Newspaper Page Text
22 32 Cop,iiUit Norway Lake, May 21—Miss Mabel Holmdahl has resigned her position at the Peterson & Berkness Store in Willmar and is at present staying at home. Elmer Stene from West Lake was a visitor in this locality Saturday and Sunday. Ben and Henry Halvorson took up two automobiles from Minneapolis last Tuesday which the former has sold to Adolph Engen and Johannes Halvorson. The trip from Minnea oplis was made in about four hours, (F *&"' *w sons Tru Litinj ny What DoYou Look For in a Suit? Some women just look for style when they buy a suit. Others want quality as well as style. They know the style won't stay unless the quality is there too. You can have both when you buy Wooltex. Pure wool and pure silk fabrics are used in the manufacture of Wooltex garments, so that you may have quality in your clothes. Added to this is the excellent workmanship which gives shape, permanence and distinction to your clothes. You will see a fine assortment of beautiful garments in our suit department now selling at greatly reduced prices. The prices are very reasonable. Special Discount On All of Season's Wooltex Suits We have now placed on sale all of this Sea Wooltex Suits now in our stock at 25% off former prices. One Special Lot of Separate Skirts, in black and colors, at 25% off. One Special Lot of Ladies' Suits, all good styles and colors, at HALF of for mer price. One Special Lot of Suits and Coats, values up to $25.00, your choice $10.00. LADIES' TAILORED SHIRT WAISTS We have a fine selection of tailored waists of the "Reed" make, fits like it was made to your measure. They range-in price from $2.50 to $5.00. ONE SPECIAL LOT OF WAISTS AT REDUCE PRICES In this lot you will find tailored waists up to $2.50 values, good styles to select from. While they last at $1.50 each. PETERSO N & WELUN THE STORE THAT SELLS WOOLTEX including a number of stops in towns along the road. Charlie Peterson, who has had charge of the mason work on the barn which is to be erected on the Netland farm, was taken ill last week and will be obliged to take a 2 or 3 weeks' lay-off. Mrs. August Bartz and children from Garrison, N. arrived here last week for an extended visit at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Walby of "Jericho." The .P. S. of the Synod church meets at the home of S. T. Skin delien today. Ed. Larson is working for the Swenson Brothers. Odds a- Ends at Special Prices at Standard Lumber Company's Yards We have been doing some sorting and rearranging of stock lately, and have found a lot of odds and ends for which we have no particular place. So we have decided to put a price on all irregular stock and clean it out. There is not enough of any item to fill a bill, but just the thing for fixing up about the place. Come and pick out what you want and we will make the price. Send us your bills for estimates. Scranton Coal always on hand. STANDARD LUMBER COMPANY, H. C. HANSON, Agent Mrs Oaten Johnson, who lives in St. Cloud, is here for a visit at her old home at S. A. Syverson's. The rain we had last Sunday night is said to be one of the heaviest rain falls here for many years, and, judging from the ditches dug in fields and washouts of grades and culverts, the rain must have been heavv. A number of farmers here had broke up sloughs which they intended to put in to Hax, but at the present time it looks as if the muskrats are to get back their swimming ponds again. The Ladies Aid of the First East N. L. church met at the home of Mr. H. Hande last Friday. Miss Hilda Mostue. who has been staying in Willmar for some time, returned home last week. Fred Nelson has hired out to J. F. Holmdahl for some time to blast stone. 2002 Short Fellow. .LAKEELIZABETH LEAKING^ Lake Elizabeth, May 22—Edward Franz came up from Minneapolis Wednesdav to visit with friends and relatives here. Esther, Hilda and Clarence Ander son were visitors at A. Jenning's Sunday. A pleasant surprise party was given to Rev. Erickson Monday evening. A very large crowd was present. Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Glader visited at Henry Broman's Thursday. Amelia and Irving Forsberg spent Sunday at Geo. Bowman's. Charlie Holmgren of Atwater was one of those who attended the sur prise party at Rev. Erickson's Monday evening. Mrs. John A. Johnson arrived home last week after a few days' visit with friends. Rueben Ekboni made a business trip to Willmar Wednesday be tween trains. The Ladies Aid Society of the Swedish Baptist church will meet at August Olsen's next Thursday. All are cordially invited to attend. Miss Florence Boom is at present staying with her sister Mrs. And. Bjur. Copyrgh! mil by Tte Black Comawy Every waist Miss Lillie Bowman spent the past week in Atwater on account of the illness of her grandmother, Mrs. Nels Johnson. A parcel shower was given Amanda Bjur last Saturday after noon. A very pleasant time was en joyed by the ladies present. Herbert Peterson is at present putting up a fine house. Moon Shine. KttURQm amies Kandiyohi, May 22— Mr. Altman of Atwater visited friends in Kandi yohi last Tuesday. Mrs. Gilbert Gabrielson was in Willmar last week visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Carlson. Victor Holmberg returned Satur day from a week's stav in Minnea polis. He was accompanied by his brother, Charlev, who visited with relatives here over Sunday. Mr. Solomonson of Minneapolis has been spending a week here at the home of his son, A. P. Solomon son. A nine pound baby boy arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arvid Andreson this morning. Mrs. Charley Forsman visited firends in Lake Lillian Saturday. Misses Mabel and Esther Norell were Atwater visitors Saturday. Miss Ellen Anderson came home Saturday from Kerkhoven where she had closed a most sucessful term of school. Elmer Tulin made a business tirp to Atwater Friday. Miss Millie Carlson retunred to Willmar Saturday after a two months' stay with her sister, Mrs. Gilbert Gabrielson. Mr. C. Glader of Atwater was a guest at the J. T. Isaacson home a few days last week. The Ebenezer Sewing Circle will meet with Mrs. O. W. Kroona on Friday afternoon. May 26. Sunday School and services will be held at the Ebenezer church next Sunday afternoon at the usual time. On Sunday, June 4, there will be commuion services at the Ebenezer church at 10:00 a. m. Ask for Cream. At Johnson's Velvet Ice sAi Jb%*4 Arctander, May 22—Mrs. John A. Henjum left for Chokio last week for a few days' visit with her sister Alma. Miss Bertha Lind gren is keeping house at Henjurn's during her absence. The Y. P. S. of the Synod church met at Syvert Skindeliens place last Sunday. A. 0. Henjum'a wind mill was blown down in the storm that pass ed over here last Thursday evenins?. The wind also played havoc with most of the hay racks in this local ity. Surveyor Day, Jr., surveyed and divided the meandered lakes in Arc tander last week. Services wilj be conducted at the East Norway Lake church next Sun day. Miss Emma Ramstad is filling a vacancy as teacher in Dist. 69 near Norway Lake these days. S Hattlestad is teaching a two months' term of parochial school in Dist. 23 this spring. The new road graders have arriv ed and will be ptit on trial this week. Elliot Georgeson was taken to Wilmar for examination last Mon day. He was sent to the hospital at Fergus Falls -Monday night for treatment. Assessor Skindelien is around find ing out how poor the farmers are this spring. Don't forget the Y. P. S. at Netland's place next Sunday. At this meeting delegates will be elected to represent this society at the Y. P. convention to be held near Grove City June 13 and 14. The library committee will also meet and prepare the order for a set of library books as was decided at the last meeting. Another case of relief from the auto fever was reported last week, namely Andrew Arneson. The re lief was brought about in the shape of a thirty horse power E. M. F. five passenger car. Thank you, of course we are willing to go out for a ride. Norland of Kerkhoven is doing some interior painting at the A. 0. Henjum home this week. J. B. Jacobson was down to the cities on business last week. Carl Evenson is assisting his brother Ed. with the masonry work for Lars Netherland'sbasment this week. Two passenger motor cycles were exhibited on our roads Sunday. The Foshager famliy visited at Hakon Nelson's place Sunday. Miss Berg finished an eight months' term of school in Dist. 56 last Friday. Miss Gina Wick visited at Ole Stene's place a few days last week. OSELAID ORT5 Roseland, May 20—Rev. and Mrs J. Brummel were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Damhof last Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. H. Gort left for Iowa last Friday to spend some time with relatives and friends there. Miss Ethel Knott is spending some time in Danube visiting with relatives Mr. and Mrs. Nick Dykema spent Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Vander Bilt in Prinsburg. Miss Esther Johnson closed a very successful eight months' term of school here last Friday and was ac companied back to Wlilmar by Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sluka last Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Gerhard Damhof are rejoicing over the arrival of a son last Monday evening. Wm. Nvp from Danube is assist ing G. Hoogheim with digging a well. Some of the neighbors around here all went to Reizt to help put up the new barn which was nearly finished but was blown down by the storm last Thursdav evening. Very heavy showers of rain fell during the night. Dr. C. E. Gerretson, dentist, office in new Ruble block, Willmar. ETHE REE SCHOO OF MUSIC PIANO, VIOLIN AND VOCAL, Special Courses in Normal Training for Teachers Kindergarten Work and Lessons in Harmony Willmar, Minn. 26pd Business Chances Do you want a good im proved farm in Renville County, North Dakota? I have for sale several nice farms that I offer for $22.00 an acre and up. The soil is rich black loam with clay as sub soil and produces large crops. Now is your chance to get a REAL FARM BAR GAIN with terms to suit purchaser. Write to day to, H. T. Sands, Norma, N. Dak. Hakes Home Baking Easy *AKINS Absolutely Pure The only baking powder mode from Royal Grape Oream of Tartar NOAUM.HBUMEPHOSPHATE Colfax. May 22—Miss Mathilde Nordlie of Belgrade spent a couple of days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Severin Olson. Mrs. John Hanson of Lake Johannah visited with her sister, Mrs. L. O. Mikkelson last week. Arthur Olson and Clara Clauson of Willmar visited at their respec tive homes here Tuesday and Wed nesday. Mrs. C. L. Gulsvig and children, Mr. and Mrs. Christ Gandrud and Miss Christine Gulsvig of Sunburg visited at the Even Olson home Wednesday evening. The 17th of May celebration at Warner was largely attended on ac count of the ideal weather. A splen did program had been arranged. A speech in English was made by Prof. A. E. Nelson of New London and a Norwegian address was de livered by Rev. D. C. Jordahl of Norway Lake. The band also fur nished excellent music and a num ber of beautiful songs were render ed by the Warner Choir. The ball game between Norway Lake and Ringville proved an interesting contest which resluted in favor of Norway Lake by a score of 4 to 2. Mrs. Marie Levig and baby girl have arrived from Granite Falls and are now visiting relatives here. Miss Mae Nelson has returned to her home at Holum after a visit with Miss Cara Larson. Miss Alma Gerhardson left for Clearwater, Minn., on Saturday where she will work at the Dr. A. Ridgeway home. C. K. Olson has invested in a new gasoline engine. E. L. Naasand Mrs. Alfred Erick son and son Milo visited Mr. and Mrs. Anton Erickson at Brooten on Thursday. Miss Aletta Odland has come home from New London where she has been assisting Mrs. Nels Quam at the hotel. IRVING INDtX Irving, May 22—Mr. and Mrs. Ivar O. Nelson from Kingsville, Texas, are at present staving with Mr. and Mrs. John Kulburg. The Ladies Aid of the Norland Congregation will meet at Mrs. P. J. Rufsvold's next Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Svedbergand family and Mies Lulu Hill made a trip to Willmar last week. Never before has wall paper been sold as cheap in Willmar as I sell it this spring. I have quit the contracting so I can devote my en tire time to selecting wall paper, right in price and up to date. All I ask is that you come in and look my stock over before vou buy. I also carry the largest stock of mouldings, plate and card rails, paints, oils, varnishes, brushes, window glass and picture frames in the city. Try Floor Sheen and Ar tisto, the dull varnish for floors and woodwork. Looks better then hand rubbed. Store 'phone 307. Res. phone 220. O. A. Jacobson. lOf „R Its Time Right Now to Be Choosing That Wedding Gift Or Graduation Present FOR RENT—Furnished room at 610, Second St. ?f WANTED—Good girl for kitchen work at Merchant's Hotel. 15f SEED FLAX for sale. C. A. Baklund. Willmar, Minn. 10 FOR SALE—A Cornish organ. Peter Anderson. Willmar, Rt. 1. If WANTED—Short order cook and dining room girl at the Delmonico Cafe. 12f ROOM and BOARD—Front room suitable for two. Inauire 503 3rd St. 14f WANTED—Girl for general housework. Inquire of Mrs. A. A. Anderson. 13f FOR SALE—10 bushels of first class flax seed for sale on the O. B. Glarum farm. 151p ROAD TEAM FOR SALE—Good drivers. Inquire of C. F. Akerson. Pennock, Minn. 12f Steam heated rooms for rent. Inquire of R. W. Stanford, Post office Buliding. 4tf WANTED—Jobs of outside paint ing, work by day or job. Dalen & Co. Phone 249. 113 FOR SALE—A five passenger touring car for sale cheap if taken at once.—Lars Halvorson. 14f FOR RENT—Upper flat of four rooms, pantry, cistern, city water and electric light. 508 4th St. 15f EGGS FOR SALE—Barred Ply mouth Rock eggs for hatching. 15 for 40c. W. E. Sommerville. 125 WANTED—A woman to assist in soliciting the city. Call at the Co me a 1 Hotel. Pay good wages. 151p PIGS FOR SALE by H. P. Jensen Pennock, farm on west side of St, Johns Lake, Dovre & Mamre Tel. line. 12fp FARM LANDS for sale in Cen tral Minnesota, for descriptions ad dress Benton County Real Estate Co. Sauk Rapids, Minn. 2-18 FOR SALE—A surrev, almost new one good single top buggy and a light driving harness. J. E. Leslie, Inquire of Willmar Land Co. 14f FOR RENT—Five rooms upstairs and 3 rooms downstairs, for small family. Soft water, sewer and good cellar.—Peter Anderson 310. 12 St. 14f LOST—On Saturday evening be tween Willmar and Mamre a white wool skirt and white linen waist. Finder leave at Tribbune office for reward. 15f NOTICE TO FARMERS—Bring in your binder and mower knives and we will put in genuine Deering sections at 6c per section. P. M. Peterson. 15tf EGGS FOR HATCHING—From Rose Comb Brown Leghorns, White Wyandottes and Barred Plymouth Rocks. Write for prices. John Tygeson, Raymond, Minn. 96 FOR SALE—My four passenger Queen touring car. 18 horse power, in fine shape, for sale at a bargain. Address C. M. Johnson, 403, 12th St. N.. Willmar. Minn. 8f FOR SALE—Two new six room houses, all modern except heat, lo cated in the eastern part of the city. Prices low and terms easy. Inquire at Lewis Johnson's real estate office, 214 Fourth Street. 15f The best milk costs 5 cents per quart. What do you pay? Milk good enough for your chil dren to drink should be the best— for children depend more upon the food value of milk than you do. Make it vour business to see that vour children are not fed upon milk that is open to doubt. Within the next few weeks one of your friends will be married or be graduated from school. The logical gift for either occasion is jewelry—a well selected gem or jewel, that in years from now, will still bring thoughts of regards and friendship for the giver. The problem of Gift buying is very simple. Just step into our store any day and let us show you our line oi Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry of All Kinds, Solid and Highest Grade of Plated Silverware, A Good Line of Hull Brothers Umbrellas, and many other articles suitable for presents. C. A. NELSON Lewis Block, Corner off 5th St. and Pacific Ai Miscellaneous Want Column H. Elkjer. FOR SALE—Five or ten acre tracts near city limits. Inquire of ANDERSON LAND CO., WILL MAR, MINN. 5f TO LET—Part or all of 500 acres of breaking and putting into flax at the highest going price for break ing. For further particulars call on Anderson Land Company. 12f FOR RENT—Strictlv modern 7 room house, furnished or unfur nished. Owner desires to occupy one room. Inquire at Tribune office. 123 WANTED—A number of loans on Kandiyohi County farms in which to invest our SAVINGS DE PARTMENT funds. No better se curity "outdoors." 13f Kandiyohi County Bank. WANTED —To loan money on land, at very low rate of interest, and on terms, so the borrower may pay part, or all of the principal, on any interest payment date. A. P. Adams, 45f Willmar. Minn. FOR SALE—A fine 160 acre farm about 3 miles from Griffin, N. D., and 8 miles from Bowman (county seat), 60 acres broken, the rest gently rolling prairie excepting 7 or 8 acres. House 14x20, good water, stable, and chicken house. $30 per acre. For further infor mation write to Matt Abrahamson, Griffin, N. D., Box 34. 12-6t FOR SALE—160 acres in Lake Andrew township, only 4 miles from market, good heavy soil, good 8 room house, barn 24 by 30 ft. sheds and granary. 80 acres under culti vation, 40 acres pasture, 20 acres meadow, and 20 acres hard wood timber. Price only $30 per acre. Must be sold soon. Write or see, A. P. Adams, or S. L. Benton, Willmar, Minn, 144 Dissolution of Partnership. To whom it may concern: Please take notice that the under signed have this day by mutual con sent dissolved the partnership here tofore existing under the firm name of Olson & Moe, general black smiths. All accounts due said firm should be paid at once to Willmar Land Co. Dated at Willmar May 13, 1911. H. E. Olson. G. S. Moe. 143p. BIDS WANTED. Bids wanted for the widening of approaches to the steel and concrete bridge located in section 33, town of Kandiyohi, close by the Swedish M. E. church. On Saturday, May 27th, 1911, at 2 o'clock in the after noon, the Board of Supervisors of the Town of Kandiyohi will be at the above stated bridge to receive bids. The right is reserved to re ject any or all bids. By order of the Board of Supervisors. Dated this 10th day of May. 1911. A. E. Anderson, Chairman of Board of Super visors. Town of Kandivohi. 142 •..........—.......... Willmar Markets Corrected May 24, 1911. Prices on creamery butter.nour, bin, aborts and apples are dealer*' selling prioes,all other are priees paid to producers? Willmar Elevators are paying two cents above market prices. Wheat, No. 1 Northern 89c Wheat, No. 2 ... 87c Wheat, No. 3 sac Wheat, No. 4 Wheat, rejected "!!!"!"]73c Wheat, No. 2 VelvetChad 87c Wheat, No. 3 Velvet Chaff. 83c Wheat, No 1 Durum 79c Wheat, No. 2 Durum 77c Wheat, No. 3 Durum 74c Wheat, No. 4 Durum «, l!l.'.71c 2 a ss"»7^q Wtl ^MMMMM* *1 fl ,-J A Wm iMm 8 24cto27c »*«ey 54c to 66c gyen Flax .31.973coto 1 $2.1 1 42cc78 .. $3.0O .. S2.90 $26 OO .$26.00 Cor Plour fancy Plour straight Bran Shorts Potatoes i.oo JJe*»s $2.flO per bushel Cabbage 4C per pound Onions ... 6c per pound 13c Butter, separator. 19c Butter,dairy 17c Butter, creamery 20c Lamba $5.00 fheep $3.00 to $4.00 Chickens 9c to lOc Beefsteers $S.OO Beefcowa $3.O0 to $4.00 Vjal calves $4.00 Hide* 6c Hogs. live. ,. $0.00 to $S.2ft