Newspaper Page Text
fe^*%' & VOLUME 18. 8 PAGES Personal Mention. Elmer Brogren spent Friday with friends at Pennock. Miss Mabel Nelson spent Sunday at her home in Svea. Emil Aim••'A who is employed at Morris, spent Sunday at his parental home here. Miss Anna Johnson left Saturday to spend the summer with relatives at Dassel. Miss Pauline Lord of Morris ar rived Friday and is a guest of Miss Clara Rasmusson. Miss Helen Mooney arrived last Friday from Duluth and will make her home in this city. Mrs. Andrew Hanson and little son spent a few days with relatives at Kandiyohi last week. Mrs. Fred Larson returned home Saturday from a week's visit with friends in the twin cities. Mrs. Bailey and children arrived Saturday from St. Paul for a visit at the home of B. T. Otos. Miss Merial Anderson left Satur day for a week's visit with relatives and friends at Foley, Minn. Roy Landberg returned Saturday from a visit at his home in Milaca, and friends at Minneapolis. H. R. Ruddy left Friday for Al berta, Canada, where he was called by the serious illness of an uncle. Miss Genevieve Hess of Winona arrived Monday for a visit at the home of her sister, Mrs. Albin Carl son. Miss Hazel Stranberg arrived last Thursday from Minneapolis for a visit with relatives and friends here and at Svea. Miss Ella Arthun of Spicer re turned to her home Saturday, from a visit since Tuesday, a guest of Miss Hattie Stenson. Mrs. John D. Anderson returned home last Wednesday afternoon from a couple of weeks' visit with friends in Wadena county. Mrs. Foley and little daughter re turned to their home at DeGraff last Thursday after a visit at the home of E. P. Matthews. Miss Amelia West retnraedt6 her StJggS&S^1'' home at Murdock Saturday, after a few days' visit in this city, a guest of Miss Alma Brandt. Misses Hannah and Stella Noren left yesterday for Minneapolis to at tend the Y. P. convention of the Swedish Mission church. Miss Myrtle Snyder left Saturday for her home at New London, called there by the illness of her mother, who had a misfortune of breaking1 her arm. Misses Lillian Nord, Esther and Richard Swenson of Goodhue, Minn.j arrived in this city last Tuesday, for a few weeks' visit at the C. B. Swen son home. Harold Walker left last Wednes day morning for his former home at River Falls, Wis., to attend the com mencement exercises of the State Normal. Mrs. Pete Lindahl and three chil dren left Friday for New London to spend a couple of weeks with Mrs. Lindahl's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Fremberg. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Hanson and little son Lyle, returned home the latter part of last week from a visit with relatives and friends at Chicago, 111. Mrs. H. G. Anderson and two daughters of Atwater were in Will mar Saturday enroute for New Lon don to spend Sunday at the Frank Covell home. Mr. and Mrs. August Benson of Kandiyohi were in Willmar Saturday enroute for Oberon,.|T. D., for a visit at the home of Mrs. Benson's sister, Mrs. C. M. Walls. Mrs. 0. B. Axness and daughters returned to their home at Fes sen den, N. D., Thursday, after a couple of weeks' visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. K. Axness. Mrs. P. N. Anderson and children returned to' their home at Milaca Saturday, from a couple of weeks' visit at the home of E. A. Erickson, and also friends at Kandiyohi. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Erickson re turned to their home at Red Wing last week after a couple of weeks' visit with relatives and friends at \New London, Spicer and Willmar. Mrs. I. K. Fjelstad and little daughter returned to her home at Springfield, Minn., Saturday, after a visit at the home of 0. P. Wangsness near Pennock, and also with friends at Kandiyohi. Mrs. Finch and daughter Eunice, arrived here a week ago Thursday, for a visit at the W. L. Geer home. Rev. Finch autoed to Willmar the latter part of last week to join his family and all returned to a home at Slay'ton, Friday. IVJJ* :%N MIRACULOUS ESCAPE IN AUT0JICC1DENT Machine Tores Turtle with Fonr Adults andThree Babies. None Seriously In|ored. A very serious accident happened last Sunday on the Norway Lake road four miles north of Willmar near Ole R. Sletten's place. Mr. M. H. Hermanson of this city with a party consisting: of himself, wife and two children, and Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Johnson and little son Malcolm were on their way to at tend a picnic at Lake' Florida. While crossing a dump at considerable speed. Mr. Hermanson turned out to avoid a rut in the road, being- deceived by the grass on the side as to the width of the dump. The machine turned turtle en tirely, throwing- out all the people into the water and soft mud of the slough. That no one was seriously hurt may be considered a miracle. Two of the babes were forced under the water but were quickly rescued. Little Malcolm John son was badly stunned but was revived before reaching Willmar. The Handy & Lewis garage was telephoned and sent out a machine to bring in the par ty. Mr. Hermanson's machine was not injured at all. J.. O. TKOBFE OUT POB OONOBSSI Willmar Kan riles for "At Xarge" Po sition—Silsnt on Third Party. Lars O. Thorpe of Willmar, former state senator, has filed for congress man-at-large on the Republican ticket. Mr. Thorpe was an alternate to the Chicago convention, but did not attend. He was a Roosevelt man, but was un willing: to comment on the outcome of the convention. Before filing: Senator Thorpe telephoned Alvah Eastman of St. Cloud to ask whether he intended to file for the office and was informed that he did not. Mr. Eastman had been one of the first to announce himself for congressman at-large, but withdrew later when Con gressman Lindbergh of the Sixth dis trict made public a statement in which he said he would seek the United States senatorship. Mr. Eastman thereupon announced himself for Congressman Lindbergh's place. The latter has since, withdrawn from the senatorial field. It was not known whether Mr. Eastman would contest with Mr. Lindbergh.— Minneapolis Journal. BOSELANS BEPOBTS Roseland, June 24—Mr. Lewis Vejtru ba is busy building* a dwelling house on his farm which he bought some time ago. Mr. and Mrs. August Anderson and family Had dinner at the home of Mr. ana Mrs. John Anderson last Sunday. A surprise party was given in honor of Miss Esther Engwall last Tuesday left as a remembrance of the occasion, nlverybody present reports a good time. Mr. Emil Lundquist was a Willmar visitor last Thursday evening. Mrs. J. A. Engwall and daughter, Mrs. Andrew Peterson, took in the coffee soc ial at Charles Isaacson's near Priam last Thursday afternoon. Mr. Ludvig Feifarek, who has been working for F. Hoekstra for some time, spent a couple of days at his home and also attended the surprise party last Tuesday evening. Miss O'tillie Holechech, who for some time has been visiting with relatives and friends in Nebraska, came last Wednesday to stay with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Skal ack. Quite a few of our farmers marketed hogs in Willmar Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bjornberg and fam ily were entertained at Edgar Lind olad's last Sunday. Miss Huldah Williamson, who is stay ing at the home of Martin Johnson, spent Sunday with her sister and bro ther-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wal ner, near Big Kandiyohi lake. Miss Amy Johnson was" a Willmar visitor last Thursday. Misses Anna and Albina Toupal vis ited at. Lewis Vejtruba's last Sunday. Miss Nannie Anaerson visited with Miss Mary Williams last Sunday after noon. BZHOO -LAXB Ringo Lake, June 24—Miss Esther Monson spent last Tuesday assisting Mrs. Holm with some work. A few from here attended the Holm Peterson wedding by Lake Florida last Wednesday. Mr. Garnet Soderlind of Minneapolis visited in this vicinity last Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Anna Monson, Mrs. John D. Mon son and daughter Esther, called at B. J. Ekblad's Thursday afternoon. A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. David Swenson, June 16. Mr. Paul Lundin returned to his home at La Bolt, S. D., Thursday, after visit ing at the P. J. Ekblad home for a cou ple of weeks. Mrs. N. Swenson visited with Mrs. A. P. Holm Friday afternoon. Miss Mabel Jaeobson called at the N. Swenson home Saturday afternon. Mr. Emil Ekblad left for La Bolt, S D., last Friday, where he will visit with friends some time. Mr. A. O. Johnson of Kandiyohi is at present visiting at the Mrs. O. Berg home. Mr. Lawrence Peterson from Willmar was a visitor at the S. J. Jaeobson home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edw. Carlson and daugh ters, Victoria and Marvel, were guests at the John Peterson home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Ekblad of Dovre call ed at the former's parental home here last Sunday. Miss Tillie Hanson of Willmar is at present assisting Mrs. D. Swenson with the housework. Henry and Elmer Monson and Alfred Swenson were Lake Florida visitors last Sunday. Mrs. N. Swenson and daughters, Alice and Hannah, called at John Monson's Sunday afternoon. Henry Sletten, cashier at the G. N. depot, expects to leave on his vacation after July 1st for the Pacific coast. He will also attend the Elk's convention held at Seattle, Wash., next month. Sunnyside hospital will be dedicated I next Monday. See New London items. N HER LEAGUE WILLMAR DISTRICT Y. P. Societies of Swedish Lutheran Churches Will Meet at Willmar. The second annual convention of the District Luther League, consist ing of the Young People's societies of the Swedish Lutheran congrega tions of the Willmar District, includ ing those of Kandiyohi, Meeker and Swift counties, will be held at Will mar Saturday, Sunday and Monday, June 29th to July 1st. There will he three accredited delegates from each congregation and all the pastors from the district. Besides the lele gates, there are a large number of other visitors expected, which may be gathered from the fact that At water has ordered sixty badges, Svea seventy-five and other neighboring congregations in proportion, The exercises at the Bethel church will begin Saturday evening at eight o'clock. Rev. Christian Swenson of New London will speak and the young people from different congre gations will contribute other num bers to the program. Rev. G. Pet erson, the local pastor, will make the speech of welcome. Sunday morning at ten o'clock there will be communion services and high mass. The address to the com municants will be made by Rev. E. 0. Chelgren of Beckville and the ser mon will be delivered bv Rev. J. E. Linner of Litchfield. Sunday afternoon from 2:30 to 4:30 the session will in main be de voted to a discussion of the ques tion, "How May Our Young People's Societies be Conducted so as to Bring the Greatest Blessings to Their Members and to the Church?" The discussion will led by Rev. A. J. Ryden of Svea. On Sunday evening there will be an address by Prof. A. E. Nelson of New London and a speech by Prof. Walter Englund of Ely, Minn. On Monday morning from nine to twelve the business affairs of the League will be taken care of. The program for each session in cludes musical numbers and recita tions by members from different churches. On Monday afternoon, beginning at 2:30 o'clock, there will be an auto trip and picnic, after which supper will be served to all the visiting dele- her J^t^Jbirthday. an-Lgates...„ *-.. ..^. The meeting will come to a close with a grand concert on Monday evening, beginning at eight o'clock, at which talent will be heard from each one of the congregations repre sented. The local committees on arrange ments are working hard and it is ex pected that this convention will be one of the most enjoyable events of the year at Willmar. The first an nual meeting of the District League was held at Litchfield last year. Th Fourt at a A grand 4th of July celebration has been planned to be held at the Willmar Amusement Park. The pro gram for the day has been announc ed as follows: At 9:30 there will be a band con cert down town at the railroad park by the Pennock Band. At 10:00 o'clock there will be an other concert at the Assembly Park. 11:00 o'clock there will be a ser ies of foot races, sports and con tests, at the Willmar Amusement Park, which will be of interest to all. From 12 o'clock to 2 o'clock, din ner will be served at the park pavil ion at 25 cents. Don't bother about getting a meal at home when you can get a good 4th of July dinner at that price. Give the whole family a chance to celebrate. 1:30 to 2 o'clock there will be a double band concert down town at the railroad park, the Willmar Mili tary Band and the Pennock Band both participating, after which they will march to the Assembly Park, where at 2:15 o'clock there will be another series of sports, including boat races, tug-of-war, and clothes pin races and other contests for wo men, at the Assembly Park. Manager Scheffer nas provided a number of large balloons and air ships which he expects will ascend during the afternoon. 3:00 o'clock the exercises at the Park Auditorium will open with a concert. 3:30 o'clock Hon. T. O. Gilbert of this city will deliver an oration suit able for the day, which will be fol lowed by the singing of a quartette and other musical selections. There will be continuous band concerts thruout the afternoon and evening at the park. Dancing will begin at the park at 6:30 and con tinue thruout the evening. As soon as darkness permits a display of fireworks will end the ex ercises of the day. Zee Cream Social. The Young Men's Bible Class of the Swedish M. E. church have arranged for an ice cream social at the church lawft Tuesday evening, July 2nd. All are welcome. J. S. Lee and Prof. N. B. Swalin trans acted business In Norway Lake town ship Saturday. O I I A I MRS- ELIZA GOULD. Mrs. Eliza (Williams) Gould, wife of Jonah Gould of this city, died Tuesday, June 25th, after an Illness of eight months. She was born at St. Eleanor, Prince Edward's Island, January 2, 1840. The family has resided in Willmar since 1880. She is mourned by the husband, four children: Mrs. Albert Garwell, Mrs. L. M. Crosby, Carrie and Ella Gould, all of this city. She is also mourned by one sister, Mrs. J. H. Wiggins,' and three brothers, John and Joseph of this city and Benjamin Williams of Spok ane, Wash. The funeral occurs tomor row at the late residence. Rev. H. Gates to officiate. The grieving family com mand the. sympathy of all in their loss. MRS. CHARLES HOLMBERG. Willmar relatives received the sad news of the death of Mrs. Chas. Holm berg, which occurred last Friday morn ing at Denver, Colo., after a two year's illness from tuberculosis. The family formerly resided at Minneapolis, but left for Colorado two years ago for the benefit of Mrs. Holmberg's heajth. She is mourned by a sorrowing husband one son, Leslie, six years old an aged mother, who is at present making her home in Denver several sisters and bro thers, besides a number of other rela tives here. The funeral was held last Sunday afternoon. ,The sorrowing ones have' the sincere sympathy of all in their bereavement. Fourth of July Festival. The Ladies' Aid of Vikor's church has decided to hold their annual festival on the 4th this year, at Ole Skaftedahl's beautiful" place on the north side of Solomon Lake. A delicious dinner will be served at 11:30, after which an ex cellent program consisting of speeches and music has been provided for. Ah effort has been made to secure the pres ence, of Prof. Swalin and other musi cians. In connection with the affair, the ladies' society will offer for sale a number of articles. The ladles there have always been capable of serving good meals, and no effort will be spar ed to make this dinner a grand one. Menu: Chicken, potatoes, meat balls, gravy baked beans, lefse, white bread,' cabbage salad, flode gr8d, hardanger kage, graham bread, pickles, cake, cook ies, coffee and pie. Charges for adults 25 cents, and 10 cents for children under 12 years of age. Refreshments may be had thruout the entire day. Coffee and cake can also be had in the afternoon for 10 cents. B.&V. J. NORMAN KING Of Hicksville. Ohio Who Occupies Presbyterian Pulpit Next Sunday by Special Invitation. Celebrate Fortieth Anniversary. The Lutheran Free church of Will mar will celebrate their fortieth anni versary on Sunday, July 7 th. Among the guests present will be Rev. M. H. Hegge of Stoughton, Wis., and Rev. E. E. Gynild of Fargo, former pastors of the church, and Revs. S. R. Tollefson and J. S. Strand of Minneapolis, two ministers who have been reared in this church. There will be a forenoon and a afternoon session but no exercises in the evening. On Monday evening, July 8th, the Young People's Society of the church will give a program. This event promises to be a very interesting one and especially so to the members of the church. Mr. Oscar Swenson and wife of Pax ton, 111., are visiting at the home of John A. Johnson in Mrst Ward this week. The Johnson and Swenson fam ilies made up a fishing party to Eagle Lake last Monday. They were success ful in stringing fifteen fine bass. This is the first time that Mr. Swenson had fishing of this kind and he naturally was very much elated. Y. P. S. of the Swedish Mission church enjoyed a picnic and outing at Eagle Lake, Monday when more than 40 of the members and their friends were present. The young people were taken to and from the lake by autos furnished by the Handy & Lewis gar age. ./.-.'•: ••, Walter Englund spent Sunday friends at Grove City. ii -i •iSSr-• WILLMAR, MINNESOTA, WE&1#I$DAY, JUNE 26, 1912 H^ with TH E IRO N FIST" ME-raODIST Y, P. CONVENTION Epwarlh League Societies of Minne apollf Dlitrict of Sw. y. E. ,# phuhsli H#et This Week. TW Epjfforth league of the Min neapolis District of Swedish Metho dist onutdhes will hold their annual convention at Willmar beginning to day apd posing Sunday. A very in teresting program for each day has been 'which the public is cordially Jnvited. Tonight the openiag session will be held with speeches of welcome to delegates and responses and a good musical p^ofpasv Thursday morning's session will be devoted tcf organization and general reports and a paper: "Of What Sig nificance is Our Work Among the Young People to the Future of Our Church?" Local reports will be heard from Aitken, Atlas and At water. I Thursday afternoon a paper will be retfd, on the subject: "In What Way Can We Interest Our Young Men in Church Work?" Local re portsVfWill follow from Parwell, Pal myra, Cliar Lake and Lindstrom. Another piper will be read on, "Does there exi6J£ as much interest in re ligious as fin social gatherings* If not, Why pot?" The session closes with an address by Rev. C. A. Holmes, on "The Secret of John R. Mott'a Successful Work." Thursday evening Revs. Newton Sundstronv and A. F. Peterson will preach} Friday morning there will be re ports from Litchfield and the three Minneapolis societies. A paper wid be read on, "The Lord's Portion of Our Income." Friday afternoon, there will be a discussion^on the question, "Resolv ed, That the time has arrived when we should, use the English language in part at our meetings." The affirm ative will be supported by the dele gates from Arlington Hill and First church, at St. Paul and the negative by delegates from the First church and Emanuel church of Minneapolis. Local reports will be read from Oak Park, Redwing, Arlington Hill and First church of St. Paul. I: W Winthrop A papervwiU be read on "Socialism and Christian ity." Then will follow election of officers for the coming year. Saturday afternoon there will be an out-door picnic. &t'..,.." Sunday morning at ten o'clock there will be an address to the Sun day school by Rev. T. G. Olson. Ser mon by C. F. Edwards and commun ion services. Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock, there will be a platform meeting, when the pastors present will make brief addresses. Sunday evening Revs. C. H. Sund strom and C. A. Holmes will preach. Miss Lenna Stiles, who has been teaching at Milton, S. D., spent a couple of days last week the guest of her uncle, C. H. Walker. She left for southern Minnesota for a visit, after which she will return to Will mar to spend her vacation at the C. H. Walker home here. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Pearson left Thursday for their new home at Litchfield. While in this city Mr. and Mrs. Pearson have made a host of friends, who regret to see their departure, but wish them success and prosperity in their new location. A social of the Oak Park M. E. church at Peter Erickson's place, about 2 miles east of Kandiyohi, on both afternoon and evening on Fri dav. June 28. H. G. Mooney and family of Du luth have rented the residence of F. F. Paulson and are now located at 302 7th street N. Agent J. D. Parnell spent Thurs day in the twin cities. •v George A. Kirkpatrick AUTHOR OF "WAR, WHAT FOR?' DO NOT FAIL TO HEAR THIS LECTURE :n: AT BONDE HALL, JULY 1st. 8 P. M. Admission, 10 Cents mmmrn ^'^—'"^PRESBYTERIAN Rev. J. Norman King, of Hicksville, Ohio will preach morning and evening, June SOth. Morning 10:30 "An Evergreen Relig ion." •£, ^.v,"" Evening 8:00 "The Best Fishing." He will also have charge of the mid week service, Wednesday evening 7:45. Subject, "Following Christ." Rev. Mr. lung cornea on Invitation of committee on pulpit supply, and all members of the church and congregation are re quested to be present at theae services, SALVATION ARMY. The Salvation Army at Third street have meetings on Tuesday at 8 p. m. Thursday at 8 p. in. Saturday at 8 p. m. Sunday at 11 a. m., 4 and 8 p. m. Sunday school-at 2 p. m. Don't forget the farewell meeting at the Salvation Army tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock. OAK PARK M. E. Rev. C. F. Edwards, Diet. Supt. will preach Sunday, June 80, at 11 o'clock a. m., to be follov ed by communion ser vices. 8. S. at ten a. m. FIRST M. E. Services 10:30 a. m., 8:00 p. m. Sunday school 11:46 a. m. Epworth League 7:00 p. m. Morning subject: "The Lord's Day," Rev. 1:10. Evening, VThe Present Need." These services will continue thruout the summer. Everybody is invited to bring their children to Sunday school. Strangers and visitors welcome, tt SWEDISH M. E. Thursday morning at nine o'clock the first session of the convention begins, with organization and reports from, the District officers. There will be services every evening at eight with sermons by the visiting pastors. Next Sunday at ten the Reverend T. Olson will speak to the Sunday school. Eleven o'clock Rev. C. H. Sundstrom of Minneapolis will preach. In the afternoon a "Platform meet ing" will be held. The program will consist of brief talks and singing. Epworth League at 7:15 and the reg ular evening service at eight with ser mon by Rev. Gust Nelson and Rev. C. Holmes. All are welcome, tt LUTHERAN FREE CHURCH. Prayermeetlng Thursday evening. "Mands og Kvindeforeningen" will meet Friday evening. No morning service next Sunday, but evening service conducted by the dea cons. ::r 'r Friday evening Revs. Gust Nelson and E^A. Bonerfeldt will preach. Satw^ay morning there will be lo- in town of Lake Lillian was perhaps the cal refort* from Stillwater, Vasa,lar**«t gathering in thertcounty,e MUnuawr Day. Last Monday was midsummer day, the Swedish holiday. There were a number of well attended picnics In the county.. The one at Ole E. Erickson's Httlfr Helpers Picnic The Little Helpers of Colfax will have their annual outing with program and auction on the north shore of Games Lake tomorrow, Thursday, June 27th. Speeches will be made by Revs. M. A. Sotendahl and D. C. Jordahl of Norway Lake. A number of recitations and songs will be rendered and music will be furnished by the North Star Orches tra thruout the day. Dinner will be served at 15 cents and a refreshment stand will run during the day. All are cordially Invited. Fourth of July at Svea. The Svea Lutheran church will cele brate the 4th of July in the Svea Park in Svea, program commencing at 10:30 a. m. There will be several speakers, among them Hon. Ellas Rachie from Willmar. There will also be declama tions and songs. Dinner will be served by the ladles of the church, and other refreshments will oe served thruout the day. Alia aro valkomna till oss pa denna natlonalla hedersdag. •ells Machines Bight and left. Chas. Wallln, the block agent for Nichols & Shepard, has disposed of a number of machines in this immediate neighborhood. He sold one new 30-horse power rig to Peter Erickson near Eagle Lake he sold an engine to Olaus An derson and Company and a separator to Osul Knutson and one separator to C. J. Okerson near Pennock. Charlie is a hustler and he covers a lot of terri tory In interest of his company. Ponrth of July Pionlo at Bake ™i«n»t A picnic will be held on the south shore of Big Kandiyohi lake in John Larson's park, on July 4th, by Y. P. S. of the Christine church. The speakers will be Rev. Alex Peterson, Hon. T. O. Gilbert, Mr. A. O. Forsberg and others. The ladies of the church will serve din ner at 25c The program begins at 10:30. Everybody is cordially invited to attend. Blks lodge to Bntertaln. The Elks lodge are planning their big celebration at the Amusement Park tomorrow atternoon and evening, when a class of twenty will be Initiated. Par ties are expected from Benson, Dassel, Marshall and Glenwood. Holt's Peer less orchestra of Pipestone will furnish the music thruout the afternoon and evening. fourth of July at Oak Park. A Fourth of July celebration will take place at Oak Park M. E. church. Din ner will be served and there will he stands where Ice cream, etc., will be sold. There will be speeches, amuse* ments and fireworks. The Ladles' Aid of the Swedish Mis sion church will meet In tne basement of the church Friday afternoon of this week. Refreshments will be served by Mrs. Gust Nord. All are cordially In vited. ..Vi|: '^sFisr'i? J* Chas. V. Johnson transacted business In Svea and Lake Lillian Monday. 3 && •sfe^-'jfe&i PRICE 5 CENTS as it eral imto parties Ifcom Winraar. were there. "They report a splendid program and the trip thru the country as a glor ious one. At Mamrelund there was a record-breaking crowd. At New London there was a large attendance. The base ment of the Young People's new hall there was put to use for the first time. A number of other gatherings are men tioned by our correspondents. 7M DEMOCRATS W FIHMIJJEADLOCK Prftfraslves Uu Tisjpinij OrfiiizittMttliltt^re ,•? Coivarti**. ^^f The democrats at Balitmore are In a fierce contest between the progressives and the reactionaries. It Is similar to the fight at the Chicago convention, on ly it was quicker In coming to point. The battle yesterday afternoon waged last and furious. Bryan was forced In to the leadership of the progressives against Alton Parker, the temporary chairman recommended by the national committee. Bryan lost out by a vote of 670 to 606. There was no beating about tue bush in the speechei made and the speaker for the progressive ele ment called a spade a spade, but further discussion was cut off by the moving of the previous question, the most eon' temptible thing to do in a deliberative gathering. It requires 2-3 vote to nom inate at a democratic national conven tion and tne prospects seem good for a deadlock.' All eyes are on Baltimore watching further developments. His tory Is being made fast these days.'!Jr Svea, June 24—Miss Emma Mattson did dressmaking at Otto Lundqulst's home last week. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ostrom and family visited at M. A. Johnson's home Sunday. Miss Hildur Ryden Is reported 111, but we hope that she may have a speedy recovery. Mrs. M. A. Peterson and child left last week for a week's visit with Grove City relatives, Mesdames Martinson, Johnson and Nelson were pleasant afternoon visitors with Mrs. Aug. Norman one day last week. Several relatives and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Eastlund gathered at their home Sunday to help them cele brate their fiftieth wedding anniver sary. A. Q. Nelson was at Audubon and De troit a few days last week. Rev. and Mrs. A. J. Ryden and fam ily spent Sunday at Llndblad's. Very many of the people from this vicinity attended the picnic at Chris tine Monday. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Lindberg visited at O. D. Dahlquist's home Sunday eve ning. The Board of Review, Assessor and Road Overseers met at the town clerk's office Monday from 9 o'clock a. m. until 6 o'clock p. m. •'•-".•' Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Johnson and fam ily called at J. G. Freebergh's home Sunday. Mrs. Carrie Swenson and Miss Ellen Swenson joined the Svea Luth. church last week, of th lane Parochial school closed Tuesday. The Mrs. O. Westerberg will entertain ,4he Ladies' -Aid society next Tuesday after noon. Mrs. C. Christianson will en tertain them Tuesday of next week. The church council and the commit tee which was appointed for the purpose of arranging things In the park for the 4 th of July picnic met at church after services last Sunday. Several people assembled at church last Tuesday afternoon for the purpose of helping Rev. A. J. Ryden celebrate his 50th birthday anniversary. Rev. Ry den received 851 as a memento of the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Westerberg and family and Harold Nelson visited at Helson's home Sunday afternoon, Miss Edith Hegstrom of Minneapolis is spending some time with relatives and friends here. A parcel social was given at P. O. Nelson's home Thursday afternoon in honor of Miss Emma Anson, a bride of June. After a social time had been spent, the guests were given an elab orate dinner. Several relatives of P. N. Olson's had a picnic at their home Monday. Willmar relatives were entertained at Aug. Norman's home Sunday. Mrs. P. N. Nelson and son Clifford and Miss,Hazel Strandberg of Minne apolis arrived here last Thursday, for an indefinite stay with relatives and friends. Mesdames Elmer Peterson and Win. Holmberg and Olaf Ferring are being entertained by relatives this week. Quite a few of the ladles from this community attended the social given at Chas. Isaacson's home Tnursday after noon. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Swenson was christened by Rev. A. J. Ryden one day last week. She re ceived the name Lauralne Annabell Del ate. The R. A. E. C. was entertained by Mrs. Wahlfred Blomqulst Friday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Swenson and Miss Ellen Lindberg visited at the Feifarek home Sunday afternoon. Messrs. P. P. and A. P. Johnson at tended the Firemen's picnic at Eagle Lake Sunday afternoon. The.Willmar base ball team defeated the Spicer nine at Willmar last Sun day afternoon, the score standing 7 to 4. There was a large crowd in attend ance. This victory makes up for the defeat the Sunday before. R. M. Hicks and family arrived to day from Minneapolis and will reside in the residence of Fred Larson. Mr. Hicks Is secretary of the H. G. Mooney & Co. wholesale grocery corporation, and will travel for the house, -^. A base ball nine from 8 Johns town won a game over the Priam nine mat Sunday, 18 to 2. The game was played at Priam. Next Sunday, July 7th, Whitefleld and town of St. Johns will cross bats at the same place. An auto party consisting of Messrs. Hugh Joyce and George Murray of Redwood Falls and the Misses-Ann and Bessie Anderson of this city made a trip to Litchfield and New London on. Monday afternoon. Rev. Arvid Ostling left yesterday morning for Minneapolis to attend the T. p. convention of the Swedish Mis sion church, after which he will leave for the Pacific coast for. a three months* vacation. John Pallin is further improving big comer grooery with pamt and NUMBBB21 N*ttal Eva* tf fee Week tf Mfflsssisis* ^MJI Vt^^^Mw HALVORSON-BRILL. One of the prettiest weddlng/'of tne week occurred Tuesday morning, at St. Mary's church, when Miss Marie Hal vorson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lars Halvorson of this city, was united In marriage to George H. BrilL Bar. Father C. McDevltt officiated and cele brated the nuptial mass). The bride was attended by Misu Helen Halvorson. her slater, and the groom by Mr. E. Healy. Tne bride wore silk voile and carried bride's roses. Her maid wore pink voile and carried sink carnations. Miss Blanche McNees sanr "Oh. Promise Me," and other selections, A wedding breakfast and reception follow ed at the bride's home, there veins about twenty guests present Mr. and Mrs. Brill will be at home after July Ifth at 120 Litchfield avenue W. They were the recipients of many pretty presents. Out-of-town guests in attendance were the Misses Lunde from n^+lfa Mrs. Chas. Parsley of Mlnot MCCORMICK-MCDONAJJIX Miss Saole McDonald and Mr. Chasv McCormick of Wisconsin are married this evening at the home of her brother, Hollis McDonald at 8 p. m.. Rev. Spen cer officiating. They will leave for Sioux Falls for a short stay, .after which they will make their borne te Minneapolis. Miss McDonald has been employed for the past 8 years as chief operator at the N. W. telephone office here. Ueensedto Wei. June 20—Ole Tollefson to Miss Han nah G. Hanson. June 19—Andrew Ostrom to Miss Al vin Swanson. Married by Judge Gil bert June 20. Thomas A. Tlerney to A&vina Baker. George H. Brill to Miss Marie Hal vorson. Oeraival Company July 4« The Great Western Carnival Company will come to the Willmar Amusement j-ark for one week, beginnmg July 4. They carry a number of rldmf devices, etc The Anti-Tuberculosis 8ooiety win have their regular meeting next Tues day afternoon, July 2nd, at 8 o'clock. Tripolis. June 26—Services will be held Sunday, June SOth, at lx o'clock sv m. Sunday school at ten. The Ladles' Aid will be entertained! Tuesday afternoon. June 28, at the homo of-Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Klint Thurs day afternoon at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. Nels Anderson and Friday after noon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Nelson. All are welcome to attend theas meetings. The Ladies' Aid decided to have thetr festival July 4th in the park by the church. There wan a large crow4 la attend ance at the picnic at Ed. Erickson's task Fridiy. Toe weather waa tee and ail enjoyed the day. Mrs. Nels Magnuson from Willmar visited at her parental home a few day* last week. .Miss .Francis Hedln from Willmar visited at the Hultln home In Fahlun last week. Mr. Frits Carlson came up from Min neapolis last Friday and will remain for some time at the C. A. Larson home. Mrs. George Forsberg and son Wall ace, who are visiting with relatives in Willmar, visited at the Nels Anderson home here last week. Miss Minnie Frldlund returned te her home last Saturday after visiting out here for a week. Mr. and Mrs. August Klint went to North Dakota last Wednesday to visit with relatives and friends. Mrs. Andrew Redlg* left for North Da kota last Wednesday evening for a vis it with friends there. *g?'V- Mrs. Emil Englund and children cnaie up from Minneapolis last Tuesday for a visit at the Andrew Peterson home. Mr. and Mrs. Nels Fauchald and son' returned to their home last Friday, af- ighgi ter a two weeka' visit with relative* -'JV: here. i*^- Mrs. Andrew Hanson and son Carl came out from Willmar and took in the\ picnic at Erickson's last Friday. 'jf. Ernst Johnson's were entertained a*" Joseph Isaacson's Sunday afternoon. Nels Anderson and family visited at Albert Isaacson's Sunday afternoon. J. A. Johnson's from WUlmar and) Mrs. Carlson and daughter from Mlune apoHa were entertained at Ludvig John son's last Sunday. Louis Felfs and C. Hohn'a aatoed te New London last Sunday. The Public, Improvement Commttto* of the Commercial Club has awsMejd the honors for cleanliness during J,ua* to the downtown brack, bounded by Fourth and Fifth streets, Benson and Litchfield avenues. A bronse shield placed on each corner tens th* fast, They win be awarded each month. Mrs. J. H. Erickson returned Friday front a trip to Bstevan. Canada, where she has visited with the EBBH Land gren family for about six-weeks. sTba reports that the Willmar people living there are doing welL flame of them Tafff)^^ sew their lead at U« per eere. ^0 fe ma^ HANSON-TOLLEFSON. Last Saturday afternoon a pretty home wedding took place at the farm of Gregorius Hanson, north of the city, when the daughter, Hannah "ansffn, was united in marriage to Mr. Ole Tol lefson of Marshall county. 8. D. The ceremony took place at three o'clock. Rev. M. B. Michaelson officiating, and was witnessed by quite a number of relatives and neighbors. Mr. and Mrs. Tollefson have the congratulations of a large number of friends of the family* 5 vi Pomrth of aft 8*. The St. Johns Norwegian Lutheran ^ar^jartlLjM&id.itajawsjisi a Chriat Hanson's Jtocae on^i«$y ftSi E. E. Gynild Of Fargo win be-the er of the day. To the Sadies of WlBsBari Miss Allen will be pleased to call on you in a few days with a full line of Franco-American hygiene toilet requls~ ites. Free massage given. Si "M -31 ^S ,*"* A 55£