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*v»r •%. 1 I Town of Arctander. 94 votes cast. Following: officers were elected: Su pervisor. Aupust Johnson Clerk, Syver Iverson: treasurer, Olaf K. Xesaard assessor, C. T. Skindelien justice, Ben lialvorson constable, Melvin Swenson. Taxes voted: town fund, $100 road and bridges, $1200. Meeting went on record in favor of abolishing the State Highway Commis sion and also against the retention of the services of the county a?ent. Town of Burbank. 25 votes cast. Following officers elected: Supervisor, Amund Larson: clerk, D. J. Price treas urer. T. Z. Xewgard assessor, L. A. Metcalf: justice, L. A. Metcalf con stable, John A. Johnson. Taxes voted: $1600. Town of Colfax. 24 votes cast. Following- officers elected: Supervisor, G. P. Tansen clerk, Claus L. Larson treasurer, Mikkel Olson: assessor, Carl H. Thorson justice, E. P. Erickson constable, T. J. Leite. Taxes voted: Road taxes, $800 town revenue, ?150 poor fund, $60. Town of Dovre. "S votes cast. Following officers elected: Supervisor, K. C. Sletten clerk, C. C. iBrkeland treasurer. P. \V. Pederson assessor, Magnus Olson constable, Oscar Olson. TOWN AND VILLAGE ELECTIONS Taxes voted: Town fund, $25 poor fund, $3f0 road and bridge fund, $1000. It was decided to divide the town into four road districts, and four road offi cers were elected, viz: G. Bratberg\ Otto Olson, Feder P. Alvij? and Oscar Olson. More Than Thirty Thousand Dollars are Voted for Roadwork in the Townships ot Kandiyohi County. State Highway Commission is Condemned. Town of East Lake Lillian. 68 votes cast. Following- officers elected: Supervisor, S. K. Gilhoi clerk. Stromme L. Johnson treasurer, A. Neteon assessor, Harry Hawkins justice, H. A. Lobnitz con stable, Joseph Xelson. Taxes voted: $1500. Town of Edwards. 2S votes cast. Following officers elected: Supervisor, H. J. Hanson: clerk, A. B. Thorson treasurer, J. S. Johnson: assessor, Wm. Strootman: justice, E. J. Ericson con stable, J. Bouska. Taxes voted: General fund, $100 road and bridge fund, $1500. Town of Fahlun. No report received. Town of Gennessee. 4 1 votes cast. Following officers elected: Supervisor, B. P. Hovey clerk, W. V. Olson: treas urer, Peter P. Hovey assessor, Chas. J. Berg: justices. M. A. Anderson and A. G. Olson: constables, A J. Amdahl, and John S. Anderson. Taxes voted: Poor fund, $50: general fund, $150 road and bridge fund, $1500. A resolution was passed demanding that State Highway Commission be abolished. RESOLUTION FOR HIGHWAY HOME RULE. WHEREAS, the road law of the state now gives to the state highway com mission and its engineers unlimited con trol and arbitrary power to plan and snnprintend all road work in the state, and, WHEREAS, a large part of the money the taxpayers have paid into the var ious road funds has been wastefully used for extravagant supervision and recklessly squandered in experimental and incompetent engineering, BE IT RESOLVED, that we, quali fied voters of Gennessee Township, Kandiyohi County, Minnesota, assembl ed in annual town meeting this 9th day of March, 1915, hereby express our un alterable opposition to state control of Your Ha Fo Easte What are your plans for your Easter hat Are you going to strug gle with it all yourself and be dissatisfied in the end, or are you coming to us and let us fit you out in some thing that really be comes you We have splendid hats already trimmed, right up to the minute. We make hats over too. Talk it over with us early. Don't get caught in the last minute rush. HENRY MORRELL Manager of the NEW YOR STORE announces, thai he separated from the New York Store of Mankato and will very shortly be in business for himself in Willmar, As heretofore the same square deal "toill be the aim in my future efforts to serle my customer friends, to whom I extend now my thanks for their past support. More details will be announced later. road building-, whether state, county or town funds are Involved, as an unwar ranted interference with the right of a self-governing- community to manage its own affairs. No matter by what name a road fund is known, whether state, county, or town, nearly every dollar in the fund is obtained from tax ation of property in the local commun ity, hence the local people through their duly elected officials should have the exclusive right to supervise and con trol the expenditure of the money. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that we most urgently request our senators and representatives in the legislature to amend the law, so supervision and control by the state highway commis sion may be entirely eliminated, and the local boards may plan and superin tend road work, and the board of Coun ty Commissioners and not the state highway commission may be empower ed to employ, when necessary, engi neers to superintend the construction of work. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that we hereby organize the HIGHWAY HOME RULE CLUB of Gennessee Township. Kandiyohi County, Minne sota, of which the chairman of town board shall be president and the town clerk, secretary, and that these officers are hereby instructed to co-operate with similar clubs in other townships in a state wide campaign against the des potic rule of the highway commission and to keep up the fight until the legis lature now in session or a succeeding one removes every vestige of control and supervision from this state com mission and vests these powers in local boards elected by the people. The above resolution was duly passed by the voters of Gennessee Township, Kandivohi Countv, Minnesota, this 9th day of March, 1915. A. J. AMDAHL, Chairman Town Board. H. W. BERG. N. P. ANDERSON, Supervisors. Attest: W. V. OLSON, Town Clerk. Town of Green Lake. 4 9 votes cast. Following officers elected: Supervisor, \rnt Carlson: clerk, Wm. Henderson treasurer, Oscar Jacobson assessor, Jo seph Kloster justice, C. A. Halvorson constable, Knnd Thompson. Taxes voted: $1500. Town of Harrison. 114 votes cast. Following officers elected: Supervisor, Wm. Dickman clerk. Bennie M. John son treasurer, Wm. Rieff assessor, E. G. Pagel justice, F. H. Kahmeyer con stable, Edward P. Miller. Taxes voted: Town fund, $250 road fund, $2000 poor fund, $50. Tn favor of license, 58 against li cense, 54. Town of Holland. 67 votes cast. Following officers elected: Supervisor, Arend Bolt clerk, Martin K. Breems treasurer, Henry Roelofs assessor, Henrv Vanderkiet justice, J. Niewen huisf constables, W. J. Jonk, Evert Bon nema. Taxes voted: Road and bridge, $2500 general purposes, $350 poor fund, $100. In favor of abolishing State Highway Commission. Town of Irving. 4 5 vofps cast. Following officers elected: Supervisor, Oscar L. Olson clerk. Peter Gravgaard treasurer, A. E. Borsheim assessor, Erick Ellefson justice, A. M. Anderson constable, G. W. Monson. Taxes voted: Road and bridge, $1000 town fund, $250 special gopher fund, $75. Town of Kandiyohi. 47 votes cast. MRS. W. J. FREEMAN 114 5th Street Willmar, Minn. Following officers elected: Supervisor, Olof Mattson clerk, C. A. Harrison treasurer, Anton Thorson assessor, Harry Anderson. Taxes voted: Town fund, $350 poor fund, $250 road and bridge, 3 mills. Town of Lake Andrew. 23 votes cast. Following officers elected: Supervisor, Oscar Mankell clerk, C. A. Syverson treasurer, Herman Larson assessor, G. Stene justice, Herman B. Skaalerud constable, Andrew Thorson. Taxes voted: Town revenue, $200 poor fund, $75 road fund, $1233. Town of Lake Elizabeth. 27 votes cast. Following officers elected: Supervisor, 3 years. H. S. Nelson supervisor to fill vacancy, John Flygare clerk, Leonard Boom treasurer, Archie Paulson asses sor, Harris Johnson justice, C. A. Swan constable, J. E. Bomsta. Taxes voted: Road and bridge, $1200 revenue, $250 poor fund, $49. Town of Lake Lillian. 55 votes cast. Following officers elected: Supervisor, A. H. Vick clerk, J. G. Flann treas urer, Oscar Linn assessor, Wm. John son justice, George E. Vick constable, James Hanson. Taxes voted: $1550. Town of Mature. 67 votes cast. Following officers elected: Supervisor, Otto Holmgren clerk, F. N. Anderson treasurer, August Holmgren assessor, Otto Tingvall justice, Hj. Johnson con stables, J. A. Magnuson two years, B. Akerson, one year. Taxes voted: Road fund, $1000 town revenue, $300 poor fund, $150. Town of New London. 154 votes cast. Following officers elected: Supervisor, 3 years, J. A. Anderson, 91 votes P. A. Larson, 60 votes clerk, J. G. Peterson, 54 votes A. Skeie, 98 votes treasurer, A. N. Mickelson assessor, E. E. Hauge justices, Knut Ersland and Oscar Hill man constables, John Borgeson and Fridolph Hultgren. Taxes voted: About 5 mills per 100 on assessed valuation of real estate and personal property. Town of Norway Lake. 58 votes cast. Following officers elected: Supervisor, K. A. Botten clerk, Ole L. Quie treas urer, A. J. Syse assessors, E. C. Tros theim and Lewis Bendickson justice, John N. Hystad constable, Thomas Og dalen. Taxes voted: Town revenue, $250 road and bridge, $300 poor fund, $300 cash road tax, $1200. To vacate the county agent office and to change the road system. Town of Boseland. 60 votes cast. Following officers elected: Supervisor, Ole Blomquist clerk, Gerhard Dam hof treasurer, C. Stob assessor, K. Douma justice, John Zuidema consta ble. Hans Moerlag. Taxes voted: Current expenses, $250. 00 road and bridge fund, $1800. Town of Boaevllle. 27 votes cast. Following officers elected: Supervisor, W. E. Glenz clerk, E. J. Hood treasu rer, August Paetznick assessor, F. H. Smithson justice, S. O. Susag consta ble, Chester Kroll. Taxes voted: $200 for town purposes $1,400 for roads and bridges. Town of St. Johns. 87 votes cast. Following officers elected: Supervis or, Peter Fransen clerk, Jens L. Han son treasurer, Julius Rambow asses sor, J. M. Nelson justices, John Swen son and Nels Nelson constables, John Hedler and John Nelson. Taxes voted, $1500. Voted to separate from Village Pennock. of Town of Whitefleld. Following officers elected: Supervis or, C. T. Eddy clerk, A. O. Nelson treasurer, P. N. Olson assessor, G. Adamson justice, James Matson con stable, E. R. Swenson. Taxes voted: Road and bridges, $2,000 town fund, $200. Town of Willmar 50 votes cast. Following officers elected: Supervisor A. J. Abbott, 36, E. A. Swanson, 14 clerk, C. J. Hanson treasurer, D. W. Haley assessor, Albert J. Johnson jus tice, Henry Johnson constable, Alfred Mathiason. Taxes voted: $1,650. Resolutions adopted: (1) To abolish the State Highway Commission and give the people control of their own money expended on roads (2) A Highway Home Rule Club was organized with the chairman of supervisors as president and the town clerk as secretary (3) Hunting with dogs in township, for bidden. Village of Atwater. Following officers elected: President, H. W. Jones trustees, I. G. Anderson, I. L. Porter and Z. V. Johnstone clerk, Chas. A. Swenson assessor, F. Glad er: treasurer, J. A. Johnson constables, Nels Blomberg and H. G. Anderson. Village of Kandiyohi. I Following officers elected: President, C. G. Johnson trustees, D. V. Downs, P. E. Lundouist and Swan Anderson clerk, J. A. Peterson assessor, August Lundquist treasurer, Nels Norell jus tice, Levi Lund. Village of New London. Following officers elected: President, F. L. Gustafson trustees, C. O. Bred berg, T. L. Engen and C. L. Hedeen clerk, A. A. Skeie treasurer, A N. Mick elson justices, A. Jacobson and Christ Johnson constables, Wm Rose and John Borgeson. The vote on installing a chemical lire engine and apparatus resulted with a vote of 64 for and 36 against. The above ticket was elected after a close and exciting election. Mr. Gustaf son won out over J. G. Peterson for president by a vote of 62 to 60. It is claimed that a vote or two were cast by men living outside of village limits and a contest may result Village of Pennock. Village of Raymond CITYCOUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Council Chambers, City Hall Building, Willmar, Minn., March 8th, 1915. Regular meeting- of the City Council. Mayor Wellin called the meeting to or der. The following members of the Coun cil were present on roll call: Mayor Wellin, Aldermen Johnson, Benson, Mar tin, Kent, Sperry, Tjosvold. Norman and Erickson, 9 absent, none. City Attorney Stanford was also pres ent. The minutes of the last two meetings held February 22nd and 23rd„ 1915, were read and the same were approved. The following bills were on motion referred to the Finance Committee: GENERAL FUND. Water & Light Commission, street lights Feb. '15, $274.61 light City Hall bldg., $5.11.. .$279.72 G. O. Sand Co., mdse 3.00 Peterson & Wellin, mdse., 10.35 Willmar Co-operative Merc. Co., mdse. 16.10 Tribune Prtg. Co., publishing,... 23.83 N. Knudson Co., drayage 6.25 H. Gunderson, cash advanced for postage, express and freight,.. 22.28 Hugh Ruddy, special police 22.00 Peter Bonde, boarding prisoner,. 1.20 W. T. Cressler, street signs 9.30 Electric Blue Print Co., blue prints N. Knudson Co. drayage, H. Gunderson, postage and tele gram, Peterson & Wellin. mdse., P. Pearson, labor and material,.. Halvorson Bros., labor and ma terial S. Magnuson, labor A. Sundling, labor L. Rasmusson, labor, Carl Johnson, labor team Bid of the Board of Sinking Fund Commissioners of the City of Willmar to purchase the $3,000 four per cent Is sue of Certificates at par, being the on ly bid received, was accepted. Alderman Tjosvold offered the fol lowing resolution which was unanimous ly adopted. RESOLUTION. Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Willmar, that the bid of the Board of Sinking Fund Commissioners for the purchase of the Certificates of Indebtedness of the City of Willmar for $3,000, be and the same is hereby ac cepted. Approved March 9th. 1915. E. C. WELLIN, Mayor. Alderman Tjosvold introduced the fol lowing resolution which was adopted toy the following vote: "Ayes," 8 "noes," none. RESOLUTION. Be it resolved by the City Council ot the City of Willmar that a warrant for $3,000 be issued against the Sinking Fund in favor of the Board of Sinking Fund Commissioners of the City of Willmar. account of the Certificates of Indebtedness purchased pursuant to Or dinance No. 150, account of the General Fund. Approved March 9th. 1915. B. C. WELLIN, Mayor. Alderman Tjosvold presented the fol lowing resolution which was adopted by the following vote: "Ayes," 8 "Noes," none. RESOLUTION. Resolved, that a warrant be issued against the General Fund in the amount of $3,000 in favor of the Board of Sink in sr Fund Commissioners of the City of Willmar in payment of Certificates of Indebtedness issued pursuant to Ordi nance No. 135, account of the General Fund. Approved March 9th. 1915. E. C. WELLIN, Mayor. Alderman Tjosvold offered the fol lowing resolution which was unani mously adopted: RESOLUTION. Resolved that a warrant for $63.34 be issued against the Interest Fund in favor of the Board of Sinking Fund Commissioners of the City of Willmar, the same being the interest due on $1,000 and $2,000. Certificates of In debtedness issued pursuant to Ordi nance No. 135. Approved March 9th. 1915. E. C. WELLIN, Mayor. Alderman Tjosvold presented the fol lowing resolution which was adopted by the following vote: "Ayes," 8 "Noes," none. RESOLUTION. Whereas, the Board of Sinking Fund Commissioners of the City of Willmar have decided to invest the sum of $3,000 in the Certificates of Indebtedness of the City of Willmar, issued pursuant to Ordinance No. 150, Resolved, that the action of the Board of Sinking Fund Commissioners be, and the same is hereby approved by the Council. Approved March 9th, 1915. E. C. WELLIN, Mayor. The Committee on Rest Room pre sented a written report stating that the dwelling of Mrs. Garwell, No. 315 5th street, had been agreed on by the dif ferent Committees as the most suitable nlace available, and that two rooms can be secured there for approximately $40 ner month, which would include the ser I vices of matron, and the Committee re Following officers elected: President, I commended that the City contribute $10 G. Haug trustees, A Benson, H. P. per month toward the cost of maintain Jensen, and L. M. Steberg clerk, H. G. [ same, and that the City furnish Floren treasurer, W. E. Berglund jus tice, M. N. Johnson constable, Alfred Ling. Following officers elected: President, Louis J. Kropp trustees, H. N. Ashley, F. A. Spaeth and W. Potter clerk, H. E. Day assessor, A G. Barbknecht treasurer, Ole J. Bjerke justices, E. J. Foote and C. G. Kingstedt. The vote on the license resulted as follows: For, 34 votes against, 49 votes. Village of Spleer. Following officers elected: President. O. Sondreson trustees, P. W. Ekblad, M. Kloster and Frank Lungren clerk, D. F. Johnson assessor, John Knudson treasurer, Oscar Orred justice, A. J. Peterson, constable, A. J. Thorvig. —Get your suits French Dry Clean ed, pressed and repaired at Berg & Soderlings.—Adv. Dr. H. F. Porter, Dentistry, Carlson Block.—-AdY. water free for said rooms The report of the Committee was. on motion, accepted. Alderman Martin offered the follow ing resolution which was adopted by the following vote: "Ayes," 8 "Noes," none. RESOLUTION. Resolved, That the City contribute the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) per month, out of the General Fund, toward the cost and expense of maintaining a suitable Public Rest Room in the City of Willmar, such contribution to Te made for the period of one year only, from the time such room is ready for occupancy, unless such period Is ex (Continued on page 8) WILLHAB TRIBUNE. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17. 1915 1.63 2.32 11 WATER & LIGHT FUND. N. W. Elect. Equip. Co., mdse.... Moran Hastings Co., mdse. C. E. Sanford & Co., mdse 27.50 C. E. Gerretson. rewinding engine 15.00 Nelson Valve Co., mdse 2.99 Tribune Prtg. Co., supplies and advertising, 6.83 C. Paulson, drayage on coal 25.83 6.10 11.25 5.15 7.20 3.25 4.50 2.25 1.50 6.00 POOR FUND. C. Ackerman & Co., mdse., for poor, Peterson & Wellin, mdse. for poor Kasten's Bakery, mdse. for poor Willmar Fuel Co., wood for poor. Bertha Stromberg, rent of room for poor Dr. J. C. Jacobs, professional ser vices, L. L. Tendall, attending sick man, Willmar Co-operative Merc. Co., mdse. for poor, (allowed for) Mrs. M. Skoglund, board and lodging three poor charges, one month, Thomas Hospital, Mpls., hospital expense for poor 43.93 1.50 22.92 1.60 8.60 3.00 5.00 7.20 41.77 45.00 The Finance Committee reported the foregoing bills back approved and the report was accepted. Alderman Tjosvold offered the fol lowing resolution which was adopted by the following vote:: Ayes, 8 nones, none. RESOLUTION. Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Willmar that the City Clerk be and he hereby is authorized to issue warrants against the respective funds in payment of the foregoing approved bills. Approved March 9 th, 1915. E. C. WELLIN, Mayor. The Council, on motion, proceeded to consider bids for a carload of light poles, as advertised, and the following bids were opened and read:—Standard Lumber Co., Willmar Page & Hill Co., Minneapolis N. W. Elect. Equip. Co., St. Paul Peerless Elect. Co., and Wes tern Elect. Co., Minneapolis Northern Timber Products Co. and -E. C. Wether by & Co. of Warroad, Minn., T. M. Par tridge Lbr. Co., Minneapolis, and L. K. Deal Lbr. Co. of Des Moines, la. The bid of L. K. Deal Lbr. Co. being the lowest bid was, on motion, accepted. Alderman Johnson offered the follow ing resolution which was unanimously adopted. RESOLUTION. Resolved, that the bid of L. K. Deal Lbr. Co. for furnishing a car load of white cedar poles, f. o. b. cars at Will mar. ten poles 30 ft. long, ten poles 40 ft. long, and the balance of theca 35 ft. long, all to be six inch tops, at the following price to wit:—30 ft. poles at $3.00 40 ft. poles at $7.00 and the 35 ft. poles at $4.35 be, and the same is hereby accepted. Approved March 9th. 1915. E. C. WELLIN, Mayor. The Council, on motion, proceeded to onen bids for the Certificates of Indebt edness, as advertised. Dyspepsia Tablets will relieve your indigestion. Many people in this town have used them andwehave yet to hearof a casewhere they have failed. We know the for mula. Sold only by us—26c a box. Carlton Bros. Too many and too varied for detailed description. Best come in and see. No matter whether you want to buy or not, drop in and look. DRESS GOOD S Great assortment of Summer Fabrics at Lowest Prices, at which the qualities can never again be sold for many a day. With Easter near and the largest and best stock that we have ever shown these splendid values should make a record breaking week. Come prepared to find just what you want far below the price you thought to pay. Sincerity Clothes OlOM BVK.N.»r CO Willmar Co-ope WILLMAR CO-OPERATIVE MERCANTILE CO. THE PROFIT SHARING STORE Every Department in our store is well stocked with New Spring Goods. Assortments large enough and prices low enough to satisfy the most par ticular as well as economical buyer. WE ARE SELLING THE WELL KNOWN WHALEY HAT A Truly Wonderful Dis play of Suits and Coats is awaiting your inspection. Original effects of rare beauty. Man tailored garments with every line, every seam and trimming in perfect accord with the best of fashion. A wealth of captivating new colors in all of the most desirable of new fabrics. can be seen and pur chased only in our store. We're proud of that fact. We aim always to give the best possible values and in Collegian and Sin cerity Clothes we have the best. Here are fresh, new spring styles which will win instant approval. Every garment has been wonderfully tailored. The fabrics range from gay Tartan Plaids to handsome Oxfords. These garments embrace dignity, refinement, character and excellent values. You'll enjoy see ing them. Prices lower than any other house will quote for the same or as good a suit. Come and see for yourself. MeKIBBIIM S3.QO A SPECIA $ 1 9 8 Big Reduction on SHOES A large assortment of shoes, odds and ends of all kinds, will be sold at less than manufacturer's cost. Come and look them over you may find just the shoe you want at nearly half itsformer price- Never in your experience in buying have you met with greater bargain opportunities. I Never have you seen in a store the size of this store so many desirable items at such de sirable prices. It is a veritable bargain garden, come and enjoy it. The prices will be found reasonable, the values ex ceptional and each gar ment has the unqualified guarantee of satisfactory wear assured by the label. The Kid Glove Section Our| Glove Department is well stocked with the best makes of Gloves. This is one of our pet stocks and we keep it right up to the top notch of its usefulness. Same with gloves as with other merchandise. If not right at any time will make them right, that's one reason why we have such a big kid glove following and then our prices are always the very lowest. Collegian and Sincerity Clothes STYLE and QUALITY -~£~M -.1= s: Al. -I-.