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QR. CHRISTIAN JOHNSON, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, OBSTETRICIAN. OFFICE IN JOHNSON BLOCK. RESIDENCE, 412 2d ST. PHONE 33. Calls from the country answered promptly, Jay or night, and phone calls tended to at all hours Always give name of responsible vrty, town and section in the country, and street and house number for city. Insist that phone messages are promptly delivered Willmar, Minn. WILLMAR HOSPITAL Cor. Backer Avenue and Fourth Street. Attending Physicians: Drs. Petersen and Branton Office hours: I to 4 p. m. Sundays 12 to I p. m. C. E. GERRETSON, DENTIST, WILLMAR, UJNN Offlon in New Ruble Blook H. F. O E DENTIST (SKANDINAVISK TANDLAKARE) Office in Carlson Block. Phone 279 WILLMAR, MINN. GEO. H. OTTERNESS ATTORNEY AT LAW OOUWTY ATTOBHBT KANDIYOHI COUNTY Othce in the new Carlson Block WILLMAR, MINNESOTA R. W. STANFORD LAWYER Real Estate, Insurance and Collections Office in Postofflce Building, WILLMAR, MINNESOTA JOHN T. OTOS, ABSTRACTER AND CONVEYANCER Abstracts of Title to lands in Kan diyohi County furnished xrozaptly REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE A N S E A S I TICKETfa Office in Bank of Willmar building A1ILLMA.R MIK A E RICE, Pres Handy, Cashier E E N Vice Pres BANK OF WILLMAR ORGANISED UNDER 1 E STATE LAWS CAPITAL AND UNDIVIDLD PROFITS $100 000 CAREFUL ATTENTION TO COLLECTIONS Drafts on all principal cities of the world and steamship tick^ ^s to and from Europe FARM LOANS AT 6 PER CfcMT INTEREST KELLY & SANDERSO LIVERYN Phone 46. One block south of depot I. C. OLSON N E A (Lloensed Embaimer.) OfficeSOOLitchfield Avenue W Residence 311 First Street Phone 217 Phone 118 \#V. 'XA/IL.BEIIR, (Successor to A Crawford) LICENSED AUCTIONEER Make dates with Bank of Will mar or Kandiyohi Co. Bank. Phone call Wilhnar & St John Line DeLaHunt's Parcel Delivery. Trunks, parcels, packages, letters, etc called for and delivered to any part of the city. Promp service Charges moderats Office Great Northern Express Telephone 92 EI. E I E TILING CONTRACTOR Cellar Draining Tile Laying Enquire of Anderson Land Co., Willmar WILLMAR TAN AND LINE ROBES Andre 0. Sather, PROPRIETOR 937 1st St. So. Willmar, Minn. How Carlstrom Met His Death. A dispatch to the Minneapolis Journal contains the following ac count of the accidental death of An drew Carlstrom, a brother of Mrs. Andrew Lundin of Svea: Moorhead, Minn., April 6—An drew Carlstrom. a farmer, 50 years of age, residing several miles south of this city, was found dead yester day with his buggy turned upside down on his prostrate form. Near the body were the man's two horses lying in a ditch on their backs un able to get out. The neck of the victim was broken, evidently caused by his being thrown out of the buggy. The body was found by farm hands on their way to nearby fields to do seeding. The presump tion is that Carlstrom, in the dark ness, missed the road and drove in to the ditches. Young lady—when attired in your new suit and bonnet, just drop in at Elkjer's studio and have your picture taken.—Get something fine this time. 8f Arctander, April 11 —Farmers are putting the finishing touches on their fields these days. Miss Selma Henjum spent her Easter vacation at home. The work of excavation by the dredging crew is progressing very niceiy. Martin Roisum is assisting Carl Evenson during seedirg. Miss Tina Hough is the saleslady at the Negord store these days. The grim angel of death has again visited this community, this time claiming as its victim and remov ing from our midst one of our es teemed friends, Ole Ruelykjen. De ceased had been ailing during the past winter but was not confined to bed more than about a week. Al tho the sickness was of such a na ture that death was inevitable, the end, no less, came very suddenly at 11 o'clock last Saturday. Inter ment took place at the West Lake church cemetery last Tuesday. Ow ing to the sickness of Rev. Sund, Rev Sotendahl officiated. The Y. P. S. of the East Norway Lake church meets after services at the church on Sunday April 24th. The first of a series of lectures on the Catechism by Rev. Sotendahl will be given at this meeting. The Willmar Cook Book can be had at the Palm's Ideal Bakery for 25 cents. 8-2. JOTTINGS Gennessee, April 11—Mrs. C. J. Berg and children visited with her mother, Mrs. John Anderson, last Thursdav afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Claus Johnson vis ited at the Peter Norman home Sunday. The Misses Grace Vick and Alice Mathiason were Sunday visitors at the home of their friend, Miss Edith Bartlett. Nels Holmgren and son Victor went to Glasgow, Montana, last Tuesday evening on a business trip. Mrs. A. 0. Narverud visited with Mrs. Jonas Berg Thursday after noon. Miss Ida Lee was a visitor at the Erick Engvall home Sunday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Behm re turned to their home at St. Paul last week after a visit here with friends and relatives. Messrs. Charles Peterson and Al bert Olson were guests at N. F. itallberg's place Sunday evening. Miss Emma Berg has been dress making at the Erick Engvall home the Dast week. Me-Me. For FIRE 46f INSURANCE see Lewis Johnson. |£ICE^^^|N|AKE- Spicer-on-Green-Lake, April 11— Rev. Johanson and a Mr. Hanson from Grafton, N. D., will conduct services at Long Lake next Sunday at 11 o'clock and at Green Lake in the afternoon at three o'clock and at the Swedish Luth. church at Spi cer in the evening at 8 o'clock. Mrs. G. Bratberg will entertain the ladies aid of the Long Lake congregation next Thursday after noon. All welcome. Miss Hannah Peterson will give a box social in the Lincoln school in Dist. 28, on Friday, the 22nd of this month. A good piogram is be ing arranged for the evening. The Green Lake Concert Band will give a concert at New London in the hall next Monday evening, April 18. Don't miss it, but be sure to all come. Oscar Johnson and sister Clara came back from the cities last Fri day after a few days stay. The Y. P. S. of the Norwegian Free church will give a program next Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock in the Presbyterian church. Ad mission 10 cents. Mrs. A. Anderson spent Sunday with her mother-in-law, Mrs. J. P. Anderson. Don't foiget the box social to be given by the Spicer school next Fri day evening at eight o'clock. Mrs. V. Anderbon of Willmar visited with her sister, Mrs. Dan Downs, last week. The Ahlstrom family spent Sun day at Willmar, returning in the evening. Miss Jennie Swenson spent Sun day at her cottage home by George Lake. There will be services in the Presbyterian church next Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock by Rev. Nordberg ot New London. "Mound City Paints may cost a trifle more, but—! 4-52 John Lundquist." SUBSCRIPTIONS TO A GOOD CAUSE HERE ACCOUNTED FOR A long drawn out siege of sick ness in the home of William John son of West Lake Lillian having depleted his resources to the last degree, the friends and neighbors joined in a subscription for the pur pose of assisting him to send his sick wife to a hospital where she can receive better care than pos sible to be had in a home where there are six little ones and but lit tle help. The Tribune has been re quested to publish the list of don ors which it will most cheerfully do. They are the following: East Lake Lillian Gamp No. 10319 M. W. of A, $25.00 DRESS GOODS. Here are two exceptional offerings in Dress Goods from the celebrated Jamestown Woolen Mills, one of the most perfect and best wearing dress fabrics in existence. 2 0 Pieces 38-inch Wool Dress Goods in all the new spring shades 65c values, for one week only afSLJl at per yard a W 1 5 Pieces All Wool Dress Goods in Diagonals, Serges, Panamas, Brilliantines 40 to 48 inches wide in black and all the new spring shades. Sold up to $1.35. For one week O A only, per yard Strong Curtain Lecture The goods back up the argument. Want to emphasize—special lots. You're just on the edge of spring housecleaning and you'll need new curtains perhaps, if so, then these will hit you just right. WE SHOW YOU BIG VALUES $CAN 6 to 45FROM PER PAIR. White Curtain Swis in fancy figures and coin spots one yard wide. Sold at and is worth al most double what we are selling this lot at. Special for one week only, per yard perfection shirt Waists These waists are all new and this season's styles, made according to the latest designs. The Per fection Waist makers use only high-class ma terials, and their waists have a fit and finish that put them in a .distinct class by themselves. Re quest to see them, that you may with carefulness judge the extraordinary values. White Petticoats, $1.25 values, $1.00 Made of good quality cambric with deep full flare flounce ol Lace and Embroidery and dust ruffle A- fwv special only «n 1 65c Muslin Gowns at 48c. Made of good Muslin, Embroidery and Lace Trimmmge, cut lull, all sizes special RY Hiawatha Brand of Canned Goods W return your money for every can not satisfactory. Ten Dollars Each.—H. E. Olson, Gustaf Johnson. Five Dollars Each.—H. Andr. Lobnitz, And. H. Bomstad, H. W.Wicklund, Bomsta, Halvor M. Stridsvold, J. G. Flann, Ole Nord, Mrs. Nord, Ole Blomquist, L. J. Peterson, John Johnson. Three Dollars Each—H. P. Han son, August Lind, Daniel Lundbom, Ole Linn, Erick Knutson, E. E. Nordin, Lars Erickson. $2.50—W. A. Lindquist. Two Dollars Each—C. J. Strom, August Bitzen, George Lundbom, Peter Thode, Neitzel Bros, J. Rich ardson & Co., Amund Dahl, John F. Lorenz, Ole Lundquist, Peter Lofgren Sr., Ole Erickson, Ole E. Erickson, P. Aspaas, Nils J. Lund, Andy H. Anderson, Ed Flann. MAN YAILORED IN THE WORKSHOP^ WORTH 48c One Dollar Each—H. A. Rasmus son, I. K. Gilhoi, J. 0 Hoyum, Nels M. Nelson*, L. Benson, Henry H. Peterson, Waldo Jo- hans, Mrs. August Bitzen, Mrs. James H. Young, Mrs. Betsy Carl son, Matt Gauer, F. E. Gunner, Andrew Pederson, H. E. Anderson, Ingebregt Johnson, Iver Aspaas, Ed. Thomas, C. L. Johnson, Ole Person, Charlie Hultgren. Ole J. Peterson, Victor T. Peterson, Soren Mickelson, Erik Bjork, Soderberg, Gus. Wegener, Kramer & Henky, H. A. Puffer, Ole H. Krogstad, F. L. Puffer, Fred Miekley, John E. Bengtson, Albert Bengtson, Leonard Englund, Erik Englund, William Trogen, John Meyer, P. P. Hanson, Andrew Svedin, N. O. Nelson, H. 'J. Johnson, E. Seastedt, A. Latt, Seasonable Goods in Large Assortments at Prices that Have Gained us Fame as the "ALWAYS BUSY STORE• Givers Of Best Va!ues.=House Of The People. Ladies9 Tailored Suits. Jackets BE SEE SURE OUR Long Coats There is a certainty of satisfaction in the goodness of fabrics, excellence of style, carefulness of tailoring and in the graceful, shapely fitting qualities. Farmers' Attention! To every one bringing in 12 dozen or more eggs next Saturday, we will give E E One Package of Medicated Nest Eggs, a disinfectant that Kills Chicken Lice and Mites. FREE! A 50c PACKAGE FREE! AND LINE YOU BEFORE BUY LAC E 100 pieces Linen Finish Torchon Lace, worth up to 10 cents. Choice at 5c a EMBROIDERY 4 to 10 inches wide at only 9 a yard MUSLIN UNDE WEAR Heaps of well made, prettily trimmed goods with the prices just right for shrewd buyers. BENSO N BROS & JORRI S Telephone 320, Willmar, Minn. C. J. Peterson, Oscar Linn, Law rence Anderson, Emil Johnson, A. M. Hedin, Mrs. Pearson, R. D. Su sens, F. Susens, Fred Reme, H. P. Peterson, A. J. Johnson, P. H. Han son, Peter Hanson, Olof Heglund, David Carlson, Matts Renstrom, Peter Lindquist, C. Ostman, 0. L. Erickson, P. S. J. Johnson, A. Fors man, J. E. Johnson. Olof Tatting, J. 0 Peterson, Willie Larson, A. M. Renstrom, Ole Renstrom, Vic tor Renstrom, Anton Rudbeck, An drew G. Jonhson, Andrew Hed, Matts Walner, Peter Blomgren, John Erickson, H. W. Mielke, Her man Koch, Oscar Lundquist, Mrs. P. Lundquist, A. Rosenmeier, Hen ry Stene. $1.50—Andrew Renstrom. Seventy Five Cents Each—A. H. Vick, W. A. Carlson. 65 cents—Klas Johnson. Fifty Cents Each—L. P. Hamre Benson, Joseph Nielson, Miss Au gusta Lund, Suren M. Hanson. Enok Gunar, August Godejahn, E. Heglund, A. B. Jakes, Stephens Adams, Emil Person, John Melchu, William Mittelstedt, Gust Ceder berg, Robert Bomsatd, Gustaf Ol son, Hendri Ridel, Frank Murray, William Carney, G. L. Melquist, F. Dresow, John Darner, Johan Ben hagen, John Kindel, H. L. Brugge man, Jos. Schmall, John Anderson, Mrs. E. J. Hedlof, Richard Rud beck, William Renstrom, J. Johnson, Andrew Holmgren, Carrie Johnson. Peter Kopman, Chas. Nel son, Alfred H. Bomstad, Otto Hit- Spring Hosiery You may buy Hosiery here and feel per fectly easy in mind and correspondingly richer in purse Every pair of "Black Cat" and "Cadet" Stockings for Men, Women, Boys and Girls are guaranteed.. Price 25c a pair. MARKv Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. SCIENTIFIC STOCKINGS Reinforced with Linen lo Men, Women and Children in Silk Petticoats* Every woman in need of a Silk Petticoat should come to this store. We will for one week sell them for less than cost of silk. Guaranteed heavy Taffeta Silk in black and colors, with wide tucked flounce $6.00 values Special for one $3.95_—^—^^ Black Percaline Petticoats with two neat rows of ruffles and tucking guaranteed to wear. Special for SK f* one week, only %*%w%* SKIRTS TWO SPECIAL LOTS. The Wind-up of Odds and Ends An exceptional opportunity to se cure a good Skirt if your size is among them at a remarkable reduc tion. Lot 1 Skirts that sold up to $4.50. Special wind-up price only Lot 2 Skirts that sold up to $6.00. Special ^a^ wind-up.price 3 5 0 $2.68 FOR ONE WEEK 10 --Special Discount--10 on all other skirts. 30c and 35c Corset Covers at 25 cents. Made of fine Cambric, Embroidery and Lace trimmed, special at c£DC SHEETING Pepperell Mills 9 4 Sheeting, bleached €%m and half bleached, at per yard MUSLIN Fruit of the Loom and Lonsdale Pine A Muslin, at per yard 1 ler, Geo. T. Wolff, J. E. Essen. Total Amount collected, $257.15. "Little Helpers" Program. The "Little Helpers" of the Swedish Baptist church will cele brate thier twentieth anniversary next Friday evening, April 15, com menciong at 7:45 o'clock. The fol lowing program will be rendered, after which a silver offering will be taken up. Refreshments will be served for -ten cents. Everybody cordially invited. Bible reading Esther Swenson Prayer Joel Thunstedt Welcome speech Anna Ekdahl solo .Winnie Rogers Reading Florence Sullivan Song choir Report by secretary Jalmer Nyquist G.Piano TheyVe Made To Stand Abuse BLACK CAT HOSIERY TRY Hiawatha Brand of Canned Goods. W return your money for every can not satisfactory. Violin selections. .Cyrus Borestrom Recitation Violet Oberg Piano solo Miss Palmer Cornet solo John Otos Vocal solo Mrs C. E. Oberg Violin selections, (a) Cavatina Raff op. 85 (b) Gavotte F. J. Goose (c) The Bee F. Schubert Cyrus Borgstrom Remarks Rev. C. E. Oberg Prayer Mrs. O. J. Ahlstrom Pictures of the babies pictures of grandma, pictures of the whole family—at Elkjer's up-to-date stu dio. 8f The Metropolitan barber shop, Bank of Willmar building, B. T. Otos, proprietor, is the shop to get a shave, hair cut or bath. 5 3 -4 1 t?1 J\