Newspaper Page Text
I Ri' CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Council Chambers, Library Building, Willmar, Minn., Aug. 26, 1912. Regular meeting of the City Coun cil with Mayor Wellin in the chair. The following members of the Coun cil were present on roll call: Mayor Wellin, Aldermen Johnson, Larson, Hedm, Anderson, Spen*y, Erickson, Norman and Freeberg, 9 absent, none. City Attorney Stanford was atao present. The minutes of the last regular meeting and of the adjourned meet ing held Aug. 19, 1912, were read and the &ame were appro\ed. The following bills were on motion re ferred to the Finance Committee. GENERAL FUND. Ben Ben-on, expense delegate to State Fireman's coin en turn $ 11.50 W. M. Chase & Co., md»e. for lock-up, etc 2.90 0. 11. Dale, recording two deeds 2.00 Peter Anderson, labor 15.30 Lars Ra&musson, labor 11.38 August Sundhng, labor 13.13 Lars Rasmusson, labor park. 1.75 E. Parnell, engineer's assist ant 40 WATER & LIGHT FUND. Brjan-Marsh Co., uidse 28.50 Beardslee-Chandeher Mtg. Co., mdse 4.93 Electrical Eng. Co., mdse. 73.81 General Electrical Co., mdse 70.00 Northwestern Electrical E. Co., mdse 507.41 Majta Co., mdse 39.20 Robnison-Cary & Sands Co., mdse 21.56 Wagner Electrical Co., mdse. 9.00 Standard Oil Co., oil 11.80 Palace Grocery, .supplies for Power House 1.05 Oman & Johnson, material and repairs 5.10 Ben Benson, labor, sprinkling hydrant, Litchfield Avenue and Third Street, $20.10 and rent of pumps and lab or $4.00 24.10 Peterson & Quale, lumber for Power House 18.55 J. W. Johnson, labor at Pow er House 2.00 R. M. Neely Co., St. Paul, in surance premium, emplo er's liability policy 112.50 Tribune Printing Co., supplies Sec,}.'& office and publish ing notices 3.20 Andrew Bjorsell, work on old smoke stack and connect ing with new chimney and material used, and cement curbing and labor on city scale 54.31 L. Smith, fieight on 3 cars coal 214.19 F. L. Smith, drayage on 4 cars coal 57.08 S. E. Stansberry Imp. Co., coal 46.67 Zenith Furnace Co., 2 cars of coal 258.08 STREET FUND. J. C. Freese, labor with team 4.00 J. P. Madi-on, labor with team 11.00 FIRE HALL BOND FUND. The Pioneer Co., bond blanks for 1 oiul issue 23.50 E. Parnell, engiueei's assist ant 00 SEWER BOND FUND. E. Parnell, engineer's assist ant 7.00 The Finance Committee reported the foregoing bills back approved and the report wa.s accepted. Alderman Anderson offered the following re.-olution winch a adopted by the following vote: "Ayes," 8 '"Noes," none RESOLUTION. Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Willmar that the City Clerk be and he hereby is author ized to issue warrants against the respective funds in payment of the foregoing appro\ed bills. Appro\ed August 27th, 1912. E. C. WELLIN, Mayor. On motion the Council proceeded to consider bids on file for heating and plumbing in the new Fire Station as advertised. Sealed bids of Ben Benson for $895, and of J. H. Wiggins Co. for $865 were opened and read. The bid of J. II. Wiggins Co. was ac cepted. Alderman Hedin offered the fol lowing resolution which was unani mously adopted. RESOLUTION. Resolved, That the bid of H. Wiggins Co. for installing the heat ing and plumbing in the Fire Station and City Hall, according to the plans and specifications therefor, at the price of Eight Hundred Sixty-five Dollars be and the same is hereby accepted, and the Mayor and the City be and they are hereby author ized to enter into a contract with said J. H. Wiggins Co. for the doing of said work. a if ii Approved August 27th, 1912. E. C. WELLIN. Mayor. The contract bond of J. H. Wig gins Co. was fixed at $1,000. The matter of building an addition to the coal shed was taken up. It •was decided to carry said matter ov er, and Aldermen Freeberg, Norman and Johnson were appointed as a committee to confer with the Water & Light Commission about build ing a larger coal shed. Specifications for the water main extension an Jessie Street and south were presented. Alderman Freeberg offered the fol- •h^-Jl jalm lowing resolution which was unani mously adopted. RESOLUTION. Resolved, That the plans and specifications for the extension and laying of a water main from Trott Avenue south along Jessie Street to Augusta Avenue, thence west along Augusta Avenue to 1st Street, thence south along 1st Street to Olina Ave nue and there terminating, prepared by Engineer Rowat and now on file with the City Clerk, be and the same are hereby adopted. Approved August 27th, 1912. E. C. WELLIN, Mayor. The cost of the extension was es timated at $1,700. It was ordered to advertise for bids for water extensions to be re ceived at meeting Sept. 9, 1912. The Fire Station Building Commit tee reported that the brick called for in specifications could not be had this season and recommended that cer tain pressed brick be used. Contractor Olson was present and agreed to furnish the No. 519 sample shown for wall, and the No. 110 for trimming at an additional sum of $300, over his contract price, which offer was accepted. Engineer Rowat reported on the condition of the plumbing in the City lock-up. The matter of storm sewers was taken up. Alderman Freeberg offered the fol lowing resolution which was adopted by the following vote: "Ayes," 8 "Noes," none. RESOLUTION. Resohed, That it is necessary for the proper working of the sewer sys tem now being built that storm sew ers be laid on 4th Street from Trott A\enue to the Ditch, and on 7th, 9th and 10th Streets from Litchfield Avenue to Trott Avenue. Resolved, further, That the plans and specifications for the laying and construction of said storm sewers on said streets, prepared by Engineer Rowat and now on file with the City Clerk, be and the same are hereby adopted: Resohed, further, That the laying and construction of said storm sew ers, as provided for in said plans and specifications, be and the same is hereby ordered as a change in the sewer plans under which Contractor Bos worth is now installing a sewer system and as extra work and ex tensions thereto: Resolved, further, That said con tractor is hereby directed to install said storm sewers in accordance with said plans and specifications, and that he be paid for said extra work, in accordance with his offer and agreement, at the following specified prices*, to wit: For 8 inch storm sewer laid per lineal foot, $0.35. For 10 inch storm sewer laid per lineal foot, $0.40. For 12 inch storm sewer laid per lineal foot, $0.45. For catch basins, grate top, $33. 00, high top $35.00. Approved August 27th, 1912. E. C. WELLIN, Mayor. Moved and seconded that the re signation of H. S. Peterson, as mem ber of the Water & Light Commis sion, be taken from the table. The motion was carried by the fol lowing vote: "Ayes," Hedin, Sperry, Erickson, Norman and Freeberg, 5 "Noes," Johnson, Larson and Ander son, 3. Moved and seconded that the re signation of H. S. Peterson, as mem ber of the Water and Light Commis sion be accepted. The vote on the motion was as follows: "Ayes", Sperry, Erickson, Norman and Free berg, 4 "Noes", Johnson, Larson and Anderson. Alderman Hedin did not vote on this motion and his vote was counted "No", thus making four "Noes". The Mayor cast the deciding vote on the question, and it was "No", and the resignation of Mr. Peterson was declared as not accepted. The committee appointed to look after repairing the First Ward Poor House, reported that it would cost about $65 to make the necessary re pairs and the committee was author ized to expend that amount. The matter of appointing Election Judges for the Primary Election was brought up. The following citizens were appointed to serve as judges for the Primary and General Elec tion-: First Ward—-M. O. Thorpe, J. L. Johnson, L. A. Wold Second Ward—C. A. Nelson, J. W. Kent, Chas. Johnson Third Ward—O. N. Grue, Halvor Shipstead, Robert Ives Fourth Ward—Swan Anderson, 0. A. Norman, C. J. Freeberg. Alderman Norman offered the fol lowing resolution which was unani mously adopted: RESOLUTION. Be it resolved by the City Coun cil of the City of Willmar, that the following named places be and are hereby designated as the polling pla ces for the Primary Election to be held in the City of Willmar, Minne sota, on September 17, 1912. First Ward—Seminary Hall, on Nelson Avenue, between and Streets. Second W a d—Opera House) Building, No. 310 Fifth Street. Third Ward—Madison Building, No. 207 Third Street. Fourth Ward—C. Freeberg's Car penter Shop, Corner Second Street and Minnesota Avenue. Approved August 27, 1912. E. C. WELLIN. Mayor. Rev. C. Oberg made application to connect his residence property on South Jessie Street with the Jessie a Mil^St1! .!, f.ittftnu'i I'-VJC A HOME HEALTH CLUB By DR. DAVID H. REEDER, LaPorte. Indiana EMERGENCY CASE (Cont.) How and For What The Contents May Be Used: Absorbent cotton is the ideal dressing for most wounds. It absoibs the discharge, is1 light, soft and clean. Common cotton will not absorb, because of the oil it contains it has not been sterilized, is not clean and should not be used. Absorbent cotton is sterilized, long fiber cotton. It should be kept away from the air and dust until needed. Cotton Bandages—These are made of specially prepared cotton, free from starch or filling. They are rolls wrapped ready for use and should be kept clear from dust. Surgeon's Plaster—This is used to cover and to fasten together the edg es of wounds—usually small ones. It should never be applied to burns, as the flesh and skin have been des troyed and the removal of the plast er wrould lacerate the wound. Mustard Plasters—These are so readily obtainable, ready-made, and in so much more convenient fonn than the old fashioned mustard plas ter, that they are best for the Emer gency Case. The ingredients of these are spread upon paper and are known as raustar leaves. They may be used whenever a mustard plaster is indicated. Surgeon's Soap—F cleansing and sterilizing the hands of the oper ator infected wounds, sores, ulcers, etc. Antiseptic Tablets—(VERY POIS ONOUS) Great care should be taken to hinder children and irresponsible persons from touching them. These are colored blue so that no mistake can be made in their use-. One of these tablets dissolved in four ounces of water makes a solution of Corros ive Sublimate of 1 to 1,000 excellent for dressing wounds and sterilizing the hands of the operator. Sol. Hyd. Oxide of Iron—U,ed a antidote in arsenic poisoning or from Paris Green. The Oxide of Zinc oint ment is excellent as a mild and heal ing dressing for burns, and skin dis eases. Peroxide of Hydrogen—An effect ed disinfectant and safe dressing for wounds. Has a wide range of use fulness and is an excellent preven tive for infections of wounds, used before the dressings are put on. Rubber Tubing—To be used as a tourniquet or for flushing the stom ach. As a tourniquet it .should be wrapped tightly around the bleeding limb and tied. As a stomach tube, place one end down the throat of the patient, insert a small funnel—or something improvised for the pur pose—and pour luke-warm water in to the stomach, to dilute the poison and to cause vomiting. The uses of the other contents of the Emergency Case, such as scis sors, forceps, pins, etc., will suggest themselves. CLUB NOTES. Dear Doctor: I have most violent attacks of gas application to connect his residence property, being lots 8, 9 and 10 of block 64 with the Fourth Street Sew er. The applications were granted subject to the sewer regulations. The Mayor was authorized to pur chase six metal cans for collecting waste paper, etc., on the streets. On motion the Council adjourned to Friday forenoon at 11 o'clock, August 30, 1912. E. C. WELLIN, Mayor. Attest: HANS GUNDERSON, City Clerk. Social at Priam. On Sept. 7th there will be an ice cream social held on David H. Sim on's lawn, 2V2 miles west of Priam, for the benefit of the Priam Sunday school. Everybody is welcome to come. 10 per cent discount on all Henney Freeport and Clark buggies sold be fore Sept. 10th at Paul M. Peter son's, Willmar, Minn. $100 WXIiIi BE PAID For Any Ca»e of Rheumatism, Neural gia or Headache that Solace Fall* to Believe. Solace Remedy is a recent medical discovery of three German Scientists that neutralizes uric acid and purines the bloou. It is easy to take, and will not effect the weakest stomach. It is guaranteed under the Pure Food and Drugrs Law to be absolutely free of opiates or harmful drugs of any des cription. Solace is a pure specific in tablet form and has been proven beyond question to be the surest and quickest remedy for uric acid troubles known to medical science no matter how long standing. It reaches and removes the root of the trouble (uric acid) and purines the blood. The Solace Co. of Battle Creek are the Sole U. S. Agents and have over 2,000 voluntary testimonial letters which have been received from grateful people Sol ace has restored to health. Testimonial letters, literature and Free Sample sent upon request. R. Lee Morris, president of the First National bank of Chico, Texas, wrote the Solace Company as follows: "I want you to send a box of Solace to my father in Memphis, Tenn., for which I enclose $1.00. This remedy has been used by some friends of mine here and I only hope it will benefit my father as it has them. (Signed) R. L. Morris. Put up 25c, 50c and $1.00 boxes. XV ailffhty fine to be well and you can aoon be to by taking- Solace. "No special treatment schemes or fees Just Solace alone does the work, O today for free sample, etc. btreet bewer, and Ed. Selvig made Solace Remedy Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Write prescription before meals. Am tak ing a course of physical culture cir culatum poor have nasal catairl slightly. Live on a farm. No wonder the poor stomach re bels at some of the things which are put into it. Some time ago I saw a suggestion as to what the human stomach should be made of, it was suggeste.1 that it should be made of boiler-plate, double copper riveted and asbestos lined. People assault their stomach constantly with a mix ture of supposed foods which when it reaches the stomach is transform ed into an indigentable mass. The stomach does the best it can with these con-glomeration and passes it on into the intestines where it sours and putrifies. The digestive system withstands these assaults for a per iod of time and then goes on a strike. The person who harbors this wonders why their stomach won't digest any thing and why nothing seems to agree with them. They would not for any thing stop eating for a few days and clean out the intestinal track and give the whole digestive system a rest, and spend a little time studying up the cause of the trouble. But they will run off to a doctor or drue gist and get a supply of artificial digestives so that they can continue their gormandizing. I will say to F. C. that branches of the same nerve go to both the stomach and heart and if the stom ach is mistreated the h$art will suf fer also. I believe that whole wheat bread dipped in olive oil is not the proper diet for your stomach at the present time, neither is grape-nuts and rich cream. I think exclusive diet of fresh milk or buttermilk after a day or two of fast would be 'indi cated, after this diet has been carried out for a week or two a little mut ton or poultry may be taken with zweibach and a little fruit sauce. Full diet should not be indulged in for several weeks. Sometimes con tracted muscles along the spine will bring on an attack of gastralgia, it can then be overcome by vibratory stimulation or skillful manipulation. I will advise you to continue your physical culture exercises. APPENDICITIS. Dear Doctor: Can a cure be effected without an operation? What is the usual cause of appendicitis? M. B. Yes. Appendicitis can be cured without an operation in many cases, but of course not all. The majority of cases can be cured without an op eration if the proper treatment is in stituted within 24 hours, after the attack. Persons who have had an attack and recovered should guard against constipation with extreme care. Probably the greatest factor in the cause of appendicitis is consti pation. People as a rule eat too much sweet starchy and rich foods*. These foods do not contain enough tralgia which affect the heart. I "roughening," hence constipation there hope of permanent cure? Since follows their use. People who are last attack have been eating nothing never constipated seldom if ever have but whole wheat bread dipped in olive appendicitis oil with a sprinkling of sugar still my tongue is coated all over con stantly. Grape-nuts with rich cream sour on my stomach. Can eat noth ing without more or less indigestion. I drink a cup of real hot water with salt before breakfast and have been drinking medicine upon physician's All readers of this publication are at liberty at any time to write for in formation pertaining to the subject of health. Address all communica tions to the Home Health Club, 5039 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago, 111., U. S. A., with name and address in full, and at least four cents in postage. THEY ALL DEMAND ITwhicsh Willmar, Like Every City and Town in the Union, Receives It. People with kidney ills want to be cured. When one suffers the tor tures of an aching back, relief is eagerly sought for. There are many remedies today that relieve, but do not cure. Doan's Kidney Pills have brought lasting l-esults to thousands. Here is Willmar evidence of their merit. John Warwark, 221 Fourth St., Willmar, Minn., says "The public statement I gave in 1907, regarding Doan's Kidney Pills still holds good. This remedy was used in my family and effected a cure in a case of kid ney trouble. The person who took Doan's Kidney Pills no longer com plains of backache or headache and is in much better health. I know that Doan's Kidney Pills live up to the claims made for them." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name—Doan's—and and take no other. Flew to Hutchinson. The aviator who appeared here briefly yesterday left for Hutchinson about 7 o'clock this morning as the crow flies. He struck across over Lake Ripley headed straight for his destination. A telephone message from him after landing stated that he made the flight in ten minutes, but landed two miles out on account of the propeller shaft heating. The dis tance between Litchfield and Hutch inson in an air line is about 16 miles. —Litchfield Independent. 10 per cent discount on all Henney Freeport and Clark buggies sold be fore Sept. 10th at Paul M. Peter son's, Willmar, Minn. Political Announcements PAID ADVERTISEMENT (Paid advertisement. Authorized by the candidate, H. J. Ramsett, whose ad dress is Willmar, Minnesota, and for ISPJ??. a a O* fo.UOJ a id Paper the sum For Clerk District Court. I hereby announce my candidacy for the Republican nomination for Clerk of the District Court, the office which I now hold. I have always tried to fill the office correctly in ev ery detail. In seeking a renomma tion I have no other promise, pledge or platform to offer than that of ren dering my best possible service to the people. Sincerely, H. J. RAMSETT. advertisemente.I Authorized by fhe candidate, S whose address is Willmar, Minnesota, and for which he has paid to this paper the sum of if5.00. For County Auditor. the Voters of Kandiyohi County: I hereby announce my candidacy for re-nomination on the Republican ticket to the office of County Auditor, and respectfully solicit your support at the primary election to be heW September 17th, 1912. I assure you that, if nominated and elected, my best efforts will in the future as in the past be devoted to the faithful and impartial discharge of the duties of the office. Thanking you all for your good will and favors in the past, I am, Yours very truly, JOHN FEIG. Paid advertisement. Authorized by the candidate, Elias Rachie, whose ad dress is Willmar, Minnesota, and for which he has paid to this paper the sum of |5.00. For Representative. To the Voters of Kandiyohi County: I hereby announce my candidacy for the Republican nomination for Representative of the 55th Legisla tive District and respectfully solicit your support at the primary elec tion, Sept. 17th, 1912. I favor econ omy in public expenditures, county option, reduction and equalization of railroad rates, as well as the gener ally accepted progressive republican principles and, if nominated and elected, I will abide by the decision of the people in my vote on United States Senator. Very truly yours, ELIAS RACfflE. Aug. 12th, 1912. Paid advertisement. Authorized by the candidate, W. D. Frederickson, whose address is Willmar, Minnesota, and for which he has paid to this paper the sum of $5.00. For County Supt. of Schools. To the Voters of Kandiyohi County: I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of County Super intendent of Schools. Being now familiar with the conditions and needs of our schools, I am in posi tion to render even better service than in the past. Having interest in no other business, I shall devote my entire time to the interest of our schools. Thanking you for past fav ors I cordially solicit your support at the polls. Yours respectfully, W. D. FREDERICKSON. Paid advertisement. Authorized by the candidate, Peter Bonde, whose ad dress is Willmar, Minnesota, and for which he has paid to this paper the sum of |5.00. For Sheriff. To the Voters of Kandiyohi County: Having concluded to become a can didate for re-election to the office of sheriff, I respectfully ask for your votes and support at the coming election. Sincerely yours, E E BONDE. Paid advertisement. Authorized by the candidate, Ed. Sanderson, whose ad dres is Willmar, Minnesota, and for he has paid to this paper the sum of $5.00. For Clerk of Court. After consulting with my friends in different parts of the County, I have concluded to become a candi date for the republican nomination for the office of Clerk of the District Court for Kandiyohi County, and I respectfully solicit the votes of the people of the County at the primaries Sept. 17. ED. SANDERSON. Paid advertisement. Authorized by the candidate, Geo. H. Otterness, whose address is Willmar, Minnesota, and for which he has paid to this paper the sum of $6.00. For County Attorney. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for nomination on the Re publican ticket to the office of Coun ty Attorney. I have, during my term in said of fice, attempted to render to the peo ple of Kandiyohi County an honest, impartial, careful, strict, faithful and economic administration. If re elected, the same policy will be ad hered to. Trusting that I have your contin ued confidence, I respectfully solicit your support and votes at the coming Primary Election on September 17, 1912, and at the General Election in November. Sincerely, GEO. H. OTTERNESS. Paid advertisement. Authorized by the candidate, Olof H. Dale, whose ad dress is Willmar, Minnesota, and for which he has paid to this paper the sum of $5.00. For Register of Deeds. To the Voters of Kandiyohi County: I hereby announce my candidacy for re-nomination on the Republican ticket to the office of Register of Deeds, and respectfully solicit your support. Assuring you that I shall fully ap preciate any favors shown me, I am, Yours jiSry truly* fpOF DALE. Paid advertisement. Authorized by the candidate, N. O. Nelson, whose ad dress Is Willmar, Minnesota, and for lh»|} a 8 a 0 o.nL16.00.e Paper the sum For County Treasurer. To the Voters of Kandiyohi County: I hereby announce my candidacy for the nomination on the Republican ticket to the office of County Treas urer and respectfully solicit your support at the primary election to be held Sept. 17th, 1912. Thanking you for past favors, I am, Yours truly, N. O. NELSON. Paid advertisement. Authorized by the candidate, T. O. Gilbert, whose ad dress is Willmar, Minnesota, and for which he has paid to this paper the sum of |5.00. For Judge of Probate. To the Voters of Kandiyohi County: I hereby announce that I am a candidate for re-nomination to the office of Judge of the Probate Court in and for Kandiyohi County, Minne sota, and respectfully ask your sup port at the Primary Election to be held September 17th, 1912. Thanking you for past favors, I am, Very truly yours, T. O. GILBERT, Paid advertisement. Authorized by the candidate, F. A. Nelson, whose ad dress is Atwater, Minnesota, and for which he has paid to this paper the sum of $5.00. For County Commissioner 5th Dist. To the Voters of the Fifth District: I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the nomination on the republican ticket for county com missioner from the fifth district which comprises the townships of Edwards, with Raymond village, Whitefielja, Holland, Roseland, Lake Lillian and my home town of Fahlun. If nominated I promise to devote my best energies to serve the best inter ests of the district and county. F. A. NELSON. Paid advertisement. Authorized by the candidate,. N. B. Johnson, whose address is Norway Lake Rt. 3, Minnesota, and for which he has.paid to this paper the sum of $0.00. For County Commissioner, 3rd Dist. To the Voters of the 3rd Commis sioner District of Kandiyohi Coun- I hereby announce my candidacy for the nomination and re election for County Commissi CAST of the 3rd Commissioner District and respect fully solicit your support at the pri mary election Sept. 17, 1912. Thank ing you for past favors, I am, Yours very truly, JOHNSON. Paid advertisement. Authorized by the candidate, G. A. Erickson, whose ad dress is Willmar, Minnesota, and for which he has paid to this paper the sum of $5.00. For Representative, 55th District. To the Voters of Kandiyohi County: I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of Represen tative to the State Legislature from this county. If elected, I will support a distance tariff railroad rate bill, and for restoring two cent per mile pas senger rate. I will support heartily all temperance legislation and all progressive election bills. I believe in direct legislation, the initiative, the referendum and the recall, and will support and work for such meas ures. For U. S. senator I will vote for some progressive, and under no circumstances for the re-election of Knute Nelson. I respectfully solicit your support in this campaign and will greatly appreciate your votes at the primary election. G. A. ERICKSON. Paid advertisement. Authorized by the candidate, P. H. Prye, whose address is Willmar, Minnesota, Rt. 5, and for which he has paid to this paper the sum of $5.00. For Representative. To the Voters of Kandiyohi County: I hereby announce my candidacy for the Republican nomination for Representative of the 55th Legisla tive District and respectfully solicit your support at the primary election, Sept. 17th, 1912. I stand for the idea that to bring equality to the people the producers as well as all commercial and industrial enterpris es should be equally represented in the Halls of Legislation. I favor all progressive measures which tend for the betterment of the people. If nominated and elected will stand by the people's vote on United States Senator. Have been a resident of the county for twenty-six years and during most of those years my time and best energies have been used in improving my farm. H. FRYE. Paid advertisement. Authorized by the candidate, Swan Nelson, whose ad dress is Willmar, Minnesota, Rt. 3, and for which he has paid to this paper the sum of $5.00. For County Commissioner. To the Voters of the Fifth District: On the solicitation of citizens in various townships* of the district, I announce myself as candidate for the Republican nomination as county commissioner from the Fifth District, comprising the six towns of White field, Roseland, Lake Lillian, Holland, Fahlun, Edwards and the Village of Raymond, subject to the decision of the voters at the primary Sept. 17. SWAN NELSON. Paid advertisement. Authorized by the candidate, Albert Boersma, whose address is Raymond, Minnesota, Rt. 3, and for which he has paid to this paper the sum of $5.00. For County Commissioner. To the Voters of the Fifth District, comprising towns of Edwards, Fahlun, Lake Lillian, Whitefield, Roseland, Holland and Village of Raymond: Having been urged to become a candidate for County Commissioner, I hereby announce my candidacy and solicit you* votes on the republican Let notice hereof be given by the pub lication of this order in The Willmar Tribune as provided by law. Dated August 28th, 1912. (SEAL) T. O. GILBERT, Judge of Probate. (First publication Aug. 14-4t) Citation for Hearing' on Final Account and for Distribution Estate of Emanuel Nelson. State of Minnesota, County of Kandiyo hi, In Probate Court. In the Matter of the Estate of Eman uel Nelson, Decedent: The State of Minnesota to all persons interested in the final account and dis tribution of the estate of said decedent: The representative of the above named decedent, having filed in this court his final account of the administration of the estate of said decedent, together with his petition praying for the adjust ment and allowance of said final account and for distribution of the residue of said estate to the persons thereunto en titled THEREFORE, YOU, AND EACH OF YOU, are hereby cited and required to show cause, if any you have, before this court at the Probate Court Rooms in the Court House, in the City of Will mar, in the County of Kandiyohi, State of Minnesota, on the 9 th day of Sep tember, 1912, at 2 o'clock p. m., why said petition should not be granted. Witness, the Judge of said court, and the Seal of said Court, this 9th day of August, 1912. (COURT SEAL) T. O. GILBERT, The next time you forget where the money went, remember that a National Cash Register knows and shows the accurate record of every sale. The National Cash Register Co., Dayton, Ohio Minneapolis Office. 624 Hennepin Ave. ticket at the primary election, Sept. 17. ALBERT BOERSMA. Uncle Ezra Says "It don't take more'n a gill uv effort to git folks into a peck of trouble" and a little neglect of constipacion, biliousness, indigestion or other liver derangement will do the same. If ailing, take Dr. King's New Life Pills for quick results. Easy, safe, sure and only 25 cents at Carlson Bros. Miss Mabelle Sorenson has spent the past week in Olivia visiting at the Geo. E. Peterson and S. R. Miller homes. (First publication Sept. 4-4t.) Order limiting' Time to File Claim* and for Hearing* Thereon. Estate of Lars Norlander. State of Minnesota, County of Kandiyo hi, In Probate Court. In the Matter of the Estate of Lars Nor lander, Decedent. Letters testamentary this day having been granted to Samuel Nelson, of said county, It Is Ordered, that the time within which all creditors of the above named decedent may present claims against his estate in this court, be, and the same hereby is, limited to six months from and after the date hereof and that Mon day the 10th day of March, 1913, at 2 o'clock p. m., in the Probate Court Rooms at the Court House at Willmar, in said county, be, and the same hereby is fixed and appointed as the time and place for hearing upon and the exam ination, adjustment and allowance of such claims as shall be presented within the time aforesaid. Probate Judge. The Minneapolis Dollar-Hotel 200 MODERN ROOMS Located in Heart of BtuineM District $1.°° S I N E RATE 91«2£ CUROPLAN RATE FOR TWO PERSON* PRIVATE RATH AND TOILET EXTRA COMPLETE SAFETY AUTOMATIC SPRINKLERS A AND FIREPROOF CONSTRUCTION (INSURANCE RECOROS SHOW NO LIVES EVER LO»T IN A SPRINKLED BUILDING.) EVERY ROOM HAS HOT AND COLO RUNNINO WATER. STEAM HEAT. «AS AND ELECTRIC LIGHTS. AND TELEPHONE SERVICE. SEVEN STORY ANNEX IN CONNECTION. (First publication Aug. 28-4t) Order Limiting Time to File Claims and for Hearing Thereon. Estate of Andrew J. Forstrom, also known as A. J. Forstrom. State of Minnesota, County of Kan .diyohi, In Probate Court. In the Matter of the Estate of An drew J. Forstrom, also known as A. J. Forstrom, Decedent. Letters of Administration this day having been granted to Victor E. Lawson, of said County It Is Ordered, that the time within which all creditors of the above named decedent may present claims against his estate in said court, be, and the same hereby is, limited to six months from and after the date here of and that Monday, the 3rd day of March, 1913, at 2 o'clock m., in the Probate Court Rooms at the Court House at Willmar in said coun ty, be, and the same hereby is fixed and appointed as the time and place for hearing upon and the examina tion, adjustment and allowance of such claims as shall be presented within the time aforesaid. Let notice hereof be given by the publication of this order in The Will mar Tribune as provided by law Dated Aug. 22, 1912. (SEAL) T. O. GILBERT, Judge of Probate. GEO. H. OTTERNESS, Attorney, Willmar, Minn. (First publication Aug. 21-4t) Citation for Hearing on Petition for Administration. Estate of Johanna M. Johnson. State of Minnesota, County of Kan doyihi, In Probate Court. In the Matter of the Estat of hanna M. Johnson, Decedent. The State of Minnesota to all per sons interested in the granting of administration of the estate of said decedent: The petition of Hilma Johnson having been filed in this court, representing that Johanna M. Johnson, then a resident of the Coun ty of Kandiyohi, State of Minnesota, died intestate on the 10th day of August, 1912, and praying that let ters of administration of her estate be granted to J. Nyquist of said county and the court having fixed the time and place for hearing said petition THEREFORE, YOU, AND EACH OF YOU, are hereby cited and required to show cause, if any you have, before this court at the Probate Court Rooms in the Court House in the City of Willmar, in the County of Kandiyohi, State of Min nesota, on the 16th day of Septem ber, 1912, at 2 o'clock m., why said petition should not be granted. Witness, the Judge of said Court, and the Seal of said Court, this 19th day of August, 1912. (COURT SEAL) T. O. GILBERT, We believe that our 30 years of business among you (the people of Kandiyohi County) warrants in claiming that we can offer yonan abso lutely safe storehouse for your money. Checks on us are accepted in payment of bills at par in any part of Minnesota. Ninety per cent of the successful business men are Bank Depositors. What better time than now to open a Check Account with us? We have unexcelled facilities for trans acting all branches of banking. Our Officers will be glad to extend to you every courtesy, consistent with sound banking. We will keep your valuables in ourfireproofvault free of charge. We shall be pleased to have you call on us. BANK OF WILLMAR Capitol, Surplus and Uadivldtd Profits, $120,000.00 A. B. RICE, President' C. B. LIBN, Vlce-Pres. i*J&. .frig „»"*_ i.„&K3__ P. G.'HANDY. Cubler -A, I Probate Judge. N. 8: 8WBNSON. Au't Cubfcr *Si 3* &*\k