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\h E LAST DEBT. You must pay at last your own debt. If you are wise you will dread a prosperity which only loads you with more Benefit is the end of nature But for every benefit which you receive a tax is levied He is great who confers the most benefits He is base—and that is the one base thing in the universe —to recei\e favors and render none.—Emerson LOCAL BREVITIES Dust flying on the roads during the Christmas season in Minnesota is certainly an anomaly The Atwater Creamery Company is being re-incorporated, its legal existence having expired. The Willmar schools will close on Thursday for the holidays and will rtopen on Monday, January 9th. Mr. and Mis Sorenson will entertain Mr. and Mrs. Ed Nelson, of Hancock, Christmas day. Gounod's "Jesus of Nazareth" will be sung by Philip Gates at the Christmas services at St Luke's church During the absence of A Adams in California his loaning business will be looked after by S Benton he rite of confirmation was con feried on a class of thirteen by Bishop Edsall at St Lukes' church Sunday morning. The Willmar gnls, who are stu dents at the St Cloud Noimal school, will come home on Friday for the holidays P. A Nelson went to Water town, S. last Fuday, where he will have charge of the section on the Great Northern. Philip Gates is expected to arrive from Minneapolis Saturday evening. He will assist in the Christmas mu sic at St. Luke's church Mr. and Mrs Tom Murray have removed to the Embertson farm near Eagle Lake Mr Murry will have charge of the farm. Walter Lemmer has become owner and publisher of the Bel grade Tribune, having purchased the plant of J. B. Babcock. There is as yet no clue to the murderer of Mis. Paymon near Hutchinson. The affair is still shrouded in deepest mvstery. Rev 0 Tolo came from Belgrade on Friday to accompany Christopher Hendetson who has been at the Willmar hospital, to his home at Crow River At the teachers' meeting held Monday evening it was decided to close the schools on Thursday in stead of Friday as stated on an other page of this issue. Miss Carrie E. Anderson and Ar thur Brewer, of Whitefield, were quietly married at the Presbyterian manse by Rev B. Spencer on Wednesday, December 14. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Berg of Kandiyohi and Mrs. Dahlin of Fahlun, went to St Paul the first of last week to see their mother Mrs. Berg, who died on Tuesday, Dec. 13th Miss Dunn, who has been unable to take her position in the High School this vear on account of ill health, is much better and will be in Willmar for the opening of the schools after the holidavs. Oliver Bloomquist has been at the Norwegian Lutheian hospital in Minneapolis the past week re covering from an operation on his eyes One eye has been removed and othei will be all right again soon The Ladies' Guild of St. Lukes church served a delicious supper at Carlson's hall Friday evening The patronage was exceedingly liberal and the receipts of the evening v/ere nearly one hundred and fifty dollars. Miss May Hiebert ot Mountain Lake, who has been teaching in the schools at Cannon Falls, has been engaged to take the 7th grade position in the Willmar schools, made vacant by the resignation of Miss Elsie Roberts. All members of the Eastern Star are invited to attend a lecture given by the Rev. H. R. Coleman, of Louisville, Kentucky, on Friday afternoon, Dec. 23, at 4 o'clock in the Odd Fellows' hall. The same gentleman will speak to Masons in the evening. SELFISHNESS. There are some tempers wrought up by habitual selfishness to an ut ter insensibility of what becomes of the fortunes of their fellow crea tures, as if they were not partakers of the same nature or had no lot or connection at all with the species.— Sterne. PUBLISHER'S ANNOUNCEMENT. HE TRIBUNE Mr. and Mrs. F. K. Brown and Miss Nina Brown are expected from Benson to be Christmas guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Sherwood. Paul Spencer, one of the instruct ors in the High school at Algoma, Wis., will enjoy the holidays with his parents, Rev. and Mrs. D. Spencer. Miss Charlotte Christianson, sim plex operator at the Gazette office leaves on Saturday to spend Christ mas and New Year's at her home at Warren, Minn. Mr. and Mrs. B. Lidstone of Minneapolis and Miss Birdie Ram sett, who teaches at Bellingham, will spend Christmas at the H. J. Ramsett home. Rev. and Mrs. Edgren and fami ly, of the Oak Park church, were very pleasantly surprised last Satur day evening by members and friends of the church. A purse of money was presented Rev. Edgren and a very enjoyable evening spent by all. J.UV.ifti takes pleasure in announc- ing that next week it will print the first install ment of the famous story E FORTUNE HUNTER," novelized by Louis Vance from the play of the same title by Winchell Smith. There has never been a more gripping, heart interest story offered to the public than the "FORTUNE HUNTER." 001 iss Florence Peterson enter tained the "Bachelor girls" Thurs day. Hjalmar Swenson visited school Monday afternoon. The Sophomore class play made a big hit. A large crowd gathered to see it and were all well pleased. The sophomores sat where they all could be together to sing their class song and give their yell. As a re sult of their labor they took in al most sixty dollars. The High school will have Friday off this week. The literary program will be changed from Friday afternoon to Thursday afternoon. The program will bee in at one thirty. cm a me a received. Broadway caused the downfall of the Fortune Hunter. He lived the life of the Great White Way until he was fired from pillar to post. He had just one good point left and he clung to that. He did have some self respect. And though he was shift less, careless and thoughtless, he was not bad at heart. He had to be reformed and he was. It's a great story—the way he was reformed. Don't miss the first installment. If you get that we feel sure we won't need to urge you to keep on reading. You can't help it. If you are not a subscriber you had better join the TRIBUNI* family before next Tuesday so you can get E FORTUN E HUN E complete. In the same issue the TRIBUNE print Reminiscences from My Trip Abroad," by Albert Gilbertson. He has just returned home after a visit to England and Scandinavia, and has some interesting things to say regard ing the people and the conditions generally of those countries. will also Second Basketball Game. Last Monday the second basket ball game of the season was played between the City and Seminary teams. Again the Seminary quint showed their superiority, defeating their opponents by the score of 42 to 14. The City team switcned their line-up in the hope of prevent ing the Seminary from scoring a large tally, but the result was not very favorable. Prof. Foster acted as Referee City Udell Cramer Bergeson Crosby Lang Line-up as follows. Seminary. Pederson R. F. L. F. C. R. G. L. G. Downs Bill Johnson Buck Johnson Larson Field Goals: Bill Johnson. 9 Pe derson, 3, Downs 2, Buck Johnson, 2, Crosby, 2, Bergeson, 1 Cramer, 1. Foul Goals- Pederson, 10, Crosby, 6. Big Delegation at No. 63. About thirty from Willmar at tended the Shadow social given Fri day evening by Miss Birdie Somer vilie and the pupils of the school in District 63. Following a well pre pared and enjoyable program, games were played and a fine lunch was served The social was given for the benefit of the school and the result was a good time for everyone and $21.00 added to the treasury. Christmas Hours at Postolllce. The Willmar Post Office will be open Sunday morning from 9 to 12. On Monday morning from 9 to 10 and Monday afternoon from 2 to 3. Mrs. Mariow, who has been visit ing her daughter at Granite Falls, will arrive in Willmar on Thursday for a short stay at the B. J. Bran ton home and later in the week Mrs. Branton and little daughters will accompany her to Minneapolis for the holidays. Dr. Branton will join them for Christmas. CREA WANTED Our Creamery is Open and Running A SQUARE DEAL FOR ALI Honest Weights, Tests and Prices W will a the Highes Marke Price per butter fat pound for Good Merchantabl Cream delivered at Willmar, a your for it the W also pay the Highes Marke Price for all kinds of Poultry a Eggs W shall be in the market continually from on a a your produce. W call your particular attention to our creamery a promise a square deal all around. JOHN B. AGEN COMANY. VOLUME 16. 16 PAGES WILLMAR, MINNESOTA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1910 PRICE 5 CENTS NUMBER 45. Father McDevltt Surprised. Rev. Father McDevitt was the re cipient of a beautiful mahogany and leather rocker presented him by his parishioners who, with a few invited guests, gathered at his home Friday evening.* The affair was an agreeably planned surprise and was intended to show their well loved priest that his good work in the parish was highly appreciated by his people. The presentation was wittily and appropriately made by D. W. McLaughlin and was happily responded to by Father Mc Devitt. The ladies in charge of affairs served refreshments during the evening which was one of pleas ure. Will Hoppe will spend Christmas at Breckenridge. Ed Nelson, of Hancock was in Willmar Tuesday. Personal and Otherwise N. W. Nelson of Svea went to Hancock Saturday evening. Walter Porter is home from the "TJ" for a two weeks' vacation. Wm. Olson, of Spicer, spent Thursday and Friday in Willmar. Mrs. Antone Peterson, of Pen nock spent Saturday in Willmar. Born to Mr. and Mrs. E J. Sta din on Sunday, December 18, a son. Russell Peterson arrived from Macalester College Friday evening. John Duikema and Rev. Brummel were here from Roseland on Tues day. Henry Stene, of Atwater, trans acted business in Willmar on Tues day. Miss Ella Boyd will come from Benson Friday for a two weeks' va cation. Gen. Manager J. M. Gruber was in Willmar Tuesday enroute to Sioux City. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Butler and Ray Butler will spend Christmas at Nashua, Iowa. Misses Anna, Rebecca and Adella Olson will enjoy Christmas at their home in Spicer. Mrs. L. W. Porter was a guest of Dr. and Mrs. Oliver Porter in At water on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Wright will be the guests of Minneapolis friends at Christmas time. Foreman Chesebro, of the Repub lican Gazette, will spend Christmas at Farmington, Minn. Dr. Harold Porter will join Mrs. Porter for Christmas at the McCune home in Sioux City. The Elks will have a social and For Holiday Shoppers. The following business firms of Will mar have ads in this issue of special in terest to Christmas shoppers Anderson Bros Co Page 11 Appelgren A Page 2 Benson Bros & Jorris, Page 7 Boston Candy Kitchen, Page 11 Carlson Bros & Frost, Page 12 Davidson, William, Page 6 Dreamland Candy Store, Page 14 Elfstrum & Co locals throughout paper Blmquist, Page 13 First National Bank, Page 12 Johnson, Page 6 Kelly & Sanderson, Page 2 Ladies' Store, The. Page 2 Larson, Swan, Pages 2 and 13 Maloney, E„ Page 7 Mossberg A E Page 2 Nelson, A Page 14 New London Milling Co Page 14 New Shoe Store, Page 7 Otterness Shoe Store, Page 3 Palm's Ideal Bakery, Page 16 Peterson, Andrew, Page 13 Peterson & Welhn, Page 8 Person, Ernest, Page 14 Progress, The Page 9 Sand Co Gilbert O Page 4 Selhaver & Shute, Page 3 Strand, Page 5 TRIBUNE Printing Co Page 5 White House Confectionery, Page 7 Wiggins Co The, Pages 2, 7, 11 Willmar Hardware Co Page 3 Willmar Stores Attractive. Willmar stores present a scene of richness and beauty this holiday time. Toyland was never better represented and amidst such a be wildering display of dainty, beau tiful and useful articles it is almost difficult to make a choice. The windows and interiors of the stores with their lavish decorations of Christmas bells, Christmas trees, Santa Claus, and gay festooning of the holiday colors, are inviiting in the extreme. Willmar's merchants have done their share toward mak ing the holiday season of 1910 a huge success and it only remains for the shopping public to do theirs. dance at their club rooms Thurs day evening, December 29. Mrs. Ben Benson has returned from Ganby, where she was called by the death of her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Johnson, of Fargo, will be Christmas guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Johnson. Anton, Elmer and Einar Brogren were visitors at the P. A, Brogren home, at New London, Sunday. Dr. Harold Frost operated on a Willmar patient at the Robertson hospital in Litchfield Saturday. Cashier Oscar Orred of the Green Lake State bank at Spicer was a business visitor here on Saturday. Miss Lillhan Boyd returned from Barnesville on Friday accompanied by her little neice Swanhild Boyd. Mrs. Archie Smiith goes to Breckenridge on Saturday to visit at her mother's home for a few days. Elven Englund, of Minnesota Col lege, and Walter Englund of G. A. College will be here for Christmas and New Years. Miss Ellenora Youngberg was a Sunday guest at the home of her sister Mrs. H. S. Gordhammer at Kerkhoven. Miss Ella Feig and Misses Alice and Cora Berkness are expected from Two Harbors next Saturday to remain until after New Years. Mr. anil Mrs. Jerry English and Marguerite and Randall Stockwell will go to Yankton Thursday even ing to remain until after Christmas. Mrs. Louis Larson and Mrs. C. Johnson were here from Minneapo lis Monday on their way to New London for a Christmas visit with relatives. Mrs. M. H. Curry, Miss Bertha Bredberg, Emil Bredberg and Miss Ethel Horton will come from Min neapolis on Saturday to spend Christmas week with relatives. Mrs. C. E. Hornbeck was accom panied on her return from Minnea polis Saturdav by her niece, Miss Genevieve Henry of Salesville, R. I., who willl remain for the winter. John Palm motored up from Litchfield on Sunday and spent the day with Willmar relatives. A thirty mile auto trip the 18th of December is a rare occurrence in Minnesota. Mr. and Mrs. Browner of Grand Forks were guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Winney over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Winnev and little Miss Muriel expect to spend Christmas at Crookston. Edwin and Fred Johnson, who are students at the and Miss Hannah Johnson, who teaches at Bismarck, will spend the holiday vacation with Dr. and Mrs. Chris tian Johnson. Asat. Gen. Supt. F. Bell was in Willmar Monday and from here went to Breckenridge. He was ac companied as far as Benson by Supt. J. A. McKinnon, who went from there to Watertown. The Christmas sale and supper given by the ladies of the M. E. church was well patronized. The supper was enjoyed and many at tractive articles were sold. The proceeds added $60.00, to the funds of the society. The marriage of Miss Minnie Caroline Hultin to Mr. Oscar A. Lundberg will be solemnized at tne home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Ida Hultin, town of Fahlun, Wednesday afternoon, December 21 at four o'clock. John Garwell, who was examined by Drs. Rains and Frost in the pro bate court on Tuesday in regard to his sanity, was adjudged insane and committed to the detention hospital at Fergus Falls, where he was taken by Sheriff Bonde on the afternoon train Tuesday. Hopeful Rebekah lodge No. 146 held their annual election Tuesday evening which resulted as follows: N. G., Mrs. Isaac Nordstrom V. G., Miss Nora Elftsrum Secy., A. 0 Forsberg Treasurer, H. J. Ram sett. The remaining officers will be appointed before the installation which will be held on Tuesday even ing, January 3, PRESBYTERIAN. Sunday the subject of the Christ mas sermon will be "God's Message in Jesus Christ." In the evening there will be a special service of praise entitled "The Hymn of the Christ." In the musical service of the day will be the following. "Offertoire de St. Cecilia'' Batiste. "Jesus the Son is Born". .Phillips. I he Angel Song". .Farrar. "ASo is Given." .Wilson. A King shall Reign" .Lorentz. The entertainment for the Sun day School will occur on Monday evening at 7:30. Parents are invit ed to send in a gift for the chil dren in the Junior department only. A universally good time is antici pated. Friends are cordially in vited to all these services. ST. LUKE'S EPISCOPAL. Sunday, Dec. 25, Holy Commun ion at 7:30 a. m.\ Morning prayer, Holy Communion and Sermon, 11 a. m. Sunday School, 12:30 o'clock no evening service. The Sunday school will meet in the assembly room of the Parish House, which will be open a£ 11.30 a. m. Sundays, and in charge of one of the laymen of the parish. It is the intention to hold the Christmas tree festival for the Sun day school in the Parish House on Wednesday, Dec. 28, at 7 p. m. FIRST. M. E. Christmas service and sermon with special music at 10:30 a. m. Evening service at 7.30. The Christmas tree and program by the Sunday school Friday evening, Dec. 23. The public is cordially inivted. ST. MARY'S CATHOLIC. High Mass at 8 a. m., Low Mass at 9 a. m., and services at the Kan diyohi church at 11 o'clock on Christmas Day. At the Mamre church services at 10:30 a. m. on Christmas day, with the children's festival in the even ing oE the same day. SWED. BAPTIST. Christmas morning "Jul-otta" at 6 o'clock. Sunday School 9:30. No preaching service in forenoon. Christmas Church Services SWEDISH BETHEL. Jul-otta Christmas morning at 5:30. Children's Festival Monday evening at seven o'clock. Y. P. S. meeting at 6.30 p. m. and evening service 7:30. Mid week services every Thursday at 7:3C. Christmas tree festival Mon day evening at 7 o'clock. SWEDISH MISSION. Christmas day morning' 'Jul-otta'' at 5:30 o'clock. Topic for the ser mon: "Royal Christmas Gifts." Christmas day evening, the chil drens Christmas Festival at 7:00 o'clock sharp. Admission 10c. SWED. M. E. Christmas morning service at 6 o'clock Sunday school, 10 a. m., no service at 11 a. m. Y. P. S. at 7 evening service, 7:45 p. m. The children's tree and exercises will be held on Tuesday evening, Dec. 27, when a good program will be rendered. Among those taking part will be George Hultgren of Atwater who will give two vocal numbers. Everyone invited. No admission will be charged. Royal OAK PARK M. E. The Sunday School will give their Christmas program Christmas Eve at 7:30 o'clock. Services will be held on Christmas Day at 11 o'clock a. m. and at Kandiyohi station in the evening at 7:30. A cordial in vitation is extended to all. LUTHERAN FREE. Christmas morning, services at 10:30 o'clock Christmas evening exercises at the Bethesda The children's tree and Tuesday evening, Dec. 27. Homes, festival NORW. SYNOD. Next Sunday—Christmas Day— services in Norwegian at the Will mar church at 10.30 a. m. Prelude, Opening Prayer. Hymn No. 84. 6—7. Confession of Sin and Kyrie. Gloria in Excelbis. Collect for the Day. Epistle Lesson: Hebrews 1, 1-5. Hymn No. 89, 1-3. Gospel Lesson: Luke 2, 1-14. Confession of Faith. Luther's Christmas Hymn—Girl's Chorus. Hymn No. 76, 1-4. Sermon. Hymn No. 81. Vocal Duet. Offering Collect and Benediction. Hymn No. 92, 8. Closing Prayer. Postlude. No Sunday school or evening services. Tuesday at 1:30 p. m. The members of the Vinje Young Peoples' society will hold a social meeting at the Seminary Hall, Wednesday, Dec. 28, beginning at 8 p. m. The Ladies Society here in the city meets in the church basement Thursday, Dec. 29, at 3 p. m. Re freshments will be served by Mrs. Jos. O. Estrem, Mrs. E. Person and Mrs. A. A. Anderson. The East Vinje Ladies' society meets with Mrs. Edw. Bredeson next Thursday afternoon. SALVATION ARMY. Christmas morning services at 5:45 Evening services at 7:30. The Christmas tree and program for the children will be enjoyed Wednesday evening, December 28. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST. Services Sunday, 10:45 a. m. Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. All are welcome to these meetings. The Sunday school festival will be held at the I. O. O. F. hall Sat urday evening, Dec. 31. BAKING POWDER MAKES THE PERFECT HOT BISCUI I Also Rolls and Muffins Crusts and Cakes Send for Royal Cook Book 135 William St. New York SMALL DUTIES. True, we can never be at peace till we have performed the highest duty of all, till we have arisen and gone to our Father, but the per formance of smaller duties—yes, even of the smallest—will do more to #ve us temporary repose, will act more as healthful anodynes, than the greatest joys that can come to us from any other quarter.—G. Macdonald. Persona.l. Mention. Peter Aaspas was here from Lake Lillian on Monday. Miss Esther Rodlun spent Satur day and Sunday in Minneapolis. John Styles is at home from Ma calester College for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Anderson were in the Twin Cities on Monday. Miss Alice Smith arrived from Menominee, Wis., Saturday even ing. Miss Katheryn Mossberg leaves today for a holiday visit at Denver, Colorado. Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Lewis will entertain at a Christmas dinner of fourteen covers. Atty. Geo. Tyler of Elk River, will spend Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. George W. Tyler. Miss Jeanette Ives, willl visit at her home in Willmar from Satur day until Tuesday. Frank Palm will arrive from Oberlin, Ohio, this week for the gala vacation time. Miss Blanche Coleman returned Monday evening from a few days' stay in Minneapolis. Hjalmar Swenson and Arthur An derson, students at the are at home for their vacation. Ole Halvorson, of Decorah, Iowa, is a guest at the home of his uncle, Ole A. Boe of Norway Lake. Mrs. J. H. Neer, of Paynesville, was here on business connected with the Neer Estate on Monday. Monday—Second Christmas Day— services at the Solomon Lake church at 11 a. m. The Christmas tree festival at the Willmar church will be held Monday evening at 7:30. At the Solomon Lake church the}Christmasday^athi'sWilTmaVhorned Christmas tree festival will be held Howard Hengstler of the State Medical College is expected to spend Miss Gjems comes from Albert Lea to spend the Christmastide with her mother Mrs. L. Gjems. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Klein of Minneapolis, will be entertained at the Parnell home Christmas Day. Miss Alene Sherwood will arrive from Tyler Saturday to spend the Christmastide at her home in Will mar. Miss Clara Axness, who is attend ing the Valley City Normal school is at home for Christmas and New Years. Miss Minnie]t Dale of Minnea polis will be the guest of her mother and brothers for the holi days. Mr. and Mrs. L. Rodlun will have for their Christmas guests, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Rodlun of Minneapo lis. W. Hanson, of Oakes, N. Dak., spent last week with Willmar friends and left for Florida on Monday. Miss Marie Hande was here on Monday enroute from Moorhead to her home at Norway Lake for Christmas. Oral and Byron Curry came from Minneapolis Saturday to visit their grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Bredberg. Mrs. G. A. Moore, Mrs. Russell Spicer and Mary Margaret Spicer went to Minneapolis Tuesday for a short stay. Miss Yerda Hanson is expected from Minneapolis later this week. She will be entertained by Miss Li Hie Noreen. Supt. and Mrs. G. A. Foster and daughter Marguerite will be guests of Monticello relatives part of the Christmastide. Miss Margaret Spencer, who teaches at Chippewa Falls, Wis., will arrive on Saturday for a two weeks' vacation. Miss Marie Pmney comes this evening to spend the holiday vaca tion of Bryn Mawr College at her home in Willmar. Geo. C. Mantor, nephew of Dr. A. F. Mantor of this city, was here on Tuesday representing the Paper Supply Co. of Minneapolis, Miss Amy Berg, who is studying at the Johnson School of Music in Minneapolis, comes tonight for a visit at her home in this city. via