Newspaper Page Text
^WA\ t\ '(L FARMERS, ATTENTION! Havinjr rented the PENNOCK ROLLER FEED MILL I will grind ieed for 5c a sack in lots of i'O backs at a time. Less than 20 sacks at Oc. I also Deal in Wood, Flour and Gasoline. JOHN E. SWEDBERG, PENNOCK, MINN. Business The most important put of e\oij business is to kuow hat ou0ht to beher done—Columella XMAS^M fePERrUMESj OTHE QUESTIO N SOLVED A dainty bottle of perfume, like a beautiful bunch of flow* ers, can never go amiss—noth ing is more generally accept able, nothing could be better form nor more complimentary tr the recipient. Our Xmas line of perfumes is splendidly complete, con sisting of all the latest odors of the very best makers in holi day packages from 25c up. Rieger Uh» California Vtrfumtr has just sent us his line, which with our other specialties, makes us justly proud of the Holiday array which wt invite you to inspect. Elfstrum & Co PHARMACY, Willmar,- Minnesota. Furs! The fur season is here again with favorable prospects for another successful season and we desire to remind you that we are in the market for all kinds of furs and hides Our facilities lor handling hides and furs are more complete than ever We Want Mink, Skunk and Muskrat for the early Christmas trade and will pay you higher prices than ever. Chas. Nelson, 213 Third Street WILLMAR, MINN. X-Mas Trees Holly Wreathing Mistletoe Plants are the most beautiful of Christmas gifts and are sure to please. We have a nice stock of Plants and Cut Flowers Come and see and or der early. There is usu ally a scarcity of cumonson flowers at this time, the demand being great. Willmar Green House. MAMRE £r*t Anders Mamre, Nov. 29 -Mrs. Rydin is reported sick. Miss Mary Erlandson of Willmar spent lhanksgiving day in this town. Miss Hannah Peterson came up from Litchfield one day of last week. Andrew Bood called on the Au gust Bergman family of Dovre last Thursday. Oscar Hokanson of Swift County visited at Gust Danielson's home last Thursday and Friday. Miss Ellen Ecklund spent a few days of last week at the home of brother at Pennock. Miss Nora Odell, teacher in Dist. 25, town of Lake Andrew, visited with Mamre friends on Thursday and Friday last week. She went to Willmar on Saturday for a short visit with her folks. Mrs. Peter Rodman will enter tain the Ladies Aid society of the Lundby church on Wednesday after noon, Dec. 8. There will be no services at Lundby church next Sunday except Sunday School which is held at 10:30 o'clock. James Abrahamson returned home from Driscoll, N. D., last week. Emil Ecklund of Pennock did some carpenter work for John Aker son last week. Aug. Holmgren went to New London last Saturday for a brief visit. Miss Jennie Bergren who spent the past summer at Stockholm, S. D., came home on Tuesday last week accompanied by her cousin, George Bergren, a merchant of that village. Miss Helen Danielson, of Clay county, is visiting at the homes of Gust Danielson and O. P. Ecklund. She arrived last Thursday from Swift county where she has visited a few weeks. The literary progiam which should have been given last Friday evening by the Cyclone club has been postponed until Friday even ing this week, Dec. 3. Swen Swenson of Dovre attended the skating party on Mamre lake Sunday afternoon. Albin Ecklund bought a horse from T. 0. Christian, south of Will mar, lately. August Swenson returned to Min neapolis last Saturday. Buster Brown. We Make Short Work of any job we undertake Whether it be repairing the kitchen waste pipe or putting in the entire new plumbing, we do it as quickly as good work will permit. W E O STEA FITTING in the same way. That means a shorter shut down of the plant, a smaller loss to the owner. Send for us when you have steam titting to be27f done. J. H. WIGGINS €0., WILLMA HINM. KtfiOhDMi Kandiyohi, Nov. 29—Arne Lar son of New London was in Kandi yohi last Monday, looking up busi ness matters. Misses Emma Gustafson and Hil ma Tulin returned home last Monday from Minneapolis where they have been staying the last two months. Miss Clara Anderson who is teaching in Roseland spent Thanks giving Day at her home. Miss Minnie Peterson has been dressmaking at the Croonquist home the past week. Mrs. George Enblom and Mrs. Charlie Cederstrom were in Litch field last Monday. Arvid Anderson visited with his brother Victor in Spicer, Wednes day and Thursday. Carl Nelson went to Brooten last week to visit with relatives for some time. Mrs. Gilbert Gabrielson enjoyed a brief visit last Monday from her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Carl son of Whitefield. They left on Tuesday morning for St. Paul to visit Mr. Carlson's brother, John Carlson, who is a patient at the Bethesda hospital. Mrs. Joseph Isaacson visited in Litchfield the first part of last week. Mr. Solmonson and wife of Min neapolis have been the guests at the home of their son, A. P. Sol for a week. They returned home Saturday. mmmm John Ostling spent Thanksgiving day at his home in New London. Mrs. Elmer Anderson spent a few days of last week at her parental home at Diamond lake. Fred Segerstrom and wife of Minneapolis were guests at the C. U. Peterson home over Thankgiv mg. Mrs. Jorias Berg returned to her home in Gennessee last Friday, af ter a two week's stay with relatives here and in Fahlun. August Klint was in Willmar on business between trains Saturday. Miss Dora Johnson, of Fahlun, called on friends in Kandiyohi Fri day. A number of our young folks from here attended the Handker chief social held at the schoolhous*1 in Dist. 41, last Saturday evening. Miss Alice Cater, principal of the Kandiyohi schools, returned Satur day from a short visit at her home in St. Cloud. Mr. S. A. Isaacson came down from Willmar Saturday to spend a few days with relatives here. L. V. Lund and wife and Hilding Lund spent Thanksgiving day with relatives in Beckville. Chas. Cederstrom and wife were entertained at the home of Lizzie Klint in Fahlun last Thursday. Miss Esther Peterson, who is teaching in Mamre, enjoyed a visit at her home from Wednesday until Saturday last week. Mike Downs and family visited with friends in Spicer a few days week. thelasMrs. Arthur Anderson returned to Atwater Saturday after a few days visit at the home of her par ents, Mr and Mrs. J. A. Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. John Burrs were guests of friends in Atwater Thanksgiving day. *X C^flAWiaC HIT? Hawick, Nov. 29—The mail car riers report the roads to be in very bad condition. Miss Julia Erickson spent Thanks giving at New London. Erick Erickson ate Thanksgiving dinner witn his sister, Mrs. Skeie, at New London. E. J. Hood. A. W. Erickson, Earl Parker and Jos. Pelky celebrated Thanksgiving night at Lake Henry at a dance. E. Erickson leaves today for Mi laca to practice buttermaking. He expects to put some of the best but ter on the market for the Hawick creamery. John Wright and wife spent Thanksgiving with their folks here. There will be amass meeting of the stock holders of the creamery Dec. 4. to arrange for buying a churn and electing officers. Every body interested should be present. There was a dance at E. Welch's Saturday night. Misses Francis and Inga Olson vis ited at E. J. Hoods Sunday. The Christmas tree committee met at C. J. Paynes Sunday to talk over and arrange for a program. H. A. Townsend and E. E. Kelly were quite busy hunting ducks Sun day. They bagged eight nice ones. Mrs. Mathilda Newman is report ed on the gain since she has been at the St. Cloud hospital. We hope she will return a well person. Aug. Valley ate Thanksgiving dinner at Aug. Hansons at Paynes ville. Ed. Harris was seen in our burg Sunday evening. DON'T WALK ON NAILS. The neatest job of Halfsoling is done at Erickson's Shoe Store with a New Electric Stitcher and Polish er. You can have the soles sewed on for the same price as nailed, so don't walk on nails. The New Shoe Store. G. A. Erickson, Prop. The Metropolitan barber shop, Bank of Willmar building, B. X Otos, proprietor, is the shop to get a shave, hair cut or bath. ®&9&99mQ9'9Q& NEXT SATURDAY'S Specia Grocery Department. 3Pkgs.for late 1 Pound Baking Chocolate for Packages Soda for Cans good Salmon for Pkgs. 10c Crackers for lb Pail Monsoon 3 3 2 5 3 3 Coftee for Cans good Toma toes for Cans Strawberry Beets for I A lb Box Dried 1 Pears for Lumber! Lumber! If you intend building bring your lumber bill to our WILLMAR office and get our prices for lumber from our PRIAM lumber yard. We will save you money on a small bill as well as on a larger bill. 5 I MEW LONDON MILLING CO. .20 .37 Sweet Choco .20 .27 .15 .95 .27 .21 .95 Bakery Department. Cream Toast, per lb .US Cream Puffs, per A dozen «& Fig and Chocolate Squares per lb O 2 dozen Drop Cakes r* for 1 3 A cup of Coffee and a Parker Roll to ladies and farmers. Original Paekage Grocery. Phon 53. Phone 53. Two Doors South of Postollice. ROSELAND REPORTS Roseland, Nov. 23.—A. Knoll moved to his farm last Tuesday. A. Decker's auction was well at tended and brought him some $1500. He will now move to Prinsburg and the family will make their home with Mrs. Decker's mother, Mrs. W. Stob. Mr. and Mrs. W. Hookstra drove to Willmar Sunday to see their daughter, Mrs. H. Plowman, who was taken suddenly ill. J. Moorlag has moved the ham which he bought from Mrs. T. Knott to his place. Miss Ida Kohrs was taken to the Willmar hospital last week where she will receive treatment for heart and long trouble, and is reported improving a little. H. J. Moje has purchased Mrs. T. Knott's house and will move it over the snow this winter to his farm. G. Hoogheim bought a horse in Danube last week which proved too spry for Gerret and consequently he sold it again. Mrs. William Damhof returned home the other day from a visit at- Pease, Minn., accompanied by her sister, Mrs. F. Greenfield from place. P.that Much corn is still unhusked here so that the snow that fell did not receive a welcome on that account Tectorium. Tectorium, a substitute for glass, is prepared bj, applying a \arnisli to a finely meshed lion wire fabric The varnish consists principally of good Unseed •oil. in which the vertically hanging wire fabric is repeatedly dip ped up to as many as twelve times Real Estate Transfers. For week ending Nov. 27, 1909. Town of Lake Lillian Nov. 27. Albert Rodelius to Oli via State Bank, se£ of nei, Sec. 20, 40 a., $800.00 Town of Edwards. Nov. 22—Albert Svobodney to Joseph Wallace, sh, Sec. 4, 320 a., $10,000.00*. Nov. 22—Spicer Land Co. to Christian Goos, of nei, Sec. 28, 80 a., $2,000.00. Town of Willmar. Nov. 26—Samuel Garver to Math ew G. Kirby, ni of swi exc. strip, Sec. 23, 79.50 a., $3577.50. Town of St. John. Nov. 27—John M. Spicer and Lars O. Thorpe to Solomon Solo monson, nj of swi, Sec. 35, 80 acres, $960.00. Nov. 27—Solomon Solomonson to Olai S. and Martin S. Fladeboe, n» of swi, Sec. 35, 80 acres, $3,000.00. Town of Harrison. Nov. 26—Samuel R. Kirby to Mathew G. Kirby, swi of swi, Sec. 17 nei of nei, lots 1 and 6 of sub div. of Govt, lots 4 and 5, Sec. 19, nwi of nwi, nei of nwi, lots 1 and 2, Sec. 20, 269.10 a., $11,000.00. Nov. 26-Mathew G. Kirby to Samuel Garver, swi of swi, Sec 17,• lots 1 and 2, sec. 20 nej ofand nei, lot 6 of lot 1 of sub-div. of Govt, lots 4 and 5, Sec. 19 274.10 a., $13,705.00. Nov. 26—John Tait to Samuel Garver, lot 1 of sub-div. of Govt. lots 4 and 5, Sec. 19, $1.00. Town of Green Lake. Nov. 24—Ole Haverly to Jens H. Anderson, part of Govt, lot 5, Sec. 2, 2 a., $250.00. Town of Lake Andrew. Nov. 23—Minnie Newberger to A. E. Rice, lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, ni of lot 10, 11. 12, 13, 14, 15, to 31 inclusive, 33, 34 of sub-Friday. div. of Govt, lots 2, 3 and 4, Sec 4, $160.00. Village of Pennock. Nov. 26—Martha A. Crawford to Nels Stolt, all that part of nei offuneral sei, north of R. R., Sec. 3, unplat ted parts, $1. City of Willmar. Nov. 22—France F. Nelson to J. Emil Nelson, lot 3 and n. 40 feet of lot 4, blk. 101, First add., $1.00. Nov. 22—J. Emil Nelson to Hul da M. Nelson, lot 3 and 40 ft. of lot 4, blk. 101, First add., $1.00. Nov. 22—J. Emil Nelson to Eu-ings gene, Chester S. and Fern B. Nel son, lot 3 and north 40 ft. of lot 4, blk. 101, First add., $1.00. Nov. 27—John Nygaard to P. C. Peterson and E. C. Wellin, lots 9 and 10, blk. 7, Ferring's Add., $1700. Nov. 23 Andrew G. Hedin to Nils Trulson, lot 1 and west of lot2, blk. 4, Fernngs Add, $2052.00. We pay high price for hides andday. Furs. Sell guns and traps cheap. Northwestern Hide & Fur Co..back Minneapolis. 37-7 Dr. C. E. Gerretson, dentist, office in new Ruble block, Willmar. Out of the Ordinary. "I ha\e tned to wute something out of the oidinuiy this no7* el "Well, my boy, I think you ha\ sue ceeded." "In what paiticular?" "Your heiome acts as if she had sense "—Louis\ die Cornier Journal O S A N I S A CHANCE TO EARN YOUR CHRISTMAS MONEY WORK FOR THE SYNOPSIS A new magazine of interest to the CITY SHOPPER and the STAY-AT-HOME Bright and chatty reading for the entire family WHITE FOR FULL PARTICULARS MENTION THIS PUBLICATION WE PAY YOU FOR EVERY SUBSCPIPTION YOU SEND US. YOU DO NOT HAIE TO GET A CLUB LIST SYNOPSIS PUBLISHING CO. Room 10 Franklin Bide 1 Minneapolis. Minn. Teach The Boy To Save* Why not help your boy to make a start A dollar or two will do to open an account, and once he becomes the possessor of a bank bock, the proudest moment of his life will be when he is going to our bank to make a deposit. O I And he will repay you a thousand times over for giving him aright start—not only in money, but in character. Just think it over. Then come in and deposit a dollar or so in our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT and present it to your boy. KAN0IY0HI COUNTY BANK ^9sr*«at M*#*3 i.a^^^ ^Sk^&f'M^^^^k^^mM^dMm^^&r is gCg^Nj^|N|AKp Spicer-on-Green-Lake, Nov. 30— Last Wednesday occurred the wed ding of Miss Pauline Thorvig and Edward Quam. The church was neatly decorated with white and green. The bridal party marched in to the strains of Lohengrin's march, played by Miss Carrie Erick son of New London. The bride wore white silk satin and carried white and red roses. The groom was attended by his brother Oscar and.Justin'Halverson. The brides maids were Misses Bertha Thorvig, a sister of the bride, and Clara Kloster, who were dressed in white suisene silk and wore white and red carnations. After the impressive service had been read by Rev. Jo hanson, congratulations were ex tended and about one hundred guests departed for the home of the bride's parents, where a delicious supper was served and asocial time was had thruout the evening. The bridal pair received a large number of beautiful presents and a purse of about $50 was handed to them. Mr. and Mrs. Quam depart ed on their trip the following Thurs day for the Cities where they will visit with relatives. Best wishes and congratulations will follow the young couple to their newly PS tablished home at Spicer. Miss Anna Peterson of Minneapo lis made a Thanksgiving visit with her mother, Mrs. S. Peterson. Miss Anna Olson, who is engaged as teacher in the Willmar schools and her sister Kebecka, who is at tending school, spent Thanksgiving with their parents. Miss Stella Holt, a student of the Normal school at St. Cloud, spent her Thanksgiving vacation at her parental home here. Miss Hattie Smith and Maybella Hultgren visited at Mm dock ovei Thanksgiving, returning on Satur day. Mrs. Anna S. Peteison from St. Hilaire came down last week to at tend the funeral of Mrs. Peter Bro beig, wife or her cousin, which was held at New London last Wednes day afternoon. Mrs. Peterson was the sole suivivor of the A. P. Bro berg family the Indian irassacre on becoming the wife of Jonas Peterson at Nest Lake lived there for many years. She is spending some time with relatives and friends in this community before returning to her home. She left for New London last Saturday af ter visiting with the family of her brother-in-law, William Peterson, and sister-in-law, Mrs. S. Peterson and also Mr. William Nelson. I. Graven, of Minneapolis, attend ed the wedding at Thorvigs last Wednesday and also ate his Thanks giving dinner there, returning on Miss Lehman came up last Thurs day for a visit with Misses Wyman and Hattie Smith. Mrs. Wm. Nelscn attended the oi F. F. Nelson at Willmar Sunday, Nov 21. Mr. and Mis. O. Larson at (First publication Nov 17-iwk theo Interlachen entertained about 24 of their relatives last Fiiday for din ner. Miss Nellie Jacobson is visiting with her brother and sister, the N. Jacobsons. J. O. Pladson attended the meet held at the Norwegian Free church last week at New London. Miss Jane McRae spent her Thanksgiving vacation with her parents at Harrison. J. Kloster and K. Kloster left for Butterfield, Minnesota, for a visit with their cousin, G. John son, for a couple weeks. Mis. H. Windblad gave a dinner to a few of her relatives last Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Larson came last Tuesday from their hunt ing trip. Mr. Larson shot two deer. The outing was cut short by the sad intelligence of the death of his sister, Mrs. Broberg at New London. Mrs. William Nelson will enter tain the Ladies aid of the Norwe gian church on Friday afternoon, Dec. 3. Improvements at Delmonico. We have now completed our im-successfulmade provements and have one of the fin est restaurants west of the Cities. Ample room and prompt service. We have a number of nicely fur nished rooms in connection with the restaurant. A private dining room for parties and private din ners will soon be ready. For ap pointments call on or telephone E. T. SA\DBO, 42-2t Delmonico Cafe. His Correction. Teacher—Jiuimie coirect this sen tence: "Our teacbei am in bight." Jimmie—Oui teacher am a sight. AUCTION SALE! I will sell at public auction at the vacant building on Pacific ave nue, first door west of Mr. Ward's harness Shop, on Saturday, Decem ber 4th, at one o'clock p. m., the following property: One self-feeding Heating stove 1 steel range cooking stove 1 good Kimbal Organ, 1 Ice Box, 1 Plush Upholstered Couch, 1 Center Table, 1 kitchen table, 2 parlor chairs, 2 rocking chairs, 2 pair lace curtains, and likely other useful articles. All sums to be paid in cash. OL E GILBERTS0N, Owner. W. N. Davis, Auctioneer. S. L. Benton, clerk. Citation for Hearing on petition to Sell, Mortgage or Lease Land. ESTATE OF S1GVART OLSON State of Minnesota, County of Kandijohi, In Probate Court In the matter of the Estate of Sigvart Ol son, Decedent The State of Minnesota to all persons interested in the mortgaging of certain lands belonging to said decedent The petition ol Knut Kloster as representative of the above named decedent, being duly filed in this court, representing that it is necessarj and tor the best interests of said estate and of all inter ested therein that certain lands ot saiddeced cnt described therein be sold and pra\ mg that a license be to him granted to mortgage the same Now Therefore, you and each of ou, are hereby cited and required to show cause if an\ you have, before this court, at the Pro bate Court Rooms in the Court House, in the City of Willmar, Countj of Kandijohi, State of Minnesota, on the 1 Stb dav of December, 1909, at one clock why the prajer of said petition should not be granted ltness the Judge of said Court, and the seal ot said court, this loth da\ of Nov 1909 A NORDIN [COURT SE udge of Probate GLO OTTEKNFSS Attorne\ for petitioner, V\ lllmar, Minn (First publication Nov 17 -iwk Citation for Hearing on Final Account and for Distribution. EST4.TE O KXLT H\LVORSO\ State of Minnesota County of kandnohi, in Probate Court In the Matter of the Lstate of Knut Halvor •son, Decedent The State ot Minnesota to all per sons interested in the final account and distribution of the estate of said deced ent The representative ol the ibo\e named decedent, ha\ mg filed in this court his final account of the administration of the estate of said decedent together with his petition prajing for the adjustment and illow ance of Said nnal account and lor distribution ot the residue of said estate to the persons thereun to entitled Therefore and each of ou, are herein cited and required to show cause if any jou have, before this court at the Pro bate Court Rooms in the Court House in the Citj of Willmar in the Counu ot Kandijohi State of Minnesota onthelJthdaj ofDeiem ber 1909 atone clock win siid petition should not be granted Witness the Judge of said court and the Seal of said Court, this loth da\ ol 1909 COURT S E A O I Probate udfee GEO OT1EKNESS Attornej for etuioucr Willmar Minn (First publication Nov 24- 2t Notice of Hearing upon Petition of Freeholder HLKl S A 1 ctition signed f\ irtlia Pttcrson a freeholder of School li,-rict SO inthisCoutit\ repiescntitijith italic lsthe owner of the follow ingdeser bed 1 aid1- Mtuat ed in iu» Dn.ti ict to it N\\i/4 of of bection _'t Township ll Ranj d( and th it ucl ITCIN adjoin feehool District Numbei Ot his been presented to the Countv Bo lrd of Kandijohi Counu and asking th it her said 1 inrls maj beseLoflt oni said Disti let M) to District No md the 1 Board has appointed a time and pi ice for hearing thereon Therefore Notice is herein gnen that said petition will be heard bv saia Board at a session thereof on tl "ith daj ot Jan A 1910, at 2 clock in the alter noon, at the ol ice ol the Couim Auditor in the Citj of N illmar in said Cnunt\ at which time and place the said Board will hear the e\ idence and the arguments of all pe JUS in tercsted, for oi against gi anting the praver ot the petitioner Dated at lllmar Minn Nov 23 1«)09 Bj order of the Counts Board John Teig, [Seal] Countv Auditor and Ex Oflicio Clerk of Board (First publication Nov 2 V-4-ts Citation For Hearing on Special Final Account. ESTATE Or NLLS JOHNSON STVTEOI MINNESOTA Countj of Kandijohi, In Piobate Couit In the Matter of the estate of Nels John son, Decedent Hie State of Minnesota to all persons inter ested in the final acount ol the speei ll representative of the above named decedent he having filed in this court his final account of the special administration of the estate of said decedent, together with his petition pi aving tor the adiustment and allow ance of nd special final lccount f-HLKI I ORI \OT AND I \CH OF jou, are hereby cited and required to show cause if anj vouhave before this court at the Probate Court Rooms in the Court House in the Citv of lllmar in the Countj of Kandnohi State of Minacsot ion the 20th dav of December 190 at one clock hv said petition should not be Kranted Witness the Judge of said court and the Seal of said Court, this 2 ird dav of Nov em ber, 1909 COURT I A NORD1X I SEAL Probate Judge O G1LB1 RT Attorney for Petitioner lllmar Minn COLPAX Colfax, Nov. 22—The coffee social at G. Harlander's place Satuiday was well attended and netted $10. Emil Thimell, daughter Ethel and con Casper, went up to E. Hall berg's near Murdock to spend Thanksgiving. Miss Ethel took the tram from Kerkhoven to Willmar to visit with Miss Stella Norm. Wm. Skallberg is around here visiting friends and relatives. Geo. Johnson returned from Bow man county, N. D.,last Wednesday. Carl Lundquist is back from S. D., where he has been spending the summer. Dr. C. W. Riches, (Medical and Osteopathic) 506 I5TH AVE S. E., MINNEAPOLIS Has special preparation for the treatment of all long standing, difficult chronic diseases such as sciatica, rheumatism goitre stomach kidnej and liver troubles ailments ol women cancerous grow ths, etc etc A large pleasant home lor patients All Cotno cars pass house Free consultation bv mail invited If I can not help ou I will tell vou so (First Publication NOT. 10-6W.) SUMMONS. STATE OF MINNESOTA. COUNTV OF KANDIYOHI, & District Court, Twelfth Judicial District Peter Manderfeld, Plaintiff, -VS Theodore F. Koch and Clara Koch, bis wife, Maria Lakeman, also known both as Maria Campagne Lakeman and Maria Campagne Lakerman, and Klaas Lakeman, her husband, Ada Fredenksen, Johanna Prins, Nicholas Jungeblut and Ger tride Jungeblut, his wife, Der Knol Welt, also known as Welt, Arend Prins, Marion Prins, Stmtje Prins, Anna A I Prins, Keiniera A Prins, also know as Rieniera A Prins, Muriel Alfi, Anna Eliza Engelhardt, Sjonke Van Althuis also known asfc\ an Altbuisand NiescheT an Althuis, his lfe John Swiersand Ant ja Sw-iers also known both as Antja Kop mga Swiers and Antja Swiers Kopinga, his wife, The Netherlands American Mortgage Bank (a corporation). The unknown heirs ofS S Merrill, deceased, Marj E Merrill, David Green, Benjamin Lennox and S Wegg, executors of the estate of S S Merrill, deceased, The unknown heirs of Nels Fredenksen, also known as N C Fredenksen deceased The unkown heirs or Martin Prins, Jr also known as \V Prins Jr deceased, Edw ard O Brien, ad ministrator ot the estate of Martin W Prins, Jr deceased, Also all other persons unknown claiming any right, title, interest or hen in the real estate described in the complaint herein Defendants State of Minnesota to the above named Defendants "Vou, and each of \ou, are hereby summon ed and required to answ er the complaint of the plamtitf herein which complaint is on file the office of the Clerk of the District Court of Kandijohi Countj, Minnesota and to serve a copy of our answer upon the subscribers at their ofhee the Citj of Ren \ille, Countj of Renville and State of Minne sota within twent\ days alter the ser\ice of this Summons upon jou exclusive of the daj ol such service and, if you fail to answer the said complaint within the time aforesaid,the plaintiff herein will apply to the Court tor the relief demanded in his complaint herein Dated tmsihth daj of October A 10o9 DALV cV ^.ttornejs tor Plaintiff Renville, Minnesota Notice of Lis Pendens. STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUN1V OI KANDIYOHI fbfe District Court, Tw ellth Judicial District Peter Manderfeld, Plaintifl, S lneodore Koch and Clara Koch, his wife, Maria Lakeman also know both as Maria Campagne Lakeman and Maria Campagne Lakerman, and Klaas Lake man her husband Ada Trederiksen Johanna Prins Nicholas Jungeblut and Gertrude Jungeblut, his wife, Der Knol clt, also know as elt, Arend Prins Marion Prins Stmtje Prins, Anna I Prins Reimera A Prins also known as R'eniera A Prins Muriel Alfi Anna Lhza Lngelhardt Sjonke an Althuis also know as S an Althuis and Nieschel an Althuis his lfe JohnSw lers and Antja Swiers also known both as Antia Kopinga Swiers and \ntia Swiers Kopinga his wife The Netherlands \mer ii_ in Mortgage Bank (a corporation) Ih urknown neirs ol S S Merrill, deceased, Mar I Merrill Da id recn Benjamin ennox and 1 S egg executors of the estate of S S Merrill deceased The un known hells ot Nels trederiksen also kuow as N redriksen deceased The unknown neirs of Martin \V Prins, Ir also known as \v Prins, Jr deceased I dward O Brien, administrator of the estate of Mai tin Pr.ns Jr deceased Vlso ill other persons unknown claiming anj right title interest or hen the real estate described in the complaint herein, Defend mts NOIICL IS HERbB\ GI\ EN, That the above named plaintiff has commenced an action in the District Court of Kandivohi Minnesota against the above named defendants tor the purpose of determining the rights and interests of said defendants in and to certain real propertv situate in Kandijohi Countj Minnesota, and quieting title there ot in said plaintiff That said real property is described as follows to wit The North east Quarter (N E %), the ast Half and South west quarter of the vorth west Quarter (E and S W 14 of N W 14) the eat half and the est Half of the Last Half (W 1 ol E V») ot the South west Quarter (.s V\ %), all mSectionThirtv three (3:5), Township One Hundred Seven teen (117 Range rinrtj five (35), Kandi vohi Countj, Minnesota Dated this 18th daj of October, A 1909 DAL\ Ac BARNARD, Attornev for Plaintiff, Renville, Minnesota [Pirst publication 10—tw] Citation for Hearing on Petition for Ad ministration. LSTATE OF ANTHONY SANDS also known as AN1HONY SAND and ANTON"* SAND STATK OF MlNNKSOT*, County of Kandiyohi In Probate Court In the Matter of the Estate of Anthony Sands, also known as Anthony Sand and Antony Sind Decedent The state of Minnesota to all persons inter ested in the granting ol administration of the estate of said decedent 1 he petition of Harry bands ft^,\iuK been tiled in th court, representing that AT thouy Sands also known as Anthony Sand and Antony Sand then a resident of the county of Kandiyohi state of Minnesota died intestate ou the Slth day of Oct 1909 and praji^g tint letters of admi nistiation of his estate be granted to Jacob O Kloster of snd county and the court, having uxed the time and place for hearing said petition Therefore you, and each of you are hereby cited and required to show cause if any jou lore this court at the Probate Court Rooms in the Court House in the city of Willmar in the county of Kandiyohi state of Minnesota, on the bth day of December lfKK», at 1 o'clock why said petition should not be granted Witness the Judge of said Court and the Seal of said Court, this 9th day of November, 1909 A NoHDIN, r«n,RTsi,AL| Probate Judge, OLORGEH OTTERNESS Attorney for Petitioner, Willmar, Minn [First publication Nov 24-4ts 1 Order Limiting Time to File Claims, and for Hearing Thereon. E S A E O N E S O N S O N STATI- OF MINNESOTA County of Kandiyohi In Probate Court In the matter of the Estate of Nels Johnson Decedent Letters of Administration this day having been granted to Michael Johnson. It is Ordered, that the time within which all creditors of the above named decedent may present claim:-, against Lis estate in tms court, be, and the same hereby is limited to six months from and after the date hereof and that Monday, the 30th day of May 1910, at one clock in the Probate Court Rooms at the Court House at the City of Willmar in said County be, and the same hereby is, fixed and appointed as the time and place for hear ing upon and the examination, adjustment and allow ance of sucn claims as shall be presented within the time aforesaid Let notice hereof be given by the publica tion of this order in the Willmar Tribune as provided by law Dated Nov 23rd 1909 Use Home Products PRIMO and FINNEY'S BEST FLOURS Unexcelled as to quality Your dealer prefers to sell the HOME FLOUR Use the flour that pays the home taxes and employs the home labor A NOBDIN, [SEAL Judge of Probate. O GILBERT Attorney for Petitioner, Willmar Minn Willmar Tannery is prepared to take in all kinds of hides for tanning for robes. I also repair and re-line old robes. A Big Lot of Robes For Sale. Also have quite a lot of sample robes on hand from a Twin City wholesale house Good chance for early callers to pick a good robe. Will also have for sale in a short time some Fur Mittens Tel.42l-L AND. O. SATHER. »37 First Stre.t