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HANDKERCHIEFQ^j Always an aoeaptabla pratant. Whan you a don't know what to buy, you aro always ^aa* safe in buying Handkerohiafs. Ladies' Initial Handkerchiefs, all linen, plain hem stitched, put up doz in a box, $ 1 O per box and 1 9 Men's Initial Handkerchiefs, all linen, plain A TLjfk hemstitched, put up+ doz. in box per box Ladies' Fancy Handkerchiefs, all linen, hemstitched, fancy Maderia worked corners in 1 to A colors each, at from I O Large variety of Children's Handkerchiefs at from 5c each and up. Ladies' Silk Hosiery in black and fancy colors $1.50 & $2.00 pair. Leather Goods. LADIES' HAND BAGS A very large line to select from in all the fashionable styles and sizes, in black and colors at 50c to $12.00 SUIT CASES While we have both the popular priced as well as the better grades, we make a special of a Genuine Sole Leather Suit Case, 23 inches long, comes in a rich coffee brown and olive color with either straps or bolts has the best of finish and perfect workmanship. This suit case has no equal at $5.00 Small Furs. For a substantial Christmas gift—Neck Pieces and Muff to match. In all the popular FURS at reasonable prices. Ladies' Aprons. Large and varied assortment, small and large, in dainty lace trimmed materials 25c, 40c, 50c, 65c, 75c and $1.00. Ladies' Long Kimonas. In Fleeced Goods In Serpentine Crepe, plain and figured Jap Silk Kimonas at.... $8.00, $10.00, $12.00 Peterso & W ei THE LEADING STORE WILLMAR, MINN. GENNKSEE JOTTINGS Gennes*ee, Nov. 29.—Mr. and Mrs. K. P. Anderson and little son were visitors at the Alfred Olson home Sunday. Miss Alvina Barker, teacher in Dist. 82, came home last Wednes day to spend Ihaoksgiving with her parents. ima ij $2.50 $2.50 Miss Alice Mathiason visited with her friend. Miss Edith Bart lett, from Thursday till Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Narverud and family were entertained at the EM. French home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Olson and children visited at Alfred Olsons Wednesday evening. The "Handkerchief" social in the school house in Dist. 41 was attended JI Ladies' D. & P. Cape Gloves, SILKS AND DRESS GOODS For a lasting and appropriate Christmas Gift get a Silk Waist Pattern or a nice Wool Dress Pattern. In our stock you will find the seasons choicest novel ties at $1.00 per yd. TABLE AND HOUSE LINENS One of our very strongest departments and always a welcome gift. Table Damask by the yard 50c to $1.50. Table Cloths in 2 and 2I yard lengths with Napkins to match. Lunch and Tea Cloths in all sizes and qualities. FANCY TOWELS DOILIES CENTER PIECES, Etc. ii (TLOVES and MITTENC I ANOTHER SUITABLE GIFT *J For convenience, when in doubt as to size and color we issue Glove Coupons The Coupon can be exchanged at any time at our store for Gloves or Mittens. unlined or silk lined at $1.50 Ladies' D. & P. Silk Lined Mocha Gloves at $1.5 0 Ladies' French Kid Gloves, in black and colors at I $1.50 and $2.00 by a large crowd in spite of the bad roads. The sum of $27.10 was taken in from the sale of handker chiefs and lunches. Arthur Rossel was a visitor at Theodore Bjur's place Wednesday evening. Miss Katie Sorenson of Kandiyo hi visited with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Nels Peterson, Satur day and Sunday. ItJ 2*1 A *i**i 'i i'l^fS *-4?3V-Jt. 4 1 is-» T* Ladies' Wool and Fur Lined Mocha Mittens at $1.00 to $3.00 Men's D. & P. Cape Gloves, un lined and silk lined $1.50 and $2.00 Men's Mocha Mittens and Fur Driving Mittens $1.00 to $3.50 Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson and family were entertained at C. J. Berg's place Thanksgiving day. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Enblom visited at Hans Flygare's Sunday after noon. Mr. Andrew Mattson, a former resident of this place but now of Canada, is visiting old friends in this vicinity. Last Tuesday evening at the home 1 5, *-i i--"4*5"fc, three weeks will be busy'days'at Every indication goes to show that this year's ^CHRISTMAS BUSINESS^ will far exceed all previous years. There are a good many reasons why the HOLIDAY business should be good this year. One of the many reasons is that our County had an unusually good crop. Every farmer is more than satisfied with his yield, which with the prevailing high prices on all farm products is bound to make him feel in a generous mood when it comes to CHRISTMAS shopping. Our store is filled with seasonable merchandise. We lay particular stress on three things: Quality Price. We invite you to visit our STORE and inspect all the useful and appro priate articles you can find in our stock for Christmas Gifts. We advise our customers to do their buying as early as possible, so as to avoid the inevitable rush the last few days before Christmas. Any goods selected now can be laid aside and delivered when wanted. Below we make a few I suggestions for substantial and lasting Christmas Gifts. LEADING STORE of Mr. and Mrs. John S. Ander son, occurred the marriage of their daughter, Miss Ruby, to Andrew T. Applegren. The ceremony was per formed at 9:30 o'clock by Rev. J. A. Wagner of St. Paul, and was witnessed by only the immediate relatives of the contracting parties. The bride was attended by Miss Gunhild Peterson as bridesmaid, and Mr. Alfred C. Anderson, cousin O MEN'S Holiday Neckwear. Endless variety of styles and patterns. Put up in fancy boxes at 50c & $1.00 each. E S Knit Mufflers in mercerized cotton and worsteds plain and fancy colors, with glove clasp in front at 50c & $1.00 each SILK MUFFLER S in Black and Fancies, at 50c to $3.00 each Men's and Boys' Belts and Suspenders. PRESIDENT SUSPENDER S Put up in handsome Christmas boxes, 50c per pair. FANCY SUSPENDERS Put up in Fancy Christmas Baskets at 75c & $1.00 per pair. LEATHER BELTS with Fancy Buckles, each 50c & $1.00. Men's House Coats, $5.00 up Peterso & Wei THE LEADING STORE WILLMAR, MINN. of the bride, was the groomsman. Miss Marion Anglund played the wedding march. After the service a wedding sup per was served. We join their friends in extending hearty con gratulations and wish them much happiness. Use Me-Me. TRIBUNE postcards. Miscellaneous Want Column FOR SALE—Good cook stove— 15 takes it. Inquire at Tribune office. FOR SALE—$1700 Residence Property, on installment plan. See J. T. Otos. 6f TO LET—Steam heated rooms, single or en suite, the Ames Block, 5th St. 492pf FOR RENT—A four-room house. Inquire of J. E. Leslie or J. T. Otos. tf FARM FOR RENT. 160 acres, 8 miles from Willmar. H. T. Ol son, 734 A St.. Willmar. tf. WANTED—Good girl for gener al housework. Mrs. N. 6. Carlson 329. Becker ave. W. tf. FOUND—On streets of Willmar, some money. Loser may call at Tribune to prove the claim. FOR RENT—A suite of two rooms in I. C. Olson block. In quire of Geo. H. Otterness. 39tf FOUND—A gold bracelet. Own er may have same by calling here, describing property and paying for this notice. FOR SALE —Several pairs of slightly used skates for sale cheap. Inquire of Albin Carlson, at Carl son Bros. & Frost. 41f POSITION WANTED-By first class buttermaker with twelve years' experience ten years in Min nesota creameries and two seasons in government creamery in Alberta. Best of references. Speaks Scandi navian and English. Sober. Mar ried. Address Fred S^enberg, Co kato, Minn. FOR SALE—A fifteen-hoise power gasoline engine of my own make, the well-known Willmar en gine, used only about four months. Will be sold cheap if taken at once. Also a four-horse engine which I will sell as I intend to put in an electric motor. Both engines may be examined at my garage. 41f LARS HALVORSON. SALESMEN wanted to introduce our new statistical and commercial state charts, just printed, and a new idea. The earnings are in keeping with your ability and en ergy. To experienced map sales men we can offer a splendid open ing, and to those who are not fam iliar with the work, we can take in hand and develop into high grade salesmen if the ability is at hand. Rand, McNally & Co., Chicago, 111. 39-14wk. Go to the Delmonico Cafe for the best cop of coffee in the City. 421. E. T. Sandbo. I"" Wilimar Markets "1 ——»»——»»»»»»»»»»»»——«»»»»»»»•«»»•«»»»•«•«••»..i Corrected Dec. 1, 1009. Prices on creamery butter.nour, bran, snon and apples are dealers' selling prices, all other are prices paid to producers. Willmar Elevators are paying two cents above market prices. Wheat, No. 1 Northern $1 ooy2 Wheat, No. 2 98%c Wheat, No. 3 9 5 Wheat, N 9iy2C Wheat, rejected S3y Wheat, No. 1 Velvet Chaff. 96i/22c Wheat, No. 2 VelvetChaff 9+Vic Wheat, No. 3 Velvet Chaff. 92V2c Wheat, No 1 Durum 78c Wheat, No. 2 Durum 76c Wheat, No. 3 Durum 73c Wheat, Not 4 Durum 70c Oati 30c to 33c Barley 41c to 46c Flax $1.54 to $1.69 Rye 57c to 61c Corn 37c to 42c Flour, fancy $3.10 Flour, straight $3 OO Bran $21 Shorts $22 Potatoes 40c Beans $1.70 per bushel Cabbage iy2c per pound Bggs 28c Butter, separator 26c to 28c Butter, dairy 26c to 28c Lambs $5.'0to$6.0 0 Sheep $2.75 to $4.00 Chickens 5c to 6c Spring Chickens 7 Beef steers $3.00 to$3.5oC Beefcows $2.50 to $3.00 Hogs, live $6.50 to$7.00 v»al calves $3.00 to $4.50 Hides „....8c Wool 20c to 22c Interest paid on all balances at stated periods. FOR RENT—One five room house, also steam heated rooms. In quire of R. W. Stanford, Postoffice building. tf. FOR SALE—75 tons of wild and tame hay in stack. If you want same, call at once or we will press and ship. Geo. H. Otterness. 39tf FOR RENT—Two farms, one in town of Dovre, sec. 6, and one three miles north of ppnnock. Mrs. Amanda Mikkelscn, Pennock, Minn. Rtl. 38tf. FOR RENT—Upstairs flat of 4 rooms, pantry, closets, city and cistern water, electric lights. Suit able for a small family. 508 4th St. tf DRY WOOD FOR SALE—At $3 or $3.50 per cord. S. J. Walgren, Fahlun Twp., address R. 2, Will mar. 42tf FOR SALE—Fire Insurance. Just send me a word when you want some and I will call on you. Lewis Johnson, Office 214 4th st. phona 494. tf SIGNS—"For Rent," For Rent, Furnished Room," "For Sale," "Dressmaking"—printed on card board, for sale at the Tribune office at 10 cents each. FOR SALE—At a bargain and on easy terms, a 273 acre farm in township of Fahlun, or will rent. For particulars inquire of. Ander son Land Co., Willmar. Minn. 38f FOUND—Some time ago. on the road to Eagle Lake, a lady's shop ping bag. Owner may have same by calling at the Tribune office, proving property and paying for this notice. ESTRAY—Two sheep came to my place last summer, in section 32, Dovre township. The owner will please come and identify them and pay for this notice. 41-3t O. R. SLETTEN. WANTED—To loan money on farm land, so that the borrower can pay any part or all of the principal on any interest payment day. In terest as low as 5 per cent. A. P. Adams, 25f Willmar Minn. WANTED—A number of bans on Kandiyohi County farms in which to invest our SAVINGS DE PARTMENT funds. No better se curity "outdoors." Kandiyohi County Bank. 13f STORAGE FOR AUTOMOBILES —I am prepared to store your automobiles in my garage for a very reasonable consideration. 1 also recharge and take care of storage batteries during the winter. 411f. Lars Halvorson. I hold the agency for the old, re liable Liverpool & London & Globe Insurance company of New York. Consult me when in need of FIRE INSURANCE or before renewing your old policy. I also write TOR NADO policies at a low rate. 9f A. H. Brown. FOR SALE—I have for sale on my farm in section 8, town of Green Lake, on the south shore of east Twin Lake one half mile north of the school house in Dist., No. 51, several cords of each of the follow ing described wood: Stove wood, $4.50 per cord, cord wood $4.00 per cord, fence posts 6 to 15 cents. Must be disposed of before Decem ber 1909. M. D. Crommett, own er. 36tf Those prize-winning portraits can be seen in Elkjer's Street Show Case now. While You Are Waiting to secure a good permanent investment deposit your money in our Saving Department. You can get it when you want it and in the meantime its earning a liberal rate of interest. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Saving* Department WILLMAR MINN. 4