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MERR CHRISTMAS! An Acceptable Christmas Gift. Box of 25 ELSA Cigars for $1.00 Little P. & J's. 12 in a Box, 50c 25 in a Box, $1.00 P. & J's 25 in a box let the Willmai Broom Factory supply you with the brooms you need Every broom guaranteed We make biooms for all put poses, nieluding barn brooms Phone '-7L 35f Price $2.50 to $5 3 5 A B'ssell's "Cyco" Bearing Carpet Sweeper affords a great amount of satis faction, cheer and comfort in sickness It brightens and refreshes the sick room without noise, effort or dust $6.50 Sleepy Hollow Turkish Rocker, like cut upholstered with genuine No 1 leather frame of golden oak By far the most com fortable and best low priced Rocker its kind ever shown in Willmar Only $1.75 P. & J's, 25 in a Box (""Jg*") $2.00 Full Value For The Money That is What You Get When You Buy a Person & Johnson Cigar The manufacturers aim to put into each cigar the highest tobacco value that can be given for the money. Whether you buy a & 10c dear, or an ELSA, or a LITTLE & J, or a MARAVILLA you cret the best cigar that can be bought for the money Person & Johnson, Manufacturers WILLMAR, MINN j* HAPPY NE W YEAR! Tne best Xmas gift for \our boy or girl would £be a course in trie Litt.e Falls ^Business College. Every customer of Elkjer's S*udio are loud in their praises of Elkj r's Photos. 39tf BUY YOUR There's every advantage in buying early. Stocks are complete in every r^s pect giving jou choice of all the latest things, and in addition light now we aie quoting siiecully reduced prices to induce you to buy early and thus relieve us of the later Christmas rush NOTE—It not ready to have goods delivered we will hold thern and deliver when wanted $6.5f 0 Andre Peterson. A Great Sale ol Pianos. A list that is the biggest that has ever been compiled, comprising fine pianos, has just been issued by Lyon & Healy. This list contains the names of the hundreds of fine, new pianos and slightly-used pianos being offered at a forced sale ow ing to re-building operations by Lyon & Heaty. Full and trust worthy particulars of each mstiu ment are given, so that the buyer may judge for himself whether or not the piano is a bargain. The figures quoted are phenom enally low. Lyon & Healy are mak I mg a determined eftort to close out all these great stocks of instruments within the next 30 days, and the prices have been reduced with this object in view. Send for a copy of this list. If you do not wish to pay all cash for a piano, you can arrange Tor month ly payments. Address Lyon & Healy, 10 Adams street, Chicago. Lyon & Healy exribit the largest and most varied stock of pianos in the woild—over 1,000 instruments. T. M. Find ley, Pastor Evangelist of the St Cloud Presbyter}, passed thru Willmar Monday on his way home to Spicer from Forest City, where he had been present on Sun day at the opening services of the Presbyterian church lately organ ized there thru the efforts of a com mittee consi ting of himself, Rev L. Colyn and Hon. O H. Campbell, of Litchfield. Fifteen adults were baptized, and 32 leceived into mem bership. The church will be servtd by Rev. Lacey of Manila, Iowa, who has been called to sup ply the pulpit of the Presbytenan chuich in Litchfield. N. Nel-on, formerly a student at the Semmai and a member of the class of '03, visited with Will mat friends a couple of days la^f week. Fo lowing the death of his mother, Nelson lented out their farm home rear Giove City, and he was now on hii, way to Litchfield, wheie he mav be employed as as sistant in a lawvei's cffice SECTIONAL BOOK-CASE S The simple and non-confusing "Gunn" Sectional System. Encourage system and provide a place for every record where it is accessible at all times. AH sections in the "Gunn" Filing System are interchangeable, giving uniform front This is another one of our splendid medium priced Rockers. It has saddle wood seat, and is finished weathered oak, also imper ial golden oak. Your choice of finish Only 4ifll* $6.00 tihfr*. THE PRIDE OF SUNBURG New Schoolhouse Was Dedicated With Appropriate Exercises. A Historical Sketch. Sunburg, Dec. 2.—Last Saturday evening marked an important epoch in the histoiy of School District No. 59, town of Norway Lake an event which will no doubt prove it self to have been an educational up lift to the community—namely, the dedication of the new schoolhouse in the district. At 6:30 p. the time set for the opening exercises, the capacious building was filled t" its utmost ca pacity by ardent and eager visitors from far and near, in spite of the bad condition of the roads. The progiam opened with the singing of "America" by the choir and the audience, aftei which Hon. A. Gandrud in a few well chosen wotds exmessed the purpose of the gathering and gave a hearty greet ing of welcome. A selection of music by the Han en orchestra was next lendeied. followed by a recitation and drill oy the pupils. Supt. W. D. Fre denckson then gave an address in which he explained the real mean ing of education and the logical way of obtaining same He plead ed strongly for co-operation of par ents and teacher in the school work as well as for other essential requi sites of a good school. Following this were a few songs, recitations and drills by the pupils. The choir then sang a song, "March of toe men of Harlech." The members of the choir were Mr. and Mrs. E O. Olson, Mrs. P. A. Gand lud, Elmer Hauge and Miss Nora Pladson. chitects, 72 pupils. It is heated and ventilated with a Manuel Smith heating and ventilating plant, which insures evenly distributed heat and a sufficient supply of fresh waim air to every pupil in every part of the building. It is one of the most encouraging signs of the times in this county that the parents and school authori ties begin to see not only the ne cessity of providing sufficient school room for the pupils, but also bay ing attention to matters of such vital importance to the phyiscal welfare of the children as proper heating, ventilation and light. Disc No. 59 is to be congratulated on being the leader in this reform in its section of the county, and set ting such a good example—an ex ample that it is to be hoped will soon be followed by every district in the county that has not an up-to date school building. The following historical data re garding the district a^e taken from the History of Kandiyohi County: THE NEW SUNBURG SCHOOLHOUSE. Following this was an address by Hon Elias Rachie of Willmar. Mr. Rachie has that peculiar power of mingling wit and humor with facts in such a way that he has the attention of the audience under his direct control. His address was full of facts, rich in informatoin and convincing from beginning to end. He stated that the foundation of a republic is education and that it was impossible foi a republic to perpetuate a government by the people and for the people if its citi zens are deficient in education. He also stated that only five per cent of the population receive a higher education than that of the eighth grade, and that the remain ing ninety-five per cent, which con stitute the ruling power in our countiy, do not receive enough of an education to finish the eight grades and get on the average only tour and a half \ears of schooling in their lifetime. He closed his address by congratulating Dist. 59 on having the largest and best equipped one-room school building in this county. The musical selections by the Hanson Orchestra, consisting of Tina, Olina and Bernt Hanson, were exceptionally well rendered. Space will not allow going into details about every number of the progiam, but suffice it to say that it was very well rendered and re flected great credit on the school. The program closed with a few remarks by the present teacher, El mer Hauge, who thanked the audi ence for the attentiveness and in terest they had shown that evening. Mr. Gunvald Aslagson of Broo ten, the contractor, had performed his services in such an able and effi cient manner that the patrons and taxpayers of the district awarded him a handsome gift, which was presented to him by Hon. P. A. Gandrud at the close of the dedica tion exercises. In the month of February last, a special meeting was held in the dis trict, when it was decided to erect a new, modern and up-to-date schoolhouse, as experience had pro ven that the capacity of The old building was very much insufficient to accommodate the requirements of the district. Later the district issued bonds for $2000, and a building committee was elected, which has had the general charge of the specifications and construc tion of the building. The commit tee consisted of J.J Peterson, P. A. Gandrud, N. T. Gunnufson, O. L. Quie and Olaus A. Jorgenson. The new schoolhouse is a one story frame structure 28x36 feet, with vestibules, and will seat ac cording to the usual estimate of ar- 'rfjsy, I 1 &> i^ J/SL A petition dated at Norway Lake March 4, 1872, asked for the forma tion of a new school district nut of Mictions 7, 8, 17, 18, 19, 20, 29, 30, SI and wi of 32, town of Norway Lake The petition bore the fol lowing signatures: Lars Bendick -on, Helge Nilson, Ole Pederson, Ule Svvenson, Andrew Johnson, Ole Cliason, Toiger Gunnufson, Nils OKon Hystad, Ole Gunderson and Ole Olson. The petition was grant ed some time that summer. E. O. Lsndsverk, the first clerk, reported on Oct 30. 1872, that the district was organized, but that no school had been held. In 1873 Ole Elia srn, cleik, reported that $113.12 had been received into the traesury and that nothing had been paid out. A log schoolhouse was built in «OOVRlQH 1875, and the report of that year values it at $200. The first school of which there is any record was taught that year, but the name of the teacher is not given. A petition dated Dec. 21, 1878, asked for the reorganization of the district so as to inc'ude the nine southwestern sections of the town ship. The petition was granted and the district so established in March, 1879, as district No. 59. At a special meeting held Nov. 3, 1881, it was decided to build a new schoolhouse, 18x24. Ole Elia son, Bjorn Bjornson and Torkel Guinufson were elected as building committee. The old schoolhouse was sold to Hans Anderson Kirke boe for $36 50. It was decided to locate the new schoolhouse "on the north side of the road, on J. M. Peterson's land, near the west side of the field." In 1900 a school library was ob tained thru the efforts of the teach re, Miss Emma Paulson, who ar ranged a picnic for the library fund and so raised the money. The first teacher of which there is any record is S. Foot, in 1877 SUGGESTIONS FOR Appropriate Xmas Gifts will be found in abundance at NE W ELMQUIST'S JEWELR STORE 2^° Many Pretty Things in Small Trinkets and Jewelry ngs B^~ as well as for Larger and More Substantial Gifts. ~^s Benson Ave., Willmar. When doing your shopping for the Holidays please do not pass my door without calling in and seeing my goods and learning my prices. NOTE—I will give a discount of 10 per cent for cash on all purchases made before Jan. I, 1909. D. Eimqtiist, Jeweler. Other teachers in the early days were Cornelia O. Knudson, John O. Syverson, Harry A. Atwood, Rachel O. Knudson and May Hoffman. The first board of trustees con sisted of E. O. Landsverk, clerk Lars Johnson, treasurer Edmund Ol=on, director. Ole Eliason served The Old Schoolhouse. as clerk for eighteen years, and P. A. Gandrud has served for over ten years. John J. Peterson has served as treasurer for 24 years. The following pupils were en rolled in 1875—Gulik Torgerson, Ole Olson Gronhovd, Ole Stengrim son, Johanes Nelson, Nils Lasseson, A choice selection of Haviland China, Cut Glass, Syderol and Rozane Art Ware, Electroliers and Foreign and Domestic Perfumes at A. E. MOSSBERG'S Opposite Postoffice. Bendik Lasseson, John Johnson, An drew Johnson, Olaus Johnson, An nie Lasseson, Karolma Eliaso*, Hanna Eliason, Kerstm Eliason, Sigrid Johnson, Anne Johnson, Mai the Johnson, Aase Torgerson, inee borg Torgeison, Gurine Torgerson, Signe Torgerson, Gundel Stengrin. son, Ingeborg Stengrimson, Maiy Stengrimson and Oline Nelson. Woodmen Elect Officers. The Willmai Camp W A elected the following officers at tneir meeting lact Tuesday evening, Dec. 2: Venerable Consul, A. O Forsberg Worthy Adviser, Occ^r Settergren Banker, Selvig, Clerk, N. Carlson Escort, H. C. Larson Watchman, Alfred Nelson, Sentry, Hugh Campbell Physicians Dr. C. Johnson and Brantor, Manager, J. W. Kent. The Minnesota Butter & Cheese Co. will buy all kinds of live Poul try at John B. Agen Co.'s ware house in Willmar and pay best cash market prices. J. A. Curran will do the buying and paying foi same. Ready to receive now. 39