Newspaper Page Text
3 %r Gold Silver Total Cash Assets Checks and Cash Items Other Resources Total Total Immediate Liabilities Time Certificates Total Deposits Total Currency Gold Silver Other Total Cash Assets Checks and Cash Items Paid out for expenses etc Total Capital Stock .Surplus Fund Deposits Subject to Check Cashier's Checks ff *t \^T School Shoes and Stockings FOR THE BOYS AND GIRLS We can fit you out with correct and durable footwear at reasonable prices. DRES S GOOD S The new weaves and shades for fall are now in, and we shall be pleased to show them to you. You will find the newest novelties, as well as the staple serges and whipcords. One Special Lot of Wool Dress Goods, consisting of serges, whipcords, plaids, checks and mixtures, in a large and varied assortment of colors and patterns, is now on sale at 4 8 yard* (There are values in this lot up to 75c per yard) The Store That Sells Wooltex Mrs. R. Cotlnan of Faribault, left Monday foi Benson foi a visit befoie letiumng home During hei stay in this city she visited Mi Cochran, who is employed as butter maker at the Cential Minnesota Pio duce Co Cm rency BANK OF WILLMAR Statement of the condition of Bank of Willmar Willmar Minn business on August 9th 1913 Date of Call by Supt Aug poit by Bank Aug 13, 1913 Loans and Discounts Overdrafts Banking House, Furniture and Tixtures Other Real Estate Due from Banks Cash on Hand (items below) RESOURCES Statement of the condition of State Bank of S%ea, Svea, Minn business on August 9th, 1913 port by Bank, Aug 13, 1913 Total Immediate Liabilities Time Certificates Total Deposits Total IU- ?rfv. Correst Attest. (Two) Directors Miss Addie Olson of St Paul is expected to leturn to Willmar the latter pait of this week, to again take up hei duties as trimmer at the Youngbeig milhneiy stoie This is Miss Olson's foiuth season in Will- 00 6 645 00 1 tiO* 00 LI ABILITIES Capital Stock Surplus Fund Undivided Profits, Net Bills Payable (including certificates for monej borrowed) Deposits Subject to Check Demand Certificates Certified Checks Due to Banks State of Minnesota, i__ County of Kandiyohi, fss' We, A E Rice, Piesident and Handy Cashier of the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of our knowledge and belief Date of Call by Supt, RESOURCES Loans and Discounts Overdrafts Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures Due from Banks Cash on Hand (items below) excess of earnings LIABILITIES State of Minnesota. «.„ County of Kandiyohi, -v, We A. E Rice, President and James Matson, Cashier of the above named "Bank do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of our ^knowledge and belief. A $44 351 62$ 44,351 62 4c, *$#, We are now showing the New Fall Models in the Wooltex Coats and Suits PETERSON & WELLIN Bank No 12 it close of 12 1913, Date of Ke- $646 196 58 2 392 73 16 508 00 1 S93 72 $24 656 2C 19,695 42 $11 127 246 17 27 50 $711,556 62 $100 000 00 16 000 00 946 82 10,000 00 $103 896 36 644 93 840 00 6 854 94 112 236 23 472,373 57 $584,609 80 A E RICE President HAND\ Cashier Subscribed and sworn to before me this 16th day of August 1913 (SEAL) EDWIN SELVIG, Notaiy Public My commission expires March 7th, 1914 Correst Attest (Two) Directors MANNING, $584,609 80 $711,556 62 JORGENSON STATE BANK OF SVEA Bank No 904 at close of Aug 12, 1913, Date of Re- $48,778 14 61 45 988 56 $2,419 &5 1,444 90 $49S 00 505 00 SbO 90 81 00 $3,864 «5 $ 3,864 75 97 07 812 05 $54,602 02 .$10,000 00 1,000 00 $ 8,645 78 70 45 8,716 23 34,885 79 $43,602 02 $43,602 02 JAMES MATSON. Cashier *JW% Subscribed and sworn to before me this 18th day of August, 1913 \&S fsEAL) N S SWENSON. Notary Public My commission expires July 24th, 1919 $54,602 02 ^#3H ST Soon the school bell will ring, and back to school the children will go. Let them go well dressed. Dressing well is just as necessary a part of the children's education as the multi plication table. We are fixed to fix up the childrenwith good, strong, stylish clothes from head to foot. Our low prices on good chil dren's goods have made our store the chil dren's store. NEW LONDON, ROUTE 3. New London, Rt. 3—There will be communion sen ices in the Swedish Lutheran church Sunday at the usual time. Mr and Mis Alfied Olander en teitamed at their home last Sunday the Benjamin and Chaihe Biedbeig families and Mis. Louis Lai son and childien. Lohta Newman and Ida Soderlund visited with Esther Olander Satur day afternoon. Dr. and Mis. Newman and daugh tei, Lohta of Stillwater, are enjoying a month's vacation on their farm heie Misses Hazel and Sylvia Olander spent Sunday e\enmg at August Olander's. Gustav Holm visited at Carl Sod erlund's Sunday. Mi. and Mrs. Frank Bergeson and family spent Sunday afternoon by Lake Andrew. The annual Sunday school picnic at Bear Lake, which ^a held Fri day, was well attended and every body enjoyed themselves. Mrs. August Olander and daugh teer, Esther and son, Meroy, visited at Call Bengtson's Thursday after noon. A suiprise party wTas given Mr and Mrs V. E. Holm last Thursday evening, by the young people of the Swedish Lutheian church. A center table was left as a remembrance Mrs Daniel Peteison and family Msited at Doctor Newman's Sunday by Lake Andiew. The Willmar Seminary had 155 students last year. Get in line and help make it 200 the coming year Adv. s-S^Fvp Advance Sale and Showing OF OUTING AND DOMET FLANNELS Commencing FRIDAY, the 22nd, and con tinuing for 10 days. Lot 1. Standard Outing Flannels, in light and dark patterns, extraordinary values for 10 days at 9c per yard. Lot 2. Imperial Outing Flannel, a very high grade cloth with the new German finish, in light and dark colors, a regular 15c quality for the next 10 days at 12%c per yard. Lot 3. White Domet Flannel, standard quality and width in twill and plain. A big bargain for 10 days at 9c per yard. $190.00 $196.00 11913 Indian, 4 H. P. 11913 Excelsior, 4 P. 11913 Harley-Davision 5 H. 11913 Emblem 5 H. all equipped $135.00, 119!0Harley-Davison, 4 H. $185.00 P., free engine $85.00 11910 Minneapolis, in good shape $45.00 P. J. PERSEN Agent for Indian and Exeelslor WILLMAR, .WESS Willmar, Minn. WEST LAKE West Lake, Aug. 18—B. 0. Otter ness called at the 0. R. Skarpness hoiiie near Spring Cieek fiom Sat in day till Sunday. Religious services were conducted the Spring Creek church last Sunday by Rev. M. A. Sotendal. Theolina Rogen is visiting at the J. E. Otteiness home this week. Ed. Reigstad commenced thiesh mg out of shock last week. Wheat yielded 21 bushels to the acre on the 0. S Reigstad farm. S Harold Rustad is shock-threshing for J. E Otterness this week Wheat is yielding about 19 bushels to the aeie. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Skmness call ed at the J. E. Otterness home last Sunday. Thieshmg operators will be delay ed a couple of days on account of the heavy lain Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ole Rogen called at the J. E. Otterness home Sunday af ternoon. Mrs. Miller and daughter, Miss Dons, on their way to their home at Edgely, N. Dak, from a visit at Kidder, spent from Wednesday un til Thursday with their son and bro ther, H. C. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Monson and son, Elmer of Galesburg, 111, have aimed for a visit with Mrs. Men son's parents, Mr. and Mis. Carl Nelson, near Willmar and the C. Sjoquist family in this city. Corrected August 20, 1813. Prices on creamery butter.nour, bran.inorti and apples are dealers' selling prices, all other areprloes paid to producers. Wheat, No. 1 Northern 82c Wheat, No. a 80c Wheat, No. 8 77c Wheat, No. 4 73c Wheat, rejected 68c Wheat, No. 1 Velvet Chaff 81c Wheat, No. 3 Velvet Chaff .... 79c Wheat, No. 8 Velvet Chaff 76c Wheat, No 1 Durum 80c Wheat, No. 3 Durum 78c Wheat, No. 8 Durum 751 Wheat. No. 4 Durum 72c Oats 31c to 37c Barley 49c to 68 Rye 54c to 57c Flax $ 1 21 co $1 36 Barcorn /.57c Plour, fancy 88 80 Plour, straight $3.70 Bran $34.00 Short* $35.00 Potatoes «. .... Beans $3 SO per bwphel Cabbage l^c perpound Bggs ,|l7c Butter, separator il23c Butter,dairy i|22c Butter, creamery .i?(k Lambs .-~ $6 OO to $7:00 Sheep $4 OO to $6.00 Chickens '. 8c Spring chickens ,. .13c beefcattle $5.00 to $6.00 Steers $6 00 to $7vfi0 Veal calves $5 50 to $7.00 Hides.. w,8c Moga. Uvf.....,.., $6.50 to JT.50 V^'s^WFJ**^ mF-r Spicev-on-Green Lake, Aug. Mrs. Thorson and daughters, Em ma and Esther of Minneapolis were guests of relatives in this vieinity last week. The former returned home Wednesday, but the girls will remain for a longer stay, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Nelson had for their gnest last week, Miss Delia Peterson of Willmar. A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Crommett on Wednesday, Aug. 6. Rev. Thomas Seotton and family are occupying the Sivert Hanson cottage on Green Lake Beach. Mrs. E. L. Quam and Miss Ber getha Thorvig went to Willmar Sat urday afternoon, to have some den tal work done. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Mardin and family enjoyed a pleasant visit from Mrs. F. H. Wolfe and daughter, Alice »of Harris last week. They left for their home Saturday, accompanied by Miss Cressie Mardin. Mrs. Fredolf Hultgren is enjoying a very pleasant visit from her moth er and sister of Heaton, N. Dak., and her sister-in-law and baby of Min neapolis, the past week. Mrs. May Metty and son, who have been visiting for several weeks with Mrs. Alice Howard and daugh ters, departed the first of last week for their home at Topeka, Kjas. Mrs 0. A. Orred accompanied them to St. Paul. The ice cream social given at the Saron church last Saturday was quite well attended. A sum of $14 was realized. Rev. H. E. Easly returned the lat ter part of the week from a couple of weeks' visit at his parental home Loudenville, Ohio. He held serv ices in the Presbyterian church on Sunday. Mrs. Albert Hanson of Willmar, was a guest at the Sivert Hanson home the first of last week. At* Miss Selma Kloster is assisting with the housework at Norbies. Mesdames P. Henderson and V. Anderson were entertained at the Wm. Lester home last Thursday. Mrs. Lovander, who has been vis iting her daughter, Mrs. J. A. Healy for a few days, left Monday for hei home at Grove City. Miss Edith Gustafson entertained about sixteen of her young friends at her home last Thursday. The oc casion was her birthday anniversary. She was the recipient of many use ful gifts. Mrs. Jno. Larson and daughter of Minneapolis, arrived heie last week for a visit with relatives. J. Albert Peterson returned to Willmar Sunday, after spending a ten days' vacation at his parental home here. Miss Lydia Olson of Skandia ar rived here last week for a visit at Edenwood faim. She is on her way home from Montana, where she has been visiting a sister. A party of young ladies from Sacred Heart arrived last week and are occupying the Hanscom cottage on Crescent Beach. Gilbert Baklund of Eagle Lake was a Spicer visitor Monday. A party of thirteen ladies from Raymond are occupying Stene's cot tage on the east side of the lake. Mr. and Mis. W. C. Hendnckson and daughter, Madeline, who have been visiting relatives at Minneapolis and Anoka, arrived here Monday for a visit. The lightning struck O. J. Orsen's bam about 5 o'clock Monday morn ing. Some damage was done to the roof and one wall. J. J. Rykken and family from Dovre were guests at the Peter An derson home the first of the week. Mr. Ness of Minneapolis arrived here Friday foi a visit with relatives. Mrs. Ctrne Swanson was a Will ar \isitor between trains Saturday. Miss Lilhe Arneson came home Monday from Minneapolis for a visit with her folks. A shipment of about 400 pounds of catalogues from the popular firm of Sears, Roebuck & Co., Chicago, arrived at the local postoflfice last Monday. Shock threshing has been delay ed on account of the heavy rains these days. Some fair weather is looked for in order to finish. Anthon Tranum of Willmar was a Sunday guest a the Holt home. Misses Stella Holt and Alvma Tranum were Willmar visitors Mon day afternoon. Mrs Pauline Holt and family are enjoying a visit from their friends, Mrs. Fred Peterson and daughter, Bermce of Kerkhoven. Mrs. Iver Graven, who has been visiting for about three weeks with her parents, Mr and Mrs Jno. Thor vig left the first of the week for her home at Minneapolis. She was ac companied by her sister, Mabel, who will spend some time with her. Messis. Wang and Thungsted, who have been employed by Olof Ander son, who had the contract for erect ing Chas. Thompson's new residence, left Monday for their homes at Min neapolis. The Sunday school of the Swedish Lutheran Saron church will have a picnic on Tuesday, Aug. 26, on the shores of George Lake, near the An drew Johnson home. A program con sisting of speeches and songs will be given. Services will be held in the Swed ish Lutheran church next Sunday afternoon at 3. "o'clock. Sunday school at 2 o'clock. S mar If'H M&fer 18—transacted -^K comvx Colfax, Aug. 18—Knud Olson business at Willmar last week. Miss Mahne Olson returned home from Kenma»e, N. D., last Tuesday, where she has visited with her sister, Mrs. Nels Naas. She was accom panied by her nieces, Cora and El vera Naas, who will remain indefin itely. Mrs. C. L. Gulsvig and children of Sunburg are at present visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mikkel Ol son. Miss Elma Gerhardson has return ed home from St. Cloud, where she has attended the Normal school. Leite, Severade and Co., com menced threshing oats last Friday. The Aurora Y. S. will meet with Lars Anderson's near Belgrade on Sunday, Aug. 24. Miss Nannie Iverson of George ville is at present assisting at C. H. Thorson's. Miss Louise Nordhe of New Lon don is at present visiting with rela tives here. Claus Olson and family and Ar thur Olson visited at Mrs. Kathenne Olson's on Sunday. LAKE WAG0NGA. Lake Wagonga, Aug. 18—Miss Emma Johnson visited at the Carlson home Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Kreutz and sister, Millie Carlson of Lisbon, N. are visit ing at the Frank Johnson home. Frank Johnson and family and Mrs. Kreutz and Millie Carlson vis ited at the C. Challberg home near Kandiyohi last Sunday. Ben Shamp spent Fuday evening in Willmar. Ludvic Carlson visited at Arbor Hill farm Sunday evening. Miss Cecelia Olson spent Thurs day afternoon with her friend, Sadie Carlson. Mis. Gilbert Gabrielson and fath er, N P. Carlson of Willmar are Msitmg at the Carlson home. The Ladies' Aid will meet Thurs day afternoon and the young peo ple in the evening at the Frank Jo'm son home. The attendance at Sunday school last Sunday was only sixteen. Won der why the members do not attend moie regularly. Everybody ti^ and come next Sunday and see if we can not have the largest attendance we have had this summer. The funeral of the late Mrs. Ed ward Trulson was held last Thurs day afternoon from the Sjoberg home. There was a large number of friends and relatives who came to pay their last respects to the deceas ed. The floral tributes were many and beautiful. Rev. and Mrs. C. E. Oberg sang a duet. Miss Mabel Nelson of Willmar spent Sunday at her parental home here. GRUE. Grue, Aug. 18—Mr. Carl J. Olson returned ye&terday from a two months' trip to Europe. Mrs. Otto Mathiason arrived from Chicago, 111., last week for a definite stay. Mrs. T. F. Murray visited her par ents at Spicer last week. Arthur Arneson assisted Ole O. Erickson stacking last week. Mis. H. Haug of Lonsdale, Minn., arrived last Thursday for a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Fossum. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Gunderson vis ited with relatives in Irving last week. J. E. Erickson of near Willmar wns out this way yesterday Bids for Grading. Sealed bids will be received by the Town Board of Harrison on Tues day, Sept. 9th, 1913, for the grading of a road on the town line between section 32, Town of Harrison and section 5 Town of Gennessee, (3039 cubic yards of dirt to be moved). All bids to be accompanied by a deposit of cash or certified eheck upon a bank in Kandiyohi county, payable to the Town Treasurer, for at least 5 per cent of the amount of the proposal Plans and specifica tions are on file at the Town Clerk's office. BENNIE M. JOHNSON, N. E. HALVERSON, Town Clerk. Chairman. Toilet rooms and a water fountain are among the improvements being made at the Seminary this summer —Adv. Mrs. D. Woldberg entertained very nicely to a delicious course dinner Sunday at 4 p. m., in honor of Miss Cora Osmundson, who will depart for Europe within the near future. Covers were laid for nine. HAVE YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED and get your medicine at ELFSTRUM & CO.'S DRUG STORE Repair Work And also BRASS a GREY IRON CASTINGS Willmar Machine & Foundry Co. Bast Benson Ave. HOTZCE-^All accounts due Bra. F«t Branton arc to 1M paid at the Kandiyohi O*. Sank.—Adv. Classified Wants One cent a word each Insertion. No ad for less than cents, cash with order. SO per cent discount for additional Insertions—No accounts booked for less than SBc Help Wanted. WANTED—Girl at Boston Candy Kitchen. 882 WANTED—Competent girl or general housework. Apply to 113 Litchfield avenue E. 877 WANTED—Girl general house work. Mrs. S. B. Qvale. 145 Litchfield avenue E. 840 WANTED—Competent girl for general housework. Good wages. Inquire at this office. 380 WANTED—Good honest and re liable men for salesmen and collec tors. Apply to Singer Sewing Ma chine store. J. V. Kempen, Mgr.888 Houses and Rooms. FOR RENT—Modern 9 house, Oct. 1. 410 11th St. '•&%<, One drug store is better than another drug store because it has a better druggist and better drugs. Our prescriptions are filled only by an experienced registered pharmacist the drugs we use are the highest quality that can be got, ana they are always fresh. room 374 FOR RENT—House. Inquire at Anderson Land Co.'s office. 837 FOR RENT—Room In old postoffice building' Steam heat Inquire at build ing of W. Stanford. 732 FOR RENT—Furnished room in modern house. Inquire at 721 Litch field Ave. W. 885 FOR RENT—2 rooms, unfurnish ed, suitable for school girls. 610 Jessie street. 366 FOR RENT—Nice furnished room, modern gentleman preferred. In quire at this office. 375 FOR RENT—Three rooms up stairs. Sewer and soft water. 921 Campbell avenue, 10th St. 368 WANTED—Five rooms for house keeping, near center or east part of town. Inquire at Tubune. 379 FOR RENT NOW —Crescent Beach cottage. Completely furnish ed and well located. Dr. H. F. Por ter. 353 FOR RENT—One large room on first floor all modern conveniences suitable for one or two. 115 Becker Ave. E. 813 WANTED—To rent six to eight room house any time before Oct. 1st. No children, good reference. Ad dress Willmar Tribune. 365 FOR RENT—Three large pleas ant furnished rooms, suitable for light housekeeping or for separate roomers. Apply at 186 Litchfield Ave. E. 849 FOR SALE OR RENT—Hotel of 20 rooms in business part of Ray mond, a village of 600. Write C. M. Leighton, Raymond, Box 155 or come and see the place. 361 Stock For Sale. FOR SALE—Six year old driving mare. Weight 875 lbs. Call at 912 Jefferson street. 370 Real Estate. FOB SALE—A food 80 acres of land 3 miles south of Willmar. In quire «t office. tve- ctonC No matter who your doctor is, bring your pre scriptions to to us and know you will get them filled right. We are prepared to do all kinds of Make OUR Drug Store YOUR Drug Store. THE BEST DRUG STORE A. E. MOSSBERG Machine FOB SALE Two lots and cottage on Crescent Beach. A snap at $650. Wm. Olson. Spicer. 810 FOR SALE—Ten acres of good city piopeity. Cheap if sold soon. Inqune at Willmar Green House. Gorton avenue West. 388 NORTHERN MINNESOTA LANDS—. $12 50 to $15 00 per acre, $2 per acre cash, balance on easy terms at 5 per cent. For further particulars call at our office or write Anderson Land Co., Willmar. Minn 650 CEMETERY LOTS—The south half of the newly-platted Bethel cemetery (Den Svenska Gravgarden) is open to the public for the purchase of lots, at reasonable prices. See Lewis Johnson. HOUSES FOR SALE—On the in stallment plan. If interested in buy ing a house it will pay you to call at our offic« and get full particulars. Anderson Land Co., Willmar, Minne sota 635 For Sale—Miscellaneous. FOR SALE—Cheap, one 25 h. p. engine in good condition. Write or see Chas. Wallm, Willmar, Minne sota. 367 MONTANA STATE MAPS—New pocket edition just off press, showing new counties—10c. Other N. W. states same price. Tribune Print mg Co. FOR SALE OR TRADE—One Harley-Davidson motorcycle (1913 model, magneto, free wheel control, floating seat, used very little) for horse and buggy. Write John Dam hof, Svea, Minn. 551 FOR SALE—A six-horse power Willmar gasoline engine, now in use at the Tribune office. We are gomg to put in an electric motor to take its place. First reasonable offer wdl be accepted. Tribune Printing Co. Misceflaneous. WANTED—To buy fresh eggs at the Ideal Bakeiy. 363 BALED PAPER—We ha\e about 15 good bales of waste paper which we will sell at small price in order to clear out our basement at once Anyone hav ing room to store them please call up Tribune office, 'phone 51. MONEY TO LOAN—See S. L. Ben ton for farm loans, on the optional payment plan, and at low interest^ as he has charge of the loaning bus iness while I am away from home. A. P. Adams. 562 WANTED—More people to get the habit of using this column. Many have found it an easy way to get what they want or to dispose of any surplus articles they may have on iiand. Try the TRD3UNE want col umn. WANTED PLOWDJG DONE— Want about seventy acres summer fallow done at once. Located about ten miles northwest from Willmar, known as the old Wilkins farm. Parties may have chance to rent land or to put in with winter rye. Parties wishing to do this plowing may write Furch Bros, at Odessa, Minn., or Geo* Hegstrom, Pennock, Minn. 369 Lest, Found, Etc. LOST—Bracket license No. 33752. this office. FOUND—A pair of gold bow spec-^ tacles. Owner may have same by" calling at this office and paying for ad. 377- MONUMENTS Orders for MARBLE and GRAN ITE MONUMENTS, markers, grave cribs, cemetery fences, etc., prompt ly filled. Factory between Second and Third streets, on Benson ave-j-¥ ^SroLSONAGBCE,. nw46ti.M.l«3ia!j?il_ •F^IJS^I ^^fe 3? and automobile Finder leave at 376 -$&€• I