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Newspaper Page Text
Lake Lillian, Dec. 12.—Xmas will soon be here and we wish one and all of the Tribune staff and its many hundreds of readers a happy Christmas. Miss Ella Hedin is now home af ter staying at Wm. Johnson's in Danube, Minn., for some time. We are glad to see you among us again, Ella. Rev. Edgr^n is holding house to house religious meetings. It is said that Rev. C. A. Erick son will hold a meeting in Roselil lian school house Sunday afternoon, Dec. 18. The nice roads we are having are good for autos and all those having them are taking advantage of it too Miss Helen Anderson has been helping Mrs. 0. L. Erickson the past week with house work. Ellen Peterson is now home after staying in South Dakota the past summer on a dredge boat owned by C. Swenson. The English Sunday school festi val at Andrew Lett's Sunday even ing was a grand success. Quite a large crowd turned out even tho it was a little cold, but who cares for cold weather in Minnesota. August A. Johnson has his auto mobile at Bird Island for repairs. Rev. A. Peterson, of Christine congregation, arrived home Thurs day evening after having attended mission meeting at New London and Spicer. J. E. Johnson. G. P. Erickson, and Wm. Lindquist attended the Tribune Editor Victor Lawson's re ception on Thursday evening at Carlson's Hall at Willmar. Mr. Lawson was defeated at the election for senatorship, but he is not yet dead and buried, as we think he will make a grand success of his de feat. Good luck to Lawson two TH5 a in WE Pocket Knives Pen Knives Razors Razor Strops Scissors Shears years from now, is the wish of the Tribune cor. staff. The dance at Milcha's Thursday evening is reported to have been well attended. Saturday evening, this community was awakened by a lot of noise. At first we thought it was the Cameron dam defenders in Wiscon sin that were out, and some thought it was the Mexican rebels while others thought it was Fort Snelling soldiers out practicing to shoot. It was learned later however that a chirivari party enroute for G. A. Johnson's home was the cause of the disturbance. A daughter of P. M. Renstrom has undergone an operation at the Wiilmar Hospital for tonsilites. It is reported that Oie Blomquist is getting along nicely at the hospi tal and we are glad to hear that his fingers can be saved to some extent. There will be "Jul-otta" at the Christine church on Christmas morning at 5:30 o'clock, John Anderson has been building a chicken house for A. Forsman. The Tribune correspondent of Lake Lillian accuses his brother cor respondent of taking his news. This little insurgent correspondent of Lake Lillian has not got many news items in the paper only three or four of them in each issue. Find the news, brother, and nothing will be said. But we don't like to be fooled by only a few items each week. For Gentlemen. Enders Safety Razors $1.00. This makes without doubt the neat est Christmas present for a gentle man and most useful whereby he can shave himself in two minutes. Eifstrum & Co's keeps them for sale. 433 Dr. C. E. Gerretson, dentist. office in new Ruble block. Willmar. White House onfectionery Invites you to try their HIGH GRADE CHOCOLATES and BON BONS for CHRISTMAS We Handle Funke's and Roach-Tisdale's Whipped Cream and Cherry Cock in fancy Boxes, also fine line of Chocolates Remember We always have Hot Roasted Peanuts and Fresh Popcorn. A I N E LSNE OF CHRISTMAS POST CARDS. •V3».*,-&'<!&<«, %Vl W %%. %'%/%%/^%'%^%*f%/% Butcher Knives Putty Knives Kitchen Knives Kitchen Sets Tinned Spoons Etc., Etc., Etc. full line of We carry a Bergstrom Stoves and Ranges Call and see them and let us offer you prices. Watches Lockets Brooches Belt Pins Toilet Sets Grue, Dec. 12—Mrs. Dan Olson, from Canada, is down nursing her father, Mr. Embertson. Oscar Olson, son of Magnus Ol son, is visiting at his parental home where he will remain for sometime. Miss Lillie Sands visited with her friend, Viola, Grue from Mon day evening until Tuesday. Peddlers are quite numerous around here nowadays. August Embertson, who has been home for some time*, returned to Glenwood to visit with his son Da vid. Miss Hendrickson is visiting at Grue's this week, The weight social which was given in Dist. 60 Saturday evening, was largely attended. $28.85 was taken in. Misses Lena Botnen and Emma Rykken were visitors at Olson's from Saturday until Sunday. Bennie Holm stayed with his In our Cutlery Department: In our Tinware Department: Wash Boilers Tea Kettles Pails Coffee Pots Tea Pots Pans—Large and Small Willmar Hardware Company HRISTMAS comes but once a year, and you 'want to make itl as^happy as possible for your friends and loved ones, and when you select your Christmas gifts for your friends or your loved ones why not get something useful and permanent —something that will constantly re mind the recipient of the giver? Bar Pins China Umbrellas Silver Novelties in Ebony, Silver Plate Anderso Bros. & Co friend Charley Sands from Satur day until Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Erickson and Mr. and Mrs. O. N. Grue were en tertained at the Gunderson home Sunday. Ed Nelson, nephew of Ole Elge ross, passed thru here on his way to the woods. The fishermen are plying their vocation at Eagle Lake with varied success. Christ Bakken, from Bird Island, is here renewing acquaintances. John P. Ness is eclipsing his rec ord in getting donations for the Xams tree. Rosebud. Games, Games, Games, Games, Games, Games, Games, Games, Games, Games, Games, Games, From 5c and up at Elfstrum & Co.'s Drug Store. We pay high price for hides and furs sell guns and traps cheap. N. W. Hide and Fur Co., Minne apolis. 37f. Dippers Dripping Pans Stew Pans Steamers Kettles Bread Pans Why not make your good wife a present of one of those At Last Washing Machines we have on sale? Lot George Do the Work. .-. ... •. •lit Mr. and Mrs. Peterson visited with the Bodin family Sunday. Every one who did not attend re ception in honor of "our Editor," was very sorry the day after, as all who did, are only bragging of how gloriously they were entertained. Mr. and Mrs. Gust Nordin en joyed Sunday afternoon at the home of their son, Henry Nordin of Dovre. The Mamre Lake seems to be the center of attraction for those that like to indulge in the healthgiving winter sport skating, as about 75 young people gather there every Sunday evening to enjoy themselves upon the smooth ice. Mrs. A. C. Holmgren entertained a few friends at dinner last Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hanson and daughter Ella were guests at F. O. Carlson's Sunday afternoon. Ole Carlson departed for the tim ber lands of Montana last week. The Xmas festival which was an nounced to be given at Lundby on Wednesday, Dec. 28, has been changed and will now be given on Monday evening, Dec. 26, at 7 o'clock p. m. Miss Aldina Anderson of Pen nock, spent a couple of days with friends out here. Miss Lydia Erlandson returned home on Saturday after a few weeks' stay with her sister at Will mar. The last meeting of the Ladies' Aid and Young People's societies was held at M. C. Hedmairs on Wednesday. The proceeds for the evening amounted to $4.80. About $80 has now been raised by the young people which will go to buy ing a library to be put in the Lund by church. It will be decided between the members of the con gregation at their annual meeting after Christmas whether to keep on with the society or not. Oscar Johnson has hired out to work for Aug. Bergman this win ter. Never before have we been able to show the people of Willmar and surrounding community such a large stock of goods as we are showing right now. Frank Norman is off duty on ac count of a spell of rheumatism. Mrs. N. A bramson invested in a $50 Singer sewing machine last week. We Have on Display Thouands of New and Attractive Gifts for the Holidays *«»ftriR»» Misses Helga Sorenson and Lu cretia Martin visited with Willmar friends over Sunday. The choir is busy practicing for Christmas. Elmer Olson called on friends around Salmon Lake Sunday. Service by Rev. Franklin next Sunday at three o'clock and Sunday school at two. After digging for some weeks, the Levi Anderson well digging company struck water at Peter Johnson's when they reached the depth of around 260 feet. All at the Lowest Prices and of the Best Quality. MAMRE /V*BDD!E£ Mamre, Dec. 12— "Julotta" will be held at Lundby Christmas morn ing commencing at half past five a. m. Tootsy. The best Christmas Present for 31.75. 52 splendid numbers of the Youth's Companion for 1911. 1911 Art Calender free. Now is time to subscribe, we will tell why. Elfstrum & Co. the you 414 COLJ^X UBTIONS Colfax, Dec. 12—Miss Anna Carl son returned home from Murray Co. last Monday where she has been visiting for some time. The E. Thimell family enter tained a few young people last Sun day evening. The choir practiced at S. C. Jen sen's Saturday evening. Ihe social at Odland's Wednesday was well attended. Floyd Mattson came up from Bal aton last Monday for a visit at his uncle's home, S. J. Carlson. Mrs. E. Lundberg and Anna Lundquist leave today for Kandi yohi where they will visit before they leave for their home at Wua bay. S. D. The Metropolitan barber shop, Bank of Willmar building, B. T. Otos, proprietor, is the shop to get a shave, hair cut or bath. (.First publication Nov. 30-4wks.) Citation for Hearing on Petition for Probate of Will. ESTATE OF ALFRED TRULSON. STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF KANDIYOHI, In Probate Court. In the matter of the estate of Alfred Trulson, Decedent. The State of Minnesota to all persons in terested in the allowance and probate of the will of said decedent: The petition of Nannie Trulson being duly filed in this court, repre senting that Alfred Trulson then a resi dent of the County of Kandiyohi, State of Minnesota, died on the 21*t day of October, 1910. leaving a last will and testament which is presented to this court with said petition, and praying that said instrument be allowed as the last will and testament of said dece dent, and that letters Testamentary be issued thereon to Nannie Trulson, of Willmar. NOW E E O E you, and each of you, are hereby cited and requir ed to show cause, if any you have before this court, at the Probate Court Rooms in the Court House, in the City of Willmar, County of Kandiyohi, State of Minnesota, on the 26th day of Dec. 1910, at 2 o'clock P. M., why the prayer of said peti tion should not be granted. Witness the Honorable, T. O. Gilbert, Judge of said court, and the seal of said court, this 29th day of Nov. 1910. [COURT SEAL T. O. GILBERT, Judge. SPECIAL—Now is a good time to place your order for a Play ford Cement Stave Silo. Hand Bags Mesh Bags Bracelets Cut Glass Toilet Sets in Sterling Wo win the time to Repair Your GASOLINE ENGINES Or any other machinery that needs repairing EWELERS AND OPTICIANS 210 Fourth St., Willmar, Minn. Just the thingfor Xmas 1857 TR OU NE W SPECIAL 5c CIGAR |g57 FRUITS, NUTS MIXED CANDIES Don't put it off until the last moment. Our Gasoline Engine Factory is now running, in charge of experts in their line. Repairing will re ceive prompt attention. We have on hand some of the well and favorably known 6-horse Willmar Stationary Gasoline Engines which will be sold now at a low price for cash. Clocks Rings Chains Fobs Canes LILUBRIOGE and PARIS CANDIES AND CHOCOLATES THE BEST MADE. 444 A FULL LTNE OF CHOTCE Cigars Large or small boxes from 50c per box up The J. Emil Nelson Corporation, Willmar, Minnesota -T3 J%m&» •i ~-M ... jr