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psgpMlW •^PjffSp^fl^? Ladies' good quality Black Thibet Coat, half lined, with good fur collar. Reduced QUA ^7G% for this sale to M,fc*» & Ladies extra quality Black Thibet Coat, lined throughout with good mercerized quilted lining, extra good fur collar. Re- CjL O^C duced for this sale *P Ladies' Black Beaver Coats, nicely braided, half satin (]!C lined. Reduced to $*-• A*J Child's Full Length Coats from heavy Kersey large Conie collar. Re duced for this sale I A PETER HAWKINSON. News has been received here of the death of Peter Hawkinson, at one time a resident of this city. The demise occurred last Wednes day ni«ht at Greeley, Colorado, and the funeral was held there Sunday. Peter Hawkinson was born in Emmedslbv parish, Chistianstads Lan, Sweden, on June 14th, 1862. He came to the United States about 29 years ago. Years ago he con ducted a cement block factory here, and later he was a cattle buyer and meat dealer, being connected for some time with the Willmar Provi sion company. A number of years ago he went to Canada where he opened up a packing plant, and The Best Xmas Gift Phone 'f made Sable $4.00 NEW STORE CLEARING tin CLOAK ROOM Cloaks for Ladies Cloaks for Misses Cloaksfor Children A great cloak reducing movement will begin Saturday} Dec. 4, and continue for two weeks. If you have been waiting for this chance it will mean at least a few dollars saved. The early comers are going to march off with the choicest in the lot, and we therefore advise the interested ones not to delay. Every Fashionable Cut and Cloth Represented. Remember this sale starts Saturday, Dec. 4 and continues for two weeks. Benson Bros. & Jorris. here he remained until about three years ago when he moved to Colo rado in an attempt to improve his failing health. His disease was diagnosed as consumption, however, and he gradually grew worse until at last all hopes of recovery were given up. He leaves to mourn his death his wife (nee Amanda Holm berg), his mother, one sister and two brothers in Sweden, one sister in this city, Mrs. A. P. Bergeson, and six children, Amy, Josie, Albin Stella, Ruby and Melvin. ANNA MARIA BERTELSON. Anna Maria Bertelson, the wife of John Bertelson, round house em ployee, died Monday evening from an attack of acute kidney trouble which lasted only a couple of days. The funeral will occur tomorrow, Thursday, afternoon, services being What to give—where to buy—how much to pay— are all questions that bother all of us just before Christmas. Why not settle all these questions this year by giving the best Christmas gift possible— A Nice Photograph of Yourself Photographs for Christmas are always in good taste. They area lasting reminder of the giver, and are always appreciated by the recipient. But remember, they should be GOOD photographs. It always pays to go to an artistic photographer— I one who knows how to arrange the figure—hair —dress—pose, etc., so as to get the most perfect and natural expression. That we have the "know how" to obtain artistic photos, we will leave you to judge from the many samples of our work you can always see any time at this studio. Be sure to arrange for your sittings early—and not leave it till the last minute, or perhaps you and your friends will be disappointed. Wold & Simons ^M&&»&y&i£& Child's Plain Bearskin Coats white. Reduced for this sale to Child's Full Length Coat of fancy mixed cloaking. Ul f\ Reduced to 4 A O Child's Full Length Coat of quality striped cheviot, panel plaited, black velvet and button trimmings colors blue, green & brown. Reduced &A »yc for this sale to %p*f• From our already low prices on all our best cloaks will give a 10 per cent discount \i\rrl For this sale IV7C O Phone mmm. IN THE Woai\snOP.s^ WORTH in $1.85 good conducted at the residence at 1:30 o'clock by Rev. Theo. Paulson. In terment will be made at Fairview. Anna Maria Gyllstrom Bertelson was born in Uttesberg, W^stman land, Sweden, on June 16,1873, and she was thus 36 years, 5 months and 11 days old at the time of death. About 9 years ago she was married to John Bertelson, and three chil dren, all of whom are living, were born to them: Ruth Emilia, aged 8, Algot Valdemar, aged 6. and Esther Elizabeth, aged 4. Mr. Bertelson came to this country about three years ago, and he worked steadily until a year ago when he was able to send for his family. When they came to this city they moved into the Lindland residence on Campbell avenue, and here they were just getting nicely settled when death came and took away the wife and mother. The sorrowing husband and children have the sympathy of the entire community in their be reavement. Old Settler Here. A. H. Sperry enjoyed a visit the first of the week from his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. O. F.Sperry, who were on their way home to Lisbon, N. D. from New London where they had attended the funeral of Mrs. Brobreg. Mrs. Broberg was a sister of Mrs. Sper ry, who was Miss Martha Larson. O. F. Sperry was one of the early settlers in this part of the country. He was a merchant in New London in the early seventies, and later owned the fine 400-acre farm in Green Lake township known as the Edenwood farm. In 1882 he moved to Lisbon where he engaged in the hotel busi ness. At the present time he is in the restaurant and confectionery business. Together with his broth er A. H. he served during the war from Jnue 1863 to June 1866. Johnson Memorial Fund. The following contributions have been received by N. 0. Nelson: August Lindgren, $1.00 Ole S. Reigstad,$1.00 Albert L.Anderson, $1.00 By the TRIBUNE: fromGus taf Johnson, Lake Lillian, $1. By Gov. Rice from School Dist. 39, 50 cents. I. T. Cramer accompanied a par ty of five land seekers to Minneapo lis yesterday. From there they will go to Alberta, Canada, with one of the excursions sent out by the O. W. Kerr Company. Nils Hjort and wife entertained as their guests over Thanksgiving Anton Olson and wife of White Rock, S. D., and Mrs. Ella Lund berg and Miss Hannah Johnson of St. Paul. LUTHERAN FREE. Midweek services Thursday even ing. No morning services next Sunday, but Sunday School at 12:15 and evening services at 7:30. The Ladies Society meets Wednesday afternoon, Dec. 8, and Mesdames G. 0. Sand, H. T. Olson and S. S. Glarum will serve refreshments. NORW. LUTH. SYNOD. Next Sunday services in Norwe gian at 10:30 A. M. Sunday school at 12:15 English evening service at 7:30. The Sunday School teachers will meet with Miss Nora Boyd next Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. The Ladies Society meets in the church basement tomorrow (Thurs day afternoon and the choir at 8 o'clock. SWEDISH MISSION. Next Sunday there will be preaching and communion services at 11 o'clock a. m. and evening ser vices at 7:30 Young peoples meet ing at 6:15 p. m. SWEDISH M. E. Next Sunday: Sunday school at 10:00 Epworth League at 6:45 evening worship at 7:30. The la dies aid will serve coffee at the church on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Swenson will serve. All are welcome. BAPTIST. Midweek meeting Thursday at 7:30 p. m. Little Helpers annual meeting Friday at 7:30 p. m. with election of officers, program and re freshments. Sunday—Bible school 10 a. m. Sermon "The common ground of evangelical churches," by the pastor. Rev. Oberg, at 11:00 a. Y. P. meeting at 6:30 song service, 7:30 gospel service, 8.00 o'clock. ST. LUKE'S EPISCCPAL. On Sunday, Dec. 5th, Mr. Chas. F. F. Kilner, Diocesan Secretary of the St. Andrew's Brothrehood, will visit St. Luke's church and speak at both the morning and evening services. The offertory solo at the morning service will be sung by Miss Karen S. Hansen, and the solo at the evening service by Mr. Lud vig Dale. A cordial invitation is extended to all to be present at these services. In his morning address Mr.Kilner will speak of the Brotherhood work among the Boys, and what it can accomplish through the boy. In the evening he will speak of the oppor tunities the Brotherhood affords the men and the work which they are doing in taking advantage of| these opportunities. NEW LONDON NORW. Services next Sunday morning at the Nordland church in Irving. The Nordland Y. P. S. will meet next Sunday evening in the church. A good program will be rendered. The Nordland Ladies Aid will meet Tuesday, Dec. 14, with Mrs. P. Haagenson. The Spicer Ladies Aid meets Friday of this week with Mrs. Wm. Nelson. SALVATION ARMY. Meetings by. the revival Brigade have begun at the local hall. Meet ings every afternoon until next Thursday at three o'clock and even ings at 7:45. Saturday afternoon there will be a childrens' meeting to which all Scandinavian children are invited. Sunday at 10:30 there will be a holiness meeting. Sunday school at 2 o'clock, services at 3:30 and 7:30. The ladies Society meets next Thursday, Dec. 9. Monday Afternoon Club. An enjoyable meeting of the club was held with Mrs. Hornbeck Mon day afternoon, November 29. Twelve members responded to roll call, giving news items of more than usual interest. A half hour was devoted to the enjoyment of delightful refresh ments in the service of which the hostess was assisted by Miss Olive Crosby. Unavoidable absence from town prevented the regular reporter from giving the magazine article and Mrs. Qvale kindly consented to take her place and gave a pleasing re view of an interesting article in one of the recent magazines by Laura B. Starr "Turkish and Per sian Children at Home and at School." After the reading of the treas urer's report, the club adjourned to meet with Mrs. Tallman, Dec. 13. The magazine report will be given by Mrs. Sherwood. Elkjer Sepia Portraits—Just the thing for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Hedlund of Kerkhoven are the guests of Mrs. Carrie Odell. Victor and August Holmberg have gone to Reeder, N. D. to take claims. Mrs. Fred Schwartz and son spent a couple of days last week visiting with friends and relatives in At water. The Ladies Guild of St. Lukes Church will serve supper at the Guild Hall on Thursday Dec. 16, 5:30 o'clock. They will also have for sale a beautiful assortment of Mexican handicraft. Mrs. A. N. Lewis entertained the Hooligans Monday evening in hon or of her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Ed. Lewis of St. Paul. Last evening the Hooligans were entertained by Mrs. H. W. Host. KWnUl Kandiyohi. Nov. 22.—Miss Anna Johnson visited in Willmar a few days last week. Misses Hiima Johnson and Lydia Engman, who are attending the Willmar Seminary, spent Sunday with their folks. Mrs. August Klint returned last Monday from a weeks visit with relatives in St. Paul. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hedlund last Tuesday. Mrs. Henry Isaacson visited with Mrs. Joseph Isaacson last Monday afternoon. Mrs. Jonas Berg, of Gennessee, has been staying with her daughter, Mrs. Charley Cederstrom, the past week. Hilding Lund made a trip to Willmar last Tuesday. Geo. Forsberg, who has been vis iting relatives in Lake Elizabeth for a week, left for his home ia Fo ley last Tuesday. Dahlheim, from Willmar, has been in Kandiyohi the past week doing some plastering at the Catho lic church. Willie Gustafson and family moved into one of the Nels Norman residences last week. Mrs. Hedlund of Dassel arrived here last Wednesday to visit at the home of her son, W. J. Hedlund, for some time. Miss Melvina Croonquist has been staying with her aunt, Mrs. Elmer Anderson, for a few days. After a two weeks stay at her home here, Miss Minnie Klint re turned to Willmar a week ago Sun day to resume her work as saleslady at the Popular store. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Cederstrom entertained a number of friends at dinner Sunday. Miss Alice Lawler went up to Morris Saturday to visit for a few days.' Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Monson drove out to Svea Saturday to visit with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Swenson, for a couple of days. Carl Klint, who has been working for his brother Arthur for a couple years, is staying at home now at tending school. August Nelson came down from Wheaton Friday to stay with his brother, Andrew, for some time. Joseph Isaacson was in Litchfield on business Thursday. Miss Ida Melander was in Will mar between trains Saturday. C. A. Harrison has been laid up for some time with a sore hand. He was in Willmar a couple of days last week to have it treated. Louis Hallbeig, who has been working for Nels Norman the past two months, returned to his home in Wisconsin Wednesday. C. F. Anderson attended to busi ness matters in Willmar Saturday. The A. O. Narverud family from Gennessee and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson from Rosedale were guests at the ANSWERS EVERY CAUL Willmar People Have Found That This is True. A cold, a strain, a sudden wrench. A little cause may hurt the kidneys. Spells of backache often follow. Or some irregularity of the urine. A certain remedy for such attacks. A medicine that answers every call. Is Doan's Kidney Pills, a true specific. Thousands of people rely upon it. Here is one case: Mrs. George Simpson, 107-6th Ave. N. E. St. Cloud, Minn ,says: "About four years ago I had a fall and I believe this brought on my kidney complaint. I had a pain through the small of my back and across my kidneys and I was caused annoyance by irreg ular passage of the kidney se cretions. I was also subject to a a and dizzy spells. Doan's Kidney Pills were finally brought to my notice and I pro cured a box. In a short time after I began using this remedy my trouble had entirely disap peared. I gladly give Doan's Kidney Pills my endorsement." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name—Doan's and take no other. Men Admire Pretty Gowns lo doubt you have a pretty dress which you no longer wear be cause it lias become soiled. We make a specialty of cleaning the most delicate fabrics and restor ing them to thsir former beauty and finish. Now is the time to send that dress to us, you'll be delighted with it when we return it to you tafarafttlM feeaktct free* upra»MMM*ricr»»f9S«» fefc^"£^ia5^&&CS^ T^^^^^^^^^^^I^^^^^^^^M^S^^^0:"^^^M^^^^^^ home of N. C. Sorenson Sunday. Mrs. Martin Melander enjoyed a visit from her aunt, Mrs. Jonas Berg, of Gennessee, last Wednesday. A. P. Solmonson made a business trip to the cities the latter part of last week. Mission meetings will be held at Tripolis next Tuesday and Wednes day, commencing Tuesday after noon. Communion services will be held on Wednesday forenoon. Rev. B. E. Walters will conduct services at the Swedish Lutheran churches in New London and Spicer on Sunday Nov. 28. The choir of the Tripolis church met Sunday afternoon to practice. On Friday Dec. 10, a basket so cial will be given in the School house Dist. 33, beginning at 8 o'clock. A cordial invitation is ex tended to all. Miss Thursa Hayes returned to Montrose yesterday after a couple of weeks visit with her cousin, Mrs. Howard Frye. Colfax, Nov. 21—Mrs. Martha Nelson and daughter Mary moved their property to Brooten last week where they will make their future home. Mrs. Ole Hystad and children from Kenmare. N. D., arrived here Satur day for a visit with Mrs. Hystad's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hans Syver son. Tallack Johnson came home from St. Paul Saturday, where he under went an operation. We are glad to report that he is recovering.] Alfred and Erick Gulsvig, from Big Grove, visited at the Mikkel Olson home over Sunday. John Hystad returned home from North Dakota on Saturday, where he has been visiting this summer. Mrs. Jacob Hanson and daughter, Tina, from Brooten, visited at the Christ Nelson home Saturday. Miss Ingeborg Larson returned home from Belgrade on Saturday where she has been assisting Mrs. C. Anderson for a couple of weeks. An illustrated temperance lecture was given in the Warner school house last Saturday evening. There was a large attendance. Elkjer Sepia Portraits have made a "hit" in Willmar. Have some made for Christmas. WE BUY SKUNK MINK Muskrat Raccoon HIDES AND PELT8 Highest Price* Paid. Russell & Johnson, Shippers, R. S, Box 51 WILLMAR, Ml Ml. Just because the weather may not be our usual December kind is not delaying Christmas—only three weeks and it is upon us. We are ready goods A little larger stock than usual and people are buying earlier than usual. Why not do like wise and make your selections for the Holidays now YOU KNOW HOW WE DID IT LAST YEAR You picked them out and we stored them till you wanted them. Same this year, only we thought you would want more for igog so we bought a few more dray loads. So there is lots to do in three weeks—better get busy. EVERYTHING FOR EVERYBODY AT Chase' Cas Store Paulson-Fltzflerald. Last Wednesday, at the Catholic parsonage in this city, was solemn ized the marriage of Jas. B. Fitz gerald and Miss Mary Paulson. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Father McDevitt, in the pres ence of only Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Paulson. Mr. and Mrs. Fitzgerald will be at home after January 1st in the Gerretson cottage on Becker avenue. Mr. Fitzgerald is a Great Northern conductor. The Tribune joins the many friends of the con tracting parties in wishing them a long and happy married life. The ladies and young people of the Swedish Baptist church gave a "House warming" for Mr, and Mrs. Cyrus Sullivan Monday after noon and evening at the new Sulli van residence in Leary's addition. The callers left a number of hand some and useful presents as tokens of good will and esteem. Mrs. A. F. Nordin went to Min neapolis yesterday morning for a visit with friends and relatives. The most suitable Christmas pres ent—Elkjer Sepia Portrait. Kjfe^lii'ife-'i^iiSSifefety^^*'^ ^llril'rt'ibiTii^iiliiiM •1M11 1 lira([•kiiillii »ri liiii 1 1 III'MIIIJliVlitBi^iiififyV^Ti 11 i\7lttifafiiiiT liair»i«i«i)l» IWIiifn ljp O I NOW! iniMiilSiiffiiniffii^f^^ FARMS A View Of The Farms we are prepared to show you will reveal some wonderful bargains, hey are not run doun, worn out old places, but good fertile lands. There is Money in Farms to day. More than there ever was. At the prices we offer some you will make money the minute you purchase. Let us take you round and look at them. If you want a farm at all we have just what you want. Anderson Land Co., Willmar, Minn. FREE^ A Set of Teaspoons Holiday Gifts I have a large stock of appropriate and useful Christmas and New Year Gifts and as an induce ment I offer FREE to anyone making purchas es amounting to $5.00 or over, a handsome set of Teaspoons warranted for 10 years. A picture of the spoon is shown here with. The set will make an appropriate gift. This Offer Holds Good Until 31st. D. Elmquist JEWELER Benson Aveniie Near Postoffieo