Newspaper Page Text
Copyright 1913 The Home of Kuppenheimer YTRAGOOp XTRAGOOp I S OVERCOATS WILLMAR, S and snappy, stylish, patterns and models from $4.50 to $10.00 m^^MMI-^^^^Mf^^'^^A^^^ii^M^^^M^' z&p^?t4mwm «& &.?* GET READ FO THANKSGIVIN DA AND BE CORRECTLY DRESSED GETTING YOUR WEARING APPAREL The Leading Store FLANNEL and SHEEP LINED DUCK COATS $2.00 to $10.00 WILSON BROS. NECKWEAR AND SHIRTS In Great Profusion of Colors and Styles "BRADLEY" KNIT COATS for Men a They are durable, well made, perfect fitting, warm and serviceable. We have them in a wide range of colors and styles at from $3.00 to $8.00 Gauntlet Driving Mittens with fur backs, calf skin palm, heavy flannel lining. $1.50 a pair Our Store will be Closed, Thanksgiving Day, Thur., Nov.,27 PETERSO N & WELLIN The Store That Gets The New Things First "V____f O some people there is something of the mysterious about the prices we ask for. Kuppenheimer Clothes they can't see how we can give the values we do for the money, but .pot buying «ith dU counts, low overhead expense, a tremendous pat ronage insuring a quick "turn of our stock" works wonders in our price making. There is plenty of this greater value waiting for you at the live store every day in Suits and O'Coats at $1$, $20, $22.50, $25, $27.50 $30 and$35 WM WILLMAR TRIBUNE, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21. 1913. MACKINAW COATS $4.50 to $10.00 It's True Economy to Buy the Best Munsing Underwear IS THE BEST It will wear longer, wash better, fit and cover the form more perfectly, and give more real solid comfort and satisfaction than any other under wear pn the market. Its fine quality, fine enough to suit the most fastidious. Its first cost is not nearly as great as the cost of much of the "fad" underwear and it is much more sensible and serviceable. Its made to stand the test of actual use. Each trip to the launaay improves its appear ance and texture. Its durability and washability, its perfection of fit and fin ish, its moderate price, these are the points lhat commend it Buy some Munsing Suits and wear a Munsing Smile. ,T«5*« r- &¥^&^^^W^§W^M^^^B^^^^ ^r ,^:etCMINN.V5 Professional Cards •ass WILLMAR BETBESDA HOSPITAL PhOM 2 8 2 Jr Operating Rooms Open to the Profession. Corner Thirds St.. and Litchfield Ave. drus. 330 Endlcott Building, St. Paul, STATTl Br. S. O. Jaoobs Dr. K. B. ~rost, Br. Christian Johnson. Dr. F. B. COLEMAN Specialist. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Glasses Fitted, 'Phone 41 Office over Palace Grocery WILLMAR, MINNESOTA DR. J. R. PETERSEN Physician and Surgeon Office in St. Anthony Falls Bank Bldg Cor. Central Ave. and 4th St. E. KUrWEAPOUS, WHNXSOTA Doctor CW. RICHES MEDICAL AND OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Specialist in Old, 'Stubborn Ailments. Such ailments as Appendicitis, Goi tre, Enlarged Tonsils, Curable Exter nal Cancerous Growths and many complaints of women are treated without the knife. Consultation and correspondence free Pleasant Home for such as desire 2832 2nd Ave. S.f Minneapolis, Minn. DR. C. E. ANDERSON E N I S Bank of Willmar Building Willmar, Minn. Dr. E. WANNER VETERINARIAN Office at Downs & Sanderson Feed Barn Day 'phone No 46, night 'phone 13 Willmar. Minn. PARCEL DELIVERY Trunks, parcels, packages, letters, etc., called for and delivered to any part of the city. Prompt service. Charges moderate. Office Great Northern Express. Telephone 92. E. E. KELLY LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Meeker and Kandiyohi Counties. Residence Eden Valley, Minn. 'Phone No. 73. DOWNS & SANDERSON LIVER Phone 46—One bloek sonth of depot R. W. STANFORD LAWYER Real Estate, Insurance and Collections, Office in Postofflce Building. WILLMAR, ., MINNESOTA I Classified Wants it S W W S I S I S I I S One cent a word each insertion. No ad for less than 15 cents, cash with order. 30 per cent discount for additional insertions—No accounts booked for less than 25c. HELP WANTED. WANTED—Young lady to assist as saleslady, at Palm's Bakery. 36 WANTED—Boy over 16 to work in printing office. Apply at Tribune. Wanted—Competent girl for gener al house work. Apply at 113 Litci field Ave. E. WANTED—Girl for general house work or one who attends school to work for board and room. Apply at 117 E. Litchfield avenue, city. 126 HOUSES AND ROOMS. FOR RENT—-Three First street. rooms, 612 118 FOR RENT—Furnished room. In quire at 113 East Litchfield Ave. 135 REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE—Small residence oppo site Steam Laundry Easy terms. 101 FOR RENT—Large and good~farm. Inquire of M. O. Thorpe, City. 131 ~~FOR SALE OR RENT—A new eight room house. All modern. In quire at this office. 97 FOR RENT—720 acre farm seven miles from Willmar, for cash or on shares. A. H. Brown. 76 ~FORT^ENT—200 acre farm, two miles northwest of Willmar. For terms telephone 352J. 132 FOR SALE—Good seven room house. Cellar, cistern and screened porch. Also barn. On nice high lot fronting east. A bargain at $1850. A. H. Brown, city. 64 FOR RENT—A 550 acre farm, well improved, located 6 miles southeast of Willmar. For particulars call at our office. Anderson Land Co., Will* mar, Minn. 46 FOR RENT OR SALE—Good farm, 240 acres in Mamre township, Sec. 28, 2% miles northwest of Pennock. Good buildings. Call on or write to N. J. Stjernlof, Pennock, Minn. 136 NORTHERN MINNESOTA LANDS —112.50 to $15.00 per acre $2 per acre cash, balance on easy terms at 5 per cent. For further particulars call at our office or write Anderson Land Co., Willmar, Minn. 650 HOUSES FOR SALE—On the in stallment plan. If interested in buy ing a house it will pay you to call at our office and get full particulars. Anderson Land Co., Willmar, Minne sota. & 3"*$^ 635 FOR SALE—7 and one-half acres of A No. 1 land adjoining the city lim its of Willmar. $50 cash and the bal ance at $10 per month. For price and further particulars call at our office. Anderson Land Co., Willmar, Minne •via* mf^®***^?** swasT.-ess ^sf**^i*aK»* FOR SALE—120 acres 8 miles from New, London, 60 acres cleared and seeded to timothy, balance hardwood timber. Good clay soil and good set tled community. Price $25 per acre, easy terms. Address owner, E. F. An 1 Minnesota.' 119 FOR, SALE—Houses, large and small, some with large lots (acres). Terms, easy. Lewis Johnson. 90 FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE—Good piano cheap for cash. Inquire at South door, 515 Nel son avenue. 10$, ~FOR~SALE—A No. 15 Peerless Gar land stove, good as new. Charles Ol son Barber Shop. 117 FOR SALE—Large roll-top, hard wood office writing desk. Inquire of C. U. Peterson, Kandiyohi, Minn. I FOR SALE—White oak posts and cord wood, mile east from Or phan's Home. Ole O. Birkeland. 65 FOR SALE OR TRADE—A H,h. gasoline engine would trade for horses. Olson & Grue, Willmar, Min nesota. 95 FOR SALE—30 H. P. Otto Gaso line Engine and a 10 H. P. Webster Portable Gasoline Engine. These en gines are both in good condition and will be sold eheap. Willmar Machine and Foundry Co. East Benson Ave., Willmar. 133 8TOCK FfJR SALE. HORSES FOR- SALE—Apply to L. Roske, Willmar, Minn., Rt. 3. 110 FOR SALE Angus heifers hi, Minn. -Some fine Aberdeen Robert Tait, Kandiyo 130 FOR SALE—One white mare, age two, and one stallion colt. Apply at this office 125 FOR SALE—One pure-bred regis tered Holstein bull, three years old. Pedigree furnished Call or write J. B. Bosch, Raymond, Minn., Rt. 4. 129 FOR SALE—Two horses weight fifteen hundred and sixteen hundred pounds each. Extra good drafters Cash or will trade for young stock. Dave. E. Rodman, Pennock, Minn. 108 FOR SALE—Only four of my Big Type Pedigree Poland China Boars left for sale. Weight about one hun dred seventy-five pounds each. Will trade for young cattle. Dave E. Rod man, Pennock, Minn. 107 FOR SALE—Six registered Short horn heifers with calf, also thirty cords of dry oak wood at $4.50 to $5.00 a cord. Apply to P. J. Thorste'n Bon, Willmar, Minn, one mile north east of Bethesda Homes. 112 SMALL BAY MARE came to my place Sunday night. She has a stripe on forehead and wears a halter. Owner may have same by calling at E. E. Anderson's, Willmar, Rt. 3. 96 MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED—To buy fresh eggs at the Ideal Bakery. 363 WANTED—A 25 h. p. Huber en gine, about ten years old. State price. Tribune. 33 FOR SALE OR TRADE—Good trav eling trunk. Flat cornet at a bar gain. H. Dean, 410 11th St. 106 STRAYED from my place in Sec 14, Township of Green Lake, about four weeks ago, four calves, three red and one grey. Notify Carl Thompson, Spicer, Minn. 104 WANTED—Every farmer to send name and address to G. E. Thomas, Willmar, Minn, and get his hog book free, which tells of hogs that do not have cholera. 128 MONEY TO LOAN—See S. L. Ben ton for farm loans, on the optional payment plan, and at low interest, as he has charge of the loaning business while I am away from home. A. Adams. 562 GREAT BARGAIN—One Maxwell 40 Demonstrator, that I will sell for less than cost. The car is strictly up-to-date has self-starter electric lights and is* fully equipped. Lars Halvorson, Willmar. 113 WANTED—A party to take charge of our branch office to be opened at Willmar, Minn. Must have $100.00 to invest. We guarantee to make you $100 or more a month. Address Busi ness Men's Detective Bureau, Ply mouth Bldg, Minneapolis, Minn. 114 ELECTRIC LAMPS—Having chang ed to all tungsten lamps, we have on hand a number of second hand Edison incandescent lamps which we will sell at 10c each or three for 25c as long as they last. Are as good as any for some purposes. Test each light be fore you take it. Tribune Printing Co. SAVE MONEY—By getting blank ets direct from the factory. Our salesman, A. G. Danielson of Willmar will be at the John Pallin store, Cor ner Pacific Avenue and Third street, every Saturday with the most com plete line of samples for you to se lect from. Remember the Fergus Falls Woolen Mills Co., is the only manufacturer in the Northwest sel ling direct to consumer.—Adv. LOST AND FOUND. FOUND—A small, gold pin with in itials, "E. M. R.» engraved, last Mon day evening, between 1st and 2nd Sts., Trott Ave. Owner can have same by calling at this office and pay ing for this ad. 127 MONUMENTS Orders for MARBLE and GRANITE MONUMENTS, markers, grave cribs, cemetery fences, etc., promptly filled. Factory between Second and Third streets, on Benson Avenue. OLSON & GRUE 'Phone 455J or 163L Willmar, Minn. I. OLSO N N 7-^,,^ (Uetssea SmlmliiMr) -mpfe^ Office 309 Litchfield Av. W. 'Phone 118-1 Residence, 311 First Street. 'Phone 118-2 With each dozen cabinet or larger photographs ^a calendarj^wlth picture free at Elkjer «V Stoll, your RJTURN (First publication Nov. 26-4t) Citation for Hearing on Petition for Administration. Estate of Olia Austin. State of Minnesota, County of Kandi yohi, In Probate Court. In the Matter of the Estate of Olia Austin, Decedent. The State of Minnesota to all per sons interested in the'granting of ad ministration of the estate of said de cedent- The petition of Carl Austin having been filed in this court, repre senting that Olia Austin, then a resi dent of the County of Kandiyohi, State of Minnesota, died intestate on the 2nd day of July, 1913, and praying that letters of administration of her estate be granted to Carl Austin, of said County, and the court having fixed the time and place for hearing said petition, THEREFORE, YOU, AND EACH OF YOU, are hereby cit ed and required to show cause, if anv you have, before this court at the Pro bate Court Rooms in the Court House in the City of Willmar, in the County of Kandiyohi, State of Minnesota, on the 5th day of January, 1914, at 2 clock p. m., why said petition should not be granted. Witness, the Judge of said Court, and the Seal of said Court, this 25th day of November, 1913. (COURT SEAL) T. O. GILBERT, (First publication Nov. 26-4t) Citation for Hearing on Final Account and for Distribution. Estate of Anna C. Linderholm. State of Minnesota, County of Kandi yohi, In Probate Court: In the Matter of the Estate of Anna Linderholm, Decedent. The State of Minnesota to all per sons interested in the final account and distribution of the estate of said decedent* The representative of the above named decedent, having filed in this Court his final account of the ad ministration of the estate of said de cedent, together with his petition praying for the adjustment and allow ance of said final account and for dis tribution of the residue of said estate to the person thereunto entitled Therefore, YOU, AND EACH OF YOU, are hereby cited and required to show cause, if any you have, be fore this Court at the Probate Court Rooms in the Court House in the City of Willmar, in the County of Kandi yohi, State of Minnesota, on the 22nd day of December, 1913, at 2 o'clock why said petition should, not be granted. Witness, The Judge of said Court, and the Seal of said Court, this 24th day of November, 1913. (SEAL) T. O. GILBERT, to die Vdcer all W stitutes sent you for Royal Bak ing Powder. There is no sub- stitute (or ROYAL. Royal is a pure, cream of tartar baking powder, and healthful Powders offered as sub stitutes are made from alum. Probate Judge OSCAR C. RONKEN, Attorney for Petitioner, Willmar, Minn (First publication Nov. 26-4t) Citation for Hearing on Petition for Administration. Estate of Mathea Johnson. State of Minnesota, County of Kandi yohi, In Probate Court. In the Matter of the Estate of Mathea Johnson, Decedent The State of Minnesota to all per sons interested in the granting of ad ministration of the estate of said de cedent: The petition of Ntcolai John son having been filed in this court, representing that Mathea Johnson, then a resident of the County of Kan diyohi, State of Minnesota, died intes tate on the 14th day of June, 1913, and praying that letters of administration of her estate be granted to Nicolai Johnson, of said_ County and the court having fixed the time and place for hearing said petition THERE FORE, YOU, AND EACH OF YOU, are hereby cited and required to show cause, if any you have, before this court at the Probate Court Rooms in the Court House in the City of Will mar, in the County of Kandiyohi, State of Minnesota, on the 5th day of January, 1914, at 2 o'clock p. m., why said petition should not be granted Witness, the Judge of said Court, and the Seal of said Court, this 25th day of November, 1913. (COURT SEAL) T. O. GILBERT, Probate Judge OSCAR RONKEN, Attorney for Petitioner, Willmar, Minn. Probate Judge CHARLES JOHNSON, Attorney for Petitioner, Willmar, Minn. (First publication Nov. 26-4t) Order Limiting Time to File Claims, and for Hearing Thereon. Estate of Peter Backlund. State of Minnesota, County of Kandi yohi, In Probate Court. In the Matter of the Estate of Peter Backlund, Decedent. Letters of Administration this day having been granted to A. A. Ander son, of said County, It Is Ordered, That the time within which all creditors of the above nam ed decedent may present claims against his estate in this.Court, be and the same hereby is limited to three months, from and after the date hereof and that Monday, the 2nd day of March, 1914, at -2 o'clock p. m., in the Probate Court Rooms at the Court House at Willmar, in said County, be and the same hereby is, fixed and ap pointed as the time and place for hearing upon and the examination, adjustment and allowance of such claims as shall be presented within the time aforesaid Let notice hereof be given by the publication of this order in The Will mar Tribune as provided by law. Dated Nov. 24th, 1913. -v* (SEAL) T.O.GILBERT judge, of Probate CHARLES JOHNSON, Attorney, Willmar, Minnlf|||| ARE YOU SUFFERING? Then take a Wenderfal Seleatlfio, MafaatleUassaga Txaitmaats from Dr. 0. 0. FORSSELL fl»ea with so great sueeossJo^loo-oootagloM Tjtlsoasos: ••Wo ilk, Tol^ilf WlllsiarV Order for Hearing on Petition for Ad judication of Death. In Probate Court. County of Kandiyohi, State of Minnesota, f. In the Matter of the Estate of Frank Sjerstrom, Deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Alice Almida Carlson of the coun ty of Kandiyohi and State of Minne sota, representing among other things that she is a half sister of the above named Frank Sjerstrom, that said Frank Sjerstrom was prior to and un til the spring of 1885 a resident of Town of Fahlun in said Kandiyohi that in the spring of 1885 said Frank Sjerstrom left his said place of resi dence for a place unknown to said pe titioner and the other members of the family, and that no word or message has been received from said Frank Sjerstrom since said departure, nor can his whereabouts be ascertained, although careful inquiry and search has been made that petitioner has been unable to secure any knowledge or intelligence .concerning said Frank Sjerstrom or his whereabouts and that she verily believes said Frank Sjerstrom to be dead that'said Frank Sjerstrom left him surviving Hilda Dahlgren, sister, George Johnson and Mabel Johnson, surviving children of Thilda Johnson, a deceased sister of said Frank Sjerstrom Alice Almida Carlson, nee Sjerstrom, half-sister Ole Ferdinand Sjerstrom, half-brother, both of Fahlun, Minnesota, all having same father, who owned the real es tate from whom Frank Sjerstrom in herits same that said Frank Sjer strom left an estate in said Kandiyohi County, consisting of certain real property in said petition described and praying that the death of said Frank Sjerstrom be judicially deter mined It is ORDERED, that said petition be heard before this Court on Mon day, the 22nd day of December, A. D. 1913, at 2 o'clock p. of said date in the Probate office in the City of Willmar in said Kandiyohi county. It is further ORDERED that notice thereof be given to all persons inter ested by publishing this order once each week, for three successive weeks prior to said date of hearing in the Willmar Tribune, a weekly newspa per printed and published at Willmar, in said County. Dated November 24, 1913. By the Court. (COURT SEAL) O. GILBERT, Judge of Probate. GEO. H. OTTERNESS, Attorney for Petitioner. Notice of Special School Meeting. Notice is hereby given that a spec ial election will be held in the Inde pendent School District No. 47 of Kandiyohi county, Minnesota, at the High School Assembly Room, on the 5th day of December, 1913, at 7:30 o'clock for the purpose of vot ing on the proposition of issuing to the State of Minnesota the bonds of said municipality in the aggregate sum of $30,000, bearing interest at the rate of four per cent per annum, the proceeds thereof to be used for the purpose of erecting and equipping a new schoolhouse, to be numbered and to mature as set forth in the resolu tion now on file in the office of the Clerk of the Board of Education. Dated November 25, 1913. A. O. FORSBERG, 2t Clerk of Board of Education. Corrected NOT 26, 1913. Prices on creamery butter.Dour, bran incite and apples are dealers' aelUac prieea, all other are prices paid to producers. Wheat, No. 1 Northern 78c Wheat, No. 3 76c Wheat, No. 8 73c Wheat, No. 4 „...r. 69c Wheat, rejected 66c Wheat, No. 1 Velret Chair 77c Wheat, No. 3 Velvet Chaff. 73c c* Wheat, No. 8 Velvet Chaff. 73c -*g Wheat, No 1 Durum 75c., ju Wheat,No. 3Durum 73c Wheat, No. 8 Durum 70e Wheat, No. 4 Durum. 7 Oats 28c to 3lc£^:?1 Barley 39c to 49c t&S Rye 43c to 48c Flax to $1.24 J~~J&. Barcorn 46c ~4^ Flour, fancy 83 70 Flour, stralcht $2.60 Bran 832 OO & Shorts 4 2 5 0 0 Potatoes Beans $3.00 per bushel Cabbage 2c per lb. BgC* Yogs. Uva —. .... $6.80 to VT 00#% TAKES OFF DANDBUFF, HAIR STOPS FALLING CS 4 tsar SOc-4lJSlJl4?»**•*? t- 32c Butter, separator......... —. 29cw 2 Batter,danr...... ....28c Butter, creamery 3ic, Lambs $6.00^'^ Sheep $4.00 to $8.00t.^ Chickens 8e^ $ Spring chickens 9c to lCc^Sp-^ Beefcattle $8.00 to $6.005§»fMk Steers $6.00 to $ 7 8 0 Veal eslves $8.50 to $8.0OT^^ Hides U%$ a ^f B. T^a-f __________ _^ 8ave your Hair! Get a 25 cent bottle of Danderine right now—Also IS stops itching scalp. Thin, brittle, colorless and scraggyt^ S hair is mute evidence of a neglected scalp of dandruff—that awful*^'** There Is nothing so destructive to the hair as dandruff. It robs the hair of its lustre, its strength and Its very., life eventually producing a feverish* ness and Itching of the vecalp, which1 if not remedied causes the hair rootaj to shrink, loosen and, die—then the hair falls oat fast A little Danderine tonight—now—any time—will surely^ save yourhalrl -Get a 25 cent .bottle of KnowltonV' Danderine from any drag store. You sorely ca have beautiful «'ftn ftjngM-m Justtoy^aJgtWtsJlotdanfhal _»ve~ TOUT, i* i?» hair Try it! &