Newspaper Page Text
•i V\ 'I SCANDiNA VIAN NEWS Prinolpal Events Gathered In the Old Scandinavian OountHea DENMARK. The first submarine built in Den mark has just been launched in the presence of the royal family and the cabinet. The name of the new craft is Havfruen The Mermaid. Henri Richter, principal of a high school in Norway, lectured on Henrik Wergeland at a Scandinavian educa tor's convention in Roskilde, Denmark, and on account of unfavorable remarks about the Swedes he was not permit ted to deliver another address for which he had been booked. Both the Danes and the Swedes resented Mr. Richter's remarks. SWEDEN. The temperance committee of the riksdag has decided to propose a bill providing for locae option on the Question of saloons or no saloons. The first light frost of the season occurred in Vesterbotten, Aug. 30. The potato vines were killed and some garden vegetables were dam aged. The Tann waterfalls in Jamtland will some day furnish an immense amount of motive power. Both the government and certain private par ties claim ownership, and it will no doubt take some time to settle the dispute between them. The war for the control of the oil market in the Scandinavian countries has resulted in practically a complete victory for the Standard Oil company. The only concession obtained by the Scandinavian association from the big American company was that the price of oil in Scandinavian territory Should not exceed the price asked in any other European country. The Standard Oil company obtained an en trance into the country by an agree ment with existing interests to take over the distribution system for oil in Scandinavia. There was much oppo sition to the scheme by the small dealers' association which passed a Resolution in favor of government in tervention to prevent the establish ment of a Standard Oil monopoly in the Swedish market. The Austrian minister made every effort to secure the admission to Sweden of Austrian oil, which has been kept out by the Swedish safety regulations, as it does pot meet the requirements for safe transportation, being too light. The Crown Prince and Princess of Bweden enjoy great popularity among the rulers as well as among the com mon people of Europe. The Crown Princess, often called "The Madonna of the North," recently presented her husband with a third son and fourth child, the infant Prince Bertil. Small wonder that the Crown Prince and Princess are known as the "Model Royal Couple of Europe." They were married at Windsor, England, on June 15, 1905. She is the eldest daughter of the Duke and Duchess of Con naught and so, of course, sister of Princess Patricia of Connaught, who has made herself so highly popular in the United States and Canada. The eldest boy of the Crown Prince and Princess Gustaf Adolf, is 6 years old their second son. Prince Sigward, is 6 the third child, Princess Ingrid, is 2 the baby. Bertil, is 7 months. Race suicide is unknown in the Swedish royal family. The Crown Prince and his charming v. ife married for love. They met in Cairo and were permit ted to make their own choice of each other without troubling the diplo mats. King Edward approved the match highly. Once it was officially hinted here that the Crown Prince would make a desirable husband for the then Miss Alice Roosevelt. The Crown Princess is a devoted mother. She has introduced the English meth ods of child culture in her adopted country. All her children are sturdy specimens of youthful royalty. They are dressed in the English fashion and are being brought up under simple, healthful conditions like small Brit ons of the middle class. But their mother, who is devoted to art and to outdoor sport, is practically leader of Swedish society. Queen Victoria, who was a PrincesB of Baden, rarely attended the court functions. When Crown Princess Margaret first took her place at court her informal af fairs provoked astonishment, but al ways she has been most democratic. In England her most intimate friends were American girls—Miss Jean Reid, Miss Muriel White, Miss Breese—al most every member of the charming coterie is married now. It is related that when she first came to Sweden Princess Margaret ran briskly across the palace lawn to meet her bride groom. "Princesses do not run in Sweden," said an elderly lady-in-wait ing, reprovingly. "Do they not?" re torted the Crown Princess. "In Eng land they stand on their heads—if they wish to." The board of health of Stockholm resolved to use oleomargarine in stead of butter at the city hospital. The nurses declared that they would not eat this stuff, and asked for genu ine butter in place of it. The board of health, however, remained firm and declared that the artificial product was good, healthy food. The Svea guard company in Stock holm enjoys the unique distinction ol having triplets performing the same exercises. They are Johan, Carl and Oscar Jansson, and they were bora Feb. 14, 1892. Their home is at Bodertelje, Tne whole number of persons em ployed in the service of the state rail ways of Sweden is about 25,500. While a man was digging in a gar den near the northern railway sta tion of Eskilstuna he found a piece of copper which proved to have been used as a seal stamp. Part of the in scription is the name Laurentius, and the seal is supposed to have belonged to Father Laurentius, prior of the I monastery of the order of St. John at this place, in the fifteenth century. I An experiment in mobilizing the ^wedjah^rmy is about to be made on a large sea To the government in order to sen how the system intro duced in 1001 will work in case of war. Recent reports of the forward movement of the Russian troops toward the frontier lend much in terest to the test. No one has any idea which section of the country will be mobilized, and the public is becom ing impatient for in the mobilization district it means that practically every man over 21 jears and under 40 years of age will be called on to bear arms during the maneuvers. NORWAY. Verdens Sang, a leading daily, speaks very frankly about the future relations between Norway and her great neighbors, England, Germany, and Russia. On account of the triple entente between England, France and Russia, the country last mentioned will not be apt to crowd the Scan dinawan countries, for such a step would De highlv oftensive to England For the time being, therefore, Eng land and Germany are the only great powers that may cause trouble to Norway. The present strained rela tions between England and Germany may develop into war, in which case the Scandinavian peniuu&ula and Norway in particular, would be ex posed to an invasion by England or Germany. "Accordingly," says the paper, we must look to both coun tries with anxiety. But there is a considerable difference in the feelings with which we consider them. In stinctively we tear Germany more than England, and by tracing the rea eons tor this sentiment we feel sure that our instinct is on the right way. For we feel and believe that England in the long run would be less dan gerous than Germany to our independ ence and liberty. If we suppose that England, in the race following the breaking out of war, beats Germany in being the first of the two to establish a firm tooting on the peninsula, we take it for granted that in case Eng land is victorious at sea, she will not keep any permanent positions in our country. It, however, England should violate her policy of one hundred ears' standing in this respect, she would, according to her traditions and her home politics, meddle as little with our internal affairs But if Ger many should win the final victory we Noiwegians believe that we would have a poor show of getting rid of Geimany again. She would be so greatly interested in keeping the keys to the Baltic against England and Rus sia that she would not give up her strongholds on the peninsula. In that case our fate would be a sad one. Even it the character of the German people In the course of time is changed so much that the German government and the German people interfere no more than the English with the gov ernment of an occupied country, yet the character of the position which Germany would occupy on the Scandi navian peninsula would make her in terfere more profoundly with the in stitutions of the people than England would. Such an overpopulated coun try as Germany, which at all times has Bent emigrants in large numbers to the neighboring countries to the east, the north, and the west, will, if a firm footing is gained on the peninsula, make this the object of an invasion which may result in the establishment of permanent German colonies in Nor way and Sweden. This would not be the first invasion of the kind. We all know that for centuries Bergen and Stockholm had a numerous German and German-speaking population though the countries were politically inde pendent of Germany, and that as iate as the year 1848 there were Gerfnan speaking clans in Copenhagen, jluch German colonies would of cours« be far more serious if the Scandinavian countries became political dependen cies of Germany. Fearing nothing of this kind from England, we naturally look upon Germany with greater anx iety A nation, as well as an indi vidual, is eager to preserve its own identity and integrity. But as it would be a sad fate to have even England occupy any part of our ter ritory, it is our duty to keep our de-of fences in such shape that it will not pay either party to make an inva sion." The infantile paralysis epidemic is evidently on the retreat in Norway. The whole number of cases reported in 1911 was 1,407, of which 184 were fatal, while the whole number report ed up to the beginning of September this year was only 179, including 22 deaths. About 75 per cent of the vic tims were children, which is sufficienl reason for calling the pest "infantile.*1 A free religious rally at Lilleham mer was attended by 800 persons from different parts of the country. The program was of an exclusively devotional character, and there was no discussion of any kind. Many Driven From Home. Every year In many parts of the coun try, thousands are driven from their homes by coughs and lung: diseases Friends and business are left behind for other climates, but this is costly and not always sure. A better way—the way of multitudes—is to use Dr. King's New Discovery and cure yourself at home Stay right there, with your friends, and take this safe medicine. Throat and lung troubles find quick relief and health returns. Its help in coughs, colds, grip, croup, whooping-cough and sore lungs make it a positive blessing. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by Carlson Bros. Notice. FREE TUITION to one from each county in Business, Shorthand, Nor mal, Etc. Board and roqm $2.60 per week. Books rented. Opens Oct. 8. Humboldt College, Humboldt, Iowa. The Metropolitan Barber Shop, Bank of Willmar Building, B. T. Otos, proprietor, is the shop to get a shave, hair cut and bath. 22£ EPITOME OF A WEEK'S NEWS Most Important Happen ings Told in Brief. memoam0temewmMimmtm Politics The seats of the members of the Republican national committee from New Jersey, West Virginia, North Carolina and California were declared vacant by the. committee in a meeting at New York, and the resignations of committeemen from Oklahoma and Minnesota were accepted. All had joined the Roosevelt forces. Judge John C. Karel, Democratic candidate for governor of Wisconsin, made a clean sweep of the Demo cratic platform convention at Madl Bon when his platform, pledging the party to repeal the state income tax law, was adopted. After one of the most bitterly fought political conventions in Ore gon's history, United States Senator Jonathan Bourne, who bolted the Re publican party, was turned down by the Roosevelt party, and a Portland lawyer, E. A. Clark, was nominated as the party's United States senator ial candidate. Washington The federal public health service is searching the country for five Insanity experts to whom the government will offer commissions for duty in connec tion with the examination of arriving aliens. Secretary of the Treasury Mac Veagh has detailed nine surgeons of the public health service to investi gate contagious and infectious dis eases among the Indians. Reports will be made on the prevalence of tu berculosis, trachoma, smallpox and other desases. To prevent the Mexican lnsurrectos from crossing the line into American territory, the war department has or dered General Steever, commanding the frontier troops, to parallel the movements of the rebel forces on the American side of the border. Secretary MacVeagh awarded a gold medal of honor to Private Henry Hanson, Company F, Sixth infantry, for extraordinary courage and en durance in saving the lives of a party of comrades from a capsized sailboat on Lake Lanao, Mindanao, P. I., January 28 last. Domestic His love for flowers cost an un known man his life at Brookllne, Mass., and caused Albert H. Woods, a florist and gardener, to be arrested on a charge of manslaughter. Woods shot the man down after the unknown bad stolen some violets from Woods' greenhouse. More than five hundred employes of the Colt Manufacturing company, ma kers of firearms, are out on strike at Hartford, Conn. The strike began several days ago with a walk-out of two hundred men, who were offended at the installation of an efficiency sys tem. Ignace Semeniouk, the Russian avi ator, whose flying career has been one smashup after another, came near losing his life at Chicago from a scalding he Incurred when a hydro aeroplane he had been driving ca reened sideways one mile out in Lake Michigan. The boiling water from a smashed radiator squirted over his body. A mob of 5,000 strike sympathizers at Superior, Wis., destroyed thousands dollars of street railway property and seriously injured many nonunion street car employes. The first attack on street cars resulted in the burning of six cars and a battle with the po lice, in which more than thirty per sons were injured, none, it is thought, fatally. President John N. Hurty of Indian apolis called to order the fortieth an nual meeting of the American Public Health association in Washington. Jamaica bay, Long Island, and the Potomac river, seventy-five miles down from Washington, both are polluted by typhoid germs, according to a de partment of agriculture declaration Acting Secretary Hays says investi gators traced typhoid to oyster beds. Woman charity workers on New York's East side are to have a home that is to cost $400,000. The building will be built by Mrs. John Stuart Ken nedy, whose husband left $25,000,000 to colleges, missions and hospitals. Governor Glasscock of West Vir ginia has approved the finding of the military commission in sentencing 37 striking miners, nearly all of whom are Greeks, to 60 days in the Kanaw ha county Jail for intimidation oj workmen. Juan P. Didapp, diplomatic adviser of the Mexican revolution, declared Just before leaving New Orleans for Mexico, that Americans, including Charles P. Taft, H. Clay Pierce, presi dent of the Waters-Pierce Oil com pany, and representatives of the Har riman interests had furnished $5,000, 000 to President Madero of Mexico to finance his revolution against Diaz. Mrs. Daisy Ulrich Ople Grace, who recently was acquitted in Atlanta, Oft., of having shot her husband, Kjjgene H. Grace, with TnTehT T6™Wn,~^J5gaI suit for divorce at Philadelphia, alleg ing cruel and barbarous treatment. She claims that her husband broke her nose while beating her in Philadel phia. The convention of the National League of Third and Fourth Class Postmasters opened in Richmond, Va., the delegates being welcomed by Gov ernor Mann. Charles O. Barry of Walker, Ohio, presided. Tying up work on urgent govern ment orders for army automatic rifles, revolvers and machine guns, 1,000 em ployes of the Colt Revolver works went on strike at Hartford, Conn. It is the first strike at this plant in sev enty years and was totally unex pected. A straw hat riot at Brldgeton, N. J., got beyond the control of the police and order was not restored until the firemen appeared as reinforcements and dispersed the crowd with the fire hose. "Suicide point," a little promontory overlooking the brink of Niagara falls, has been cut away by order of the New York reservation commission. The number of persons who used the point as a Jumping off place increased so alarmingly in the last year or two that the commission decided to be rid of it. Bobbers blew open the safe of the First National bank at Grand River, la., and stole about a thousand dol lars. The robbers are said to have numbered six.' A striking letter against the attend ance of Catholic children at the pub lic schools has been issued by Arch bishop Messmer at Milwaukee in which he forbids church sacraments to the families of those violating the (rules laid down specifying attendanca at Catholic parochial schools until the Eighth grade has been passed. Declaring in his last letter that ha has been hounded to death by "a yel low newspaper," George C. Morrison, ipresident of the Title, Trust and Guaranty company of Baltimore, vice president of the Baltimore Trust com pany, chairman of the Democratic auxiliary committee and counsel for and a director of the Maryland Jockey club, committed suicide. 1 Rev. C. S. Lyles of Logan, la., wasnext found guilty of "high Imprudence and lunministerial conduct" by a commit tee of the Des Moines conference of ithe Methodist church at Boone and !Was suspended from the ministry for 'one year. Two other charges were .not sustained. The League of American Municipal ities began its annual meeting in Buf falo, N. Y., with President John Mac Vicar of Des Moines in the chair. Foreign Three companies of United States marines with three machine guns are rushing from Managua, Nicaragua, to Granada, near where it is reported a detachment of United States sailors and marines, commanded by Major Baker, has been fired on by General Mena's rebels and where a large num ber of college girls are still at the mercy of the bandit soldiery of the revolution. A financial agent named Hiddink, who has disappeared from Amsterdam, Holland, is alleged to have obtained an advance of $87,500 from the Ont vang en Betaallkantoor bank on se curities which he asserted he had sold in New York. These securities were not accepted. Thirteen persons were killed and nearly 100 Injured when the engine of a Chester to Liverpool express jumped the rails near Liverpool, England, and the nine cars sped on and crashed in to a small station. Several persons were cremated in a coach. The most sanguinary engagement of the war in Tripoli was fought near Derne, a town on the Mediterranean coast, 140 miles northeast of Bengazi. The Italians lost 61 men and 113 were wounded. The Turks and Arabs left more than 800 dead on the field. Konstantin Theodor Dumba, at present Austrian minister to Sweden, waB nominated to succeed Baron Hen gelmuller von Hengervar as ambassa dor of Austria-Hungary at Washing ton. Personal Mrs. "Pat" Campbell, the famous actress, is critically ill in London, and only faint hopes are entertained for her recovery. Former United States Senator Her nando De Soto Money of Mississippi, one of the most prominent politicians of Mississippi, died at his home near Biloxl, following an illness of uraemic poisoning. He was seventy-four yean »ld I am prepared to buy scrap iron, rags, rubbers and wool. Bring in anything in this line you may have for sale, or notify me by mail or tele phone and I will call for it, whether you live in the city or in the coun try. I pay the highest prices. Tel. 434. J. J. RIVKIN, 608 Litchfield Ave. The Minneapolis Dollar-Hotel 200 MODERN ROOMS Located in Heart of Busineu District $1.22 S I N E RATE $1.2°. CUROPLAN RATE FOR TWO PERSONS SI.eo PRIVATE BATH AND TOILET EXTRA COMPLETE SAFETY AUTOMATIC SPRINKLERO AND FIREPROOF CONSTRUCTION (INSURANCE RECORDS SHOW NO LIVES EVER LOST IN A SPRINKLED BUILDING.) EVERY ROOM HAS HOT AND COLD RUNNINS WATER, STEAM HEAT. OAS ANO ELECTRIC LIGHTS, AND TELEPHONE SERVICE. SEVEN STORY ANNEX IN CONNECTION. WORD MUNTINGo Word hunting leads to the study of words, develops habits of close exami nation and promotes care and accuracy. In almost any word, there are other words, which may be detected by care ful scrutiny and, of course, the same is true of sentences. For example, take the sentence: "SHE WAS PRETEND ING." Here we have three words, which may be considered original, since they form the sentence, as written by the author, but it is easy to find others, which may be called accidental because they appear by accident and not from any design on the part of the writer. Suppose the sentence be written thus: "Shewaspretending." How many words are in this collection of letters, taking the latter in the order in which they appear? Commencing with the first letter s, we easily see she and shew with the second h, we have he and hew, and so on, commencing with each letter in turn, we find aout twenty-one words, as we readily catch the following: she, shew, he, hew, was wasp, as asp, pre tend, pretending, re, te, ten, tend, tend ing, en, end, ending, din, ding, and in Besides these, we have a and i, which are undoubtedly words, but which with te and en, would probably be elimi nated, in which case there are three original and sixteen accidental words. Of the words having the same initial, the shortest must be written first and must be followed by the others as they come hi turn, going step by step from the shortest to the longest under each letter. In each hunt, there would be rules, and any deviation from the order re quired by these rules would disqualify the contestant This illustration shows the plan fol lowed in conducting word hunting con tests, each being governed by its own rules, as determined at the time, and the contestant not only giving all the words, (except those excluded by the rules,) but filling out the blanks in the form printed with the notice of the contest, or a copy made by the con testant. In short, each contestant must closely follow all rules of the contest, and the pi lzes are awarded to those who com ply most strictly with these rules. CONTEST FOR THE YOUNG ... Interesting and Instructive Pastime .. All words must be written in proper ordei: first, all beginning with the first letter of the sentence given for the search, second, all beginning with the second letter, if any, third, all begin ning with the third letter, if any, and so on to the end. Below are given Rules to serve as suggestions for contests, which may be conducted from time to time,—changes being made for each contest, or as often as the parties may desire. Bules for Contest. 1 No person over eighteen years of age can enter the contest. 2 Every word must be written plain ly and legibly, without blots or inter lineations. 3. Only orthodox spelling of the rec ognized style will be considered, "sim plified" spelling not being allowed in such contest. Thus, exprest can not be used for expressed (Or, if preferred, only "simplified" spelling will be allow ed 4. Each contestant, in his report, must write out every word commenc ing with the first letter, taking first the shortest word, then giving the word formed by adding one or more letters, and so on until all words com mencing with the first letter are writ ten down in order. In the same way, he must write out the words, if any, commencing with the second letter, and this must be continued to the end, the contestant taking each letter of the sentence in its turn and writing down each word commencing with that let ter, writing first the shortest and going HOME HEALTH CLUB By DR. DAVID H. REEDER, LaPorte. Indiana Auto-Intoxication (Cont): Com paratively few people understand anything about the chemistry of foods and the chemical phenomena which takes place in the body during digestion. For that reason it will be necessary to make a few explan ations. Digestion begins in the mouth (if enough time is given by thoroughly chewing and masticating the food) and when the food is thoroughly chewed and mixed with the saliva, particles of it are absorbed before it is swallowed into the stomach. Starchy foods and sugar are acted upon, that is, partially digested, by the saliva and by some of the di gestive juices of the stomach for a period of 15 to 30 minutes often they are taken into the stomach, then their digestion ceases, to be taken up again by the intestines. By starchy and sweet foods is meant, potatoes, white bread, rice, various puddings, flour gravies, bananas, candy, sugar and some of the fruits. Acids stop the digestion of starch and sugar. That is why they are not digested in the stomach, and that also is why, if one eats potatoes and other starches and drinks lemonade, or uses vinegar at the same meal, he is troubled soon after with an un comfortable feeling in the stomach, followed by indigestion and bloating. Then, acids and starches should not be eaten at the same meal. Acids may, however, be eaten with meats and certain vegetables. White bread, potatoes, rice and puddings should not be eaten at the same meal, as they are all mostly starch, and too much starch overtaxes the intestines and causes bloating and constipa tion. Fats and starches should not be eaten but if taken they should be eaten sparingly, at the same meal, for the same reason. An exclusive meat diet will not do, as it is too highly concentrated as a food and often too greasy for most digestive organs. This is especially true of pork. A man working out doors such as a farm hand, a team ster, or a laborer can eat a certain amount of pork and other greasy foods and find that he can, handle them all right. But for the man or woman who works indoors, this diet would not be suitable and would cer tainly result in auto-intoxication. The ideal diet then, is a properly balanced diet containing a little meat, and a little starch, and some vegetables, all thoroughly masticat ed eaten at the right time, in the proper quantity and proportion and not mixed with all sorts of drinks and rich highly seasoned pastries. "Suppose my digestion is all wrong and my system loaded down with poison what am I to do?" someone asks. Get the necessary information regarding yourself, your food, and your habits then use the brains the Creator gav« you, *X"' "v ,v1-^ I S I step by step to the longest. 5. Each original word must be writ ten in its turn and place. 6. The words or combinations of let ters, ar, ay, ays, ce, ef, eh, el, em, en, es, ge, ya, and yo, are not to be consid ered or reported. 7. Every other accidental word hav ing two or more letters must be written in us turn and place 8. No report shall contain any pro per noun that does not appear as a proper noun, or as part of a proper noun, in the original sentence. Thus, if the words "George's hat" were in a sentence, the contestant would report "George" and "George's" if the word "demijohn" were given, he could not report "John" as an accidental word if the word "losemary" were given he could not report Mary" as an acciden tal word. 9. Where two contestants are equal on all other points, the prize will be awarded to the one whose report and list present the neatest and most at tractive appearance. 10. The award of the American Copyright Company will be final and conclusive on all parties each contest ant agreeing to abide by said award. WORD HUNTING- CONTEST. 3 Open to readers of all periodicals li censed by the American Copyright Co. Subject to the foregoing rules: SENTENCE: Pull many a ffem of purest ray serene The dark unfathom'd caves of ocean bear. Contest Closes October 14, 1912. Prizes Announced in Week Commencing October 27, 912. First prize. Five dollars, cash. Second prize. Three dollars, cash. Third prize. Two dollars, cash. All reports must be on the form given below, or a copy of the same, and must be mailed on or before the day the con test is closed to American Copyright Company, 506 L. & L. & G. Building, New Orleans, La. Suggestion: It will be best for each contestant first to write his list on a sheet of paper to be kept by him, then to copy the words on the list, going over the former several times before making the final copy. The number of words hidden away is often greater than would at first be supposed. Form of Report to be Filled Out by Contestant. Date 1912 I am under eighteen years of age, my name is •, my address is No St., City or Town County State I submit this report subject to the rules and conditions of the American Copy right Company, and agree to accept their decision as final and conclusive on me. In the sentence given, I find that there are original words and accidental words, as shown on the list herewith enclosed, dated and signed by me. The name of the paper from which I clip, or (copy,) this form is Respectfully, A gentleman recently wrote to the Home Health Club, giving a long list of symptoms, including consti pation, nervousness, an/1 some kid ney trouble, and occasional attacks of rheumatism, and asked for help. For years he had eaten his "three daily squares" as a matter of course. He was given the necessary knowledge and taught how to treat himself. Some four or five months have elapsed and he again writes that he now considers himself a well man, and further states that this is the first time he was told the how and the why of his troubles. Knowledge with brains and perseverance mixed are a powerful combination. Take for instance, rheumatism which is so frequently the result of auto-intoxication. So many who suffer with this symptom expect a cure by merely using some local ap plication to the parts affected and taking internally some* preparation which is supposed to counteract the effects of the uric acid in the system, without giving the least thought to correcting the diet and habits which are responsible for the condition. The same that has been said of rheumatism may be said in most in stances of headaches, loss of energy and ambition, which is ninety-nine cases out of a hundred due to auto intoxication, catarrh, consumption, nervous breakdowns, biliousness, gall stones, cancers, etc. The list might be prolonged indefinitely. Does cutting out the appendix when inflammation of this organ re sults from constipation and impro Der habits and diet remove the cause? Does removing inflamed ov aries, resulting from a lesion in the spine remove the cause? Does re moving an organ which is prolapsed or fallen down as a result of flabby ligament and muscles, remove the cause? The answer to all these questions is obvious. Then, would it not show greater proficiency on the part of the physician to find the real and the first cause and if possible remove it? It would. As has been shown, auto-intoxi cation is the cause of most of the ills of the human body, and a layman possessed of the correct knowledge of the simple laws governing the functions of his body can do much towards keeping his body in health. CLUB NOTES. Dear Doctor: Please give me your opinion in re gard to young people marrying, the grandparents of one partv being first cousins to the parents of the other party. I also wish to ask you in re gard to my three-year-old girl, who is constipated. Would you advise my giving her olive oil? MRS. E. C. D. It would be my opinion that there could be no possible harm for people to marry who are so distantly related as fourth cousins. la regard to your SOMETHING NEW! 'BUT.LER COMBINATION S E E A IN BIN CANNOT CAVE IN SECURELY ANCHORED Proof Against Rats, Fire, Rain, Robbers COAL Hard Maple, Birch, WILLMAR Pine Slab, little girl, I would suggest that you gi\e the juice of two oranges to her each day before breakfast. Express the juice from the oranges and let her drink it. If it is not convenient to get the oranges give her a gener ous dish of stewed prunes. A little pure olive oil would be also benefic ial. All readers of this publication are at liberty at any time to write for information pertaining to the sub ]ect of health. Address all com munications to the Home Health Club, 5039 Cottage Grove Ave., Chi cago, 111., U. S. A., with name and address in full, and at least four cents in postage. Card of Thanks. We wish hereby to express our -incere thanks to all friends and neighbors who so kindly assisted us and extended their heartfelt sym pathy in our late bereavement in the loss of our beloved daughter, Alice, and we also extend -thanks for the many beautiful floral offerings. Gratefully, Eriek Moline and Family. To Water and Light Patrons. The Willmar city municipal water and light department office will be moved this week from the Bank of Willmar building to the rooms in the rear of the First National Bank, for merly occupied by A. H. Brown. L. FRIDLUND, Sec. (First publication Sept. ll-4t) Citation for Hearing on Pinal Ac count ana for XMetrttration. Estate of Ole L. Skutle. State of Minnesota, County of Kan diyohi, In Probate Court. In the Matter of the Estate of Ole L. Skutle, Decedent: The State of Minnesota to all per sons interested in the final account and distribution of the estate of said decedent: The representative of the above named decedent, having filed in this court his final account of the ad ministration of the estate of said de cedent, tog-ether with his petition praying- for the adjustment and al lowance of said final account and for distribution of the residue of said es tate to the persons thereunto entitl ed THEREFORE, YOU, AND EACH OF YOU, are hereby cited and re quired to show cause, if any you have, before this court at the Probate Court Rooms in the Court House in the City of "Willmar, in the County of Kandiyohi, State of Minnesota, on the 7 th day of October, 1912, at 2 o'clock p. m, why said petition should not be granted. Witness, the Judge of said court, and the Seal of said Court, this 5th day of September, 1912. (COURT SEAL.) T. O. GILBERT, „_ Probate Judge. GEO. H. OTTERNESS, Attorney per se, Willmar. Minn. Mi IF, Your income should stop today, yet your expenses will keep right on. Better save while the dollars come regularly. Into every life comesatimewhenREADY MONEY would be welcome. Tis a fund you yourself can create—through a SAV INGS account with the Kandiyohi County Bank ORGANIZED 1879 CAPITAL $100,000.00 ANDREW LARSON, President L. 0. THORPE, Cashier J. 0. ESTREM, Vie* President F. A. LARSON, Asst. Cashier L. A. VIK, Asst. Cashier Building Material Let us figure on your bill. We are confident that you will find in our yards what you need. The qnality is here and our prices will be right. All kinds of Lumber, Sash, Doors, Mouldings, Shingles, Lath, Portland Ce ment, Lime, Plast er, Brick, Tile, Etc. Scranton (Penn.) Hard Coal Dixie Gem Soft Coal. Smokeless Soft Coal Geigler Splint Youghiogheny Hocking Valley Let us fill your bins Oak or Ash Standard Lumber Co. H. C. HANSEN, Agent 'PHONE No. 3 1 WOOD MINNESOTA (First publication Sept. ll-4t) Citation for Hearing on Final Ac count and for Distribution. Estate of Louis Larson. State of Minnesota, County of Kan diyohi, In Probate Court. In the Matter of the Estate of Louis Larson, Decedent. The State of Minnesota to all per sons interested in the final account and distribution of the estate of said decedent: The representative of the above named decedent, having filed in this court his final account of the ad ministration of the estate of said de cedent, together with his petition praying for the adjustment and al lowance of said final account and for distribution of the residue of said es tate to the persons thereunto entitl ed THEREFORE, YOU, AND EACH OF YOU, are hereby cited and re quired to show cause, if any you have before this court at the Probate Court Rooms in the Court House, in the City of Willmar in the County of Kandiyohi, State of Minnesota, on the 7th day of October, 1912, at 2 o'clock p. m., why said petition should not be granted. Witness, the Judge of said court, and the Seal of said Court, this 10th day of September, 1912. (COURT SEAL) T. O. GILBERT, Probate Judge. GEO. H. OTTERNESS, Attorney for Petitioner, Willmar, Minn. (First publication Sept. ll-4t) Citation for Hearing- on Petition for Ad ministration. Estate of John William Carlson. State of Minnesota, County of Kandi yohi, In Probate Court. In the Matter of the Estate of John William Carlson, Decedent. The State of Minnesota to all persons interested in the granting of adminis tration of the estate of said decedent: The petition of Anna Greta Carlson hav ing been filed in this court, representing that John Carlson also known as Johan Carlson, then a resident of he County of Kandiyohi, State of Minnesota, died intestate on the 30th day of June, 1912, and praying that letters of administration of his estate be granted to Chr. Svenson, of said coun ty and the Court having fixed the time and place for hearing said petition THEREFORE, YOU, AND EACH OF YOU, are hereby cited and required to show cause, if any you have, before this court at the Probate Court Rooms in the Court House va. the City of Willmar in the County of Kandiyohi, State of Min nesota, on the 7th day of October, 1912, at 2 o'clock p. m., why said petition should not be granted. Witness, the Judge of said Court, and the Seal of said Court, this 7th day of September, 1912. (COURT SEAL) T. O. GILBERT, Probate Court- R. W. STANFORD, Attorney for Petitioner, Willmar. Minn. S el "*h