OCR Interpretation

Willmar tribune. [volume] (Willmar, Minn.) 1895-1931, April 13, 1910, Image 3

Image and text provided by Minnesota Historical Society; Saint Paul, MN

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn89081022/1910-04-13/ed-1/seq-3/

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There's somthin' queer like come to Zeke—
He's started wearin' a collar
He combs his hair, he smells cologne,
His shoes shine like a dollar.
Last night he sat till one and writ
A poem 'bout a flower
And the hollow 'round his diaphram
Grows hollower every hour.
It is a great privilege in these I
days to have known a man who
was not ashamed of his churchman
ship and who fully realized that
on the manliness of Christ can
alone he built the strong and endur
ing traits of the Christian man
and the courteous gentleman.
It is as the faithful layman, the
sympathetic councelor, and the con
scientious warden, that I pen this
brief appreciation of Judge Nordin,
one of the first Vestrymen of St.
Luke's and for many years one of
the Wardens of the Parish. Also,
as one of the Lay Readers of the
Diocese, he held Licenses from
Bishops Whipple, Gilbert and Edsail,
and was not only a great help to
his rector in the conduct of the ser
vices, but, as missionary lay helper
—read the first church services ever
held at New London.
It was passing into the seventh
year of my rectorate when this
worthy churchman entered into his
rest, and I esteem it a great hap
piness to be able to look back thru
the vista of these vanished days—
and note the unbroken record of
kindliness, thoughtfulness, sympa
thetic co-operation, and whole-hear
ted confidence, which vivify and
make radiant the memory of his
cordial personality.
As the Honored Warden of this
parish, he never shirked'the oftimes
onerous duties of that high office.
He was in very fact the Rector's
With him the wardenship im
plied services—brought an oppor
tunity—carried an obligation: all
of these he was quick to apprehend
and utilize. It was not only to
the local demands, of the church,
as contained in the parish, that he
responded but as invariably comes
to him who is faithful in that
which is least, the Diocese, in its
wider capacity, called him to great
er things. He was prominent in
the Diocesan Councils, serving on
important committees, and repre
senting the Doicese in the Mission
ary Councils which gathered from
fourteen Doiceses at Fargo in 1908,
and at Sioux Falls in 1909. He
was also mentioned as one of the
possible delegates to the next Gen
eral Convention of the church in
the United States, which meets in
Cincinnati, October 5., 1910.
It was also in the happy social
life of the parish, that our late
A pretty view exposes.
Spring^i ^MinnesotaS^SCOUNTSPECIAL
I'm hangin' out 'neath Southern skies
For many months I've tarried
Where softly on the zephyrs mild
The orange perfume carried.
I've lounged beneath the palm tree's shade,
'Mid lilies fair and roses,
Where nature to my idle gaze
Oh yes! I most can scent the smell,
That spring smell, on the breezes
I most can see the clouds float by
Like big soft feathery fleeces
I most can near the roosters crow
The ducks and geese in parley
That clatter in the shed I know
Is dad a fannin' barley.
They've let the new calf out to romp
The way he jumps and jiggles
And kinks nis tail to a question mark
The sucker fish pursuin'.
It's spring up home, and in my heart
A hankerin' keeps a gnawin'
I know the robins have come back.
I hear the crows a cawin'
And as the evenin' shades draw nigh
I hear the frogs a croakin',
They're callin', yes, they're callin' me
My wanderlust provokin'.
By H. G.
Warden—always in his place at ser
vices, unless some illness, or call to
other unavoidable duty compelled
his non-attendance. He studied
the duties which canonically were
his to perform, and, as far as in
him lay, met and fulfilled them.
With that fine and innate courtesy
so characteristic of him, he would
always send me notice, when pre
vented in the discharge of the rou
tine work of his wardenship, so that
I knew why he chanced to be ab
But 'queer, somehow, the view fades 'way
Till scarce there's our iota
I'm only sort of dreamin' like
'Bout spring in Minnesota.
For like the swallow and the wren
T'ward north my thoughts go soarin',
And old familiar pictures come
Before my vision pourin'.
The pussy on the popple limb
Is hangin' like a frizzle
The sap is in the willow bark
Would give a grouch the giggles.
Ma set the speckled hen last month
Now, don't it beat the dickens!
The hen has set on thirteen eggs
And hatched out fourteen chickens.
I know the landscape's turnin' green,
And out across the clearin'
Goes little Sal to pick mayflowers,*
The very first ones peering.
I 'low it's orainar'ly hard
To guess what Bill's a doin',
But here's two bits he's at the creek
And Ned has made a whistle.
I hear his shrill notes from the fence,
It makes the gobbler gobble
That makes old drake his tail to shake
And all the geese to squabble.
The old bay mare has got a colt,
They've named him "Andrew Jackson
And deacon Jones down on the road
Is stuck with thirty sacks on.
But sister Ann has been to town
And bought a new spring bonnet
Dad says it's seven times too large
With too much van'ty on it.
The boys in Punkville Forks ,1 'spect,
Have "organized" a'ready
For pitcher Ole Soakem's chose,
For captain Franklin Eddy.
And soon the kids in deestrick ten
Where Mary Jane is teacher,
Willplant a tree in honor of
The spunk of Molly Pitcher.
warden's genial and sunny magnet
ism manifested itself, and he was
ever ready in our social gatherings
to impart the radiancy of that pure
and uplifting good fellowship
which makes so much for the pro
motion of clean and helpful social
It is a great calamity when a
parish loses such a warden: a great
er to a Rector, who appreciates and
values such an association. Yet so
intimately was the life of the
Senior Warden bound up with the
everyday life of the parish, that,
although he has entered into rest,
he yet seems very close to us, and
having passed within the veil—is
still speaking.
From the Bishop, from clergy in
the Diocese, and from layman have
come words of sympathy for our
great loss and appreciation of the
fine qualities and loyal churchman
ship of Judge Nordin.
Fix up the old chair by applying
a coat of Campbell's Varnish Stain.
You will be surprised and delighted
with the effect you can produce.
The cost is only a trifle and it is a
pleasure to do the work yourself.
Ask Carlson Bros, and & Frost for
color card.-
Dr. C. W. Riches,
(Medical and Osteopathic)
Has made special preparation for the
successful treatment of all long-standing,
difficult chronic diseases, such as sciatica,
rheumatism, goitre, stomach, kidney and
liver troubles, ailments of women, cancerous
growths, etc., etc. A large, pleasant home
tor patients. All Como cars pass house.
Free consultation by mail invited. If I can
not help you I will tell yon so.
Real Estate Transfers. I
Town of Fahlun.
April 8—Augusta Hoglund et al
to Helene Westboe, lot 3 of lot 3
and lot 16 of lot 4, sec. 5, 1.82 a,
April 8—Conrad Croonquist et al
to Helene Westbo, lot 3 of lot 3
and lot 16 of lot 4, sec. 5, 1.82 a.,
Town of Edwards.
April 7—Lars O. Thorpe to Her
man E. Swanson, eh of nei, n$ of
sei, sec. 11 160 a.. $6900.00.
Town of St. Johns.
April 6—J. F. Millrad to Christ
Rotzien, eh of nwj, nw£ of nw£,
sec. 15, 120 a., $4200.00.
Town of Green Lake.
April 1—Martin Murray to Pat
rick Lawler, sw£ of sej, sec. 33,
40 a., $1250.
April 5—Probate Court to Haagen
Olson, part of Gov't lot 2, sec. 3, 1
City of Willmar.
April 4—Anius B. Johnson to Al
fred Trulson, lot 6, bl. 13, Spicer's
add'n, $2200.00.
April 7—Edward Johnson to
Christian Larson, eh of nw£ of ne£
of nei, sec. 14. unplatted parts,
The neatest job of Halfsoling is
done at Erickson's Shoe Store with
a New Electric Stitcher and Polish
You can have the soles sewed on
for the same price as nailed, so
don't walk on nails.
The New Shoe Store.
27f G. A. Erickson, Prop.
Official Record of the Proc cd
Ings at the Meetings Held
the Past Week.
State of Minnesota,
County of Kandiyohi,
County Auditor's Office, Willmar,
Minn., April 1, 1910.
The Board of County Commissioners
of the said Kandiyohi county, con
vened in adjourned special session this
date at 2 o'clock p. m., pursuant to
Members present: Commissioners
Johnson, Kluster, Syverson, Swenson
and Chairman Olson. Absent:
The petitions previously filed by
citizens of the city of Willmar, re
questing this board to have the
normal natural water level of Foot
lake determined and established, and
to take the necessary steps to make
the outlet of said lake permanent by
suitable means in accordance with the
findings, which said petitions were
set for a hearing to be had this day
were taken up at this time and pub
licly read, and all interested parties
present were given an opportunity to
be heard relative to ths matter,
whereupon the chairman declared the
hearing closed.
On motion the board took a recess
until 7:30 o'clock p. m.
After recess the board reconvened
at 7:30 o'clock p. m., the following
members being present: Olson, John
son, Kloster, Syverson and Swenson.
Absent: None.
'Commissioner Johnson offered the
following resolution which was
adopted by a unanimous vote:
Be it resolved by the board of
county commissioners of Kandiyohi
County, that N. Y. Taylor, county
surveyor of Meeker County, Minne
sota, be and he hereby is appointed
as engineer to make an accurate sur
vey of Foot lake in said county, and
to do and perform any and all things
requisite and necessary to determine
the normal natural water level of the
said Foot lake, and after completing
his duties as such engineer to make
and file hiB report with the county
On motion Thos. H. Olson, J.
Swenwon and S. A. Syverson were
appointed as a committee to assist
the engineer in making survey of
Foot lake.
On motion a reces* was taken until
10 o'clock a. m., April 2nd, 1910.
The board met at 10 o'clock a. m.,
April 2, 1910. All members of the
bpjjr& were., present.. /..,
The board proceeded to audit bills
filed against the county, and the fol
lowing bills were allowed In amounts
set forth:
Name of Am't.
Claimant For What Clm'd
Albert Svobodny, caring
for poor $14.00
Pe^er.*on and Wellin. sup
plies lor poor 3.25
Peterson and Wellin, sup
plies for poor 6.15
Johnson and LarsonLun
ber.Co. fuel forpoor 51.25 51.25
And L'ndgreen,repairs on
house usfd lor poor 26.90 26.90
P. R. Sletten, supplies lor
poor 4.86 4.86
Peter Bonde, boarding
prisoners 24.60 24.60
John Felg, services on
board of Audit 15 0O 35.00
Peter Hanson,- witness
fees in Municipal Cou»-t 2.12
Geo D. Barnord, office sup
The Pioneer Co., office
Free Press Printing Co.,
office supplies
A. Hanson, witness tees in
Municipal Court. 1.12
John A. Johnson, jury fees
in Municipal Court 1.12
Lawrence Hanson, witness
fees in Municipal Court.. 1.12
John B. Star, witness fees
in Municipal Court 1.12
W. R. Porter, services as
Chairman on County
Ditch No. 8 4.50
C. J. Swenson, County
Commissioners Mileage.. 2 00
N. B. Johnson. County
Commissioners Mileag.. 3.00
J. O. Kloster, County
Commissioners Mileage 2.00
S. A. Syverson, County
Commissioners Mileage.. 3.00
30.50 30.50
23.25 23.25
11.60 11.60
4 50
Bond of Alo Abrabamson as county
surveyor given in the amount of
$500.00 was presented and examined
pnd on motion the same was ap
On motion the meeting adjourned
until 2 o'clock p. m., April 4, 1910.
Thos. H. Olson,
Chairman of the Borad of Coun
ty Commissioners. of Kandiyohi
Attest: County, Minnesota.
John Feig,
County Auditor and Ex
officio Clerk of the Board.
State of Minnesota
County of Kandiyo
Office of county auditor, Willmar,
Minnesota, April 4, 1910.
The board of county commissioners
of said county convened in adjourned
session this date at 2 o'clock p. m.
The following members were pres
ent: Johnson, KolBter, Syverson,
Swenson and chairman Olson. Ab
sent: Nona.
Bond of T. 0. Gilbert, Judge of
Probate appointed in the amount of
$1000, was presented and examined
and on motion the same was accepted
and sureties thereon approved.
Moved and seconded that action
be deferred until later on all applica
tions filed for road and bridge appro
priations carried.
On motion the meeting adjourned.
Thos. H. Olson,
Chairman of Board of Coun
ty Commissioners of Kandi
Attest: oyhi County, Minnesota.
John Feig,
County Auditor and Ex
officio Clerk of the Board. (Seal).
Lake Elizabeth, April 9.—Rev.
A. Nelson called at Peter Olsons
last Wednesday.
Mrs. Adolph Winberg who has
been staying at her parental home,
C. J. Booms, left for her home in
Minneapolis last Friday afternoon.
Selma and Hulda Johnson of Hos
endale and Lilly and Ruby Bowman
were the guests at Andrew Ander
sons Sunday afternoon.
Miss Minnie Johnson of Under
wood, North Dakota, has been
employed by Mr. August Melin as
clerk in his store.
Miss Ida Swenson is at present
staying with her aunt, Mrs. Johanna
Mr. and Mrs. John Danielson
called at John Norbloms Tuesday
Mrs. George Bowman, Mrs. West
lund and Mrs. Henry Hjort were
the guests of Nels Peterson's Tues
day evening.
Mrs. Westlund and Mrs. Hjort
both of North Dakota left for their
homes Wednesday afternoon.
Leander Campbell called at C. E.
Johnson's Sunday afternoon.
Mr. Arthur Russell of Gennessee
made his usual Sunday evening
trip to Theo. Bjurs.
The young people of the Epworth
League will meet at Eric Lunds
the April 21st. Everybody is wel
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Johnson
were pleasantly entertained at Willie
Johnsons Sunday afternoon.
Mr. Levi Norblom spent a pleas
ant evening at John Olsens Wednes
April 1st ended the sufferings of
Mrs. Loenard Boom, formerly of
Mrs. Emil Edmund made a pleas
ant call at Andrew Andersons
We are sorry to hear that Mrs.
John Forsberg who has been ill for
sometime, is not improving, but
hope she will do so soon.
Mrs. Fredrick Carlson died Thurs
day April 7th after a short illness.
Death was mostly due to old age,
deceased being about 70 years old.
She leaves to mourn her death Clara
Carlson of Minneapolis, Delia who
Why not set aside a certain portion of your income regularly to
purchase interest bearing Certificates of Deposit at this bankV
Yon can buy a Certificate as often as you like for any sum from a
dollar up.
A growing "bunch" of Certificates, all bearing interest from the
very day issued will give you a comfortable feeling.
This is a matter for you to act upon TODAY.
Morris, Illinois. Deceased was only
26 years old. As heart failure was
the cause of her death she was sick
only a short time. The remains
were laid at rest in the Baptist
cemetery April 3rd, Rev. Nelson
officiating. She leaves to mourn
her husband, besides a hosts of
friends and relatives who will miss
her sadly.
Mrs.' George Bowman called on
Mrs. Per Olsen Monday afternoon.
Chester Johnson who is working
on the Great Northern railroad has
been spending a few days at his
home here.
LOVE STORY of the Days of the Revolution,
of Wonderful Interest and Beautiful Sentiment
"Spring, with that nameless pathos in the air
Which dwells with all things fair,
Spring, with her golden suns and silver rain,
Is with us once again."
ND Our Faincies Lightly Turn toThoughts of Love.
To some of us this story will be an inspiration
and to others it will awaken memories of a Spring
Courtship long ago.
OVELIZED from the play by Booth Tarkington
and Harry Leon Wilson. The most beautifully il
lustrated story that has ever appeared in our columns.
Read the first installment of this story which appears in
£his papeRri&t^l-?
stays at home and Willie Carlson
who also is at home, besides several
other friends and relatives.
Miss Betty Wiberg who has been
in this vicinity for a few weeks
visit with friends, left for Ray
mond last week.
Mr. Arthur Mattson will work
for August Norine the coming
J. F. Branton of Willmar made
a business call at Sumner Glader's
Mr. Emil Norine is running short
of paper writing to someone in Ray
A new book-case has been install
ed in Stanton Hill school Dist. 38.
Several from Lake Elizabeth at
tended the Temperance League
meeting at Arthur Russell's Friday
evening. Everybody reports a good
Mr. and Mrs. Rueben Broman
called at J. B. Andersons Sunday
When down town, take a look at
the elegant large portraits on exhi
bition in Elkjer's street showcase.Sf

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