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Newspaper Page Text
1 LUTH. SYNOD. Next Sunday services in Norwe gian at 10 30 a. Sunday School at 12:15 p. m., English evening ser vices at 7.30, Baccalaureate ser mon to the graduating class of the Seminary. The Sewing Circle meets with Mrs. Wm. Hanson next Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The mem bers of the Vikor Ladies' Society will serve dinner at Swalin's place Friday June 2nd. In the afternoon a program will be given by the children of the religious school. SWEDISH MISSION. Rev. Theo. Paulson will preach his farewell sermon next Sunday evening at eight o'clock. Confirm ation services will be held Sunday morning at 10.30 o'clock, when a class of thirteen young people will be confirmed. Sunday School at 9:50 a. m. OAK PARK M. E. Services next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock Sunday School at 10 o'clock. Evening service will be held at Kandiyohi station at 8 Choic Shirt Men of taste will appreciate our handsome shirts the moment they clap their eyes on them. Made of beautiful fabrics and in new spring patterns. These are the days when a man can afford to be a bit extravagant in the matter of shirts. The shirt comes into unusual prominence during the spring and summer seasons when a man takes so much liberty with his vest. We have choice shirts for the man who is a con servative spender, and, for the man whose purse strings are looser—we have the best. o'clock. Ladies Aid will meet Fri day afternoon and evening, May 26, at Chas. Broman's. All are wel come. SWED. BETHEL. Services next Sunday evening. Week-day services Thursday even ing, led by the deacons. Owing to the rebuilding of the steps, these services will be held in the base ment. For the same reason the il lustrated lecture on Palestine by Dr. P. A. Mattson has been aband oned, he to appear at the Mamre church Monday evening instead. FREE LUTH. Prayer meeting Thursday even ing "Mands og Kvinde forening en" will meet Friday evening. Morning service with holy com munion next Sunday S. S. at 12 m. Bible class at 7 p. m., and evening services (English) at 7:45. The ladies society north of the city will have its summer festival at El geros' Wednesday afternoon, May 31. Rev. E. O. Larsen of Eagle Lake will speak. SWED. M. E. Sunday School at 10 o'clock morning service, 11 o'clock Y. P. S. at 7 p. m. evening service at 8 BEST BARGAIN S EVE OFFERED Now I will make you another grand offer. I will give a fine guaranteed razor worth $1.00 with every purchase of a "Never Fail" razor strop, price $3.00. and you cannot buy them for less money if you get from the manufacturers. This is a fine razor and guaranteed to Dlease, or your money back. We are making a big reduction in Ladies' dress goods, in some more than half. French Persian border, former Drice $4.50, now $2.00. Dress goods 7 to 10 cents a yard discount. Best Chester cloth, former price 25 cents now 18 cents. Silk foulards, former price 45 cents now 33 cents. Lots of bargains. Come and see. Now these are possibly the best bargains you have ever heard of and the date is limited to the 17th of June. Will possibly never appear again. What do you get for your money? Four per cent for 12 months. I give 125 per cent. Count the time I handle your money. JUST ARRIVED A fine line of Brazil silverware guaranteed for 25 years wear, also the Triple Plated silverware guaranteed for 15 years. The company from which these goods are purchased is the Royal Manufacturing Company, Detroit, Mich, capital $500,000, and has been in business 27 years. Fine gold filled watches 10 to 20 years guaranteed. Slivefware. of every description, going now at the reduced price of 15 per cent discount, lasting for 30 days only. I will let this bargain be included with the grand prize contest, which will be a $10.00 set of decorated dishes or $10.00 worth of merchandise—your choice—or a $11.25 gold-filled watch which I am offering. This is for the family that purchases the most merchandise from me during this length of time (30 days). "Grasp this opportunity", it may never occur again. J. L. GAL E LEWIS BLOCK FIFTH STREET rH|yv||i Wilson Bros. Shirts. Mora Hats. Mayer Shoes. o'clock midweek service Thursdav evening at 8 o'clock. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCI- ENTIST. Services Sunday, 10:45 a. m. Every Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. All are welcome to these services. PRESBYTERIAN. According to a national custom, the Sunday before the 30th of May is observed as Memorial Sunday. All over our country, veterans of war and patriotic citizens will at tend a special service next Sunday morning to invoke God's blessing upon our country. This memorial service will be held in the Presby terian church at 10:30 next Sunday morning. The subject of the ad dress will be "The Fight for a Na tion." The G. A. R. will be the guests of the church and patriotic citizens are invited. In the evening at 8 o'clock Mr. Spencer will deliver the Baccalau reate Sermon before the graduating class of the High School. The friends of the class and the officers of the schools are especially invit ed. Floyd Burton Anderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nels Anderson, died on Sundav morning. The little fel low was only five years old and had been sick with Bright's disease over a year. All who loved him can but be glad he has gone where suffering is unknown. Funeral services were held at the home on 4th street Tuesday after noon at 1:30 o'clock. Rev. G. Pe terson conducted the services. The burial was at Fair View cemetery. The many beautiful flowers with which the little casket was covered testified to the love and sympathy of friends. Our heartfelt gratitude is ex tended to our friends and neighbors for their kind assistance during the illness and death of our dear little son and brother. Their kindness will ever be held in grateful re membrance. Mr. and Mrs. Nels Anderson and Family. Rev. Paulson has accepted a call to travel as home missionary and evangelist for the Northwestern Missionary Association of the Swed ish Mission Covenant. Mrs. Paulson will leave next week for Paxton, 111., to visit with her parents for a few weeks. They have not decided yet where they will locate. Rev. Mr. Paulson came to mar from Dassel four years His stay in Willmar has marked by splendid work for cause. Both Mr. Paulson and «pwp Will ago, been the his estimable wife have made many warm friends in Willmar and while their departure is sincerely regret ted, numberless kind wishes will go with them to their new field of la bor. Ice Cream Social. Ihe Ladies' Aid Society of the Oak Park M. E. church will give a social at the home of C. A. Bro man Friday afternoon and even ing of May 26. Both ice cream and coffee will be served. A cordial invitation is extended to all. The Simons Studio offers you pictures at half price to May 20th. GE£&JgB!le£ Spicer-on-Green Lake, May 22— The entertainment and social given Mardin'a Hall last Friday even the at- in ing by the Y. P. S. C. E. of Presbyterian church was well tended. A fine program was rendered and the sum of $14 was realized. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nelson left on Saturday for Hoffman, Minn., to attend the marriage of the for mer's sister. Miss Alma Nelson. Dr. Schuman came out from Will mar on Friday to spend the summer at the Interlachen. He is the first one to arrive at the hotel in the spring and the last one to leave in the fall. Mrs. Oscar Hillman came home last week from an extended visit with relatives and friends at Mur dock. The ice-cream social given last Saturday evening at the beautiful farm home of Iver Jacobson by the Y. P. S. of the Green Lake church was a decided success in every way. The sum realized amounted to about $13. Miss Alma Samuelson went to Willmar between trains on Friday. Mrs. Ben Whiting, who has been visiting with her sister, Mrs. F. Hamilton for a couple of weeks, left on Friday for her home at Whiting, Iowa. Mr. Hamilton ac companied her to Willmar. Edw. Thorpe is enlarging his house John Holland is doing the carpenter work. Nels Boreen is repairing the barn on the Recor place which he pur chased some time ago. The Misses Alma Holt and Ruth Tranum visited at Barager's a few davs last week. They returned home Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Porter were out to Green Lake last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Kloster de parted on Tuesday for their native country, Norway. Mr. Kloster came to Lasalle Co. 111., in 1872. After remaining there for a period of one year, he went to Stillwater, Minn., and stayed at that place for two years. In 1874, he located on Sec. 16 in town of Green Lake, where he has suceeded in working up one of the best farms in the county. Mr. Kloster has been honored with many offices of trust, has been a member of the board of County Commis sioners for a period of four years and four monhts. After remaining here for 35 years, they decided to pay their native soil (Stavanger) a visit. Ihey will leave New York. May 27 on Cedrick (a new boat be longing to the White Star line.) Mr. and Mrs. Kloster have many warm and intimate friends who wish them a most happy and en joyable journey. Miss Mable Peterson of Willmar is dressmaking at Gust Monson's this week. Miss Olga Johnson from New London made a shore visit at J. O. Kloster's last Saturday. Miss Alma Swenson left on Friday for Marine Mills were she will teach a two months' term of paro chial school. Mr. and Mrs. Edw. Quam visited with relatives at New London over Sunday. J. B. Doty has gone into the lunch and poolroom business. The Great Northern Railroad Co. is making extensive repairs on the Over Head Bridge south of town. Michael Christenson, who came here from Duluth to attend Mrs. John Bratberg's funeral, returned on Thursday of last] week. Miss Irene Fredrickson of Birth hold, N. Dak., visited at Henry Martin's last weeK. Mrs. Hamness left for Norway on Tuesday in company with Mr. and Mrs. Kloster. Walter Anderson from Blackerry, Minn., is spending a few davs out at the Aug. Moller home. Mr. and Mrs. F. Hamilton and Mrs. Ben Whiting visited at N. Hendrickson's last Friday. Mrs. Chas. Norsten left Saturday for Minneapolis where she will visit with her daughter, Selma, for a couple of days. On her return she intends to spend a week at Dassel with the Nath Oslund family. She was accompanied by her little daugh ter Elfie. Miss Esther Boreen went to Fort Benton, Montana, Friday, for an extended visit with her sister, Mrs. B. Hovey. She will also visit at G. Holts who have recently moved to that State. Rev. I. A. Johansen will conduct services in the "Carlin's" school house next Sundav at 10:30 a. m. The Green Lake church is being enlarged and remodeled, so it be comes necessary to have services in some of the school houses in the neighborhood until it is completed. Carl Thompson, who is at present staying near Grove City, attended the ice cream social at Iver Jacob son's Saturday evening. Joseph Kloster is busy these days making his rounds taking invoice of the peoples' personal property. Ask for Johnson's Velvet Ice Cream. lAKE-LUliAN LETTER. Lake Lillian, May 22—"Since the automobile has reached the ru ral districts some farmers have Rot ten so bashful, they won't put chairs in the wagons to haul their folks on any more" Henry Aspaas returned home Wednesday after staying in Will mar and Kandiyohi for three or four weeks. Miss Freda Hed returned Satur day from Minneapolis where she has been staying for some time. We are glad to have her among us again. Miss Esther Anderson visited at Oscar Anderson's place Sunday. Rev. E. O. Erickson conducted services in the Baptist church Sun day forenoon and evening. The commencement exercises held in the McKinley school Saturday evening was enjoyed by a crowded house. After the program had been rendered, ice cream was serv ed and a general good time was had by all present. Oscar Erickson made a business trip to the county seat Wednesday. Mrs. Charlie Forsman from Kan diyohi village visited at her paren tal home over Sunday. The' wind storm blew down Mr. Walner's newly erected house Thursday evening. David Aspaas made a trip to Willmar Wednesday. Don't think a man's generous when he says he has bought his wife a machine. Maybe it's a sew ing machine. Ask for Johnson's Velvet Ice Cream. AUCTION SALE! SATURDAY, MAY 27, 1911 at 1 o'clock p. m. Mrs. J. Markhus, 813 Olaf Ave., Willmar, offers for sale household goods of all kinds, consisting of book case and writing desk com bined, oak dining room set, oak bed-room set. iron beds, centre table, chairs, stands, rugs. Peerless Garland coal heater, two wood heat ers. cooking stove and kitchen uten sils, etc. etc. Everything in good condition. Terms:—Sums of five dollars and under, cash. Larjr sums, ap- Anrd=»w Hamness and family vis- proved notes, ited with OleThorvig's last Sunday.! Auctioneer. W. N. Davies. 142 When a Manis a Failure When he has no confidence in himself nor his fellow men. When he values success more than character and self-respect. When he does not try to make his work a little better each day. When he becomes so absorbed in his work that he cannot see that life is greater than work. When he lets a day go by without making some one happier and more comfortable. When he tries to rule others by bullying instead of by example. When he values wealth above health, self-respect and the good opinion of others. When he is so burdened by his business that he finds no time for rest and recreation. When he loves his own plans and interests more than humanity. When his friends like him for what he has more than for what is. When he knows that he is in the wrong, but is afraid to admit it. When he envies others because they have more ability, talent or wealth than he has. When he does not care what happens to his neighbor or to his friend so long as he is prosperous. When he is so busy doing that he has no time for smiles and cheering words. We Appreciate— We find it hard to account for some of the new business that comes to us from day to day. We sometimes inquire and learn that some patron has spoken to a friend about the facilities which this bank affords, We certainly appreciate these kind courtesies and take occasion tothank those who have expressed their approval and commendation of our service. We accept deposits subject to check in any amount and pay 4 per cent interest on savings accounts. Interest twice a year, June 1st and December 1st. East Lake Lillian. May 22—We have gotten the rain that we need ed, so everything is looking fine. Arthur Gilhoi is visiting Louis Larson's at Clarissa, Minn Nels Nelson and family Sundayed at O. Solomonson's. The Baptist Ladies Aid sale went good and everybody that was there enjoyed the day. Mrs. E. Strom was able to go to Atwater Thursday to see the doctor. Miss Nellie Peterson left for her home in Rosendale Tuesday, after a week's visit with her friend Mrs. Lars Anderson. Gust Peterson and Freeman Staf ford hauled a load of butter for the creamery Tuesday to Bird Island and brought a load of lumber out for Mr. Williamson. Ben Thomas made a trip to Bird Island Saturday evening. He only wishes that Bird Island wasn't so far away. The M. E. Y. P. S. has changed their evening to Friday evening instead of Sunday evening. Miss Agnes Carlson helped Mrs. N. Nelson a few days. Victor Bergquist and family of Kandiyohi and Mrs. Mathiason of Lake Elizabeth called at S. Solomon son's Sunday. Alice Solomonson went back with them and intends to work for Mrs. Bergquist this coming summer. Mr. and Mrs. P. Nelson called on Joe Nelson's Friday. Miss Ella Stafford sewed for Mrs. Nels Nelson Monday. The Lutheran Ladies Aid will meet with Mrs. Nels Lund June 1. Miss Mamie Hanson was home over Sunday. The Lutheran Y. P. S. will serve ice cream on the church lawn June 4th, at 7 o'clock sham. Everybody is most cordially invited. Mr. Pratt took a load of wool to Bird Island Saturday. Nick Anderson has bought another horse. Busv Bee. D0VRE. Dovre, May 22.—Some of the farmers have replanted their corn which was most washed away by the heavy rain last Sunday night. The Ladies Aid held at Mrs. Anna Swenson's place was very well at tended. The ladies will again meet with Mrs. G. Holset, June 1. K. T. Rykken was in Willmar last Saturday. Elmer Grorud worked for J. Bratberg a couple of days last week. Fred Amundson passed thru this vicinity last Saturday enroute for Willmar. Albert Rykken left for Minnea polis last Saturday where he intended to take an examination at the Augsburg Seminary. Mrs. M. Overhus visited with Miss Anna Fladeboe near Salmon Lake last week. Gharlie Birkeland and Peter Lar son are each sporting a new bicycle now-a-days. Thora Estness is working for Mrs. K. T. Rykken at present. L. L. Thorpe has invested in a new corn planter. T. Larson was in Willlmar last Friday on business. An ice cream social will be given at the home of Jalmar Larson next Saturday evening, May 27. All are cordially invited. COLFAX. Colfax, May 22—Emil Thimell and daughter Ethel visited in New London from Saturday until Sun day. Misses Alice Johnson and Augusta Olson who are at New London tak* ing a course in dressmaking visited their parental homes here Sunday. There will be a coffee social at Emil ThimeU's next Saturday May 27. It starts at 2 o'clock p. m. and continues thruout the afternoon and evening. All are heartily wel come. Mrs. I. Mattson visited at E. ThimeU's Tuesday. Mr. and Mis. Erick Dalberg visited over Sunday at the John Thome home near New London. Mrs. G. Harlander visited at J. Kullander's last Thursday. Reuben Anderson from Kandiyohi arrived here Saturday for a visit with his grandparents J. Kulland ers. }&* Specia Sunday Delivery*?&. Commencing next Sunday we will deliver every morning some special flavored ice cream. This cream will be iced in tub so can be used any time during the day. Delivery in the morn ing in time for dinner. Next Sunday Special will be Strawberry Crushed Fruit. Per Quart 40c Half Gallon 75c. Orders taken up to 2 P. M. Saturday. Willmar Ice Cream Co. Phono 6 Geo. W. Johnson, Mgr. The High School and Eighth grade will have school from eight until one instead of the two sessions this last week. All the classes are reviewing for the state examinations, which will begin Friday, May 27, 1911. Friday was cleaning Day. A final exam, was given in cook ing on Tuesday morning. The "Bachelor girls" had a picnic at Gilger's woods Saturday after noon. The senior class will give a farce namely"The Girl Graduate" Thurs day evening, June 1st, at the Opera House. FBHUJN .FWO3 Fahlun, 'May 22—Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lindblad spent Sunday with A. Lundquist's. .A. Wahlstrand is having his house on his farm here painted. Arthur Mattson spent Sunday at his home. Lewis Johnson of Willmar spent Sunday with T. Mattson. Henry Magnuson received his new auto. Saturday and enjoys a ride now and then. mm CARLSON BROS. DRUGGISTS AMD STATIONERS FOR THE BOY OR GIRL GRADUATE There Is No Gift More Suitable Than A Good Book. Nice leather and other fancy bindings, in small gift books at from 35ct $1.25 Fountain Pens a useful gift ... fipp pk-%* if Books of Poems of Stand ard authors, in good bind ings 50c to $2.00 $1.00 to $6.00 Many Other Items Also at Moderate Prices The pupils of the Willmar High School gave a farewell partv Satur day evening at Carlson's Hall for several pupils who will leave Will mar at the end of the term. The evening was spent in playing games after which refreshments were served. Rev. Edgren was in Rosendale Sunday afternoon. The Oak Park ladies will meet with Mrs. Charles Broman Friday, Maj 26, refreshmets will be served throughout the afternoon and even ing. All are invited. Mr and Mrs. Magnuson of Kandi yohi spent a few days last week with their son Henry. Rev. Edgren and family spent Wednesday at Nils Norman's of Willmar. -r—~v»f GruC^ay2 2—Student M. Erick son went to Minneapolis Saturday. John Murray did some carpenter work for Chas. Erickson last week. Ihe Y. P. S. meets in the school house on the west side on June 15. Everybody welcome. The Ladies' Aid Society meets at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Knut Thompson next Friday afternoon, May 26. C. O. Sands of Willmar visited at his home here over Sunday. H. Borgan and G. B. Gunderson called at K. Thompson's Sunday. Quite a few farmers around here had to plant their corn fields over again on account of the heavy rain that fell Sunday night. For Steamship Tickets To and From Europe BY The CUNARD, WHITE STAR And Other First Class Lines, And FOR FIRE INSURANCE, Inquire of Hans Gunderson, Second Floor Bank of Willmar Bldg., Willmar, Minn. 4f Before You Build It will pay you to call and see us before placing your order for building material. We not only have a well assorted Stock of High Grade Lumber, but we can also quote you Low Prices that will save you money. Our Careful Attention and Prompt Service Are Features Worth Noting. PETERSON & QVALE WILLMAR, MINNESOTA. DEALERS IN= LUMBER, SASH, DOORS, LIME, CEMENT, PLASTER, BRICK AND ALL KINDS OF: BUILDING MATERIAL -.J