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1 1 I 1 Your Mone [Entered December 5, 1902. under act of March 3, 1879] 'rMMt^^'diJiAiLL Should be invested and earning something. We offer you the best four per cent invest ment that you can find. For any amount deposited with us on Cer tificates of Deposit we pay you four per cent interest, if left six months. We cordially invite you to become one of our customers, no matter how small your account, you will receive courteous treat ment and every facility of this bank will be placed at your disposal. "A UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY" RESOURCES OVER $450,000.00 Established Feb 19, 1895. Published ever/ Wednesday at 328-330 Benson Ave., Willmar, Minn., by Victor E. Lawson under the firm name of— TBXBVNS HUNTING COMPANY. orrxciAX. FAPEB or XANSXYOKX COUNTY AND CITY OF WXIAMAB. ADVERTISING- RATES quoted on application. CARDS OF THANKS AND OTHER PERSONAL. NOTICES, 50 cents, ten lines or less. Correspondents wanted in each locality. Write a sample news letter and ap ply for terms GUARANTIED CIRCULATION 2,850. WILLMAR. MINNESOTA. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 4. 1912. YOUR AMERICAN DUTY AS A CITIZEN Study the sample ballots published in this issue. They are published officially for the reason that you may familiarize yourself with the same, so you will have prepared yourself when you enter into the sanctity of the election booth to make those "X" marks which constitute your highest duty as an American citizen. As a good citizen you have no greater duty than to go and vote as your conscience and best judgment dictate. You have still two weeks to study up the qualifications of the candi dates presented by YOUR PARTY at the primary election. For the first time in the history of the commonwealth you have the priv ilege as one of the rank and file of your party to go and vote directly for the men you would like to see represent you, and you may be sure that your vote will count. Not only have you the privilege of naming your first choice, but, like a delegate to a convention, you have the right to express your second choice which will count if your first choice candidate fails of the nomination. These votes will be faithfully recorded and counted in such a manner that no matter how many candidates there may be, someone will be nomi nated by a majority vote. The new law makes it imperative that all members of minority parties go to the primaries and vote, even if they have but one candidate and he has no opposition. For instance, if Lobeck fails to poll ten per cent of the aver age vote received by the prohibition candidates in the state two years ago, his name cannot go upon the ballot. Therefore it is necessary for every party prohibitionist to vote at the primary if he wants the chance to vote for his man at the fail election. The same is true of the democratic, public ownership and socialist labor tickets. If August Forsberg is to go on the ballot in this district or A. 0. Peterson in the county they must poll ten per cent of the average vote polled for the democratic candidates in their respective districts two years ago. Therefore every man who calls himself a democrat has a duty to per form now if he would have a chance to vote this fall. Besides the party ballot, every voter will be given a non-partisan bal lot. Oh, marvel of progress! Regardless of party division every voter may make his vote effective in the choice of judges and school officers. The two having the largest vote for each office will appear on the general election ballot. The Superintendent of Schools and Judge of Probate are included on this ballot. This non-partisan ballot idea will no doubt be extended to Include county and state officers in time, and when it is tnere will be more trouble for the manipulating politicians. There are many officials to be selected besides the leading ones, and it 3s these that the voter should study up. When you get into the booth with only a minute or two of time it will be too late to make an intelligent choice, jf you have not given the matter any thought before. We repeat, it is your highest duty as a citizen to go and vote. If the weather is dry there will be an unprecedented rush of threshing about the lime of the primaries. But don't let any rush of work prevent you from doing your whole duty as an American citizen. Be sure to go to the polls. Jt is privilege which you should not despise. If you fail to go out Sept. 17 and help select a U. S. senator, a governor, etc., on down to county surveyor, you are just as culpable as the legislator who would fail to be on hand in the halls of legislation when important bills were pending. Added privileges bring added responsibilities. Bringing the govern- =fRLBUNE Address: Willmar. Minn. •XTBSCBXPTXON BATES. One Tear (within United States only) J1.50 Six Months 75 Three Months 4" Three months on trial to new subscribers 25 Four Tears in advance 5.00 Five Years in advance 6.00 To foreign countries always in advance, at the rate of, per year 2.00 The printed mailing list from which the paper is mailed is corrected the first of each month. If the slip on your paper does not show a credit the month fol lowing that when payment was made please call our attention to the matter, but aot until after the 1st paper of the next month. at Willmar, Minnesota, as second class matter, VICTOR E, LAWSON. Editor and Manager. H. P. LIMPERICH, Foreman of Printery. '^tfJMk^^k Illi ment closer to the people, demands more attention from the voters, let anything keep you from casting your vote. %vx^*p'ms COUNTY POLITICS The new primary law placed Sheriff Bonde in a mast embarrassing po sition. With the prospects of not being able to secure sufficient votes in the primary to qualify as a prohibitionist, he filed on the republican ticket. He wishes to have it understood that he has not changed his ideas one single bit, and the people of the county know Peter Bonde well enough to be assured that he will remain just as independent and fearless in the dis charge of 'his duties as heretofore. He refuses to take the opposition filing seriously, as he regards it as a cheap trick to attempt to make him trouble for having tried to do his duty. The republican organization! (if there still remains one such in iaot) may well be congratulated upon the fact that Mr. Bonde filed on th ir ticket. Had he not done ho, they would had another candidate on theii hands. There will be a contest for county surveyor, J. A Rowat again con gesting with Ala Abrahamson for the plact. T*\o years ago Mr. Rowat was a new in the county and little known. Since locating at Willmar he has been, busy with civil engineering work and is now (as city engineer) the chief inspector of the new sewer system being put in at Willmar. Mr. A. 0. Peterson, democratic candidate for representative, in a letter to the Willmar Tribune, very strenuously objects to the statement made in the Republican-Gazette that he does not expect to make a winning fight, but that he is only laying a foundation for securing the Pemiock postoffice. He declares that Mr. Berglund, the present postmaster, is perfectly satis factory to him and hopes that the postoffice will remain where it is even after Woodrow Wilson becomes president. Mr. Elias Rachie will not do any extended personal campaign work for himself. He states that the people of the county know 'his stand on pub lic questions and he is content to abide by their decision. He left Tuesday for a trip to the Red River Valley where he will speak ow behalf of a pro gressive choice for governor. He urges voters to vote for Lee and Young as their first and second choice, or if one prefers Young and Lee. He con siders these two as having by long odds the lead in the progressive column of candidates. Henry Ramsett makes a rejoinder to the Ed. Sanderson letter on a postal card mailed generally to the voters. Among other things he says: "No banker, merchant, farmer or any other person, ever discharged a serv ant simply because he had rendered long, faithful service to him. Therefore, I do not believe that you will vote against me simply for the reason that I have rendered iong, faithful service to the people." Mr. P. H. Frye, the candidate for representath e, has been making a few trips in the county. He finds that people generally take very kindly to his candidacy, and has become quite confident that he will win out in the contest. G.v A. Erickson, candidate for the legislative honors, believes that when the votes are counted he will be found to be the leading candidate. He does not appear to be making any strenuous campaign, but he is somewhat of a "gum-shoer" as his past political contests in the city testify. With the exception of the clerk of count and surveyor office the court house officials are on easy street. They are in position to watch the de velopments of the interesting campaign without the disturbing factor of being obliged to fight for their own offices. And most of them are wise enough to let the kettle boil without any stirring on their part. It's a good campaign for an office-holder not to meddle with. In view of the claim of being in favor of the rigid enforcement of the law made by Mr. H. E. Hansen, candidate for sheriff, the following little incident as it was related to us by Sheriff Bonde, whom Mr. Hansen has filed against at the primaries, will prove interesting. The sheriff had received reports that Mr. Hansen had obligingly de livered cases of beer to a certain place after dark. On the evening of Tues day, August 20th, while the sheriff was standing outside of Ca.lson Brothers' drug store, he saw Mr. Hansen coming down the center of the street with a cart in which was a case of beer. Stepping across the street, he stopped Mr. Hansen and asked him if it was his beer. He said it was not. The sheriff asked him whose beer it was and he replied that he did not know. The sheriff then examined the label on the case, which he found to have been shipped from the Minneapolis Brewing Company, Litchfield branch, and was case number 376x13 and was billed to H. H. Smith at Willmar. Then the sheriff asked Hansen if his name was Smith. The man replied that it was not. He then asked him if he knew where he would find Mr. Smith. He re plied, "I will go and see if I can find him." In about two minutes he re turned and reported that he could not find Smith. The sheriff then asked him if Mr. Smith had hired him to deliver the beer. Hansen replied "no," and then left the scene of action for the Central Hotel, where he is em ployed, leaving the case of beer on the sheriff's hands. Not knowing what to do with the beer, the sheriff returned it to the Great Northern Express Company, where- it awaits its owner. The agent informs the sheriff that the parties who appeared to be interested in the beer had notified him that it now belongs to the sheriff. As this interesting incident occurred a few days before Mr. Hansen's filing for sheriff, it may throw some light on his sudden ambition to see the laws rigidly enforced. Mr. F. A. Nelson, candidate* for commissioner in Fifth District, called on the Willmar Tribune yesterday. Frank said that had he known there was to be so many filings he might have stayed out of the race. Being in, he proposes to make a winning fight if he can, and he laughed in his char acteristic happy manner at the situation. AY LAKEI NIBBLES,) Norway Lake, Sept. 2,—Miss Ma bel Sethney, who has been visiting in this locality for a couple months, returned to her home at Twin Valley, Minn., last week. Gerhard Swenson, who has been in Dakota for several months, is now manager of his father's threshing rig. A few farmers around here have been trying to thresh their grain out of the shock, but it has been up hill work so far, as the rain does not cease long enough to give the grain time to dry out. The old lady Mrs Handy, who has been sick for several months, died at her home last Thursday. Funeral was held last Saturday, Rev. Soten dahl officiating. Last Saturday evening while at tending a party given by the young folks of the Jackson farm, Miss Ju lia Peterson was taken very sick. Dr. Oppegard of New London was called and when he arrived, thought it best to bring Miss Peterson along with him to the hospital as he feared an operation would be necessary. The Ladies' Aid will meet at Mrs. C. A. Syverson's, Sept. 12th next. Ben Halvorson has lately made a trip up to his farm in Clay County to look over his 360 acres of flax. He found the flax in fine condition and expects a yield of about 15 bu. to the acre. Miss Florence Peterson 'returned home after visiting about a week in PennocL _.»•- \f -a js, uf v-*v ^Pk 9l Don't Gov. Eberhart and Dist. 104. Norway Lake, Sept. 2, 1912. Editor Willmar Tribune: And so our Governor is going to come out- here and talk to us next Sunday. S'pose he is coming to find out if those whom he helped out a little over a year ago are going to do him a favor now. School Dist. No. 104 applied for a $1000 loan from the State in the latter part of the year 1910, and would no doubt have got it too but for a few who sent in a protest to the State Board of Investment, warning said Board not to loan School District No. 104 any money. This protest we under stand was signed by some 40 persons selected from all over the county, including Hon. Elias Rachie and the Superintendent of Schools, Mr. Frederickson. When this protest reached the Board of Investment, the Governor made a motion that the pe tition of Dist. No. 104 should not be granted. To please 40 voters in the spring of 1*911 will no doubt bring ten times that many votes in the fall of 1912 was probably the thought that struck the Governor. C. A. SYVERSON. Last Thursday afternoon a num ber of lady friends gathered at the home of Mrs Samuel Nelson to help her celebrate her birthday anniver sary. A dainty luncheon was serv ed at five o'clock, and Mrs Nelson was presented with a handsome gift as a remembrance of the occasion. Samuel Nelson left last Thursday for Braham to attend the State Luth er League convention. He returned Monday evening. Several of the W. H. S. pupils from this vicinity went to Willmar Saturday. Miss Ellen Lindberg has been as sisting Mrs. M. R. Swenson during threshing. School opens in the Washington school Tuesday, with the Misses Clara Anderson and Thilda Johnson as teachers. Two more subjects have been added to the course of study, namely domestic science and agricul ture. The basement of the school has been remodeled during the sum mer, and a few other improvements have been made, so this ought to en courage the pupils to try to attend every day. Me&dames Erickson, Olson and Johnson visited with Mrs P. N. Ol son Thursday afternoon. The building committee of District 55 met at school Tuesday evening for the purpose of inspecting the work before school opens. Mr and Mrs. Per Monson and Mr. and Mrs. Hjaimer Nordstrom and family visited with Otto Lindquist's Sunday afternoon. A little lady has arrived at Wal fred Blomquist's. Congratulations! August Norman left last Friday for northern Minnesota, where he ex pected to look over some business matters and then to select some goods for the Svea Mercantile Co. Pete Johnson shipped three car loads of stock last week. P. E. Johnson has been assisting P. N. Olson during stacking. Mr. and Mrs Erick Moline and family and Mr. and Mrs. A. 0. Nel son and family were entertained at P. N. Olson's Sunday afternoon. Mr. Henry Bjelkengren has been at Rochester a few days as Mrs. Bjelk engren has undergone an operation. Mr. and Mrs. Norman and family, who have been visiting E. R. Swen son's and other relatives and friends, left for their home at Minneapolis. Christ Berg is enjoying his vaca tion this week and expects to take in the sights at the State Fair. Miss Olga Westerberg came home from Willmar, where she has been staying during her vacation. Mr. Hitch has gone to Wisconsin to attend to some business and also join his family who have been visit ing there for some time. The Misses Erickson of Cannon Falls have been visiting with Swan Nelson's. Quite a number of the young peo ple have left for Willmar, where they attend the high school. Frank Franzen has now begun work for the Svea Mercantile Co. Miss Harriet Norman has re turned from Willmar, where she has been visiting the past week. Mesdames Olson and Swenson visited at Willmar Monday. The school board, together with a few others met at the Svea store Monday evening to make arrange ments for the Svea fair to be held at the school house in Distinct 55 September 16th. Mr and Mrs. A. P. Johnson visited |with Walfred Blomquist's Sunday afternoon. Svea, Sept. 2—J. Ed. Hitch left on a business trip to Cumberland, Wis., last Friday. Miss Edith Rudgren left last Sat urday for St. Paul. She was ac companied by Miss Ruth Anderson, who has been visiting at the Klopp home for some time. The ice cream social given by the Young People's Society last Tuesday evening was quite a success in ispite of the rainy weather. The Society will hold their regular monthly meet ing, Sept. 13. Program will be pub lished in next week's issue. Misses Ingeborg and Olive Nelson left for Willmar on Saturday to re sume their work at the Willmar High School. One of our young sports made a swift trip to Raymond last Thursday aftermoon. Rather nice to ha\e a motor cycle. Haldor and Anna Hegstrom nicely entertained fifty of their friends a week ago Sunday evening. The guests enjoyed the many musical pieces and outdoor games which were played and they all voted their host esses as royal entertainers. Mr. Ole Norheim left for Minneap olis last Saturday to attend* the State Fair. The Ryden family was entertained at the J. A. Engvall home in Rose land last Sunday. Rev. Ryden and daughter Hildur leave for St. Peter today. Miss Ry den will remain for the winter and take a course of music at G. A. Col lege. Paid advertisement. Authorized by the candidate. A. H. Hansen, whose ad dress is Willmar, Minnesota, and for which he has paid to this paper the sum of $5 00 FOR SHERIFF. To the Voters of Kandiyohi County: I have filed for the nomination on the Republican ticket for sheriff, and respectfully solicit your support and your vote. I believe that a change in the office of sheriff will be beneficial to the people of the county. If elect ed, I pledge myself to conduct the affairs of the office according to law, which means that all will be given a square deal and that the office will not be used by me to protect my friends and devil my enemies. £f or tmmmmmm Respectfully yours, E. H. HANSEN. 4P W «nix SVEA SIFTINGfr- Svea, Minn, Sept. 2—Misses Ellen and Ethel Nordstrom, who have been visiting for a wjeek in St. Paul have returned home. I I I I RING0 LAKE Ringo Lake, Sept. 2—Last Thurs day morning at 6:30 o'clock Rubina Rerg passed away from this earth, after an eight months' suffering of a complication of diseases. Annie Es ther Rubina Rerg was born June 14, 1897, and thus had attained the age of 15 yearb. Last January she was taken down with rheumatic fever, and many times then life was almost gone, but she recovered slowly from that and then pneumonia set it, and for the last five months bhe has been suffering untold agonies with drop sy, which was the main cause of her death. Funeral services were held last Friday at 1 o'clock p. m., at her home and at 3:30 at the Swedish Lutheran church at New London. In terment was made at the Lebanon cemetery at that place, Rev. Chris tian Swenson officiating. The pall bearers were six girl friends of the deceased, Olia and Lillie Larson, Esther Monson, Edith Nelson, Yerd na Monsoni and Alice Swenson. Ac cording to the wish of the deceased the hymn "Nearer My God To Thee" was sung by the girls who were her school mates, before the cortege left the house. She leaves to mourn her early death, her mother, a sister, Ol ga and brother Ernest, besides a large circle of sorrowing friends and other relatives, who all will sorely miss Rubina among their nnd^t where she was so dearly loved. The sym pathy of the entire community goes out to the bereaved ones in their great loss. Mr. and Mrs. John Carlson of Grove Citv visited at the Berg home from Friday until Sunday of last week. Miss Agnes Pohl of Atwater is at present visiting at the home of Mrs. Rerg. Misses Lena and Amanda Monson left for the Twin Cities last Monday to be in attendance at the State Fair. Mrs. True Osgood and children of St. Cloud arrived here Thursday, for a week's visit at the And. Danielson home. Mr. Arvid Pohl is reported to be on the sick list. A number of friends spent last Sunday evening at the. Jonas Monson home in honor of Henry Monson's birthday. Mrs. Roos of Litchfield visited a few days at the Mrs. Berg home. Miss Alphia Otterness of Willmar arrived to this vicinity Sunday and on Monday she commenced teaching the "Lakeview" school. Miss Otter ness is making her home with the Jalmar Larson family. Miss Thilda Hanson of Willmar is at present visiting at the David Swenson home. Miss Olia Larson is assisting Mrs. E. F. Ekblad during threshing. Stella Anderson returned to her home at New London last Friday af ter a visit here with relatives. Mrs. Thilda Peterson of Priam, Mrs. Oscar Ringstrom and daughter Gervaise of Litchfield and Mrs. An drew Anderson of Atwater and P. D. Ringstrom of Grove City were in at tendance at the funeral of Rubina Berg Friday. AAAAARE uvSafc Mamre, Sept. 2—A representative from the Minnesota Anti-Saloon League will be here from Minneapo lis and will speak at the following churches Sept. 8th: Mamrelund in the 'forenoon Lundby at 3 o'clock in the afternoon and at Salem 8 o'clock in the evening. Rev. A. Lidman of Minneapolis will preach at the Lundby church next Sunday evening. Mrs. Ole Rogstad of Rice Lake, Wis., is a guest at the J. A Swenson and Hagman homes. Misses Cornelia Gunderson and Nellie Nelson spent Sunday after noon at Abrahams on's. Messrs. Adolph Oslund and Gust. Sundberg returned to the Cities on 7 S Boys Schoo Suitsj TOM ROWELL I HEADQUARTERS FOR BOYS' SCHOOL SUITS SVEA INDUSTRIAL FAIR Takes Place at Svea School House Monday, Sept 16. $120 in Prizes. The Svea Industrial Contest takes place in the schoolhouse of Dist. No. 55, the Svea school, on Monday af 'ternoon, Sept. 16, 1912, beginning at one o'clock. Thru the generous do nations of business men and others of Willmar, Olma and Svea, we are giving, under the supervision of Co. Supt. W. D. Frederickson, our first Donations by Merchants and Others: Dahlquist & Larson, $3.00 Klopp Merc. Co., $3.00 Svea Co-op. Merc. Co., $5.00 State Bank of Svea, $5.00 School Dist. 55, $5.00 School Dist. 83, $5.00 Albert L. Norling, $5.00 Svea Creamery, $3.00 Gus tafson Studio, $4.50 Heins & Byers, $1.50 Olivia Roller Mills, $3.00 An derson Bros. Jewelry Co., $5.00 Dr. B. J. Branton, $10.00 Backlund Stu dio, Forsberg & Stoll, $5.00 Carlson Bros, drug store, $2.50 D. Elmquist, Jewelry Co., $1.00 Ekander tailor shop, $2.00 Dr. C. E. Gerretson, $3.00 Litchfield Flour Mills, $3.00 J. P. Madison, 50c Mossberg drug store, $3.00 Metropolitan Barber Thursday. The coffee social that was to come off at J. O. Hagman's on Aug. 31 had to be postponed until Monday eve ning, Sept. 2, on account of rain, but turned out to be a grand success in spite of muddy roads. Mrs. Charles Franzen and son Stanley from St. Paul is here for a couple of weeks' visit With the Aug. Peterson family near Pennock. Mr. and Mrs. A. Benson were din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Mor ris Sunday. Mr. Birger Okeson, Gustaf Daniel son and daughter, Mrs. F. O. Carlson, Mr. and Mrs. N. Abramson and daughter Ellyn were among those who left from this icinity to take in part of the state fair this week. Miss Person from Triumph, Minn., is a guest of A. W. Franklin's. The lightning killed a horse of Ed. Kleve's Thursday night. Mis* Sophie Soderholm of Minne apolis visited friends up here from Saturday until Tuesday. uy^iu--w^4ii"g. Every boy in town, and out of town, will want a a I school suit, and for a limited time, we are going to give to our boy friends I A Watch. Absolutely Free with every suit. We no trash to offer our trade—nothing but the mosthave stylish and durable suits—built for the strenuous school boy. Come here and see what excellent school suits we ares offering at $2.50, $3.50, $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00. I The suits that we offer at these prices tell the story I better than we can tell it in our ad. ^f*1'11^ annual fair for boys and girls. Any boy or girl residing in Dist. No. 55, 68, 82 or 83, and who is under 18 years of age, may compete for any or all prizes in his or her class. Exhib its must be brought in by one o'clock on above named date. Co. Supt. Frederickson will appoint the judges. The editor of The Farmer of St. Paul will give an address. Prof. Thomp son of the University and other prominent speakers will appear. The following prizes will be award ed for the articles and in the sums mentioned: Boys' List. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 6th. Corn, 10 ears $5.00 $2.00 $1.00 $1.00 $0.50 $0.50 Wheat, 1 peek 4.50 2.50 1.00 .50 .50 .50 Barley, 1 peck 5.00 2.00 1.00 .50 .50 .50 Early potatoes, 1 peck 3.00 1.50 1.00 .50 .50 .50 Late potatoes, 1 peck 3.00 2.00 1.00 .50 .50 .50 Onion*, y2 peck 3.00 2.00 1.00 .50 .50 .50 bqua-di, 1 peek 1.50 1.00 .50 .50 .25 .25 Girls' List. White bread $5.00 $3.00 $1.00 $0.75 $0.50 $0.50 Cocoanut cake (layer) 3.50 2.00 1.00 .50 .25 .25 Canned apples 3.00 2.00 1.00 .50 .25 .25 Canned strawberries 2.00 1.50 1.00 .50 .25 .25 Buttonhole* (set of 3) 3.00 2.00 1.00 .50 .25 .25 Plain work apron, hand made. .. 5.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 .50 .50 Hemmed patch 2.25 2.00 1.00 .50 .25 .25 Special prize to the girl winning most prize money $5.00 Special prize to the boy winning most prize money 5.00 Shop, $2.00 Nelson Music Co., $3.00 Nelson & Gabbert, hardware, 75e Dr. Nelson, Veterinary, $1.00 C. A. Nelson Jewelry Co., $2.25 Paul M. Peterson, farm implements, $2.00 lAlgot Peterson, harness shop, $2.00 Peterson & Qvale, $5.00 Andrew Peterson, furniture dealer, $2.00 Tom Rowell, clothier, 50c S. E. Stansberry, $5.00 Singer Sewing Machine Co., $3.00 M. R. Simons Studio, $5.00 E. T. Sandbo, $2.00 I Standard Lumber Co., $5.00 Will mar Fuel Co., $1.00 Dr. Wanner, Veterinary, $1.00 Youngberg Sisters Millinery, $3.50 Contractor, $1.00 Walmark Tailor Shop, 50c New Lon don Milling Co., $3.00. (First publication Sept 4-4t) Citation for Hearing1 on Fstitlon for Probate of WilL Estate of Peter Lindquist. State of Minnesota, County of Kandi yohi, In Probate Court. In the Matter of the Estate of Peter Lindquist, Decedent The State of Minnesota to all persons interested in the allowance and probate of the will of said decedent: The petition of Brita Lindquist being duly filed in this court, representing that Peter Lind quist, then a resident of the County of Kandiyohi, State of Minnesota, died on the 20th day of July, 1912, leaving a last will and testament which is presented to this court with said petition, and praying that said instrument be allowed as the last will and testament of said decedent, and that letters Testamentary be issued thereon to Ole Blomquist, of said county, NOW THEREFORE, you, and each of you, are hereby cited and re quired to show cause, if any you have, before this court, at the Probate Court Rooms in the Court House, in City of Willmar, County of Kandiyohi, State of Minnesota, on the 30th day of Septem ber, 1912, at 2 o'clock p. m., why the prayer of said petition should not be granted. WITNESS THE HONORABLE T. O. Gilbert, Judge of said court, and the seal of said court, this 3rd day of September, 1912. (COURT SEAL) T. O. GILBERT, JUST RECEIVED DIRECT FROM THE RING FACTORY A FINE ASSORTMENT OF 14 and 18 karat Wedding Rings AT ELMQUIST'S JEWELRY STORE BENSON AVENUE iWILLMAR, MINN. i\ ^€i I 4. Judge. GEO OTTERNESS, Attorney for Petitioner, Willmar, Minn.