Kan diyohi remaining delinquent on the first Monday in January, 1907, has been filed in the office of the Clerk of the District Court of said County, of which that hereto attached is a copy. Therefore you, and each of you, are hereby required to file in the office of said Clerk, on or before the twentieth day after the publication of this notice and list, your answer in writing, set ting forth any objection or defense you may have to the taxes, or any Sescribed art thereof, upon any parcel of land in said list, in, to or on which you have or claim any estate, right, title, interest, claim, or Hen, and, in default thereof, judgment will be en tered against such parcel of land for the taxes on said list appearing against it and for all penalties, inter est and costs. H. J. RAMSETT, Clerk of the District Court of Kandi yohi County. [SEAL.] List of Real Property, for tho County of Kandiyohi, State of Minnesota, on which Taxes remained Delinquent on tho first Monday in January, A.D.I907. Town of Aretander Township 121, Range 36. Name Subdivision of of Sec- Town of Burbank Township 122, Range 34. Trustees of Nor. Lutheran Ch., w% of nw% exc. 10 a 7 C. O. Kraabel, n% of sw%, e% of swVi of 8w%, se%ofnw% 8 John Lane, se% of sw^4, sw% of ££l£ Wm. Bast, s%'of'sc]4i'si£ of swi4*. 13 John Lane, nw% of ne*4 14 Ole C. Wold, lot 8 20 Peter A. Brogren, nw% of sw%.... 23 Win-Bast, ne% 24 do ne% of sw*4, nw% of se% 24 G. R. Jones, sw% of ne% 26 John Fuhrman, s% of seVi, e% of 8w\£......... 28 Sadie J. Knight, sw% of swii, s. 30 a. of nw% of sw%. 28 Sadie J. Knight, n. 10 a. of nw% of sw%, swi4 of nw% 28 L.H.Martin, w% ofne%, e% of nw%, nw% of nw%, lot 1. 34 John Fuhrman, lots 2 and 3 34 Sarah Sperry, sw% of nw%, nw% of sw% 36 Town of Colfax Township 122, Range 35. Michael Mikkelson, nw^4 of ne%.. 4 Delbert E. Jolley, sy8 of ne^4. n% of 8e%, lots 1 and 2 4 Nels Anderson, w% of sei4 5 Pauline Anderson, neVL 5 Nels Anderson, e% of swi4, e% of nw% 5 Hans B. Hanson, sy2 of nw4, nVfe of sw% 7 Torkel J. Johnson, nw% of sw%... IO Norwegian Luth. Church, se^i ot ne}4 12 Bertha Thompson, sw% of ne%... 15 Bertha Thompson. seVt of nw%... 15 G. E. Hanson, nw% of nei4 16 Erick Hanson, sw%of nw%,nw% of swi4 16 Erick Hanson, 8W14 of sw% 16 Hans Gerhartson, swi4 of se% 16 Erick Hanson,ne^Vi, of se^i 17 John J. Week, n. 29 a. of nw% of nw% 19 Ole Hamborg, ne% ofnw% 20 Brick Hanson, se% of sw%, lots 8 and 9 22 Marie L. Njos, s% of lot 2 exc. 2 a. 31 Ole S. Reigstad, lot 5 of lot 2 32 John A. Kullander, und. 14 of seM ofnwy 4 Town of Dovre Township 120, Range 35. John Wilkins, n% of nw% 5 do ei/i of ne%..^ 6 J. J. Bratberg, lots I, 5 and 6 12 Carl O. Holseth and Ed Bliason, lot 18 of lot 3 13 Lars T. Klyve, part of lot 2 of ne% of sw% 20 Ole J. Skaftedahl, lots 2 and 3 20 J.J.Bjork, s% of sw% of ne%, w% of se% 21 Bengt A. Larson, n% of lot 3 of lot 3 23 A.Anderson, lots 1 and 2 of lot 4. 23 O.N. Grue and Gustaf Gunderson, part of lot 4 24 Karen Pederson, lot 2 4 of lot 5.... 24 Oscar K. Omlie, part of lots 39 and 48 of lot 7 24 J. J. Bjork, seji of nw%, e% of swVi of nw%..fc. 27 J. 1. Bjork, w% of 8W& of nw%.... 27 John J. Bjork, n% ofne% 28 John Carlson, part of lot 2 30 do part of lot 2 30 A. and O. Erickson.lot 24 of lot 3, 30 Town of Edwards Township 118, Range 36. E. Meyer, 2 a. of se% of ne% 19 Clara M. Leighton, t.% of neVi exc. 5 a. and platted parts, sw% of ne% exc. platted parts 19 J. H. Devenney, e% 27 Ludvig Anderson, lot 1 33 L. Anderson, lot 4. a of se^.... 33 Anna Birkemeyer et al, lots 3 and 4 34 L. Norling, sw% of sw% 36 Town of Fahlun Township 118, Range 34. A. S.Johnson, lots 6 and 7 of lot 4.. 5 And. S. Johnson, w% of lot 8 of lot 4 5 A. L. Johnson, lot 9 of lot 4 5 Brede Olson, lots 7 and 8 of lot 3. 6 Swan Bkdahl, lots 4 and 5 6 Anna C. Linderholm, w% of nwV4 of nw% 11 I. G. Haycroft and W. C. Sprague, s% of sw% ."..... 14 O. M. Norling, lot 2 of lot 1 27 Olivia Olson, se% of se% 36 Town of Oennosseo Township 119, Range 33. HansMattson, s% of ne%, lots 2 and 3 exc. r. o. 9 L. S. Moline, part of lot 8 34 F. A. Anderson, w%of Gov't lot 9. 34 Town of Green Lake Township 120, Range 34. J.J. Bratberg, w% of se%, lot 5, n% of lot 3 J. J. Bratberg, se% of seH Lee Hoffman, neVi of swft. Gumtfl4 a him about the new Ayer's Hair VigorTf Gunniid» cnson.seuofnettofnwy*. 27 •Jg? ss. Twelfth Judicial District. The State of Minnesota: To all per sons, companies or corporations who have or claim any estate, right, title or interest in, claim to or lien upon any of the several parcels of land described in the list hereto at tached: 11.28 2.70 3.45 3.88 9.53 2.98 2.98 28.15 2.70 5.31 13.31 2.50 1.24 und. of ne% of sw%, sw*4 of sw!4, sw% of nw^i 36 8.03 7.67 7.45n 25.60 1.35 4.40 7 7 Clara A. Masters" ae%"of se^!'.'.'.'.'. 12 G.J. Bratberg, e% of nwJ4 ,. 18 Knud Halvorson, e% of ne% exc. n^6 a., lots 3 and 4 19 Knut Thompson, n% of a*H of sw% 21 Knut Thompson, -s^ of nw% 21 John Dougherty, a% of nw%..«.... 26 Michael Murray, of iwU, lot 8 „:.' 28 K. Halvorson, lot 1... „. 30 Thomas T. Downs, n% of nw%... 32 M. Downs, s% of nwU..... 32 Ellen Murray, part or lot 1 S3 P. NormHe, w% of sw% 33 Dan Downs, ae% of ne% 33 do nw%, a% of iw%, exc. 3 a. for grave'yard 34 Anna Downs et al, nft of sw% 34 Agnes Jaabek, s% of uei/fc 35 Town of Harrison Township 120, Range 33. C. Pagel, ne% of se%, se% of neVi, lot 3 9 C. .Pagel, w% of sw%, sw% jf nw% .,...'10 Gustaf Swansott, s%of w% of seU of ne%. ,....,.... 13 Margaret Rleff, e% of nw% 14 J. and R.Talt.lot 5 exc.lots 1 and 2of lot 5 and part of lot 6.. 21 Thomas Wheeler, lot 3 22 T. and R.,Tait, part of lot 5 23 GunriildOlsOn, e%ofse%.i., 13.57 4.27 10.73 3.78 7.60 14.43 Town of Holland Township 117, Range 36. Name Subdivision I Total of of Sec- Taxana Owner Section tion|Penalty G^SJ8?G£Benfi^ld'w%of*wU 5 $14.90 Wilhelm E. Behrends, ne% 8 16.40 G..L Brink, sw% 20 Otto DeVries, s%2ot sw^i 27 r%. do ny ofs G«rret J. Brink, nw%....t John G. Peterson. se»4 A. J. Plowman, ne*4 of nw% do wy of nw%.... Town of Irving Township 121, Range 33. Emil Hofatad Jorgenson, awy a Town of Lake Andrew Township 121, Range 35. John Soderberg, swy Total Taxand Penalty $6.36 Owner Section tion Ole N. Dunham, nw% of nw% 3 Unknown, el£ of lot 4 of gov't, lota 2,3,4 and 5 of n% of seU.. lO P. P. Lien, 3 acres of s% of sw%„ 11 John Georgeson, lots 7 and 9 exc. 1 9-10 acres 16 Ole S. Reigstad, e% of sw% 18 Lena J. Jacobson, sw% 19 Anna Georgeson, nw% of ne%, ne% of nw% 21 C. A. Sjverson, 8e*4 of ne% 36 1.16 .38 15.51 14.48 22.32 8.94 6.22 9.74 21.00 9.23 19.71 4.60 4.44 4.93 20.70 7.19 5.82 13.82 20.65 8.81 4.91 4 Andrew Olden, of ne% 25 George Lundblom, n% of nwy4.... 25 John Malmgren, se^4 25 Ole N. Solomonson, ne% of ne%... 29 Henry Grumkc, se% 36 .91 .61 8.40 12.91 Town of Mamro Township 120, Range 36. Tilda M. Blfstrum, wM of ne% do w%ofse%,eV£ nwy4 Alex Johnson, ne% of ne% 20 A. Johnson, nw% of nw% 21 1.58 2.09 .76 1.36 1.27 Alex Johnson. sw% of nwU 21 Oscar Anderson et al, una. of lot 1 of lot 1 25 14.31 3.68 13.08 .74 .74 .92 Town of Now London Township 121, Range 34. Aultman Engine and Threshing P. E. Hanson, ne% of sw%, sw^4 of sw^4, nw^4 of ney4 2 Aug. Norstedt, ne}4 of sw% 3 Emil Ogren, e% of se% 4 Andrew. Newlin, nw% of nwy4, lots 1, 7, 8 and 9 exc. iy 1.89 20.37 42.39 5.01 10.71 29.54 10.87 St. P. M. & M. R'y Co., part of nw% Andrew F. Johnson, ne^i of se%... 11 Andrew F. Johnson, nyz of awy4, se% of sw% 12 Peter W. Olson, nw% of nw% 13 Malcolm Ross, w% of sw% of sw% 13 C. C. Field, ne% of sw% 13 do 8ey4 of ne% 14 John H. Parker, s% of sw% 14 John Edwin Ogren, nw& of nw»4 15 J. A. Olander, e% of ne%, nw% of nw%, ne% of se%.-. .19 J. A. Olander, of nwtt ,"20 John J. Bjork, w% of nw% ofne% 23 Chas. H. Parker, lot 6 of lot 3 exc. 1 acre 23 Chas. H. Parker, sey4 of nw%, nw% of sw% 23 Gust. T. Carlson, und. of lots 6 and 7 of lot 5 27 Gust. T. Carlson, und. of lots 6 and 7 of lot 5 27 Andrew J. Lindquist, s% of lot 5 of lot 1 33 Andrew Z. Lindquist, nVs of lot 5 of lot 1 33 G. G. Alvig, lot 6 of lot 1...- 33 Carl O. Holset, lot 8 of lot 4 33 Arne Olson, lots 5 and 6 of lot 1.. 34 .49 .77 .24 .62 6.93 2.56 13.35 .38 5.80 Town of Norway Lake Township 122, Range 36. OleE. Rime, e% of nw% of lot 6... 3 Aug. Anderson, nw% 6 C. K. Olson, nw% of se% 11 Lewis L. Iverson, w% of aw%, lot 5 .* 15 Ole E. Rime, s% of se%, ne% of se^i.lot 3 17 A. J. EllingbOe, sw% of »w%. 19 do se% of 8w%, wy 3.73 16.31 14.90 16.11 3.17 15.10 20.34 10.79 21.34 5.96 41.04 9.68 17.76 26.30 26.08 41.43 10:60 17.50 22 9 o1fSC-ML. ne% rtwJ4 »*fw ... o-01«Ott, nw%,lotf 1opart ne% of Town of Roseland Township 117, Range 35. Fronie Swenson, nVj of nw% 2 Meno and John Zuidema, nw%... 21 Herman F. Moje and H. A. J. Town of Roseville Township 122, Range 33. W. F. Hine, part of swU of ne%... 1 Herman G. Manx, e!4 of sew, nwll 6f se% 2 Herman G. Manx, sw of se%. 2 Geo. W. Harris, se% exc.r. o. w... 4 Wm. Feddema, se& exc. platted parts, n\i ofne%exc. plat ted parts 5 Wm. Feddema, ac% of nw% exc. r. o. w., ne% of swji.rt. 5 B. and S. Gray, sw% of AWU, nw%of*w%,nV» of sw% of-sw34 exc. T? o. w. 5 1.51 §.47 .16 & "21S7 r.Tl 5.59 •BjeaaaaMMMW-T-^NM ?ownahip 18.4 8 19.10 18.37 21.65 43.38 3.70 15.73 2 7 29 33 36 36 2 4 ne: of nei4 4. Nels J, Peterson, sei4 of new, nwVi ofseV*. seViofseli 5 Sigurd G. Klobo. part of lot 2 6 Axel A. Nelson, nwVi 8 Jacob P. Jacobson. SWV4 8 wilnelmina Hagen, se% of seW.... 8 Peder Larson, ne% of sw4 9 Wilhelmina Hagen, nw% of sw%. 9 Ole A. Wig, 43-100 a. of *ww of nw*4 13 Gilbert Erickson, n%ofsw%, sy2 of se^i 16 Wilhelmina Hagen, ne}4 of ne%.... 17 Jacob P. Jacobson, nw% of ne%... 17 Wilhelmina Hagen et al, se% of ~. & y* 8.84 1 96 31.37 23.41 7.92 5.06 2 93 .09 13.39 5.96 7.53 17 And. Ofstad, e% of seJ4 17 Knut Thompson, n. 4 a. of lot 1 of w%ofsw% ofsw% 18 Rose M. Clark, n% of ne% 22 W.H.Clark, sw% of ne$, lots 1 and 2 22 Norman Clark, e% of nw% 22 Brick Bllefson.nwHofnwH.lot 3. 22 Jacob F.Hanson, ne% of sw%, 26 Blanche Clark, se%. of nw»4 27 P. B. Hanson, nw% of nw% 28 Town of Kandiyohi Township 119, Range 34. Nels Latterall, s% of ne%, nwy 5.96 13.88 1.40 13.82 33.61 18.40 10.68 7.46 5.76 7.76 4 of ne% 2 Nelson Latterall, ne^l of nw4 2 John Lawler, sw%, sVfc of nw\4.... 4 Paul H. Roise, wy John Bergquist, e% of ne4 30 A. W. and J. F. Isaacson, lot 3 of lots 4 and 5 exc. 3 93-100 a. 35 John 16.96 4.42 49.99 11.49 5.20 2 of nwy 4 .... 30 ohn Hogberg, lot 9 36 Hogberg, lot 38 36 1.91 .47 8.92 of aey* 1 A. J. Nordstrom, lots 1, 2 and 3... 2 L. P. Engstrom, lot 1 of nw% of ne% 2 L.J. Broberg, lot 2 of nw% of neU 2 Ole Halvorson,sV£ of nw% of ne% exc. part 3 R. L. Moen, part of lot 1, part w% of ne% 3 Magnus Bersefin, part of lot 2 3 O. L. Christopherson, part of lot 3 and lot 7 of lot 5, 2 and 50-100 a. of lot 6 of lot 5 3 Even Railson, lot 31 of lots 2, 3 and 4 4 John A. Johnson, lot 1 of lot 5 4 N G. Holmgren, part of lot 7 5 Chas. T. Skindelien, part of lot 2. 6 H. J. Strand, lots 3, 4 and 5 6 do 8w%.ofnwi4, lots 2,3, 4 and 5 exc. 7 and 52-100 a. (ch. lot) 7 John Soderberg, e% of nw%. 13 Nels Larson, n% of sei4 26 Peter Benson, part of lot 1 29 Linnie H. Cromwell, ne% ofne% exc. 5 a.,nei4 of sw%,lot2 32 Peter Benson, w%ofse%, se% of 8W14, lot 4 32 Linnie H. Cromwell, swi4 of nwi4, nwy4 of sw% 33 Town of Lake Elizabeth Township 118, Range 33. Hannah Stephens, part of lot 2... 2 annah W aters, w% of e% of lot 2 3 Hans Dedrickson, ne^ofsw^ 13 Hannah Waters, sty of ne%, neVi of sei4, sy2 of se% 28 Hannah Waters, &W14 ot sw^exc. 6 acres 28 Wm. Waters, of swi4 28 John E. Bomsta, lot 4 29 B.J. Bomsta, «wy4 of sw4 29 S. H. Hudson, sei4 of se% 30 Ed. A. Finnegan, lot 1 31 E. J. Bomsta, lots 2 and 3, ny2 of unsurveyed island 31 E.J. Bomsta, nw% of ncy^ 31 do nw% 32 Bernt B. Bomsta, s% of se% 33 B. E. Bomsta, se% of sw%, n% of 8.48 7.42 5.77 S 34.04 5.96 11.43 10.73 16.68 2.17 3.38 8J23 .58 .26 1.66 1.66 1.66 2.72 1.12 .68 .53 .99 15.15 .49 1.47 5.16 32.68 3.92 4.90 7.89 6.22 8.31 .52 16.51 8.27 37.50 16.36 9.94 5.73 QQ Hannah Waters, nw% ofnw%!!".". 34 Town of Lake Lillian Township 117, Range 34. James M. Hanson, n% of ne^i 1 Diedrich Lohmiller, ne%. 8 do w% of nw4 9 Jennie Peterson, sw% 9 Hannah B. Anderson, lots 6, 7 and 8 13 H. E. Anderson, lot 9 13 Fred Linn, sw% of sw% 15 Peter K. Haslerud, && of sw%, sw% of sei4 16 Peter K. Haslerud, ne^i of neVi—• 20 Johan Swenson, e% of ne% 21 Fred Linn, ne% of nviu 22 Peter Lundquist, e% or sw% 12 12 26.42 17.02 33.87 21.74 5.27 6.97 5.91 8.17 5.27 12.10 23 do nw^4 of se^4 23 Wm. McMahon, nw4 36 do ne%, n% ofse^i, ny of sw%, sey4 of sw^i, lot2' 1 36 Town of East Lake Lillian Township 117, Range 33. Bengt E. Bomsta, ny2 of nw% exc. a. 22 a., nwy 4 of rie^4 3 And. Nilson, lot 2 7 A. Nelson, lot 3 of ny2 of sec 8 E. O. Linn, part of lot 1 18 Wm. Alfred Marshall, part of lot 1 18 Ole M. Solomonson, e% of se%.... 20 Stromand Johnson, 25-100 a. of A lot 2 of nw 21 11.45^ Andrew Lind, e^i of ne% 25 ownofRosevQle Contmued) 132,. Range 33. ,., ,. Name. Subdivision I Total of of Sec-Tax and Owner Section tionlPenalty L. O. Thorpe, nw% of ne% 9 $6.90 H. G. Manz.awH ot sw% 11 5.49 Bank of PaynesvUle, se% ot ne%.. 16 8.63 James S. Hawks, e% of ne%, e% of se% 19 30.60 James S. Hawks, w% ot se^., wVfc ofne% 19 19.46 James D. Hawks, n% of se% 20 12.21 D. H. Williams, e% of ne% 21 12.21 Harry Jones, e% of ne% 27 17.34 Jackson Welsh, n% of sw% 27 15.15 do se%ofsw%. 27 4.83 do se:J4 exc. 5 and 71 100 at and r. o. 28 24.81 Fritz Kritter, a. in ne cor. of ne% of se% 28 .21 The Mer. and Mec'h Savings Bank of Janesville, Wis., lot 3 32 5.85 Town of St. Johns Township 119, Range 36. Wm. Tentless, n% of nw'4, swVi ofnwM 7 28.80 Andrew C. Brown, e% of ne% 23 26.25 Anton Olstad. n# of sw% 23 20.75 Andrew C. Brown, sw% of sw% 23 11.17 Nels H. Nelson, ne^4 of nwVi. 24 9.27 Ellef Birkeland, se^i of ne% exc r. o. 36 5.38 Town of Whitefield Township 118, Range 35. Helene Marie Jacobson et al, n% ofswi,4 2 8.61 Helene Marie Jacobson et al, n% ofney4 3 9.67 Helene Marie Jacobson et al, ne% of sei,i 3 10.07 P. O. Mattson, w% of se% 4 8.61 Marcus Johnson, sy. of nw%, wy 2 of swy4 5 27.67 L. O. Thorpe, sy2 of sey*. ne% of se% 5 16.74 Peter J. Barbo, nei4 8 33.82 P. O. Mattson, ny ol ne%, swy 4 of ney4 9 22.49 Peter J. Barbo, swy4 of nwy4 9 5.03 Carrie Mikkelson, ey2 of SW14. .. 9 10.09 Anna Johnson, ne^4 of sei4, swy4 of sei4 9 10.03 P. O. Mattson, nwy4 of sey4 9 5.03 And. Johnson, Jr., seH of seVi 9 5.03 And. Johnson, Jr., sw% of nwy4, nwy 4 of swy4, 1 a of seV4 of nwVi 10 10.15 A. E. Rice, nw4 of ne»4 16 7.71 P. O. Mattson, nei4 of nwVi .1 7 4.49 Svea Congregation, 3 acres of sei/i of neVi 26 3 43 Svea Creamery Co 1 a. of sey4 of nei,4, and 1 a. ot neH of ney4 26 26 21 Anders Hokanson, nei4 of se 3 2 6+ 6 Town of Willmar Township 119, Range 35. Sivert J. Benson, se^i of swy4 8 7.10 HalvorEspelien,swi4 of neV4,ney4 of sw%. wy of sey4 17 107.42 L. O. Skavdalen, nw4 of nwH. n. 40 a. of lot 2 26 20.40 John J. Quandahl. se»4 of sey4 ... 27 2.93 M. O. Thorpe and T. O. Tolo, 1 acre of wy2 of ney4 35 .15 Village of Atwater 105.13 6.79 10.43 1.52 Name of Owner 23.10 20.01 10.87 Village of Raymond 13.24 16.58 1.71 3.28 10 14 14 25 Larson's Addition to Vil lage of New London Emil Ogren, lots 4 and 5 Larson, Adams and Sper ry's Addition Aug. Norstedt, 5 Amanda E. Ogren, lots 5.... 6 Nor. Luth. Church 1 Village of Pennoek Hans Nelson Homble, lots 21, 22, 23 and ^.... 24 Anton Pederson, lots 7 and 8 W. A. Strand, lots 25 and... 26 Emil E.Ostlund,lots 2~3 and 24 Lars O. Thorpe, lots 9 and 10 16.23 5.80 4.97 .93 .41 9.55 4.95 12.63 14.20 14.59 34.41 3.63 14.39 Unplatted Lands Inside of Village Limits Sec|Town|Range D. N. TaUman, tri angular piece of land in ttaenw cor ner of sey4 of nw*4 3 119 36 Spicer Land Co., lots 2, 4, 6,'8 9 2 Aug. Zenk, wy 24.90 11.41 6.19 5.31 2 .24 Co., s% of se}4 1 4 a 7 Andrew Newlin. part nw% of ne% 8 J. A, Olander, se% of nw% 8 John and Isaac Wright, part of nwy 4 Leighton's First Addition to Village of Raymond Almeda Watkins, lots 1, 2 and 3 1 Clara M. Leighton, lots 11 and 12 1 Minnie Heath, west 10? ft. of lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 and 15 ft. of w. 100 ft. of lot 6 2 Clara M. Leighton, lots 7 to 12 inc 2 Clara M. Leighton, lots 5 and 6 3 Almeda Watkins 7 4 10.03 12.37 8.26 12.48 22.22 5.59 .87 11 Leighton's 2nd Addition to Village of Raymond Clara M. Leighton, lots 1 to 4 and 13 and 14 1 Nelson Latterall, lots 7 and 8 1 Sam'l Latterall 4 4 9.46 5.82 4.09 6.80 6.14 Leighton's 3rd Addition to Village of Raymond Frank Carney, lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 1 N. L. Ericson, lots 1, 2 and 3 2 13.Q5 15.59 10.25 ,3.96 %.91 19.20 Unplatted Lands Inside of Village Limits Sec|Town|Range Clara M. Leighton, swy4 of neVi exc. platted parts 19 118 36 4.62 13.05 .68 .68 Village of Kandiyohi .48 .48 .97 .64 2.08 Village of Spicer Spicer Land Co., lots 7 to... 12 14 Otto Running, lots 17 and 18 15 G. B. Doty, lots 7 and 8 22 .69 16.70 4.49 First Addition to Village of Spleor. Spicer Land Co., lots 11,12, 13,1 9 and 20 2 54.03 3.42 a of se% 19 John Johnson Wick, se% 24 do of ne% 25 H.J. Strand, lot 2 25 8.11 Park Addition to Spieor Spicer Land Co., lots 17,19, 20, 21 and 23 1 24.68 5.30 12.88 8.29 40.08 Moje, ey2 31 130.44 .93 28.05 7.68 31.69 23.25 7.57 12.4Q Cbria. FwdahT, w*4 of ne%, nw^, 8, 45.54 Summit Addition to Vil lage of Spioer rlaverly's Addition to Crescent Beach I I Total Lot|Block|Taxand I Penalty Atwater Hardware and Ma chinery Co lot 4, 40 ft. of lot 5 Swan J. Swenson 7 P. O. Erickson, lots 15 and 16 N. Bomsta 7 St. P. M. & M. R'y Co., lots 1 and 2 Martin Olson, lots 11 and... 12 John Palm, all Johanna Palm, lots 1 to 12 inc St. P. M. & M. R'y Co., all Emily Suydam, lots 1 and 2 Johanna Palm, all Axel Fridlander 7 Martin Olson, lots 10, 11 and 12 and lots 1 to 4 Emma E. Bomsta, lots 1, 6, 7 and 8 2 15 18 22_ Village of New London August Norstedt, 55 ft. of lots 17 and IS Ole Skie 4 Larson, Adams and Sperry, und. of lot 1 New London Milling Co 8 John G. Peterson, e% of lot 5 7.23 3.54 4.54 .58 3.09 .23 I I Total Name of Owner Lot|Block|Taxand i. I I Penalty James Lyle, lots 4, 5 and 6 2 $14.81 Spicer Land Co., lot 7 3 .69 Unplatted Lands Inside of Village Limits Sec|Town|Range L. Z. Thompson, lot "C" of lot 2 3 120 34 .33 Lot I Block Ole Haverly, lot A 1 Village of Green Lake Beaoh Minnie Neuberger 13 1 Lara A. Vik.lots 10, 11 and 12 1 Joseph M. Olson 1 1 Echo Beach William Olson, lot 2 1 Village of Linton Withner and Mickel. IO 3 Welch's Addition to Ha wick Eliza J. Pond, lots 1. 2 and 3 A Nels Kjostelsen 6 A City of Willmar Emma Olson, lots 10, 11 and..' 12 7 Duluth Elevator Co., lots 8, 9 and 10 20 Knut and Henry Samuelson, part of lots 1 and 2 24 A. B. Hanscom, lots 7 and. 8 24 A.E Rice, part of lots 1 and 2, 8 25 ft. of ny2 of lot Odd Fellows B'ld'g Ass'n, 52y 2 lt. of lots 1, 2, 3 and 51 ft. of lot.. 4 31 P. H. Roise, ey3 of. .. 33 E. C. Huffman, lot 5 and ny of lo 6 37 EdgarsGale,tw 40 ft of lots 1 and 2 42 Kandiyohi Co. Bonk, lots 3 and 4 43 Julia Garwell 12 43 Marcus Johnson, lot 6 and sy2 of lot ... 5 54 Joseph Neuberger 7 54 First Addition to City of Willmar Peter Friberg, lots 13 and 14 68 I Kerns 12 72 Tohn McCarten, lot .", and 10 ft. of lot 6 86 Rakkel T. Evenson, lots 1 to 4 inc 98 Second Addition to City of Willmar Ole Jacobson 3 136 Andrew Larson, lots S, 9, 10 and. 11 Samuel Porter 3 Third Addition to City of Willmar Susan B. Oram, lot and ni'ooflot 7 Fourth Addition to City of Willmar Oscar A. Larson, lots 4, .", and 7 $7.3S 1.91 25.14 4 43 12 12 13 Booth's Addition to City of Willmar Sophia Engelstad 7 4.43 38.44 13.15 23 24 26 44 52 56 5 City of Willmar, Spicer's Addition Charles Dahlin, lot 4 and ny2 of lot 5 Hans Engelstad, wy ol lots 8, 9 and 10 Hanson's Addition to City of Willmar John A.Johnson 1+ 7.84 4.43 2 20 6.56 12.59 3.40 71 Gettchol's Addition to Village of Atwater Mary G. Mickelson 1 Catherine Spelliscy 2 Hall's Addition to Village of Atwater F. W. Gratz, lots 5 and 10 and ny2 of lots 4 and 11 Olof Anderson, lots 8 to 14 inc 4.43 Glarum's Addition to City of Willmar August Tingholm, si/2 of lot 2, and lot 3 Willie A. Bjornberg, lots 13 and 14 21.88 10.3S 8.37 Ferring's Addition to City of Willmar Nels Balke, lot 1 and xvy- of 2 Elmer W. Boyd, lots 7 and 8 Albert T. Noland, lot 12 5.65 27.05 9.90 Selma M. Bjorsell, 75x150 ft. of sw% of swi4 John S. Danens, part of lot 3 exc. 2 a & r. o. ... 13.52 3 20.68 2.70 .97 10 12 2.55 1.28 12.47 2.13 5.31 .89 LotIBlock 2.25 1.13 of lot 3 4 Peter O. Peterson, ey» of lot 3 and all of lot 2 4 Louis A. Anderson 5 11 Hannah Rosmon 1 12 Ros Rosmon 11 13 13.67 10.68 9.61 15.70 7.56 11.50 12.16 7.53 1.81 8.13 3.29 3.16 9.27 2.70 19.52 1.81 LotIBlock C.A.Olson 2 2 do 19 11 Peter E. Lundquist, lots 1 to 18 inc. and 21 to 24 inc 21 Minnie B. Stansberry, whole 33 .32 .36 2.30 1.18 7.42 6.30 8.41 7.92 2.70 Let us serve you. Our ohargea ore reasonable. HIGH CLA88 UNDERTAKING SUPPLIES Andrew Peterson UCBNSBD EMBALMER 20 .95 1.89 .98 4.86 1.61 10.33 32 51 38 35 73.53 3 29 33 86 303.49 73.95 16 99 25 71 70.21 29.23 17 73 14 82 35.47 1.17 12.12 7 43 136 138 44 39 32 57 65 03 3 00 Section 14 4 15 05 7 36 9 59 1 31 1 78 4 15 86 2.39 14 55 12 Unplatted Lands Inside of City Limits Township 119, Range 35 24 82 16 32 03 STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF KANDIYOHI. John Feig, being by me first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the County Auditor of the County of Kan diyohi, State of Minnesota that he has examined the foregoing list, and knows the contents thereof and that the same is a correct list af taxes de linquent for the year 1905 upon real estate in said County. S S JOHN FEIG. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 19th day of January, A. D. 1907. H. J. RAMSETT, Clerk District Court, Kandiyohi County, Minnesota. DISTRICT COURT SEAL- STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF KANDIYOHI. The list of real estate taxes delin quent on the first Monday of January, A. D. 1907, in said Kandiyohi County, was duly filed in my office this 19th day of January, A. D. 1907. SS. H. J. RAMSETT, Clerk District Court. STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF KANDIYOHI. District Court, Twelfth Judicial District. I, H. J. Ramsett, clerk of the Dis trict Court in and for said Kandiyohi County, Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have this day carefully com pared the foregoing copy with the original list of delinquent real estate taxes, therein described, and which said list was filed in my office on the 19th day of January, A. D. 1907, and is now on file in my office, and that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the said original list. In testimony whereof I have here unto set my hand, and affixed the seal of the said District Court at my office in the City of Willmar, in said Coun ty, this 21st day of January, A. D. 1907. H. J. RAMSETT^ Clerk of the Said District Court. [SEAL.] STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF KANDIYOHI. This copy of the original delinquent real estate tax list was received by me from the clerk of the District Court and filed in my office this 21st day of January, 1907. SS. JOHN FEIG, [SEAL] County Auditor, Kandiyohi County, Minn. In paying tho above delinquent taxes, add SO cents to the amount published for each description. COUNTY AUDITOR. Comer 6th St. and Pacific Ave, WrLLMAB, MINN.