Newspaper Page Text
Willmar Markets Corrected Oct. 1 4 1 0 0 8 Prices on creamery butter,Uour, bran, snort* and apples, arc dealers' selling prices, all othe? are prices paid to producers. Wheat, N 1 Northern 96M..C Wheat No 2 94-yac V\ heat, No 3 02Vj Wheat, No 4 S"Vs Wheat rejected "SW,C Wheat, No. VeHct Chaff. *."c, No. 'J Velvet Chaff. «2 W luat No. 3 elvet Chaff 79c lieat, N Dm tun 70o Wheat, No. 2 Ptirtmi 77c heat, No. '.I I'mu 74-c heat. No. 4 Durum 71c O.K* a7c to 4Uc Ba U-\ l-'Jc to Plat.'. $ 1 0 2 $ 1 1 0 live '7c to 01 Corn «*0c fancy $ 3 0 0 Flour, straight $ 2 0 0 Bran OO Short OO Hay $4-.00 to $fi.OO a to -r,0c Beans $2 2 3 per bushel a a to 3'/ac a »vff«s -'Vc Butter, separator 20c to J4c Butter, dairy ISt to 2(»c Cream (hurterfat) 6 a V.5 UO $ 4 0 0 Sheep $2..~o to $ 3 r0 Chickens Oc Sotin Chickens 8 Beei'steets $ 3 0 0 $ Piefcows $3.00c live $ 5 0 0 to $.".50 V-al calves $ 3 5 0 to 4 0 0 Kides 4e Woo 14c to 15c MISCELLANEOUS WANT COLUM N FOR RENT—Two rooms suitable far small office. Call at Tribune, FOUND -Head for Meerschaum 1 ipe. Call at this office. FOUND—An automobile lamp. Call at this office. FURNISHED ROOM S FOR RENT—Apply at 329 Becker Ave. W. 21f WANTED—Board and room for three children. Apply at this office. 331pf WANTED—Competent girl for general housework. Mrs. Russell Spicer. 30f WANTED Competent girl for general housework. Mrs. G. E. Qvale, 135 Litchfield Ave. E. 33f FOR SALE—Lots and acres in dlarum's addition. Inquire of An detson Land Co., Willmar, Minn. 7f FOR SALE—18i acres on the noith shove of Green Lake. Apply to William Olson, Spicer Minn. 35 WANTED —A girl for general housewoik corner of 10th St. and Becker Ave. Mrs. C. E. Gerret r.on. 3 If WANTED—Young *eam for do livery woik. Weight between 1000 and 1100 lbs. Inquire of at this office. ROOMS TO LET-One steam heat, two in private house, fur nished or unfurnished. Ames. 321 W A N E D— High school boy vvanlii to work for his board and room. Inquire at the Tribune office. 31f ROOM FOR RENT—Furnished room, heated and lighted centrally located. Gentleman preferred, inquire at thi^ office. 28f FOR RENT—A 160-acre im proved farm, 8 miles north of Will mar. Apply to H. T. Olson, 734 A street telephone 455. 35f FOR RENT—Two rooms and eloet can be used for light house keeping heater and bedroom fui nished 314 Lake Avenue. 35 TIMBER LOT—I have a 10 acre timber lot for sale in Norway Lake woods. Inquiie at my farm at Norway Lake. Gabriel Stenc. 21 WANTED-A renter for a 320 acre farm with good buildings, lo i-ated two miles from Willmar. In quiie at the office of Geo. II. Ot icrness. 33f LOST—A small, light-brown dog with collar on. Answers to the name of "Curry." Finder will re ceive reward by calling at 308 Sev enth Stieet. 35f LOST—At the Willmar Opera Hou^e last Thursday evening, a child's cross and chain with initial "A" on it finder please leave at this office for reward. 1 HORSES FOR SALE-I have a few young horses fdr sale at my farm in Section 13 town of St. Johns. Address, A. C. Brown, Willmar, Minn., Route 4. 32flp FOR SALE—A nice, well im pioved 40-acre farm, close to limits of Willmar. For price further paiticulars see A Brown, Willmar, Minn. city and H. 31f ARE YOU PLANNING ON MOV ING TO MINNEAPOLIS? We are dealers in Minneapolis property and can give you valuable information regarding the city free of charge. Address WALSTAD PEARSON CO.. 247 Security Bank Bldg., Minneapolis. 332 FARMS FOR RENT. We have two good farms for rent, located close to the city. 33f CRAWFORD & LESLIE. "The Girl and the Gawk" was presented to one of the smallest houses of the season at the opera house last Thursday evening. The play contained a good deal of the elements essential to make a suc cessful appeal to the attention and sympathy of the audience, and on the whole it was well presented. The next attraction comes tonight, "The Holy City," and judging from the splendid press notices it has re cieved wherever it has been pro duced, Willmar theater goers have a treat in store for them. The Dougherty Stock company, which also comes well recommended, will hold the boards all of next week. We sell Guns and Traps cheap and Buy Furs and Hides. Write for catalogue No. 23. N. W. Hide & Fur Co., Minneapolis. 2813 What's The Use? Of feeding that horde of rats that is moving into your houses these cold nights when a box of Com mon Sense Rat Extermin ator will lay out a whole Army of rats. Only 25c a box at ELFSTRUM A GO'S PHftRMAOY I A W W '••••••••••••••••••••Mar ANDREW EMANUEL PETERSON. The grim reaper, Death, visited at the R. A. Peterson home in town of Gennessee on Tuesday, Oct. 6, and took away their oldest son An drew, after a long illness. He has been failing in health for several years, being a sufferer from the dread disease tuberculosis of the spine. On April 16, 1906, he un derwent an operation and ever since has been unable to care for himself. He suffered a great deal during those long two and one-half years, but was never heard to complain. He was always patient and bore all in good faith of a better home above. He was not afraid to die, but patiently awaited the time to come when he could leave this world for a better one. Every thing that medical skill and aid and efficient care could do was done for him, but rll in vain, so he passed away Tuesday at 4:15 p. m. to "sleep the long sleep." Andrew Emanuel Peterson was born in Minneapolis on Sept. 8, 1881. When a mere child he came with his parents to this town and settled on their farm here, where he has resided ever since. He leaves to mourn his death, besides his parents, three sisters, Anna, Emma and Esther, and two brothers, El mer and Martin, all residing at home. He also leaves a large num ber of other relatives and friends. The funeral was held last Friday afternoon at one o'clock from the house and at three o'clock at the Swedish Lutheran church of At water. Rev. Norile of the Nor wegian Lutheran church officiated. The interment took place in the Union cemetery south of town. The pall bearers were Emil E. An derson, Albert Peterson, Louis Mattson, Chas. Clausen, Bernard Flygare and Alex Quist. Those from afar who attended the funeral were Mrs. J. A. Carlson of Minnea polis, Mrs. G. M. Rose and Mrs. Olof Dan-in of Waverly and Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Peterson of Olivia. The sorrowing family has the sympathy of the entire community. MRS. MARY CLEARY. Mrs. Mary Cleary died Sunday morning at her home in the First AUCTION SALE! As I expect to remove from the state, I will sell at public auction at my farm in Section 30, township of Lake Lillian, nine miles north of Oilvia and about seventeen miles southeast of Willmar, on Friday, Cctober 30th, beginning at 10 o'clock sharp, the following described property: HORSES—One bay mare 7 years old, one colt three years old, two colts 2 years old, two colts 1 year old, one spring colt 5 months old, one gray horse 16 years old, one span gray mares 7 and 8 years old. 90 head of sheep, black-faced, in very good condition and of the very best stiains 40 head of shoats, 3 brood sows, 1 boar pig about half of these shoats are graded Poland China, the others are graded Duroc Jerseys. EIGHTEEN HEAD OF CATTLE —8 head of good milch cows five will be fresh in about two weeks, the other three are giving milk now 8 head of steers—five 2-year olds and three yearlings 1 yearling heifer, 1 bull coming two years old. About 100 chickens. FARM MACHINERY—One 7 foot McCormick binder one 6-foot McCormick mower one 10-foot Mc Cormick hay rake one 17-shoe Van Brunt drill one end gate seeder one Moline gang plow one Han cock disc gang plow two breaking plows one corn planter one culti vator on* broad tired wagon one hay rack two pair bobsleighs one carriage, nearly new one old plat form buggy one set of very heavy separator trucks one 1-hole corn shsller one fanning mill two sets of work harness one 20-barrel steel water tank one steel windmill for pumping 25 tons of hay one share in the Kandiyohi County Telephone Co. HOUSEHOLD GOODS—One No. 4 Sharpless cream separator one piano box organ, made by the St. Paul Organ Co. one extension table two kitchen tables two dressers one center table one steel couch one lounge one rocking chair one baby carriage three iron beds some kitchen chairs a quan tity of rag carpets one washing machine one soft coal heating stove one cook stove, and various other articles too numerous to men tion. Terms: All sums of $5.00 and less, cash on all sums over that amount time will be given on bank able notes bearing interest at 7 per cent, until Nov. 1, 1909. Free lunch will be served at noon. ALBERT FRANKSON, Owner. A. C. Crawford, Auctioneer. F. G. Handy, Clerk. 353 ward. Death came as a result of a stroke of paralysis which the de ceased suffered late Saturday even ing. Deceased was.about 56 years of age at the time of death. Her husband, Michael Geary, died last spring. Seven children are left to mourn the death of a kind mother —Stasia, Joe, William, James, Frank and Margaret, of this city, and Mrs. C. J. Schott of Brecken ridge. The funeral occurred this morning and the remains were laid at rest in the Catholic cemetery. IM N O O The Tribune reporter went to Pennock last Monday and he found that it was all there and everybody doing va big business at the same old stands. Pennock is not a new town. It started to smoke up in the early seventies, and it is still smoking. It has everything to make a first class town, from a church, a school system with an enrollment of over 50, and a bank with a capital of $10,000, a surplus of $2500 and $50,000 deposits, to two up-to-date general stores, two elevators, three blacksmith shops and a post office. But best of all, it has a "town spirit." for the Pen nockites are proud of their little burg. And the reporter found most of them to be genial, kind and obliging, and that is another thing that speaks well for a town. The Tribune is planning to keep the rest of the world informed as to what Pennock is doing or plan ning to do, and to that end has granted the reporter a leave of ab- m*m0** An Extensive Line of ence every Monday afternoon, when he will be there and try to find out "who is who, and why,"and "what is what, and what-not." The drawing for lands on the Rosebud reservation has attracted a number of people from this neigh borhood. John Ostlund, Gunder Haug and R. G. Rasmusson have al ready been there, and Fred Butler, Fred Frederickson and Geo. Ander son are planning to go. Those who have been there found the country to their liking, tho a little dry. Mamre has been struck by Auto mobiliousness. That is, on Mon day Louis Tuevson. the well liked Mamre buttermaker, took unto himself a "Black" automobile, which he purchased while in the city some time ago. Before leav ing town he gave a number of his friends a ride, and they all testify both as to the several good points about the machine as well as to the efficiency of the operator. 'Peter Ellingson, of the Nelson & Johnson general store, and his fami ly were in Willmar Sunday and were among those who attended the confirmation services at the Free church. Miss Alma Nelson was one of the confirmands. A Taft-Jacobson club has been organized with a membership of 53. Peter Greenfield is president and Albert Floren secretary. A new Waterbury heating plant is being installed at the school house. On account of the strenuous com petition going on between the ele vators at Kerkhoven, wheat trading has been rather dull here for some time. But then a difference of TO SECURE SOME VALUES IT IS OUR CUSTOM ONCE A YEAR otNo. 6071 6058 6080 6081 6009 6009 6111 5155 5156 6202 6158 from 5 to 10 cents a bushel is worth while, and one can't blame the farmers very much for wanting to gel all they can. There was a good attendance at a political meeting held Wednesday evening at the town hall. The meeting was addressed by Elmquist, republican candidate for railroad and warehouse commissioner, and Senator L. 0. Thorpe. The Young People's society of the St. Johns church will meet at the home of Bendick Erickson next Friday evening. There will be a literary program and refreshments will be served. Miss Ida Dahlman, sales*ady at Nelson Johnson's store, spent Sun day at her home in Mamre. Misses Alma Lindgren and Olive Greenfield are preparing a program to be given at the schoolhouse next Friday afternoon by the literary so ciety of the secondary department. C. J. Akerson finished threshing last Wednesday. It was the most successful season he ever had. The last 26 days were put in without a A Fe Mor Day Left BLANKET S TTlTlSraNGSf^ in the early fall, to place before our customers Cotton and Wool Blankets at greatly reduced prices. These sales have made us many friends who appreciate the unusual values that we have placed before them. Our line of blankets differ greatly from the ordinary lines. We handle standard sizes only and every blanket holds its measurements. The borders are fast colors and exclusive designs. On the Numbers, on which we quote you prices below, we can Save you 25 per cent during this sale. Name Size Winton 10 by 4 Glencoe 10 by 4 Glascow 11 by 4 Telford 11 by 4 Trojan 11 by 4 Glenora 11 by 4 Thistle 12 by 4 Extra heavy Twill 11 by 4 Extra heavy Twill 11 by 4 Godiva 11 by 4 Gardner 12 by 4 Color White Tan and Gray We have a large and varied line of fancy cotton blankets suitable for lounging robes etc. at from $2 to $3. Cotton and wool Crib Blankets, 50 cents to $2.50 a pair. North Star wool Blankets, in all sizes and colors, $5 to $10 a pair. All our comforters are HOME MADE. They are made right here in Willmar under the most sanitary comditions. Nothing but the best quality cotton used. Best quality Challie Comforters, $3.00. Best quality Silkaline Comforters, $3.50. PETERSON & WELLIIM, Price 6f)C 65c. 87c. 87c. $1.20 $1.20 $1.25 $1.37 $1.37 $1.85 $195 Gray Tan Tan Gray Tan* Gray Tan Gray Gray (extra heavy) WILLMAR, MINN. hitch of any kind, a rather remark able record for a threshing outfit. Mr. Akerson has just commenced work on his new residence, which is to be built immediately outside the village limits. He expects to have it completed by Christmas. There will be a grand ball at the town hall next Saturday evening. An orchestra in charge of Julius Larson will furnish music. S3 MAftftlAGE LICENSES Oct. 7—William A. Mardin to Florence Ridgway Fred Broers to Annie Wessels. Oct. 9—Michal Pederson to Dina Hanson. Oct. 10—William Henderson to Esther F. Gabrielson married on the following day by Rev. E. W. Akers of Atwater. Oct. 12—Martin A. Ellingboe to Anna Jorgenson. Oct. 13—George Henry Hoyt to Nettie Ora Williams. FOR SALE OR TRADE. Six Registered Shorthorn cattle —three bulls and three heifers, about 18 months old. Will sell cheap or trade for a good riding horse. Can be seen at Medayto Stock Farm, Green Lake. 352 J. M. SPICER. There will be asocial at the home of Mrs. Stewart on Eat Litchfield avenue next Friday evening, the 16th. This social is in charge of Mesdames Stewart, Stiger and Walker. It is given for the benefit of St. Mary's church, and every body is invited. MATCHLESS IN ^^%,% %%%%'^%%%^%^^^^m^^^^^%»% %.^fv%^^t We All Agree That every man should have a bank account. Saving money strengthens character and promotes business interests, helps one's reputation and establishes credit, leads to a home and provides for old age and sickness. We cordially invite your banking business. AUCTION SALE! As I am going to leave my place, I will sell at public auction at my place in SECTION 20, TOWN OF LAKE LILLIAN, 11 miles north of Olivia, on Monday, November 2d, 1908 commencing at 10 o'clock a. m. sharp, the following described prop erty: One mare 13 years old, 1 horse 12 years old, 1 mare 7 years old, 1 horse 8 years old, 1 colt 2 years old, 1 mare colt 6 months old, 1 horse colt 7 months old, 5 milch cows, 4 heifers 5 months old, about 150 chickens, 30 ducks, one 6-foot mow er, one 17-shoe drill, 1 hay rake, 1 dies, blacksmith tools, 2 corn culti vators, one 5-horse power gasoline engine, one feed mill, one 7-foot binder, 1 sulky plow, 1 walking plow, 2 lumber wagons, 1 new ma nure spreader, 2 drags, 1 bobsleigh, 1 platform buggy, 1 hay rack, 1 set work harness, about 25 ton hay, 1 coal heating stove, 1 kitchen range, 1 diningroom table, 1 kitchen table, 10 diningroom chairs, 2 rocking chairs, 1 writing desk, 3 bedsteads, 1 bed spring, household goods and other articles too numerous to men tion. FREE LUNCH AT NOON. Terms: All sums of $5.00 or un der, cash on sums over that amount time will be given until Nov. 1, 1909, on approved notes bearing in terest at the rate of 7 per cent per annum. ANDREW LOF, Owner. A. C. Crawford, Auctioneer. F. G: Handy, Clerk. 353 [First publication Oct. 1 4 3 Auditor's Notice of Hearing on Petition in Ditch Pro ceedings. STATE OF MINNESOTA 1 Vgga of Kandiyoh In the a of the Petitio of Oluf O Ellingson and others, for a Public Ditch in the of Kandiyohi Stat of Minne sota designated and numbered as Ditch No 2 9 Notice is hereby given, at a petition as been filed in the office of the Audito of said county praying for the construction of a public ditch, designated and numbered by the Auditor of such county as county ditch No 2 9 A I N I The main ditch commences at a point bear ing N. 78 1 5 E from the center oi the SE J/t of Section 3 2 T. 1 2 2 R. 3 6 and 4-50 leet distant, thence running north and east in to the N. ys of the S. W. of Sec. 3 3, T. 1 2 2 R. 3 6 thence in a general easterly course to the N. E. 14 of the S. E 14 of Sec. 3 3 1 2 2 R. 3 6 Thence north easterly to and thru the N. W. 14 of Sec. 3 4 T. 1 2 2 R. 3 6 Thence southeasterly thru the N. E of the a me section. Thence southeasterly thru the S. y2 of the N. W. of Sec. 3 5 T. 1 2 2 R. 3 6 and into the N. E. 14 of the S. VV. 14, thence northeasterly thru the N. E 14. all of Sec. 35 T. 1 2 2 R. 36 thence in a general northeasterly course thru 1 of Sec. 3 6 and into N a Lak as its out let. Branch N 1. Commence near the center of the S. E. y. of tlie N. E. of Sec. 3 T. 1 2 1 R. 36 running in a northerly course 2 9 0 0 feet into the S. E. S E %. of Sec. 3 4 T. 1 2 2 R. 3 6 thence northeasterly into the N. W. 14 of the S. W. 14 of Sec. 3 5 T. 1 2 2 R. 36 thence northwesterl thru the N. E of the S. E 14 and thru S. E. of the N. E. %, all of Sec. 34 T. 1 2 2 R. 3 6 and into the a in ditch as its outlet. Branch No 2 Commence on the N. Section line of Sec. 34, T. 1 2 2 R. 36 5 8 0 feet W. of the N. E. corner, thence runs S. 17 1 5 E 1 6 4 0 feet to the main ditch as its outlet. Branch N 3 Commence at a point, bearing from the E. y» quarter corner on the north line of Sec. 2 6 T. 1 2 2 R. 36.—S. 17 3 0 W., and distant therefrom 4 5 5 feet. Thence running in a south easterly course thru the N. E 14 of the N. E 14. Thence in a general southerly course thru the E. of the N. E. and the s. E. 14, all of Sec. 2 6 1 2 2 R. 36 Thence thru the N. E corner of the N. E of the N. E of Section 2 5 T. 1 2 2 R. 3 6 thence southeasterl into 1 of Sec. 3 6 to the a in ditch as its outlet as appears by the report of the Engineer hereinafter mentioned and at the names of the of the lands and the names of the municipal and other corporations at will be affected by the construction of said ditch, as appears in the report of the viewers hereinafter mentioned are as follows, to-wit a a on Aason Olaus Ellingson, Ole Ringness, Cornelius Kuudson Ounder H. Olson, Ole Olson Flolo Theodor Gilbertson, Johnso Rustad P. T. Paaverud E a L. Weig, a a el Weig, Christian Knudson Severin Hattlestad Albert Ellingson, B. Espeseth, Crick Knudson Nels H. a a Ole Erickson, Ole O. a a Engebrit S. Wold, E an Thorson A a K. so C. O. Pladson Carl Finstad B. Knudson Toste Boardson a Peterson, Mrs. Asse N. Iver O. Thorsrud, Ole Quie, Even Olson, Thore Evanson E a Weig, Albert O. Ellingson, Jaco O. Olson, O a A. Espelin, of Arctander, a municipal cor poration, of N a Lake a municipal corporation. And at the engineer appointed by the county board of said county to a a sur vey of the route of said ditch as completed his and a due report thereon, and filed the a me in the office of said auditor and at the viewers appointed by said county board to view the a me a completed their and filed their report thereon in the office of said county auditor. And that therefore, the county board of Kandiyoh county state of Minnesota will hold a special meeting on Thursday the 1 2 th day of November, 1 9 0 8 at the auditor's office in the city of Willmar, in the said county at 2 o'clock M. of said day for hearing and consideration of said peti tio and of said surveyor's and viewers' re port thereon and at all persons interested in the construction of said ditch are invited to appear and be heard by and before said board at said time for or against the construction of said ditch. JOH N I Audito of a S E A FIRST NATIONAL BANK, WILLMAR. MINN. of Minnesota Date this 1 0 a of Oct., 1 9 0 8 4 If tired of paying rent, buy a home on the installment plan from the Crawford Leslie Otos Land Agency. 27f 3 5 4 Citation for Hearing on Petition for Determination'of Descent of Land. E S A E O N E S LARSON Stat of Minnesota of Kandiyohi in Probat Court In the matter of the estate of Nels Larson decedent. The Stat of in a to all persons interested in the determination of the descent of the real estate of said decedent: Th pe tition of Lena Larson is N Rodlund, Nels N. Rodlund and Ole N. Rodlun a in been filed in this court, representing at said decedent died more an five years prior to the filing thereof, leaving certain real estate in said petition described, and at no will of decedent as been proved nor administsatio of said estate granted in this state and praying at the descent of said real estate be determined by this court: Therefore you and each of you are hereby cited and and required to cause, if a you have before this court at the a Cour in the Cour Hous in the city of Willmar in the count of Kandiyohi a of Minnesota on the 16t day of November 19C8, at one o'clock M., said peti tio should be granted Witness the Judge of said eourt, and the seal thereof, this 7t day of October, 1 0 0 8 (COURT) A. NORD1N, I S E AL Probat Judge. [First publication Oct. 14.1 Citation for Hearing on Final Account and for Distribution. E S A E O AGNET E CHRISTIANSEN S a of Minnesota, County of Kandiyohi, in Probate Court. In the Matter of the Estat of Agnet Christiansen, decedent The S a of Minnesota to all persons inter este in the final account and distribution of the estate of said decedent: The representa tive of the above named decedent, having filed in this court his final account of adminis tration of the estate of said decedent, togeth er with his petition praying for the adjustment and allowance of said final account and for distribution of the residue of said estate to the persons thereunto entitled Therefore, you, and each of you, are hereby cited and required to show cause, if any you have, before this court at the Probate Court Rooms in the Court House, in the City of Willmar in the county of Kandiyohi, state of Minnesota, on the 9th day of Novembe 1908, at one o'clock why said petition should not be granted. Witness, the Judge of said court, and the seal of said court, this 13th day of October. 1908. S COURT I A. P. NOHDIN. I SEAL, Probate Judge. GEO. H. OTTKRNESS, Attorney for Petitioner, Willmar. Minn. [First publication Sept. 1 6 6 SUMMONS. S A E O I N N E S O A Kandiyoh:i( In District Court Tw'elfthjudicial District. Charles J. Nelson, Admini strato of the Estat of F. Backlund, Deceased, Plaintiff, vs. Charles E Dudley, A. J. Clark, Minnesot a Baptis S a Con vention, George W Olney, and G. W. Olney, Olney, Min nie B. Olney, Nellie O. Eklund, Ida O. Sias, Deforest J. Sias, Carrie O. Kivlcy, Gunder Kiv ley, George W Olney, Jr., Jose phine D. Olney, Warren M.Ol ne3', Mabe Olney, jr Fletcher, and Sara J. Olney, sole and only heirs of a ah E. Olney, deceased, Andre Eklund, and also all other per sons claiming any right, title, estate, interest or lien in the real estate described in the complaint herein, ^SUMMONS Defendants. E S A E O I N N E S O A O E A O E N A E E E N A N S Yo and each of are hereby summoned and re quired to answer the complaint of the plain tin" mthe.abovee titled action which saidcom plaint has been filed in the office of the Clerk of the above a Court, at his office in the Cit of Willmar, Kandiyoh County Minnesota and to serve a copy of your an swe to the said complaint upon the sub scribers at their office in the Cit of Willmar, said and State within a after the service of this upon exclusive of the a of such service, and if you fail to answer the said complaint within the time aforesaid the plaintiff in this action will apply to the court for the relief deman ded in the complaint herein. Date Augus 7th A. D. 1 9 0 8 R. W. S A N O A E S JOHNSON Attorney for plaintiff. Willmar, Minnesota Postoffice Building. N O I E O LI S E N E N S S A E O I N N E S O A of Kandiyoh In District Court Twelft Judicial District. Charles J. Nelson. Administrato 1 of the Estat ot Back lund, Deceased. Plaintiff. s. 1 Charles E Dudley, A. J. Clark, in so a Baptis S a Con-1 vention, George W Olney, and I G. W. Olney, Olney, Min nie B. Olney, Nellie O. Eklund I Ida O. Sias, Deforest J. Sias, I NOTIC E Carrie O. Kivley, Gunder Kivley, 1 George W Olney, Jr., Josephine D. Olney, Warre Olney, Mabe Olney, Myrtl Fletcher, E N E N S and S a ah J. Olney, sole and only heirs of a ah E Olney, deceased, Andre Eklund, and also all other persons un claiming a right, title, estate interest or lien in the real estate described in the com plaint herein, OF LI S Defendants, Notice is hereby given at an action as been commenced by the plaintiff in the above entitled action, as administrator of the estate of Backlund, deceased, and is pending a a in the defendants herein, and is pending in the above named court at the object of the said action is to determine the title of the said Backlund, de ceased, to the lands and premises hereinafter described a to debar the defendants, and each* of chem from claiming or asserting a right, title, estate lien, claim, demand or in terest in, to or on the lands hereinafter de scribed and to forever quiet the title of the said Backlund to the said lands. Th lands and premises affected by the said action are situated in said Kandiyoh County Minn so a a are described as follows:—Lota one (1) 2 three (3) four (4 and five (5) of Block nine (9) in the Village of a divohi. Date at Willmar, Minnesota this 7 a of August 1 9 0 8 R. W S A N O A E S JOHNSON Attorney for Plaintiff. Willmar, Minnesota Postoffice Building. Tin Roofs! Now is the time to paint your tin roof. We have an IVORY BLACK ELASTIC PAINT that is "guaranteed forfiveyears when two coats are applied." The price is $1.25 a gallon. ELFSTRUM & CO.