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ft 1 No. 1 A POCKET KODAK Slips easily in and out of an ordinary coat pocket. Snap, it is fully extended and in focus. Snap, the picture is made. Snap, and it's closed ARE YOUR KIDNEYS WELL? Many Willmar People Know the Import ance of Healthy Kidney*. The kidneys filter the blood. They work night and day. Well kidneys remove impurities. Sick kidneys allow impurities to mul tiply. No kidney ill should be neglected. There is grave danger in delay. If you have backache or urinary trou bles, If you are nervous, dizzy or worn out, Begin treating your kidneys at once Use a proven kidney remedy. None endorsed like Doan's Kidney Pills. Recommnded by thousands. Proved by home testimony. Mrs. George Horton, S. of depot, Ben son, Minn., says: "I cannot praise Do an's Kidney Pills too highly, for they have been used in our home with the best results. Doan's Kidney Pills quick ly cure backache, languor and trouble with the kidney secretions. The contents of three boxes was all that was re quired to effect a cure in our family." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-MilDurn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's—and take no other. Grue Grist, July 1, 1912—Where are you going the 4th? Too warm for everybody. Haying has started and we all expect a good crop. Mrs. Axel Nelson was a Kandiyohi visitor this week. Pictures 2Vfc 4% inches. Price $12.00 All the new goods from the Kodak City— Eastman N. C- Films (the dependable kind) are in our. stock. Mail orders filled promptly. THE WIGGINS COMPAN WILLMAR, MINN. Free Catalogue Phone 125 A number from this vicinity attended the Clara Johnson funeral last Monday. Nels Casperson came up from Minne apolis last Monday for a few days' visit at the home of Arnt Carlson. He re turned on Thursday accompanied by Mrs. Arnt Carlson who will visit rela tives and friends down there for some time. The Ladies' Aid society met at Mrs. C. W. Peterson's Thursday afternoon with a big attendance. They will meet with Mrs. H. C. Gunderson next. Mrs. H. C. ounderson and son Bennie visited»at Sondre Sondreson's over Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Nelson were Sun day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Anderson over Sunday. Miss Hilda and Ella Olson of St. Paul came up last week for a visit at their parental home here. John Johnson returned from a week's visit at Glenwood and Ortonville, Minn. We understand Arne Embertson has sold 80 acres of land for $85 per acre. Miss Mattie Peterson left on Friday for Irving' to be in attendance at the "Ungdoms' stevne" at that place Satur day and Sunday. Mrs. Knut Thompson and little daugh ter were Willmar visitors a few days last week with the former's niece, Mrs. J. P. Ness. Mr. and Mrs. Enock Erickson returned last Monday from Svea where they went Dengerud. Special discount on set rings for the next ten days at Elmquist's Jew elry Store. »-"mw y.•^^a^j^^'^.^&.a"! ^JBg»J*\ifcrggTJHeijS»*-a*gfflJtf ng*^-i!^jyii^y^-t^ww a if Photography with the bother left out JiARMSON HUSKINGS Harrison, July 1—The Town Board met at B. M. Johnson's last Monday. Walter McRac assisted IT. I... Sten berg repair his auto last Monday. Walter McRae assisted ±1. L. S ten berg repair his auto last Monday. Dr. Anderson of Atwater called in this vicinity Tuesday. N. McCrimmon marketed stock at At water Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wilson of Atwater visited at the Geo. Wilson home from Thursday until Friday. Tom McCrimmon departed on Friday for Wheaton, Minn., where he will be employed in a garage. Miss Ethel Swenson of Minneapolis visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Martin last week. Albert and Norman Hanson are up from Windom, Minn., for a visit with friends here. There are parties in this vicinity and also from a neighboring township who seem to have it in their heads that charivariers in this part of the country are a mob of plunderers, who make it their business to go to places where weddings are held, as was recently done in the vicinity of West Harrison but we wish to state thru the columns of this paper, in hopes that such parties will not fail to read the news of this humble writer, that altho these chariv ariers do not live in the city of St. Paul they are civilized, and what they want is the privilege of making a little harm less noise and to get their usual smokes. Boost a Willmar Industry and Ask for Johnson's Velvet. Ice Cream. Colfax, July 1—The Mads and Carl Johnson families visited at Wilhelm Petterson's on Sunday. Conrad and Mathilda Nordlie of Bel grade visited at Severin Olson's on Sun day. B. S. Thompson of Hanaford, N. D., and Alick Olson of Dazeyi N. D., who have visited at their parental homes here for a few days, returned on Wed nesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ah 1 berg have re turned to their home at Willmar an extended visit with relatives here. The Christ Petterson family of Nor way Lake visited at Mikkel Olson's on Sunday. Marcus Mikkelson returned to Bel grade on Sunday to resume his duties, having spent his vacation with his par ents here. Sarah Anderson has been reported very sick with pneumonia. Mrs. Martha Petterson of Norway Lake visited with friends in this local ity a couple of days last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Johnson visited at Hans Gerhardson's on Sunday. Ask for Johnspn's Velvet Cream. 14 and 18 karat Wedding Rings AT ELMQUIST'S JEWELRY STORE BENSON AVENUE \. WILLMAR, MINN. Ice Are a of yqur cattle lousy they spend all their time rubbing on Thursday to visit Mr. and Mrs. pie themselves so they have no time to eat If so you need a wo fear of buying Onstad's Lic and Insec for cattle, as vo an get back if unsatisfactory Sold at Mos«berg*s Store, s: JUST RECEIVED DIRECT FROM THE RING FACTORY A FINE ASSORTMENT OF 4 Lake Elizabeth, July 1—Mrs. Adolph Winberg and' little daughter Margerie is up from Minneapolis for a few weeks' visit at Mrs. Winberg's parental hoi :e, G. J. Boom's. Miss Mable Norell of Kandiyohi spent last week with relatives here. Carl Uner our local blacksmith is very busy these days repairing mowers for the farmers. C. A. Swan our local merchant has added a nice line of tinware and granite ware to his stock of merchandise. A large number of relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bjur sprung a surprise on them last Sunday afternoon. A purse of $16.00 in cash was presentod to them. We hear a good deal about the electric railway that's coming thru Thorpe, but we believe it's a good deal like the story about the empty box, it's nothing in it Leander Campbell was one of the delegates from Rosendale to the Ep worth League convention held at Will mar last week. Andrew Paulson's were at Grovi City Friday, where they attended the funeral of Mr. Paulson's brother who died at the Paynesville hospital the first part of last week. A few farmers near Kandiyohi Lake have commenced haying, by next week haying will be general. Mr. and Mrs. August Carlson and daughter returned to their home at Min neapolis Thursday after visiting rela tives here. Mr. Carlson came up Mon day and Mrs. Carlson had been visiting here for several weeks. She is a daugh ter of Simon Ekbom. A 10% pound baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Broman last Thursday evening. This being the first one Reuben naturally feels tickled. He had already prepared for the cigars, which have been passed around. This certainly is a Roosevelt country. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Edmund were at Willmar Thursday and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Olson. Mrs. Elmer- Paulson who has been visiting relatives here for some time left for her home at Webster, S. D., last Thursday. She was accompanied by her sister-in-law, Miss 'Annie Paulson who will visit Webster for a short time. Hilmer Stenberg and wife and son Donald of Harrison, spent Sunday with their brother and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stenberg. Rev. E.- O. Erickson conducted serv ices at Atwater Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Pehr Olson. The Ladies' Aid society of the Swed ish Baptist church will meet at Becks in the town of Kandiyohi on July 9th. Myrtle Johnson left for her home in Minneapolis Saturday after spending 2 weeks at the C. A. Swan home. Mrs. Eddie Norine went to Willmar Thursday with her daughter, who is receiving treatments from Dr. Forssell. We hope that something can be done for the child who has been very delicate for several years. Mrs. -Baily and two children of St. Paul and Mrs. Otis and children of Will mar came down Monday and spent the week at their parental home, E. W. Berg's. Willie Olson or better known as Willie Overland, had a little breakdown with his auto while attending the midsum mer picnic at Fahlun but after one-half dozen men had worked with the machine all afternoon it was repaired by the aid of a few 10 penny nails. Gilbert Gibson won a nice set of dish es the other day. He is now looking for a dish washer. Nels Peterson and Miss Lind attended the social at Bjur's Thursday evening. Leap year. Harris Johnson our assessor met with the board of reviewers on mid summer day, but as all our people were off picnicing they had no time to go ana make any complaints. A. J. Olson has purchased a U. S. cream separator from C. A. Swan. August Olson and family autoed to Waverly Saturday and spent Sunday with Mrs. Olson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mattson. The rust is making its appearance on the grain these warm days and heavy dew at night seems to be the cause of it. A bowery dance will be given on the west shore of Lake Minnetago on the evening of July 4th. J. G. Peterson's broncho took a sud den departure for the happy hunting grounds Tuesday of last week. Mr. Johnson of Minneapolis was up here over midsummer and visited the Peter Gibson family. Mr. Johnson had not been here for 20 years and of course noticed a big change in the country. E. J. Edmund mail carrier on Rt. 6, has been taking his annual 15 days' va cation and Geo. Bowman has been the carrier.. ^•£*•'. •-j..-. ••'..".. Mrs. Jonn Olson and children of Will mar has been spending several weeks at Mrs. Olson's parental home, Mr. and MrB. Campbell. August Johnson and wife and wife's sister and mother of Rosendale autoed to Kandiyohi Lake Sunday. The correspondent to the Atwatar Press stated that genuine Budwiezer was for sale at Lake Elizabeth. We made an investigation and all we could find was sweet apple cider and butter milk, but it is possible that the corres pondent had inside information, like the little boy who had the stomach ache, the doctor was sent for and the doctor was going to try and cheer up the boy so he said, "My boy, you are not sick." "Yes," said the boy, "I got inside in formation." Men are rather scarce in this com munity about a dozen or.more men could find immediate employment. The young people's* meeting held at A. T. Bjur's last Thursday evening" was well attended and a good time reported. Rev. Sundstrom made a few remarks. A very larger .crowd 'from here at -tended the. co-operative store picnic at EdJEricspn^s last -Wednesday. A most enjoyable'tinte was had by all present. Mr and Mrs." .Reuben iEkbom en ter talned Mrs. •Ekbom's sisters and bro ther and family rota' Spicer, also 'a. few friends and relatives from Willmar over Sunday. Jv Mr. and Mrs. August Norine spent Sunoay at Gunners in East Lake Lill ian. A severe hail storm south of Thorpe Sunday evening did considerable dam age, but we have not learned the extent tot the damage done. The thermometer registered 96 in the shade four days last week and the rain we got on Sunday evening and Monday morning was real ref resning. Those jjrho had worn fur coats and,winter caps the week before filled them up with moth balls .and stored them away for the summer.'*'?s* .•»,*'' CamivaT Company July -4. The Great Western Carnival Company will come to the Willmar Amusement i-ark for one week, beginning July 4. They carry a number of riding devices, Ask for Cream. Willmar ELIZABETH LEAKING^ Johnson's Velvet Ice FREE CHURCH CONGREGATION TO OBSERVE 46th Mr. and Mrs. J. os autoed to Clara City last Monday to see their little grandson, who was born to Mr. and Mrs. Veenstra of that place. Mr. and Mrs. H. Bruggers and child ren visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Van Egmond last Tuesday evening. The Norwegian Luthern Free* congregation of Willmar celebrates its fortieth anniversary next Sunday. Rev. M. H. Heggeof Stoughton, Wis., will speak in the morning and Rev. E. E. Gynild of Fargo in the after noon. On Monday evening the Young People's Society of the church will give a program. .Roseland, July 1—Mr. and Mrs. P. Huisenga of Prinsburg Sundayed with Mrs. W. Nype and George Huisenga. While shingling last Tuesday Mr.Stob and Henry Moorelag had the misfor tune of going down with the scaffold. Both parties broke one of their arms above their wrists. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Dykema and fam ily spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. J. Zuidema. Mr. John Damhof purchased a runa bout one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. N. KnOtt and children of Danube autoed out and spent last Saturday and Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Nype. They were accompanied by Mrs. Huisenga, who visited with her daughter, Mrs. W. Nype. Mrs. Gust Lieptiz accompanied Mr. and Mrs. J. Vos to Clara City last Mon day and spent the day with the Grass huis family. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Stuhr and Albert and- Sadie Stuhr left last Saturday morning for Davenport, Iowa. They are making this trip with their auto. Mr. Ernola Plowman, the Roseland blacksmith, was called to H. Brugger's one day last week to repair his. pump. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gort spent Sun day evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Wieberdink. Mr. Sam Stob who .formerly worked for Mr. Henry Gort, Jr., is now working for his brother, Will Stob during the summer months. -Roseland, July 1—-Mrs. Harry Will iams and son Edward and daughter Mary weft Willmar visitors last Satur day. Miss Minnie Soderberg returned home last Monday after a month's stay at the Oscar Franzen home. Mr. H. T. Olson of Willmar was» seen in this vicinity last week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Anderson made a trip to Willmar last Wednesday. Some of our farmers have invested in hay stackers this summer. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Torgelson of Min neapolis came last week to visit with relatives and friends for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Olson entertained relatives and friends for dinner last Sunday. Mr. Joe Strafelda came home last Saturday from Jordan, Minn., where-he .^ *$ -M Mrs. Nils Thulin of Fahlun spent last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Anderson. Mr. John Lindblad and daughter Vera left on Saturday for Milaca, where they will visit for some time. .Misses Lizzie and Josie Sluka visited at the home of Ed Sluka's last Sunday afternoon. Mr. McLane is putting up a big dwell ing house on his farm tnis summer. Mr. Joseph Adamson has hired out to Martin Ruud for the busy season. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Peterson and son Harold visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Engwall last Sunday. Irving, July 1—Miss Ruby Anderson of Minneapolis is visiting at her home here. Mrs. H. TPeig and son Herbert of Wimbledon,. N. D. are visiting at the iftome-of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dit marson. Little Irene Johnson of St. Paul is staying with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Benson. The Young People's convention held in the Nordland church Friday, Satur day and Sunday of last week was quite well attended, in spite of the terrible heat all three days. John Sullivan from North Dakota spent a few days renewing old acquaint ances in thi3 vicinity last week, on his way* home from Illinois, where he had been visting at his parental home. Theodore Nelson from Kingsvillc, Texas, is visiting with his grandmoth er, Mrs. John Kulberg. Inga Olson, who has been-ill a long time, suffering from various diseases, is improving slightly. Hans Pederson is the owner of a new five passenger Ford auto. Crow River, July 1—John Severade Is' now doing some plastering for T. S. Thompson. Leslie Benner of Ne Hampton, Iowa, is at present visiting his uncle, B. Grif fith. Miss .Laura Anderson has been very sick with an attack of "rheumatic fever. At this writing she is slowly improving. Carl G. Kraabell and family visited at Christian Kraabell's last Sunday. Miss Gunda Johnson is now attend ing school at Glenwood, Mhin. Saron Ladies' Aid will meet at K. P. Knutson's July 13. Fourth of July celebration" will be has taken medical treatment for some held at Crow River parsonage. A good time. program and other amusements are ar Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kohrs visited with ranged. Everybody^ shcud try to be Holland friends last Tuesday. ^there.\ j- A POCKET MAP OR PLAT OF, YOUR Town or Village you will find convenient for reference. We have a few for every town in Kandiyohi county.::::, Price, 25c Each Anyone securing us a new subscriber may have his choice of one for himself and one for the new subscriber. Tribune Printing Co. .WILLMAR .1 vV i. 7 MINNESOTA mmm 'te-3l$f& i. ^53 LOCAL BREVITIES Mbf Gust Danlelson and family spent Sun day in the twin cities. ,, Miss Helen Parmeter spent Sunday a guest of Raymond friends. Rev. C. E. Oberg spent a couple of days in the twin cities last week. Misses Evelyn and Rena Berkness spent Sunday with their aunt at Benson. Mrs. W. D. McLaughlin and little daughter spent Sunaay with friends at St. Cloud. Mrs. R. J. Rasmusson and children spent Sunday at her parental home at Ne London. M. Hanson and daughter, Miss Lillie left Saturday for a visit with relatives at Hills, Minn. Miss Olga Welson came down from Spicer Friday for a week's visit with Miss Ida Melander. Geo. Olson ana Arthur Rudberg of Litchfield spent Sunday, guests of friends in this city. Miss Hilda Rasmusson of sve a left yesterday for jjecorali, Iowa, for a visit with her aunt and cousins. Mrs. M. R. Simons left Thursday to attend the Y. P. convention of the Free Luth. church held at Irving. Misses Tillie and Ellen McCune of Sioux Falls spent Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Bryant Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Klingberg and children left Saturday for the cities to spend Sunday, guests of friends. Mrs. M. A. Peterson and children re turned home Tuesday, after a week's visit with relatives at Litchfield. Miss Anna Kopley left Friday for her home at Cohassat, Minn., after a few days' visit at the home of I. M. Nelson. MK and Mrs. C. G. Valander and Miss Edith Dahl of Duluth arrived Saturday for a visit at' the M. W. Bloomquist home. Christian Skeie of Blaire, Wis., was in Willmar Saturday on his way to New London to visit his brothers, Arne and Olaf Skeie. Tom Marshall of the Gazette force, spent last week visiting friends in Min neapolis. He resumed his duties at the office Monday. Mrs. F. A. Buck and little son Virgil of Long Prairie, Minn., are visiting at the home of Mrs. Buck's sister, Mrs. Al fred Bergeson. Mrs. C. R. Barrows returned to her home at St. Paul Thursday after a few days' visit at the home of her brother, Lawrence Barnes. Mrs. Embertson and children and sis ter, Miss Alice Lundquist, left Monday for Mora, Minn., for a couple of months' visit with relatives. Mrs. J. Mihnikus of Benson returned to her home Friday from a few days' visit at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Swillins. Master Percy Howe returned to. his home at Kerkhoven Friday, after a short visit spent at the home of his little friend, Clifford Millard. Miss Florence Holm and Reuben Holm arrived Monday from Wheaton, tp spend a week visiting their cousins, Paul, Os car and Frances Hedhi. Miss Anna Schbllin arrived home Sun day night from Minneapolis and- will spend the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Schollin. Benj. Falkingham and sister Ada re turned home Monday from a three weeks' visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alban in Raymond. Mrs. F. S. Gallagher and baby of Wat ertown, Minn., on their way to Duluth for a visit at the home of her sister-ln law Mrs. J. C. Bednorz. Mrs. attd Mrs. O. A. Grangaard re turned home Monday, from a couple of weeks' visit with their daughter, Mrs. Thorvold Hon* In Wheaton, Miss Elvira Rasmusson of Svea was in Willmar last Wednesday night, en route for Valley City, N. D., where she will attend summer school. Miss Irene Stevens spent Friday at Eagle Lake, the guest of a number of young ladies,'who are enjoying a Home Party at the Sjoquist cottage,* ,:f« Mr. and Mrs.-A. O. Bryant are enjoy ing a visit froni Mrs. Bryant's sister, Mrs. M. I. Minton of Minneapolis at tneir home at the Merchants' Hotel. Miss Anna Schollin went out to ureen Lake Friday for a visit with Mrs. Au gust Johnson of Minneapolis, who Is at present visiting her parents in Spicer. Frank Pftlm, who recently returned from OberUn, Ohio, where he studied music, left Monday for Pipestone, where he wijl be employed for the summer. Miss Theresa Ubel of St. Paul ar rived Friday to spend a few days, a guest of Mr. and Mrs- F. Paulson at their summer home at Orescent Beach. Alfred Anderson left Wednesday af ternoon for Crow River to visit his Par ents and attend the Crow R}ver Cream ery picnic which was held there Thurs day. R. Ruddy, proprietor qf the G. N. eating house, returned home Friday night from Alberta, Canada, where he was called by the serious illness a relative. Miss Esther Erickson of Lake Lillian arrived Saturday to spend Sunday at the home of her aunt, Mrsv L, Ray, while here she attended the Luther League convention,*" ~'*^?'i 2. l-\„ Miss Alice* Anderson of Murdock vis ited relatives in this city over Sunday and attended the Lnstrict Epworth League convention held it the "Swedish M. E. church. ^"V v? The family of C. Walker, propri etor of the Delicatessen, arrived In Will mar early Tmirsday morning from River Falls, Wis., and will reside in the rooms oyer the store. •». Miss Ethel-Reedr who Is East on her vacation, will return to-Willmar about August 10th. She has not closed her studio, but left Miss Esther Hoglund in charge'of same. Miss Minnie ChrlstianBon^ of "New London visited Mrs. Henry Otor froni Thursday until Friday, when she left for a visit with relatives and friends at a D. Dr. Hugh Henderson of Chicago,. 111., arrived Saturday and is a guest at the James Sanderson, home. He went out to Lake Elisabeth Monday to enjoy a few days' outing. A. B. RICE, President •i' Misses Nora Johnson and Anna Ryd are enjoying their vacation from their duties as salesladies at the Leading store. Mrs. Wm. Benson and little daughter Pearl, left *rid,ay for Crow River, for a visit with Mrs. Benson's mother, Mrs. Lyons, ^j Mrs. K. O. Fjelstad of Granite Falls arrived Monday for a couple of weeks' visit at the homes of L. A. TJosvold, M. R. Simons and Dr. J. R. Peterson, rela tives of Mrs. Fjelstad. Henry Morrell returned home Mon day from a couple of weeks' business trip to Mankato. He was accompanied by his brother, P. C. Morrell, who will visit here a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Young returned to their home at Canby, Minn., the first of the week, after a pleasant visit at the homes of J. P. Bredberg, O. A. Lar son and Mrs. A. H. Soderling. Misses Christine Nelson and Hazel Lawson of Grove City were guests of Miss Nellie Pearson over Sunday and also attended the Luther League con vention of the Swedish Luth. church. Mrs. Frank Stansberry and children returned to their home at Minneapolis Saturday, after a pleasant visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G, Sampson at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Olaf uale in this city. Rev. Selmer Tallakson left Wednes day night for Rogers for a* short visit before returning to his home at Roseau. While in this city Rev.. Tallakson visit ed at his parental home, Mr. and Mrs. Nels Tallakson for the past month. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Gustafson, Grandma Bengtson and Mrs. Emma Bengtson of New London accompanied by their niece, Miss Myrtle Cramer, who has been visiting relatives and friends there, autoed to Willmar Friday to spend Sunday at the 1. T. Cramer home. Captain K. Allen of the local corps of the Salvation Army in this city, depart ed Friday for St. Paul and from there he leaves for Seattle, Wash., to continue the same work. N We believe that our 30 years of business among you (the people of Kandiyohi County) warrants in claiming that we can offer yon an abso lutely safe storehouse for your money. Checks on us are accepted in payment of bills at par in any part of Minnesota, Ninety per cent of the successful business men are Bank Depositors. What better time than now to open a Cheek Account with us? We nave unexcelled facilities for trans acting, all branches of bankiiig.pfsp|pip^ Our Officers will be glad to extend to yon every courtesy consistent with sound banking. We will keep your valuables in our fire-proof vault free of charge. We shall be pleased to have you call on us. ---_• BANK OF WILLMAR RING0 LAKE Ringo Lake, July 1—Miss Anna John son of Kenmare, N. £., spent a few days visiting with friends in this community last week. Mrs. Ole Nygren is at present a guest at the Andrew Danlelson home. The "Willing Workers" society given at the home of Mrs. Berg was well at tended and the sum of $7.36 was col lected. Mrs, Emma Anderson of New London visited at the Nels Monson home here last Friday. Mr. Emil Ekblad returned last Fri day after a week's visit with friends at a Bolt, S. D. Mr. Oscar Johanson, who for some time has been employed near Kandiyohi returned last Wednesday to this com munity, •-, '?".*•-:•' Mr. Oscar Peterson from Long Prai rie has been assisting P. J. Ekblad with some work. Miss Lena Monson spent a few days visiting with, August Holler's near Twin Lakes last week. She returned last Friday. Mr. Nils Hanson and sister, Miss Thilda of Long Lake were visitors Sun day at the home of Mrs. Berg. Mr. Albert Grorud and family spent last Sunday at the Andrew Danlelson home, A number of Ringo Lake people at tended the social given at the Carl Bengtson home. A number of people from here spent Sunday afternoon by the snores of Lake Florida. Mrs. Anna Monson visited with Mrs. P. J. Ekblad last Sunday afternoon. Mr. Johnson of Willmar is at present working for Monson Bros. Mr. Carl Lovander spent a couple of days at the Holm home near Lake Flor ida the first part of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Peterson spent last Friday evening at the Andrew Daniel son home. .^ .-* •Mr. Fri^s Danlelson was a visitor lastT Sunday evening at the Jonas Monson. home. j,s*?f :,• ~$b*^¥*."C"* /'-V: Miss Lily Skoglund spent Monday at the Skoglund home near, Lake Flor ida. Mr. Gustaf Ahlberg was a visitor from Tuesday until Saturday at the home of his brother Carl near New Lon- don. Jj ^7-^~ 'rf?T Mrs. Niels Feleen and Mrs."" Anna Swenson from near^ Long Lake visited with friends in this*community Monday of .last week. Eleanor Swenson spent a couple of days at the home of Mrs. Berg last ,.: ronrth of July a* S Jonas. The S Johns Norwegian Lutheran church will hold its summer festival at Christ Hanson's home on July 4th. Rev. E. E. Gynild of Fargo will be the speak er of the a & %.**!' jF? The Metropolitan Barber Shopv Bank of Willmar Bnildinf, B. T. Otoe, proprietor, is the shop to fats ahavo, hair est and bath. 32f Ask ftr Jshosen's Vetvst lot Capital, Surplus sBf UatfivM«4 Fratto, $120,000.00 N. «. 8WBN8ON, •ss'tCaaafcr C. B. LIBN, Vlce-Pres. Misses Helen and Esther Tallman and Miss Frances McNees, all returned home the first of the week from a week's visit with their friend. Miss Helen Hornbeck at Superior, Wis. F. O. HANDY, Cashier Capt. Allen has spent several months In this city and his many friends here regret to see his de parture. Mrs. J. C. Dale left last Wednesday for Litchfield and from there she was accompanied by a party of friends and autoed to Blooming Prairie to spend a week visiting relatives and friends. Miss Mary Wigdahl and little nephew, Harold Olson left Thursday for Irving to attend-the P. convention. •--.•-.'• .Rev. Arvid OstUng, Esther Nickol son, Roy Landberg. 8tella Norin, Paul Anderson, Esther Hoglund, David and Hildur Hoglund and Hannah Norin re turned Sunday night from a week's stay in Minneapolis in attendance at the Northwestern Y. P. convention held at the Swedish Mission Tabernacle from June 25 to June 30th. WEST LAKE NEWS West Lake, July 1—The West Lake Congregation held a picnic at the church grounds on June 30th. Receipts am ounted to about |70. Though the weath er was hot a large crowd was. in at tendance and seemed to be enjoying themselves. Mrs. M. Aasen arrived in Kerk hoven Friday from Bowman county, N. D. She will visit with relatives hers for a while. Reier Stal is renewing acquaintances in this neighborhood this week. Carl M. Aasen has hired out to Jacob Jacobson for the coming busy season. The Misses Mabel Evenson and Gur lne Huse attended the picnic at -West Lake Sunday. Edward Relgstad drilled a well for Carl Evenson of Norway. Lake and re paired one for Ben Halvorson the last week. Miss Otina Stal is visiting with her brother, Peter Stai at present. W. L. Aasen drilled a we for Thron Ronholt last week. Crops are looking fine at present and farmers expect a bumper crop.' The XJttle Seiners. The Little Helpers of the Swedish Baptist church will meet next Friday evening at 8 o'clock In the 8. S. room for their monthly business meeting. There will be a short program and re freshments will be served by Elmer and Andrew Peterson. Everybody welcome. Ask Cream. for Johnson's Velvet let LITTL E GIFT S 10 SUBSCRIKIS Pocket Bfaps of Nortfcw* Slates and Tribane's Popla E41tloaiolOM W have prepared a supply of maps of Minnesota and the States to the West where so many former Kandiyohians have made their homes, in convenient form for the pocket. The following are now ready: MINNESOTA, with list of towns and population, 1910 census. NORTH DAKOTA, with list of towns and population, 1910 census. SOUTH DAKOTA, with list of towns and population, 1910 census. MONTANA, with list of to a population, 1910 census. roAHO, with list of towns and pop ulation, 1910 census. WASHINGTON, with list of town* and population, 1910 census. OREGON, with list of towns and pop ulation, 1910 census. DOMINION OF CANADA, with prin cipal towns and population. SoUlak P*to», lOo each. We win be glad to aend you one of these free of charge when we receive your subscription of renewal to tbo Willmar Tribune. Check off your choice and enclose this clipping with your re mittance. If you do not care for a pocket map we will be glad to mall you a copy of our special popular edition of old-time songs, over fifty selections, complete with tf you want a copy, re quest it when you remit fcr your sub scription. oasnrAjrcB HO. its. A Odrinanos VrOhlTsitiBs the to rublio View of any State of Xypnotlo Sleep or Im a Within tno of the City of WttV it ordained by the City of WOK mar, as follows ...-,. Section 1—No person shall expose an -%^,' other to public view within the limits: *z of the City of WJllmar in a state of 7 hypnotic sleep or trance nor caus'e soch js' otuer to be so exposed, nor shall any ,-, person suffer or permit himself to hypnotised for the purpose of being ex posed to public view in a hypnotic sleep or trance or for the purpose of being exhibited for advertising purposes or otherwise while in such condition, with in the limits of said city. Section 2.—Any person who shall vio late any provision of this ordinance, shall, upon conviction thereof before tno Municipal Court of said City or before any Court having jurisdiction, be pun ished by a fine of not less than Twenty five nor more than One Hundred Doll ars, together with the costs of prose cution, or by imprisonment in the county jail for not less than twenty-five nor more than ninety days. Section 3.—This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication. Approved June 25th, 1912. E. C. WELLIN. Mayor. TlMMmsMqKdMDelUr^HsisI 200 MODERN ROOMS S3INOLK RATE lUSOFuui mTtfoatwosaaaai :%, MUVAVCUTNiUVOTOIUCT.SXVaa COMPLCTC SAffeTY AUTOMATIC- SPRINKLCRO AND FUtCPffOOr CONSTRUCTION (mouwuioc aacoaos anew no uvea even MOT a asamauto ovnomoj smrcM. OTCJWL MCAT. a*o an* UOMTS. *MO TcutswosiK anwies. acvBsj avoav aansa as ir -•IM