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s» \, W RITING of bis experiences during a six months' trip through South and East Af rica undertaken tor explora tion and hunting purposes. Sir Henry Seton-Kar. In Country L.ife, says: After a two months' stay In the Mozambique district of Portuguese East Africa, where I had a two hun dred miles' trek, with native carriers, through some little-known country, a Union Castle liner took me up the coast past Zanzibar to the ttne harbor of Mombasa, or rather KiJlndini (Mombasa being the town), which is the port of debarkation for the Ugan da railway and the doorway to the highlands of British East Africa. My immediate object in visiting the new est colony was big-game-hunting. So 1 left Mombasa by the first available train, and in twenty-four hours had ascended six thousand feet, through jialiri grove, tropical jungle, thorn and grass-covered plain and mountain ranges to the high tableland whose altitude makes British East Africa possible as a white man's colony and another cradle for our race. Of thla tableland Nairobi Is the capital, and tho social, commercial and political center. Never have I seen anything like the quantity of big-game In any part of the world such as now exist in their thousands in British East Af rica. Even western America thirty years ago had nothing like this wealth of wild fauna. 1 rather doubt If South Africa, in its pioneer days, «qualled it In this respect. For some hours before reaching Nairobi thou sands of zebra, hartebeeste (kon goni), gazelle ol various kinds ("Grant's" and "Tosamies") can be seen from the railway carriage win dows dotting the plains and grass-cov ered, tree-sprinkled hillsides through which the railway runs. Herds of "wildebeeste are almoBt always In sight also other varieties of buck or antelope, such as impala and orlbl likewise an occasional rhino, and fre quently a herd of giraffe. I saw all these varieties from the train. A large portion of the country south of the railway to the German border is main tained as a game reserve, as well as the southern Masai native reserve, and so abounds in game. One has heard so much of hunting parties visiting Nairobi of late years, and returning in every case laden with spoils and trophies of the chase, that I had a sort of feeling, before hand, that the game would soon be all killed unless one hurried up and went soon. But now the mystery was solved. The country is so fertile, pas toral and extensive, and the climate eo equable, that it is capable of main taining an almost incredible amount of game. In addition to a great native population and a white settlers' pop ulation. The game are there, and have not been recklessly slaughtered and squandered in the past. They are now only shot in a sportsmanlike manner, under strict regulation as to numbers and locality—some rarer kinds being absolutely protected—and only on payment of a substantial li cense fee and the consequence Is that, if anything, the game is increas ing in numbers, not diminishing, in fact, the boot Is on the other leg. The question Is whether, in some dis tricts, the commoner kinds of game are not too numerous, and should not, in the interest of settlers and their fencing and crops, be greatly reduced in numbers, or even altogether killed off. So far as my own hunting ex periences are concerned, 1 enjoyed a most delightful and productive three weeks' safari, during the course of which I shot about forty head of bis game either for meat or for trophies, including eighteen different varieties, among them a great python sixteen feet long. 1 am bound to confess, in my view, that there is no great sport ing merit in obtaining the ordinary common big-game trophies of East Africa, such as wildebeeste, harte beeste, the various kinds of gazelle and smaller antelope, zebra and wart hog, all of which are to be found on the open plains and outside long grass and jungle. It is merely a question of how long one stays out and how many cartridges one uses. There are, however, other varieties or big-game much harder to find and shoot, end in the hunting of which some woodcraft and intelligence, as well as straight shooting, are required. Lastly, there are the larger and dangerous kinds of game, the hunting of which will al ways be a stimulating and exciting form of sport In the first of these two latter cate gories I would place the roam ant lope, the bushbuck, the koodoo and sable (these two latter are not found on the higher tableland of British East Africa, but only In the buth coun try nearer the coast), and, perhaps, the water-buck and the eland also, of course, the bongo, a gigantic spe cies of bushbuck, only found In the thickest Jungle. Only one or two lucky and aswd-wcrkinf sportsmen,ft*J —Princeton Tiger. eluding Kermit Roosevelt, have so far succeeded In securing a bongo head. The second, and by far the most in teresting, category includes the lion and leopard, the elephant, the rhino and the buffalo. I have not mentioned the giraffe. I do not think any sports man really wants to shoot a giraffe, apart from the tact that It Is an ex pensive amusement to do so, as a spe cial license fee is required for the privilege. I am inclined to think that the Af rican buffalo is one of the finest gam« animals in the world. He command! my intense admiration and respect, ard the hunting of him is. and alwayr will be, a most exciting and stlmulat ing pursuit. An old buffalo bull yield: a horned trophy second only In weight and beauty to the Alaskan moose and the American wapiti, and from iMs habits, temper ar-d physique he is wei qualified to look after himself. There Is a good stotfk of buffalojtfi in British East Attica, and as eacfi license only permits the shooting ot two bulls, that stock is probably 'in. creasing. They froqueitt the thick, grass-covered, jungly hills, Are seldcrr seen in the open, except at e&rly daw? or late In the evening, and so are n««t easy to find and get a shot at Aim their vitality is extraordinary. Ttl« amount of lead (projected, mind yon, at two thousand feet or so per second from a cordite rifle) that they can carry is marvelous. Say Loose Cellar Means Long Life. Wear a loofld collar and live long in the enjoyment of luxuriant aad un fading locks. This is 'the prospect that Dr. Walter O. Walford holds oat in the British Medical Journal. An swering a correspondent's inquiry us to the cause of his hair changing color, the doctor says: "The probable cause Is that the In quirer has not very long since en larged his neckwear, and thus im proved the communication between his heart and brain and the lymphatio circulation. This is what I happened to do when I had just reached 70, when, in addition to greatly improved health my hair not only became dark* er but grew so profusely where I had previously been bald, as to become quite noticeable." Leap Year. Beware, oh careless man, beware this is the year of woman's right Now every frou-frou means a snare, youi bonded .state to expedite. And every woman starts her quest to gain a mate by force or guile so you must halt at her request and face the dan ger of her smile. No man so young, so old, but he must take his chance* in the fray the female of the spe cies, she, exempts no male she may inveigh. Be deaf, oh, bachelor, be dumb, when she approacheth with her snare and answer not or you'll succumb. Beware, or, careless man, beware!—Cincinnati Enquirer. Restrictions on Pulque Drinking. Pulque shops must close earlier and restaurants may remain open later, was the decision reached at the cab inet meeting, says the Mexican Her aid. Abraham Gonzalez, minister of Go bernacion announced that after Jan- a 15 a sold must close at 6 p. m., except on Sundays and holidays, when the clos ing hour would be at noon. Restau rants, by paying a higher license, may remain open until three o'clock in the morning. Furthermore, the tax on pulque is to be advanced from 75 cea tavos the hectoliter to a peso. The Reason. "Oculists' bills are particularly Ir ritating." "Why of "Because their very nature has tendency to develop eae-rate possi bilities." Ha Woke Up. NErevealed 4 I have been fortunate enough to ob tain fair specimens, after some hard work and strenuous stalking, of all the various kinds or game 1 have men tioned, some in Northwest Rhodesia and Mozambique, others in British East Africa, including buffalo and rhino, with the exception of bongo (this animal I never dared hope to get), leopard, lion and elephant These two tetter I have been close to in thick forest or seen at a distance, but never succeeded in getting a shot at, It is every sportsman's ambition, suppose, to sfcoot a lion in fair stalk ing But I am Inclined to think he has been rather generously styled the king of beasts. J4g a matter of fact, this great carnivorous feline is, except under special circumstances, a snealb *ng, crawling beast. SAN places where pulque was certainly He (Innocently, Golf keeps you in good shape. She (suggestively)—Literally sneak ing? He (waking up)—No flgurativel* -J*, tt'C:. jglgjkJ j&dKML &$£&AAJJ&$kL *jy JL ftfoteQj&gi Vanity Class Is Feature In School CAM YOUTflL WHAT I VENT BAD ABOUT THIS DRW? W YORK.—A vanity class, it was recently, has been start ed among the girls In Erasmus Hall High school, Brooklyn, as a part of the hygiene and gymnasium courses. It was originated by Catherine, Tur ner, assistant principal, as a means of teaching the girls to take greater pride in their personal appearance and of impressing on them the fact that a girl who has plain features may. make herself unusually attrac tive by,displaying taste in dress, care of her teeth and hair, her complexion, carriage of shoulders, and the like. The pupils are urged to give heed to all those things, and they are exam iced in them just as they take exami nations in algebra, arithmetic and English. Miss Turner, who Is active in evolv ing the new course, is a stanch be liever in simple gowns. She insists that girls may be Just as attractive in simple frocks as in silks, provided they pay attention to many other things and make it a point to appear neat To the girls she has made it a point to explain the many things that are required to look fetching. She has given lectures on the care of the person, on harmony in dress, taste in the selection of materials, and on many other things. The opportunity for giving more at tention to those things has come be cause of the inability of air the classes to get aS many hours, as set in the schedule, in the gymnasium Farmer Boy Buncos City Firemen CHICAGO.—WhetheWheelerk Fran Ander- son came from Ind,, or whether, he. didn't, he succeeded in working a "skin game" on scores of members of the city fire department that would do credit to the most ex: perienced and skillful of Chicago con fidence men, and now the firemen are looking up Wheeler, Ihd.i on the map. To their relief they find that 'Wheel er, ind., Is really, so. This is the only think they have found to be true about Frank Anderson, however, and in fact they, are beginning to doubt that he is Frank Anderson at all and may be somebody else—which latter suspicion the police concur in. Frank is a stolid, healthy-looking country lad, with -rosy cheeks. He went around to the various fire houses and tpld his story. "I live back on a farm near Wheel er, Ind.," he would say, "where my ma has 3,000 chickens and 19 cows. We got a tol'able sized farm back there. I came to Chicago to find my Aunt Jane, but run out o' finances and I calculate as how I'll have to hoof It back. If one of you gentle men will assist me In getting back home I'll send you more than I bor rowed in eggs and butter." Jerome Connor, a salesman, who happened to be in the quarters of en- Wireless Used by Cupid On Steamer FRANCISCO.—A prank of Cupid with the wireless aboard the Pa-to cific Mail liner Mongolia the other day basely betrayed to an Indulgent world afloat and ashore the plan of Lieut Edmund Spence Root of the navy to marry Miss Maude May Rad cliffe, daughter of E. F. Radcliffe, electrical manufacturer of Portland,' Ore., and to surprise his relatives and friends with the news. The Mongolia was plowing serenely toward San Francisco when the godgirl of love began to get busy with the key of the wireless apparatus. Other vessels far at sea and a few of the land stations received the persistent call of the Mongolia's operator, but the receiving stations did not pay much attention until the words "mar riage license" clicked forth the dis patch leaving the Mongolia's aerials. The aerogram was addressed to NEkeeper tr* uW it &st£d every week. As the exercises are in tended primarily to aid girls in im proving their appearance, it was de cided to devote an hour to the vanity class. The girls are gathered in the auditorium. Five of the most attrac tive girls are selected and sent on the stage in the full glare of the foot lights. They are lined up and the students in the auditorium are asked to study the appearance of each ot the girls, her teeth, her complexion, 'her figure, her hair, her feet, her dress, her method of standing and other details. Aid is given to the observation pow ers of the'girls by the teachers, who call attention to various parts of the girls' dress. After that has been done the pupils are required to vote on the appearance of the girls. First a vote is taken as to which girl is the prettiest Next the question as to which girl has the daintiest figure is decided, the girls on the stage mean time standing with their backs to the students in the auditorium. Votes on the teeth, hair, feet and other points of a woman's appearance are taken. The girl receiving the great est number of votes gets additional credit in her marks in hygiene. Ev ery week different girls are called up for inspection. The girls formerly were taken, for walks in Prospect Park by their teachers. Soon it was observed that many young fellows appeared in the parks and sought to attract the at tention of the girl pupils. The teach ers observed that fact, and now when the classes are out walking and sev eral young men are found seated on a bench the teachers stop, stand be side the men and watch the girls as they pass to see whether they make "goo-goe eyes" At the young men. WILL YE HAVE JERSEY EGCS Eft PLYMOUTH frOCK4? rMYrtAW IHASP0TH7 gine company No. 5, 326 South Jef ferson street, listened and saw vis ions of omelettes. He bought $2 worth of eggs. Members of the en gine company brought the donation up to $10, and Frank took the names of all. As he was leaving one engine house after having made an extreme ly successful plea, he asked one of the men whether he preferred "Ply mouth Rock" eggs or the "Jersey" kind. Several days later he was re lating the incident to some friends, and Inquiring about "Jersey" chick ens. *When he was told the truth he sent a message over the wire to all of the fire houses warning the men against purchasing eggs and butter from Frank Anderson. "Too late. We've waited so long for them eggs I guess they're all spoiled," was the answer that came back in nearly every Instance. Miss Radcliffe at the Palace hotel, and after a few phrases, important only to the parties directly involved, explained that the liner would not ar rive until late, and that unless a li cense were procured Saturday a wed ding could not take place in San Francisco. Zoo Keeper Says lions Are Alienists W YORK.—"Bill" Snyder, head at the Central Park men agerie, has qualified as an alienist "Bill" never graduated from a col lege, or served on an asylum's staff, but when a man named Fulberg tried to break into the lion cage, Sny der said at once he was crazy. How did he know? Because "Bill" says the lions always try to make f|iends with an insane person. "Yep, I've never seen it fail yet," said "Bills" "Whenever a crazy man gets near a lion, the animal just naturally comes up close to the bars and tries to be a good fellow. He will wag his tail and purr like a cat It's wonderful, but it's so. Why, I once knew a crazy man to take a lion's food away from the brute, and the animal seemed to be trying to smile about the joke." "What do you suppose makes a Hon so friendly with a crazy man?" "Bill" was asked. "1 never tried to figure it out, but I Imagine it's because when a man goes crazy his animal nature comes out, and the Hon recognizes itself in a little higher development. "I wish I could be put on some lunacy commission. I would brine The lieutenant was hurrying home from the Asiatic station, under orders report at once to Washington, so Miss Radcliffe used the more discreet and secretive telephone to beg Grant Munson, marriage license clerk, to hold the office open until the Mon golia arrived. The gallant Munson did even better—he promised to re turn to his office and issue the license at any time she and her fiance should appear. At 7:30 o'clock the officer and the were at the official trysting place and soon were in possession of the coveted permit The lieutenant gave his address as Cincinnati, O., but ex plained that the residence was purely theoretical, he having a sister living in that city. Miss Radcliffe gave her address as Portland, Ore., where the navy man first courted her. Lieutenant Root soon located a minister who tied the knot the subject down here, take him uptite to the lion cage and mighty soon find out if he is sane or not. It would save the state and city a whole lot of money, as they wouldn't have to hold a suspect under observation more than long enough to bring him to me." "Is the Hon the only animal that tries to become acquainted with luna tics?" "BiU" was asked. "No, they all do in some way or an other. For instance, the monkey makes an effort to search for fleas, and the elephant tries to give the person a ride." Disappointed Office 8eekers. A man will get so mad because the job he wanted was given to someone else that he will spend weeks fight ing the appointing power, purely on principle. •f- 4 j&jM&r/ Discover Error On Cannon Trophy LOOK* K/ftM MIXC0 UP TO E .?"-.(fll-* wo sut^/ WASHINGTON.—Like a jaunty lit- tie watchdog at the right of the God of War there stands at one of the entrances to the war department a trim little cannon. It is a pigmy among the giant trophies of mighty guns that surround the building, but It has some history of its own. it was the first cannon captured by the Americans from the British in the Revolutionary war, though it has not been so officially placed upon the rec ords. It was captured by the great patriot-traitor general, Benedict Arn old. It has, in a dozen years been passed by more army and navy officers and other notables of high mark and dis tinction than any gun in the United States. Yet In all this time that lit tle gun has borne a marked error of history that it flaunted boldly on a large name plate—an error so plain that it should have been detected im mediately by any passing high school cadet •. The gun is a bronze six-pounder. .N SPITE of the intensely cold winter weather the social sea son in. Washington was at its height New Year's week, which was ,an exceptionally gay one, begin ning and ending with a dance, the Charity ball Monday and the second hop of the season at the navy yard. Among the many other important functions of the week were the diplo matic reception at the White House on Tuesday night, which went down in the social annals of the national capital as one of the most resplendent ever held there, and the many dinners and several receptions in honor of the American ambassador to Great Britain and Mrs. Whitelaw Reld, who are be ing extensively entertained during their stay. "Grizzly" Danced By Capital Society I A remarkable assemblage of social lights from other cities graced the re ception at the White House Tuesday, and conspicuous among them was the famous Mrs. Jack Gardner of Boston. Mrs. Hugh Roland French created something of a sensation that evening in the first "harem skirt" to appear at a social function in Washington. Hith erto this somewhat startling innova tion In feminine attire has been re stricted to the Btage. Mrs: French, who is the wife of Captain French of the British army, was formerly Miss Ida Wynne, daugh ter iof the former American consul general at London. Her gown on this occasion was of tilack velvet and white lace, and pre sented no unusual feature for custom- New Ptarmigan Species Discovered HILE on an expedition for the Smithsonian institution in the Aleutian islands for the purpose of gathering material for the continua tion of the "Life History of North American Birds," A. C. Bent discover ed a subspecies of ptarmigan, to be known as the Tanaga ptarmigan. The ptarmigan belong to the same general group with the domestic fowl. They are circumpolar in distribution, but are found principally in North American, and are represented by some 15 known species and sub species. A striking seasonal change of plumage which is perhaps more pro nounced than that exhibited by any Other birds, takes place among the ptarmigan. In most species there are three, or even four, complete changes of plumage that of winter being chiefly pure white, while in other sea sons it varies to brown, buff, gray or THE hawk whose frequent excur sions from his aerie in Smithson ian park to the relay station for car rier pigeons in the postofflce tower have furnished him prey and food in the winter season of, scarcity, has tried to stop the post office clock. Perhaps finding that the hour of his depredations was established, and the clock watched by his anticipated vic tims, so that they might evade his sudden swooping down upon them, he has thrown the plucked corpse of a pigeon which had satisfied his appe into the back of the dial of the timepiece. Had the body lodged between the hands, the perfectly balanced mechan ism must have stopped. The body appears to have stuck on the pin, in the very center of the dial, which holds the hands in place and operates their movement round the face of the clock. To remove the corpse from the clock offers a big difficulty to the keepers of the building. It will prob ably be necessary to remove one of the glass panels in the clock dial, to get at the intruding substance, unless Went Out of Life Together. M. and Mme. Varay, aged 81 and 7*,' -both died of old age at Correze, France, the other day. The date was the anniversary of both their birth* TOSIP built in Holland in 1747 for King George of England. It is a little under six feet long and is about three and a half inches in caliber. Deeply cut along the barrel near the muzzle end is the following: "Sur rendered by the Capitulation of St Johns, 1775." But on a large metal plate sunk in the national shield, on which the gun is mounted, is this con flicting statement: "Revolutionary Trophy Surrendered at Yorktown, 1775." Thus the little gun appears to have been captured twice—and, further, it would appear to have been captured at Yorktown six years before there was "any fighting at that point The error remained for 12 years unde tected. Capt IT. S. Grant, third superinten dent of the building, has corrected the error at last. "Beyond doubt," said Captain Grant, "the gun was captured on some of the adventurous expeditions made by the early revolutionists in 1775." A few days after Ethan Allen cap tured Ticonderoga, which had no real cannon, he and Benedict Arnold, then the most adventurous of the American patriots, had a quarrel. Arnold took a band of riflemen who adhered to him and, going down Lake Champlain, invaded Canada and captured as hts first triumph the town of St John's, ary'evening attire until th» wearer moved about. Then it showed at each step the division of the skirt at the bottom, but it must be admitted In a much less revealing manner than has been advertised for the fashion. It seems the new-style dances of the season, the "Turkey Trot," the "Grizzly Bear" and the like have come to stay in Washington, despite the, ban which has been placed upon them by some of the more conserva tive. After the dances at the Barracks and Fort Myer a week or so ago, some of the mothers of debu tantes of this year and last, banded themselves together for the purpose of eliminating these dances from the pro gram of any balls which their daugh ters were to attend in the future, but so far their campaign has apparently been of no avail. Certainly the "Grizzly," the "Turkey" and the "Spanish Boston" were much in evi dence this week. The debutante who can boast these accomplishments, has no lack of partners. The president and Mrs. Taft occu pied the box set aside for them at the ball Monday evening for more than an hom\ black. Living as these birds do in the arctic regions and in rugged snow-capped mountains, the changes in plumage affords efficient protection from their many enemies, since they harmonize in color with their sur roundings. The new subspecies, described by Mr. Bent, was found on Tanaga island, one of the Alentian chain, Alaska, and takes its common name from that place, although scientifically it is named after Dr. Leonard C. Sanford, and will be known as lagopus san fordi. Ptarmigan were particularly tame and abundant.on Tanaga island, and good series of the birds and nests were collected for the National mu seum. As the collecting was done in June, most of the specimens secured were In summer plumage, which in general tone is a light grayish buff, paler on the throat, chest, rump and upper tall coverts. The pamphlet (publication No. 2.066 of the Smithsonian miscellaneous col lections) describing this bird is quite technical and intended primarily for ornithologists and zoologists. Speci mens of pne species of this interesting game bird can be,seen in the chil dren's room of the Smithsonian build ing. S W A A W S W S W W W W Greedy Hawk Damages Big Clock the movement of the hands finally dis lodges it. This explains the antics of the clock recently. Severe cold and the depredations of the hawk have brought death to many pigeons who have sought shelter in the high tower. Bodies of four pig eons were found in the snow, when it was recently removed from the slanting glass roof over the court of the big building. Winging their flight for the refuge promised by the tower in a half frozen condition, it is probable that the pigeons struck their heads against the stone upright of the tower, were stunned by the impact and fell help less to the roof below, freezing to death before they could recover the power to move. Precarious Industry. Ostrich feathers, dependent almost entirely for their value upon the fashions of the day, are one of the most Important products of Cape Col ony. 0 NE of the greatest of modern engineering enterprises is the construction, of the new aque duct system, which is to carry water to New York from the Catskills, and the most colossal unit in the whole Is the Ashokan reservoir, the principal storage place for the mountain waters. Ranking with the interoceanic canals at Suez and Pan ama, the Assuan irrigation' works in Egypt and the projects which are con verting western America's arid wastes into fruitful fields, the CatskiU aque duct, with its tributary reservoirs, probably surpasses any one of them in the variety of problems to be solved. Although undertaken by a municipal ity, these works in magnitude and cost compare with national enter prises. Because of its impressive ruins, the water supply of ancient Rome is doubtless the most famous in the' world. The imperial city had nine aqueducts, with a total of 263 miles but if the water that all those aque ducts could carry (estimated at 84, 000,000 gallons per day) were put into New York's CatskiU aqueduct, it wotrid rise to the height of only three feet three inches. When the Ashokan dam is finished, the reservoir it will create will cover a water area of 12.8 square miles and have a shore line of 40 miles. When the reservoir is full it will contain 128,000 million gal lons, sufficient to cover Manhattan island to an average depth of 28 feet Fifty feet will be the average depth of water throughout the reservoir. It is reasonable to believe that the Cats kill aqueduct will be as permanent as those of Rome. Imperial Rome's longest aqueduct was 57 miles in length the CatskiU aqueduct wiU be 92 miles long. Rome, with hordes of laborers from conquered domains, car ried its aqueducts at hydraulic grade across valleys on imposing masonry arches. Modern explosives and rock drills enable New York to tunnel in solid rock beneath valleys and riv ers, avoiding masonry, which Is now expensive, and which is likely to suf fer In New York's severer climate. Olive Bridge dam is the greatest of the chain of dams and closes the main gorge to Esopus creek. It is a mile long on top and has a maximum height above its foundation of 240 feet. Tiie central portion has a top length of 1,000 feet and the top width is as Wide as an ordinary roadway. The cost of engineering this spectacular piece of work will amount to more than $12,000,000. The thousands of la borers who are now housed in the temporary town known as "Camp City/' enjoy aU the comforts, and are far more healthful than they would be in their own homes. A complete sys tem of sewage has been installed, and In sanitary matters it is, in a few re spects at least, more advanced than some communities, far more substan tial and attractive.' The laborers are for the most part Italians and ne groes. •Jt'he CatskiU aqueduct Is virtually a subway. Unfortunately a pipe-line will not do. It must be remembered that the Ashokan reservoir is 500 feet above sea level, and that with every fall of two feet the pressure of wa ter increases nearly one pound to the square inch. The lowest level to be reached will have a pressure on the pipe of 130 pounds to the square inch, or over 18,000 pounds to the square foot A pipe to endure a strain like that would be enormously expensive, simple means was used to overcome the necessity of building bridges to keep the pipe up at a level {called hydraulic grade). When a valley was reached below the hydraulic grade, the aqueduct was made to dive—not to the surface of the vaUey, but hundreds of feet below the surface—and then rise to the level on the other side. Such a plunge of water into the depths of rock is called a siphon. Sev eral of these siphons will be found. One beneath the Wallkill valley, and another beneath the Valley of Round out, and another, most astounding of ah, hundreds of feet below the bed of the majestic Hudson. It is rather a ragged course along which the water wiU flow from OUve bridge to the High Service reservoir atYonkers. The wrater begins Its flow swiftly, but placidly enough, then dashes through the CatskiU mountains to meet a perpendicular descent of 200 feet and in a moment another one of 400 feet By turns it is carried for ward, upward, forward, downward, until, after reaching a depth of 700 feet, it suddenly shoots upward to the side of Bonticou Crag it is then si phoned under the Wallkill valley. The Moodna section of a siphon is entered and then it goes on a direct line for the Hudson river. The most interest ing crossing is that where the passage Is made from one side of the Hudson to the other. Here, the line of no pressure Is 400 feet above the river. It has been found necessary to place the bottom of the aqueduct 1.200 feet below the river surface. In conse quence of these two facts, the upward pressure is enormous, being equal to that exerted by a column of water M00 feet high. This amounts to about 700 pounds per square inch. After beta* forced out from under the Hod* son the water goes half-way up thsv face of Breakneck: mountain, and then. through two mountains and along the high valleys of the Highlands until it reaches Foundry Brook. Four- steel pipes carry the water across that stream. After another mountain tun-i nel and another slightly undulating course, it reaches High Service reservoir, 300 feet above sea level. Three kinds of construction will be used in the course of the aqueduct. The largest part wiU be what is caBed "cut and coverv' This form of worse is used only on the hydraulic grade. The second form is tunneling. The third form of construction is the build ing! of steel pipes. This last form will require renewal from time to time. In New York city the aqueduct wfll be nothing less than a subterranean river—ramifying through hundreds of mUes of solid rock throughout, issu» ing finally through faucets and hy drants to serve those who have bid den it In no place wiU this aqueduct be less than 170 feet below the sur face of the streets. The natural pres sure will be of sufficient force in low er Manhattan to carry the water to the top of a 20-story buUding. After traversing nearly the whole of the Is land, the aqueduct will cross the Bast river and enter Brooklyn. The course wiU next swing round a semi-circle, pass across the Narrows and thus ar rive at its terminal point on State* Island. •-.--,-.. LOCKING OUT THE TEACHER Old Time Sport as Enjoyed by Pupil*. of Eastern Ohio School, According to an Exchange. Country people stiU liave some ot the old time enjoyments. In a ..rural school district in this state in the county opposite Huntington, W. Va* foUowing the old time custom, the pupils locked out the teacher the week before, the hoUdays because, he re fused to treat them. The teacher contrived to get inside the buUding and began to apply the switch to the boys. A young lady nineteen years of age and weighing 165 pounds told him not to whip, the boys or. she would whip him. The teacher gave her a stroke of the switch and she attacked him at once. He was run around the room, but when finally cornered struck the girl with his fist on the nose and eyes She called on the boys to help and the teacher got out his pocketkuife and was ready for a,cutting scrape. The pupils abandoned the fight and the matter was then placed in the bands of the local justice of the peace for settlement according to law. Of course there is much exeitement and no end of talk in the neighbor* hood, and the people wiU nave reel. enjoyment of the hoUday season.' it is gratifying to know that the tele phones, automobUe and free delivery have not destroyed aU the old time customs and enjoyment—St. Claim ville Gazette. Customs From Crusade Days. The army has many survivals fee-' sides the "flash." When an officer draws his sword or returns It to the scabbard he always brings the cross bar of the hUt to a level with hie lips. The custom is a reminder from the' time when the hilt represented the cross and the owner of a sword kissed It as a Crusader. The senffsiils of one regiment wear their sashes cm the same shoulder that their ofltoero did. because they brought the rem nant of it out of action, all the of ficers being kUled. Nowadays on cers wear the sash round the waist. Rifle officers do not "hook up" their swords, for the reason that they were once cavalry* That omnipotent per-' son, the battalion sergeant major, lets his sword rest In the scabbard. An oid catch question was: "When does the sergeant major draw his •wordf The answer Is: "At the trooping et the color."—London Chronicle. A '& Duel Fatal to Be*fc-Vr-0'f«rt«*** While'two men were' spearing sstfr mon on thei Columbia river, inOregon,' they noticed, a large, gray eagle hov ering over the water, hut.they paid no particular attention to the bird until it suddenly swooped down and pounced on a bis fish. The fish most have weighed 16 pounds! and *It soosi became. evident that the eagle could not lift it clear of the water. 'After several Ineffectual efforts tge bird next tried to release its hold, hut II was caught fast as if in a trap. Hnai« ly it was itself dragged into the ws ter. and the swift current sviept the odd combatants down streatn' untU they lodged in a fishnet, where both were caught The fish was kiUed the eagle was already dead.- 1/ -&M & -13 --3 •1 5$ Fickle Fea^Wrlty.ilS*^#^H "Tour constituents are saying aft manner of harsh things Shout you Jsst now.'*-' vW vi-* "Yea." repUed Besator Borghum "Such is the tifkWnesi of the fsMfc* One Slight think was a pttcsjsTwBtY had fast lost a *sg