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a s4 Jhrthe Painof -Rheumatism! a is often causes he mog^in- tense suffering. Man have for years sramly sought relief from this disabling aisease, and are to-day worse off than 8V«*". 8 a is is a blood disease, and Swift's Specific is the only cure, 3ause it is the only remedy which can deep-seated diseases. Xfew years ago I -was taken with inflamma tory Rheumatism, which became so intense that I was for weeks unable to walk. I tried several prominent physi cians and took their treat ment faithfully, but was unable to get the slight est relief. In fact, my con. dition seemed to grow worse, the disease spread over my entire body, and from November to March I suffered agony. I tried many patent medicines, but none relieved me. Upon the a of a friend I decided to try Before allowing me to take it, how- iveR toy guardian, who was a chemist, ana yzed the Temedy, and pronounced it free of otash or mercury. I felt so much better after aking two bottles, that I continued the rem '£?*and months I was cured completely. The cure was permanent, for I have never since lad a touch of Rheumatism though many lmes exposed to damp and cold weather „«-. BLBANOB M. TIPPBLI., 3711 Powelton Avenue, Philadelphia. Don' suffer longer with Rheumatism Chrow aside your oils and liniments, as hey can not reach your trouble. Don' experiment it doctors—their potash ind mercury will add to your disabil it and completely destroy your digea- •SLSLS* TheBlood. will cure perfectly and permanently [t is guaranteed purely vegetable, and contains no potash, mercury, or other mineral. Book mailed free by Swift Specific Co. Atlanta, Ga. I N N E A O I S N E W & SOUTH W E S E N RAILROAD Departure of Trains. No, 15 St. Paul, Mpls Pass 6 3« A., M. 5 9 St. Paul, Mpls Pass 11 10 v. M. 2\6. 53 Wmthrop Ace'elation 4 00 \r. Arrival of Trains. No. 5 4 WinthropAcc'dation 00 A No. 30 St. Paul. Mols Pass 2 20 M. No. 16 St. Paul, Mpls Pass 8 55 ,i. All Daily Except Sunday. N 15 arrives Mpls 9 50 \. St Paul 10 20 A ir. No. 16 leaves St 03 r. u. Mpls. 5 35 M. N ch inge of us betw een Ne I ira, St. Paul & MpK. Close connections foi Ckic .j AL1 Wfu and all points East. «ll vJ1 ticulai apply to O N IIYCZEK, Agent. XflE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS is. due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the A I O N I A I S Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing1 the true and original remedy. A the genuine Syrup of Fig is manufactured by the A I O N I A I S CO. °^y a A knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. he standing of the A I FORNI A I S Co. it the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Fig has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of^the excellence of its remedy. I is "far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken in them and it does not gripe nor nauseate. I order to get its beneficial effeets, please remember the a me of he Company ""CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CaL LOUISVILLE. Ky. NEW YORK, N.T. USEES OF MORPHINE. THE DRUG RAPIDLY ENLARGING ITS CIRCLE OF VICTIMS. W In S Tork Says a an of Tliat City, Ar Worshiping? at he Shrine of he Deat Breede In Great Numbers. "Th amount of morphine used by women in N York is increasing at an alarming a a id a physician. "I do not give the drug at all, save in extreme cases, for I believe we doctors are largely responsible for the spread of the evil. I seems such an easy, mer ciful thing to relieve acute suffering by a dose of morphine, and it would be all right if the patients couldn't get the drug themselves. They can get it. There's the trouble. I was called to see one of my pa tients last week. She is a wealthy wo man. She developed the morphine habit two years ago. when she had a serious illness. Since then she has had period ical sprees with morphine, in spite of all we could do to prevent her She al ways says that the deplorable state she gets into is due to other causes, but I can tell, as soon as I see her, whether she has been taking morphine Last week, when I went to see her, she was a nervous wreck and said she had been agonizing with rheumatism. Rheuma tism is a handy thing. A doctor can't swear that a patient hasn't got it. I accused the woman of having been on a morphine spree She denied it. I ap pealed to her husband. searched her bureau and chiffonier and found 200 morphine pills. She had bought them all at one time, but wouldn't tell who sold them to her. "Of course there's a law against sell ing morphine except on prescription, but a morphine fiend can always get it if he is persistent, and generally he is so. A physician can tell a habitual morphine taker at a glance. So can a druggist. Th latter reads the unmis takable signs a man's face and, if he hasn't a conscience, will sell the mor phine victim what he wants Th drug gist knows that the purchaser will guard the secret quite as closely as he could But, if a person with no symptoms of the morphine habit wants to buy the drug, he will probably have great diffi culty in getting it. N pharmacist, even if not particularly reputable, wants to take the chances of being hauled up for a breach of the law "I am constantly running across cases of the morphine habit, especially, as I said, among women Th life they lead when active socially uses up their nerves, and they take rnoiphme for neu lalgia until they can't get along with out it Usually they are ashamed ot the habit and conceal it carefully, but tome times they are quite oren about it, take their morphine regularly and will not listen to leason Not a month ago a beantirul young woman showed me a new chatelaine ornament she had just bought It was a remarkably handsome gold case, studded with jewels, and look ed like a vinaigrette Th top opened, and inside a tiny hypodermic syringe and tube of morphine. I said something more forcible than polite and tried to make her see the insanity of the thing, but she only laughed and told me she earned moiphm pills in her chatelaine bonbonmere, so that she would be all right if she happened to be whei she couldn't use the hypodermic, which bhe prefeired I threatened to tell her husband, but she said he knew about it and didn't care She didn't bother him, and he didn't bother her I went to the husband and he merely shi ugged his shoulders and said he ne er mterfeied with his wife Then I le lieved my mind cgaia and told Irin what I thought of him—and now there is one family less on my list of patients "That was an exceptional case, I ad mit Usaally relatives and friends of a person who takes morphine do every thing possible to break up the habit, but a morphine fiend is remarkable for cleverness A great many women who don't want any one to know that they have the habit work the physicians for morphine. I know women of good fam ily who never go more than weeks without terrible attacks of neuralgia or rheumatism or something else that causes excruciating agony. Th doctor is called in and tries to relieve the wo man, but nothing relieves her until he tries morphine If he is clever enough to see tiuough the thing and too con scientious to help out the little farce, he gives up the case Another doctor is called in and another, until one pre scribes what is wanted That's an old, old game Many a struggling young doctor has thought his fortune made because a wealthy woman his neigh borhood called him m, but when she is seriously ill she goes back to her old doctor She only wants the new one to prescribe morphine for her neuralgia. "There's no excuse in the world for a doctor acquiring the morphine habit. knows better. Ye some of the doc tors do it One famous old N York doctor used to take his morphine as legularly as he took his breakfast, and, whenever he gaT. a hypodermic injec tion to a patient, he took one himself while he had the syringe out, just for sociability, I suppose never went to pieces under it. but I presume he would have done so in time. N one but a physician can realize how this special vice is increasing and how serious a problem it presents. A a class .the medical profession takes a strong stand against it, but I confess I'm feeling rather discouraged. Th person takes a dose of morphine for anything within the limits of en durance is a fool—but the world is full of fools."—Ne York Sun. I 1 A Illustration Teacher—John, illustrate the differ ence between sit and set. Bright and Patriotic Bo Th United States is a country on which (the sun never sets and the rest of the world never sits.—Detroit Journa A Simpl S me ot time Bfotoraum at Mad Ki G*». People near the N York entrance of the bridge saw a balky horse frus trated with delightful ease the other day by a man who openly-confessed that he had no practical or theoretical knowledge of horsemanship. was the motorman of a Fourth avenue car bound toward the terminal at the bridge. Th horse was one of those an gular, cockeyed, ungainly beasts that no amount of currying and feeding could make respectable, I had stopped square in the middle of the track and had spread its feet apart as though its mind was made up to bold the street against the world In a few minutes four trolley cars were backed up behind the cart and more were sight down Center street. Mb tormen, conductors, truck drivers, as sorted citizens and a policeman stood around and gave the usual advice. Th driver kicked the horse and or three men called to the policeman to stop him. Then they in turn made hu mane suggestions about starting a fire under the beast's stomach. A woman said that it would be easy enough for any one to coax him along with a lump of sugar. The motorman of the fifth trolley car, which had by this time reached the end of the blocked line, walked up and surveyed the situation. "Whoseca is this? he asked, point ing to the first car that had come up behind the wagon to which the balky horse was attached. "It's in said another motorman, was fingering a brass motor handle as though he would like to brain the horse with it. The motorman from the rear hoisted the car's front fender and strapped it in place, folded against the dashboard. N he said to the motorman who had claimed the car, "g ahead, very easy." Then, turning to the dis consolately profane driver of the horse, he said, "Ge up and take hold of the reina'' The car ran forward until the fender reached the tailboard of the wagon. N said the self appointed master of ceremonies to his fellow motorman, "start up as fast as you durn please, and don't stop until you get to the bridge." The car started. Th wagon started. The horse the shafts simply had to start slid and shoved back foi a few inches and then bioke into a help less gallop. The car came banging along behind, giving the horse no chance to change his and balk again Th spectators cheered ,Th ingenious mo torman looked the assembly over with a sneer. S a he said. "Say Some people are dead slow, 9 N York Su THE MODERN ENGLISHMAN. An Inciden W Aptl Illustrate His a To illustrate the deliberateness of the modern Englishman let me tell of a hat which blew off a mechanic's head on the top of a bns crossing Albert bridge. A stiff breeze blew the Thames, and the hat was whirled against the side of the bridge and then went spinning down the footway the opposite di rection from that which the omnibus pursued. I a said the mechanic, reaching over and touching the driver on the shoulder, "m 'at's blowed off." The duve fidgeted a moment at this sudden interruption, then took a tight er grasp of the reins and clacked to the horses to quicken their pace. Th hat and the vehicle spun along in opposite ways ''I say, ''river," said the mechan ic, "m 'at's blowed off Th driver fidgeted again, but now his mind grasp ed the situation, though most unwill ingly "It 'as, 'as he said, turning to the man "Well, then, that'll teach you to buy 'ats to fit your 'ead. I 'ad a 'ole lot ot 'ats blow off before I made up me to get 'em to fit me 'ead. After that I 'ad no more trouble." The hat was still bowling along and as now at the farther end of the bridge. Th mechanic looked at it dully. I was in a fever of gratuitous impatience for the bus to stop or for the man to climb down. Th driver turned back to his work and clucked to his horses, who quickened their gait. Just then a vagrant stopped the flight of the hat and ran and caught the bn and got a penny for his pains. So every one was happy, even L—Julia Ralph in Harper's Magazine. Payn' Fearfu "Writing. James Payn's chirography is some thing fearful to contemplate. I is sim ply execrable. Th Academy tells a nice story about Payn' "bewildering hand writing.' Miss Jane Barlow sent a poem as a first contribution to Th Cornhill when Pay was its editor. Think of the lady receiving a brief line which she interpreted as follows: I have no use for silly verses." Of course Miss Barlow indulged in lopious tears. There never as such an ill mannered snub. Then she com menced to study the scrawl. N came a gleam of light, for she dimly made out what it really was, I hope to use your pretty verses." Alas, when you are, as a poet, "de clined with thanks," there is today no possibility of error, forth fatal missive is always typewritten. in in a "Whil woman may have her face on the dollar." said the cornfed philoso pher, looking thoughtfully at the coin, "yet, to tell the truth, she is more apt to have her eye on the 88 cents."—In dianapolis Journal. The depth of water affects the speed of steamers very considerably, the ves sels moving more slowly in shallow than in deep water. About one German woman 27 works in a factory. in every SoatC of he at he Inter esting I on Presents^ "There are lot* of mysterious things about the phonograph that puzzle even those are most familiar with their mechanism, remarked a gentleman who has had long experience in the talking machine business. "A a mat ter of fact, no scientist has ever been able to explain exactly the thing talks. They say a 'duplicate vibration' is set up but when you pin them down they all are obliged to admit that they don't know the operation of the transmitter should produce any such result. Then, again, the difficulty in re cording certain tones has always been a puzzle. "The most improved form of the ma chine has, as you know, an extremely large cylinder, nearly four times the size of the ordinary one, and for some unknown reason it very materially in creases the volume of sound. I would seem, then, to be a logical inference that the bigger the cylinder the louder the tone, and, proceeding on that theory, a very bright young electrician of this city started the other day to build an instrument that as really gigantic. "H put it together without much trouble and made an experimental cyl inder nearly a foot in diameter. I was present when it was tested. Every part of the machine worked perfectly, and a beautifully engraved record was secur ed, but when the transmitter was at tached we were astonished to find that the sound was barely audible. A near ly as we could figure it out the tone was magnified up to a certain point by making the cylinder larger, but beyond that the process was reversed, and it was progressively diminished. Queer, wasn't it ?"—Ne Orleans Times-Dem ocrat. THE FRENCH MENAGE. Complain Tha It I Not he Model Affair Claime or It. A English writer has evidently suffered inveighs rather severely against the long extolled thrift of the French housekeeper, which, if it be thrift, is, according to his notion, pernicious economy. considers the meager messes served and reserved until the last scrap is consumed which make the course dinner of the French people most unsatisfactory and far from ap petizing "I has been said,'' he quotes, "that a French housekeeper will serve a grilled chicken foot, making it a sub stantial course." This he denies—not the service, but the substantial part of it A to the soup of the provincial French home, he asserts it is not a thing to be described by the uninitiated, and it is certainly not meant for a deli cate palate. It tastes like hot water in which quantities of cabbage have been boiled "Then, he goes on to affirm, "the only dish of meat will often con sist of that which has been used in the making of the soup This testimony is borne out by Amer ican travelers, who get very tired of soup meat as a dinner dish. Fo the flavoring and finishing of a dish the French are doubtless unsurpassed, but the allegation that the sauce is made more important than the substantial and that the garnishing takes prece dence over the dish it surrounds is not without considerable foundation. Th well known story of the French cook who wo a wager by serving a boot heel scraped and stewed and simmered and finally served with an entrancing sauce is a good illustration of much French cooking. Census Talking: In China. In china census methods are simple They don't have much trouble to take a census there Whe the time for mak ing a count of the families and their individual members comes aiound, the head of each house is compelled by law to write on a slip of paper the number of individuals living with him and the name of each person Th authorities lay particular stress upon correct spell ing, and there is a severe penalty at tached to any misrepresentation either as to the number of persons or their names. This obviates in the beginning the wrestling with unpronounceable names, which helps to make life inter esting for the American census taker, and reduces the enumeration of the population of a Chinese city to a very simple process. Sensitiv Clocks. A Lewiston (Me.) merchant has in his store an old fashioned clock which is peculiarly sensitive. I sometimes stops, and if any one steps into the store or goes by it will start again, and if a horse steps on a certain spot in the street it will start. A an happened to notice it and had one like it himself said that his would not run after he had started his furnace in the fall. In the spring, after he ceased to keep a fire, it would run all right. Great Lover of W a The Siamese are more devoted to the water than any other nation in the world. They are nearly always bath ing, generally with their clothes on, and they never go anywhere by land if they can possibly go by water. Th streets of Bangkok are like those of Venice, and the inhabitants say that their idea of paradise would be a town with canals where there were currents in both directions, so that they might be spared the effort of rowing. Not a Sharks In his book on Australia, Richard Se mon declares that the prevailing ideas of danger from sharks are greatly exag gerated. Individual sharks may possi bly, he thinks, develop cannibal tastes, but such are exceptions, rarer than man eating tigers and crocodiles. Th divers and fishermen in the Torres strait, where big sharks abound, do not show the least fear of them.» f)aa HIl the Latest Improvements^ Popular Because or Merit. Most Durable type writer Made* Premier Buyers do Not Experiment. W it for JNew I Catalogue free. DON'T SACRIFICE ACCIDENT BENEFITS. 'Improvement the Order of the** •**. Ho*.** in^-a is. Zbc Smith premier Typewriter Co* Syracuse, J*. a 8. H. ST, PAUL BRANCH OFFICE. NO. 136 E 6TH ST. Future Comfort for present seeming Economy, but BUT the Sewing Machine with an established reputation that guarantees you long and satisfactory service: Protect Yourselves JSLWHITE. ITS BEAUTIFULLY FIGURED WOODWORK, DURABLE CONSTRUCTION, FINE MECHANICAL ADJUSTMENT, coupled with the Finest Se off Steel Attach ments, makes it the MOST DESIRABLE MACHINE IN THE MARKET. Dealers Wanted where we are net represented. Send for our beautiful half-tone catalogue. CLEVELAND, OHIO. White Sewing Machine Co., a ISfacm- I a a Agains Fire, Hail Tornadoes Acciden and a by insuring with the best companies W write Policies on nearly all classes of goods. a E a a sold a a tiated a ii so INSURE WITH THE FRANKLIN BENEFIT ASSOCIATION, OF DULUTH, fllNN. Commenced business July 31st, 1895. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS E. R. Brace, (real estate fc loans) Trio Cummings (Manager M'no, Packing & Prov Co) Chas \V Jbricson, (Merchant) A II. W Eckstein, (Kealestate, r,oan« & Insurance) Hon Jno A Keves, (Attornevat Law Dr I* rank Lynam (Physician & Surjjeon S Auneke (A Fitger & Co Brewer*) P. Kraemer (P. Kraemer&Co) W D, Williams (Lumber dealei Gasper [Grocer December 81 1895, May 1st. 18%, Docember 31st, 1896, May 1st, 1897, Claims due and unpaid, POPULAR AND PROGKE8bI\ E Membership 389 869 2435 2863 OUR "ORDINARY COMBINATION" POLICY. (PAYIJSG ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS INDEMNITY.) The Franklh 's "Ordinary Combination Policy" undei Table No 1, Class 1, for Bankers, Merchants, Commercial Traveleis, Lawyers, Editors, Insurance Agents, etc. COST.—$20 it paid annually in advance, oi $ 5 50 quaiteily, and Life Mem bcrship $ 5 (payable but once BENEFITS $5,000 Death fiom accident. 5,000 Loss of hand and foot. 5,000 Lots of both hands. 5,000 Loss of both feet. 5,000 Loss of both eyes. 2,500 Permanent total disability. 2,500 Loss of either foot. 2,500 Loss of right hand. 1,250 Loss of left hand. 625 Loss of one eye. 25 Weekly indemnity (accident) SPECIAL E A E S O THI S POLICY. It gives full benefits for accidental injuries sustained while discharging the ordinary duties of a gentleman about nig house or grounds, or while engaged foi pleasure or recreation in amateur bicycling, yachting, fishing and gunning. It pays a weekly sick indemnity of $1 0 per week in case of sickneas for a period of 26 consecutive weeks. After the policy has been force for 9 0 days It provides for a Funeral Benefit of $100 after 6 months membership. It provides for a Funeral Benefit of $150 after 2 years membership. It provides for a Funeral Benefit of $200 after 3 years membership. OUR POLICIES Cover iniuries by accident (such as dislocations, sprains, broken bones, ruptured tendons bruises, cuts, gunshot wounds, burns, bicycle accidents, scalds, kicks and bites of animals, drowning, lightning, as well as accidents of travel by land or sea, causing death or disability. Are a model of equity and brevity and are free from technicalities. They are n&t forfeited by reason of a temporary change of occupation. 3 S PFAENDER. SICK BENEFITS President ice President Treasurer. Secretary Counsel Claims paid. $ 154.02 1745 55 5126 85 6525 82 teinpoiary total disability no exceeding 52 consecutive weeks 10 Weekly indemnity (sick) not ex ceeding 26 consecutive weeks. 100 Funeral benefit after 6 months membership. 150 Funeral benefit after 2 years membership. 200 Funeral benefit after 3 yeart membeiship. They guarantee greater benefits at as low a cost as offered by any other acci- dent company. They contain few restrictions and no unnecessary conditions. The limits of travel embrace the entire civilized world. There are no restrictions as to getting on or off moving passenger conveyances. A E N S W A N E Good reliable agents wanted in every city, town and connty in the State at Bfinnesota, Fo turther information address the Franklin Benefit Association. 4" -T $t