Newspaper Page Text
••:%. £*, tbe Yo a & H.L.SAVERJEN, Of which we keep the largest assortment. Please give us a call as our prices are the lowest and our goods are thebest. New Tinware, J. Wdnt a sharp float. i# °We maHe it. NEW ULM ROLLER MILL CO. l$lo$$ne JYiaeller .DEALER IN.. Minneapolis Harvesters and Binders. Walter A. Woods Steel Tubular Mowers J. I. Case and Minneapolis Threshers and Engines. 3& is coming on and you wil&find It necessary to look for a cold place to place your provisions. This you can find in a '**.•• he Alaska possessed a Provi sion Chamber free from odor. Tbese results can only be obtained by a perfect circulation of the air in the Reirigerator. its condensa tion in the Ice Chamber. See the Apartment House style now at THE LARGEST FURNITURE DEALER. GOTO Beussmann Bros. -FOR- TINWARE. RAINTS, BRUSHES. SAWS, AXLE GREASE. OILS. Hardware and Farm Machinery.comingfpMinnesot.aeThousandThfroreform Riding and Walking PloWs WAGONS AND BUGGIES. Qtftivatof$, Oils arn paint$ ABOVE MACHINES AND REPAIRS FOR SAME ALWAYS ON HAND. Klossner & Mueller. We have now located iu our new stand and a«-e'prepared to. show the people an entirely new stock of goods, including .', COOKING UTEISIL: We now handle the RED CROSi It isvundoubtedly the best in the market...-f B.: WeEefer To theTalk of John Land for. The pipers of the state of all parties continue to advocate .the nomination 61 Governor Clough's nomiriafcidnls now practically assured, and politicians are now speculating as to -what attitude the Minneapolis papers, who have so bitter ly opposed his nomination, will take in the future. Our own impression is that the Republican party has made a mis take in putting in Governor Clough at the head of the ticket. It must be ap parent to any close observer that should the. opposition unite upon John Lind, the republicans will realise that they need their strongest man before the cam paign has progressed many weeks,—. riwift Co.. Monitor. The latest reports are that John Lind of New Ulm may possibly consent to lead the opposition this fall. Should the Peoples Party, tbe silver Democrats and the silver Republicans be able to unite upon so strong and popular a man, there would be little doubt of the result.— Fairmont Sentinel. The "machine" has the Republican party of this state by the throat. Bow can it be made to loosen its grasp? On ly as suggested by the Minneapolis limes, through defeat. How can this be accom plished? a union of all opposition el ements—Democrats, disgusted Republi cans. Populists and Prohibitionists, The fair name of our beloved state is at stake! National politics cuts no figure in the e lection of our governor, but it does af fect the good name of Minnesota! There fore let all elements of opposition unite in defending our reputation as a common wealth. Let some man of high cbaract and ability be selected—ex-Congressman John Lind, if need be—and let Minneso tans teach political parties a lesson, which may last foi all time, that our governors must be men of character and ability—men who are tit to sit in the chair once occupied by such eminent and worthy citizens as Henry H. Sibley, A lexander Ramsey, William R. Marshall, John S. Pillsbury and others. The hon or of Minnesota homes is at' stake,!—St. Cloud Times. Mr. Lind is recognized everywhere as a levelheaded, patriotic and honest man, and his bolt has caused consternation in the cam of. the gold men. party will do well make him their candidat for governo in the campaign Repub licans who canuot swallow the Clough Merriam single-gold-standard decoction will enthusiastically support John Lind and a progressive policy. The Populists, admire him for his manliness and patri otism and will stand by him to a man "Gov. Lind" looks well,sounds well, and we feel assured that it will work well. This is no time to quibble about past po litical affiliations. Party lines aie being obliterated, patriotism is being arrayed against bigotry and greed, issues of vital importance to the welfare of this nation are pressing for immediate settlement, and those who desire to throw off the yoke of plutocratic despotism must unite upon candidates whose hearts are right and whose records are good, no matter what political party may have had their support in the past. Ex- Congressman Lind is without doubt the strongest man whom the People's party of Minnesota can nom inate for governor, and we hope he will become our staudard bearer in the cam paign. With Lind, 'free coinage and anti monoply, the liberal party of Minnesota will sweep the statc.-Clarkfield Advocate. I A O E E S A E ttie8tite.ndlocaliwemmentftwtt.the r£$J |??^=f%str •4MK W&mantifc W nomin: Eor some time it lias been known that John Lind was out of harmony with his party on the reform questions of the day, and that he was only waiting for the ac tion of the national Republican conven tion to speak so that he might adjust himself to the realignment that was plain ly taking place. Mr. Lind is everywhere recognized as a most conscientious man, a man of great talent and beloved by all. He will give a tremendous impetus to the movement in this state.—rSacred Heart Watchman. 5 Today's issue of the Representative contains the following editorial ».t the hand of Hon. Ignatius Donnelly "The sentiment everywhere in Minne sota is overwhelmingly, for a union of Populists and free silverites upon a state ticket, with Hon. John Lind at its.head for governor. Such a ticketwould sweep this Btate from Duluth to Rock /county and it would transfer the wholepowerof bankers, to tno tax -$vutt&$i iere the New Ulm. man for governor, are some of the latest comments :f§^ Clough's nomination means a walk away for John Lind or some other good man in November.—Duluth lieraldf^l It is said that John land has also made his farewell bow to the Republican party. The Populist ranks may be a more difficult matter to overcome this tune than some people think for:-Jit is a matfer of gold and silver men now— no difference about the name of your party.—St.Peter Journal. ^t--'?^& iMi( &&& «$jphalee coming !?"fg 3wP o£ Minnesota with, a whirlwind -&&*•» thusiasm,if the-lnends©f 'th cefean movement unite wui act in, hanavaavj at the coming -conventions. ^gTohn. lin would cwary no* only Minnesotajju* even Minneapolis., '•v has alxei times to congress en A free coinage plat form* .He is broader on neforau lines than the coinage issue alone.. He is an enemy oC'fhe spirit of commercialism, which is. usurping the place of patriotism in our polities and American govern ment. He can carry with, him the peo ple irrespective of pasty lines. He is the Moses to meet the present condition. —-Penny Presa?.'.r?!2:# Vife'.&.-s.l&ia&z?:? jilHon. Frank Day»lieutenant governor of this state, publicly withdrew from the Republican party last week. Congress man Towne and. ex,-Congressman. John LincLhave clone the same. They assign as their reasons that they could, not in conscience long remain affiliated with a party that has denied the first principles of Republicanism. 'The gold standard, these gentlemen designate as pure, una dulterated robbery of the people, and they could not be a party to any such robbtfy, Every one must really admire the conscientiousness and courage of tnese men. They for conscience sake will not vote theRepublican ticket ancT will renounce blmost the highest honors of the party rather than do what they deem a wrong upon the people.—Belle Plaine Herald. Mr. Theobald and daughter of S^.Paul were guests here over Suuday. The Local Oycle Cranks. 569 Frank Webber started on a wheeling tour yesterday morning. He will go west as far as Marshall and Lake Ben ton, and expects to be gone one week. .' Little drops of water, Little grains of dust Make a road that's sure to fill A Cycler with disgust. Will Pfefferle went to Mankato last Friday to compete in the bicycle races there, but was unabie to secure a place, on account of a collision which disabled him and his wheel, When in doubt join the L. A. W. Mary had a little bike, Pneumatic waait's tire And everywhere that Mary went Her bike was always nigh her, She took the wheel to church one day, Which filled the air with rumors. The reason Mary rode, they say, Was just to show her bloomers. The decorated bicycle parade on the 4th of Juiy had to be abandoned on ac count of lack of interest on the part of our local cyclists. A broad-tired wagon doesn't hurt any road. Mother's out upon her bike Enjoyin'of the fun.- Sisterand her beau have gone To take a little run, The chambermaid and cook are both A-riding of the wheel, And daddy's in the kitchen A-cookin'of the meals. I want to ride a golden wheel, ilpon a golden shore, Where streets of gold aire smoothly rolled And punctures punk no more. The Mankato Commercial College was visited by many people on the Fourth. All speak most highly of the genial man agement, the well equipped and beauti fully decorated rooms. A course in this school means business success. Private Instruction. During the coming summer 1 shall give private instruction to classes as well as to individual scholars in the -common sehool branches and in my specialties. Parents will confer a favor upon me by communicating with meat an early date. Respectfully Thos. H. Jappe. DOYOUWAHT THE FINEST Wall Paper. Then guoCHAS." GEBSER'S. Are you looking for CROQUET SETS, BASE BALL OUTFITS, CANES OR BIB 0 CAGES Gebser can supply you with the very best and at the lowest prices. Mr. D. P. Davis, a prominent livery man and merchant of Goshen, Va., has this to say on the same subject of rheu matism "I take pleasure in recomend ing Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rheu matism, as I know from personal experi ence that it will ,do all that is claimed for it. A year ago this spring my bi oth er was laid up in bed with imflamatory rheumatism and suffered intensely. The first application Chamberlain's Palm Balm eased t|ie pain and tbe use of one bottle completely cured bim^i^For sale by O. M. Olsen.' ,1Jamjtajposseeaios* or theWeildT^^: wi£efe£&&sa£eaeht or*. JolmlindwooM.poll the, -ivt* PUP^»iBioaoho»J&taiae^nd Xjpnttfc the Laiie* of Hew mm, sad vicw^y. W call andtteam. UfrjMtacan,ta|eeft b&fostt. tafe an^ others TeaebensiWbo 4e»i». ^a» It.ex«al».aU .been ele^ed" three GiMmpBwved Panas. Also nwuwyv 0 city propejBCy akways had of N» Henningsen^. In the Matter of t^e ^statei- Andara Kasumssen^ Deceased. Ittem'oI AgmiuistratiQn ionthe *«ta4e !pf AndtewRa8ams8eo„deee«8ed, late-,of, ithe County of Brown, and State of HUMM*-. I sqtn.heine planted to ^aramSasunaasenj IsOrde- It ieredtthat six monkh LaJ^BT- the aameis hereby allfwedifrem ani tbe-date of this order, in whiidi all persons having claims or demands- against^ the said decehsed are reqqired to file the same in the Probate Court of said Counigw for examination and allowance^.or befqi» barred. It Is Further Ordered,that the firsfcMpur day in January A. 1 o'cU^eftTp. M., at a general term, of said Prohat«. Court, to be held at^the Probate Offiae .ihi the Court House itfcthe-City of Nt^vTUlm, in said County, be and the same hereby is appointed as the^.tim«-and place* Whea and where the sa|d Prolwte Court -adl^ ex amine and adjust said claims and de mands AndltlsFurthe^Owdered, the* uotie* of such hearing begiven to all cjfeda*ors and persons interested in said qefete- bgr forthwith publiahjois this order once in each week for three successive -weeks. i» the New Ulm Review, a weekly newspa per printed and pufottshed at t%- city of New Ulm ins^jdl County. Dated at New.Utoa, Minn., th^SSth daV of June, A. D..1W6. lAy the Court, Jonas Laudenechtaa^r. [Seat.l Judge-,^ Probate Best pitepared paints on* the market are the Heath & Milligan paints and they can be hadi in New XJlm. onjiy at the Pio neer Drug Store. Highest award given at Chicago World's Fair—These paints cannot be excelled in quality or durabli ty. Scrofula, salt rheum,,and all diseases ot the blood, dyspepsia* headache, kid ney and liver complaints, and catarrh, are cured by Hooda Sarsaparilla,, the great blood purifier. FrwPill* Send your address to Hj. E. Bpokiiea & Co., Chicago, and get a free sample- box. of Dr. King's New Life Pills.. A trial will convince you of their merits* These pills are easy in action and are particul arly effective in the cuie of Con&nmption and Sick Headache. For, Malaria, arid Liver troubles they have, been proved, invaluable. They -are guaisanteed. to ba perfectly free from eveuy deleterious substance and to be punely vegetable* They do not weaken by their action, b»t by giving tone \o. sioiuach andi bomels greatly invigorate the-system. Reg»lar size 25 cts. per box,.. Sold by C. M. Ol3*»n, Druggist.. 4 Manufactures the BEST Shoes Footwear a a lifctl $ta^i*Miniie0ota*£&uaj«-of Bt P»tafc*.Court.ftwXh7odfciaLX)istTict. ft*** of$6ku Ziiod, attom^Mfor th* receiver .Jaemdn and thewimmnor-statement an-" SEf1eS^!^*«!!«»«**a«*Mi**«»tate aotbemawn dres^«akMK_dnrii^,vit4St.. i{^ of —-—.-^-"-"—" ^«5*gLtha*itlie -receiver herein 8 0 tioushould,he sore- t^ttr,this.-ajstein^iSf^S?8upendedthe«um«*f^2,i«the este T* .«ther». ^^^^6vtoo|tlietr«8»*»dat«»«nd.thatallthe. ii S Masonic-Blocks 1 ^fijwawfeJiaatfceen converted S S S S SMn«»ele«a«e- herein :«^fe?!5S2? rij3r ec0l3, tll S S 2 a *t-' ««»e. a 8 SS5SSl «^^r* ana** named 8 a hereby limi- weeka^piierio«kefirst ««y otAugust. 1896, Ctt«a«yIniiie'3tWte of Minnesota. I^tpd.l«Lv^.l89|r^ ,-n.-j-p^ JB«P. WebiMW,.. Sinwmiyy Stptemant.i, ^ate-^said-««BoiwBn4. $5r.78.. Expjen^ca oga^rnij^gaii'rinajttnat faedate, ,-, Jacob yjftBanenaJr,,, raK3»eqeAae4- I^tejr&Uestnmeateryoai.the s#a»fce.-o£r FtedericktSefarap,(iesea£jaak.la1l» of .the* Coctatypf B»awn findStatet.of Hinaesota*. Wing Kran«»d,to Chjnstian: ffred Sshrapi. IttlaV» Ordesed, Tha&six moa^hsaiW satne heaetoy alMwred,ft»m and after the, datepf thi»order«, in wnwh^adk persons ^y^Kcla*n^pr.d$^nnd«^ga|jaetthesaict deceased ace requiredtQi^le th«e saniet. in, tb ProbateCouieof said Couij^rv for.ex\ atioarvnd, aSSJpswjwsifc, .or b» fpreyer II Is Fterther Ordexadu Thajt the. fiffstr Mondayin Ja^mffJf. AJr *Iew Ulrn lifbsaid Qaonty. IfctfifL afts^w^rjins^Minw^thi^lWhi ofrJui?e,A.'D, ^96^. By,rJ^( (Seal^ Hood Pills cwife all aver ills^ reheveiing foB. us, WnuSiu»me], constipation andi assist digestion., 25c. Nfew Ulm Minn It is a Well-kiiowB. FactW That the Bottle Beer of the VALBLAfZ BREWlHC (0. WLW/UJKEt, Is particular*^ tfyc beer for faoaptitji use* THE PRICE: $2.50 for a case o'f 24 quart bottles, provided the case and bottles are returned. Personal or mail orders will ba- »vompt)y attended to. J. H. STRASSER* BOX 60G Local Agent, New ffim. ia Shoe of St. E&ai. Made in Minnesota. Ask for their Goods when you are looking for that will War Well. IF YOU CANNOT GET THEIR GOODS OF YOUR DEALER •':"'--n WRITE IF, rurther^batthBa,ord«rbe swrved acopy tlwireof to *aid, erediter at least wM»tj\4^gt»4«icBig8aS»^rgtda oitAu. S&***mfymn& al9ebs,pdUahi«g4heeame 1 3 5 «or» three aucctteaive Judg»of said Cow*. ?4 Receiver.. ^toPMibai^Sirt, ^jeciMTSwn, JweiSjth,, -1? 1 otttae .E*fa*fce. ofe FredeT-. 1381k..afei3.:o.'ctock. P.M., aha gen-«|lterax of sai4 Probate^ Court,, ta-behe^iat tba»Probate Qffls», ini the,CotKCtHqu3«:in4bfl Cmvo4 Mew. Urm. insaidiCounty^be.andjtie, sa#ae h*xeJU. |s appointed a» the tsmtttandij piaco ^heiii and wJaere^^aidPjspfeateUiJaurt will exx annneand adjust sa«4 cjaiwts.. a*d 1 de^ ndtltlsFterth^EQhjdcred^l'ha.t no.tias 0f6vuch hearing be gjtven to a4i creditors. and aersQnSfintere^tedin sa^d •. esiate^ by forthwith paMisb^g this- oxder. amc^ in eacAweekifftrtnre^saic^saive, -«tciek in the-NewvUyw Revie'w-, a,. «e«*ilyx newe^a perrprintedjacnji,pttbjiw»heiAaA the? Cityi- of Say "^Jiaahtf^illrW-ftrra This maaedy becoming so- welh known and^sa. pppdlfer, as-tp.. necjii no* special -t ment^Uf,. A®, whp. Sja^e Tasedi Electric,,. •RittQ^-singLtth^ sam song o£ praise.—. A, p»^Scine daes. not eaa^t and it guaffanteed, to do* all ifeafcfeclaimed. Elee^riaB^tejswaJl.cuw all siaseases of thftXiver.a^d^daeys. '«d^r«sDovePiniIT. pies, %ils, Sa lt.^eum,'ajBWj|i other a%c-. tifens-caueedr-by. impale Wood.—W\Uli derive MsHaria,fr(»m the- s.yst«-m ancliipre- vent aa.-w«ll asseure aB Malarial fe-sW- iFor, cuaa of Headachev. ConstipatiGft.aodi Indigestion, tegr, Eiectrle Mtters-«Bntiifc satisfaction: guaranjteetl^ or uicii,ey 1%-. fundad.r-Praise a? ets and f.gjQOi jjye-r at ©i Mj.. Ofeen's-Eteiagytore. 5 Not mw^hi wa&*(4 when you bay- here, -we make every cent eount, waHaww- that _. [.•ghenoiM-goods and prices, leave the I storfe tihey stavt on a journay ofiadvertis- Co. Ootzian•Co.!Jv.OT :.=**"- PAUl^MiDr TIOOThY. HERMANN'S BREAU. RILSENER, CULMBAOHER, Off KAISER. 2^ We keep them all in any quantity yon want. St Pauj^, stomach's sake." He might just qs well have said beer and if he had been living today, he would have recommend some *ne of these popular favorites. ,.,*, -, j^- *#£&•• *^M4.-/i-»i t,- fc el.'*-*^-