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3k*. N I N#w York's Biggest Laughing Success *^jr —Mr. and Mrs Ed Sanderson en tertained at dinner Monday evening in honor of their guests, Prof. Varde of Hamline University, and Leo Einfeldte of St Paul Vou H\\\ find the most complete line -ivtware at Ohsberg, Selvig & Co. jvx\tt U'chf-eld Ave. and 3rd St. —Mrs Anton Bakke was hostess to the Young Matron Club esterday afternoon. When People Ask Us what isgoodfor nervesand lost weight, we always recommend BY SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT S"«SLEADi N LAD Comes to the WILLMAR OPERA HOUSE TuesdayNight, Mar. 23 This is a guaranteed attraction with Wm. Lawrence, Eileen O'Malley, Frank Hersome and ten other New York artists in the cast. Direct to you from New York, Chi cago and Boston PRICES 25c 50c 75c $1.00 Seats on sale at Carlson Bros., Saturday, March 20th Emulsion contamuig tlypophosphxtea ft food tonic and tissue builder. Carlson Bros. Introductory Show ing of WILLMAR, 0 A Faroe in Three Acts By Paul Dickey and Charl** C«*dar* as-J: 400 NIGHTS AT/THE rutTON THEATRK NEW YORK Dr. E. S. Bugbee, the well-known eye specialist of Minneapolis, will be at C. A. Nelson's Jewelry Store, Will mar, on Tuesday, March 23.. Eyes carefully examined and Glasses made that (WILL FIT). Special attention to relief of headaches and other ner vous troubles "by proper fitting of glasses. Cross eyes straightened.— Adv. —Another change has been made In mail clerks on the Sioux City line. Henry Ghssman has been given a day run, and Arthur Endersbee transfer red to the night run. —Mr. and Mrs. John Lundquist of Kandiyohi spent a couple of days vis iting in this city the middle of last week. Beginning Monday, March 22nd We will be pleased to have your approval— as well as a visit from you. Whether you buy or not, our courtesy is extended to you. MRS. F. A. BROWN FISH Will arrive at Willmar Tomorrow with a carload of fish consisting of PICKEREL, BASS, PIKE AND WHITE FISH Will sell at prices much cheaper than your butchers sell to you. IVI CILLER MINNESOTA Annual Meeting of 8oetety. The annual meeting of the Woman's Missionary Society of the First Pres byterian church was held last Thurs day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Geo. H. Otterness. After the devo tional services and the regular routine business of the day, came the annual reports, which were most encourag ing. The secretary reported large at tendance at the meeting and programs of unusual interest. The treasurer's report showed the total sum of $450 raised for mission ary work, $238 for the Women's Board of Home Missions and $212 for the Foreign field. The officers who served during the past year were all re-elected for the ensuing year: Mrs. Hengstler, Presi dent Mrs. W. M. Chase, vice presi dent Mrs. J. A. Curran, secretary Mrs. J. F. Millard, treasurer Mrs. G. A. Foster, secretary of literature. After the meeting the hostess in vited the ladies into the dining room, where delicious refreshments were served. The president was presented with a handsome flower basket, filled with pink carnations, a birthday gift from the society. Presbyteriat Society Meets. The annual meeting of the St. Cloud Presbyterial Home and Foreign Mis sionary societies will be held in the Presbyterian church «t Litchfield, on Tuesday and Wednesday, March 23rd and 24th. The first service will be Tuesday afternoon, at 4 o'clock. Tuesday eve ning will be devoted to Home Mis sions, and Mrs. Elijah Barton of Min neapolis will speak of the work of the Woman's Board of Home Missions, and Miss Florence Redway, of Con cord, N. C,. will give an address on "The Southern Mountaineer." Wed nesday forenoon will be given over to the business of the Home Society, and the business meeting of the Foreign Society will be held in the afternoon. Wednesday evening will be Foreign Missions evening, Mrs. C. W. Williams of Minneapolis will speak. The ad dress of the evening will be given by Miss Davidson of Chicago, her sub ject will be, "Young People in Mis sions." Young People's Society. The young people of the Fahlun Baptist church will give a program on Thursday evening, March 25th at 7:30 o'clock. After the program, refresh ments will be served. Following is the program: Song Audience Scripture Reading and Prayer Misses Mabel and Hazel Nelson en tertained the members of the Bethel choir, in the church basement Mon day evening. About twenty-four were present. Small candles and candle holders marked the place of each guest, and the center piece was a large bouquet of jonquils. A delic ious two course lunch was served late in the evening. O I A MRS CARRIE NORLANDER. Mrs. Carrie Norlander, mother of Mrs. H. S. Peterson, died at the home of her daughter on So. Fifth street yesterday morning. The funeral ser vices will be held Friday afternoon from the residence. Married This Afternoon. This afternoon at one o'clock oc curred the marriage of Miss Clara Peterson and Amos Bjelkengren. The ceremony was performed by Rev. B. Michaelson at the Lutheran Free church parsonage. Mr. and Mrs. Bjelkengren left on the afternoon train for Fargo and Crookston. Shoe Store Changes Hands. A deal was completed last Friday whereby G. A. Erickson became the owner of the shoe store on Benson Ave., formerly owned by Robert Ot terness. For the present Mr. Otterness will remain with Mr. Erickson. Mr Erickson has an ad elsewhere in this issue of interest to the people. Play at Kandiyohi. A play and entertainment will be given at the Whittier school at Kan diyohi Friday evening at 8 o'clock Admission, 25 cents. The proceeds will go to the piano fund. Announcement. I am pleased to announce that Miss Alice Englund of Willmar, will trim for me this season. Mrs. W. J. Free man.—Adv. The Hennepin Brewing Co. is flood ing our city with letters soliciting or ders for Bock beer. If we under stand a recent decision of the Su preme Court, each such letter sent is an indictable offense. —Miss Thelma Curran went over to St. Cloud last Friday afternoon and spent the week end visiting with her sister, Pearl, who attends the Normal school there. There is more Catarrh In this section ot the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease and prescribed local reme dies, and by constantly failing* to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incur able. Science has proven Catarrh to be a constitutional disease, and therefore re quires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co, Toledo, Ohio, is the only Constitutional cure on the market It is taken internally. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. ASdress: F. CHENEY CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation, A N E W JUDGE. Rev. Ericson Song Choir Reading Florence Christianson Selection (Wennerberg) Male Sextette Reading Mrs. Albert Johnson Vocal solo Freda Hed Remarks Rev. Ericson Song Choir Benediction Rev. Ericson Parcel Shower Thursday Evening. Mrs. James Sanderson and daugh ter entertained at a parcel shower last Thursday evening, in honor of the Misses Hannah and Clara Peterson. The evening was spent in sewing and several contests were enjoyed. Mrs Albert Larson won honors in the "bean contest." Delicious refresh ments were served at a late hour. The Misses Peterson received many use ful and beautiful gifts. Kitchen Shower. Misses Marie Erlandson and Betty Pearson entertained Monday evening at a kitchen shower in honor of Miss es Hannah and Clara Peterson. The rooms were decorated in red hearts. Guessing contests furnished the chief amusements of the evening, Misses Lydia Erlandson and Nora Elfstrum and Mrs. Harry Odell winning prizes Delicious refreshments were served. Entertain Bethel Choir. SVT THE. SAME O A A N E S O N A Covers were laid for 18. —Miss Stella Norine came over from St. Cloud last Thursday after noon to be present at the wedding of her sister, that afternoon. —A letter from Salt Lake City informs the editor that Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Dale are joyfully on their way to California on their honeymoon trip. WILL SHIP TUESDAY. The New London Farmers' Co-oper ative Shipping Association will ship stock next week, Tuesday, the 23rd. This is a co-operative enterprise so all are welcome stockholders or no stockholders. Just get in touch with Alfred Lundberg, the manager. Adv 4t M. O. Flesland, Sec'y. You will find the most complete line of hardware at Ohsberg, Selvig ft Co. Corner Litchfield Ave. and 3rd St. Adv. WlLLMAft tftlBUNE. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 17. IfttS oqsr 5TEN0GRAPH1 A COUPLE SNAP SHOTS IN THE COURT ROOM —A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Nordahl Botnen on Monday of this week. —W. E. Scott left yesterday morn ing on a business trip to Kansas City, Kan. —Miss Marjorie Dougherty spent last Thursday visiting friends at Kan diyohi. —Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Losleben re turned from Sioux City last Saturday afternoon. —Miss Mary Jenson of Raymond spent last Saturday visiting friends in this city. —Mrs. N. N. Abrahamson left last Thursday for a visit with her son in Minneapolis. —Miss Florence Erickson has ac cepted a position as saleslady at the Ladies' Store. —Mrs. Geo. Tyler, Jr., of Elk River is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Tyler in this city. —Mrs. Victor Nelson and daughter, Hazel spent the week end visiting in Kandiyohi, with relatives. —Ben Aim returned to Milbank, S. D. last Sunday afternoon after a visit at his home in this city. —Miss Marie Hoglund left last Sat urday for a visit with relatives at Min neapolis and Jordan, Minn. —Dr. and Mrs. E H. Frost were vis itors in the twin cities several days the latter part of last week. —Henry Stenson returned the last of the week from a few days' trip to St. Peter and the twin cities. —Mr. and Mrs. Henry Olson and daughter of Spicer are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Peterson. —Miss Ethel Styles who attends Carleton College spent the week end visiting at her home in this city. —Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Brogren came over from New London last Friday afternoon for a visit with relatives in this city. —Miss Cora Osmundson and Miss Nina Marsh of Pipestone, left for a visit at St. Paul last Wednesday af ternoon. —Mrs. John Peterson was at Kan diyohi last Saturday, called there by the illness of her grandson, Goodwin Peterson. —Miss Adelia Peterson entertained the Philathea Class of the Swedish Baptist church, at her home last Fri day evening. —E. J. Boomer has resigned his position with the Obrecht Stock Co. and at present is enjoying a rest at his home in this city. —Mr. and Mrs. Edw. Sanderson en tertained at dinner last Friday eve ning in honor of Mrs. Stanley Burr. KANDIYOHI. Mrs. B. E. Walters and son return ed on Saturday after spending about six weeks with relatives and friends in the cities. Mrs. Anna Nelson and daughter, Haz,el of Willmar, spent Saturday at ternoon with relatives here. Mrs. Kragenbring of Harrison visit ed with Mrs. C. V. Peterson Wednes day. Mrs. Redy spent Saturday with Mrs. Peter Thulin here. Miss Pearl Peterson went to Litch field the forepart of the week. The Gilbert BengLson family and the Peterson family spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Pet erson. Mr. Grindy and Harold Cederstrom were week end guests of friends at the cities. Mrs. John Peterson of Willmar spent Saturday with her grandson, Goodwin Peterson, who is ill. Mrs. John Lundquist spent Wednes day and Thursday with her sister at Willmar. A large number of people attended the lunch given at the O. W. Kroona store on election day. A sum of $18 was realized from the same which will go to the Home Missions. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Isaacson and children were Sunday visitors with relatives at Atwater. Born to Mr. and Mrs. George Peter son, a son. Mrs. August Benson and baby left Tuesday for their home at Ogilvie af ter spending a week with her parents here. Miss Grace Peterson spent Sunday at her home here. Victor Wallin was a Sunday visitor at Atwater. Henry Redy spent the latter part of the week in the cities. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wickre and ba by of St. Paul are here for a visit with the former's parents and also to attend the silvver wedding annivers ary of Mr. and Mrs. Wickre, last Sat urday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Norine and chil dren visited with relatives at Willmar last week. The pupils of the Whittier school are busy practicing for an entertain ment to be given in the near future. Rudolf Lundquist has been absent from school for two weeks on account of illness. Lundquist & Gustafson shipped stock to South S Paul, Thursday. The farmers shipped stock to St. Paul, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Wickre celebrated their silver wedding anniversary last Saturday evening. A large crowd at tended the party and all report hav ing enjoyed a nice evening. Mrs. John Burns entertained the R. N. A. on Wednesday at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Lund spent the latter part of the week with relatives at Litchfield. BETHEL LUTHERAN CHURCH REV. W. E. PEARSON, A. M., Pastor Miss Angle DeFoe has resigned her position as teacher and Miss Peter son of Atwater will teach the remain der of the term. Miss Westerberg of Svea spent If You Are Losing Weight and your nerves are in bad condition, werecommend w* OliveOil Emulsion •food and nerve tonic prescription. Carlson Bros. Sunday Evening Services At 7:30. Come out and hear the pastor speak on the Passion of Christ. Sunday school at 11:45 a. m. Swedish Services. Svensk hogmessa kl. 10:30 f. m. hvarje sondag. Ingen veckoguds janst morgon qval. GRAND EASTER CONCERT APRIL 6TH Miss Esther Pearson of Chicago Will Assist Bethel Choir. ft TICKETS, 50c. ALL ARE CORDIALLY WELCOME TO ATTEND 25% DISCOUNT 25% DISCOUNT 10% DISCOUNT Thursday afternoon with Miss Amy Klint. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hitch and baby of Svea are visiting at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Fahlstrom. Verner Fahlstrom is here for a vis it with his folks. Rev. Holmes conducted English services at the M. E. chapel Sunday evening. Miss Marjorie Dougherty of Will mar left Saturday for her home after spending a week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dougherty. Miss Claris Stromert was surprised by fifteen of her girl friends last Fri day, the day being her ninth birthday anniversary. The guests were Villa Lundquist, Thora Wickre, Alma Rec tor, Mildred Lundquist, Evelyn and Idella Kroona, Anna Mae, Gladys and Florence Rierson, Stella Crooquist, Ruth, Alice and Edna Harrison and Minnie and Goldie Wilber. Mrs. Stromert served a delicious supper and a large birthday cake with can dles decorated the table. The guests were taken for a ride in Mr. Strom ert's lumber wagon. All report hav ing enjoyed a great time. DOVRE. Dovre, March 15th—The Dovre Y. P. S. will have their next social Sun day evening at the Elling Willand home. Everybody welcome to at tend. The Farmers' Equity Society of Dovre and Willmar will have a debate and program at the school house near Tommeraasen's this evening. A week ago Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Rykken and three sons visited at the Peter Anderson home in Spicer. Fred Swalin of Willmar spent a couple of days here last week at the Leines home. Mrs. I. C. Holland called on her daughter, Mrs. Henry Bergeson, last Tuesday. Mrs. O. Skaftedahl and Mrs. J. J. Rykken called on Mrs. C. C. Birkeland one day last week. J. Otterness' are enjoying a visit from friends of Minneapolis. Charles T. Birkeland returned home from Willmar last Friday where he has attended the Agriculture school since November. John Swalin of Willmar is visiting at the Albert Hanson home. Peter Larson of near Donnelly was seen in this vicinity last week. Mrs. August Bjork spent a couple of days with her sister-in-law last week. The Ladies' Aid meeting at the Al vig home last week was quite well attended. Rev. E. O. Larson of Eagle Lake was present and spoke. Mrs. Martha J. Rykken visited with Mrs. P. P. Alvig last Friday. Last Saturday the supervisors held a meeting at the C. C. Birkeland home. Mrs. Agaton Dokken and little son Henry spent a couple of days at her parental home, O. Skaftedahl's. The Dovre Ladies' Aid will meet with Mrs. Ingeborg Netland, March 31st. Everyone welcome. Social Postponed. The old fashioned spelling school which was to have been held in the school house in district 36 on Satur day evening of this week, has been in definitely postponed. —All kinds of ladies' tailoring work done at Brrg ft Soderling's.—Adv. •mm WATCH FOR BIG SALE IN THE MEANTIME WE OFFER THESE SPECIALS on 1 4 OFF on every Dress in the store on on CUT PRICES ?n Hundreds of Articles in our Gran iteware, China and Hardware Dep'ts TABLE TUMBLERS only 2c FRESH CANDIES—30 Different Varieties, 15c to 40c lb. Special PER POUND NEW YOR STOR E 206-210 So. 5th St. A few doors from 1st National Bank WATCH FOR BIG SALE ROSE LAND. Roseland, March 15—Mr. and Mrs. H. Dragt returned from their visit to Iowa last Saturday. Nick Brouwer visited at the John Buikema home last Thursday and Fri day. Peter Nype is receiving treatments at the Willmar Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gort spent Sunday evening at the home of the latter's mother, Mrs. S. Dykema. Miss Margaret Martin and pupils of the Roseland school will give a pro gram and neck-tie social next Friday evening, March 19. All the ladies are requested to bring a necktie. Mrs. Edward Williams gave a birth day party to her relatives last Tues day evening. Nick Brouwer and Pete Buikema spent last Thursday evening with friends in Clara City. Mr. and Mrs. H. Bruggers called at entire stock of Un derwear entire stock of Mus lin Underwear Gloves, Corsets, Fleec ed Hosiery and all Win ter Goods 10c the H. Dragt home last Sunday eve ning. Mr. and Mrs. John Brouwer visited with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Williams last Thursday evening. Nick Brouwer worshipped In Prins burg last Sunday evening. —All kinds of French dry cleaning done at Berg & Soderling's.-—Adv. A Doll Social. A doll social will be held in dis trict 45 Thursday evening, March 25. Ladies bring dolls and lunch for two. All are cordially invited. Watch Your ChBdren Often duldien do notlet psnntsjfamr they are constipated. They fear sons thingdistasteful. They willlike Basil Orderlies—• mild laxative that tastes Janiapr. 8o)dot4jtyu4l0esalft Carlson Bros. Plumbing Shop Quality Plumbing, Modern Steam and Hot Water Heating We take pleasure in informing you that we have opened up a shop at 314 Benson Ave., across from Berkness, Lundberg & Co. If you are contemplating building or remodeling your bath room or installing a heating plant do not fail to consult with us and let us quote you prices on fixtures, from the very modest in expensive to the highest priced solid porcelain fixtures. From the repairing of a faucet to the installation of a com plete Plumbing or Heating System, we are equipped to do the job and do it right All workmanship and material absolutely guar anteed. LET US TALK IT OVER. JOHNSON & NELSON 'Phono No. 624 TWO NEW BRANDS OF CIGARS LITTLE ROLL OF HONOR 5 CENTS STRAIGHT: LITTLE JACK, St Ernest Person Willmar, Minn. 1