Newspaper Page Text
8 CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS (Continued from page 5) tended by future action of the Council A March 9 th, 1915 _. B. C. W E I N Mayor Tho Mayor was. on motion, requested to appoint a Standing Committee on Res Room from the Council, and Aia erma Martin was appointed as such a committee. Alderman Norma offered the follow ing- resolution which was adopted by the following vote "Ayes," 8, "Noes,- none RESOLUTION Resolved, at the certain proposed ordinance now pending before the coun cil, entitled, "An ordinance regulating the use of all vehicles in or upon the streets avenues and public places of the City of Willma and providing a punishment for any violation thereof be amended as follows A new section shall be added thereto to be known as Section 15, which shall read as follows Section 15.—No person who is under sixteen (16) years of age shall operate or drive any automobile, motor truck or motor vehicle upon any street, ave nue, alley or public ground within the corporate limits of the City of Willmai unless accompanied at the time by a chauffeur duly licensed under the laws of the State of Minnesota, or by the owner of the motor vehicle being oper ated, provided, that such owner, in such case, be sixteen (16) years of age, or over. Resolved, further. Tha Section 15 ol said proposed ordinance be designated as Section 16, that Section 16 of the same be designated as Section 17, that Section 17 of the same be designated as Section 18, and at Section 18 of the same be designated as Section 19. Approved March 9th, 1915 E. W E I N Mayor. Moved and seconded that the Ordi nance entitled, "An Ordinance Regulat ing the Use of All Vehicles In or Upon the Streets, Avenues and Public Places of the City of Willmar and Providing a Punishmen for Any Violation Thereof," be given its third reading Carried. The aforesaid Ordinance, as amended, as then read. Moved and seconded that the said Or dinance be placed upon its final passage. Carried. Th aforesaid Ordinance, as amended, was adopted by the following vote "Ayes," 8, "Noes," none. Moved and seconded that the afore said Ordinance be given its proper num ber, which is 155. Carried. Alderman Ken introduced an Ordi nance entitled, "An Ordinance Prohib iting the Maintenance of Slaughter Houses Within the Limits of the City of Willma Moved and seconded that the aforesaid Ordinance be considered and given its first reading. Carried. The said Ordinance was then read, a an Erickson presented an Or dinance entitled, "An Ordinance Provid ing for Fire Limits in the City of Will mar, Minnesota, and Regulating the Construction of Buildings Therein." An Elegant Showing of Moved and seconded that the afore said Ordinance be considered and given its first reading Carried. The said Or dinance was then read. Alderman Johnson introduced an Or dinance entitled "An Ordinance Repeal ing Certain Ordinances of the City of Willma Moved and seconded that the afore said Ordinance be considered and given its first reading Carried. The said Or dinance was then read Alderman Erickson presented an Or dinance entitled, "An Ordinance Declar ing the Charter and the Codification of the Ordinances of the City of Willmar to be Prim a Facie Evidence of the La of Said it Moved and seconded that the afore said Ordinance be considered and given its first reading Carried. The said Or dinance was then read Moved and seconded at the Ordi nance entitled, "An Ordinance Providing for the Licensing of Plumber and for the Regulation of Sewer and Wate Connections and the Installation of San itary Plumbin in the City of Willmar, «h NEW surrs And the styles we are showing for spring are certainly dandies. Combining in a most satisfactory way, style, quali ty and low price. They meet you more than half way. "KUPPENHEIMER" SUITS for Men and Young Men, $15 to $25 "FIT FORM" SUITS made expressly for young men, $15 to $25 City Clerk. EASTER TOGGERY HINTS Easter Heralds the Coming of a New Season the Brightest of All And it is quite natural we should want to "dress up" for "Easter." It is the spirit of the time and you want to join it That's why you want to see the new clothes, new hats,new furnishings we now have here. Minnesota," be given its second read ing. Carried. The said Ordinance was then read Moved and seconded that the Ordi nance entitled, "An Ordinance Providing Fir Limits, for the Licensing of to House Movers, and Governing the Con struction of Buildings and Providing for the Inspection of the Same," be given its second reading. Carried. Th said Ordinance was then read Mrs Juli a Garwell made application to connect her residence on Lot No. 12 of Block 43 with the Fifth street sewer. The application was granted subject to the sewer regulations, but no tapping fee to be charged as the said lot had been assessed for the construction of the said 5th street sewer. Alderman Norman requested that street lights be put in at the squares of the following named streets, in Fourt ward, viz: Second street East, and Eas August a avenue, and on Trot avenue and Fourt street East. It was, on motion, ordered that such street lights be installed as soon as weather conditions permit. The Finance Committee and City At torney were appointed as a Committee to confer with the Town Board about the matter of Poor House property in Kirst Ward. Requisitions for supplies from the W a and Light Commission were pre sented and the Clerk was, on motion, in structed to order same. The Council on motion, adjourned to March 15th, 1915, at 2 o'clock p. m. E. W E I N Mayor. Attest. HAN S GUNDERSON, Council Chambers, City Hall Building, Willmar, Minn., March 15th, 1915. Adjourned meeting of the City Coun cil with Mayor Wellin in the chair. The following members of the Council were present on roll call. Mayor Wellin. Al dermen Johnson, Benson, Martin, Kent, Sperry, Tjosvold, Erickson, and Nor man, 9, absent, none. City Attorney Stanford was also pres ent. Moved and seconded at the Ordi nance entitled "An Ordinance Prohibit ing the Maintenance of Slaughter Hous es Withi the Limit of the City of Willmar be given its second reading. Carried. The said ordinance was then read. Mjoved and seconded that the Ordi nance entitled "An Ordinance Provid ing for Fir Limits in the City of Will mar, Minnesota, and Regulating the Con struction of Buildings Therein" be giv en its second reading. Carried. Th said Ordinance was then read. Moved and seconded at the Ordi nance entitled "An Ordinance Repeal ing Certain Ordinances of the City or Willmar" be given its second reading Carried. Alderman Johnson offiered the fol lowing amendment to the aforesaid Or dinance, which was adopted by the fol lowing vote "Ayes". 8, "Noes none. RESOLUTION. IX*X*X+X*X*X»X+X*X*X+X+X-»X*3C*X+X*X»X+X+X*X+X»X*X»X-»XI Resolved, at Section 3 of that cer tain Ordinance now pending before the Council, entitled, "An Ordinance Re pealing Certain Ordinances of the City of Willmar", be amended by inserting therein the following' "Ordinance No. 62, entitled, "An Ordi nance relating to the reorganization of the Village of Willma and the incor poration and organization of said Vil lage into a City, subject to the provis ions of Chapter 8 of the General Law of Minnesota for the year 1895, entitled, 'An act to provide for the incorporation, organization and government of Cities.' Also by inserting therein the follow ing- "Ordinance No. 63, entitled, "An Or dinance authorizing the submission to a vote of the electors of the Village of Willma of the question whether such Village shall be incorporated as a City and made subject to the provisions of Chapter 8 of the General a of Min nesota for the year 1895, entitled. "An act to provide for the incorporation, or ganization and government of Cities." Also by inserting therein the follow ing: "Ordinance No. 87, entitled, 'An ordi nance authorizing the Issuance of bonds Now is the time to make contracts for your paints. We have just received our new line of Lion Brand 100% Pure Paints made in our good state of Minnesota and from strictly pure linseed oil, white lead and zinc. All we ask for this good pure paint is $ 1.75 per gallon. Make your contract now as it may go up in price. It all depends on the price of linseed oil. A No. 1 Barn Paint $0.85^ gallon A No. 2 Barn Paint $0.65 a gallon AUGUST H0GLUND Successor to Lewis Hardware Co. •X+X»X»X»X»X+X+X»X»X-rX'rX»X+X»X+X+X»X+X»XtXtX*X*XtXTXP YES-THE BOYS ARE WELL CARED FOR —with a splendid stock of "Extra Good" Suits, complete in all sizes. $5 to $10 EASTER FURNISHINGS To Please Every Man "Gordon" Hats—snappy models, $3.00 "Wilson Bros." Shirts, D&, $1.50 and $2.50 New Neckwear, 25 and 50 cents of the City of Willma for the purpose of creating and raising a permanent im provement revolving Approved March 16th, 1915. E W E I N Mayor. The aforesaid Ordinance, as amended, as then read. Moved and seconded at the Ordi nance entitled, "An Ordinance Declaring the Charter and the Codification of the Ordinances of the City of Willma to be a Facie Evidence of the a of said City" be given its second reading Carried. Th said Ordinance was then read Resignation of Olson as Justice of the Peace for Firs Ward, to take effect April 1st next, was presented and read, and the same was, on motion, ac cepted. Application of Johnson and Nelson for a Plumber License was pre sented and read, and the same was granted, subject to the Ordinance. Their license bond was fixed in the amount of $1000 Messrs Berg and Soderling appeared and asked for permission to build a small brick or concrete building in the rear of their tailor shop in Block 22, said building to be used for a "dry cleaning shop Th application was granted, subject to the Ordinance, and upon approval by the Fire Warden. Application of Majestic Theatr for a theatr license was presented, and the same was granted subject to the Ordi nance The Clerk was instructed to notify the Willma Opera House about the new Theatr Ordinance now in force. A communication from the W a & Light Commission was presented and read advising that the said board had fixed the salry of H. T. Thorstenson, engineer, at $70 per month, beginning March 1st, which was approved by the Council. On motion the Council adjourned. E W E I N Mayor Attest* HAN S GUNDERSON, City Clerk OBBXVAVCB HO. 155. An Ordinance meffulatrag1 the Use of All Vehicles in or Upon the Streets, Ave nues and Public Places of the City of Willmar and Providing' a Punishment for any Violation Thereof. Be it ordained by the City of Willmai as follows: Section 1.—The owner, operator, driv er or person in charge of any cart, dray, wagon, coach, automobile, carriage, bug gy, motor cycle, tricycle, bicycle, truck or other Vehicle, used, propelled, driven or operated upon any street, avenue, alley or public ground within the lim its of the City of "Willmar shall conform to and observe the following rules and regulations Section 2.—Every such vehicle using gasoline or other explosive mixture as a motive power shall use a muffler which shall be sufficient to deaden the sound of the explosions, and such muf fler shall not be disconnected or cut out while such vehicle is being operated upon any street, avenue, alley or public ground within the limits of the City ot Willmar. Section 3 —Ever automobile, motor truck, motor cycle or other motor ve hicle, between dark and daylight, shall display a suitable light or lights, vis ible from the front, and one red light, visible from the rear. Section 4.—Every automobile, motor truck, motor cycle or other motor ve hicle shall be provided with a bell or horn, which shall be sounded when ever there is apparent dangler of collis ion or accident. Section 5.—No automobile or motor truck shall be left unattended on any street or avenue while the engine is running Section 6.—No automobile, motor truck, or motor vehicle shall be left standing at night in any street, avenue, alley or public place without lights so displayed as to be visible from any di rection. Section 7 —All vehicles shall be driv en or operated in a careful manner and with due regard for the safety and con venience of pedestrians and all other vehicles Section 8—Ever person in charge of any vehicle shall pull to the right side of the street or road when signalled from a vehicle behind desiring to pass. Section 9.—Any vehicle meeting an other shall pass on the right. Section 10.—Any vehicle overtaking another shall pass on the left side of the overtaken vehicle and shall not pull over to the right until entirely clear of it Seetion 11.—Any vehicle turning into another street to the right, shall turn the corner as near to the right hand curb as possible. Section 12.—Any vehicle turning into another street to the left, shall not turn until it shall have passed the center or such intersecting street. Section 13.—No vehicle shall stop with its left side to the curb. Section 14—Whe any automobile, motor truck or motor vehicle is to be left standing at the curb, it shall be left near the right hand curb only, at a* angle of approximately 45 degrees to said curb line, with the right side pi the machine nearest the curb, and with the left side of the machine and the tail light toward the re Section 15.—No person who is under sixteen (16) years of age shall operate or drive anv automobile, motor truck or motor vehicle upon any street, avenue, allev or public ground within the corpor ate limits of the City of Willma unless accompanied at the time by a chauffuer dnlv licensed under the laws of the a of Minnesota, or by the owner of the motor vehicle, being operated, provid ed.* that such owner, in such case, be sixteen (16) vear of age. or over. Section 16—Thi ordinance shall not be construed as repealing any provis ion of Ordinance No. 138 or of Ordi nance No. 142, but the provisions there of shall be in addition hereto. Section 17.—Any person violating any sasalaaa&2SSs^aaSyyi!S provision of this, ordinance, shall, upon conviction thereof before the Municipal Court of said City or before any Couit having jurisdiction, be punished by a fine of not less than Five nor more than One Hundred Dollars or by imprison ment for not less than five nor more than ninety days Section 18—Ordinance No. 107 l£ hereby repealed Section 19—Thi ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication. Dated March 9, 1915' I E W E I N Mayor. OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS OF COUNTY BOARD Special Session State of Minnesota. __ County of Kandiyohi, \aa' County Auditor's Office, Willmar, Min nesota, March, 11, 1915. The Board of County Commissioners of said county convened in special ses sion on said date at 2 o'clock p. m. All members present. Petitions of W. Bomst a and others and of J. Meurer and others, praying for designation of State Roads in the towns of Lak Lillian and E a Lake Lillian, were presented and considered and interested parties heard. Upon mo tion made and carried the above peti tions were tabled for an indefinite time Th minutes of the two previous meetings were read and approved as read. The bills of Temple, Webb and Com pany against Kandiyohi County were on motion rejected. Commissioner J. Swenson offered the following resolution: W E E A S the County Board of Kandiyohi County, Minnesota did on the 3rd day of February 1915 pass a reso lution approving the designation of part of Main Street in the Village of At water, Kandiyohi County, Minnesota, as a of State Road No. 6 and State Road No. 7 and designating the sum of $250 00 to be paid out of the allotment made to said Kandiyohi County for the yeai 1915, and W E E A S it appears at a typo graphical error occurs in the said reso lution which tends to confuse and de feat its original purpose, E E O E E I RESOLVED, Tha whenever in said resolution the phrase, "State Road No. 6„ is used, it shall be changed to read "State Road No 8 Adopted The applications for refundment, in part, of 1914 personal property and abatement of ditch tax for 1914, of the following named persons were present- A WONDERFUL HEALING INFLU ENCE IN KIDNEY TROUBLE8. A year and a half ago I was taken with a severe attack of Kidney trou ble that pained me to such an extent that morphine had to be given me. Was attended by a doctor who pro nounced it as Stone in the Bladder and prescribed Lithia Water. I took Lithia Water and Tablets for some time and received no relief from them. I stopped taking medicines for some time, later having some Swamp-Root in the house I decided to try it and felt much relieved. While taking the second bottle commenced to pass Gravel in urine until I had passed in all at least a half dozen or more and have not suffered the slightest since —and in all have taken one bottle and a half and feel very grateful to Swamp-Root. Yours very truly, H. W. SPINKS, Camp Hill, Ala. Personally appeared before me this 16th day of August, 1909, H. W. Spinks, who subscribed the above statement and made oath that the same is true in substance and in fact. A. B. LEE, Ex. of Justice of Peace. Letter to Dr. Kil mer A Co., Blng hamton, N. Y. Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do For You. Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample size bottle. It will convince anyone. You will also receive a booklet of valuable information, telling about the kidneys and bladder. When writing, be sure and mention the Willmar Weekly Tribune- Regular fifty-cent and one dollar size bottles for sale at all drug stores. (Paid Advertisement) Wiggins Plumhinv is Good Plumbing ed and read, and on motion recommend ed to Minnesota Ta Commission: Swan Nelson, town of Whitefleld C. Olson, City of Willmar George Nelson, town of Mam re Chas. Erickson, town of New London, and Walte J. Haines, deputy County Auditor, town of St. Johns Report of Commissioner N. B. John son in case of Mrs. Beret Hanson, a consumptive, as presented and approv ed. Commissioner Albert Boersm a of fered the following resolution: RESOLVED at this Board agrees to pay for board and treatment at Stat Sanatorium, Cass County. Minnesota of Mrs. Beret Hanson, a resident of Kan diyohi County and afflicted with con sumption, for a period of three months from and after March 3, 1915. Adopted. Upon recommendation of Doctor A. J. Peterson of Spicer, Minn., and a peti tion of Miss Clara Martinsen, Spicer, Minn., a consumptive, praying for aid from Kandiyohi County in order to en able her to attend the Stat Sanator ium, Cas County, Minnesota, was pre sented and considered and the following action taken: Commissioner S. A. Sy verson proposed the following resolu tion: RESOLVED at the Board of Kan diyohi County agrees to pay for board and treatment for Miss Clara Martin sen, a resident of this county and af flicted with tuberculosis, for a period of three months from and after her ad mittance to the Stat Sanatorium, Cass County. Minnesota. Adopted. Report of Health Officer of the City of Willma in the case of Oscar Bram vold, a consumptive, now at the State Sanatorium, Cass County, Minnesota, was presented for consideration. Commissioner Wm O. Johnson offered the following resolution: RESOLVED at this County Board agrees to pay for the maintenance of Oscar Bramvold at the State Sanator ium. Cass County, Minn., for a period 2 months beginning with March 2, 1915. Adopted A recess as taken until 8 30 a. March 12th, 1915. Th*» Board convened at 8 30 a, m., March 12th, 1915. All members pres ent. The Depository Bonds for the deposit of county funds from the following named banks, to-wit: State Bank of Pennock, State Bank of New London, Bank of Willmar a Stat Bank of Raymond, a State Bank of New London, Kandiyohi County Bank, National Ban of Willmar, were presented and examined and on motion approved. Bond of Nels S. Swenson as Court Commissioner, appointed, as present ed and examined. The County Attorney having endorsed thereon that said bond was correct in form and execution, the said bond as on motion accepted and the sureties thereon approved. Petition of Ole Newma for estab lishing county road in the town of Lake Andrew, as presented, examined and considered and on motion same was set for hearing on Tuesday the 4th day of Mav, 1915 at 2 o'clock p. m. and the fol lowing: order was issued and adopted Order of Hearing- and Appointment of Committee on County Boad. State of Minnesota, County of Kandiyohi, Whereas, On the 8th day of February, 1915. a petition signed by twenty-four freeholders of said County was pre sented to us praying for the establish ment and laying out of a highway run ning along the shore of a lake wholly in said Kandiyohi County, and connecting with roads running into more than one town of said County, and not within the limits of any incorporated city, and de scribed as follows: Beginning at a point on State Road No 5, of Kandiyohi County where the «ame crosses the quarter line of Sec tion 28, Township 121, Range 35, the same being a point on the dividing line between the S W of the N W and the ^WYt of SWV* of said Section 28, run ning thence Wes 30 rods, thence in a south-westerly direction on and along the shore of Crook Lake to a point on the lake shore of said lake, about 30 rods west of the quarter-line running North and South in Section 29. Town ship 121, Range 35, thence running due Wes on and along the dividing line Be tween the North half and the South '^alf of the S W of Section 29, Town ship 121, Range 35, to the Section line between Sections 29 and 30 in said Township and Range, where the same connects with the public highway, run nin E a and Wes thru the townships of Lake Andrew and Mamre in said fountv, and there terminating, and the Board of County Commissioners of said County having determined at in the Judgment of a majority of its members said petition is reasonable on its face I I Hereby Ordered, at a hearing be had on said petition at the County Auditor's office in the City of Willmar, in said County on Tuesday, the 4th day of May, 1915, at 2 o'clock at which time and place said Board will hear all that a be said in a or of, an a against, the granting of said petition I I Ordered, at Commis sioners C. J. Swenson and Albert Boers- Willmar, Clothes for the 4th Trust the 4th of July to be hot. But the real heat comes later. Why not buy a cool gray or a blue serge—enjoy it the 4th and all season Styleplusdf|7 Clothes J" "The same price the world over.~ are a special with us. When one of the foremost makers began to specialize on this one suit we be came the exclusive distributors here. The better woolens, finer workmanship and superior styling that result from the above method give a big advantage. Try a STYLEPLUS—the new method clothes. PETERSON & WELUN STORE OF QUALITY 0. A. Sandven ma, members of this Board be, and they hereby are, appointed a committee to ex amine said proposed establishment of said road, and at said committee meet upon the route of said road at the resi dence of Ole Newma situated on Lots 3 and 4, section 29, township 121, range 35 in said county on Monday, the 3rd day of May. 1915, at 12 o'clock m., for the purpose of examination of said pro posed establishment of said road, and make report thereof at said meeting ot said Board hereinbefore specified, and that notices hereof be given and posted as provided by law. The Board of County Commissioners of Kandiyohi County, Minnesota. (SEAL) By N. B. JOHNSON, Chairman. Attest SAMUE NELSON, County Auditor. Petition of Carrie E Johnson et al rot change or alteration of county road in the towns of Fahlun and Whitefleld, was presented, examined and considered an a on motion same was set for hearing on Tuesday the 4th day of May, 1915, at 2 o'clock and the following ordei was issued and adopted: Order of Hearing and Appointment ot Committee on County Soad. State of Minnesota, County of Kandiyohi, fss Whereas, On the 10th day of March, 1915, a petition signed by twenty-four freeholders of said County was pre sented to us praying for the change and alteration of a highway running In more than one town and along the line be tween two towns in said County, and not within the limits of any incorpor ated city, and described as follows. Be ginning at the southeast corner of the southwes quarter of the southwes quarter, in section thirty-one, township 118, range 34, running thence north and northwest to the north line of the north west Quarter of the southwest quarter, in section 31, said township and range, thence west along the north line of said northwest quarter of the southwest quarter to a point fourteen rods east of northwest corner of said southwest quarter, thence north along and near the town line of township 118, range 34 and township 118, range 35, And your petitioners pray that you will change and alter all at portion of said above described highway which Minnesota "STYLE-ECONOMICS" QARBED in a Coat or Suit which bears the Style Craft label, you are sure of being out-drest by no one and yet there is a noticeable saving in price. Style-Craft Man-tailored Coats and Suits "outstrip" fleeting fashion in her ever changing go as-you-please course. And sound fabric and flaw less tailor-work serve to conserve their peerless styling. As a means of solving the problem of "bet ter dress for less" we suggest an inspection of these models. Also Elaborate Showing of Skirts and Dresses for the approaching Spring and Summer Season. runs as follows Beginning: at the south east corner of the southwest quarter ot the southwes quarter of section 31, township 118, range 34, thence north and northwest to the north line of the north west Quarter of the southwest quarter, in section 31, said township and range, thence west and along the north line of said northwest quarter of the south west quarter of said section 31, town ship 118, range 34, to a point on said line fourteen rods from the northwest corner of said northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section 31, said township and range. So that the same when changed and altered will run as follows. Beginning at the south end of the town line common to township 118, range 34 and township 118, range 35, running thence north on and along said town line to a point forty-five rods north of the place of beginning, thence due west fifteen rods, thence due north the north line of the southeast quar ter of the southeast quarter (se ot sc% of section thirty-six, thence east along said north line of said se of s.e'4 to the town line, thence north on and along the town line between township US, range 34 and township 118, range 35 to the northwest corner of the south west quarter of section 31, townshl 113, range 34, thence east to the pub lic road running north a distance ot fourteen rods and there terminating, and the Board of County Commissioners of said County having determined that in the judgmen of a majority of its members said petition is reasonable on its face. I Is Hereby Ordered, at a hearing be had on said petition at the County Auditor's office in the City of Willma in said County, on Tuesday, the 4th day of May. 1915, at 2 o'clock m., at t/hich time and place said Board will hear all that may be said in favor of, and against, the granting of said peti tion I Is Ordered, Tha N. Johnson, W O Johnson and S A. Sy verson, members of this Board be, and they hereby are, appointed "a committee to examine said proposed change and al teration of said road, and that said com mittee meet upon the route of said road at the residence of Carrie E. Westlun et al situated on the sw of sw% sec tion 31, township 118, range 34 in said County, on Thursday, the 29th day of April, 1915, at 9 o'clock a for the purpose of examination of said proposed change and alteration of said road, and make report thereof at said meeting of said Board hereinbefore specified and that notices hereof be given and posted as provided by law. Th Board of County Commissioners ot Kandiyohi County, Minnesota. (SEAL) Bv N. B. JOHNSON, Chairman. Attes SAMUEL NELSON, County Auditor. Petition of Ole E. Erickson for change of county road in the town of Lake Lillian, was presented, examined and considered and on motion same was set for hearing on Tuesday the 4th day of May, 1915. at 2 o'clock and the following order was issued and adopted Order of Hearing' and Appointment of Committee on County Soad. State of Minnesota, County of Kandiyohi, CBS' Whereas, On the 23rd day of Febru ary, 1915, a petition signed by twenty four freeholders of said County was presented to us praying for the change of a highway running between sec tions 5 and 8, and 4 and 9 in the town ship of Lak Lillian in said County, and not within the limits of any incorpora ted city, and described as follows: Beginning at the section corner com mon to sections 5 and 6, on the town line between townships 118 and 117, range 34, thence running south along On motion the Board adjourned. The Ladies' Store Willmar. Minnesota the section line between sections 5 and 6 to the section corner common to sec tions 5, 6, 7 and 8 in township 117, range 34, thence east along the section line between sections 5 and 8 to a point on said section line 90 rods west of tne said northeast corner of said section 8, thence a southeasterly direction along the south side of a slough to a point on the section line between sec tions 8 and 9, said last named town and range 25 rods south of the northeast corner of said section 8, thence in a northeasterly direction to a point on the north section line of said section 9 40 rods east of the northwest corner of said section 9, where it connects with the old county road and there ending. And your petitioners pray at you will change all at portion of said above described highway which runs as follows Beginning at a point on the section line between sections 5 and s, 90 rods due west from the northeast corner of section 8, township 117, range 34, thence in a southeasterly direction along the south side of a slough, to a point on the section line between sec tions 8 and 9, said township and range, 25 rods south of the northeast corner ot said section 8, thence in a northeaster ly direction to a point on the north sec tion line of said section 9 .said township and range, 40 rods east of the north west corner of said section 9, township 117, range 34 where it connects with the old county road and there ending. So that the same when changed will run as follows Beginning at a point on the section line between sections 5 and 8, town ship 117, range 34, 90 rods due west from the northeast corner of sections 8, said township and range thence run ning due east on section line between sections 5 and 8, and 4 and 9, said township and range to a point which is 40 rods east of the northwest corner of said section 9, township 117, range 34, where it connects with the old coun ty road and there ending, and the Board of County Commissioners of said County having determined that in the judgmen of a majority of its members said petition is reasonable on its face. I Is Hereby Ordered,, Tha a hearing be had on said petition at the County Auditor's Office in the City of Willmar in said County, on Tuesday, the 4th day of May, 1915, at 2 o'clock m., at which time and place said Board will hear all that may be said in favor of, and against, the granting of said peti tion. I I Ordered. Tha N. B. Johnson, W O. Johnson and S A. Sy verson, members of this Board be, and they hereby are, appointed a committee to examine said proposed change of said road, and that said committee meet upon the route of said road at the residence of Ole E Erickson situated on the s% of section 4, township 117, range ?4, in said County, on Thursday, the 29th day of April. 1915, at 10 o'clock A. M. for the purpose of examination of said proposed change of said road, and make report thereof at said meet ing of said Board hereinbefore specified, and that notices hereof be given and posted as provided by law. The Board of County Commissioners of Kandiyohi County, Minnesota. (SEAL) By N. B. JOHNSON. Chairman. Attest SAMUE NELSON, County Auditor. On motion the chairman of the Board was authorized to appoint a committee of two to purchase road machinery for the county, consisting of drags and scrapers Commissioners J. Swenson and Wm O. Johnson were appointed as such purchasing committee. On motion duly made and carried the Board proceeded to audit bills filled against the county and the following bills were allowed in amounts set forth. 8TATEMEVT OP CXJUM8 ALLOWEB the Board of County Commissioners of Kandiyohi County, Minnesota, on March lath, 1915. A Amt. Nam of Claimant Fo W at Clm'd. All'd. John Norgaard, Engineer's services and expenses on county ditch No. 31 $ 37.97 $ 37.97 Peter Bonde, serving notice on viewers, County ditch No 3 2 8 50 8 50 Charles Johnson, Attorney's fees county ditch No. 32 40.00 40.00 Miller Davis Co., five volumes 1913 statutes 25.00 25.00 Miller Davis Co., blanks 1-78 1.78 Miller Davis Co., blanks .53 .53 Miller Davis Co., one typewriter chair 7.50 7.50 Miller Davis Co., office supplies 2.95 2.95 Miller Davis Co., office supplies 4 60 4.60 Miller Davis blanks 2.21 2.21 Miller Davis Co., blanks -78 .78 Miller Davis Co., blanks 1-39 1.39 Tribune Printing Co., legal publishing 43.20 43.20 Tribune Printin Co., legal printing and supplies JJ?-5.! I* Tribune Printin Co., printing financial statement 1,071.55 1,071.55 Tribune Printin Co., publishing delinquent tax list 42.00 42.00 a am Printing and Stationery Co., two thousand a a envelopes 30.00 30.00 Fre Pres Printing Co., office supplies and blanks 15.05 15.0» Geo D. Barnar & office supplies 4.62 4.62 Louis Dow Co., 100 marriage licenses 7.62 7.62 Kimball-Storer Co., office supplies 9 30 9.30 Sec'y. Bl. Book & Prt'g. Co., blanks 54 99 54.99 a am Prt'g. & Sta'y Co., office supplies 9.84 9.S4 Pete Bonde, sheriff's expenses »l-25 81.^5 Geo. H. Otterness. insurance premium on county buildings 26 50 E a Randall, witness fee Municipal court 1.36 1.36 Willma Co-op. Merc. Co., clothes for dependent children and for prisoners 26.28 26.28 City of Willmar, half of expense incurred for Oscar Bramvold at Thoma Hospital, Minneapolis 48.27 48.27 a Gunderson, insurance premium on county buildings 73.88 *3-8* Twin City Fir Ins. Co., insurance premium on county buildings 63.00 *j|-2? Lewis Johnson, insurance premium on county buildings 19.25 19.25 W. M. Chase & Co., drawing table for County Surveyor 49.15 49.15 Charles S. Johnson, janitor's services 2.00 2.00 I. .Olson, hat and coat racks 3.25 3.25 Pete Bonde, board for prisoners 82.08 °2-9x Oman Machine Work Co., repair numbering machine 1.20 1.20 City of Willmar, water and light rent 23.63 23.63 City of Willmar, water rent 6.72 6.72 City of Willmar, material and labor 2.20 2.20 O. R. Bortle, Insurance premium on county buildings 84.00 °i*2? F. G. Handy, insurance premium on county buildings 8.34 8.34 Andrew Peterson, one office chair 9.00 9.00 Township of Whitefleld. expenses for Oscar Tunstead, transient 16.00 R. W. Stanford, insurance premium on county buildings 27 50 N. W. School Supply Co., examination paper 23 00 23.00 Orion Randall, witness fee Municipal court 1 36 1.36 Edwar Phillips, witness fee Municipal court 1 36 1.36 City of Willmar, expenses for Ear Cunningham, transient 23.00 23.00 Drusilla S. Baldwin, assistant to County Supt. 72.00 72.00 Oman Machine Work Co., repair of chair .25 .25 Standard Lumbe Co., fuel for court house 22.50 22.50 A. Anderson, witness fee Municipal court 1.36 1.36 Samuel Nelson, service on Board of Audit, 3 days 9.00 9.00 H. J. Ramsett, service on Board of Audit, 3 days 9.00 9.00 N. B. Johnson, service on Board of Audit, 3 days and a 12.00 Chas. Stevens, dynamiting rock on S. R. No. 1 1.50 1.50 Pete Stromberg, assistant to Dist. Engineer 10.50 10.50 Wm Johnson, assistant to Dist. Engineer 4.90 4.90 Chas. J. Estlund, expenses as Dist. Engineer 18.17 Henr Johnson, assistant to Dist. Engineer 21.00 21.00 Wm O. Johnson, County Commissioner's mileage -20 .20 S. A. Syverson, County Commissioner's mileage 3.00 3.00 N. B. Johnson, County Commissioner's mileage 3.00 3.00 N. B. Johnson, mileage signing county a a 3.00 3.00 C. J. Swenson. County Commissioner's mileage 2.00 2.00 Albert Boersma, County Commissioner's mileage 3.60 3.60 (SEAL) N. B. JOHNSON, Chairman Board of County Commissioner*.m Attest: SAMUEL NELSON, County Auditor. 26-j}2 1 6 2«-52 12-J?9 1 8 -1I 1