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4 I ft I f. V. Willmar Tribune. By" The Tribune Printing Co. WILLMAR. MINN. EPITOME OFA WEEK'S NEWS Most Important Happen ings Told in Brief. PERSONAL. Mrs. Elsie Sigel, widow of Gen. Franz Sigei of cival-war fame, and grandmother of Elsie Sigel, who was murdered last August by a Chinaman, is dead at New York. She never had been told of her granddaughter's death. Bishop Cyrus D. Foss of the Metho dist Episcopal church, who has been honored by every Protestant denom ination, was stricken with paralysis while riding in a trolley car in Phila delphia and is in a critical condition. Miss Marjorie Gould, the beautiful young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George J. Gould, is to be the wife of Anthony J. Drexel, Jr., of Philadel phia. The engagement was announced by the parents of the bride-to-be. When Gilford Pincnot, ex-forester of the United States, walked to the ros trum at the meeting of the Civic fed eration at Washington he was ac corded a reception that bordered on riot. Nathan Straus, the New York mer chant and philanthropist, has broken down nervously under the strain of fighting for the children's tubercu losis preventorium at Lakewood, N. J. William Averill Harriman and Van derbilt Webb are Yale freshmen, who stand at the head of their class, ac cording to the scholarship announce ments. Gerrit J. Diekema, stalwart Repub lican of Michigan and member of Speaker Cannon's house organization, announces that he is a candidate to succeed Speaker Cannon because he believes that Cannon will not be a candidate himself for re-election. For the purpose of teaching college students the evils of intemperance, Herman Yerkes of Bordentown, N. Y., has glveu 110,000. Max Pam of Chicago has offered a prize of $1,000 to the students of Notre Dame university for the best thesis dealing with the subject of religion in education. GENERAL NEWS. Because of a clash with the New Vork police in the shirtwaist makers' strike, Inez Milholland, the Vassar graduate, was in a police cell for an hour. The Franco-Canadian trade treaty will go into effect February 1. Canad ian customs officials will be instructed immediately to admit goods from France to Canada at the reduced du ties. Attorney General Major of Missouri declares his intention of investigating the methods of the alleged meat trust and other combinations, with a view of giving the consumer a relief from the exorbitant prices now being charged for meat and foodstuffs of all kinds. Charges that Secretary of the In terior Ballinger had been involved in petty grafting for the benefit of a member of his family were filed by Representative Hitchcock of Nebraska in a statement addressed to the house committee on expenditures. For the third time the house of rep resentatives passed a bill giving sep arate statehood to the territories of New Mexico and Arizona. The vote was taken amid applause. The ab sence of opposition to the measure was the most striking feature of the debate Joseph Marok, who, it is alleged, as saulted hi3 bride of three days and threw her into a well in Fairfield, Conn, Saturday night and left her there for dead, and his supposed com panion in the assault, Bartoni Lasky, were arrested at the Union station in Springfield, Mass., when they came to the baggage room and presented a check tor the woman's trunk contain ing her bank books. The doors of the Citizens' National bank, Evansville, Ind, were closed, at least temporarily, or until the affairs of the bank can be investigated fully by J. C. Johnson, a national bank ex aminer. It is the opinion of the direc tors that the depositors wil be paid in full, and it is believed the stockholders will be assessed the full value of their stock. Gov. A. O. Eberhart of Minnesota is Bued a proclamation calling a state congress on conservation and agricul ture in St. Paul March 16-19. Eight-cent milk for New York city is expected as the result of the state investigation of milk prices conduct ed there. A plan was launched at a meeting of the board of directoss of George Washington university to raise $2,000, 000 as an endowment fund within the next three years. Henry C. Perkin$, member of the board, made an initial subscription of $50,000 toward the fund. Arbitration of the wage dispute be tween the Illinois Central railroad and Its telegraphers was taken up in Chi cago by I. G. Rawn, president of the Monon J. A. Newman, vice-president of the Order of Railway Telegraphers and Prof. B. H. Meyer of the Univer sity of Wisconsin. In a freight wreck on the Colorado Midland railway near Leadville, Col., four men were killed and three others Injured. Barrett Eastman, 46 years old, for merly dramatic critic and editorial writer on Chicago papers, committed «uicide by poison at Biloxi Miss. The Northern Pacific coast train No. 7, west-bound, left the track a mile and a half west of New Salem, N. D., and piled in the ditch. Fourteen per sons were injured seriously. Four thousand families in the low er Allegheny river valley and on the lower north side of Pittsburg left their homes for the night when warned by the United States weather bureau that the ice gorge at Freeport would surely break. Italy, Spain, Turkey, Switzerland and some parts of the British empire are favored as trade customers of the United States in proclamations issued under the Payne tariff law by Presi dent Taft. Germany and France are on the outside. John R. Walsh, 72 years old, bank president, railroad magnate and pub lisher, whose name was once a synonym of all that Is powerful and influential in the business world, en tered the federal prison at Fort Leav enworth, Kan., exchanged his name for a numeral, and took his place among the thousand convicts there. He lost in his long battle for free dom in the final legal skirmish when the United States circuit court of ap peals denied his application for a new trial. President Taft received the govern ors of 30 states, who have gathered at Washington to discuss problems of state and national Interest, at the White House. The Lumber Carriers* association of the Great Lakes held its annual meet ing in Detroit. The Argentine naval commission has advised the government to author ize the construction of two Dread nought battle ships of 28,000 tons each. The proposed vessels are to have a speed of 22 knots an hour and will carry 12 guns of twelve-Inch caliber. Fire applied by her present owners, a junk concern, destroyed the famous old frigate and Massachusetts nautical training ship Enterprise at Point of Pines, Mass. The vessel was burned to secure the metal used in her con struction. Subway franchises passed as the 'last act of Tom L. Johnson's admini stration as mayor were repealed by the city council on a strict party vote. The plan for a $75,000,000 subway sys tem was included. Edwin D/Faber, a constable from Mendota, 111., shot and probably fatal ly wounded Miss Sadie Tauser in a crowded cafe at La Salle and then killed himself, falling dead over her body. A step toward the deportation of Japanese insane in California institu tions, sending them to Japan to be come charges of their own govern ment, has been taken by Consul Gen eral Nagai at San Francisco. With main and mizzen top gallant masts carried away in a storm last Thursday, the ship W. H. Smith, from Chemainus, B. C, for Port Natal, Af rica, was picked up in distress off Astoria, Ore., by the steamer Washte naw. Patients in one of the wards of the Beth Israel hospital at New York be come panic stricken and the safety of 400 was endangered when a bottle of ether was ignited and set fire to the furniture in the room. Residents in New London, Conn., thought an earthquake had overtaken them when William Bennett deliber ately placed a stick of dynamite close to his breast and touching off the fuse blew away half of his body. Carl E. Kitchen, a fireman, was killed and ten persons injured, in a collision between the St. Louis-Mem phis special on the Illinois Central, bound for St. Louis, and a freight train near Pinckneyville, 111. The Turkish government is holding 12,000 troops in readiness to be sent to Crete. The petition for a writ of certiorari in the case of John R. Walsh, former president of the Chicago National bank, and owner of several railroads, under sentence to five years' imprison ment in the federal prison at Leaven worth, Kan., on the charge of misap plying the funds of the bank, was de nied by the supreme court of the Uni ted States. To fill 12 vacancies in the New York city hall 2,024 applicants for jobs as office boys took the civil serv ice examination. Ifirpe aMhH »t Ihp Hlv riOMU:il in St. Louis from tetanus, or lockjaw, due to freezing of the feet, have aroused physicians. All cases of the kind hereafter will be treated with antitetanus serum. A great conference on uniform legis lation by the states, called by the Na tional Civic Federation, opened in Washington, President Taft making the first address. Cutting the estimates nearly $1,000, 000, the committee on appropriations reported to the house of representa tives the urgent deficiency appropri ation bill for the current fiscal year, carrying altogether $5,003,816 The largest items are for $1,568,490 for the military establishment and $1,023,569 for the treasury. The annual convention of corn growers and stockmen and the free school for housekeepers opened at the University of Illinois in Cham paign. An adroitly worded resolution com mending ex-President Roosevelt, con gratulating President Taft and indors ing the policies pursued by Gifford Pinchot while chief forester, with ref erence to the leasing of grazing land and forest reserves to stockmen, was adopted by the American Live Stock association at Denver. A concurrent resolution Introduced in the New York legislature proposes to put that body on record against the federal income tax. The resolution is drafted along the line of Gov. Hughes' special message, recommending the nonratification of the federal tax. One passenger was killed, a brake man was fatally injured and nine oth er persons were seriously hurt in a head-on collision between two passen ger trains on the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad at Keystone, 25 miles west of Cedar Rapids, la. President Taft, it is authoritatively learned, is in favor of raising the wreck of the American battleship Maine, which rests at the bottom of the harbor of Havana, so that all the world will know whether the explo sion which destroyed the battleship originated inside or outside of the vessel. I GOVERNOR EBERHART ISSUES CALL FOR MEETING AT ST. PAUL, MARCH 16-19. TIME IS NOW RIPE FOR ACTION The Governor Points Out Meeds of the State In the Preservation and Conservation of Our Great Natural Resources. St. Paul, Jan. 19.—Governor A. O. Eberhart today issued a proclamation calling the first annual Minnesota Conservation Congress to meet in the municipal auditorium at St. Paul, March 16, 17, 18 and 19, 1910. The proclamation is as follows: That an era of new and complex development is opening in Minnesota there is no doubt. The soil and cli mate of the state are second to none. There exists within the borders of this state untold opportunities for the development of farms, mines, forests, water power, reclamation of swamp lands and construction of roads as well as the necessity of more railroad lines. To determine by a congress of rep* resentative men, interested in all lines of business and social endeavor, what the resources of this state are and IK^Bsssssssssssl i&J^^I 5 wfi' ^^^HB KJJL^^^^^H Gov. Adolph O." Eberhart. how the rapid and intelligent develop ment of Minnesota may best be as sisted, will contribute greatly to the advancement of this commonwealth to the front rank of the states. The development of unused lands conservation of soil fertility of lands •ttW under cultivation increase of production per acre on the farms careful handling of mineral resources to eliminate waste preservation and perpetuation of the forests scientific drainage of swamp lands improve ment of public roads extension of in dustrial and agricultural education study of the practicability of water power and the continuance of the best sanitary conditions to insure public health, are all subjects which must be considered and agitated in order to give force to a state wide movement for the development of Minnesota. A New Era of Pioneering. The time is here for a new era of pioneering. Men and women are com ing into the west and northwest as in the days of old, but they must come and expect to come without facing the hardships endured by the first pio neers. They will open the virgin re gions of Minnesota, creating new wealth and at once contributing to public maintenance. How to assist these people to the advantages en joyed by the older and more highly developed regions, giving them good roads, educational institutions, trans portation facilities, mail routes, health ful surroundings, telephone lines and markets in which, to buy and sell, is one of the problems which citizens of Minnesota may well consider in a meeting of representative men and women. For many years parts of this state have been severely subjected to sin gle cropping. Thousands of farms have been compelled to yield year af ter year the same ciops until the soil is wearing out and profits have un doubtedly been reduced. These soils must be given back the elements of plant life or they will cease to pay dividends on the increasing valuation. Vast Timber Resources. While the state of Minnesota has vast timber and boundless mineral re sources, agriculture is a condition to control, to a large measure, the indus trial activity of the people in towns and cities. Only a little more than one-third of the land in the state suitable for agricultural purposes is now under cultivation. These lands should be opened and handled to in sure the best returns to the tiller of the soil. Another demand has followed this. Get Together on Suggestion of the United States. Tokio, Japan. Japan and Russia have reached a complete agreemnt on the subject of the neutralization of the Manchurian railways proposed by the United States. The newspapers here generally admit the benevolent intentions of Secretary Knox, but there is no evidence of a lessening of the opposition to his plan on the ground of impracticability. IOWAN KILLS OLD FRIEND. Stabs Him, Binds Up His Wounds and Escapes. Oskaloosa, Iowa. After fatally stabbing his friend, George Par tfy, 55 years old, and helping surgeons whom he had summoned, to bind up the wounds, John H. Harlow escaped on horseback. No definite cause for the stabbing is known. Parry, a wealthy land owner, had apparently been on the most friendly terms with Harlow, one of bis tenants. The farmers should be giveh every possible opportunity to secure the knowledge of prabtical, scientific agri culture, the profits to be gained by crop rotation the inorease possible by creative and seleotive breeding or plants and animals. These things generally known and applied will re sult in immense improvements in pro duction. Knowledge of Live Stock Needed. To develop and extend the dairying industry necessitates more general discussion and knowledge of breeding lire stock. Great progress has already been made in this state and if the work is encouraged and extended, Minnesota will have in ten years a profitable market in other states and abroad for high priced cattle which combine milk and beef. Good roads must be built to enable Minnesota producers to meet the com petition of other producers in states having better transportation facilities, nearer markets and improved country roads. The cost of hauling our prod ucts from the farm to the market is excessive in comparison with the rail road charge for hauling similar prod nets and will remain in excess of the cost in other states unless our roads are improved. Practical, intelligent work on the highways of the state will reduce the cost from a half to two-thirds, broaden the scope of the farmer's market and add to the profits. Water Power Development. The source of many rivers and with thousands of lakes scattered over its broad domain, Minnesota has un questioned opportunities for the de velopment of water power. Discus sion of these unharnessed streams and their possibilities by practical en gineers is to be desired that the peo ple may realize that it rests with them whether they shall have cheap power and at the same time conserve the fuel resources of the state. At once one of the healthiest re gions in the United States, the natural advantage undoubtedly needs guard ing in the cities, in the homes and school houses. How best the publlo health may be preserved and improv ed is a question for wide discussion which will have for a result general education of the people to desire and secure the most healthful conditions everywhere. The impractical idea of taking a boy from the farm to teach him farm ing is overcome by incorporating in the courses of the rural school, the elements of practical, scientific agri culture and with the study goes indus trial training for the boys and domes tic science and art for the girls of the farm. The extension of these studies and how the system can be best fostered by consolidation of these schools, is a subject worthy of the most earnest consideration. Experience has shown than farmers' institutes, the so-called "short bourses" and similar meetings have had a wide influence, adding not only millions to the value of production, but improv ing the conditions of life. That the citizens of Minnesota should join in such a movement for conservation and agricultural development seems fitting when the governments of earth have come to deem expenditures of time and money for research, discussion and agitation looking toward the crea tion of a strong public sentiment for better living, more important than any other line of work. Taking into account, therefore tbsse vital considerations for the welfare of the state, I hereby proclaim the holding of the Minnesota Conservation and Agricultural Development Con gress, in the municipal auditorium, in the city of St. Paul, on March 16, 17, 18 and 19, 1910, and earnestly iavite the entire citizenship of the state to participate and co-operate in carrying out the plans for this gathering Miat its purposes may be fully realized ADOLPH O. EBERHART, Governor. Attest: JULIUS A. SCHMAHL, Secretary of State. St. Paul, Minn., January 17, 1910. LAKE BEING ROBBED OF FISH Hundreds of Barrels Are Taken From Water Near Sauk Center. Sauk Center.—Sauk lake is being robbed of all .its fish and will soon be without any, if action is not tak en immediately. The lake presents the appearance of a little settlement of huts, from which barrels of fish are being taken every day. Local merchants are being supplied and shipments are being made to the cities. Most of this fishing is illegal, as many of the men aie fishing with out licenses. This lake is seven miles long and formerly abounded with game fish. It has a magnificent shore line and is very picturesque, both in winter and summer. Can't Scold Hubby. LeSueur.—Because he said, his wife "jawed him too much," and that he "did not want to lrte in hell all his life time," Herbert V. Van Guilder, having shown the coart that he had provided for his helpmeet, although he had left her, was exonerated from a charge of desertion in the district court. JAPAN AND RUSSIA AGREE! MIKADO HONORS A CHRISTIAN. Rev. Francis E. Clark of Boston Has the Distinction. Tokio, Japan. The emperor gave an imperial audience to Rev. Francis E. Clark of Boston, founder of the United Society of Christian Endeavor, who was presented by Ambassador O'Brien. Dr. Clark has the distinction of be ing the first person to be received by the emperor because of his promi nence in Christian work. Campaign Skeleton Comes Out. New York, N. Y. Campaign speeches, written to order subject to the approval of Tammany leader, Charles F. Murphy, and curt little newspaper articles, "knocking" Wil liam Jennings Bryan, were among the slight services rendered in further ance of former Lieutenant Governor Lewis Stuyvesant Chanler's presiden tial boom in 1907, according to tha testimony adduced at the trial of the suit of William P, Clarke to recover $20,000 from Chanler for alleged ierv icea as a publicity promoter. HOUSE BALLINGER PINCHOT PROBING CAUCUS REJECTS RAINEY. DAVIS AND LINDBERGH BOLTERS Insurgents Given Recognition by Choice of Madison ef Kansas.— Six Progressives Bolt, But Meet ing Is Not Very Warlike. Washington, Jan. 20.—The caucus of republican members of the house named the house side of the Ballinger Pinchot Investigating committee and incidentally rejected Rainey of Illinois, one of the two Democrats selected by the Democratic caucus as the house minority's representation on the in vestigating committee. The six men selected include three "regular" Republicans, McCall of Massachusetts, Olmstead of Pennsyl vania and Denby of Michigan, one "in surgent" Republican, Madison of Kan sas, and two Democrats, James of Kentucky and Lloyd of Missouri. The caucus lasted three hours, and while characterized by considerable scrimony was a good deal more peace ful than most members had expected. Even at that there was a bolt of six insurgents led by Cooper of Wiscon sin, the others bolters being Lenroot, Nelson and Cary of Wisconsin, and Davis and Lindbergh of Minnesota. In several speeches, strong objec tions to both James and Rainey were voiced, the objectors claiming to ex press the views of President Taft. There was no objection to either of them personally, but it was urged, especially against Rainey, that their alleged extreme partizanship would unfit them for a judicial investigation. Against Rainey was cited activity in "stirring up trouble" for the Re publican administration in Panama canal matters. The matter will probably come up in the house, and it is expected that the Democracts to a man will vote to repudiate the Republican caucus ac tion. Incidentally there is the ques tion which could not be answered as yet, whether in the circumstances Lloyd will consent to serve. TURKISH PALACE IS BURNED. Parliament Building Costing $16,000, 000 Completely Destroyed. Constantinople, Jan 20.—The palace of Cheragan, where the Turkish par liament meets, was entirely destroyed by fire. The loss is great as the Ifnilding alone cost about $16,000,000. The fire originated between the priv ate apartments reserved for the sul tan and the chamber of deputies and is believed to have been due to de fective heating apparatus, although there have been reports current that reactionary agents were responsible for it. The fire started shortly before noon and a strong wind fanned the flames which spread with great rapidity. Little furniture and" very few of the Important documents were saved. Practically all the achieves of the chamber of deputies, including impor tant bills and* the budget estimates were burned. As a consequence, the business of parliament will be seri-. ously interrupted. WILEY COMING TO MILL CITY. Pure Food Expert Promises to De liver Address. Washington, Jan. 20.—Governor Eberhart of Minesota, has received assurances from Dr. W. H. Wiley of the chemistry bureau of the depart ment of agriculture that he will visit Minnesota at the request of the gov ernor and speak at the state conserva tion convention. Immediately upon receiving the invitation Dr. Wiley took up the matter with Secretary Wilson and received assent to the proposition that the chief .chemist shall fill the engagement. Dr. Wiley is so well known on ac count of his part in the work of en forcing the pure food law that he will be a distinct card on the program of the Minnesota meeting. Taft Invited to St. Paul. Washington, Jan. 20.—An invitation was extended to President Taft by David Hememan of Detroit to visit St. Paul in August to attend the con-J ference of municipalities, at which 400 mayors will be in attendance. The President promised to give the re quest due consideration. WEDS GIRL 46 YEARS HIS JUNIOR Jamestown, N. D., Physician Marries Chicagoan. Chicago, Jan. 19.—Relatives of Dr. David McLain in Jamestown, N. D., are waiting to welcome home the G. A. R. man, who is 70 years old, and his 24-year-old Chicago,, bride, who formerly was Miss Jennie Graves, of 5644 Green City. The physiciaa/s family has known Miss Graves six or seven years. The couple were mar ried in Chicago Saturday. The Essence of Life. Life is not only for work. It is for one's self and for one's friends. The degree of joy that a man finds In his work is due to two things: The In tensity and fulness of his vitality, and the congenial character of the work Itself. When one Is thoroughly well and vigorous, the mere Joy of living, of merely being alive, la very great At such a time the nature of tha work does not matter to a large extent. Tha sense of having power at your com mand, «md the delight of exerting It EX-BANKER GOES FROM MAN 8ION TO CELL SMILING. Hints to Old Friends That He Does Not Expect to Live Out Sentence. Leavenworth, Kan., Jan. 20.—On a little iron cot in a cell of the federal prison here, John R. Walsh, who be gan serving a five-year sentence for misapplying the funds of the Chicago National bank, spent his first night in the penitentiary. If the change from a luxxurious room in his Calumet avenue mansion in Chicago to a small barred space worked a hardship with the prisoner he did not show it by his actions. He has accepted his new situation with smiling good grace. He was outspoken in his approval of the kindly manner in which he was treated. The new surroundings did not make Mr. Walsh, who is now known as "Convict 6861,' nervous. He sat calm ly in his cell and read until the big gong sounded "lights out' 'at 9 o'clock. Then he disrobed and retired. When a' guard passed the cell a few min utes later the ex-banker was sleep ing peacefully. When the convicted banker was shown his cell he asked several ques tions about the rules governing his incarceration. Live Out His Sentence? But behind his brave front there is believed to be a secret belief in his own mind that he will never live out his sentence. It became known that while Mr. Walsh was talking in private with an old friend a man like himself, with white bair, whom he has known for a half a century, he re marked sadly: "I don't believe I shall ever live out my sentence if I am not pardoned." Little attempt was made to teach the new prisoner the rules, prison offi cials thinking it best not to burden his mind with the details of prison life until he had become thoroughly rested from his trip here. Many persons who saw the convict ed financier enter the prison with sprightly step and smiling counten ance predicted a relapse would follow when he was settled inside the walls. It was said that Mr. Walsh was straining every point to make him self appear cheerful before his friends. Few men even two score years younger than this grey-haired convict have walked so calmly into prison as did he. Warden R. W. McClaughry, an old personal friend of Mr. Walsh, was one of those who feared the prisoner might suffer a relapse. But, after talking with him he said: "Mr. Walsh is bearing up well. I am surprised at the vitality he shows. I do not predict a relapse. He will probably be able to take up some regular em ployment in a few days." Has a Good Appetite. One thing that has given confidence to the friends of the prisoner is his good appetite. His first meal in pri son consisted of warm biscuits, fried potatoes, onions and plain coffee. Mr. Walsh ate heartily. Immediately after Walsh's friends departed from the prison his photo* graph was taken. Another convict acted as photographer. The photo graph showed Walsh in the street clothes in which he arrived. In a few days, after he has recov ered from the fatigue and excitement attending his trip from Chicago, a second photograph will be taken. As he is in poor health Mr. Walsh was sent to the hospital for observation. It is said that he will be assigned to duty in the prison library. His duties in the library will be those of special clerk to the librarian, Chaplain Franc J. Leavitt, in the work of overhauling and recataloging the books. As there are over 7,000 volumes to be handled, the work promises to be no easy job.Jbut it is believed that it will prove congenial to the prisoner, who is a great reader. License Carries at Montevideo. Montevideo, Minn., Jan. 20.—The following is the result of the city elec tion here: Mayor A. L. McCargar treasurer, J. O. Anderson justice of the peace, H. E. Hoard and Elias Jac obson alderman, F. E. Bentley, T. G. McKay, H. Levoy, P. J. Mettlmg, Louis Thompson. License was car ried by forty-three votes. Minnesota Man Ends Life. Marshal, Minn., Jan. 20.—Joseph Nicholson commftteed suicide by shooting- himself at his home. He was 40 years of age and is survived by a wife and two children. Carrie Nation Visit Pierre. Pierre, S. D., Ja* 20.—Carrie Nation was in this city and left on her way to the Black Hills. She delivered a lecture, but did not try any stunts while here. 17 MORE CARNEGIE HEROES. Two lowans Are Recognized For Medals for Drowning. Pittsburg, Jan. 20. The Carnegie hero fund commission announces that 17 more heroes had been added to the,, list. There were five silver and 12 bronze medals awarded and about §19,000 in money. The acts of hero ism cover rescues from drowning, electrocution, trains. The heroes in clude Frank S. Weik, Walker, la. and Charles W, Weld, Waterloo, la.' even In coal shoveling or selling goods is enough. When one Is full of life, the mere feeling of fresh water or air on the skin, the taste of the plainest food, the exertion of muscular effort, the keenness of one's vision, the sight of color In the sky, or the sound of, the wind or the waves—it takes noth ing beyond these to make one Jubi lant, enthusiastic. German Farm Land All Tilled. Then are no deserted farms la Ger many. HILL FO PRESIDENT REGENTS WOULD LIKE TO HAVE HIM SUCCEED PRESIDENT NORTHROP. NOW AT UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI Most of Them Believe He Will Ac cept—Visit to Columbia Mo., to Be Paid by Committee on Successor. Minneapolis. Prof. Albert Ross Hill, president of the University of Missouri, has been offered the presi dency of the University of Minnesota to succeed President Cyrus North rop. The general opinion of those who are seeking him is that he will accept the offer. For a time the regents expected to bring Dean Frederick S. Johns, form erly of the engineering college of the University of Minnesota, now of the college of arts and sciences at Yale, back to this state, but opposition caus ed the withdrawal of the name. Although there are several educa tors on the list of the regents, the name of President Hill is declared to be almost their unanimous choice. It is expected that the selection will be made within the next few weeks, though the committee of the regents appointed to visit the various educa tors under consideration may take ac tion in a week. Of this committee ex-Governor John Lind, is chairman, and the other members are B. F. Nel son, President Northrop, Pierce But ler, and Dr. William J. Mayo. Messrs. Lind and Nelson, and possibly Mr. Butler, were to go to various institu tions of the country to discuss the topic of a new president, but they may go to no other place than Mis souri. President Hill is among the best ed ucators of the country. He was born in Nova Scotia, Oct. 4, 1869, and re ceived his first education in a coun try school. He went to Pictou, N. S., academy and to Dalhousie university, Halifax, where he received A.B. hon ors in 1892. Following this he went to Cornell, where he received his Ph. B., in 1895. He was at Heidelberg, Berlin and Strassberg in 1893-4 and at Clark university, Worcester, Mass., in the summer of 1896. He received his LL. D. at the University of South Carolina in 1905. His first tutoring experience came In Nova Scotia from 1885 to 1887. He was professor of psychology at the state normal school at Oshkosh, Wis., in 1895 and 1897, and following this he was made associate professor of philosophy, in 1897, of the University of Nebraska. From 1898 to 1903 he was professor of philosophy and director of the psychological laboratories at the same institution. In 1903 he went to the University of Missouri as professor of educational psychology and dean of the teachers' college. Since then he has advanced to the head of that institution. He is a member of Sigma Xi fraternity and numerous education al organizations. MINNESOTA "U" AS MODEL. High Officials of West Virginia to Visit State University. Mormontown, West Virginia.—Gov. ernor W. E. Glasscock, President Bur ling of the University of West Virgin ia, and members of the state board of control have left on a tour of edu cational institutions of the Middle West. Western colleges and universi ties are to be studied with a view to modernizing the University of West Virginia. The Universities of Minne sota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan and Chicago and a number of normal schools will be visited. MRS. LEDBETER DENIES THREAT. Returns to Mankato But Attorneys Say Her Stay Will Be Brief. Mankato. Mrs Grace Ledbeter, defying the threat to blow up the building where she was negotiat ing for rooms, has returned to this city from Spooner, Wis., but her attorneys give it out that her stay will be brief. They say that she returned merely to pack and ship her household effects. The police have been trying to trace the writer of the threat. PARDONS CONSUMPTIVE INDIAN. Lo Merely Used Whisky to Allay His Suffering. Washington, D. C.—President Taft has granted a pardon to William Deschamps, a Flathead Indian of Mon tana, because of his poor health. The man was found guilty of having intro duced liquor into reservation and was sentenced to 60 days in Jail. He had taken the liquor with him in obedience to his physician's order to allay his suffering from tuberculosis. NEW BANK ORGANIZED. Fairfax Will Have a National and Two State Institutions. Fairfax.—For many years this vil lage has supported two state banks with combined capital and assets of more than $400,000 a third one is in process of organization. E. F. Sell, Fairfax's pioneer merchant, Is the principal promoter, and will become the active head of the concern. It will be organized under the federal law and will be capitalized for $25 000. STATE FUNDS LOW. Treasury Finds Revenue Fund Nearly $1,463,000 Short. St. Paul.—The state treasury is in worse shape than it has been for sev eral years. The revenue fund is near ly $1,463,000 short. Of this amount $848,000 has been borrowed from banks and $515,000 has been drawn from other state funds. The law au thorizes an overdraft of $600,000 from the other funds for the benefit of the revenue fund, and the balance must be borrowed. Prof. Albert Woods. Assistant chief, bureau of plant in dustry, department of agriculture at Washington, D. C, who has accepted the position as dean of the Minnesota School and College of Agriculture. Ho will take charge in February. FAVOR 30-FOOT DAM. Twin City Business Man Pass Reso lutions. St. Paul. About forty-five men, representing the common councils of Minneapolis and St. Paul, the Uni versity of Minnesota, the Commercial clubs and other commercial organiza tions of the Twin Cities, met with the board of government engineers in the St. Paul Commercial club rooms, and discussed the proposed 30-foot dam near the Soldier's home. Just before the meeting adjourned a resolution was passed urging the board of engineers to recommend to congress that the work on the dam be continued that the base of the dam bs made sufficient to accommodate a height of 30 feet and that congress be asked to postpone a final decision regard to the disposition of the power till the legislature of Minne sota could meet and make provisions for municipal action. Underwood Heads Fair Board. St. Paul.—J. M. Underwood, of Lake City was elected president of the Minnesota State Fair, by a vote of 163% to 156. F. W. Murphy of Weaton was elect ed to succeed himself on the board of state fair managers. State Senator Dar A. Hall, in compliance with the ruling of the attorney general that he was not eligible, resigned and Charles P. Craig of Duluth was elected in his place. To succeed William E. Lee of Long Prairie, Thomas H. Canfield of Lake Park was elected. For the positions of first and second vice presidents, C. M. Griggs of St. Paul was elected to succeed John H. Beek of St. Paul, and E. J. Stillwell of Minneapolis was elected to succeed John J. Furlong. W. W. Sivright of Hutchinson, president of the Minne apolis Implement Dealers' association, was elected to succeed J. M. Under wood on the board. Minnesota Dairymen Meet. Hutchinson.—President W. F. Schil ling, of Northfleld, called to or der the thirty-second annual con vention of the Minnesota Dairymen's association, and expressed his pleas ure at finding such a large attendance. The mayor welcomed the visitors, J. R. Morley of Owatonna responded, and the officers of the association made their reports. The addresses of the afternoon were by Rev. Samuel Currie of Park River, N. D. O. A. Storvick of Crookston, and F. M. Wolfe of Montevideo. To-morrow evening the citizens of Hutchinson will give the dairymen a banquet. Train Wrecked Near Afton. Hastings.—An extra freight train, in charge of Conductor C. P. Upton, of Minneapolis, was wreck ed near Afton. The caboose and five cars loaded with coal were de railed. The accident was caused by a flange of the fifth car breaking. The caboose turned over twice and the occupants, Conductor Upton, John Black, brakeman, and Bat Staffen, pro prietor of the Phoenix hotel of this city, were injured. Upton received a sprained back, and severe bruises and Black and Staffen were rendered senseless. Merchant Is Bankrupt. Winona.—William Burns, referee in bankruptcy, has declared Henry C. Wermager, a general merchant of Houston county, a bankrupt on a peti tion in involuntary bankruptcy, which has been filed with the referee. This petition bears the signatures of cred itors as follows: The Spring Grove Bottling Works, of Spring Grove, Minn. Thomas D. Murphy Company, of Red Oak, Iowa Red Wing Union Stoneware Company, of Red Wing, Minn., and the Robert A. Johnson Company, of Milwaukee. The total amount of the claims made is in ex cess of $600. FAIL TO GET TIME EXTENSION. Citizens of Minneota, Minn., Give Rea sons For Not Erecting High School Marshall.—The residents of Minne ota have failed to gain another ex tension of time in the matter of erect ing a high school, which they were requested to do two years ago by George A. Alton, state high school in spector. The arguments advanced are that there is not enough attendance to warrant it and that the diplomas grant ed by it would not be as good as those from other schools. MEET AFTER LONG SEPARATION. St. Paul Man Reunited With His Brother Aftftr 47 Years. Bowling Green, Ohio, Jan. 16. Separated while serving in the Union army during the Civil war, H. W. Ster ling of Bowling Green and C. A. Ster ling of St. Paul, Minn., met here for the first time in 47 years. Neither knew of the other's whereabouts until H. W. Sterling, recently by chance learned this his brother was living in St Paul. vSl -ISfe f-4 NdP