Newspaper Page Text
O N TH E TICKE in JOH N A. Former Kandiyohi Lad, Success ful Business Man at Hibbing, Makes the County a Visit. A promising young man who claims Kandiyohi as his his native', county is the Democratic candidate the state ticket for treasurer on this year. P. H. bing and Duluth, of Hans Nelson, foreman at Kandiyohi and Atwater, and was born at Kandiyohi thirty five years ago. When he was four years of age the family moved to Atwater, where they lived ten years. Henry Nelson, therefore, was the schoolmate and playmate of nearly all the young men of Atwater who have grown up there. His oldest brother, Victor Nelson, died at Willmar a few years ago, and the widow and children still live here. Mr. Nelson also has relatives at New London in this county, Mrs. Peter Ecklund being his aunt. Mr. Nelson, of Hib is the second son formerly section Nelson started out in life as a tele grapher and drifted into the new iron regions oC Minnesota. He lo cated at Hibbing before there was a railroad there, about fifteen years ago. He studied the mining prop osition, acquired properties, and is \imWm) Ladies', Misses' and Children's WINTE COAT S A splendid showing of attractive new styles Our stock has been selected with the greatest care and thoughtfulness. The styles are the most approved and up-to-date, and the prices are the low est possible consistent with quality and style. *=^r:. now a prosperous and well-to-do in dependent mine-owner, with bank ing interests in several of the min ing towns and interests in mines at Batte, Mont. His business inter ests require frequent trips to the East, and he has acquired an*-exten sive acquaintance thruout all the large business centers. Mr. Nelson has one trait which has been considered a great failing among his business associates. He has for years been a democrat. He is a great admirer of Gov. Johnson. "While the governor has hit the mine owners hard,"' he said, "in creasing the valuation from 40 to 190 millions, and I expect that there will still be further increases, yet I cannot help admiring the man. He is the young man's candidate. How famous our great governor has become can be appreciated by one who travels in other sections of the country. When one registers at a hotel in any city, as coming from Minnesota, one is beset at once by reporters and others who want to learn something about Gov. Johnson." Ladies' Black heavy Kersey full length Coat. The best value in the land, for only $ 1 0 Easily worth $13.00 One Lot of Extra Heavy and very fine Kersey, also Broadcloth, silk-lined throughout, Exceptional Values at only $ 1 2 Extra Fine Kerseys and Broadcloths, full Satin-lined, at from $ 1 5 to $28. c£ WILLMAR, MINN. Mr. Nelson believes that it will be impossible for the U. S. steel corporation to swing their miners into line against Gov. Johnson. Few people realize the enormous proportions to which the mining in terests of Minnesota have grown. Minnesota is now the first state in the Union in iron production. She produces half of the iron of the na tion and one-fourth of that of the world. The miners employed num ber into the ten thousands. The first labor crisis came under Gov. Johnson's admini at n. To wam$mwf\m\\nm Where yon want it— When you want it— No smoke—no smell—no trouble. iptnj Olten you want heat in a hurry in some room in the house the fur nace does not reach. It's so easy to pick up and carry a PERFECTION Oil Heater (Equipped with Smokeless Device) to the room you want to heat—suitable for any room in the house. It has a real smokeless device absolutely preventing smoke or smell—turn the wick as high as you can or as low as you like—brass font holds 4 quarts of oil that gives out glowing heat for 9 hours. Fin ished in japan and nickel—an ornament anywhere. Every heater warranted. is (lie lamp ior the student or ^MMJBHJ reader. It gives a brilliant, steady light that makes study a pleasure. Made oi brass, nickel plated and equipped with the latest improved central draft burner. Every (amy warranted. It you cannot obtain the Perfection Oil Heater or Rayo Lamp (rem your dealer write to our nearest agency lor descriptive circular, S A N A OIL, O A N (IaearsKHWtci) Mi®tfM§M PETERSON & CO. cfc A full Line of Misses' Coats in all colors, Plain and Fancy Cloths. The very best values ranging in price from $ 4 to $11. Children's plain and curly Bear Cloth Coats, all colors, from $ 2 5 0 and up. ts£ te£ A splendid line of Children's Heavy and Warm Cloth Coats ranging in price from $3 to $10* We can guarantee to save you money on your purchases, look us over. Berkness, Peterson & Co judge from the troubles in other sections of the country, a fearful struggle seemed imminent and even inevitable. The steel corporation appealed to the governor for mili tia. Instead of sending troops, the governor went himself. Instead of going to the offices ot the Steel Trust and accepting the officials' version of the troubles, the gover nor mingled with the miners per sonally. He met the laborers and their leaders, and he told what they might lawfully do and what they must not do. He told them that they had the right to strike and maintain their organizations, but they must not intimidate men wh•• wanted to work. Having won the confidence of the miners, he went to the mining officials. He told them that he would be responsible for the maintenance of order and that they must not employ armed thugs to create trouble and intimi date the strikers. Several hundred such gentry had already been picked up in the slums of Chicago and were on their way to the scene of the troubles. The governor's win ning personality, tact and firm stand won the day. No violence occurred. Not a drop of blood was shed, and very quickly the miners and their employers came to an un derstanding and work was resumed. In the eyes of the mining officials and other would-be aristocrats, the governor had demeaned himself in getting into personal contact with the grimy and hard-working min ers, but the miners themselves, es pecially those with families, and all the independent business men of the ranges, appreciate fully what the governor did for them, and Mr. Nelson predicts that the handsome vote the governor will get in the iron country and the city of Duluth will be an eye-opener to the Steel Trust officials and others who are hoping to defeat him on the plea of party regularity. Mr. Nelson was a considerable loser in the recent forest fires on the range. A bank building cost ing about $40,000, in which he was interested, was entirely destroyed at Chisholm. Hibbing was only saved by a change of the wind. The force of the hurricane of fire at Chisholm was fierce. The hose of the fire company burned like so many strings, and all that remains of the sidewalks is the rows of nails. So strong was the wind that no ashes remained after the fire. Luckily, the fire occurred in the afternoon. There was no apprehen sion of danger until twenty minutes before the fire struck the town. The nearby mines provided a ref uge for the people, so that no lives were lost. Had the fire come late at night the loss of life would have been appalling. The refugees were all taken to Hibbing, where the homes were thrown open to them and all immediate wants supplied. Mr. Nelson says the relief commit tee was so overwhelmed with funds, contributed from all over the coun try, that after relieving every needy case of loss, more than $100, 000 remains. He says that no needy persons escaped, so that it is safe to denounce as a fraud any traveling beggar claiming to have lost everything in the fires on the ranges. What to do with the ex- ^i^^^ysjpss^^ Don't fail to cess relief money is b*eing consid ered. It is proposed to turn it over to the state, to be used in the case of any future emergency. When Mr. Nelson was asked to go on to the state ticket, he con sented on the score of assisting Gov. Johnson. He hardly expects to be elected himself, altho it is natural that he wishes to make as good a showing as possible. He made a flying trip thru this county last Saturday in his new 75 h. p. Thomas flyer. He arrived at New London Friday night, where he vis ited with the Ecklunds. Saturday morning he made Willmar. A message requiring him to leave at once for Butte, Mont., compelled him to make his visit here very brief. He made a pleasant call at the Tribune office, and on his invi tation Mr. Branham of the Gazette and Editor Lawson of the Tribune accompanied him as far as to Litch field, returning on the evening train. Stops were made at Kandi yohi and Atwater, where Mr. Nel son renewed old acquaintances of his family. He expects to return to this county for a more extended visit within twj or three weeks. He has a winning personality which no doubt accounts largely for his business success, and we believe that he is a young man who will be heard from in the future and one whom Kandiyohi county may well be proud of claiming as a native son. LaFollette's People For Bryan. Chicago, Sept. 30.—The demo cratic national committee is mak ing capital of the attitude of Wil liam T. La Follette, brother of Sen ator Robert M. La Follette of Wis consin, and the public bureau was jubilant yesterday when it learned that Mr. La Follette had declared in favor of Bryan for preisdent. The following interview from the senator's brother was made public: "Bob is simply supporting Mr. Taft for the sake of party regular ity, in much the same way that Mr. Bryan supported Parker four years ago. His heart, however, is with Bryan and the principles for which he stands. Bob ought to be a dem ocrat. He stands for things demo cratic. I know the feelings of the men who are the supporters of my brother in Wisconsin, and I know they are going to vote for the great commoner."—Minneapolis Journal. FOR SALE. I have a 120-acre farm located in the northeast corner of Crow Wing county, Minnesota, which I will sell for $1200. It has a good log barn with board hay shed that will hold between 25 and 30 ton one board corn crib, drive well and pump. A bout 12 acres under cultivation, some timber and a little meadow. Call on or write A. J. Ferguson, owner, 512 Third street, Willmar, Minn. 18f FARM FOR SALE. Southwest quarter of sec. 23, 2J miles southeast of Prinsburg church. Holland Township, on very easy terms. For further informa tion inquire of owner of land, D. Wubbles, Preston, Minn., Route No, 5. 27f AUCTION SALE Having decided to quit farming, I will sell at public auction on my place in Section 15, town of Woods, Chippewa County, one mile east and five miles south of Kerkhoven, 12 miles west of Wllimar and nine miles northwest of Raymond, on Thursday, October IS commencing at 9:30 o'clock a. m., the following described property, to-wit: TWELVE HEAD OF HORSES— Consisting of one black team geld ings, well matched, wt. 2750 lbs., age 7 years one well matched bay team, mare and horse, 11 and 12 years old, wt. 2400 lbs. one bay horse, 3years old, wt. 1250 lbs., well broke one good brood mare, gray, 12 years old, wt, 1250 lbs. one black brood mare, 12 years old, wt. 1300 lbs. one gray mare, 17 years old, wt. 1100 lbs. one gray horse two yearling colts, black one yearling mare colt, black. FORTY-SEVEN HEAD OF CAT TLE—Eighteen Hereford cows that will be fresh next spring, run from I to full blood twelve Hereford heifer calves from these cows, also three inill calves seven steer calves three yearling Hereford heifers one Hereford bull, Sir Edward, registered No. 119408, traces to the Britton family three Shorthorn milch cows one Holstein cow, fresh in November. 21 spring shoats 100 Plymouth Rock chick ens one Shepherd dog. FARM MACHINERY—Two lum ber wagons, one Surrey, one single buggy, one set bobsleighs, one 7 foot Deering binder, one 6-foot Deering binder, one corn binder, one 6-foot Deering mower, one 5 foot Deering mower, one 12-foot hay rake, one 20-shoe Kentucky drill, one 11-foot seeder with grass seed attachment, one iron drag, one Peru pulverizer, one Avery corn planter with 120 rods of wire, two New Departure corn plows, one John Deere *gang plow, two John Deere walking plows, one Dain hay stacker, one Dain hay bucker, one Chatham fanning mill complete, two wheelbarrows, one grindstone, one sickle grinder, some blacksmith tools, four and one-half sets good work harness and other articles too numerous to mention. HOUSEHOLD GOODS-One bed room set, one folding bed lounge, one iron bed, one cot, one 10-foot extension table, one kitchen table, two kitchen cupboards, one cook stove, one heating stove, one barrel churn, one Singer sewing machine, chairs, clock and all other house hold goods. Twenty-five acres of corn in field in west half of Sec. 14 60 tons good hay in same section also some good hay in Sec. 15, S. W. quarter. Terms: All sums under $10, cash on sums of $10 and over time till Nov. 1, 1909, on bankable notes drawing 7 per cent interest. Free lunch at noon. A. P. BERGSTRAND, Owner. B. L. Byam, Auctioneer. O. G. Hough, Clerk. 1 AUCTION SALE I will sell at Public Auction in the town of Green Lake, Section 8, on Friday, Oct. 23, beginning at 10 o'clock, the following described property: Three horses 17 head of cattle —11 milk cows (th^ee coming in in January), 1 two-year-old heifer, 2 calves, 1 bud 8 months old, 2 pair harness, 1 cream separator, 1 bin der, 1 mower, 1 three-horse drill, 1 three-horse 2 drag, wagons, 1 pair bob sleighs, 1 hayrack, 2 14-inch plows, 2 one-seated buggies, 1 brand new double buggy, 1 2-horse cul tivator, 1 1-horse cultivator, 1 2 horse hay rake (self dumper), 1 grindstone, corn in shocks, 20 tons of hay, 1 bedroom suite, 1 sewing machine, 1 extension table, 3 rock ers, 9 other chairs, 1 cook stove, 2 heaters, 2 center tables, about 150 chickens, 35 turkeys, and other ar ticles too numerous to mention. Terms: All sums of 5.00 or less, cash sums over that amount on bankable notes bearing interest at seven per cent until Nov. 1, 1909. Free lunch at noon. ANTON NELSON, Owner. A. C. Crawford, Auctioneer. F. G. Handy, Clerk. 343 AUCTION SALE Having decided to quit farming I will sell at public auction on the Elling Ellingson farm three miles south of Willmar, on Thursday, October 1 5 beginning at 10 o'clock a. m.. the following property: Two working horses, 1 colt 3 years old, 1 colt 2 years old, 8 cows coming in fresh in fall, 1 Red Polled bull, 2 calves, 9 ducks, 1 20-shoe drill, 1 seeder, 1 mower, 2 binders, 1 riding corn cultivator, 1 walking corn cultivator, 1 one-horse corn cultivator, 1 corn planter, 2 drags, 1 slush scraper, 1 disc pulverizer, 1 16-inch walking plow, 1 gang plow, 1 hay rake, 1 hay rack, 1 set dump boards, 2 narrow-tire wag ons, 1 wide-tire wagon, 2 single buggies, 2 bobsleighs, 1 fanning mill, 1 pair working harness, 1 single harness, 3 fly nets. 1 pair buggy fly nets, some hay, 30 acres corn, some oats, and other articles too numerous to mention. All sums of $5.00 or less to be cash, and sums over this amount on approved notes due in one year at 7 per cent interest. QLER EUJNGS0N. A. C. Crawford, Auctioneer. L. O. Thorpe, Clerk. Dr. C. E. Gerretson, dentist. Office in new Ruble block, Willmar TAX SALE. Notice of Tax Sale of Unrodoemod Lands in Kandiyohi County, Minne sota, Under Sections 9S«, »S7 and 938,Revised Laws of 1905. as Amend ed by Chapter 430, General Laws 1907. Pursuant to the provisions of Sec tions 936 937 and 938 of Revised Laws of 1905, as amended by Chap ter 430 General Laws 1907, notice is hereby given that on Monday the 9th day of November, 1908, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the office of the County Auditor in the Court House at Willmar in Kandi yohi County, Minnesota, all tracts or parcels of land, situate in Kandi yohi County, bid in for the State, and not assigned to purchasers or redeemed within three years from the date of the tax sale at which said parcels were offered and so bid in by the State, will be offered at public sale, and will be sold to the highest bidder therefor. No parcel will be sold for a less sum than the aggregate taxes, penalties, interests and costs charged against it, unless the cash value thereof fairly deter mined by the State Auditor, shall be less than such aggregate, provi ded, however, that all parcels bid in for the state, for the taxes of 1901, or prior years, and not as signed to purchasers, or redeemed as aforesaid, may be disposed of for one-half of the total taxes as originally assessed. Purchasers shall forthwith pay the amount of their respective bids to the County Treasurer. Said sale will begin at the time and place named above and will continue from day to day until every such tract or parcel shall have been offered for sale, under the provisions of said statutes. The list of said real property, subject to said sale, and which will be so offered for sale, unless previously redeemed, is now on file in the office of said County Auditor, and of the State Auditor of said State. Owners, or interested parties may redeem their property by pay ing the full amount due to the County Treasurer, at any time be fore sale, and within sixty (60) days after proof of service of the Notice of Expiration of Redemp tion has been filed with the County Auditor. After the Notice of Expiration of Redemption has been served, as provided in Section 956, Revised Laws 1905, the Governor is author ized to issue a deed in the name of the State, to the person entitled thereto. (See Section 938 R. L.) Dated at Willmar, Minnesota, Oc tober 7th, 1908. John Fieg, County Auditor, Kandiyohi County, Minn. Seal of County Auditor, Kandiyohi County, Minn. 344 [First publication Sept. 16—6t] SUMMONS. STATU OF MINNESOTA County of Kandiyohi In District Court, Twelfthjudicial District. Charles J. Nelson, Admini strator of the Estate of Knut P. Backlund, Deceased, Plaintiff, vs. Charles E. Dudley, A. J. Clark, Minnesota Baptist State Con vention, George W. Olney, and G. W. Olney, F. P. Olney, Min nie B. Olney, Nellie O. Eklund, Ida O. Sias, Deforest J. Sias,}SUMMONS. Carrie O. Kivley, Gunder Kiv ley, George W. Olney, Jr., Jose phine D. Olney, Warren M. Ol ney, Mabel Olney, Myrtle Fletcher, and Sarah J. Olney, sole and only heirs of Hannah E. Olney, deceased, Andrew M. Eklund, and also all_ other per-1 sons unknown claiming any right, title, estate, interest or lien in the real estate described in the complaint herein, Defendants. THE STATE OF MINNESOTA TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANTS: You and each of you are hereby summoned and re quired to answer the complaint of the plain tiff in the above entitledaction which saidcom plaint has been filed in the office of the Clerk of the above named Court, at his office in the City of Willmar, Kandiyohi County, Minnesota, and to serve a copy of your an swer to the said complaint upon tbe sub scribers at their office in the City of Willmar, said County and State, within twenty days after the service of this summons upon you, exclusive of the day of such service, and if you fail to answer the said complaint within the time aforesaid the plaintiff in this action will apply to the court for the relief deman ded in the complaint herein. Dated August 7th, A. D. 1908. R. W. STANFORD, CHARLES JOHNSON, Plaintiff, vs. I Charles E. Dudley. A. J. Clark, Minnesota Baptist State Con vention, George W. Olney, and G. W. Olney, F. P. Olney, Min nie B. Olney, Nellie O. Eklund, Ida O. Sias, Deforest J. Sias, NOTICE Carrie O. Kivley, Gunder Kivley, George W. Olney, Jr., Josephine OF LIS D. Olney, Warren M. Olney, Mabel Olney, Myrtle Fletcher, PENDENS and Sarah J. Olney, sole and only heirs of Hannah E. Olney, deceased, Andrew M. Eklund, and also all other persons un known claiming any right, title, estate, interest or lien in the real estate described in the com plaint herein, Defendants., Notice is hereby given that an action has been commenced by the plaintiff in the above entitled action, as administrator of the estate of Knut F. Backlund, deceased, and is now pending against the defendants herein, and is pending in the above named court that the object of the said action is to determine the title of the said Knut F. Backlund, de ceased, to the lands and premises hereinafter described and to debar the defendants, and each of chem, from claiming or asserting any right, title, estate, lien, claim, demand or in terest in, to or upon the lands hereinafter de scribed and to forever quiet the title of the said Knut F. Backlund to the said lands. Tbe lands and premises affected by the said action are situated in said Kandiyohi County, Minn esota, and are described as follows:—Lota one (1), two (2), three (3), four (4) and five (5) of Block nine (9) in the Village of Kan* diyohi. Dated at Willmar, Minnesota, this 7th day of August, 1908. R. W. STANFORD, CHARLESJOHNSON, wuimar, Minnesota, Attp™s*office If you intend building bring your lumber bill to our WILLMAR office and get our prices for lumber from our PRIAM lumber yard. We will save you money on a small bill as well as on a larger bill. NEW LONDON MILLING CO. [First publication Sept. 16] Citation for Hearing on Final Account and for Distribution. ESTATE OF PETER NORL.ANDER. State of Minnesota, County of Kandiyohi, In Probate Court. In the Matter of the estate of Peter Nor lander. Decedent. The State of Minnesota to all persons inter ested in the flnal account and distribution of the estate of said decedent: The representa tive of the above named decedent, having filed in this court his flnal account of adminis tration of the estate of said decedent, togeth er with his petition praying for the adjustment and allowance of said flnal account and for distribution of the residue of said estate to the persons thereunto entitled Therefore, you. and each of you, are hereby cited and required to show cause, if any you have, before this court at the Probate Court Rooms in the Court House, in the City of Willmar in the county of Kandiyohi, state of Minnesota, on the 12th day of October 1908, at 2 o'clock p. m., why said petition should not be granted. Witness, the Judge of said court, and the seal of said court, this 15th day of September, S COURT A. F. NORDIN. I SEAL. Probate Judge [First publication Sept. 16] Order Limiting Time to File Claims, and for Hearing Thereon. ESTATE OF CARRIE NORDSTROM STATE OF MINNESOTA, County of Kandiyohi, In Probate Court. In the Matter of the Estate of Carrie Nord strom, Decedent. Letters of administration this day having been granted to Samuel Nelson. It is Ordered, that the time within which all creditors of the above named decedent may present claims against his estate jn this court, be, and the same hereby is, limited to three monthsfrom and after the date hereof and that Monday the 21st day of Decem ber, 1908, at one o'clock p. m., in the Pro bate Court Rooms at the Court House at the City of Willmar in said County, be, and the same hereby is fixed and appointed as the time and place for hearing upon and the examination, adjustment and allowance of such claims as shall be presented within the time aforesaid. Let notice hereof be given by the publica tion of this order in The Willmar Tribune as provided by law. Dated Sept. 9, 190S. A. F. NORDIN, [SEAL] Judge of Probate. (First publication Sept. 23,1908) Citation for Hearing on Final Account and for Distribution. ESTATE OF KATHERINE SJODIN State of Minnesota, County of Kandiyohi, In Probate Court: In the matter of the Estate of Katherine Sjodin, Decedent: The State of Minnesota to all persons inter ested in the flnal account and distribution of the estate of said decedent: The representa tive of the above named decedent, having flit din this Court his final account of the ad ministration of the estate of said decedent, to gether with bis petition praying for the ad justment and allowance of said flnal account and for 'distribution of the residue of said estate to the persons thereunto entitled Therefore, You. and each of you, are hereby cited and required to show cause, if any you have, before this Court at le Probate Court Rooms in the Court House in the City of Will mar in the County of Kandiyohi, State of Min nesota, on the 19th day of October, 1908, at one o'clock p. m., why said petition should not be granted. Witness, The Judge of said Court, and the Seal of said Court, this 32nd day of September, 1908. COURT A. NOKDIN. I SBAL. Judge of Probate. SALE OF DITCHING JOBS. Notice is Hereby Given, That on the 15th day of October, 1908, at 2 o'clock p. in., at the county auditor's office in the city oi Willmar in the County of Kandiyohi, State of Minnesota, I will sell the jobs of digging and constructing the Ditch No. 26 Of Kan diyohi county, established by the Board of County Commissioners of Kandiyohi coun ty, State of Minnesota, by their order bear ing date February 20th, 1908, viz: For the work as one job, and also for one or more sections of lOO feet each, and also for one or more of the construction jobs, each of said sections to be known and numbered by stakes as shown by the report of the Engi neer in said matter, commencing at the one including the outlet, and from thence, suc cessively, up stream to the one including the source, to the lowest responsible bidder or bidders, and that bids are invited for said work said work to be completed within the time required, and in the manner specified, in said engineer's report. And no bid will be entertained which exceeds more than thirty (30) per cent over and above the estimate cost of tbe construction, in any case, as stat-' ed in the said order and the successful bid der will be required to give a satisfactory bond, to be approved by the Auditor of said County, with two freehold sureties, for the faithful performance and fulfillment of his con tract, and to pay all damages that may ac crue by reason of his failure to complete the job within the time required in the contract. The said order and estimates and profile arc on file, and may be seen at my office. The approximate amount of work to be done in the construction of such ditch is as follows: Stations 90 88 24% 33 92 4-7 81 81 52 91 75 8 16 47 Main Ditch Branch No. 1 Branch No. 2 Branch No. 3 Branch No. 4 Branch No. 5 Branch No. 6 Branch No. 7 Branch No. 8 Branch No. 9 Branch No. 10 Branch No. 11 Branch No. 12 Branch No. 13 Attorneys for plaintiff. Willmar, Minnesota, Postofficc Building. NOTICE OF LIS PENDENS. STATE OF MINNESOTA 1 Vss County of Kandiyohi In District Court, Twelfth Judicial District. Charles J. Nelson, Administrator! of the Estate ot Knut F. Back lund, Deceased. I Cubic Yds. 34,289 10,130 2,827 4.S80 18,016 5,4-8.r 12,590 8,229 4,468 5,544 6,776 749 1,283 5,266 306 feet of 10-inch tile to be laid in Branch No. 5 918 feet of 15-inch tile to be laid in Branch No. 9, and 306 feet of 6-inch tile to be laid in Branch No. 13. The estimated total cost of the work is $14,142 and 09-10O Dollars. All bids must be accompanied by a certified check payable to the Auditor ot said County, for not less than ten per cent ot the amount of each bid. The right to reject any and all bids is here by reserved. Dated September 21st, 1908. [SEAL] JOHN FEIG, County Auditor Kandiyohi County, 323 State of Minnesota. WILLMAR'S FURRIER. Being equipped with a fur sew ing machine, I am prepared to do all kinds of fur work and repairing. Bring in your furs that you wish sewed, and your fur coats and jack ets that need repairing before next winter. Now is the time to have the work done. John Walmark, 13f 221 Fourth St. It is better to have a deed ao good farm than to carry a check book, for it will provide you a home and food for the family. See the .- Western Land Securities Co.'a local Bundtagijagent, A. H. Brown, about it. -As _i *•***&-. The Automatic DREW Carrier necessity in well regulated barns. Saves time and money. Dumps in yard or on wagon. Turns curves and switches. Manure dumped 100 feet from barn if desired. Don't waste your time and efforts with a wheelbarrow. A boy 12years old can easily clean barn. Send me a diagram of ynar barn, and I will be glad to rurnisli estimate of cost, etc. ANTON JACOBSON, New London, Minn. Aprnt for Kandiyohi County aud west hafl of Stearns County. PRACTICAL SALESMAN and LICENSED AUCTIONEER If you wish to become acquaint ed with the best marketable prices for your live stock and farm a a place your Auction Sales with me. Long experience with stock Wide va'ues of live acquaintance with feeders buyers and Keep thoroughly posted on demand for stock in all sections Special efforts to induce buyers to at tend sales Perfect satisfaction guaranteed Remember I am at your service at reasonable rates CALL PHONE NO. "269 AT MY EXPENSE B. S. BYAM Willmar, Minn. Post Cards! Post Cards! Post Cards! KANDIYOHI COUNTY SUBJECTS. No better way of advertising the beauty of the county than by sending your greetings to friends all over tlie world on the post cards published by the Tribune Printing Co. Subjects now published arc the following: Big Kandiyohi Lake, East beach of. Norway Lake, two views combined. Swenson Lake, Nos. 1 and 2. Little Kandiyohi Lake. Henderson Lake. Twin Lakes. Eagle Lake, double cards. Lake Florida. Lake of Hefta, showing Blue Hills in distance. Sunburg Store. Lake Elizabeth Buttcrtown. Baptist Church Lake Elizabeth—old and new. Raymond High School. New London High School. East Norway Lake U. L. Church. West Lake Church. West Norway Lake Church. Other subjects in preparation, this column. Watch Our Cards are for sale by the following dealers: Elfstrum's Drug Store, Willmar. Carlson Bros.& Frost Drugstore, Willmar Rice's Confectionery, Willmar. Chase's Variety Store, Willmar. Palm's Bakery, Willmar. Geo. Negaard, Drugstore, Raymond. S. E. Peterson, Drugstore, Atwater. Johnson & Peterson, Kandiyohi. Aug. Gabrielson, Kandiyohi. Spicer Drug Co., Spicer. Edw. Lungstrom, New London. J. Ed. Nelson, Svea. Melin & Johnson, Lake Elizabeth. Walbv Bros. Store, Harrison. Elmquist's Jewelry Store, Willmar. If your dealer cannot supply you, we wil mail to any address, any subject or assorted, two for five cents. Comic cards, printed from cartoon's published in Tribune will be mailed at the rate of 3 for 5 cents. Send for an assortment of our post cards to have on hand for sending greetings and brief messages to your friends. TRIBUNE PRINTING CO. WILLMAR, MINNESOTA.