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fc 4 The Street Committee presented a communication from Oscar Claussen, Consulting Engineer, St. Paul, in which he offered to make complete surveys of the city for establishing grades and for furnishing maps and specifications in connection with plan ning a complete sewer system and the building of septic tanks in the city. On motion said communication was ordered placed on file. Alderman Tallman offered the fol lowing resolution which was unani mously adopted. RESOLUTION. Whereas it is the intention of the city council to submit to the voters of the city of Willmar a proposition of wnether or not septic tanks for the disposal of sewage should be erected, and land acquired for the erection of said septic tanks and defraying the city's part in the building of said sewers, and Whereas, it is deemed best befoie submitting the proposition to said vot ers to plan for building a sewer sys tem as well as the establishment of grades should be had, and Whereas, Oscar Claussen, consult ing engineer of St. Paul, has submit ted a proposition to furnish the fol lowing work for and in connection with the proposed complete sewer sys tem for the whole city of Willmar, including all addtions thereto, and the establishment of grades in our city, in consideration of the sum of $600.00 to-wit: (1) Make all necessary surveys for requiring the data on which to plan a complete system of sewers and grades and establish grade stakes and bench marks for both sewers, streets and sidewalks the city of Willmar to furnish grade stakes. (2) Make and furnish a sewerage and grade map. (3) Make and furnish profiles for all the various sewers and streets of the entire system mapped out. (4) Make and furnish the specifi cations for the above. (5) Make and furnish plans and specifications for a sewage disposal plant consisting of one or more septic tanks. Now therefore Be it resolved that the Mayor and city clerk are hereby instructed to employ said Oscar Claussen to do the work above speci fied at once. Approved May 21, 1907. C. B. Carlson, Mayor. The street committee presented a written report on the proposed sewer petitioned for by Peter C. Peterson. W. F. Gratz and others. On motion said report was accepted and ordered placed on file. The street committee offered the following resolution which was adopt ed by the following vote: Ayes, 8 Noes, none. RESOLUTION. Resolved that the sidewalk on the south side of lot 2 of lot 8 and lot 23, south side of lot 1 of lot 8, 9 and 10 and south sides of lots 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 in Highland Addition south side of lots 8, 9 and 10 of Gilbertson's sub-division of lot C, Eastern Addition north side of lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, Block 2, Seminary Ad dition east side of lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, Block D, Booth's Addition south side of lots 1, 2 and 3, sub-di vision of lots 3 and 4, Block 3, Thorpe and Lien's Addition east side of lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 46, original addition and north side of block 69, First Ad dition, is hereby condemned, and Be it further resolved that cement sidewalks ft. wide be and the same is hereby ordered laid in front of the following property, to-wit: On the south side of lot 2 of lot 8 and lot 23 south side of lot 1 of lots 8, 9 and 10 and south side of lots 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 in Highland Addition south side of lots 8, 9 and 10 of Gilbertson's sub-division of lot C, Eastern Additions north side of lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, Block 2, Seminary Ad dition east side of lots 1, 2, 3,city $h ,4, 5, 6 and 7, block D, Booth's ad |^dition south side of lots 1, 2, and 3, sub-division of lots 3'and 4, block 3, %*Thnrpe and .Lien's Addition north side of block 60, .First Addition and a, was read, ff^f-fy^Pf^f'f^^^^^^p?^^^^^^! Price per Galron IN the paint itse f, this 10 per cent saving of your painter's time is important. Further, S Paint roduces a beautiful, glossy tinish. tnat will last twice as Ions as any Onish that can be secured by the use of so called cheap" paints. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Council Chambers, Library Build ing, Willmar, Minn., May 20, 1907. Adjourned meeting of the City Council. Mayor Carlson called the meeting to order. On roll call there were present Mayor Carlson, Alder men Tallman, Spicer, Peterson, Gratz, Holt, Pinney, Nelson and Free berg, 9 Absent, none. By Spreading Capacity, Ease of Application and Durability. B. S. Paint is the Most Economical. OHSBERG, SELVIG& CO. Ask for P. S. Sealed Evidence—(paint costs, color card and plates of coir red houses)- FRbE buying paint, many peo ple make the mistake of simply considering first cost. They think only of the price per gallon. TBIS RESULTS I N SELECTION OF A LOW-PRICED SHORT LIVED, A E A E PAINT. The right way to buy paint is to consider—not primarily what it costs per gallon—but spreading power, a of application and durabili ty S Paint, as regards spreading capacity, is more economical than a so-called •'cheap" paint. It will cover at least 25 per cent more sur face. This is largely due to the much tiner grinding it re ceives On account of pure lead, zinc, and Unseed oil used, per fect foi inula, and Une grind ing S Paint is fully 10 per cent easier to apply than coarse, adulterated paint As cost of applying paint is about twice as expensive as 6 ft. walk on the east side of lots 1, 2 and 3, block 46, all of said sidewalk to be laid in accordance with the ord inance and in accordance with the specifications on file in the office of the city clerk and under the supervis ion of the street committee. Approved May 21, 1907. C. B. Carlson, Mayor. Application of J. H. Wiggins Co., for the payment of $1500 on account of contract work on sewer on 4th and 5th streets was presented. Alderman Spicer offered the fol lowing resolution which was unani mously adopted. RESOLUTION. Be it resolved that the city clerk be and he hereby is authorized to is sue a warrant against the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund for the sum of Fifteen hundred ($1500) dollars in favor of J. H. Wiggins Co., to ap ply on their contract for the laying and constructing of that certain sew er petitioned for by C. B. Carlson and others, subject to filing affidavit re garding liens, etc. Approved May 21, 1907. C. B. Carlson. Mayor. Official bonds of I. T. Cramer, A. O. Forsberg, Lewis Fridlund, J. S. Day and Emanuel Christensen and contract bonds of J. H. Wiggins Co., and J. S. Robbins were on mo tion referred to the city attorney. The city attorney reported the above bonds back correct in form and execution and on motion same were accepted and approved. The street committee offered the folowing resolution which was unani mously adopted. RESOLUTION. Whereas, a petition proper in form and execution, has heretofore been presented to the City Council, signed by John C. Freese and others, praying for the grading of Trott avenue be tween 6th and 10th streets, and Whereas, the council has, by reso ution, declared its purpose and inten tion to make said improvement and to assess property benefited thereby, for the cost of the same, and Whereas, a hearing was had by the council on said petition on the 13th day of May, 1907, notice thereof hav ing been duly given as in the charter provided, and Whereas, the city engineer has made and filed with the city clerk a plat and survey, showing the nature, course and extent of said improvement and the parcels of land to be benefit ed thereby, together with the names of the owners of such property as pro vided in the charter now, therefore, Be it resolved, that such plat and survey, so made and filed with the city clerk as aforesaid, be and the same is hereby adopted. Be it further resolved that the grading of Trott avenue from 6th to 10th streets, as petitioned for by John C. Freese and others, be and the same is hereby ordered and directed done, as prayed for in said petition, and Be it further resolved that all of the property abutting upon said Trott avenue between said 6th street and 10th street that will be benefited b\ said grading and improvement there of, be and the same is hereby ordered and directed to be assessed for the cost of the same as in the charter provided. Approved May 21, 1907. C. B. Carlson, Mayor. The city clerk was instructed to advertise for bids for the grading of part of Trott avenue, above describ ed, such bids to be opened at the meeting of the council June 10, 1907. Moved and seconded that the ordi nance entitled "An ordinance author izing the issuance of the bonds of the city of Willmar for the purpose oi purchasing sites and erecting thereon septic tanks to be used in connection with the sewer system of said city be given its second reading. Carried. The said ordinance was then read. Moved and seconded that the ordi nance entitled "An Ordinance to Li cense Plumbers and to Define Their Duties'* be given its second reading. Carried. The said ordinance was then read. Moved and seconded that the ordi nance entitled "An ordinance to pro hibit the, maintenance of bucket shops, or agencies for $he same" be given its second reading. Carried. The ordinance was then read. Resignation of Henry Stenson as constable was read and on motion accepted. Application of Emanuel Christenson for the position of city constable to succeed Henry Stenson, xpsigned, if*TO&fli O mil choosing of presents Moved and seconded that Emanuel Christensen be appointed city consta ble to fill the unexpired term of Hen rv Stenson, resigned. Carried. On motion the constables bond was fixed at $1000. The contract bond of the Republi can Gazette, the official paper, was fixed at $1000. On motion the street commissioner's bond was fixed at $1000. The clerk reported that Albert Struxness, who was reappointed city auditor recently, had not qualified. On motion Mr. Struxness was unan mously reappointed city auditor. Alderman Gratz offered the follow ing resolution which was adopted by the following vote: Ayes 8 Noes, none. RESOLUTION. Resolved that the salary of the city auditor be and the same is hereby fixed at $100. per annum. Approved May 21, 1907. C. B. Carlson, Mayor. On, motion the council adjourned. Attest: C. B. Carlson, H. Gunderson, Mayor. City Clerk. S. E. Bergquist of Atwater is building anew barn at Mrs. S. A. Hall's place. A ball game was played last Sun day afternoon in Alfred Olson's pas ture, between the "Atwater Sports" and the P. L. S. boys. Miss Minnie Quist spent last Sat urday in Atwater with her grand parents. Anton Flygare passed thru At water last Tuesday evening, en route for Breckenridge from Janes ville, Wis., where he has been at tending school. Harry Berg spent Saturday even ing with friends in Atwater. Mrs. N. A. Peterson is having the foundation laid for anew house which will be built this summer. Miss Selma Rossell returned home last Saturday from Minneapolis, where she has been working during the past winter. Mrs. Ed Johnson made a trip to Willmar one day last week for med ical treatment. We see by the reports from different localities ^that hay is scarce, and this neighborhood is no exceptionJ at .respect. PAT.jj the most satisfactory is trying to settle the question at home. Why even a catalogue is no substitute for a visit to the right sort of a jewelry store! A catalogue gives you prices and partial descriptions—but where are the beauties of design—the artistic effects—the in describable charm that belongs to good jewelry rightly dis- GENNESSEE: JOTTINGS GENNESSEE, May 20—The cof fee social at Peter Olson's place last Thursday afternoon and even ing was largely attended. The pro ceeds amounted to nearly nine dol lars. Next Sunday the new M. E. church in Atwater will be dedi cated. There will be twenty min isters present. Edwin Olson and his cousin. Car rie Hallberg, who are staying in Kandiyohi, drove to Atwater last Sunday to attend the confirmation at the Swedish Lutheran church, and spent the remainder of the day at their homes here, returning to Kandiyohi Sunday evening. a missing! Come to us and we will show you a better way to decide. Our store is full of suggestions. Wennerlund & Nelson 101 Fifth Street. MISCELLANEOUS WANT COLUMN LARGE BARN FOR RENT—In quire at 321 Second St., city. ll O RENT—Furnished flat Mrs. Hess, 413 Second street 14f HELP W A N E good hands for ironing. Chinese Laun dry. I3f FOR RENT—Have two good fur nished rooms to rent. See A. H. Brown. 10f WANTED—Good girl for general housework. Good wages. Mrs. W. J. Pinney. 13f FURNISHED ROOMS—For rent at 717 Eighth street. Mrs. W. Griffin. 14f HOUSE FOR RENT-Suitable for keeping boarders. Inquire of M. O. Thorpe. 12f O E N O furnished room. Inquire of E. Ohsberg at the hardware store. ll HOUSE AND LOTS in First ward for sale cheap, if taken at once. L. Halvorson. 14f FURNISHED ROOMS—For rent, at 210 Litchfield ave. East. In quire at G. O. Sand Co. 143p FOR SALE—We offer for sale our hotel property, known as the "Glarum's Hotel." Govig&Rude. 51f FOR SALE—A 6-room house as good as new. Also a large barn. Lot 75x150 feet. Located on corner lot. Price, $1800. A. Brown. 14f FOR RENT—The Halvorson farm in the town of Fahlun, sec. 19, on very easy terms. Apply to Ohs berg, Selvig &Co. Hardware Store. Will let corn land free of charge. 12 FOR SALE—My farm, stock and machinery, with or without crop. Located in the prosperous Sheyenne Valley. Five miles from one of! the best markets in the state and only one mile from prospective di vision point of the Great Northern. Only two crops taken. One hun dred acres now under plow twenty five acres fine hay land best of water plenty, which is a blessing. Land adjoining can be bought cheap if more is wanted. Near neighbors, many from Willmar. Stock con sists of four good horses, average weight thirteen hundred fifty, and two cows. Machinery includes hay ing machinery, wagon, buggy and all farm implements such as used on farm of this size, All are best makes and practically new. Build ings are rough frame structures but new and comfortable. If you wish to buy a good farm in a new and prosperous bommunity cheap and save a middleman's commis sion, write me. I will be glad to give particulars. C. R. Wattles, Owner, Sheyenne, N. D. 123 Pipestone whole wheat flour at your grocer's. vVfc it with alum (bod by the use of poor .baking powder. Have a delicious, pure, home-made muffin, cake or biscuit ready when they come in* To %t sure of the purity, youroustuse ROIMLPOWDER Ibgal nuke* a difference in yowr lKme^ diff«^iice in your heaWi— a difference in your cookmg. ROYAL is absolutely Pure. Loose fitting .Jackets, made from light colored fancy woolens a tan colored covert worth from $5 &M A A to $7, to close at $ Ladies' Skirts HOT LUNCHES. N. Schagel has invested in a con trivance known as a steaming table, which will keep the soups and vict uals that he serves steaming hot at all times. He is catering to the public that likes to have their lunches served in the most appetiz ing manner, and respectfully solicits a call. MARRIAGE LICENSES: May 17—William Caffray Frances L. McDougall. 9f Thos. A. Hays, who was sum moned here by the death of hisMary mother, returned, to his Jiome_at Gorin, Mo., last Saturday." May 18—Daniel V. Downs Agatha Cody. May 20—France O. Nystrom Ellen Caroline Hultquist. Whe the hildre a mtehome from Schools /They usually want something from the pantry You remember the hunger you had —Home cooking counts for much in the child's health do not imperil O Ladies9 Spring and Summer Jackets Tight fitting Tan Cov er Jackets, also a few loose it in a worth from $8 to $10, to close A A at $D»3U Dressing Saeques One lot Dressing Saeques and Shir Waists worth from 50c to $1.50, to close at One lot Skirts, plain gored and pleated, light and heavy weights, light and dark colors, worth from $5.00 to $9.00, to close at -. One lot of fancy mixtures, mostly in light colors, 30 and 38 inches wide, values at 50 to 65 cents, special for Saturda and Monday, per a to to to "-A READY-TO-WEAR GARMENTS Personal Mention Fred Smith went to the cities last Saturday afternoon. A. C. Crawford went to North field on business last Friday. AT Miss Hilda Holmberg came back from Minneapoils last Thursday. Dr. B. J. Branton of Atwater was a visitor in Willmar last Saturday. Mrs. McCabe went to New Lon don yesterday for a visit with her sister. Mrs. Tonette Olson went to Cot tonwood last Friday for a visit with relatives. Syver Iverson, the West Lake printer, was in the city last Sunday and Monday. Mrs. Hugh Campbell left for a visit at her old home in Spicer yes terday afternoon. Mrs. C. E. Hornbeck went to Minneapolis last Thursday for a couple of days' visit. P. M. Peterson of New London was in the city last Friday en route for Minneapolis. Dora Lawson returned to New London Saturday after a brief stay with relatives in this city. The Leading Store Saturday and Monday, May 25,28, the last two days of this great clearance WIN to the very backward season, we find we are somewhat over-stocked in our ready-to-wear depart ment for women, and in order to make the goods move quickly, we have cut prices in half on some lines. We have had a brisk trade in this department for the past week. Goods have moved rapidly at these greatly reduced prices, but good selections can ye£ be had in any of the lines. THE GOODS AS DESCRIBED BELOW WILL BE ON SALE ON THE SECOND FLOOR OP OUR STORE ar&e&wJtr Ladies' Shirt Waist Suits One lot Wash Suits, white and colored and cotton Panama, worth from $3.00 to $5.00, to close at Two Specials in Wool Dress Goods tor Saturday and Monday NO REBATE CHECKS GIVEN WITH GOODS SOLD AT CUT PRICES. PETERSON & WELLIN WILLMAR MINNESOTA Edmund Hanson returned to hisOats home in Kerkhoven yesterday after a visit with friends at Willmar. Atty. Olney was in theButter, city last Saturday en route for Ben son, where he will attend court. E. P. Glad left for Minneapolis last Friday. He may engage there for the summer, or go to Duluth. Mesdames O. K. Severinson and Gunder Hegness left last Friday to join their husbands at Litchfield. Messrs. A. Adams,. E. R. Krook and A. E. Allen wenx to Ben son last Friday on a business trip. Miss Anna Schollin departed for Minneapolis yesterday, where she will enter St. Mary's Hospital to fit herself for the calling of a trained nurse. Noble Schagel returned last night from St. Paul, where he attended a family reunion, a sister from Illi nois and one from Canada being a visit there. August Anderson, who lives in the extreme northwest section of the county, and J. N. Hystad, both of Norway Lake, were the city on business last week. Mrs. Frank McClure of Great Falls, Mont., visited with the L. Rodlun family last Monday, having arrived from a stay at Milaca, Minn. She returned to her home Monday evening. H. G. Everett, general secretary of the Central Life Assurance So ciety of Des Moines, Iowa, was in the city yesterday visiting with the state agency, of which Mr. F. Branton is the manager. Hon. Peter E. Hanson of Litch field was in the city last Friday en route for Jasper, Minn. Mr. Hanson is building a fine residence in Litchfield and was in quest of building stone to suit his require ments. FOR THE GRADUATES. A special discount of ten per cent will be given on all articles pur chased for the graduates at D. Elmquist's Jewelry Store. 1 Willmar Markets Ladies' Shirt Waists-Plain and Fancy One lot white Waists, some plain in and some fancy madras, laun dered cuffs, worth up to $2.50, to close at $1.25 a Corrected May 22, 1907. Prices on creamery butter,Uour, bran, snorts and apples are dealers' selling prices, all other are prices paid to producers. Wheat, No. 1, Northern 95c Wheat, No. 2 92c Wheat, No. 3 88c Wheat, No. 4 82c Wheat, rejected 78c Wheat, No. 2, Durum 63c Wheat, No. 3, Durum 60c Wheat, No. 4, Durum 57c 30 to 33c Barley 53c to 60c Flax 1.05 to $1.13 Corn 35c Potatoes 50c Eggs 13c separator 18c to 20c Butter, dairy 15c to 18c Butter, creamery 24.C Beans 5c per pound Flour, fancy $3.00 Flour, straight $2.90 Cabbage, per lb tic Bran *21.u0 Shorts $22.00 Hay $10.00 to $15.00 Lambs $4.00 to $6.00 Sheep $3.00 to $4.00 Chickens 5 to 7c Turkeys 10 Ducks 6c to 8c Geese 8 Hides 5 Beefsteers $4.00* to $4.50 Beef cows $3.00 to $3.75 Hogs, live $5.60 Veal calves $3.00 to $4.00 One lot white and col ored Waists, soft and laundered cuffs, from $1.00 to $2.00, to ST. 50c One lot "Town and Country S for women. the thing for warm summer days made of fancy shirtings and cheviots, worth from $1 50 to $2.00, to close at $1.00 One lot Shirt Waist Suits, made of Brilliantines and other woolen materials worth from $8 to $9, to close a One lot high grade Novelties, light colored plaids and checks in panamas and worsteds, 42 to 4G in. wide, values 90c to $1.25, special for Sat. and Mon., yd $4.00 Notice for the Hearing of Petition of Peter C. Peterson, W. F. Gratz et al. for the constrnction of a Sew er in Second Ward, City of Will mar, Minnesota. Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Willmar, Minnesota, signed by Peter Peterson, W. Gratz and others asking for the construction of a sewer along the following route, to-wit- Get estimates on Sidewalk, Curbing, Cement Floors, Steps and Border from Nelson Bros. Paving & Construction Co. Commencing at the center of the intersec tion of Trott Avenue and 7th Street and run ning thence westerly along the center of said Trott Avenue to the center of the intersec tion of Trott Avenue and Street, thence running northerly along the center of said lOth street to the center of the intersection of 10th street and Litchfield Ave. and there terminating, and also two branch sewers, connecting with the above described main sewer along the following routes: Commencing at the center of the intersec tion of Trott Avenue and 8t Street and running thence northerly along the center of said 8th Street to the center of the intersec tion of 8th Street and Litchfield Avenue and there terminating, and Commencing at the center of the intersec tion of Trot Avenne and 9t Street and running thence northerly along the center of said 9th Street to the center of the intersec tion of 9th Street and Litchfield Avenue and there terminating, nnd the said matter is now pending before the Council of the said City. Notice is further given that the City Coun cil of said City has declared its intention and purpose to cause the said improvement to be made and to cause the said sewer to be con structed as prayed for in the said petition and also to cause the property fronting up on and along the route of the said proposed sewer to be assessed for the cost and expen ses of the construction of the said sewer and have fixed the time and place for the hearing of the said petition on June lOth A. D. 1907 at eight o'clock p.m. at the Council Chambers in the Library building in said City. Notice is further given that on that day and at that place all parties whose property will be assessd for the construction of the said sewer, and all parties interested in or affected by the construction of the said pro posed sewer may appear and be beard in the said matter. Willmar, Minn., May 21 1907. H. GUNDERSON, rf5-30 City Clerk. Bids Wanted for the Grading of Trott Avenue between 6th and 10th Streets. Sealed bids will be received by the City Council of the City of Willmar up to 8 o'clock p. m. June lO, 1907, for the grading of Avenue between 6th and lOth Streets, as per specifications now on file in the office of the City Clerk. A certified check of $50.00 payable to the City Treasurer of Willmar must accompany bid for said work, which will be forfeited to the City in case bid is accepted, and the bid der fails to enter into contract. AH bids must be sealed and addressed to the Citv Clerk and endorsed "Bids for grad ing Trott Avenue." The Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Willmar, Minn., May 21,1907 _, H. GUN BRSON, 5 3 0 City Clerk. A IN/llnn. ALL WORK IS GUARANTEED. ALFRED BER0ES0N. Mgr. Willmar Branch, 412 Jessie St. Phoae 298. 1 1 I 1— I 1 1