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Willmar tribune. [volume] (Willmar, Minn.) 1895-1931, May 26, 1920, Image 5

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Established Feb. 19, 1895.
Published every Wednesday at 330
Benson Ave., Willmar, Minn., by Victor
E. Lawson, under the firm name of
Tribune Printing Company.
(Entered December 5, 1902, at Will
mar, Minnesota, as second class matter,
under act of March 3, 1879).
H*w Bates, Effective Jan. 1, 1930.
One year, in advance $2.00
Six months 1.00
Three months 60
One year to Canada 2.50
One year to other foreign coun
tries 3.00
Subscriptions are payable in advance.
We want to accomodate our friends as
much as we can, but are not allowel to
extent credit beyond one year.
The printed mailing list is corrected
the first of each month. If the yellow
slip shows no credit one month after
you pay, please notify us.
The letters (s. o. e.) after name on
yellow slip means that subscription
stops promptly on expiration unless
previously renewed.
Subscriptions to foreign iands must
be paid in advance.
In sending change of address, give the
old address as well as the new.
Advertising rate card will be sent
on application.
May 24.—Mrs. Ole Tvete. daughter
Nora, and sons Henry and Ernest, vis
ited Sunday with her brother, and sis
ter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Christ Johnson
of Willmar.
Mr and Mrs. Charles Miner and
and Mrs. Julius Helmer and daughter
Clara called at Henry Helmer's near
Pennock Sunday.
George Pederson from New London
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Otter
ness from Saturday until Sunday.
George Hanson came home Saturday
morning from Minneapolis on account
of the illness of his mother. Mrs. C.
Hanson, who passed away Sunday mor
Mrs. Johnson and children of Minne
apolis have been spending some time
visiting with her parents Mr. and Mrs.
August Skatos.
Ethel Otterness has been spending a
few days with her sister, Mrs. Willie
Lundberg at Willmar.
About 30 friends gathered at the N.9
B. Leines home May 12th to help Mrs.
Leines celebrate her birthday anniver
sary. She was presented with some
beautiful gifts and the evening was
spent in a social way. A fine lunch
\^as also served.
Mr. Halvorson from Colfax has been
spending some time with Mr. and
Marcus Sunderson.
There is only one way out for us—the better business route.
We are here to help keep business on as normal a basis as
To this end we stand ready to help you in any legitimate
CAPITAL & SURPLUS 120,000.00
Mrs. Leslie Backlund and children
visited with her parents Mr. and Mrs.couple
M. C. Tommeraasen last Tuesday.
The Western Dovre Ladies' Aid will
meet with Mrs. Is'. B. Leines Friday May
Mr. and Mrs. Julius Helmer and
daughter. Clara, who have been spend
ing some time with Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Miner left Monday morning for Everett,
Wash. They were accompanied by
and Mrs. Johnson and daughter. Misses
Lina and Bida Harry and Carl Carlson.
They all are making the trip by auto.
The Lands Kvindeforening will meet
with Mrs. M. C. Tommeraasen, June 3.
All are welcome to attend.
Agnes Otterness returned home Wed
nesday from Minneapolis where she has
ben the past winter.
Mr. and Mrs. Ole Emberland and fam
ily from east of town visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Gunor Emberland near Solo
mon Lake Sunday.
Mr. Tollefson from Willmar spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M. Vikse.
Miss Esther Strand and sister of Min
neapolis is at present visiting with
Henry Hanson's.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnpld Tommeraasen
called at the M. C. Tommeraasen home
in Willmar.
Bennie Bergeson and Gladys Hagen
were united in marriage, May* 2nd. Con
Mrs. Sigvart Reirsen and children of
Willmar are at present visiting with her
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Gunar Ember
May 24.—This part of the country was
well represented at the Nonpartisan
meeting held in Willmar last Saturday.
This vicinity had a soaking rain last
Friday night.
Miss Alhpia Olson teacher in District
25, gave a very successful social last
Saturday night proceeds $26.50.
Miss Adella Syverson, who had antoAlbinCities
operation for appendicitis at the Davi
son Hospital, is doing well and will be
home in a day or two.
L. L. Bendickson made a trip to Will
mar Monday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Olson of Willmar,
Air. and Mrs. Albin Tingwall Mr. and
Airs. Lawrence Larson and children, G.
Siene and family and Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Halls of Gilchrist, Pope county,
were entertained at Elmer Stene's last
Sunday and spent a very pleasant day.
The Larson Bros, furnished splendid
music with their accordians.
Clara Stene left for Willmar for a
visit with Mrs. A. M. Olson.
The John Swenson meeting in Arc
tander Hall did not take well.
May 24.—Quite a number of people
from this locality have attended the
meetings conducted by A. Lee Aldrich
at Litchfield the past weeks. The evan
gelistic campaign closed last Sunday.
A telegram was received last Satur
day the death at Sumner
of Georg Green, father of Mrs.
Edwin Speilman and Mrs. Mabel Butter
field of this place.
Mr. Louis Mickelson of this city is
mourning the death of his sister, Mrs.
L. Larson of Kandiyohi. The funeral
was held last Monday.
Mrs. L. J. F. Schmidt was pleasantly
surprised a week ago by several lady
in honor of her birthday.
Miss Hannah Setterman has returned
from her trip to California. She spent
five months on the western coast and
speaks highly of the country.
The local high school team enter
tained the high school team from Kerk
hoven last Saturday afternoon to a
game of baseball. The score resulted in
to 7 favoring Grove City.
Commencement exercises take place
Friday evening. May 28th. when a class
of ten will graduate. Pres. O. J. John
son of Gustavus Adolphus College will
be the commencement speaker. Rev. E.
R. Weeks delivered the baccalaureate ser
vices last Sunday evening. The Junior
Senior was held last Saturday
Clas night exercises will- be
held on Thursday evening. May 27th.
cleanliness is your best assurance against
tooth troubles. There is no dentifrice so well devised
to give supreme cleanliness as Klenzo.
The creamy, quickly soluble lather whitens the teeth,
hardens the gums, and brings to the mouth that Cool,
Clean, Klenzo Feeling. Step in today and get a tube.
The Store
-l-Jf -V*-«-*
May 24th.—Mr. and Mrs. Henry Home
returned home Friday from a week's
visit with their son-in-law and daugh
ter. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hanson at
A son was born to Mr. and Mr§. Vic
tor Norsten. Monday. May 17th.
Miss Betty Johnson who has spent
several months at Minneapolis arrived
here last week. She will be employed
at the E. R.J Orred store, during the
summer months.
Oscar Orred made a business trip to
Minneapolis the first of the week.
Erwin Nelson returned home "Wednes
day from a few days' visit with his sis
ter Miss Florence Nelson, who attends
the Ladies' Lutheran Seminary at Redfriends
Wing-, and with relatives at Minneapo
Mr. and Mrs. J. Albert Peterson and
little son Allen, returned to their home
at Ihlen. Minn., Sunday morning after
visitinsr relatives and friends here for
some time. They were accompanied
home of the former's father. Wm. Peter
son, who will spend some time with
Arnold Anderson and Tedd Wittee au
toed up from the cities Saturday in the
interest of the Witte Radiator Co. They
visited with the former's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Sam Anderson until Monday.
Mason Spicer of Minneapolis was at
Spicer on business the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ole Erickson enjoyed a
visit from their daughter, Mrs. Edward
Odell, the first part of last week.
The high school students of the Spic
er school will present a play "Our Awful
Aunt", at the M. W. A. Hall Friday ev
ening May 28th at 8 o'clock.
The following is the cast of charac
Mrs. Hazelton. a widow—Mayme Ped
Alice, her daughter—Helen Lunde.
Carrie Benton, engaged to Frank—Ella
Matilda Johnson. "Our Awful Aunt"—
Edith Gustafson.
Frank Hazelton. Alice's brother—Geo.
Arthur Wallace, a Fop and a Villian—
Louis Crevier.
Pete. Mrs. Hazelton's servant—Emory
David Mann. Wallace's accomplice—
George Gustafson.
Policemen—Glenn Hultgren and Oscar
A set of illustrated slides will be
shown and short lectures by the prim
ary grades will be given just before the
Mrs. Fred Boedeker returned to iier
home at Minneapolis Friday after a
of days' visit with her mother,
Mrs. Susan Peterson and sister, Mrs.
Wm. Nelson.
The Ladies' Aid of the Swedish Luth
eran church will serve lunch at the
church basement Friday May 28th, in
the afternoon and evening. 15 cents
will be charged. All are welcome.
Services will be held in the Zion
next Sunday at 11 a. m. Sunday
school at 10 o'clock.
Sunday June 6th, Confirmation exer
cises and communion services will be
held in the Norwegian church. Rev. A.
M. Lunde pastor.
The Ladies' Aid of the Norwegian
Zion church will serve lunch at the
Annex, Wednesday afternoon, June 2nd.
A program will be given in the evening
beginning at 8 o'clock after which there
will be a sale of various articles. All
are cordially invited.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Melby are enjoying
a visit from their daughter, Mrs. C. E.
Leis of Hot Springs, Montana.
E. L. Quam and family of Kandiyohi
visited relatives at Spicer Sunday.
Andrew Anderson and family of New
London were guests at the Sam Ander
son home Sunday.
Joseph Johnson of Armstrong, Iowa.
arrived here last week and visited over
Sunday with relatives in this vicinity.
Miss Alice Anderson and Chester Nor
man arrived from Minneapolis with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. And
erson until Monday. Miss Ruby Nor
man accompanied them to Minneapolis
where she will visit for a few days.
Wm. Olson departed Saturday for a
visit at Minneapolis.
Miss Evelyn Wilson arrived here last
week -from Thief River Falls for a
months' visit with relatives.
Edward Thorpe of Thief River Falls
visited relatives and friends here the
latter part of the week.
M. O. Erickson made a business trip
the the past week.
Gustafson who has been stay
ing at the Sanitorium at Granite Falls
for some time arrived home Saturday.
Married, at the Lutheran Free
church parsonage, Thursday after
noon, May 20th, at 4 o'clock. Mr. Ben
jamin F. Shamp to Miss Gladys G. El
Iingson. The witnesses -were Roy El
lingson and Miss Adelia Roske. The
newly-weds went on a several weeks'
wedding trip. The groom is employ
ed at the Osmundson Garage at Will
mar, and they will make their home at
May 24th—Sophie Trygstad who has
been working for the Erickson family
for some time returned home last Fri
Mrs. C. Christianson who went to St.
Paul to take care of her daughter, Em
ma, some time ago returned last week
with her daughter. The many friends
of Emma will be glad to learn that she
is improving, very nicely.
Mrs. Ellen N'orbastad, who has been
taking care of Mrs. H. Thompson, has
now returned home again.
John Jennie Sunde were Paynesville
callers last Monday.
Olive Anderson left for St. Paul last
week after a short stay in the country.
Emma Lunde left for Minneapolis
last week on Tuesday morning.
Olai Christopherson, is selling books
and mottoes in this community.
George Sunde left for Minneapolis the
first part of last week making his trip
via Willmar.
An airplane was seen to pass thru
the community on Tuesday evening. The
people got so interested that they call
ed up their neighbors to see the great
Ditmar Thorson returned from Sioux
Falls S. D.. last week.
Olai Christopherson left for Norway
Lake last Saturday afternoon.
Joakim Nelson and Gordon Nelson
spent last Sunday at St. Cloud.
Mrs. Alexander Nelson and son called
on Theo. Olson last Saturday.
A road petition is in circulation for
signing to get a new road from the
corner of Mrs. Aaron Anderson's land
east to the old John Nelson corner.
Hope they get it.
Get a fly swatter and help to get as
many flies as possible out of existence.
Jens Aanes and Erick Olson returned
home on Saturday from the H. Gerahens
place where they had "done some mason
Mrs. Paul Ruda and Mrs. Erick Olson
spent last Thursday afternoon at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rudd.
Christ Benson was busy last week
selling some of the belongings of his
brother. B. T. Benson, who is at the
Hope Well Hospital, Minneapolis.
On May 14th, Mrs. Mathea Olson cele
brated her 58th birthday and for that
occasion had. invited many of her lad
S. O. Susag left for Rice Lake, Wis.,
last Friday morning.
The Ladies' Aid of the Nordland
church meet at the home of Mrs. John
Lukkasson last Friday afternoon.
The voung Peoples' Society of the
Nordland church with other young folks
were entertained at Palmer Lukkason's
last Friday evening
Miss Lottie Olson left for Willmar
last Friday where she will be employed
at the home of Mrs. Mads Arithson of
that place.
Last Friday a girl was born into the
family of Mr. and Mrs. Mads Arithson.
now residing in Willmar. All is well
and their many friends extend congrat
The Segerstrom family of Minneapo
lis visited at I. B. Johnson's last Sun
day. They made the trip by car.
Peter Borsheim and Conrad Johnson
toop a trip to St. Cloud last Sunday.
Mrs. Mary Atkinson and son, George
of St. Paul, who have been visiting with
Mrs. Atkinson's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Erick Olson's for two weeks left last
Wednesday for their home.
Johnny Olson and Palmer Lukkasson
were Paynesville callers Wednesday.
Mrs. Susag has been busy weaving
carpets at Erick Olson's.
Oluf Haagenson had the mishap to
break down with I. P. Nelson's car and
had to leave it on the way from Pay
nesville last week and get a ride home
with a neighbor.
A. Fladberg conducted gospel services
in the Mission house the last part of the
The Martin Christenson family called
on C. Christianson's last Sunday after
Many from this community attended
the baccalaureate services in the Pay
nesville High auditorium last
Sunday evening.School
May 24.—Postmaster Oliver Erick
son returned Saturday evening from a
business trip to the Twin Cities since
Thursday morning.
Joe Stark and Ed. Arneson motored
to Olivia and Hutchinson on business
this afternoon.
Einar Erickson returned this morn
ing from an over Sunday visit with
in Minneapolis.
Miss Dorah Moline of Willmar spent
Sunday visiting with Miss Cecelia
D. F. Senechal left this morning for
a business trip to the Twin Cities.
Nels Blomberg and family and Hen
ry Isaacson spent last Sunday visiting
at the John Kleberg home in Fahlun
E. W. Peterson and family and Mrs.
R. A. Peterson from southwest of
town attended the graduation exer
cises at the Swedish Lutheran church
at Grove City last Sunday.
A large number from this vicinity
attended the big political doings at
Willmar last Saturday afternoon and
Lewis Schut is the new clerk at the
Co-Operative store.
Wellis Bomsta who -attended the
Minneapolis Business College at Min
neapolis returned to this village last
Mrs. Thomas Rendle returned last
Wednesday from a visit at Huron, S.
Wm. Peterson, the monument agent
received a carload of monuments to
Edwin Lundgren came over last
Friday from Raymond to get his auto
Axel Johnson returned to St. Paul
Monday, after a business visit here
since Friday.
Mrs. E. C. Earley of Princeton, ar
rived last Thursday evening for a visit
with her brother, Geo. Roetzer and
family and with her mother, Mrs.
Lewis Roetzer.
Sivert Benson and Theodore Hal
vorson of Willmar were here today
doing some plumbing work.
Miss Edith Anderson of Willmar
was an Atwater visitor last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frans W. Larson and
daughter Louise and Mrs. Al. Holnres
of Minneapolis attended the funeral
of the late Mrs. L. E. Larson here, this
George Murray was the principal
speaker at the political rally here last
Saturday evening. He is from the
State of North Dakota.
Mrs. Anderson of St. Paul spent
Sunday visiting her son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Peter
Joe Hyden and family spent Sunday
visiting at the Ed. Peterson home at
Miss Eleanor Johnson, who is em
ployed at Willmar, spent Sunday vis
iting her sister here.
A very large crowd attended the
baccalaureate services delivered at
the Methodist church last Sunday ev
ening. .The sermon was preached by
Rev. Fred Stromberg. There was also
special singing by a double quartet
and by the ladies' quartet. The grad
uation class from the Atwater High
School consists of 18 members. The
church was decorated for the occasion
with the class colors and with beauti
ful flowers.
Nels Blomberg and_ Henry Isaacson
motored to Willmar on business this
Arthur Swan&on, who has been with
a musical company in the east, ar
rived home last Sunday evening for a
visit with his folks.
Herbert Hengstler and Joe Holm
berg were among those from Willmar
who attended the ball games here last
Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. George Estrem returned to
Little Falls last week after a several
days' visit with relatives and friends
in this village.
Ellen Lundgren and Elizabeth Cos
grove spent last Saturday at Ray
Ned Larson is driving a Chandler
six which he purchased from Jolly
Baker Motor Car Co. at Willmar.
J. H. Strong left this morning for a
business trip to the Twin Cities, re
turning with a Ford car.
Last Sunday forenoon the confirma
tion was held at the Swedish Luther
an church at Grove City. The class
numbers twenty. The class presented
Rev. M. Le Vander with a confirma
tion gift of the sum of $20.
Mr. and Mrs. Ole B. Erickson and
daughter of Minneapolis spent Sunday
visiting at the John S. Peterson home.
If you area thrifty person you are happy. When you are
earning more than you spend, when you produce more than you
consume, your life is a success, and you are filled with courage,
animation, ambition and good-will. The habit of thrift proves
your power to rule yourself.
Loving labor and thrift go hand in hand, and If you have
no surplus saved up, you are a plaything of chance, a leaf In
a storm. The surplus gives you the power to dictate terms.
Cultivate the habit of thrift, and the earlier you begin the
better. And no matter how old you are, or how long you have
lived, begin ths day to save something by starting a savings
account, at this Bank, no matter how little.
We pay 5 per cent on savings accounts.
he W re a
See actual demonstration in
revolving gears at local garages.
Costs 40 cents per potind and
more than worth it.
Bartles-Scott Co.
I WE have the following Paige Cars
which have just arrived:
7-passenger (Essex)
5-passenger (Glenbrook)
4-passenger Coupe
We can make.immediate delive
ry while they last.
Johnson-Erickson Motor Co. mnnma
Phone 480
»»»Jt»X»K»lt»lt»jl»M*y*x*ii»lim»jt»x*ll»M»X»ll*ll»M»K»il»mimi|lsl1 Epworth League at 7:80.
fc:- ««r^
Mr. Erickson and Mrs. Peterson are
"brother and Bister.
Holm Bros, delivered a Buick six
last week to Gust Krangenbring in
The confirmation class of the Swed
ish Lutheran church of Grove City
were entertained at the home of Rev.
and Mrs. M. Le Vander last Friday
The W. C. T. U. county convention
will be held at the Methodist church
on Wednesday June 2, and at the
Swedish Lutheran church on Thurs
day, June 3.
Joe Ziegler of St. Cloud visited with
friends in this village the latter part
of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Erickson of Will
mar spent Sunday visiting at the John
S. Peterson home.
Holm Bros, delivered three Titan
tractors last week to Gust Kragen
bring, Charles Krangenbring and
Charles Rossell.
Victor Nelson motored to Pennock
last Saturday evening.
Rev. Guldseth of Minneapolis con
ducted forenoon services at the Am
dahl church last Sunday and after
noon services at the Bethlehem Luth
eran church here.
Mr. and Mrs. Simon Solmonson and
children spent Sunday visiting at
Grove City.
Miss Stella Strong returned from
Deerwood, Mont., last week where she
has been teaching school.
Mr. and Mrs. John Wicklund and
daughter Amy and son Edgar of Kan
diyohi spent Sunday visiting at the
August Broman home.
Harry Westlund was here from Min
neapolis last week. He returned, driv
ing a Ford car, which he purchased
from the Strong Motor Car Co.
E. J. Johnson has opened a grocery
store in the building next door west
of the Roetzer Meat Market. Mr.
Johnson was formerly in the same line
of business at Spokane, Wash. The
store will be known as "The Family
Cash Grocery".
The Ladies* Aid of the Bethlehem
Lutheran church will meet Friday af
ternoon at the Sivert Thorpe home
east of town. Refreshments will be
served by Mrs. Thorpe and Miss
Mrs. J. P. Lindquist and daughter
Ida and Mrs. Olof Haglund spent Sun
day afternoon visiting at the Hjalmar
Peterson and M. P. Hyden homes
southwest of town.
Two base ball games were played
on the local diamond last Sunday af
ternoon. The local boys won both
games. The first game was played
with Paynesville and the score was
17 to 4. The batteries for Atwater
were Arthur Hyden and Arthur Quist.
The second game was with Hawick
who were trimmed to the tune of 22
to 1. Joe Holmberg and Wm. Arne
son were the pitchers for Atwater in
the second game and Robert Ander
son the catcher.
The High School class day exer
cises will be held on Friday evening
at the Lyric theatre and the Com
mencement will he held on Saturday
evening. The speaker is Prof. Rarig
of the State University. Following
are the graduates: Alice Anderson,
Gordon Anderson, Margaret Anderson,
Helen E. Bjur, Hazel DeFoe, Margar
et DeFoe, Adeline M. Feig, Alfreda
Freeman. Mildred Gray, Ruth E. Har
rison, Vivian Johnson, Esther V. Nord
strom, Nels Nordstrom, Frances Ol
son, Arnold Peterson, Dillon Peterson,
Gladys Rierson, Emma Roetzer. Es
ther Nordstrom is the valedictorian
and Frances Olson the salutatorian.
The Atwater Post of the American
Legion will give a program next Mon
day afternoon being Memorial Day.
As the day comes on Sunday, obser
vance of the day will be on Monday,
when all the business houses will be
closed. Everybody should make it a
point to come to Atwater on that day
and properly honor our soldier dead.
Following is the program of the day:
Speech of Welcome—Z. V. Johnston.
Song, New American Hymn—6th and
7th Grades.
Flag Drill—Rooms 1 and 2.
Song, Columbia, the Gem of the Ocean
Drill—8th Grade.
Recitation, Your Flag and My Flag—
Harold Le Vander.
Song, Rub-a-dub-dub—Room 1.
Flag Salute, Star Spangled Banner—
By All.
Address—Rev. F. Stromberg.
Recitation, the Blue and the Gray—
Amy Westlund.
Song, Soldier Boys—Rooms 1 and 2.
Songs, Three Little Sisters, There are
Many Flags—Rooms 1 and 2.
Ball games.
The program in the forenoon will
be held on the school lawn.
C. M. Carlson passed away last Fri
day at his home one mile south of At-I
water at the age of 86 years, 11 mos.I
and 13 days. The deceased is a pio
neer of this county, coming here in
the year of 1867. He leaves to mourn
his death his wife and five children.
The funeral takes place Wednesday
this week at the Swedish Lutheran
church of which he was a faithful
member. The services will be conduc
ted by Rev. M. Le Vander at
house at 2 o'clock and at the church
at 2:30 p. m.
F. C. Rathert, pastor.
Services Sunday at 10 a. m.
Fred Stromberg, pastor.
Atwater: Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Service at 11 a. m.
Epworth League at 7:30 p. m.
English services at 8 p. m.
Rosendale: Sundajr'school at 2 p. m.
English services at 3 p. m.
Thursday June 3rd the Rosendale
League will give a social at Carl
Pearson's at 8 p. m.
Everybody welcome.
M. Le Vander, pastor.
Atwater—Morning services at 10:30
Sunday school at 9:30 a. m.
A Children's program will be given
at the church Sunday evening, June
6th, at 8 p. m.
Grove-City—Services Sunday even
ing at 8 p. m.
A. Paulson, pastor.
Evangelist Eric Anderson of Min
neapolis will conduct a series "of gos
pel meetings in this church beginning
May 26th and continuing for about
three weeks. There will be meetings
every night except Saturdays. Fore
noon as well as evening meetings will
be in English. There will be special
singing. Come and hear the gifted
„, and successful evangelist.
John Alver, pastor.
Sunday school at 10:30.
i. Sunday services at 11. Norwegian
Everybody welcome.
Certifies an Extraordinary Tire
Many motorists buy Brunswicks because of the name alone.
It is sufficient assurance for them of .super-quality.
They have known this ancient house for its high standards,
as have their fathers and grandfathers. Since 1845 the House
of Brunswick has been noted for its rare workmanship.
Brunswick standards, as applied to tires, mean giving the
utmost. In them you will find combined all the approved
features properly related. No one advantage overshadows
others nor hides shortcomings.
The best tread that's known, the strongest fabric, the most
enduring side-wall construction, every addition, every extra,
make Brunswicks prove their superiority. No factory cost
has been too great.
ONE Brunswick will win your decision to have ALL
Brunswicks. It will be a revelation.
Buy it -today. It costs no more than iike-type tires.
Minneapolis Headquarters: 426-28-30 Third St., South
Sold On An Unlimited Mileage
Guarantee Basis
Willmar. Minn.
IX*X*X X+X»X+X+X»*+X+X4-X+X4X+X+XfrX+X+X+X»X+X*X+X*X+XI
REVENUE 103399
Owned by the Farmers Percheron Breeders
Association of Kandiyohi.
Sire: Gaubaldi 5 7 2 0 1 (73241)
Dam: Nancy Noble 8 5 3 6 4
Will make the following stands for the season
of 1920:
I Mondays at P. H. FRYE'S
Tuesdays at Kandiyohi
Wednesdays at Wm. Tait's
Thursdays at Carl Thompson's
Fridays and Saturdays at
J. F. Daugherty's
j£ TERMS: S320 to insure with standing colt
sj- For further particulars inquire of Joe Daugherty,
4 Kandiyohi, Minn.
•X+X+X+X+X I IX* I X+X»X»X+X»X+X 1 Xt I Xt M+M+H X»M*XS
I Now Is the Time1
to List Your
If Wish to Sell,
Home Realty Company
Eagle Lake Ladies' Aid
Eagle Lake Ladies' Aid will meet
with Mrs. Oscar Olson on Wednesday
June 2nd. at 2 p. m. All welcome.
Office in Central Hotel Building
l«««MM*M«M«X+M*M»*«X*X+X*M*X*X*XII*Xt« I Ml
Evening services at 8r00. English.
Hie Ladies' Aid meets the first
Thursday in the month.
Notice to Bicycle Riders
Riding bicycles on the sidewalks
in the City of Willmar is a violation
of City Ordinance No. 152. Notice is
given to all concerned that this ordi
nance will be strictly enforced, and
violators will be-prosecuted.
Chief Of Poltoi

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