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Image provided by: Minnesota Historical Society; Saint Paul, MN
Newspaper Page Text
1 *#H We'll Stick! •rM'i? ..1?i«r-a* OPENING A statement of the campaign issues in Minnesota bychampions of the peoples' cause. Hear the Candidate Endorsed by the Farmers and Workers of Minnesota! "We must put into practice at home those principles for which we have sent our boys to fight abroad." "It will avail little to win a war for democracy abroad if in the prosecution of that war all the traditional rights and privileges of the people of this nation have been surrendered and abrogated." "This is the time to test our sincerity. We must guard against any acts in state or national life which would in any way place doubt upon our honesty or cast reflection upon our motives." "The battles of industrial democracy are still to be fought at home they are going on con tinually, and we can not ignore them if we are to garner our full strength as a nation. Your Nonpartisan league comes forward offering a program of industrial democracy. Your great battles are just beginning. The people, irrespective of occupation or party, are now ready to act in con cert with you. "The 'wise statesmen' of both political parties have failed to protect the people. Conse quently, today those who have been favored by unfair laws, less than 2 per cent of our population, own 65 per cent of the wealth, and 65 per cent of the people, the working classes, only own 5 per '-•-,-..' .'vk! ^w^M^S^ RALLY!! A Message of True Democracy, Friends of True Democracy CHARLES A. LINDBERGH Candidate for the Republican Nomination for Governor of Minnesota REV. R. B. MARTIN, OF MONTANA COUR HOUSE WILLMAR, THURSDAY APR 25 AX 2 O'CLOCK R. IVf. PERTINENT POINTERS FROM MR. LINDBERGH'S SPEECH OF ACCEPTANCE The people of Willmar and Kandiyohi County are urged to unite with the farmers and their wives in giving their distinguished visitor a royal reception. A Cordial Invitation is Extended to Ml! Carry the Troth to too "That issue is real demooraoy." $34.8<p></p>CAMPAIGN.paideblwil0 Rev. Martin will show why the farmers and workers of the coun try must organize for their own protection. cent of the wealth. Most of the workers only get a bare subsistence. This condition is wrong* and injurious to the best interests of our country. Indeed, our country can not survive unless this situstion is corrected." "The governor of the great state of Minnesota has said that there is but one issue—'loyalty*'— and proceeded to divide the people into two classes. It is observable that a few persons do that. What is the difference between the two? The difference is that a few would destroy democracy to win the war, and the rest of us would win the war to establish democracy." "The profiteers and politicians, as pretended guardians of loyalty, seek to perpetuate themselves in special privilege and in office they endeavor to change election rules, fearing the will of the ma jority citizens of our country they assume that they are called upon to pass upon the acts and motives of those citizens who are only endeavoring to follow out their constitutional rights of political and economic organization and expression in a legal, loyal and orderly way, guaranteed to them by the laws of the state and the nation, but which state officials have failed to uphold. By their failure to uphold and protect the people in these rights they have themselves created a most important issue in our state." N O HI X* WeM Win! 5