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$ to il'. \t A 4W': 1 -I:: fe Published every Wednesday at 328—330 Benson Ave., Willtnar, Minn., by Victor B. Law son under the firm name of— TRIBUNE PRINTING COMPANY. PROGRESSIVE REPUBLICANS Call For a Convention to. be Held At Minneapolis Wednesday January 4th, 1911. To the Progressive Republicans of Minnesota:—The Progressive Re publicans of Minnesota are waging a vigorous fight within their party for clean government and popular rule. This is an uprising of the people that is spontaneous and not the result of any pre-arranged lead ership or plan. It springs from causes that are deep seated and common to the whole state. The voters of Minnesota are driv ing special interests from the con trol of the state government. They are driving business out of politics and politics out of business. They are restoring to themselves the power guaranteed in the State Con stitution. The essentials of success in this struggle comprise a complete or ganization of all the people, to gether with such progressive legis lation as will give the people an equal opportunity with predatory interests. It is deemed wise and necessary that Progressive Republicans from all parts of the State shall convene for careful consideration of the best means of securing these desir able results. With this purpose in view the Progressive Republican fe*lirt6tf4ltt^tftt**^ GOTO We also handle a complete line of the 10c edition of McKinley J* & Sheet Music Also he latest it in music & & jfi Useful Xmas Presents for the Home 321 Benson Ave. Address: Willtnar, Minn. Northwestern Telephone No. 51 2 phones on Hue: Phone 51-2,Business office 51-4, Pub lisher's residence. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. One Year (within United States only) $1.50 Six Months..., 7^ Three Months 40 Three months on trial to new subscribers 25 Five Years in advance 6.25 To foreigu countries, always in advance, at the rate of, per year 2.00 All subscriptions outside of Kandiyohi and next adjoining counties must be paid' in ad vance, and I'APKR WILL STOP unless a renewal is received or subscriber has specifically re Quested the paper to continue. Within Kandiyohi county and on tributary mail routes the paper will continued until express notice is received to stop, to which time all arrearages should be paid. ADVERTISING KATES quoted on application. POPULAR WANTS at and 3 cents per line, minimum charges 25 and 10 cents. CARDS OP THANKS AND OTHER PERSONAL NOTICES, 50 cents, ten lines or less. GUARANTEED CIRCULATION, 2,520. (Entered December 5, li)02, at Willtnar, Minnesota, as second class matter, under act of March 3. 1S79.1 VICTOR K. LAWSON, Editor and Manager. H. G. MEYER, Foreman of Printery. LUDVIG S. DALE, City Editor. WILLMAR, MINNESOTA. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 14. 1910. Leagues of St. Paul. Minneapolis and Stillwater have, through a joint committee, arranged for a conven tion to be held in Minneapolis on the FOURTH day of JANUARY, 1911, and a banquet to be held in St. Paul on the evening of the same date. The Committee signing this call therefore extends an invitation to the Progressive Republicans of the State to be well represented at this convention and banquet. This is the first political conven tion ever held in the northwest sole ly for the purpose of considering political principles. It is the hope of the Committee that every Pro gressive Republican in the State will co-operate to make this move ment a success. Signers to the Call. St. Charles. Eugene Miller. Winona, William Codman. Plainview, A. R. Klaveter. Owatonna, Milo B. Price, Thomas Kelly. Wabasha, J. E. McLeod. Dodge Center, Edgar Stivers. Kasson, George Nottage. Rochester, Thomas Fraser, D. B. Franklin. Caledonia, E. R. Roverud. Austin, R. L. Johnson. Leroy, Harlan G. Palmer. Waseca, W. F. Maloney, E. Cas tor. Albert Lea, J. P. Hurley. Luverne, E. H. Cantield. Fairmont, A. L. Ward, Geo. Wol heter. Elmore, S. C. Moore. St. Jamea, J. J. Lenertz. Hills, A. C. Finke. FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS I Bargain in FumSture "The House That Saves You Money" WILLIAM DAVIDSON PROPRIETOR South St. Paul, W. L. Converse, D. L. Grannis. Farmington. J. A. Sanford. Cannon Falls, John C. Applegate. Faribault, L. D. Harkins. St. Paul, Hugh T. Halbert, J. 0. Sylvester, W. G. McMurchy, Lea vitt Corning, A. I. Inwood, Geo. T. Daly, C. H. Richter, Larry Hodg son, Frank J. Clemens. Stillwater, John Q. Mcintosh, Carl W. Brenner, Carl Berglund. Harris, A. J. Tilton, A. O. Stark. North Branch, H. J. Anderson. Rush City, Theo. E. Lindstrom. Minneapolis, Albert H. Hall, P. W. Guilford, A. W. Rankin, E. C. Garrigues, Benj. Drake, Geo. S. Loftus, Fred M. Powers, Geo. S. Grimes, C. F. Keyes, Rev. S. N. Deinard, Elgin R. Shepard. M. D. Robb, James A. Peterson, Lowell E. Jepson, W. E. Davis, P. J. Young dahl, B. G. Frykman. Cokato, C. J. Carlson. Annandale. W. D. McDonald. Buffalo, Frank B. Lamson, Henry Spindler. Long Prairie, Rudolph Lee. Monticello, C. A. French, E. H. Sherwin, Edson Wsahburn. Waverly, Ed J. Gihlin. Montrose, W. R. Young. Clearwater, A. Rasmussen. Canby, J. N. Johnson, Samuel Lewison, John Bowe. Ortonville, A. L. Bolsta, Chas. E. Schofield. Glenwood, Iver J. Lee. Montevideo, J. 0. Haugland. Dawson, A. W. Ewing, John W. Dale, A. J. Peterson, Theo. Chris tians5on. Morgan, C. M. Bendixen. Redwood Falls, A. P. Henderson. Madison, Nathaniel F. Soderberg. Duluth, Alex. G. McKnight, Os car Leinlokken, C. R. Magney. International Falls, F. J. Mc Partlin. Grand Rapids, A. L. Freniere. Moose Lake, C. F. Mahnke. Sandstone, A. Kelly, Adolph L. Larson. Mora, Chas. F. Serline I. C. Cru soe. Anoka, G. H. Wyman, A. F. Pratt. Bemidji, J. J. Opsahl. Fergus Falls, E. E. Adams, N. F. Field. Battle Lake, H. A. Putman, W. L. Wilson. Crookston, H. Holte. Kennedy, B. E. Sundberg. Toilet articles, Perfumery,, Nail Brushes, Tooth Brushes, and Clothes Brushes to be had at Elfstrum & Co's. Drug Store. Use TRIBUNE *m postcards. THE FAIR STOR E Linoleums Musical Instruments WILLMAR, MINN. ^MUikj&aSih,. ^^^^hfjf^pf! AYIAKE NIBBLK, Norway Lake, Dec. 12—Miss Liz zie Bergeson, of Eagle Lake, is staying at A. Dengerud's place. Mrs. Ben Halvorson returned from Minneapolis last week where she has been visiting a couple of weeks. The Ladies' Aid of the East Nor way Lake church will meet at S. A. Syverson's place next Thursday, Dec, 15. Gina Skaalerud leaves for Pekin, N. D., Monday, where she will spend the holidays. There were services in the East Norway Lake church last Sunday Herman Skaalerud returned from Bowman Co. N. D., last week. School District 104 opened cheir first term of school Monday with Albert Johnson of Willmar as teacher. We wish them success. Services were conducted in the Hauge church last Sunday by Mr. Grorud of Long Lake. Oliver Skaalerud and Elmer Stene left for Pekin, N. D., where they will visit with ielatives. Mrs. Magnus Olson and son Christian visited with M. O. Hu stad and family over Sunday. Miss Ida Nelson renewed old ac quaintances of this vicnity last Sunday. Services will be conducted in the Hauge church next Sunday Dec. 18 by Rev. I. A. Johansen. Well, Christmas is coming and we should all be thankful for a suc cessful year, and that we are still here to enjoy the day. Let us all try to make it pleasant and enjoy able for one and all, tlio we be young or old and Jet, us all think gladly of the real meaning of the day, resolving to bring more of its spirit into our life from day to day. Dolls, Dolls, Dolls, Dolls. Dolls, Dolls, Dolls, Dolls, Dolls, Dolls, Dolls, Dolls, Dolls, Dolls, Dolls, Dolls, Dolls, Dolls Dolls, Dolls, You will find them at Elfstrum & Co's. Drugstore. MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE. A 120 acre farm of the most choice land in Kandiyohi Co. 100 acres under cultivation, 4 acres planted grove, 16 acres hay mead ow, located 5 miles west of Will mar, Kandiyohi Co., Minn., mile to railroad, 4 °f mile to school house and church. Price $40 an acre. $2000 cash, and balance on easy terms if desired. Apply to P. T. Peterson, Gonvick. Minn. 33eow ."Mound City Paints may cost a trifle more, but—! 4-52 John Lundquist." Wi Gennessee, Dec. 12—Evald West lund from Sask., Canada, is up vis iting with relatives and old friends in Gennessee. A large crowd attended the Min netoga Temperance League which was held in District 41 last Friday evening. Gunhild Peterson'visited at The odore Bjur's a week ago Thursday evening. Miss Mable Norell, of Kandiyo hi, was visiting with the Rossel's young people on Saturday and Sun day of last week. The skating party which was given in honor of the boys of Lake Elizabeth and Gennessee was well attended. A lunch was served by the girls at twelve o'lclock. After a few jolly games were played the crowd left for their Homes with merry hearts. Rev. Schoberg went to Mannanah Saturday afternoon. Misses Ebba Peterson, Ella Hall, Selma Rossell and Christine John son had a pleasant walk to District 41 last Friday. Alfred Johnson visited at Mrs. August Peterson's Friday. Victor Carlson visited with the Rossel brothers one day last week. 76 magazines for $3.00. Sub scribe now for the Ladies Home Journal and the Saturday Evening Post. Both $3.00 for one year. 414 Elfstrum & Co. $$0 Willmar and New London Milling Cos., Willmar, Minn. Kandiyohi, Dec. 12—Albert Lund quist and daughter, Ellen, left last Friday for Rock Island, 111., where they will visit with friends for some time. Mrs. E. C. Halstrom returned home Friday from Donnelly where she has been staying for a month at the home of her brother, Ed Lund quist. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Johnson, of Sauk Center, visited at the F. E. Croonquist home last Monday. Axel Linderholm returned Satur day from a few days visit with rel atives in Wisconsin. Mrs. Anna Nelson, of Willmar, spent Wednesday and Thursday at the C. A. Harrison home. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Anderson attended the funeral of J. H. Par son's in Harrison last Tuesday. Florence Lundquist, who met with an accident a couple of weeks ago in which she suffered a broken shoulder blade, is recovering very rapidly. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Isaacson and children went to Atwater Wednes day-for a visit with relatives. Rev. and Mrs. B. E. Walters went to Willmar Thursday evening to attend the reception given in honor of V. E. Lawson. Mrs. Peter Tulin came, home last week from Rockville where she has been spending several weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Magnus Sho berg. Swan Larson, THE GROCER QUICK DELIVERY Fancy Groceries of All Kinds Miss Ida Melander came down from Willmar Wednesday to visit with Kandiyohi friends. Mr. and Mrs. Lund of Beckville, visited at the home of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Lund, over Sunday. Miss Josie Gabrielson went to St. Paul last Friday. George Norman has been visiting at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nels Norman, the past week. Mrs. Martin Melander visited at C. Gabrielson's home Wednesday afternoon. The Sunday schoolchildren of the Tripolis church will meet on Satur day afternoon at 1:30 to practice for the Christmas festival. "Bliss Native Herbs," the great blood purifier and kidney and Liver regulator. When medicine is required there is nothing better. $1.00 for box of 200 tablets, as harmless as new milk if taken ac cording to directions. Money back if you are not benefited. 424 J. E. Maloney. NOTICE. The Olson barber shop has now been moved from the Hub Hotel building to my former location, next to the J. E Maloney stand on Third St. Charlie Olson.- 41f For FIRE INSURANCE see 46f Lewis Johnson. A full line of Bakery Goods at Joe Dale's Grocery. 4210 Phone 126 All the Best in Canned Goods Special for Christmas Genuine imported Norwegian Ludefisk—Dry, at 18 cents per pound Prepared, at 8 cents per pound. The Celebrated Cape Cod ranberries. "None Such" Mince Meat. London Layer Raisins. —and anything else that belongs to a FIRST CLASS Grocery., .., A full line of Bakery Goods on hand, or to order. i- i: i-