OCR Interpretation

Willmar tribune. [volume] (Willmar, Minn.) 1895-1931, April 22, 1914, Image 8

Image and text provided by Minnesota Historical Society; Saint Paul, MN

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn89081022/1914-04-22/ed-1/seq-8/

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Peterson & Wellin
Miss Manda Netland assisted Mrs.
J. Larsen with some dressmaking a
few days last week.
Miss Alma Martinson called at the
Jalmer Larson home Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Ekblad and
daughter, Margery were Sunday af
ternoon guests at the latter's parental
Miss Selma Netland left last Mon
day for Paynesville, where she will
visit with her brother-in-law and sis
ter, Mr. and Mrs. L. Rykken for some
Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Bratberg called
at the C. Overson home Sunday eve
Mrs. Anna Swenson called at the
Jalmer Larson home Thursday after
The "Mission Band" met with Miss
Minnie Grorud last Thursday after
noon and the meeting was well at
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Grorud and
family were entertained at the G. J.
Bratberg honte last Sunday.
Miss Alma Bratberg assisted Mrs.
H. C. Nielson a few days last week.
I """TV? ^"*^s^^ ^y^"" *,*^#^*,^Jft^-f¥,rk
Wilson Bros. Shirts, $1.00 to $2.00
Crossett Shoes, $4.00, $4.50 & $5.00
The latest Novelties in Neckwear, 25c,
35c and 50c
Long Lake, April 20—Services will
be conducted in the Long Lake
church next Sunday at 11 a. m.
Mr. and Mrs. John Swenson and
children from near Willmar were
Monday afternoon callers at the Dav
id Swenson home.'
Syster Ingeborg, a missionary from
China will speak in the church next
Thursday afternoon at three o'clock
p. m.
The Y. P. S. will have their next
meeting Friday evening.
Ernest Johnson was in Willmar a
few days last week.
THE BEST washing machines on earth ARE THE
Mrs. Nels Magnuson and baby, El
vin, came out from Willmar last Fri
day for a few days' visit with her par
ents here.
A program and necktie social will
be given in Dist. No. 35, next Thurs
day evening.
Mrs. Lovisa Johnson came up from
Minneapolis Saturday for a visit at
the C. A. Larson home.
Amy Redig left for Diamond Lake
last Sunday, where she will teach a
month of school. Mrs. Einar Soren
son the former teacher having left to
make her home at North Dakota.
One Minute Washers
Carl Adolfson was badly kicked by
a horse Saturday noon. He was ren
dered unconscious. We all hope for
a speedy recovery.
All the farmers are soon done with
the seeding of their small grain. The
weather the past week has been fine
for spring work.
Botlt for hand, engine, electric or water power, and every machine folly
guaranteed AGAINST any and all detective part* and
.delect* In workmanship
All principal wearing parts mounted on ball bearings
Yon nay lake uusaMcUne and use it for SO days'
free trial. If it is not satisfactory, retara it and
your part
Our naoUaes are guaranteed to wash clothes
dean, easier, quicker and ran lighter than any
other washer.
Distributed in Minnesota, North Dakota, Montana
and Northern Wisconsin by Jaaaey Staple HO A
Go,, aad sold by one hardware dealer hi yew
town. If yon cannot find dealer hwditeg these
machines, drop a postcard to Janney Semple
Co., Minneapolis, ortothe ••aafai tears.
full force.
Peterson & Wellin
Tripolis, April 20—There will be
high mass and communion services
next Sunday at eleven o'clock a. m.Willmar
Sunday school at ten.
Amon the men of this com-
munity, as among men of every
where, the Blue Serge takes a deservedly first place. No
fabric spun can compare with it in point of servicer-of wear
and yet, as with all good things, there are in addition to the
genuine, the serviceable serges, shoddy cheap cloths that un
scrupulous dealers unload upon the unsuspecting, season
after season.
You'll find no serges here at $9.99 or
$12.22—We've no such clothes at such
prices—certainly no blue serges, but at
Miss Mabel Lofgren went to Will
mar last Tuesday to have some den
tal work done She returned home
on Wednesday.
Misses Esther and Ruth Holmgren
were Willmar visitors last Saturday
Misses Esther Holmgren, Stella
Norin and Minnie Noland visited-at
the N. Magnuson home last Sunday.
Miss Mabel Lofgren visited with
Miss Ruth Gilbert last Sunday.
Miss Annie Dickson visited at her
parental home last Sunday.
The Hjalmar Johnson family was
entertained at the Adolph Johnson
home last Sunday.
The Angel of Death has again vis
ited our community. This time tak
ing away Paul, the little one and one
half year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Al
bin Carlson. He was sick only three
days, suffering from brain fever. He
died Friday evening at half past sev
en. He leaves .to mourn his untimely
death, his grief-stricken parents and
three brothers, and one sister, Edwin,
Irving, Lloyd and Vira. The funeral
was held last Tuesday afternoon at
the East Salem church. Rev. A. W.work
Franklin officiated. The pall bearers
were Wallace Johnson, Walfred Gus:
tafson, Elmer Holdin and Walter
Tengwall. Our heartfelt sympathy
goes out to the bereaved family in
this their great hour of sorrow. May
he rest in peace.
Motorcycle Agent Wanted.
In your Township we need a young'
man to show our POPE MOTOR-:
CYCLES and keep us in touch with
local conditions. GOOD PAT and the
work will not interfere with your
other employment. If you live in the
country we would particularly like to
get in touch with you and it will be
to your advantage to write us at once
as we have room for only one in your
THE WIGGINS CO., Distributors,
Willmar, Minn.
There is no law preventing you
from shipping your cream to BRIDGE
NESOTA. Prompt payment and re
turn of empty cans.. Highest prices.
A trial will convince you that you can
make MORE MONEY by shipping to
DULUTH.—Adv. 4w
Willmar, Minn.
The Live Store has been known for
years as the home of THE KUPPENHEIMER*BLUE
SERGE, and so large is the number of men whom we have
satisfactorily served with these good clothes, that our label
in a blue serge has become a "hall-mark" of quality.
This season the selection offered is
larger than ever before—you'll find serges here from every
loom around the world—you'll find the Famous Alaric, a
hard finish American—many soft French back serges
Ripple finish serges—Wanskuck and Metcalf serges of in
ternational fame—French Hockanums among the top not
ches. And they're one and all blues that are bine Alizarine
blues that stay blue as long as a thread of the fabric remains.
You'llfindserges herethat won't shine
—none of the wirey fabrics get hanging room here for we
know their "looking-glass" tendencies too well—KUPPEN
HEIMER serges are shine-proof—quality in the weaving
insures it.
We're going to make BLUE SERGE WEEK a
real event, we're going to demonstrate again our ideas of
service, quality and greater value in clothes:—
$20 $25 $30 $35
we'll show you serges in every size, every style and every
weave to be wished for or wanted, and no matter what the
price our
Salem, April 20—Mrs. N. P. Klit
gaard and Miss Emma Magnuson were
visitors last Tuesday.
Miss Edla Holmgren visited at the
A. W. Franklin home last Friday af
of satisfaction or your money back in
East Dovre, April 20—Mr. Nels An
derson, who has been staying at At
water for some time, arrived last
week to make his home at the Old
People's Home.
"Augsburg Day,' which was to beill
held last Sunday at the Eagle Lake
church has been postponed until next
Sunday, April 26th. Services will
commence at eleven- o'clock and will
continue throughout the afternoon.
Rev. E. E. Gynild will speak.
Mr. Carl Samuelson is assisting An
drew Berg with the farm work.
Mr. J. B. Nygaard visited in this
vicinity last Sunday.
Miss Mabel Roan and Carl Olson
were Sunday evening visitors at
The Eagle Lake Y. P. S. will have
their next meeting in the church, on
Thursday "evening, May 14th. A pro
gram will be rendered at eight o'clock
and refreshments will be served in
the basement. A cordial invitation is
extended to all.
Florence and Leslie Baklund and
Walter Bakken were Thursday eve
ning visitors at Spicer.
Rev. and Mrs. Gynild entertained
for supper Wednesday evening, Miss
Jennie Olson, Mrs. M. Hagen, Rev.
and Mrs. Larson, Mr. and Mrs. C. A.
Backlund and Millard and Mrs. A.on
Berg. The occasion was Rev. Gynild's
Walter Bakken is assisting with the
at Baklund's.
Mrs. Berg from Willmar visited
with'Rev. Gynild a few days.
Mr. Carl Gunderson from Hatten,
N. D., is visiting at his home here.
The practice of throwing rubbish,
ashes, garbage, etc., into the street ia
contrary to city ordinance. Offend
ers will be prosecuted.
3t Chief of Police.
The Bank of Willmar has now in
stalled a savings department. Wei
would like to see every child in townl
and help them get started with a sav
ings account.—Adv.
Wanted Improved Farm
Not over $20,000 value will give as
part payment 640 acres prairie land in
Eastern Montana four miles from sta
tion. Price $20 per acre, clear. Cash
and mortgage for balapce. Here Is a
chance to sell your farm and Invest the
money in cheap land that will soon
double in value. We also have aom£
good city Income property and merv
chandise stocks to trade for land send
description of your property. J. H.
Stodden Co., 619-C21 Security Bank
Building, Minneapolis, Minn. ~3
3&rc«.>8 &£J3*&trisi
—Chester OlBon spent Sunday in
—Arthur Erlckson spent Thursday
|n Litchfield.
—J. Floren of Pennock was here on
business Friday.
—Erick Erlckson of Kandiyohi was
here on business Monday.
—Albert Anderson visited friends
in Kandiyohi last Friday.
—Born, to Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Volk,
a baby girl, last Thursday.
—Mrs. Lars Jorstad entertained the
Social Club last Thursday.
—Paul Anderson of Pennock spent
Sunday at his home here.
—Miss Carey Elfstrum entertains
the Chatterbox Club next Monday.
—Mrs. Oharlie Walin entertains the
Wednesday Afternoon Club today.
—Miss Annie Nelson spent Sunday
with her grandmother in Pennock.
—Chester Ives visited friends in
Moorehead Saturday and Sunday.
—Ben Benson made a business trip
to the cities last part of the week.
—Frances Kielty spent Thursday
and Friday at his home in De Graff.
—M. Carey returned last Wednes
day from a business trip to the cities.
—Miss Emma Olson of Benson vis
ited with friends here last part of the
—The Eyelet Club was delightfully
entertained last Thursday by Mrs. J.
A. English.
"Friday" Elfstrum returned Satur
day from a few' days' visit in the
—Miss Mamie O'Donald spent last
Thursday and Friday at her home in
—Miss Mabel Williams, who teach
es in'Litchfield, spent week end visit
ing friends here.
—David Hoglund left Sunday for
Jordan where he will take treatments
for rheumatism.
—Miss Mable Smith of Cottonwood
visited with friends here from Satur
day until Tuesday.
—The Chatterbox Club was delight
fully entertained Monday evening by
Miss Esther Sorenson.
—Mr. and Mrs. Albin Carlson of
Benson arrived yesterday to visit
with friends a few days.
—Mrs. Emma Miller entertained a
number of her friends at a Majestic
party last Wednesday evening.
—Russell Peterson returned Mon
day from Soo Falls, S. Dak., where he
visited with friends a few days.
—Mrs. Alfred Bergeson entertained
a number of her friends last Thurs
day at her home on Jessie street.
—Mrs. Nels Swenson entertained
the Tuesday Afternoon Club this
week at her home on Mayson street.
—Misses Olive Crosby and Idaf
Sanderson left Sunday for St. Paul,
where they will attend the grand
—Edward Peterson and the Misses
Hazel and Edith Nelson atended the
funeral of Gilbert Thulin at Kandiyohi
—Frances Kielty left Monday for
his home in DeGraff. He expects to
leave this week for Minneapolis,
where he will visit some time.
Arctander, April 20 Farmers
around here have been busy all week
with seeding, and the fields have
been in excellent condition to be
worked. A few more days of this
nice weather and they will be done
with all small grain.
Jacob Foshager has carpenters at
work putting on new siding and re
shingling his barn. Martin and John
Walby are doing the work.
Winfred Aasen is busy fixing his
drilling machine by putting on a four
horse power gasoline engine to take
the place of horses.
Martin Roisum spent last Sunday
at the E. Gunderson home.
Mrs L. Johnson and daughter, Mrs.
Magnus Hanson visited at Hauge's
last Tuesday.
Quite a number in this vicinity are
with the mumps but we hope this
disease will leave when the warm
weather comes.
Mr. Hedman, agent for the Howard
Lake Nursery Co., was at Kerkhoven
last Saturday, delivering trees to
those he had received orders from.
His trees grow so well that most of
the farmers take their order from
On toilet goods at Elmquist's Jew
elry'store, Benson avenue.
Becker's Electric Weld Soldering
Wire Mends Granite Ware. adv.
to Europe by the American,
Cunard, Hamburg-American,
White-Star Dominion orScan
dinavian-American Lines,call
Sixth Street,
Cor.Llthfield Ave.
2 1 4 Third St.
(Official Notice.)
Official Notice of Health Offlcef
of Willmar to Owners of
Property at Willmar.
All persons owning, occupying or
otherwise possessing any houses,
buildings, lots or any other real es
tate within the city limits of the city
of Willmar are hereby notified that
all manure, debris, animal and vege
table material liable to decomposi
tion shall be removed, and that all
houses, barns, sheds, stables, privy
vaults, sewers, cellars, wells, yards
and premises shall be thoroughly
cleaned, moved or disinfected, and
all filth or source of filth which can
or may prove injurious to the health
of the inhabitants of said city shall
be abated by the 1st day of May, 1914.
The city shall see that all public
streets, alleys, highways, sewers and
buildings within the city be cleaned
of all filth and causes thereof.
Any person having knowledge of
any contagious or infectious diseases
within the city is hereby notified and
required to report the same as soon
as or within twenty-tour hours from
the time it became known to them to
the health officer or to any member
of the board or any person knowing
of glanders in horses or pleuro-pneu
monia in cattle within said city shall
report the same.
No person at any time shall burn
any rubbish, such as straw and drop
pings from cattle, within the limit of
the city of Willmar, that should in
any manner impair the health of the
city, and any person who willfully
violates it shall be deemed guilty of
a misdemeanor and upon conviction
thereof shall be fined, not less than
ten dollars for each and every of
Teachers and superintendents of
schools and public institutions will
see that no children having a contag
ious disease or any child coming from
a house or houses in which said dis
ease is said to exist, be admitted into
such school or Institution without
first notifying and obtaining permis
sion from the board of health. All
innkeepers or keepers of public
houses shall notify the board of
health of any contagious diseases
within 24 hours from the discovery
the same.
All cases reported to this board by
any person will be properly investi
gated as provided by law.
Just what you want for
your rooms. You will find
them at the—
On Third Strewt
I also Sell
Health Officer.
Norway Lake, April 20—George
Swenson and Oscar Mankel shipped
two carloads of stock to South St.
Paul last Thursday.
Miss Gena Skaalerud called on Mae
Stene Sunday afternoon.
Mr. August Dengerud visited with
his brother, Theodore Sunday.
Amanda and Leonard Rustad and
Anna Stene spent Sunday afternoon
at Gunder Swenson's.
Mrs. G. Stene left Monday for
Rhame, N. D., for a short stay.
A church social will be given at M.
O. Rustad's Sunday afternoon, April
26th, at three o'clock. Lunch will be
served. Everyone welcome.
Miss Mabel Erlckson called on
Mable and Lottie Syverson Sunday.
The Y. P. S. at the Synod church
Sunday evening was well attended
and a good program was given.
Mr.- Eddie Gordhammer returned
home last Monday from the cities,
where he has been visiting for a short
Miss Anna Stene returned home
last Thursday from Willmar, where
she had some dentist work done.
Mrs. Danielson and Mrs. Scot were
nicely entertained at Mrs. S. Hatle
stad/s last Monday.
Mr. Earl Stark is working for Au
gust Dengerud at present.
Sad Death at Prinsburg.
Sad news came last Tuesday to the
family of Henry Wieberd, living near
Prinsburg, when his wife, who had
been ill only a half a day, died in the
afternoon. A baby was born to them
the same day. Death was caused by
a double rupture. She leaves behind
her a husband and six children. The
funeral was held Saturday at the
Prinsburg church. Renville Star
—Mr. Wade, the Fairmont banker,
is erecting a five-story office building
in connection with a new home for
his bank.
Just received at Handy A Lewis
Motor Company's Garage, a carload of
Overlands direct from factory. Call
and see them.—Adv.
tt Door to jGloram's Grocorjr
Mr. AitM»Mk MM aiiThMeWh»
•riwe Can
Your Tires Need It
S.,E. Samuelson, our barber, spent
Sunday in Atwater.
Misses Berg and Grimlund spent
Sunday at Willmar.
August Lundquist was at the coun
ty seat on Saturday.
Albert Anderson of Willmar visited
here Friday evening.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Swan Ander
son on Friday, a daughter.
Quite a number attended the dance
in Atwater last Wednesday.
Mr. and "Mrs. Johnson of Willmar
spent Sunday at Nels Norell's.
Mr. Thulin spent a part of last
week at his farm in Harrison.
Miss Clara Anderson was a week
end guest of friends at Willmar.
Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Kroona enter
tained relatives for dinner Sunday.
Pearl Erickson is spending the
week with her grandmother, Mrs.
Levi Lund and August Lundquist
took in the rally at Willmar last Tues
Mrs. Norell has returned from her
visit with her parents in Lake Eliza
Miss Ebba Lundquist spent Satur
day and Sunday with friends at Will
Oscar Thulin of St. Paul came home
to attend the funeral of his brother,
Services next Sunday afternoon and
Sunday school at the usual time at
Nordahl Botnen visited at the E. L.
Thorpe home Sunday.
Rev. Anderson and two daughters
visited here last Wednesday.
A. Benson and J. L. Jarret made a
trip to Atwater last Thursday.
Steberg & Foshager are remodeling
their hardware store this week.
M. J. Strandberg made a trip to
Atwater Friday to look over his farm.
Miss Tillie Hansen visited at the
J. L. Jarrett home Saturday and Sun
M. J. Rustad shipped a carload of
stock to South St. Paul last Thurs
Miss Anne Nelson of Willmar vis
ited with her grandmother over Sun
A. Benson lias purchased a fine
Buick from Sam Osmundson of Will
The tennis court has been repaired
and furnishes a great deal of amuse
A number of young folks gave a
marahmallow toast last Thursday
Mrs. Berglund and son, Alvin, spent
Saturday and Sunday visiting friends
in Willmar.
Reuben Anderson was here Friday
and assisted his brother, Paul in the
meat market. -,
Miss Amy Bergstrom visited at
Willmar with her sister, Florence,
last Friday.
Ed. Thonvold and family left Mon?
day for the northern part of the state
where he has purchased a farm.
Eben Lawson of Willmar, was here
last Wednesday and Thursday and
completed the curtain for the. Wood
men hall.
How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any
eaee of Catarrh that cannot be eared by Hall's
Catarrh, Core.
F. J. CHENEY CO., Toledo, O.
We, the nndertlgned, bare known P. 7.
Cheney tor the last ift yean, aad believe Urn
perfectly- honorable In all bpstaess transections
and financially able to earry'oBt any obasanoas
nude bxitla Srra.
Toledo, Ohio.
HaO's Catarrh Core la taken tnternallr. aetlnr
directly upon the blood and amcooa sorfaces of
the system.. ^Testimonials free. *rJce TO
cents per bottle. Sold by. an Drajtfats.
Year Tire Mfleafe oa Tow 0M Tires by lariat I
Tbeai ia CeaalttM
Gilbert Johnson was at the county
seat on Saturday.
August Klint spent the week at his
farm in Fahlun.
Andrew Larsen has purchased a
Ford automobile.
Miss Grace Peterson was at Will
mar on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Thulin from St.
Paul came home to be present at the
funeral of Mr. Thulin's brother.
Carl Adolfson was severely kicked
by a horse last Saturday. He will be
confined to his bed for some time.
Mr. and Mrs. Einar Sorenson have
gone to Dakota where Mr. Sorenson
has accepted a position in a creamery.
Mrs. Chas. Jacobson spent a couple
of days with her daughter, Mrs. Ed.
Anderson of Willmar, the first of the
Have you seen the fine assortment
of rugs at Aug. Lundquist'* which are
sold for $.99 with a $2.00 cash pur
chase. Between April 25 and May 23,
Paul Anderson spent Sunday at his
home in Willmar.
6. C. Haug shipped two cars of
stock last Tuesday.
The Kandiyohi New Store is giving
coupons with every purchase. Valu
able premiums will be given. Butter,
eggs, poultry and hides wanted.—Adv.
Lars Aahrus, who has been spend
ing the winter here with Ounder Ped
erson left Friday for Minneapolis,
where he is working at the carpenter
The Senior class of the Kerkhoven
high school will present their play,
entitled, "Oak Farm," next Saturday
evening, April 25th, at the Woodman
hall. Admission 35c and 25c..
Paul Carlson, the little 18 months'
old son of Mr. and Mrs. Albin Carl
son of Mamre died at his home last
Saturday morning, the cause of his
death being brain fever. The funeral
was held Tuesday afternoon from the
Salem church, Rev. A. W. Franklin
A parcel shower was given at the
Lindgren restaurant by members of
the Sewing Club last Tuesday eve
ning in honor of the Misses Marie
Haug and Helen Nordgren.- The
rooms were decorated in hearts and
cut flowers. They both received
numerous gifts and the evening was
spent in a sociable way.
The marriage ceremony uniting Ly
man Ray Leslie and Helen Victoria
Nordgren, both of this village, was
solemnized last Saturday evening in
Willmar by Rev. C. Obreg of the Bap
tist church. The tsouple returned the
same evening and have rented the R.
O. Rasmusson residence and gone
right to housekeeping. On their way
to Willmar last Saturday night to be
married the car they were riding in
broke through one of the soft places
in the road and they were forced to
abandon It. As the announcements
of their marriage were in the post of
fice here they felt compelled to walk
the remaining five miles thru the sleet
and rain in order to make the same
good. Both young people are well
known here and have any number of
friends who wish them much happi
ness in their married life.
On fine China at Elmqutstie Jewelry
•tore. Benson avenue.
W lei'ins Piumhur
dotui Plmiihm
Mr. Melander of Willmar spent last
week here.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Erlck
son, south of the village, a son, last
August Benson and Mr. Wall of Og
ilvie spent Sunday at the J. A. Peter
son home.
Mrs. Magnus Shoberg of Harrison
spent the first part of the week with
her parents here.
Mrs. E. O.. Hanson and daughter,
Elizabeth of St. Paul are here for a
visit with relatives.
Rev. B. E. Walters conducted con
firmation at Bethania last Sunday, re
turning on Monday.
The Ladies' Aid of the Ebenezer
church will meet with Mrs. J. Lund
quist Thursday, April 30th.
Mrs. E. C. Hallstrom and Mrs. E. O.
Hanson visited with Willmar friends
the latter part of the week.

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