Newspaper Page Text
-r- & Ladies' Cloth Coats at 25% off Misses' and Children's Coats at 25% off CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Council Chambers, Library Building, Willmar, Minn., Feb. 1, 1912. Adjourned meeting of the City Council. Mayor Wellin called the meeting to order. The following mem bers of the Council were present on roll call: Mayor Wellin, Aldermen Frederickson, Johnson, Anderson Hedin, Erickson, Sperry, Dahlheim and Norman, 9 Absent, none. City Attorney Stanford was aKo present. J. B. Ward made application to have his pool room license transfer red from the Hanscom building in Block 24 to the one story brick build ing located on North part of Lot No. 6, Block 29, and to put in one or two additional pool tables. The applica tion was granted. A petition, signed by Andrew Bjor sell, W. D. Wiggins and others, ask ing that a re-survey be made of the proposed new sewer system. The said petition was, on motion, referred to the Sewer Committee. The Sewer Committee presented the following proposal from the own ers of certain lots in Hanson's Addi tion, offering to sell ground for a Mte for the proposed Sewer Settling Tank, and for certain right of way concessions across Block 10 in said Addition and certain other agiee ments set forth the following pro posal, to-wit: "The undersigned hereby offer to he W of A W a The works of a watch made in these watch work* means time for a life time. Rockford Watches are built upon honor and every watch turned out by the Watch Co. whether a watch fo# Railroad ser vice or the smallest ladies watch undergoes the most careful, critical inspection to insure its perfection and perfect time keeping qualities before leaving the factory. A watch that can be depended upon under all conditions tells its own story and the greatest asset we have is the good will of the users of Rockford Watches. A. NELSON JEWELER Corner off 5th Street end Peelfio Ave. It being the purpose of the said City of Willmar to buld, construct erect, operate and maintain, on said Lots Eight (8), Nine (9) and Ten (10), a septic tank or tanks and pur ification plant, to be used in connec tion with the Sewer System of said City, the undersigned, if this offer be accepted, hereby agree to release and discharge the said City of Willmar. its successors and assigns, from an and all claims or demands for dam ages which may arise in the future, of whatsoever name or nature, to any real property row owned by the undersigned in Blocks Seven (7), Eight (8), and Ten (10) in said Han son's Addition to the City of Willmar, by reason of the building, construct ing, erecting, operating or maintain ing of said septic tank or tanks and purification plant and further agree to forever hold the said City of Will mar, its successors and assigns, harmless from any and all claims or demands for damages, of whatso ever name or nature, to any and all of the said property specifically above mentioned, arising from the op eration or maintenance of said sep tic tank or tanks and purification plant, whether said contemplated damage be caused by odors, smells or stenches, or otherwise. Upon the acceptance of this offer by the said City of Willmar and pay ment of the said sum of One Thou sand (1,000.00) Dollars, the under signed hereby agree to convey to said City of Willmar, by Warranty Deed, free and clear of all incumbrances, the said three Lots above described, the said deed to contain the clause above set out relating to damages and to grant to said City of Willmar, .its successors and assigns, by a pro per instrument in writing acceptable to said City, the sewer right and priv ilege across said Block Ten (10), above described. Dated January 22, 1912. J. S. ROBBINS, A. E. RICE, LADIES' SUITS AT HALF PRICE Our Spring Lines are now complete in every Department There are many new novelties for your inspection. We shall be pleased to show them to you. PETERSON & WELLIN THE STORE THAT SELLS WOOLTEX sell to the City of Willmar, a Muni cipal Corporation, Lots Eight (8), Nine (9) and Ten (10) of Block Seven (7) in Hanson's Addition to the City of Willmar, in the County of Kandiyohi and State of Minnesota and further offer to grant unto said City of Willmar, its successors and assigns, the right, privilege and au thority to build, construct, lay,'oper ate and forever maintain a sewer, of such size pipe as said City of Willmar may determine, underneath the sur face of and across the East Fifteen (15) feet of Block Ten (10) in said Sanson's Addition to said City of Willmar, together with the right, prhilege and authority to at all times enter upon said East Fifteen (15) Eeet of said Block Ten (10) for the purpose of building, constructing, laying, enlarging, improving, or re pairing said sewer, said City of Will mar to always leave the surface of the ground, after work is fully finish ad, in a smooth and level condition all for the sum of One Thousand ($1,000.00) Dollars: ERICK HOLT."" The aforesaid proposal was dis cussed hy the Council. Alderman Dahlheim presented the following resolution which was by the following vote: Aldermen Frederickson, ^s^ W W BHHHHH5=H=aa--Hl»HMB*BI Although we announced our "wind-up of winter sale/9 the end of winter is long off. You yet have three bleak months to use and enjoy winter things. Many of the values we offer are good, year in and year out. It will pay you big interest [on your money to buy at the very low prices we now offer goods, and carry them over. Johnson, Anderson, Hedin, Erickson, Sperry, Dahlheim and Norman, 8: "Noes," none. RESOLUTION. Whereas, The City of Willmar is about to install a sewer system and a septic tank and purification plant in connection therewith, and, Whereas, it is necessary that the City acquire a suitable tract of land upon which to buUd, construct and maintain the said septic tank and purification plant aforesaid, and, Whereas, A. E. Rice, J. S. Robbins and Erick Holt have heretofore made written offer to the City of Willmar to sell to said City Lots Eight (R), Nine (9) and Ten (10) of Block Seven (7) in Han son's Addition to the City of Will mai', and further offer to errant to said City the right, pi'ivilege and au thority to build and construct and maintain a sewer across the East Fifteen (15) feet of Block Ten (10) in said Addition, all upon the terms and conditions in isaid written offer stated, and all for the sum of One Thousand ($1,000.00) Dollars, which written offer is now on file with the City Clerk, and, Whereas, said Lots aforemention ed are a pi*oper and suitable site for •aid septic tank and purification plant, and, Whereas, it is necessary that the City acquire the right of way across said Block Ten (10) to provide an outlet from its sewer system. Therefore, Resolved, That said written offer of A. E. Rice, J. S. Rob bins, and Erick Holt be spread at length upon the minutes of the Coun cil proceedings, Resolved, further, that said writ ten offer be and the same is hereby accepted, Resolved, further, that a warrant be drawn against the Sewer Bond Fund in the sum of One Thousand ($1,000.00) Dollars, in favor of A. E. Rice, J. S. Robbins and Erick Holt, the same to be delivered to them upon their depositing with the City Clerk a pro perly executed deed covering said lots and a properly executed instru ment covering the right of wav across said Block Ten (10). Approved February 2, 1912. E. C. WELLIN, Mayor. The Mayor reported on consulta tion with Engineer Claussen, St. Paul, about the new Sewer plans. The following named citizens were appointed Judges of Election for the Annual Charter Election to be held April 2, 1912: For First Ward—J. L. Johnson, M. 0. Thorpe and L. A. Wold. For Second Ward—J. W. Kent, J. C. Freese and John Williams. For Third Ward—Edward John son, S. E. Magnuson and A. H. Sper ry. For Fourth Ward—M. W. Blom quist, O. A. Norman and G. J. Bjorn berg. Alderman Frederickson offered the following resolution which was unan imously adopted. RESOLUTION. Beat resolved by the City Council of the City of Willmar that the fol lowing places be and are hereby des ignated as the Polling places for the Men's Cloth Overcoats at .' 20% off Men's Plush and Furlined Coats 10% off Annual Charter Election to be held in the City of Willmar, Minnesota, on April 2, 1912: First Ward—Seminary Hall, on Nelson Avenue, between "B" and "C" streets. Second Ward—Opera House Build ing, No. 310 Fifth Street. Third Ward—Madison Building No. 207 Third Street. Fourth Ward—C. Freeberg's Car penter shop, corner Second Street and Minnesota Avenue. Approved February 2, 1912. E. C. WELLIN, Mayor. On motion the Council adjourned E. C. WELLIN, Mayor. Attest: HANS GUNDERSON, City Clerk. Colfax, Feb. 12—Anna and Johr Carlson visited at E. ThimelFs Sun day afternoon. Mr. Carl Larson from Norway Lake visited at C. Larson's from Saturday until Sunday. Misses Katie and Florence Hall berg from Murdock are visiting at the E. Thimell home here and at M. Warness' at New London. Augusta, Esther and Gustaf Olson, Alice and Eugene Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Kullander visited at J. Odland's Sunday. A surprise was sprung on Miss Laura Larson last Sunday afternoon. She was presented with a handsome suit case. A fine supper was served after which all returned to their homes well pleased with the good time spent. Colfax, Feb. 12—Miss Norah Olson who has been enjoying a vacation at her home here the past two months left for St. Paul on Monday to pur chase her new spring stock of mill inery. Miss Olson is in the millinery business at Grove City. Mr. Thomas Evans left for Bel grade on Monday, where he will take charge of the Co-operative Creamery during the vacation of R. J. Ander son, the buttermaker. Miss Carrie Olson of Belgrade is at present visiting with her relatives and friends in this vicinity. Mrs. Bertha Dahlgren visited with Mrs. Katherine Olson on Friday. Mr. Claus Naas has been reported sick. Miss Evaline Evans attended the teachers' examinations at New Lon don last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Thompson and children Harry and Raymond, visited at Nick Hagen's last Satur day evening. Miss Sarah Olson who has been at tending Belgrade high school for the past two months has returned home. Selmer Olson of Belgrade visited at his parental home here over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Hagen enter tained some of their friends for din ner last Sunday. Regina Olson and Francis Spieker visited at Claus Olson's Saturday af ternoon. Mr. and* Mrs. Martin Quamme ar rived here from New London on Fri day for a visit with relatives and friends. Mere and There from West: the Woolly Amor, N. D., Jan. 25, 1912. Editor Willmar Tribune: Having been a silent reader of the Tribune out here in the woolly west for some over a year, I shall break the silence and contribute to the wel come home paper a few remarks, providing the Editor don't assign it to the waste basket. Am located in Bowman County, which is geographically the extreme southwestern corner of North Da kota with Montana a few miles to the west and South Dakota a few mUes to the south. As an American born citizen of the United States, with the privilege of availing myself of the opportunities given by Uncle Sam in acquiring a quarter section of land only for the acceptance of the offer, I decided to take up the struggles of pioneering for the sec ond time in my life. The first time was at Norway Lake, coming into what was then Monongalia county in 1867. The Willmar Tribune is a regular visitor to my new home every Mon day. I have three miles to the post office and I assure you, Mr. Editor, on Mondays those three miles are the shortest 3 miles I ever knew, when I go to meet the Tribune and- escort it home where it is thoroly over hauled by forty fingers, ten thumbs and ten eyes until the last sentence is swallowed, providing the lamp don't go dry. The Tribune, in my opinion is worthy of its installation in every home in the country, yes every state in the Union has many a home which would readily approve of our opinion of having a paper that the Minnesotans feel proud of. It is straight forward, honest and fear less and its value increases materi ally after reaching a person located hundreds of miles from the old home county, Kandiyohi. And the Kandiyohi County History is another feature worth mention ing. How many hundreds of times I wished I had it here these long winter evenings. That book certainly should be in the home of any person in the land, whoever and wherever he is, that ever had any knowledge of or ever lived in Kandiyohi County. Yes, its leaves are already handled by small fingers of the fourth gen eration who are eager to learn about the pioneer struggles and adventures of their great grand parents. It is a book that can be'handed down to grand children and great grand children with pride. In the eighties, as an employee of the McCormick Harvesting Machine Co. of Chicago, I was sent out into what was then called the. Dakota Territory, traveling north and south on the east side of the Missouri Riv er, Bismarck and south. The west side*"of the river was then looked upon as a country of the wild, the abode of the Indians, wild men and cowboys. Just across the river was pointed out to me Sitting Bull and his tribe, about where Mobridge is now located. In October, 1909, a lit tie over 20 years later, I again ap proached the same place by way of the Milwaukee road, but not to stop at the river but to proceed two hun dred miles further over what was for merly known as the Indian hunting grounds, and the cowboys wild and woolly west. A town worth mention ing is Wak-Palla on the Standing Rock reservation, the principal vill age of the Indians. Its population numbers about 200 descendants of the ancient Sioux tribes. Three den ominational tschools are* located at this point and are all well attended. It may be said that the Indians of the Standing Rock Reservation have pro fited by the advantages offered them. They are not found to rip, tear and shred school districts into fragments and splinters like the County Commis sioners of Kandiyohi County did last fall to School Dist. No. 104, which I will honor with a remark or two later on., Now back to the Indians. Most of them are intelligent and well educated. Their farms are thrifty in appearance and their village is a typ ical western town. At this place are th^ ony living descendants of Sitting Bull—and one small family is said to be the only ones that remain to per petuate his line of warriors. Forgot to mention that approach ing the Missouri River are seen the mighjty arches of a great bridge swinging into the perspective, tower ing high above the trees that line the river banks. This structure is said to be the heaviest of all the Missouri bridges. Have about 200 miles to travel yet before I reach my destina tion—Bowman county. GABBIEL STENE. (To be continued.) Don't Miss It. Our Village Postmaster is pro nounced by press, public and pulpit to be one of the of the best rural comedy dramas ever written. The characters, are natural with no over drawn types to mar the beautv of the play. The old Postmaster, his wife, his son studying for the minis try, their daughter, the village law yer, the swede janitor, the city chap, his wife, who is an actress, are por trayed by high salaried artists. A play that every member of your fam ily should see a play with a good moral a play that will-make a better boy, a better girl, a better husband and a better wife. Tou have a good laugh coming to you so go and get it at the opera house, Wednesday, Feb. 28. Tribune Wants Will Help You. *$ "m-i WILLMAR WIN8 CLOSE GAME (Continued from First Page) The first half ended with the score 11-9 in favor of the Giants but they were unable to hold out during the second period. The lineup: Giants. Athletics. Hengstler If Pedersen Erickson rf Downs Larson e., .W. S. Johnson McGrew rg. .W. J. Johnson Qdell ig Beri^ Baskets: Downs 4, Pedersen 5, W. S. Johnson 3, W. J. Johnson 3, Berg 2, Hengstler 6, Larsen 1, Odell 1. Fouls: McGrew 5, Pedersen 1. Referee: Mr. Foster. Seminary Loses Hard Battle. The Seminary basket ball team was defeated by the Granite Falls high school team last Saturday even ing in the local gym by the score of 24-15. At the end of the first half the Seminary led by one point, the score being 5-4. During the first half, without doubt the slowest bas ket ball ever seen here was played. Neither team seemed willing to take any chances with the other and mix things and the ball was on the floor most of the time. There was little to choose between the two teams dur ing the first half as neither one play ed the game they were capable of. In the second half, however, the visitors seemed to wake up and in stilled some fighting spirit in their play. They set a pace which was too hot for the Seminary to follow and soon had a comparative safe lead which they gradually increased dur ing the half. During the second per iod, Callahan, the great center of the visiting team played a swell game, getting five field baskets, twice put ting the ball in on a tip off, and hold ing his man scoreless. Meyer played a good game at left forward for Granite, getting three field baskets and shooting two out of the four foul baskets which he tried. For the Seminary "Buck" Johnson was the all-around star of the team, getting two difficult baskets and cov ering more soace than any man on either team. "Top" Pedersen got a couple of nice field baskets but his foul shoot ing was a little below his usual standard. The visiting team showed improve ment in their team work over the form they displayed in the game against the High School team som time ago, but their basket shooting was way off There sure will be a great battle at Granite Falls when the High School team goes down there for the return game the 8th of Maich, as the Granite team don't care much how they win their games on their own floor and with a home crowd be hind them. Last week, on Wednesday, the Seminary team defeated the "Giants" of the High School by the one sided score of 48-12. The game was fair ly close during the first half, the score being 17-8, but in the second period the Seminary got their team work going smoothly, and it was all off. Saturday's summary— Granite Seminary Meyer If Pedersen Gribler rf Kiland Callahan Hansen Larsen rg Johnson Cole Ig Berg Baskets—Callahan 6, Meyer 3, Gribler 1, Cole 1, Pedersen 2, Johnson 2, Hansen 1, Berg 1. Fouls: Meyer 2, Pedersen 3. Referee: Mr. Foster. Umpire: Jesson. Timekeeper: D. I. Taylor. AUCTION SALE As I am going to quit farming, I will sell at public auction, without reserve, on what is known as the Joseph Halldin farm in Section 10, Town of Mamre, five miles north of Pennock, commencing at* ten o'clock sharp, on Monday, March, 4, 1912 the following described property: One black mare, coming 5 years old, wt. 1,500 one bay mare, coming 4 years old, wt. 1,250 one bay mare colt, coming 2 years old one black team, coming 10 and 13 years old, wt. 2,500 one white team eighteen head of stock nine milch cows, some fresh and balance will be fresh Mar. 1 four sheep, 1 and 2 years old two bred sows eight pigj fifty chickens one McCormick binder, 8-ft. cut with truck, as good as new one 17-shoe drill one Champion mower one hay rake, one gang plow, one sulky plow, two walking plows, two corn culti vators, two lumber Wagons, two hay racks, one stock rack, one pair bob sleighs, one top buggy, three sets of working harnesses, one 4-horse drag, one 2-horse drag, one corn sheller, some blacksmith tools, one cream separator, one 2,000 ohms telephone, one coal heater, one cook stove, one extension table, one sideboard, one dresser, one kitchen cabinet, other household articles too numerous to mention. Sale begins at ten o'clock. Free Lunch Will Be Served at Noon. Terms: All sums of $5.00 or un der, cash above that amount time will be given until Nov. 1, 1912, on bankable-paper bearing 6 per cent in terest. No property to be removed until settled for. -V OSCAR A. BUTLER, Owner. Peter Henderson, Auctioneer, vsriL E. L. Thorpe,* Clerkv^^ if S -Anyone Suffering From Catarrh WILL FIND MAJESTIC WONDER! A Reliable and Absolute Care Must not be confounded with the numerous nostrums under the name of cures, which have of late flooded the market, but ,is a product of chemical science and medical research, which will reach into the small sieve-like cells in the mucous membrane. We offer $100 reward for. any case of catarrh our remedy fails to cure. Prices: Large size, $1.H snuril size. 5tc FOR SALE BY LEADING DRUGGISTS. OR SENT FROM LABORATORY OR RECEIPT OF PRICE. I I A E I O I I 207 Sixth St. So., Misneapolis, Hiss. Daring the month of February I if will exchange goods for tobacco's tags, half cent each for good tag.If Jim Maloney, Confectionery, Third Street. 3t Farmers' Feed Barn Opens. The new Farmers' Peed Ban., lo cated near Glarum Hotel, will open for business next Monday, Feb. 19. J. P. MADISON Mgr. Notice of Hearing of Petition for the Extension of the Sprinkling Dis trict on East Litchfield Ave nue in the City of Willmar. Notice is hereby given that a peti tion has been presented to the City Council of the City of Willmar, Min nesota, signed by Samuel Nelson, J. H. Styles and others asking to have the Sprinkling District extended on East Litchfield Avenue from Dolson* Avenue on the West, to the West line of Bernard Street in Ferring's Ad dition on the East in said City. Notice is further given that the City Council of said City will on the 26th day of February, A. D. 1912, at the hour of 8 o'clock in the after noon of said day, at the Council Chambers in the Library Building in said City, have a hearing on said pe tition and all parties whose property will be assessed for the said sprink ling, or in any way affected by said sprinkling, if the petition is granted, may then and there appear and be heard in said matter. Willmar, Minn., Feb. 13, 1912. It HANS GUNDERSON, City Clerk Bids Wanted for Certificates of In debtedness. Sealed bids will be received by the City Council of the City of Willmar, Minnesota, up to 8 o'clock in the af ternoon of February 26,1912, for the purchase of $2,000 Certificates of Indebtedness to be issued by said City against the taxes levied for the year A. D. 1911 for and on account of the General Fundj pursuant to Or dinance No. 120. Said certificates bear interest at the rate of four per cent per annum and are due and payable December 31, 1912. The Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. HANS GUNDERSON, City Clerk. Willmar, Minn., Feb. 13, 1912. 2t Corrected Feb. 14,1912. Prices on creamery butter.flour, bras, snorts and apples are dealers' selling prices, all other are prices paid to producers. Wheat. No. 1 Northern 95c Wheat, No. 2 93c Wheat, No. 3 89c Wheat, No.4 85c Wheat, rejected 76c Wheat, No. 2 VelretChaft 93c Wheat, No. 3 Velret Chaff. 89c Wheat, No 1 Durum 92c Wheat, No. 2 Durum 89c Wheat, No. 8 Durum 86c Wheat, No. 4 Durum 82c Oats ._....*. 41c to 44c Barley .m 68c to 92c Rye 75c to 79c Flax $1.50 to $ 89 Ear corn 45c Plour, fancy »3.lo Flour, straight $3.00 Bran $30 OO 8horts $31.00 Potatoes $ 1 3 5 Beans $2.75 per bushel Cabbage 4c per pound Bg-gs 30c Butter, separator. 30c Butter, dairy 27c Butter, creamery 35c Onions 4c per pound Lambs $4.00 9heeprfk. Chickens Turkeys Ducks Geese Beef steers... Beef cows.... V«al a Hides. ..$2.50 to $3.00 8c to 9c 12c 8c 8c 4.00 to $5.00 ,...$3.00 to $4.00 4.00 to $5.00 .7c Hogs. MTe $5.50 Goo. W. Johnfcon 'Phone 6. For Sale—Miscellaneous. GRAVEL—Am prepared to load cars at New London pit. Write or phone John Wright. FOB SALE—500 bushels of fine seed flax. This is Dakota flax which yields from 5 to 8 bushels per acre more than the ordinary flax. See sample at First National Bank, Will mar. $2.50 per bushel. Write at once if yon want some. Lars H. Lar son, Bt. 1, Spicer.™^ *v 133 Classified Wants WANTED—A good girl for general housework. Apply at Tribune." 137 BOY WANTED—To learn the baker's trade at the Ideal Bakery. No loafers need apply. Fred Hasten. 134 WANTED—Salesgirls and also young man. Apply at once at Sel haver and Shute's 10c store. 143 Houses and Rooms. FOB BENT—Three furnished rooms for light housekeeping at 206 Second street. 967 BOOMS AND BOARD—In private family. Inquire of Mrs. O. P, Bice, 503 Third St. 140 FOB BENT—Flat, 6 rooms and bath, hot water heat, on 5th street. J. H. Wiggins Co. 70 STEAM HEATED BOOMS—For rent. Inquire of B. W. Stanford, post office building. 72 FOB BENT—Heated room fur nished. Inquire of J. P. Madison, 113 E. Litchfield Ave. 45 HOUSE FOB BENT—On Litch field avenue, between First and Sec ond streets. J. P. Madison. 82 FOB BENT—Large furnished front room with large closet, suitable for two, 506 Third St. Telephone Real Estate. FOB SALE—Five or ten acre tracts near city limits. Inquire of Anderson Land Co., Willmar, Min nesota. 5f FOR SALE—Large nine room house, modern except heat eleven lots, shade, plum and apple trees, gooseberry and currant bushes, large chicken yard and house. Geo. W. Johnson. 116 FARMS WANTED—I have several parties who are ready to buy a farm as soon as I can get them a farm that suits. If you wish to sell your farm let me know as it may be just what one of these parties want. A. H. Brown. 139 FOB SALE—Eight-room house lot 150x183 chicken house small barn wood shed good well 100 bar rel cistern some bearing fruit trees of different kinds. $1,600, if taken at once. Anton Swenson, East Litch field Ave., Willmar. FOB SALE or TRADE—2800 acres wild and improved land in tracts from 40 acres and up. Will consider city lots or property in trade or as first payments. Also ten residence properties in Willmar for sale from $1,200 to $5,000. G. A. Erickson. Farm Loans FABM LOANS—On the best terms offered by any company. Ten yean time, with privilege of making pay ments on principal on any interest day. Lewis Johnson, Willmar. 976 Stock For Sale. For Sale—Miscellaneous. FOR SALE—Straw, either at stack or delivered to any part of city. Telephone Glarum farm. lS6a\ WANTED—Everybody to have their pictures taken at the Simon's Studio. 131 FOB SALE—One hundred bushels flax seed for sale at the O. B. Glarum farm by Aug. Benson. Clean and guaranteed to be free from false stuff. 138 FOR SALE—All kinds of framed pic tures. The cheapest place in the city to have pictures framed. New and. up to-date moulding. We also take orders for enlarging pictures. Be sure to set my prices before you order elsewhere. O. A. Jacobson, Wall Paper and. Paint 8tore. 1SS ,*•£*, ff *tt5r« I -1 One cent a word each Insertion. No c'l-m ad for less than IB cents, cash with -r^ order. 30 per cent discount for additional insertions—No accounts booked for than 25c. Help Wanted. 't ft v1 •H, FOB SALE—Duroc Jersey pigs. 1 Will furnish pedigrees. T. O. Christ- i§( ian, Kandiyohi, Minn. 29f v„" FOB SALE—One bay horse ten years old, and one cutter. Most be sold before Saturday. Holger Elkjer, Willmar. 141