Newspaper Page Text
I Name of Owner Stat* of Minnesota, County of Kandiyohi, ss. District Court. 12th Judicial District. The Stat* of Minnesota, to all persons, companies, or corporations who have or claim any estate, right, title, or interest in, claim to, or lien upon, any of the several parcels of land described in the list hereto attached: The list of taxes and penalties on real property for the county of Kandiyohi remaining delinquent on the first Monday In January. 1912, has been filed In the office of the Clerk of the District Court of said County, of which that hereto at tached is a copy. Therefore you, and each of you, are hereby required to file to the office of said Clerk, on or before the twentieth day after the publication of this notice and list, your answer in writing-, setting forth any objection or defense you may have to the taxes, or any part thereof, upon any parcel of land described In said list, in, to, or on which you have or claim any estate, right, title, Interest, claim, or lien, and, in default thereof, Judgment will be entered against such par cel of land for the taxes on said list appearing against It, and for all penalties, interest, and costs. (SEAL.) H. J. RAMSETT. List of Real Property for the County of Kandiyohi, Minn., on which taxes remain delinquent on the first Monday in January, 1912. TOWN OF ABOTANDSB Township 181, Bange 36. Subdivision of Name of Owner. Subdivisio of Section. Gunhlld Rood, E 1-3 of Lot 4, and of N% of SE% Edward E. Rood, et al, W 2-S part of Lot 4 of N% of SE% Lena J. Jacobson, SW% Hande Lot 7 of Lot 6 TOWN OF BVB8AH2C Township 189, Bange 34. Name of Owner Subdivision of Section. W. L. Hearst, N% of SW&. SW% of SE% W. L. Hearst, NW% of NE% W. L. Hearst, S% of SW% Wm. Bast, S% of SE%, S% of SW% Wm. Bast. NEVi Amund A. Hagen, NW% of NE*4 TOWW O A Township 122, Bange 35. Name of Ov nc Subdivision of Section. Hans E Hanson, S% of NW%. N% of SW% L. O. Thorpe, Lot 1 Imund Christopherson, SW% of SW% Die Hamborg, NE% of NW% TOWW OOVBB Township 130, Bange 35. Name of Owner Subdivision ot Section O L. Dengerud, SW% of SEfc, lngval Netland, NE% of SE& lngval Netland, SWVi of SWV* Nels N. Feleen, part of Lot 1 Nels N. Feleen, part of Lot 1 Nels N. Feleen, part of SE»4 of NE% J. Bjork, S% of SW% of NEy4. NW& of SE% Carrie Samuelson, Lot 2 of Lot 3 Gulbrand Baklund, Lot 3 of Lot 3 Baklund, Lot 9 of Lot 3 Gilbert Baklund, Lot 10 of Lot 3 Karen Pederson, Lot 24 of Lot 5 J. Bjork, SE& of NWS E% of SW& of NW% Bjork, W% of SW% of NW^4 Andrew Linman, Lot 7 of Lot 4 TOWN Or EDWABDI Peterson, Lot 7 of Lot 5 Downs, S% of NWS Kelley, N% of SES Xormile, W% of SWS Township 118, Bange 36. Name of Owner. Subdivision of Section. Joseph Wallace, S O W A Township 118, Bange 34. Name of Ownei Subdivision of Section. Swan Ekdahl, Lot 5 of Lot 3 Swan Ekdahl, Lots 4 and 5 I C. Haycroft and W. Sprague, S% of SW% Frederick A Anderson, NE*4 of SE%, SE% of NE%, Lot 4 O Norling, Lot 2 of Lot 1 Ole Becklund, %A. in SW corner of SWyt, 160 N. and 190 E.. Peter and Albert Westling. H% of Lot 2 of Lot 5 Gustaf Blomgren, Lot 15 of Lot 5 TOWN OT OBNNZraSB Township 119, Bange 33. Name of Owner Subdivision of Section. Martin Anderson, 6 acres of W% of SW% Christina Johnson, Und. part of Lot 2 H. Peterson, part of Lot 1 Fred A. Anderson, part of Lot 10 Christine Lind, et al, part of Lot 1 TOWN Or OBSSN LAKE Township ISO, Bange 34. Name of Owner Subdivision of Section. Erick Christofferson, part of Lot 5 Charley Olson, Lot 6 Jacob K. Jacobson, SW% of SW% Mary E Downs, N% of NWS TOWN OF SABBZSON Township lap, Bangs 33. Name of Owner Subdivision or Section. Estate of Sarillah Parsons, 38 A. of Lots 3 and 4 James and Robert Tait, part of Lot 6 Martin Olson, Lot 3 George Mohn, part of NE% of NE% Aiartin Olson, Lot 1 Name of wner John Bolt. NWS TOWN Or HOX.X.AND Township 117, Bange 36. Subdivision of ei lion TOWN Or XBTONO Township 131, Bangs 33. Subdivision of Section. Anna E Llndgren, SES of SWS Henry Mattson, et al, NE S of SES Sigurd Klabo, part of Lot 1 Sigurd Klabo, part of Lot 2 Karen Ellne Olson, Und of E% of NE S Peder Larson, NE S of SWS A Anderson, part NWS of SWS Irving Co-Oper Cry Co, 5-100 A of SWS of SWS. 1 A. in SW cor ner of NE S of SWS Security Bank of Atwater, SWS Peter Larson. W% of NE S Security Bank of Atwater, NES of NES Lots 1 and 2 Security Bank of Atwater, NWS of NWS, Lot 3 Martin A. Mostue, W% of SES Blanche Clark, SES of NWS fP^W'^i^ iW^1f#m^^ ,^SWJ am DELINQUENT TAX LIST Kandiyohi County Clerk of the District Court of the County of Kandiyohi. TOWN Or SANDXYOHX Township 119, Bangs 34. Name of Owner Subdivision of Section Peter JJorman, pafrt S% of SES. So of R. John M. Anderson, E% of NWS exc. R. O. W Peter Backlund, part of Lot 5 TOWN Or LAKE ANBBEW Township 131, Bange 35. Name of Owner Subdivision of Section William Nordstedt, NE S of NE S Frank Soderberg, SES of NES John Fremberg, W S of SES of NWS John Fremberg, E% of SWS Frans Gustav Soderberg, SWS of SES A. J. Nordstrom, Lots 1, 2 and 3 .*. Peter Thompson, 12 53-100 acres of Lot 4 Even Railson, Und 2-3 of Lot 31 of Lots 2, 3 and 4.. A Skindelien, part Qf Lot 2 Herbjorn Gausta, part of Lot 1 Wm Norstedt, NWS of NES. SWS of NWS*..'.'.'."." '. Frans Gustav Soderberg, E S of NWS Peter Benson, part of Lot 1 Jens Skaalerud, NWS of NE S Jens Skaalerud, N% of NES Jens Skaalerud, Lots 2 and 3. Peter Benson, \V% of SES. SES of" SWS.'LotT.!!!!"! TOWN Or LAKE EZ.ZZABSTH Township 118, Bange 33. Name of Owner Subdivision of Section. Brita Anderson, E% of N E S E P. Edmund, E% of NWS Lars J. Larson, NE S of SWS Ida Hanson, Lots 7 and 8 '."". TOWN Or 1LAKE HUMAN Township 117, Bange 34. Name of Owner Subdivision of Section James W. Hanson, N S of NE S Trustees Free Luth Church, part NE S of NWS .'!'!!"! Andy H. Anderson, NES of NE S TOWN Or SAST LAKE X.IUXAN Townshin 117, Bange 33. Name of Owner Subdivision of Section. Stromme L. Johnson, N% of NWS Wm. Scott, NE S TOWN Or NEW LONDON Township 131, Bange 34. Name of Owner Subdivision of Section. J. A Olander, SES of NWS Jens Hernlng, NE S of SES Jens C. Herning, N% of SWS of NES Jens C. Herning, SWS of SWS of NE S Jens C. Herning, S% of NWS Jens C. Herning, N% of SWS, SES of SWS Gustaf Swanson, NW S of SWS John H. Parker, S% of SWS John Edwin Ogren, NW S of NWS Oliver Larson, SES of SWS exc. R. O. W. and part F. G. Field, Lot 1 of NE S of NE S John J. Bjork, W% of NW S of NE S May M. Pinney, 1 acre of Lot 6 of Lot 3 Chas. H. Parker, Lot 6 of Lot 3 exc. 1 acre Chas. H. Parker, NWS of SWS Oliver Larson, Lot 1, Part of Lot 2 Noah Swenson, S. 30 a. of SES of SES Noah Swenson, N. 30 a. of NE Sof NB. S Barney Leary, Lots 3 and 4 of Lot 1 TOWN Or NOBWAT XiABB Township 133, Bange 36. Name of Owner Subdivision of Section. Evan H. Hollen. Part W% of Lot 5 Ole E. Rime, E% of NW S of Lot 6 Hans Hanson, Lot 1 of N S of NE S Reier Hanson, Lot 8 of N% of NE S Lars Thorson, E% of NWS, SWS of NWS. Lot 2 Hans E. Hanson, N% of SES, SWS of NE S Severine Knudson, W34 of NWS. NWS of SWS A. Christopherson, SES of SES Knud P. Lokken, NW S of NWS Knud P. Lokken, N% of NE%.^ Ole E. Rime, S% of SE%, NE% of SE%, Lot 3. Ole Olson, N% of SW%, W% of NW%7 I. L. Gronseth, E% of EU of SE% of SE% Gunhild Rood, E 1-3 part of Lot 2 of SW% ofSE% Edward E. Rood, et al, 2-3 part of Lot 2 ol H. Hanson, Part SE% of SW% N. T. Gunnefson. NE% exc. part Albert A. Ellingboe, 1-8 A. of NE% of SEU.l Helge Skare. Lots 2, 9, 10 and 1 1 Iver Iverson, S% of SW% Name of O vner. Subdivision or Section. Van Buren and Watkins, 1 A. in NE corneiwof NEK.. TOWN Or BOBBTZZAB Name of Owner. Cts. 1910 1910 1910 4.38 6.21 2S.09 A 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 20.34 3.45 11.19 20.65 18.27 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 18.72 2.09 4.11 3.43 .58 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 3.99 4.66 6.10 .58 14.28 .86 6.60 .67 .67 .37 .35 2.25 21.55 2.98 .23 1910 47.46 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 .23 17.03 37.90 42.37 .38 1.45 .28 .39 .37 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 18.88 .47 1.13 3.45 2.32 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 .38 3 62 6.43 9.21 16.84 16.78 17.15 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 S.71 5.82 143.36 1.44 9.89 33 1910 18.80 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 SWK of SE%. O W N BOSE£ANZ Township 117, Banff* 86. Township iaa, Banff* 33. Name of Owner. Subdivision of Section. Mary C. McClure, et al. S% of NE%, E% of SBK George W. Harris, NW% of NE% Mathias Grleson. Wft of SEK 27.18 36.07 7.91 2.68 8.48 44.49 .99 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 14.61 37.16 37.20 28.44 19.63 47.67 43.89 1910 1910 1910 2.09 13.88 .40 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 2.99 2.99 1.98 7.11 2.99 12.25 1.81 .71 .46 .26 8.96 9.60 1.30 3.92 16.62 13.00 23.98 1910 1910 1910 1910 10 61 15.19 13.61 16.83 1910 1910 1910 12 98 4.07 5.49 1910 1910 24.27 23.49 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1911 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 .77 5.76 2.83 1.41 16.74 18.38 7.30 15.09 11.87 4.66 1.45 4.88 .85 4.04 3.84 35.49 8.91 3.98 1.68 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 .76 .54 1.25 1.89 28.26 17.16 16.72 7.57 4.83 12.09 21.82 20.82 1.18 .07 .14 .89 22.79 .12 5.27 1.86 19 1910 9.10 1910 1*10 1910 TOWN or wxmnnB Township 116, Bangs 86* Name of Owner. Subdivision of Section. Carrie Mikkelson, EH of S W TOWN OT WTTiTiMAB Township 119, Baage 8ft. Name of Owner. Subdivision of Section. L. O. Skavdalen, NW S of NWS. N 40 A. of Lot 2 VfltSACn Or ATWATBB Subdivision ofo Lot or Johanna Hanson, N S of Lot 16, S S Lot.Block. Hans O. Anderson, Lots 17 and. Porter and Anderson, Lot Martin Olson, Lots 10, 11 and 12, and Lots 1 to C. H. March, E S of Block 66 and Block Salter's Second Addition to Tillage of Atwater Name of Owner. Subdivision of Lot or Block. Stina Greta Peterson, et al, Lots 4, 5 and Ball's Addition to Tillage of Atwater Name of Owner. Subdivision of Lot or Block. Beata Olson, Lots 5 and 10 and N% of Lots 4 and.... •XXZiAOB Or KANDIYOHI.... Name of Owner. Subdivision of Lot or Block. oiney's'and Bio'iangito'B AoMttou to' Kanoiyoii Name of Owner. Subdivision of Lot or Block. Minnie K. Stansberry. whole.... ii'i% 4^iii•• VKiXiAcni or NEW IJONBON.. Name of Owner. Subdivision of Lot or Block. ChriBtine Oslund. part of Lot 6 So. of Crow River Albert T. Thome. Lot 7. 8 1-3 off from N. side of Olof O. Ostlund, Lots 1 and Swedish Luth. Church, Swedish Luth. Church, Lots 7 and.^. Trustees of Lebanon Luth. Church, W% of Lot Swedish Luth. Church, Lots 6 and Swedish Luth. Church .^.. ^arson's Addition to Tillage of New London Name of Owner. Subdivision of Lot or Block. Emil Johnson. W% of Lot 9, and Lot v'.'i*•«*•:«« Carrie E. Larson, part of SWS of NW S Sec. 10, T. 121, R. 34 TXHtAQB or rsNNOcnc Vhrns Addition to rennoek. Name of Owner. Subdivision of Lot or Block. Lars Ostlund, Lots 6, 7, 8, A TIUAGE Or BATMONB.... Name of Owner. Subdivision of Lot or Block. Hans C. Hanson, W S of Lot. Trustees Raymond M. E. Church, A. E. Kleinhiuzen anO D. J. McMahon. Lots 1 to 6 inclusive A. E. Klienhiuzen and D. J. McMahon, Lot.. Selghton'a rixat Addition to Baymond Name of Owner. Subdivision of Lot or Block. Clara M. Leighton, Lots 6 and May Ford Louis and Anna Hirman Xieighton's Seeond Addition to Baymond Name of Owner. Subdivision of Lot or Block. J. Cornick, Lot .• Xieighton's Third Addition to Baymond Name of Owner. Subdivision of Lot or Block. Ben Meelker, Xorthofs Addition to Baymond Name of Owner. Subdivision of Lot or Block. Anna Jydstrup, Lots 1, 2, 3 and..... Unplatted X.ands Inside of Tillage Unit Name of Owner. Subdivision of Section. Alida Slagter, 1 acre of NE S of SWS. Sec. 19. T. 118. R. 36.... TXXiXiAOE Or SPICES Name of Owner. Subdivision of Lot or Block. Nels Hendrickson, Lots IS, 14 and Ole A. Thorpe Nels Hendrickson, Lot France Walquist A.aG. Mardln, Lots 10, 11 an Ida Mardin, Lot FranceoWalquist. Franc Walquis Id Mardin Lot 1 t9,6 Inclusivdn rixs Additio to Spieex N., 11%sf ofd Lot Nam Owner Subdivisio of Lot or Block. Cornelius Martinson Lot 6 an Milton H. Courtright, Lots 14, 16 and Milton H. Courtright, Lots 11, 12 and rack Addition to Bpioer Name of Owner. Subdivision of Lot or Block. Arthur B. Rldgeway, Lots 3 and Fernanda A. Hagenstein Xiaka rront Addition to Sploer Name of Owner. Subdivision of Lot or Block. Josephine Nelson, Lots 10 and Summit Addition to Bpioer Name of Owner. Subdivision of Lot or Block. Leon L». Crommett, Lots 4 and TXX.X.AOB Or CBS8CENT BBAOB rirst Addition to Tillage of Crescent Beaeh Name of Owner. Subdivision of Lot or Block. Walter Hanscom _. TIXIXIAGS Or BOKO BBAOB Name of Owner. Subdivision of Lot or Block. William Olson, Lot. TXXtXiAOE Or OBBBN XiAKB BBAOB Name of Owner. Subdivision of Lot or Block. Augusta Hehmke, et al Augusta Hehmke, et al TXXAAOB Or OBEEN XUMCB Name of Owner. Subdivision of Lot or Block. Oliver Larson, of Lots 1 to 7 inclusive Oliver Larson, of Block 10 exc. Lots 1. 2, 3« and TXXJ&AOE HAWICK Name of Owner. Subdivision of Lot or Block. Erick Erickson, Lot Welch's Addition to Hawick Name of Owner. Subdivision of Lot or Block. Maria Parker, 23 ft. of East side of TIXAAGS Or HOBTKWOOD BSAOX Name of Owner. Subdivision of Lot or Block. O. O. Johnson, Lots 3 And. O. O. Johnson, Lots 3 and. C1TT Or WXX.UKAB Block. Name of Owner. Subdivision of Lot or John Lawler, Lots 9 and.... WiHiam Hackett, Lots 3 and John Lawler, Lots 5 and John Lawler, Lots 3 and August Johnson, Lots 7 and J. Emil Nelson, 25 ft. of Lots 1 and 2, and part of Lot J. Emil Nelson, Lot J. Emil Nelson, Lots 6 and Gunder Hegness, Lot 12 and N% of Peter Fribergr, Lots 13 and Mary Martin, Lots 3 and J. Emil Nelson, So. 10 ft. of Lot 4, and Lot 5. Bl 101 Highland Addition to City of Willmaar Name of Owner. Subdivision of Lot or Block. Marius Johnson, Lot ranlson and Sonde's Subdivision to City of WUlmar' Name of Owner. Subdivision of Lot or Block. J. Emil Nelson, Lots 1, 2, 3 and Thorp* and Uen's Addition to City of WUlmar Name of Owner. Subdivision of Lot* or Block. Lars O. Thorpe, E% of Lot 2, exc. N. 20 ft Hansen's Addition to City of WUlmar Name of Owner. Subdivision of Lot or Block. Peter Benson, Lot rerrinrs Addition to City of WUlmar Name of Owner. Subdivision of Lot or Block. Anna Norlingr, et al, Lot Olof Ferring, Lots 3 to 6 inclusive Andrew L. Nelson, Lots 5 and Unplatted Iiands Inside of the City Xiimits of City of WUlmar Township 119, Banff* 35 Name of Owner. Subdivision of Section. Edward Patchell, part of NW% of NE%, Sec 14 J. Emil Nelson and Nels H. Nelson, 2 60-100 A. of EK of SE£". 65-100 A. Of E of S E Sec. 16 Ole RasmusBon, Lots 18 and 19 of Lot 2, Sec. 16., State of Minnesota, County of Kandiyohi, ss. John Peig, being by me first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the County Auditor of the County of Kandiyohi that he has examined the foreloinl $ Sil-SKS* &&&?me a a a as SXSr^J^^&'ffi Harrison, Minn., Feb." 12, 1912— Rev. McH«nry of Atwater and Rev. U. G. Lacey of Litchfield have con ducted a two weeks' series of revival meetings in the Harrison Presbyter ian church. t.79| M01 1.661for f^mmmammmmss^^mm^^^mmBmismm' The Ladies' Aid met with Mrs. S. M. Dahl last Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Magnuson vis ited with the latter's sister and bro ther-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Han son, last Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hasenbank of Gennessee called at E Feists last Friday. The foregoing list is filed in my office this 19th day of January. A. D. 1912. H. J. RAMSETT. State of Minnesota, County of Kandiyohi, ss. trict tw S A counYyfthfs ti&fiffJfJSLFl 5S?2D Peter McRae departed lost week Loon Lake, Wash., where he is 8 8 8 fir* Cta. 9 19101 1S.44 261910 18.60 is 9* T~GS: 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 84.14 26.01 3.28 11.89 14.68 1910 18.01 11 1910 17.05 .37 1910 1910 .38 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1.16 11.43 4.82 27.31 2.23 .22 4.28 11.16 1910 8.61 1910 3.58 10 1910 12.17 1910 1910 1910 1910 1.22 14.98 22.62 11.29 10 1.81 8.42 1.14 1910 1910 1910 1910 2.47 4 2 1910 4.45 1910 10.70 1910 1.12 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 21.67 6.51 11.96 1.94 28.36 1.59 1.39 5.76 19.26 1910 1910 1910 8.99 3.84 2.17 1910 1910 11.98 2.12 11 1910 3.62 1910 2.30 I 5.08 1910 1910 .44 1910 1910 1.17 .43 1910 1910 .69 .44 11 SS"?1?1hd%vi?n^ntd in flled 1910 a 1 9 1 9 1 2 a a (SEAL OP DISTRICT COURT) H. J. RAMSETT, 1912The 2.56 1910 .06 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 60.15 38.34 26.39 19.22 17.94 41.26 6.03 20.39 14.44 42.11 3.86 7.22 17 1910 7.22 1910 21.62 1910 23.S 1910 3.86 10 ,h"i,th 1910 1910 1910 173.10 96 09 323.89 1910 32.94 1910 1910 10.76 17.36 /°^S 2 Clerk District Court, Kandiyohi County, Minnesota. Clerk District Court District Court, 12th Judicial Dls- tor said Kandiyohi Coun. *W3 S is°a Sue a W a 8 a "»y office this 23rd dS*of January.^"D! JOHN FEIO, County Auditor, Kandiyohi County, Minnesota. employed with the J. H. Phiefer Ice Co. Peter Olson was renewing ac quaintances in this locality last week. Hazel Elmquist left for Willmar, last Thursday to attend the teachers' examination conducted there. Anna Ziqhl of Irving visited with relatives here last week, also at At water. W. J. Wheeler returned home last week from a lengthy stay with rela tives and friends at various points in North Dakota. Irwin Pagel departed for Minne apolis last week to resume his studies there in a business college. Mf. and Mrs. Henry Feig .of At water visited at C. Feig's on Sun* day. Xutdles' CtaacaatMA BMMOIM. Call at Room 6 P. O. Bid*.- Tel 819, Willmar.I & 1 £i i3%-'' RING0 LAKE ITEMS. Bingo Lake, Feb. 12—Several par ties have found fault with the news items from here. They also ares very considerate about their neigh bors as to pity them because their names appear in the paper too often. But the correspondent wishes to in form said parties that it does not concern them at all. Mr. Elmer Monson has been as sisting P. J. Ekblad with some work Don't Env a Goo BREA MAKER E ONE S Supremo Flour Is the re and best. Costs no more an ethers. MR. BARBER MADE $375 AN ACRE ON EARLY TOMATOES. Fruit and Truck Growing pays immense profit in the 1 TEXAS GULF COAST COUNTRY Everything and everybody grows rich, down in the magnificent section along the Brownsville line—where the soil runs as deep as 28 feet—where the climate makes living a joy—where opportunity goes out of her way to secure and find you. the past week. Miss Amanda Monson assisted Mrs. M. E. Ekblad with some dress making Wednesday and Thursdav of last week. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Ekblad visited Thursday at the P. J. Ekbad home here. Mrs. Sophia Gustrud entertained the Ladies' Aid of the Hauge Synod church at her home last Thursday afternoon. The proceeds amounted to $6.75. 10 Acres in Oranges or Figs, or Winter Vegetables,! will make you independent Every day is a day which calls you into the field, every inch of a farm is a spot where something will sprout. You can use the same land two or three different times in the same year your net income is enormous you live instead of exist you are perpetually spent ing your vacation, enjoying a delightful climate. Near at hand is the most beautiful water of the continent and can be reached in a few hours. All kinds of Fruits and Vegetables grow abundantly, yielding large returns MR. B. HINCLEY CLEARED $4652 ON FIFTEEN ACRES OF CABBAGE. MR. JANIS CLEARED UP $1600 ON FOUR ACRES OF CRYSTAL WHITE ONIONS. W. J. BRYAN THOUGHT SO WELL OF THIS SECTION THAT HE PURCHASED A 160-ACRE FARM IN THE VALLEY. THIS IS THE KIND OF REPORTS WE ARE HEARING FROM THIS RICH COUNTRY EVERY DAY. PE CANS, FIGS, ORANGES, LEMONS, LIMES AND ALL CITRUS FRUITS YIELD ABUNDANTLY IN THIS SECTION. Soil* Water and Climate- the three essentials'to successful farming are ideally combined to make crops bountiful and profits sure See This Wonderfu Country A land where the breeze from warm summer seas, a breath of the tropics brings, A land "Where the summer's heat is banished By the salt sea's cooling foam, Mrs. N. Swenson and family spent Sunday afternoon at the S. J. Jac obson home. Miss Lillie Skoglund is at present a guest at the home of A. Ahlberg of Willmar. P. J. Ekblad's were entertained at the home of August Monson last Sunday. Miss Mabel Ekblad is at present visiting at the home of E. F. Ekblad near Long Lake. Mrs.N. Swenson and Miss Hannah spent Saturday afternoon at the Edw. Carlson home. Rev. and Mrs. C. Swenson, Mr. J. M. and Miss Esther Monson, all ofmanner New London were guests last Mon day at the home ofAug. Monson. Mr. Oscar Gustrud of Spicer spent last Sunday at his home here. Mrs. J. E. Carlson spent Sunday with Mrs. Aaron Carlson. Mr. Jalmar Larson left last Thurs day for Fergus Falls, Minn., where he expects to spend a few days. A few friends were entertained last Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hamilton near Ringo Lake. Real Estate Transfers. .Town of Roseland. Feb. 9—Emil F. Stuhr and wife to John E. Bultheus, ne%, sec 8,16 0 a., $8240. Lake Elizabeth. Feb. 7—Henning E. Bomsta and wife to John E. Bomsta, sw% of ne% sec 32, 40 a., $1000. Town of Edwards. Feb. 8—State of Minnesota Max Hintz, ne*4 of sw%, sec. 40 a. Where the balmy gulf breeze ever Bids Frost King cease to roam, 1 0 Where the silver moon so softly Tints the arched sky's azure dome, Where all nature bids you welcome, There! Build your southern home." Special Excursion will leave Litchfield, Monday, Feb. 19,1912. For further particulars write, J. N. GAYNER, Sec, LITCHFIELD LAND COMPANY, Litchfield, Minn. LEWIS JOHNSON, Representative, Willmar, Minn. to 36. Town of Gennessee. Feb. 6—Probate Court to John Hogberg et al, lot 1, sec 31, 10.32 a: Town of Kandiyohi. Feb. 6—Probate Court to John Hogberg et al, lot 24 of lots 2, 3, 4 and 5, «ec. 36, 2.60 a. Town of Dovre. Feb. 6—Jalmar Larson and wife to Martha E. Sandbo, lots 1 and 2, sec. 10, 96.30 a., $2985.30. Town of Roseville. Feb. 7—Mathias Greison and wife ^MVl^m^MfMM^M sf PROPOSED AMENDMENT. We propose that Section Ninety-five (95) of the said Charter of the said City be amended to reads as follows: POWER TO BORROW MONEY OR INCUR DEBT. 'Section 95.—The City of Willmar may issue bonds by ordinance as follows: 1. For the purpose of constructing, regulating:, maintaining-, extending, en larging' or improving suitable water or the»purposn of THE FOLLOWING AMENDMENT Such ordinance for the issuance of bonds, may provide that the same shall be general obligations of the City of Willmar or that they shall not be gen eral obligations, but shall be payable out of any assessed taxes, assessments^ funds or liens held by the City, or may limit the City's liability thereon in any other manner, or shall guarantee that the City shall pay for the same, pro vided, that the bonds so issued under subdivision two above mentioned shall always be general obligations of the City. The City shall have authority to pro test itself by acquiring title to any pro perty subject to special assessment for local improvements, and shall have au thority by ordinance to assign and con vey any property so acquired, whether proceedings to acquire such title have been had prior to the time of the going into effect of this Charter or thereafter, and shall have the power in like manner to assign any lien or right of action, held by the City on account of, or aris ing out of, any such assignment, as se curity for the payment of any bonds, certificates of indebtedness or other evi dence of indebtedness mentioned ln this section, or to provide that such -bonds, certificates or other evidence of Indebt edness mentioned herein, may be collect ed out of any such property, Hens or rights of action. To Section 95 of the Charter of the City of Willmar, Minnesota, has beeri Proposed and Presented to the Mayor and City Council of the Said City by the Board of Freeholders of 1fee Said City and will be submitted to the Voters of said City for Ratification at a Special Whenever the Council shall pass any to Ole N. Nelson, w% of se^4, see 34, 80 a.^-$2000. -,'» Town of Burbank. Feb. 9—-Flora J. Hanson to F. C. Zimmerman et al, e% of ne%, ew% of ne%, ny2 of se%, sec 27, 200 *i.oo. vj •'•'t~ City-©f,Waimar. Election of said City to be held on Tuesday, the 5th dayof March, A. D. I9I2. HANS GUHDERSON, City Clerk. acquiring- or- payin.g. for ana real estate or needed in connection with any such plant. nnmno excee^d Fifteen Thousan ($15,000.00) Dollars for a permanent improvement revolving fund provided for In this Charter, in order to provide money for any contemplated local improvements, and such bonds shall constitute a first lien upon all such local improvements, and upon the property benefitted thereby and to be assessed therefore. 3. For the purpose of paying, fund* ing or refunding any bonded indebted ness of the City or the interest thereon, existing at the time this Charter goes into effect, or created at any time in aay by said Charter authorized. 4. For the purpose of constructing main sewers, septic tanks, filtrating plants, and other appurtenances pertain ing to a sewer system. 6. For the purpose of constructing:, maintaining, extending, enlarging or improving a suitable fire station, engine house or City Hall, or for the acquiring or paying for any real estate or other property needed in connection therewith, providing however that bonds for said purpose or purposes shall not be issued to an amount exceeding the sum of Nine Thousand ($9,000.00) Dollars. light plants, or either of them, or for as such elections are conducted under the •Viy o/.notheroproperty »,.ln JU, B&^SSr -*~.* "-^§pA yi *?y p£*i K-i- +%rm^ I ordinance to issue bonds pursuant to ttie provisions of subdivisions one, two, four or five of. this section, such ordin ance shall provide for the submission to the legal voters of the City, at some general or special election to be called "by the Council for that purpose, the pro position for issuing such bonds, to an amount deemed by said Council advis able. Stich election, whether general or special, shall be conducted in the same manner and with the same formalities #~-I general ]«,WS Of thiS State. The ballot to be voted at such elec- ~1 2. For the purpose of raising, not to tion shall read substantially as follows: OAA in Pi.i.n..«idi Ann nn.\ "Shalll hnmilfsi he iiumed hy thA fMtr nf Shal bond beissued the dtjv of Willmar tnder the provisions of Section 95, Chapter V., of the Charter of add City to the amount of dollars, for the purpose of and no such bonds .hall be issued until such ordinance has been Ap proved by a majority of the legal voters voting at such election. The debt of the City shall not be in creased by bonds or otherwise beyond eight (8) per cent of the total value of the taxable property of the City, accord ing to the last preceeding assessment for tine purpose of taxation provided, that bonds may be issued as above pro vided in subdivisions one, two, four and five, but the total amount of such bonds when added to the other indebtedness of the City shall not exceed nine (9) per cent of its taxable property as above defined and provided, further, that bonds may be issued, as above pro vided, for the funding of the City's bonded indebtedness whenever required and provided, further, that certificates of indebtedness against taxes levied and assessed may be issued as hereinafter provided. Bonds, certificates and otber evidences of indebtedness and obligations of the City authorized by this section shall in no event bear a greater rate of Interest than six per cent per annum, and if they run for more than five years shall not bear a greater rate of interest than five per cent per annum, and shall In no event be sold for less than the par value thereof, and shall be sold In accordance with the provisions of Section 786 of the Revised I^aws of the State of Minne sota. Except as provided in this Char ter, no warrants, bonds, or other evi dence of indebtedness shall be issued by the City or by'any one in its behalf." The purpose and object of the propos ed amendment is to confer upon the City of Willmar the right and authority to issue bonds of the said City, upon Ap proval by the voters thereof, for the purpose of constructing, m^tw^iTting, extending, enlarging or improving a suitable fire station, engine house or City Hall, or for the acquiring or paying for any real estate or other property needed in connection therewith, the am ount of said bonds however not to ex ceed the sum of Nine Thousand Dollars ($9,000.00* Dollars it being deemed ex pedient by the Board of Freeholders mat a suitable fire station and engine house be erected for the purpose of properly protecting the fire apparatus, and there being no authority in the present Char ter to issue bonds for such purpose. to J. Emil Nelson, 2.60 of of s*% and .65 acres of e% of se%, sec. 19, unplatted parts, $1.00. Feb. 10—Neb EL Nelson and wif« share, hair cut and bath. 22f *& •3 1 S *-*i &1 The Metropolitan Barber Shop, Bank of Willmar Building, B. T. Otosvproprietor, the shop to.get a