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"fft) 1 1* w. The Husbands of Edith By GEORGE BARR MXUTCHEON Copyright by Dodd. Mead 6 Co. S N O S I S Roxbury Medcroft persuades his friend Brock to publicly impersonate him in Vi enna as the husband of Medcroft's wife. Edith, while Medcroft remains in London Brock meets Edith and, lacking sepa rate accommodations, has to sit up alone all night in the sleeping car. He makes many amusing mistakes and meets Constance, his alleged sister-in law, who insists that he call her "Con nie." Brock becomes interested in Constance. cultivates an English accent and has trouble answering to the name Medcroft. The party meet the Rodneys and Fred die Ulstervelt, who almost discovers that Brock is an Impostor. CHAPTER VII. Th Would Be Brother-in-law. Te HE next morning, bright and early, Mr. Alfred Rodney, a telegram in his band, charged down the hall to Mrs. Med- croft's door. With characteristic far west impulsiveness be banged on the door. A sleepy voice asked who was there. "It's me—Rodney. Get up. I want to see Medcroft. Say, Roxbury, wake up!" "Roxbury?" came in shrill tones from within. "He— Isn't he upstairs? Good heaven, Mr. Rodney, what has happened? What has happened?" "Upstairs? What the deuce is he doing upstairs?" "He's—he's sleeping! Do tell me what's the matter!" "Isn't this Mr. Medcroft's room?" "Ye-es—but he isn't in. He objects to the noise. Oh, has anything hap pened to Roxbury?" She was stand ing just inside the door, and her voice betrayed agitation. "My dear Edith, don't get excited. I have a telegram from"— She uttered a shriek. "He's been assassinated! Ob, Rox bury!" "What the dev— Are you crazy? It's a telegram from"— "Oh, heavens! I knew they'd kill him I knew something dreadful would hap pen if I left"— Here she stopped sud denly. He distinctly heard her catch her breath. After a moment she went on warily, "Is It from a man named Hobart?" "No. It's from Odell-Carney. Ho bart? I don't know anybody named Hobart." (How was he to know that Hobart was the name that Medcroft had chosen for correspondence pur poses?) "We're to meet the Odell-Car neys today in Munich. No time to be lost. We've got to catch the 9 o'clock train." "Oh!" came in great relief from the other side of the door. Then In sud den dismay: "But I can't do it! The idea of getting up at an hour like this!" "What room is Roxbury in?" "I don't know!" in very decided tones. "Inquire at the office." Alfred Rodney was a persevering man. It is barely possible that he oc cupied a lower social plane than that attained by his wife, but he was a man of accomplishment. If not accom plishments. He always did what he set out to do. Be it said In defense of this assertion he not only routed out his entire protesting flock, but had them at the West-Bahuhof In time to catch the Orient express—luggage, ac cessories and all. Be It also said that he was the only one In the party save Constance and Tootles who took to the situation amiably. "Dash the Odell-Carneys!" was what Freddie Ulstervelt said as the train drew out of the station. Brock looked up approvingly. "That's the first sensible thing I've heard him say," he muttered, loud enough to be heard by Miss Fowler. "I say, who are the Odell-Carneys? First I've heard of 'em." "The Odell-Carneys? Oh, dear, have you never heard of them?" she cried In surprise. He felt properly rebuked. "They are very swell Londoners. It la said"— "Then, good heavens, they'll know I'm not Medcroft," he whispered in alarm. "Not at all, my dear Roxbury. That's just where you're wrong. They don't know Roxbury the first. I've gone over it all with Edith. She's just crazy to get into the Odell-Carney set 1 re gret to say that they have failed to notice the Medcrofts up to this time. Secretly, Edith has ambitions. She has gone to the lord mayor's dinners and to the Royal Antiquarians and to Sir John Brodncy's and a lot of other functions on the outer rim, but she's never been able to break through the crust and taste the real sweets of Lon don society. My dear Roxbury, the Odell-Carneys entertain the nobility without compuuction. and they've been known to hobnob with royalty. Mrs. Odell-Carney was a Lady Soinebody-or other before she married the second time. She's terribly smart, Roxbury." "How, in the name of heaven, do they happen to be hobnobbing, as you call it, with the Rodneys, may I nsk?" "Well, it seems that Odell-Carney is promoting-a new South African mining venture. I hove It from Freddie Ul stervelt that he's trying to sell some thing like a million shares to Mr. Rod ney, who has loads of money that came from real mines in the far west He'd never be such a fool as to sink a mil yon in South Africa, jrou know, but &^^^M&^^§ He's JusVcTever enough-to see fne «1 vantage of keeping Odell-Carney in tow, as it were. It means a great deal to Mi's. Rodney, don't you know. Rox bury. to be able to say that Bhe toured with the Odell-Carneys. Freddie says that Cousin Alfred is talking In a very diplomatic manner of going to London In August to look fully into the matter. It Is understood that the Rodneys are to be the guests of the Odell-Cnrneys while In London. It wo"n't be the sea son, of course, so there won't bo much of a commotion in the smart set It is our dear Edith's desire to slip Into the charmed circle through the rift that the Rodneys make. Do you.compre hend?" They were seated side by side In the corner of the compartment, his broad back screening her as much as possible from the persistent glances of! Freddie Ulstervelt, who was nobly striving to confine his attentions to Katherine. Brock's eyes were devouring- her ex quisite face with a greediness that might have caused her some uneasi ness if there had not been something pleasantly agreeable in his way of do ing it "Yes—faintly," he replied after an almost imperceptible conflict between the senses of sight and hearing. "But how does she Intend to explain me away? I'll be a dreadful skeleton in her closet if it comes to that When she is obliged to produco tho real Rox bury, what then'" "She's thought It all out, Roxbury," said Constance severely. bi:t almost inaudibly. "I'm suije FrSudd!* heard part of what you said. Do IM* careful. She's going to reveal the wbolt plot to Mrs. Odell-Caruey just as soon as Rox bury gives the word treattnjr it as a very clever and necessary ruse, don't you see. Mrs. Odell-Carney will be implored to aid In the deception for a few days, and she'll consent, because she's really quite a bit of a sport At the psychological moment the Rodneys will be told. That places Mrs. Odell Carney in the position of being an abettor or accomplice. She's bad the distinction of being a sharer in a most glorious piece of strategy. Don't you see how charmingly it will all work in the end?" "What are you two whispering about?" demanded Freddie Ulstervelt noisily, patience coming to an end. "Wha-what the devil Is that to"— began Brock furiously. Constance brought him up sharp with a warning kick on the ankle. He vowed after ward that he would carry the mark to his grave. "He's telling me what a nice chap you are, Freddie," said she sweetly. Brock glared out of the window. Fred die sniffed scornfully. "I'm getting sick of this job," growl ed Brock under his breath. "I didn't calculate on"— "Now, Roxbury, dear, don't be a bear," she pleaded so gently, her eyes so full of appeal, that he flushed with sudden shame and contrition. "Forgive me." he said, the old light coming back into his eyes so strongly that she quivered for an instant be fore lowering her own. "1 hate that confounded puppy," he explained lame ly, guarding his voice with a new care. "If you felt as I do you would too," She laughed In the old way, but she was not soon to forget that moment when panic was so imminent "I—I don't see how any one can help liking Freddie," she said without actually knowing why. He stared hard at the Danube below. After a long silence he said: "It's all tommyrot about its being blue, isn't it?" She was also looking at the dark brown, swollen river that has been immortalized in song. "It's never blue. It's always a yel low ocher, it seems to me." He waited a long time before ven turing to express the thought that of late had been troubjfcsg him seriously. "I wonder If you truly realize the difficulty Edith will have in satisfying an Incredulous world with her abso lutely truthful story. She'll have to explain, you know. There's bound to be a skeptic or two, my dear Con stance." "But there's Roxbury," she protest ed, her face clouding nevertheless. "He will set everything right." "The world will say he Is a gullible fool," said he gently. "And the world always laughs at not with, a fool. Alas, my dear sister, it's a very deep pool we're in." He leaned closer and allowed a quaint, half bantering, whol ly diffident smile to cross his face. "I—I'm afraid that you are the only being on earth who can make the story thoroughly plausible." "I?" she demanded quickly. Their eyes met, and the wonder suddenly left hers. She blushed furiously. "Nonsense!" she said and abruptly left him to take a seat beside Kather ine Rodney. He found small comfort la the whisperings and titterings that came willy nilly to his burning ears from the corner of the compartment He had a disquieting impression that they were discussing him. It was forced In upon him that being a broth er-in-law Is not an enviable occupa-. tion. "Wot?" he asked almost fiercely aft er the Insistent Freddie bad thrice re peated a question. "I say, will you have a cigarette?" half shouted Freddie, exasperated. "Ob! No, thanks. The train makes such a beastly racket, don't you know." "They told me at the Bristol you were deaf, but— Oh, I say, old man. I'm sorry. Which ear is it?" "The one next to you." replied Brock, recovering from his confusion. "1 hear perfectly well with the other one." "Yes," drawled Freddie, with a wink, "so I've observed." After a reflective silence the young man ventured the In teresting conclusion, "She's a stunning girl all right" Brock looked politely askance. "By Jove, I'm glad she isn't my sister-in-law!" "I suppose I'm expected to ask why," frigidly. "Certainly. Because If she was 1 couldn't Do you get the point?" He crossed his legs and looked insupporta bly sure of himself. They reached Munich late in the aft ernoon and went at once to the Hotel Vier Jahretzeiten, 'where they were to find the Odell-Carneys. Mr. Odell-Carney was a middle aged Englishman of the extremely unlni tiatlve type. He was tall and narrow and distant, far beyond what is com monlj accepted, as blase. Indeed, he w$w\ "^^^^mmmmm^^^m^^^^ _..„ was'especially, slow oTspeecET, even for an Englishman, quite as if it were an everlasting question with him whether it was worth while to speak at all. One had the feeling when listening to Mr. Odell-Carney thut he was being favored beyond words. It took him so long to say anything that if one were but moderately bright he could finish the sentence mentally some little time in advance of the speaker and thus be prepared to properly appreciate that which otherwise might have puzzled him considerably. It could not be said, however, that Mr. Odell-Carney was ponderous. He was merely the effec tual result of delay. Perhaps it is safe to agree with those who knew him best they maintained tha*. Odell-Car ney was a pose, nothing .Mire. His wife wag quite the opposite in nearly 'every particular except height and angularity. She was bony and red faced and opinionated. A few sallow years, with it rapid, profligate nobleman had brought her, in widow hood, to a fine sense of appreciation of the slow going though tiresomely un practical men of the Odell-Carney type. It mattered little that he made poor investment of the money she had sequestered from his lordship. He had kept her in the foreground by associat ing himself with every big venture that Interested the financial smart set Not withstanding the fact that he never was known to have any money, he was looked upon as a financier of the high est order, which is saying a great deal in these unfeeling days of pounds and shillings. Of course Mrs. Odell-Carney was dressed as all rangy, long limbed Eng lishwomen are prone to dress—after a model peculiarly not her own. She aoked ridiculously ungraceful along side the smart, chic American women, and yet not one of them but would have given her boots to be able to array herself as one of these. There was no denying the fact that Mrs. Odell-Car ney was a "regular tiptopper," as Mr. Rodney "was only too eager to say. She had the air of a born leader—that Is to say, she could be gracious when occasion demanded, without being pat ronizing. In due course of time the Medcrofts and Miss Fowler were presented to the distinguished couple. This function was necesssarlly delayed until Odell Garney had time to go into the details of a particularly annoying episode of the afternoon. He was telling the sto ry to his friend Rodney, and of course everything was at a standstill until be got through. It seems that Mr. Odell-Carney felt the need of a nap at 3 o'clock. He gave strict injunctions that there was to be no noise in the halls while he slept and then went Into his room and stretched out Any one who has stop ped at the Hotel Four Seasons will have no difficulty In recalling the elec tric hall bells which serve to attract the chambermaids to given spots. If one needs the chambermaid he press es the button In his room and a lit tle bell in the hall tinkles furiously until she responds and shuts It off. In that way one is sure that she has heard and is coming, a most admirable bit of German ingenuity. If she hap pens to be taking her lunch at the time, the bell goes on ringing until she returns. It is a faithful bell. Coming back to Odell-Carney, the maid on his floor was making up a room in close proximity when a most annoying thing happened to her. A porter who had reason to dislike her came along and turned her key from the outside, lock ing her in the room. She couldn't get out, and she had been warned against making a sound that might disturb the English guest. With rare intelli gence, she did not scream or make an outcry, but wisely proceeded to press the button for a chambermaid. Then she evidently sat down to wait To make the story short, she rang her own call bell for two hours, no other maid condescending to notice the call, which speaks volumes for the almost martial system of the hotel. The bell was opposite the narrator's door. Is it therefore, surprising that he re quired a great deal of time to tell all that he felt? It was not so much of what he did that he spoke at such great length, but of what he felt *Pon me soul," he exploded in the end, twisting his mustache with ner vous energy, "it was the demdest nap I ever had. I didn't close my eyes, c'nfend me if I did." (To be continued) Man Mires in Slough. John Henning of Eden Valley went out Wednesday to cut some willows in a slough. He had a horse with him. He did not return when he ought, and a search was made. They found both man and beast drowned in the slough. It is supposed that the horse got down and while he was try ing to help the animal out that he got hurt or mired and also drowned. —Paynesville Press. Corrects Indigestion Nature's Breakfast Food Banishes Constipation ', f-'!,U.. J.M...1 'I, Columbus' nW5Stern Route t» India," Not "Discovered/' but Created. W ITH the destruction of the great Gamboa dike the last barrier between the waters of the Atlantic and the Pa a dream of 400 years comes Christopher Columbus, straining bis eyes over the prow of the Santa Maria in the direction of the setting sun, sought and dreamed of a "west ern route to India." It has remained for those who followed him not to "discover" but to create one. eiflc, true. While it wifl doubtless still be some time before the Panama canal is ac tually ready for ships of large tonnage to pass through it, with the joining of the waters of the two oceans, in a sen timental sense at least, it is completed. The rest will be but a matter of clear ing away some of the debris that has gathered and letting Dame Nature fill the big ditch that man, as personified by American energy and ingenuity,)has dug for the comnterce of the world. Somewhat more than a month ago Colonel Goethals, whose executive genius has done so much to make the great work a success, pressed an elec tric button which exploded 1,400 tons of dynamite. Pacific Barrier Down. At once there sprang into the air, as though by volcanic eruption, thousands of tons of earth and rock which had ivis, by American Press Association. COLONEL GEORGE WASHINGTON GOETHAIJS. cpmposed the barrier between the Pa cific ocean and the western sea, level prism of the canal. When the uproar had ceased and almost before the echoes died away the Pacific ocean, or, to be more exact, Panama bay, extend ed inland along a channel 500 feet wide and forty feet deep, eight miles to the Mirafiores locks. The similar approach to the Gatun locks on the Atlantic side was opened four months ago. Since that time only the great Culebra cut has separated the waters of the two oceans, the Gamboa dike, destined to be blown up in an explosion even mightier than the one described, being the only barrier that blocked the completion of the canal. On Oct. 1 water was first let into the Culebra cut from Gatun lake through four twenty-four-inch pipes under the Gamboa dike. This rapidly filled until reaching a depth of fifteen feet it was deemed to be sufficient of a cushion to withstand the inrush of the waters after the destruction of the dike. Completion of Canal. To all Intents and purposes this date marked the completion of the work begun by the French on Jan. 20. 1882, when the first labor of excavating the cut section of the canal was started. The Bulletin du Canal Interoceanique, published in Paris by the French com pany which started the work, con tained the following cable from Pan ama on Oct. 1, 1882: The first work on the great cut of the maritime canal was formally. Inaugurated today at Empire in the presence of the dignitaries of the state, the leading citi zens of the city and the great assemblage of the peoplp. The first locomotive has arrived at the newly opened excavation. The city of Panama is celebrating the event with a grand fete. "That great gash on the face of na ture," which one writer applies to 'Culebra cut has been in the making, with the exception of six years' inter ruption (1889-1895), ever since Jan.- 20. 1882, when the French inaugurated the work. t- On May 4.-1904. the date the Amer icans took over-the canal work, this was the only section in which opera tions were in progress, about 700 men being employed- at that time. The French dug about 19.000.000! cubic Pigs Brought Big Money. William Putzier disposed of seven porkers last week that have to their credit a somewhat remarkable per formance. The seven pigs arrived in April last and in the even six months of their existence had accumulated a total weight of 2,035 pounds^ worth $8.40 per hundred on the marfcet.| It is quite rare indeed that a buhchTof hogs attains a weight of 200 pounds in such a short period, and it lie sjfcfe to say that many breeders db?4ot accomplish that in a year of ALMOST READY FOR THE WED. DING SERVICE. Uncle Sam: "Now to decide on an appropriate wedding ceremony." —Columbus (O.) Evening Dispatch. yards of rock and earth from the cut In the earlier days of the work under the Americans excavation was slow and tedious, as only the totally inade quate French equipment was available. The first American steam shovel was placed at work on Nov. 11, 1904, and the last of the old French excavators was discontinued on June 16,1905. On Aug. 1,1905, there were eleven modern steam shovels In use, but they were greatly handicapped in their output, as they were served by old French dump cars on lines of track, which, as John F. Stevens, the former chief engineer, expressed it, "by the utmost stretch of the imagination could not be called railroad tracks." Amount of Material Removed. During the period of maximum op erations, 1912, upward of forty-five shovels were at work in the cut at one time, which dug and loaded upon cars 60,000 cubic yards of material in an eight hour day, representing about 120, 000 two horse wagon loads. The total amount of material removed from Culebra cut by the Americans to date approximates 97,000,000 cubic yards, and the amount of dynamite used in blasting operations is in excess of 50, 000,000 pounds. Culebra cut extends from Bas Obis po, about thirty miles from the Atlan tic entrance of the canal, to Pedro Miguel, a distance of about nine miles. The channel through the cut will be the shallowest of any part of the canal, being forty-five feet deep. The width of the channel at the bottom of the cut will be 300 feet, except on the turns, where it will be widened slightly. In reality Culebra cut is a narrowed arm of Gatun lake, and the surface of the water in the cut will be on a level with the surface of the lake, there be ing no locks or gates to divide the -cut and lake sections. The greatest amount of excavating for the canal has been done in the nine mile cut through the continental di vide, nearly half of the actual digging having been done there, for the total amount of material excavated through out the entire length of the canal is only a few million cubic yards more than 200,000,000. Slides Caused Much Delay. The deepest point of the excavation in the canal is in the cut between Gold hill and Contractors' hill, where the cutting has gone down 495 feet The widest point in the cut is at the .town of Culebra, where slides have driven back the banks until they are. nearly a mile apart. Had there, been no slides Culebra cut would have been completed a year ago. Cucaracha slide, which first developed In French times, again became active in 1907, but subsequently the move ment ceased, only to take on renewed activity in 1912, since when it has giv en trouble constantly. It has been the most troublesome of all the slides on the canal, although in area it is not equal to the sljde on the east bank op posite Culebra village. Excavation at the foot of Curaracha slide during the fore part of this year made little headway, the material com ing in about as fast as it was taken out After the date was fixed for blowing up Gamboa dike the shovels were removed from the slide area, leaving the work to be completed by dredges, which will be passed through the locks at the earliest possible mo ment. It is believed that the dredges will have so much of this slide out of the way by Jan. 1 as to permit navigation. There appears to be no reason in view of the advanced state of the work, both In the locks and in the channel, why an ocean going vessel cannot be passed through the canal by then. Formal Opening, Jan. 1, 1915. Though the formal opening of the canal to the commerce of the world will not take place until Jan. 1, 1915, It Is' expected that many vessels.of large draft will pass through it this fall or at least before the end of Jan nary, 1914. Quite naturally the honor of being the first to navigate the great .water way falls to Colonel George Washing ton Goethals, the guiding genius of the "big ditch," whose engineering skill made it a reality. Either a .tug of-the isthmian service or a ship of the Pana ma Steamship line will be chosen for the pioneer voyage. From deep water hi the Caribbean To accomplish this feat one must have the pigs, the feed and the know how, and Mr. Puttier, it is evident, has these three items in excellent working combination.—Litchfield Sat urday Review. Amateur Photographers, let us do your developing and printing. We develop films same day. Elkler 4 Tribune Wants—Only one cent a word. of Waters Marks End of Thirty-one Years' =r nut-:.'!•',,: sea to deep.water in Panama bay it will be a voyage of about fifty miles, and the time consumed, including pas sage through all the locks, will be about ten and one-half hours. From the same point in the Caribbean to open water in Panama bay. via the only other available route, that "around the Horn," would be a voyage of some 12,000 miles. The first craft to ply the new route other than one flying the United States flag is to be the famous little Fram, In which Captain Roald Amundsen made his successful expedition for the discovery of the south pole. Captain Amundsen will be aboard. The favor Is accorded him at his request in order to shorten his exploring trip in tho arctic regions north of Bearing sea. First Passage This Month. The canal commission's boat is ex pected to make the initial passage shortly after the middle of this month. The Fram will probably go through some time between Oct. 25 and 31 or during the first week in November. Theoretically at least, with the demo lition of the Gamboa dike, an all water route is established between New York and San Francisco 7,873 miles shorter than the route existing up to that time. It is planned that the official open ing shall be made-memorable by exer cises expressing the significance of the event. In part the Panama-Pacific international exposition, to be held at REAB ADMIKAL CAMERON M'EAE WINSLOW, WHO IT IS EXPECTED WU.Ii COMMAND THE ATLANTIC FLEET WHEN IT PASSES FROM OCEAN TO OCEAN AT THE FORMAL OPENING OF THE CANAL IN 1915. San Francisco in 1915, will serve this purpose. There will also be special ceremonies at the canal itself. However, as the date of the official opening is more than a year in the fu ture, details of program have not been worked out. Probably President Wil son will himself go to Panama, and it is likely that representatives of the other great commercial nations of the world will be invited to attend. Among other features of the official opening will be the passage of the At lantic fleet through the canal. Rear Admiral C. McR. Winslow, now com manding the first division of the At lantic fleet, is expected to be In com mand' at that time, succeeding Rear Admiral Charles J. Badger, the present commander in chief, whose retirement goes into effect in 1914. Heading the fleet will be the famous battleship Oregon, whose flying trip around the Horn in the early days of the Spanish war was one of the most spectacular incidents of that struggle. .Passing Through Canal. Entering the canal from the Atlantic side, a ship will proceed from deep water In Limon bay to Gatun locks, a distance of 6.9 miles, through a chan nel 500 feet wide. Passing -into the locks 0.78 of a mile in length, the ship will be carried up to an elevation of eighty-flye feet above sea level in three lifts to the level of the water in Gatun lake. Thence for a distance of six teen miles the channel will be 1,000 feet or more in width. Then the chan nel narrows to 800 feet, to 500 feet and through the Culebra cut to 300 feet. Going through Pedro Miguel lock, 0.37 of a mile in length, the vessel will be lowered to the level of Mirafiores lake, -fifty-five feet above mean tide through which there Is a channel 500 feet wide to Mirafiores locks at Mile 41.72. Thence through the two Mira fiores locks 0.58 of a mile in length, the vesse) will be lowered to tide level and proceed through a channel 500 feet wide to deep water in the Pacific, at Mile 50.5. It is estimated that the time required for the passage of a ship of medium size through the entire length-of the canal will be from nine and one-half to ten hours and for lar ger vessels from ten and one-half to eleven hours. Farmer Saves Hogs. Ed Paulson reports the loss of about seventy hogs, but he now thinks he knows of the cheapest cholera cure, by the use of which he saved the last three hogs. He says the secret is to exercise them. Get-after thenr with a good whip and keep them mov? ing when they show signs of cholerav He got the idea from a St. Peter pa per which reported a farmer who sav ed a hundred hogs by this method. It might be worth trying, when there is nothing else one can do.—Sacred 'Having sold our farm I will sell at public auction on ..... Saturday, October 18*. 1013, %r in Sec. 26, town of Edwards, 4 miles east of, Raymond, 4 miles south of Priam at 10 o'clock a. m., the follow ing described property to-wit: HORSES. One black Gelding,'5 years old, wt. 1400 lbs. one gray mare, 6 years old, wt. 1350 lbs. one black gelding,-10 years old, wt.. 1200 lbs. one bay mare 12 years old, wt. 1100 lbs. two black mare colts, 2% years old one gray horse, wt. 1400 lbs one bay mare colt, 1% years old. CATTLE. '..-. Six milch cows, 2 heifers, 1% years bid three steers, 1% years old five spring calves, one full blood Hereford bull, 1 year old. HOGS. One boar, 1 year old one sow, year old one shoat, 6 months old five pigs, 2 months old some tur keys about 150 chickens. MACHINERY. Two wide tire truck wagons, com plete, one nearly new two wide tire high wagons, one 2-seated platform buggy, one top buggy, two set bob sleighs, one 22-shoe Dowagiac drill, one 4-horse lever drag, one pulverizer, one John Deere sulky plow, one Em erson sulky plow, one 12-in. breaking plow, 1 2-horse cultivator, 1 2-horse corn planter, 1 7-ft. McCormick grain binder, one hay stacker, one hay bucker, one Deering corn binder, two 5-ft. Peering mowers, one O.K. hay press, one fanning mill, one corn sheller, one small potato plow, one steam feed cooker, one 800 lb. scale, one blacksmith forge, also vise and other tools, one No. 4 Sharpies cream separator, one 35-gal churn, three sets work harness, one single driving har ness, two hay racks, one hay rake, 10 ft. one buggy pole, some woven wire, chicken fencing, barbed wire and 10 tons of hay. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. One writing desk, one kitchen cab inet, one dresser, one bedroom set, one couch, one baby buggy, one go cart and other articles too numerous to mention. Free Lunch at Noon. Terms: All sums under $5.00, cash over that amount time will be given until Oct. 1, 1914, on approved notes bearing interest at the rate of 8 per cent from date of sale. No property to be removed before terms of sale are complied with. E. R. OLSON, Owner. H. N. Ashley, Clerk. W. N. Davis, Auctioneer. *—Adv.2t AUCTION SALE Having sold ray farm, I will sell at public auction at the farm 3 miles southwest of Spicer, and 8 miles northeast of Willmar, in section 17, town of Green Lake, beginning at 10 o'clock a. m., sharp on Tuesday, October 21, 1913 the following described personal property: HORSES: One bay mare, 4 years old one black mare, 4 years old one bay mare colt, coming 1 year old one black horse colt coming 2 years old. CATTLE: One fresh milch cow, and calf 2 weeks old one milch cow 5 years old one milch cow, 6 years old, coming fresh the last part of February one heifer coming fresh the middle of March one heifer calf coming fresh the first part of March one milch cow 4 years old, coming fresh the middle of February one heifer calf 9 months old one bull calf 6 months old four hogs about 100 chickens about 10 ton of hay some cob corn in shock. FARM IMPLEMENTS: One wide tire wagon one hay rack one mow er one 2-horse corn cultivator one 2-horse drag one 14-inch walking plow one set working harness one set horse blankets one 2-seated bu ggy one set runner attachment for buggy one DeLaval cream sep arator. HOUSEHOLD GOODS: One ice cream freezer one kitchen range some dishes one kitchen cupboard two kitchen tables one dining room table two center tables twelve chairs three, rockers one wash stand one 3-piece bedroom set two iron beds with springs and mattress es four lamps one sideboard al most new one Brinkerhoff upright piano three carpets one Singer sewing machine one clothes wring er one wash tub one clothes boil er a number of other articles too numerous to mention. Free Lunch at Noon. Terms: All sums of $5, and un der, cash: On larger sums time will be given until Nov. 1st, 1914, on bankable notes bearing 7 per cent interest. NELS WICK, Owner. Peter Henderson, Auctioneer. O. A. Orred, Clerk. ./' 3t POCKET MAPS With names of all towns and popula tion according to last census. lOe Xaon 3 for aso. Sent postpaid on rceipt of price. Clip out this ad. and check off those you want: -u. .pf-^^^-r ....Iowa. ,... .Wisconsin, -ttr. ...Worth Dakota, ...SontH Dakota, .llontaaav W^Z Address all order to '•-i^ On account of sickness I am going to quit farming, and will sell at Pull* lie Auction on my late place in Sec. 6, Town of Gennessee, the old Solo mon Lundquist place, two' miles east and mile north of Kandiyohi, on^J MONDAY, OCT. 2Mb the following described property: 23 head 0 cattle eight cows, 6 giv- ing milk three.2-year oid Heifers four 2-year old steers eight year lings four head of horses one gray mare, 13 years old, weighing 1400 one bay horse, 8 years old, weight 1250 one bay horse, 6 years old, weight, 1300 one pony, 9 years old seven head of hogs one lumber wag on one 2-seated spring wagon one single buggy one set of heavy har ness one set of light harness one Champion mower one hay rake one disc harrow one corn binder one corn planter, with 80 rods of wire one corn plow one steel harrow one 16-inch Emerson sulky plow one pair of bob sleds one fanning mill one 8-barrel tank 60 foot of piping 20 rods of_ yard fence ^one U. S. cream separator three cream cans one heating stove two beds and springs one couch one table four tons of tame hay four tons of wild hay some potatoes other articles too numerous to mention. Sale begins at 10 o'clock a. m. Free lunch at noon. TERMS:—Sums under $5.00 cash on sums over that amount time will be given until Nov. 1st, 1914, on bankable notes, at 7 per cent intrest. No property to be removed until set tled for. JACOB BREWER, W. N. Davis, Auctioneer. C. W. Odell, Clerk. Owner. AUCTION SALE I will sell at public auction on the old Berkness place in Sec. 18, Town, of Whitefield, 8 miles southwest of Willmar and 6 miles east of Ray mond, on Thursday, October 30th, the following described property: HORSES: One bay gelding, 5 yeanr old, weight 1400 lbs. one bay geld ing, 6 years old, weight 1300 lbs. one bay gelding, 7 years old, weight 1250 lbs. one bay mare with foal, 9 years old, weight 1100 lbs. one spring colt. CATTLE AND PIGS: Two milk cows, one spring calf, some pigs. TOOLS AND MACHINERY: One John Deere sulky plow one John5 Deere walking plow one 3-section harrow one McCormick binder, 6-, ft. cut one McCormick mower, 5-ft.* cut one 2-horse corn plow, 3-shovel one 18-shoe press drill one hay rack set dump planks one truck wagon, with double box one single driving buggy one set work har ness with chain tugs one single driv ing harness some corn in crib, about 10 acres in the field some mixed tim othy hay in mow few tons upland hay in stack household goods too numerous to mention. Sale begins at 10:00 a. m. sharp. Free Lunch at Noon, Terms: Sums under $5.00, cash, on sums over that amount time will be given until Nov. 1, 1914, on bankable notes, at 7 per cent interest. No pro perty to be removed until settled for. _»^% A. ENDERLE, Owner. W. N. Davis, Auctioneer. C. W. Odell, Clerk. 2w (First publication Oct 1, 1913-4t) Order limiting Time tom Claims and for Hoaxing Thereon. Estate of Peter Monson. also known as P. M. Monson and Peter M. Monson. State of Minnesota, County of Kandi yohi, In Probate Court. In the Matter of the Estate of Peter Monson, also known as P. M. Monson and Peter M. Monson, Decedent. Letters of Administration this day having been granted to A. H. Nordstrom It Is Ordered, that the time within which all creditors of the above named decedent may present claims against his estate in this court, be, and the same hereby is, limited to six months from and after tjie date hereof and that Monday, the 6th day of April, 1914, at 2 o'clock p. m., in the Probate Court Rooms at the Court House at Willmar in said County, be, and the same hereby is fixed and appointed as the time and place for hearing- upon and the examin ation, adjustment and allowance of such claims as shall be presented with in the time aforesaid. Let notice hereof be given by the pub lication of this order in the Willmar Tribune as provided by law. Dated September 25th, 1913. (SEAL) T. O. GILBERT, CHARLES JOHNSON?1*** Attorney, Willmar, Minn. (First publication Oct 1, 1913-4t) Order T-«—«*»»F Tim* to Pile Claims and for Hearing Tnereon. Estate of Abel I Sandberg. Sandberg, Decedent Letters Testamentary this day hav ing been- granted to Martin A. Sand berg and Samuel E. Sandberg. It Is Ordered, that the time within which all creditors of the above named decedent may present claims" against ~*^aw„,. his estate in this court, be, and the same hereby is, limited to three months from and after the date hereof and that Monday, the 6th day of! January, 1914, at 2 o'clock p. m. in the. Probate Court Rooms at the Court House at "Willmar in- said-County, be, and the same hereby is, fixed and appointed as the time and place for hearing upon and the examination, adjustment and: allow ance of such-claims as shall be pre-,, sented,:within-' the time aforesaid. -Ijet notice"""hereof be given "-by the^ publication'-of 'this order in the Will mar .Tribune,as provided by law*? j^^-ssgl .Dated, SeptemberWh, ttlir (SEAL) ..^fegsSP %T.~0.. GIXjBiaMV S -ir p- iT--^%«^«-!SC¥ 4'l^t aZ" State of Minnesota,* County of Kandi yohi, In Probate Court In the Matter of the Estate of Abel R. 5-4 Judge of Probate. CHARLES JOHNSON, '_ 3 $