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AUCTION SALE Having rented out my farm I will sell at public auction on said farm in Section 33, Township of Willmar, 3 miles southwest of the City of Will mar on Monday, February 26, 1912 the following described property: One black mare about 12 years old one bay mare about 14 years old one gray horse about 10 years old one bay horse about 8 years old one sorrel horse about 8 years old 20 pure bred Improved Chester White sows all due to farrow in March and April. These sows are all bred to my herd boar Columbus No. 20207. One pure bred boar coming 2 years old in March four pure bred boars farrowed Aug. 16, 1911. A cata logue of the above hogs will be fur nished upon application at my office in Willmar or by mail. One single buggy one lumber wagon one truck wagon, two hay racks one pair bob sleighs one aSfri. Deering corn binder one Deering mower one Deering hay rake one hay loader two riding corn cultivat ors one Kingman corn planter with 100 rods wire one Kingman sulky plow one 12-hose Dowiac drill one Broad Cast seeder one walking plow one breaking plow one feed grinder one grindstone one hand corn sheller one weeder one 3-sec tion steel drag one pulverizer one tank heater 3V2 sets working har nesses one single harness one pair horse blankets 35 lbs. binding twine some Swedish select seed oats fine upland hay in stack, cut and stacked early and has high feeding value some tools and other articles too numerous to mention. Sale begins at 10 o'clock a. m. Free Lunch at Noon. Terms: All sums of $5.00 or un der, cash above that amount time will be given until November 1, 1912, on approved notes bearing 7 per cent interest. No property to be removed until settled for. A. P. ADAMS, Owner. W. N. Davis, Auctioneer. N. S. Swenson, Clerk. AUCTION SALE As we are going to dissolve part nership (one of us going to leave this part of the country), we will sell at public auction on the Qustaf Olson farm in Section 31, Town of East Lake Lillian, 10 miles north of Bird Island, on Wednesday, March 6, 1912 the following described property: One bay mare, 4 years old, wt. 1200 lbs. one gray mare 9 years old, in foal, weight 1300 one back mare 9 years old, weight 1200 one Hack mare 4 years old, weight 1100 one gray horse 12 years old, weight 1400 one gray mare 14 years old one gray mare 15 years old one sorrel horse, 15 years old one bay horse colt 2 years old one sorrel horse colt 1 year old one spring colt one mule 7 years old eleven milch cows, one short horn bull, two heifers, two steers, three calves, two brood sows, Poland China one Poland China boar, seven pigs, some chickens one McCormick binder, 7 ft. cut one McCormick binder, 6 ft. cut one Mc Cormick mower, one McCormick hay rake, one Dowiac 20-shoe drill, two Emerson sulky plows, one pulperi?er, one-half interest in one Superior fan ning mill one-third interest in one Deering corn binder, one fourteen hundred pound Fairbanks scale, one 3-horse drag, one 2-horse drag, one platform buggy, two narrow tire lumber wagons, one wide tire lumber wagon, two sets bob sleighs, two hay racks, one hay bucker, three sets working harnesses, one pair flynets, eight ton hay in stack, two do:en grain sacks, one grind stone, one Blue Bell cream separator, and other articles too numerous to mention., Sale commences at 10 o'clock a. m. sharp. Free Lunch at Noon. Terms: AH sums of $10.00 or un der, cash above that amount time will be given until Nov. 1, 1912, on bankable notes bearing 8 per cent in terest. No property to be removed until settled for. OLSON BROS., Owners. W. N. Davis, Auctioneer. N. S. Swenson, Clerk. (First publication Jan. 31-4t.) CXTATXO* 7 0 HBAJUKCt OH PETI TION VOB ADMXOTSTBATXO* Estate of Emanuel Nelson. State of Minnesota, County of Kandi yohi, In Probate Court. In the Matter of the Estate of Emanuel Nelson. Decedent. The State of Minnesota to all persons interested in the granting of adminis tration of the estate of said decedent: The petition of Claus G. Nelson having been filed in this court, representing that Emanuel Nelson, then a resident of the County of Kandiyohi, State of Minne sota, died intestate on the 13th day of January, 1912, and praying that letters of administration of his estate be grant ed to Qustaf A. Erickson, of said Coun ty and the court having fixed the time and place for hearing said petition THEREFORE, YOU, AND EACH OF YOU, are hereby cited and required to show cause, if any you have before this court at the Probate Court Rooms in the Court House, in the City of Will mar in the County of Kandiyohi, State of Minnesota, on the 26th day of Febru ary, 1912, at 2 o'clock p. m., why said petition should not be granted. Witness, the Judge of said Court, and the Sea of said *»f January, 1912• tCOURT SEAL) 2ourt, this 25th day T. O. GILBERT. Probate Judge. W. N. Davis Auctioneer. N. S. Swenson, Cerk. Auctio Sale As I have rented my farm I will sell at public auction on my farm in Section 28, Town of Kandiyohi, 6 miles southeast of Willmar on Tuesday, Feb. 20 the following described property: One bay mare 8 years old one bay mare 8 years old one gray horse 4 years old one team of ponies with harness two Percheron mares 3 and 4 years old and two 2-year old colts owned by Alb. Lundquist eight milch cows, some fresh and some coming in soon 2 yearling bull calves, two yearling heifers eight sheep seven pigs about 8 months old, 75 chick ens, one Minnie binder, 6-ft. cut one Deering corn binder, one Deering mower, 6-ft. cut one Deering hay rake, 11-ft. one Independent 18 single disc drill, nearly new one Superior 14 double disc drill, one Appleton manure spreader, one Deere riding corn cultivator, one 4-horse and one 2-horse drag, one narrow tire wagon, one truck wagon, one Fuller & Johnson gang plow, one Deere sulky plow, nearly new thr* walking plows, one breaking plow, one pulverizer, one platform buggy, one single buggy, one jump seat buggy, one cutter, one Victor 1200 lb. scale, one manure carrier and 100 ft. rod, one De Laval cream separator, two sets working harness, one single harness, two hay racks, some hay, corn fodder and corn, some household goods and other articles too numerous to mention. Sale begins at 10 o'clock. FREE LUNCH AT NOON Terms: All sums of $5.00 or under, cash above that amount time will be given until Nov. 1,1912, on bankable paper bearing 7 per cent interest. No property to be removed until settled for. AUCTION SALE As I have rented my farm, I will sell at public auction on my farm in Sec. 25, Town of Kandiyohi, 5 miles southeast of Kandiyohi Station, on Saturday, Feb. 24, 1912, the following described property: One black mare, 3 years old one gray mare, 7 years old one black horse, 5 years old one bay horse, 11 years old one mare colt, 1 year old one bay horse, 20 years old 10 milch cows, some fresh and some coming in soon one 2-year old heifer one 3-year old full blood Shorthorn bull 5 yearling steers 6 yearling heifers some chickens two McCormick bind ers one Deering mower, nearly new one Deering corn binder one Deere corn planter one 8-ft. hay rake (new) two riding corn cultivators one sulky plow two 14-inch walking plows one 16-inch walking plow one pulverizer one 16-shoe Superior disc drill one wide tire lumber wa gon one narrow tire lumber wagon one truck wagon one carriage one one single buggy one platform bug gy two pair bob sleighs one roll wire netting one pair light bob sleighs one 4-horse drag one com bination cattle rack one hay rack one 4-horse power one 1500 lb. platform scale one feed cutter 3 dozen grain sacks one feed mill one No. 4 Owen's fanning mill one Sharpless cream separator one gar den cultivator three pair fly nets two sets working harnesses one pair light harnesses one pair buggy har nesses 200 bushels corn some oats some fodder corn about 15 ton hay some tools household goods and other articles too numerous to men tion. Sale begins at 10 o'clock sharp. Free lunch at noon. TERMS:—All sums of $5.00 or un der, cash above that amount time will be given until Nov. 1st, 1912, on bankable notes bearing 7 per cent interest No property to be removed until settled for. JOHN LUNDGREN, Owner N. P. FREEMAN, Owner. W. N. Davis. Auctioneer. N. S. Swenson, Clerk. AUCTION SALE As I am going to leave this part of the state, I will sell at public auc tion on Monday, Feb. 19, 1912 in Town of Boseland, Sec. 16, 2 miles northeast of Boseland store, the fol lowing described property: One grey horse, 13 years old one grey horse, 15 years old one black colt, coming one year old five cows, one milking at present and the oth ers coming in soon one bull, 2 years old one steer coming one year old three yearling heifer calves five hogs 35 chickens one set of work ing harnesses one wagon one top buggy* two hay racks one hay rake one two-horse cultivator one 1-horse cultivator one disc harrow one Deering binder one walking plow one gang plow one pair of bob sleds one Superior fanning mill one grind stone one 1200 pound scale some hay some corn in stack some household goods and other articles too numerous to mention. Free Lunch at Noon. Terms: All sums of $5.00 or un der, cash above that amount time will be given until Nov. 1, 1912, on bankable notes bearing 7 per cent in terest. ANTON ANDERSON, Owner. W. N. Davis, Auctioneer. N.S.|wen$on, Clerk. AUCTION SALE Having sold our farm we will sell at Public Auction on the Newstrom farm in Section 12, Town of Lake Andrew, four miles west of New Lon don, and one mile north from the New London-Norway Lake Road, on Monday, Feb. 19,1912, beginning at 10 o'clock a. m., sharp, the following described property: One dark bay horse, coming 4 yrs old one dark bay mare with foal, 7 years old one black horse, 7 years old one bay team, mare and horse fourteen milch cows, some fresh, the rest between now and spring one bull 14 months old 10 heifers, com ing 1 and 2 years old two steers, coming 1 year old some calves thir teen hogs, 6 to 9 months old about 150 chickens 150 bushels seed oats some corn about ten ton of hay one Fountain City seeder nearly new one Victorious fanning mill one cutter one McCormick binder one Osborne mower one Tiger 16-shoe drill two 3-horse drags one McCormick corn binder two riding corn cultivators one 1-horse corn cultivator three 16-inch walking plows one 14-inch John Deere plow two wide tire lum ber wagons two narrow tire wagons with double boxes and seats one double buggy one single buggy two hay rakes two hay racks two grind stones two pair bob sleighs two sets heavy work harness two sets light work harness one set buggy harness two single harness four dozen grain sacks two cream separ ators, one DeLaval and one Sharpies, one 16-horse Gaar Scot traction en gine one good water tank with pump and hose one threshers' main bell, one straw cart one new heating stove for coal or wood one range for coal or wood one heater two cup boards two sewing machines almost new two kerosene stoves two ex tension tables three rocking chairs six dining room chairs six kitchen chairs one steel couch with mat tress four beds with springs two dressers two kitchen tables two writing desks two bureaus four milk cans two pair horse blankets one washing machine two wringers two center tables fence posts barb wire lumber, rugs, carpets, dishes, cooking utensils, fruit jars, pails, all farm tools and other articles too numerous to mention. Free Lunch at Noon. Terms: Sums of $5.00 and under, cash. On larger amounts time will be given till Nov. 1, 1912, on bank able notes bearing 7 per cent inter est. No property to be removed un til settled for. NEWSTROM BROS., Owners. Peter Henderson, Auctioneer. Oscar Orred, Clerk. In case of stormy weather the sale will be held the following day. O. ft. O. Animal BalL The Order of Railway Conductors will give their third annual ball on Easter Monday at the Bonde Hall. Music will be furnished by Holt's Peerless Orches tra. tf (First Publication Feb. 14-4t.) Citation for Hearing' on Petition for Determination of Descent of Xiand. State of Minnesota, County of Kandiyo hi, In Probate Court. In the Matter of the Estate of John Peterson, Decedent: The State of Minnesota to all persons interested in the determination of the descent of the real estate of said de cedent: The petition of Karen Peter son having been filed in this Court, re presenting: that said decedent, died more than five years prior to the filing' there of, leaving certain real estate in said petition described, and that no will of decedent has been proved nor. adminis tration of his estate granted in this State, and praying that the descent of said real estate be determined by this Court. Therefore, You, and Each of You, Are hereby cited and required to show cause, if any you have before this Court, at the Probate Court Room in the Court House in the City of Willmar, in'the County of Kandiyohi, State of Minne sota, on the 11th day of March, 1912, at 2 o'clock p. m., why said petition should not be granted. Witness, The Judge of said Court, and the seal thereof, this 9th day of Febm ary. 1912. (COURT SEAL) T. O. GILBERT, Probate Judge GEO. H. OTTERNES8, Attorney for Petitioner, Willmar, Minn. .if*J? eu^A-rR. 'VJS^rt fit W ».«»•"£' AUCTION SALE As I have rented out my farm I will offer for sale at Public Auction on the place, located on Section XI, Town of Lake Elizabeth, six miles south of Atwater and four miles west of the Danielson creamery, on Tuesday, Feb. 20, 1912 commencing at 10 o'clock a. m. sfiarp the following described property: Horses, Cattle, Hogs, Etc.—Bay mare, 9 years old black horse, 15 years old black mare, 12 years old, with foal bay mare coming 3 years old in spring horse colt, 10 months old ten cows, some milking now and some coming in soon three 2-year old heifers, with calf registered Shorthorn bull, 3 years old five young bulls, ranging in age from 4 to 15 months two yearling heifers two heifer calves, 8 months old. Four of above cows are recorded Shorthorns and nine of the young stock are en titled to pedigree. Three Poland China brood sows five pigs, about 4 months old also about 100 chickens. Machinery, Implements, Etc.—Two binders, 7-ft. cut mower, 4%-ft. cut corn binder, 22-shoe drill, seed er, 80-bushel manure spreader, man-* ure bucker, hay bucker, 12-ft. Deer ing hay rake, 8-ft. hay rake, two dou ble corn cultivators, two gang plows, 14-inch walking plow, 16-inch walk ing plow, 14-inch breaking plow, three-horse drag, four-horse drag, two hay racks, Fairbanks 1000-lb. scale, corn sheller, two wagons, one wide tire two bob-sleds, light bob sled, cutter, three sets of heavy har ness, four pairs of flynets, cream separator, some oats, Garland range, folding bed, sideboard, refrigerator, and other articles too numerous to mention. Free Lunch at Noon. Terms: All sums of $5.00 or less, cash on sums over that amount, time will be given until Nov. 1st, 1912, on bankable notes bearing 7 per cent in terest. AUGUST BROMAN, Owner. H. Thompson, Auctioneer. J. A. Johnson, Clerk. AUCTION SALE As I have sold my farm, I will sell at Public Auction on my farm in Sec tion 34, Town of Willmar, 3 miles south of Willmar, on Friday, Feb. 23, 1912 the following described property: One bay mare in foal, 9 years old one black horse, 6 years old one black mare in foal, 7 years old one bay mare, 4 years old one bay horse 3 years old one black mare, 3 years old one black mare 2 years old one bay horse colt, 1 year old three 2 year old heifers three brood sows eight cows, some fresh and some coming in soon one 3-year old bull six yearling heifers some S. L. Wy andotte chickens one pair flynets one single buggy one narrow tire wagon some grain sacks one cook stove one hard coal heater one corn sheller one incubator two cream cans one log chain one pair horse blankets some hay in stack two Deering mowers, 5-ft. cut three corn cultivators one 14-inch walking plow one Van Brunt drill, 18 disc one pair bob sleighs one cream sep arator three sets work harnesses one platform buggy one wide tire wagon one Champion binder, 7-ft. cut one hay rake one sulky plow one 26-ft. harrow one pulverizer one 3-double wagon box one grind stone one range one soft coal heat er one gasoline stove one fanning mill one brooder one boat one road slusher one tank heater some tools household goods and other articles too numerous to mention. Sale begins at ten o'clock. Free Lunch at Noon. Terms: All sums of $5.00 or un der, cash above that amount time will be given until Nov. 1, 1912, on bankable paper bearing 7 per cent in terest. No property to be removed until settled for. ED. EDWARDSON, Owner. W. N. Davis, Auctioneer. N. S. Swenson, Clerk. Almost Xart Kis Ufs. S. A. Stid, of Mason, Mich., will never forget his terrible exposure to a merci less storm. "It gave me a dreadful cold," he writes, "that caused severe pains in my chest, so it was hard for me to breathe. A neighbor gave me several doses of Dr. King's New Discovery which brought great relief. The doctor said I was on the verge of pneumonia, but to continue with the Discovery. I did so and two bottles completely cured me." Use only this quick, safe, reliable medicine for coughs, colds, or any throat or lung trouble. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by Carl son Bros. Notice of Change of Firm. To Whom it May Concern: The goodwill, stock and book ac counts of the business heretofore conducted by John Lundquist, hard ware dealer, has been sold to a new firm to be known as Lundquist Bros. & oC, who will continue to conduct the business at the same stand and will collect all outstanding accounts of the old firm. John Lundquist, Lundquist Bros. & Co. PHOTOGRAPHS—With perfect likeness and cheerful expression, with rich Sepia finish the latest styles,—that's the kind you get at the Simons Studio. AUCTION 8ALE Having quit farming, I will sell at Public Auction at the C. W. Odell farm, in Section 32, Town of Lake Andrew, on Wednesday, Feb. 21,1912. the following described propertv: One black mare, 9 years old, wt. 1400 one black mare 14 years old, wt. 1400 one black horse, 11 years old, wt. 1650 six milch cows, most all fresh two heifers, 1 year old one bull, 1 year old six calves, 75 chickens, one McCormick 7-ft. cut self binder new one Deering mower one 17-shoe Van Brunt drill one hay rake two hay racks one Moline corn planter one Moline sulky plow one 14-inch walking plow one 16-inch walking plow one disc harrow one 4-horse drag one 3- horse drag two riding corn cultivators one Osburn corn binder one 1-horse cultivator two wide tire wagons one platform buggy one single buggy one pair bob sleds one cutter one set bolster springs two set working harness one single harness one fanning mill one row-boat one DeLaval cream separator one bicycle one tank heater some timothy hay some good seed oats Some corn and other ar ticles too numerous to mention. Sale begins at ten o'clock. Free Lunch at Noon. Terms: All sums of $5.00 or un der, cash above that amount time will be given until Nov. 1, 1912, on bankable paper bearing 7 per cent in terest. No property to be removed until settled for. F. A. AMUNDS0N, Owner. W. N. Davis, Auctioneer, C. W. Odell, Clerk. AUCTION^SALE As I am going to quit farming, I will sell at public auction on the C. F. Anderson farm, iy 2 miles south of Kandiyohi Station, on Tuesday, February 27, 1912 the following described property: One bay mare 9 years old (in foal) wt. 1750 lbs. one bay horse 9 years old, wt. 1550 lbs. one bay horse 10 years old, wt. 1400 lbs. one black horse 7 years old, wt. 1200 lbs. one black mare 8 years old (in foal) wt. 1150 lbs. one gray mare 8 years old (in foal) wt. 1050 lbs. two bay mare colts 3 years old one black mare colt coming 3 years in May five milch cows, three calves, eight brood sows, 150 chickens, one 8-ft. McCormick binder, new one 6-ft. McCormick binder, one corn binder, one 5-ft. McCormick mower, one 10 ft. Deering hay rake, two 16-inch sulky plows, one walking plow, two corn cultivators, one Litchfield man ure spreader, one disc harrow, one 26-ft. harrow with riding cart, one 12-ft. drag, two wide tire lumber wagons, two narrow tire lumber wag ons, two pair of bob sleighs, one platform buggy, one 22-shoe Tiger drill, one 16-shoe Van Brunt drill, one shoveling board, one com bination hay and stock rack, one hay rack, one Empire cream separator, one 1400-lb. platform scale, one Owens fanning mill, one feed mill, corn cutter and horse power, about 50 bushels barley, five ton hay in stack, some corn and oats, two sets brass trimmed harnesses, one set Crooper harnesses, one set driving harnesses, one set fly nets, new one tank heater and tank, one 16-barrel tank, 200 ft. gas pipe, 1 hog fountain, some tools, household goods and other articles too numerous to men tion. Sale begins at 10 o'clock a. m. sharp. Free Lunch at Noon. Terms: All sums of $5.00 or under, cash above that amount time will be given until November 1, 1912, on bankable notes bearing 7 per cent in terest. No property to be removed until settled for. J. E. ANDERSON, Owner. W. N. Davis, Auctioneer. N. S. Swenson, Clerk. 3t HAIR HEALTH. If You Havs Scalp or Hair Trouble, Accept This Offer. When we promise your money back for the mere asking if Rexall "93" Hair Tonic does not do as we claim it will, you certainly bave no reason for even hesitating to try it. We do not ask yon to obligate yourself in any way. We could not afford to so strongly endorse Rexall "93" Hair Tonic and continue to sell it as we do, if it did not do all we claim. Should our en thusiasm carry us away, and Rexall "93" Hair Tonic not give entire satis faction to the users, they would lose faith in us and our statements, and in consequence our business prestige would suffer. Therefore, when we assure you that Rexall "93" Hair Tonic will promptly eradicate dandruff, stimulate hair growth and prevent premature bald ness, you may rest assured we know what we are talking about We honestly believe that Rexall "93" Hair Tonic will do more than any other human agency toward restoring hair growth and hair health. It is not greasy and will not gum the scalp or hair or cause permanent stain. It is as pleasant to use as pure Cold water. It ccmes in two sizes, prices CO cents and |1.0O. Remember, you can obtain it only at our store—The Rexall Store. CARLSON BROS. AUCTION SALE As I have sold my farm I will sell at public auction on my place in Sec tion 2, Town of St. Johns one mile east of Pennock, on Wednesday, February 28,1912 at 10 o'clock a. m'., the following de scribed property: One team mares 8 and 9 years old, wt. 2900 lbs. one team mares 3 and 4 years old, wt. 2700 lbs. one team horses 8 and 9 years old, wt. 2500 eight milch cows, two fresh and the others coming in soon two yearling steers, one yearling heifer, one calf, six brood sows, 125 chickens, one McCormick binder, one Deering mow er, new one Deering hay rake, new one Corn King manure spreader, new one'Deere corn planter with 100 rods wire one riding corn cultivator, one 3-section harrow, one pulverizer, one Dowiac 17-shoe drill, one Deere gang plow, one Moline sulky plow, one 12-inch walking plow, new one wide tire lumber wagon, nearly new one narrow tire lumber wagon, one single seat buggy, one top buggy, nearly new one pair bob sleighs, one pair light bob sleighs, one De Laval cream separator, one corn sheller, two sets working harness, one single harness, one grind stone, some hay in stack, household goods and other ar ticles too numerous to mention. Free Lunch at Noon. Terms: All sums of $5.00 or under, cash above that amount time will be given until November 1, 1912, on bankable notes bearing 7 per cent in terest. No property to be removed until settled for. JOHN NERNES, Owner. W. N. Davis, Auctioneer. N. S. Swenson, Clerk. AUCTION SALE As I have rented my farm, I will sell at public auction on my farm in Section 20, Town of Green Lake, be tween Spicer and Willmar, near Grue Station on Friday, March I, 1912 beginning at 10 o'clock a. m., the fol lowing property: One gray mare, 15 years old, wt., 1300 one bay horse, 15 years, wt., 1500 one black mare, 7 years, wt. 1400 one gray horse, 4 years, wt. 1300 two black Percheron mares, 3 and 4 years, wt. 2400 one black horse, 3 vears, wt. 1200 eight cows, some fresh or coming in soon one 2 year old Shorthorn bull one 8 mo. old Shorthorn bull, and some young stock 1 McCormick corn binder, very nearly new one corn planter one Deering, 6-ft. cut, grain binder one Deering 5-ft. cut mower one hay rake, one Bradley gang plow one 16-in. walking plow, one 14-in. walk ing plow one 4-horse drag, one 2 horse drag, 1 riding corn cultivator, 1 broad tire Old Hickory wagon one narrow tire wagon, one 3-seated plat form buggy, one single buggy, two pair bob sleighs, one set buggy run ners, two hay racks, one 75-bu. Suc cess manure spreader, one 1200 lb. scale, one De Laval cream separator No. 1, one new Foston fanning mill No. 24, one road slusher, two pair working harness, two pair flynets, one 22-bbl. galvanized water tank, 150 feet of 2-inch galvanized iron pipes corn in shock, cob and fodder some hay, one new air tight heater, one couch, one union churn, one writing: desk, one extension table, one side board, with glass, doors, chairs, beds and other articles too numerous to mention. Free Lunch at Noon. Terms: All sums of $5.00 or under, cash over that amount time will be given until Nov. 1, 1912, on bankable notes bearing 7 per cent interest. PETER ERICKSON, Owner. W. N. Davis, Auctioneer. N. S. Swenson, Clerk. in publication Jan. 24-4t.] Citation for Hearing on Petition for ad ministration. ESTATE OF LOUIS LARSON STAT* or MINNESOTA, County of Kandiyohi, In Probate Court. In the Matter of the Estate of Louia Larson, Decedent. The State of Minnesota to all persons inter ested in the granting of administration of the estate of said decedent: The petition of Car rie Elizabeth Wanous having been filed in this court, representing that Louis Larson, then a resident of the county of Kandiyohi, state of Minnesota, died intestate on the 13th day of Dec, 1911 and praying that letters of adminis tration of his estate be granted to Jos. O. Estrem, of said county and the court, hav ing axed the time and place for hearing said petition Therefore, you, and each of you, are hereby cited and required to show cause, if any you have, be fore this court at the Probate Court Roomsin the Court House, in the city of Willmar in the county of Kandiyohi, state of Minnesota, on the 19th day of Feb 1912, at 2 o'clock p. m.. why said petition should not be granted. Witness, the Judge of said Court, and the Seal of said Court, this 22nd day of Jan., 1912. T. O. OlLBBBT, fcocHT SBA&I Probate Judge. (First Publication Jan. 24-4t.) Citation for Searing on Mnal Account and For Distribution. Estate of Carrie Johnson. State of Minnesota, County of Kandi yohi in Probate Court. In the Matter of the Estate of Carrie Johnson. Decedent: The State of Minnesota to all persons interested in the final account and dis tribution of the estate of said, deced ent: The representative of the above named decedent, having filed in this court Ills final account of the adminis tration of the estate of said decedent, together with his petition praying for the adjustment and allowance of said final account and for distribution of the residue of said estate to the persons thereunto entitled Therefore, You, and Each of You, are hereby cited and re quired to show cause, if any you have, before this court at the Probate Court Rooms In the Court House, In "the City of Willmar, in the County of Kandiyohi, State of Minnesota, on the 19th day of February, 1912, at 2 o'clock p. m., why said petition should not be granted Witness, the Judge of said court, and the Seal of said Court, this l&th day of January, 1912. (COURT SEAL) T. O. GILBERT, GEO. H. OTTERNESS, Probate Judge. Attorney for Petitioner, Willmar, Minn. T\ $3k &. ^vA«rSsty& We believe thatf our 30 years of business among you (the people of Kandiyohi County) warrants in claiming that we can offer you an abso lutely safe storehouse for your money. Checks on us, are accepted in payment of bills at par in any part of Minnesota. Ninety per cent of the successful business men are Bank Depositors. What better time than now to open a Check Account with us? We have unexcelled facilities for trans acting all branches of banking. Our Officers will be glad to extend to you every' courtesy consistent with sound banking. We will keep your valuables in our fireproof vault free of charge. We shall be pleased to have you call on us. BANK OF WILLMAR Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, SI20.OOO.00 A. B. RICE, President C. B. LIEN, Vice-Pres. PBOFESSXOHAX. CABS8 WILLMAR BETHESDA HOSPITAL Corner 3rd St., and Litchfield Ave. 'Phone 282. Operating Rooms Open to the Profession. Staff Dr. H. E. Frost, Dr. J. C. Jacobs Dr. Christian Johnson. WILLMAR HOSPITAL Cor. Seeker Avenns and Ponrth Street ATTEHSnrO FKTBZCIAVS: Drs. Petersen and Branton orrxes HOVBS: 1 to 4 p. m. Sundays 12 to 1 p. m. Calling hours from 2 p. m. to 4 p. m. Office Hours: 10 to 12 a. 1.30 to 4 p. GUSTAV D. F0RSSELL MASSAGE, SWEDISH MOVE MENTS and METAPHYSICS Room 6 Over Post Office Benson Ave., 5th St., Willmar Telephone 319. 9 C. W. I E S Home Sanitorium A pleasant, modern, restful home for the successful treatment of all non infectious, chronic diseases. Cancer, Appendicitis, Goitre, Enlarged Tonsils and many Tumors cured without the knife. 2832 Second Ave S., Minneapolis. Take First Ave. S. car to 28th St. C. E. GERRETSON, DENTIST. Office In New Ruble Block. WILLMAR, MINNESOTA DR. H. F. PORTER DENTIST (SKANDINAVISK TANDLAKARE) Office In Carlson Block, Phone 279. WILLMAR, MINN. Or. E W a GRADUATE VETERINARY SURGEON Calls Attended to Promptly Tel.—Day, 316, Night, 100. R. W. STANFORD LAWYER Real Estate, Insurance and Collections. Office in Postofflee BuUdincr WILLMAR, MINNESOTA PARCEL DELIVERY Trunks, parcels, packages' letters, etc9., called for and delivered to any part of the city. Prompt service. Charges moderate. Office Great Northern Express. Telephone 92. KELLY & SANDERSCN LIVERY Phone 46. One block south of depot I. C. OLSON N O (LlMsmd Bmbalmor.) Office 809 Litchfield Ave. W. Phone 217 Residence. 311 First Street. Phone 118 Blamed a Good Worker. "I blamed my heart for severe dis tress in my left side for two years,' writes W. Evans, Danville, Va., "but I know now it was indigestion, as Dr. King's New Life Pills completely cured me." Best for stomach, liver and kid ney troubles, constipation, headache or debility 25c at Carlson Bros. ao The Minneapolis Dollar-rlotel 180 MODERN ROOMS Located la Heart of Bmln—• District $ 1 0 0 S I N E A E $ 1 0 0 O A N RATE TOR TWO PERSONS $ 1 6 0 PRIVATE BATH AND TOILET EXTRA EVERT ROOM HAS HOT ANO COLO RUNNING WATER. STEAM HEAT. GAS ANO ELECTRIC LIGHTS, PORCELAIN LAVATORY. PARQUET FLOOR. ANO TELEPHONE SERVICE TO OF FICE ANO CITY. ALL BATH ROOMS ARE FINISHED IN WHITE TILE WITH OPEN NICKCk PLATED PLUMBING. SEVEN-STORY FIRE* PROOF ANNEX NOW COMPLETED. F. G. HANDY. Cashier Shocking' Sounds in the earth are sometimes heard before a terrible earthquake, that warn of the coming' peril. Nature's warnings are kind. That dull pain or ache in the back warns you the Kidneys need attention if you would escape those dangerous ma ladies, Dropsy, Diabetes or Bright*a dis ease Take Electric Bitters at once and see backache fly and all your best feel ings return. "My son received great benefit from their use for kidney and bladder trouble," writes Peter Bondy, South Rockwood, Mich., "It is certainly a great kidney medicine." Try it. 50c at Carlson Bros. (First publication Jan. 31-4L) CXTATXOV POB KBABOTCr 0 TMTX TXOV PO» ADXTJnSTBATXOV Estate Of John Olson. M. E. JONES, St?Cloiid, Mini State of Minnesota, County of Kandiyo hi, In Probate Court. In the Matter of the Estate of John Olson, Decedent. The State of Minnesota to all persons, interested in the granting of administra tion of the estate of said decedent: The petition of William x. Olson having been filed in this court, representing that John Olson, then a resident of the Coun ty of Kandiyohi, State of Minnesota, died intestate on the 2nd day of Janu ary, 1912, and praying that letters of ad ministration of his estate be granted to Solon Benton, of said County and the court having fixed the time and place for hearing said petition THERE FORE, YOU, AND EACH OF YOU, are hereby cited and required to show cause, if any you have before this court at the Probate Court Rooms in the Court House, in the City of Willmar, In the County of Kandiyohi, State of Minne sota, on the 26th day of February, 1912, at 2 o'clock p. why said petition should not be granted. Witness, the Judge of said Court, and the Seal of said Court, this 25th day of January, 1912. (COURT SEAL) T. O. GILBERT, Witness, the Judge of said Court, and the Seal of said Court, this 6th day oT February, 1912 (COURT SEAL) O. GILBERT. *4 N. S: SWENSON, Ass't Cashier ?i Probate Judge. (First Publication Feb. 7-4t) Citation for Hearing1 on Petition for Administration. Estate of Kjerstin Svalln also known as Kjerstin Nilson Svalm. State of Minnesota, County of Kandi yohi, in Probate Court. In the Matter of the Estate of Kjerstin Svalm also known as Kjerstin Nilson Svalm, Decedent. The State of Minnesota to all persons interested in the granting of adminis tration of the estate of said decedent: The petition of Walfred B. Swalin hav ing been filed in this court, representing that Kjerstin Svalin also known as Kjerstin Nilson Svalin, then a resident of the County of Kandiyohi, State of Minnesota, died intestate on the 31st day of March, 1902, and praying- that letters of administration of her estuf be granted to Lars O. Thorpe, of said county, and the court having fixed the time and place for hearing said petition Therefore, You, and Each of You, are hereby cited and required to show cause. if any you have before this court at the Probate Court Rooms in the Court House, in the City of Willmar, in the County of Kandiyohi, State of Minne sota, on the 4th day of March, 1912, at 2 o'clock p. why said petition should not be granted £fc Probate Judge. GEO OTTERNESS, Attorney for Petitioner, Willmar, Minnesota. (First Publication Feb. 7-4t.) Citation for Hearing on Petition for Administration. Estate of Bengt Nilson Swalin also known as Bengt Nilson Svalin and Bengt Nilson. State of Minnesota, County of Kandi yohi, Probate Court. In the Matter of the Estate of Bengt Nilson Swalin also known as Bengt Nilson Svalm and Bengt Nilson, De cedent. The State of Minnesota to all persons interested in the granting of adminis tration of the estate of said decedent: The petition of Walfred B. Swalin hav ing been filed in this court, representing that Bengt Nilson Swalin also known as Bengt Nilson Svalin And Bengt Nilson, then a resident of the County of Kandi yohi, State of Minnesota, died intestate on the 4 th day of April, 1905, and pray ing that letters of administration of his estate be granted to Lars O Thorpe, of said County, and the court having fixed the time and place for hearing said pe tition Therefore, You, and Each of You, are hereby cited and required to show cause, if any you have, before this court at the Probate Court Rooms in the Court House, in the City of Willmar, in the County of Kandiyohi, State of Minne sota, on the 4th day of March, 1912, at 2 o'clock p. why said petition should not be granted Witness, the Judge of said Court, and the Seal of said Court, this 6th day of February, 1912 (COURT SEAL) T. O. GILBERT. Probate Judge. GEO. H. OTTERNESS, Attorney for Petitioner, Willmar, Minnesota. (First publication Jan 24-4t) Citation for Hearing on Pstition for Administration. ESTATE OF LOUIS N. SMITH. State of Minnesota, County of Kandiyohi in Probate Court In the Matter of the Estate of Louis N. Smith, Decedent. Tbe State ot Minnesota to all persons Inter ested iirthe granting of administration of the estate ot said decedent: The petition of Thea Smith having been filed in this court, representing that Louis N. Smitb, then a resident of tbe County of Kandiyohi State of Minnesota, died intestate on tbe 30th day of Dec, 1911, and praying that letters ot ad ministration of his estate be granted to Ole Thorson, of said county and the court having fixed the time and place for hearingsaid peti tion Therefore, you, andeachof you. arehere by cited and required to show cause, if any you have, before tbis court at the Probate Court Rooms in the Court Bouse, in the City of Will mar in the County of Kandiyohi. State of Min nesota, on tbe 19th day of Feb.. 1912. at two o'clock why said petition should not be granted. Witness the Judge of said Court, and the Seal of §aid Court, this 20th day of Jan. 1912. T. O. GILBERT, [Court Seal] Probate Judge. Monuments Buy direot from St.Cloud's Manufacturer Be your own agent and save the middle man's commission. Send for Designs and Price List We set the work and Jones pays the freight Address: MM3 mgl ,*