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New Ulm review. (New Ulm, Brown County, Minn.) 1892-1961, December 10, 1913, Image 5

Image and text provided by Minnesota Historical Society; Saint Paul, MN

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn89081128/1913-12-10/ed-2/seq-5/

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Reliable Drug Store-
It would be difficult indeed to select a
more versatile gifo than an
Edison Phonograph
It will sing it will play all kinds of insfcrumsnts it will laugh and make
you laugh it will set the young people danciug it will comfort the aged with
its grand old hymns beautifully sung it will reproduce some of the best parts
of grand opera and comic opera.
It is one of the gifts that deserve to be classed as unselfish, for while the
recipient can enjoy it alone, sharing it with others only increases his own
onjoyment. Always ready, always willing it is a royal entertainer in any
home and soon becomes a favorite with all the household, because it will
adjust itself to each ones likes.
See the New Concealed Horn Phonographs $30-45-60-80
marks tbe attainment of an ideal by a
man whose ideals are many years in ad
vance of tbe age io which he lives.
Mr. Edison invented tbe phonograph.
It was in 1877. Qae year later he invent
ed and patented the first DISC phono
graph. This information may come as a
surprise to many, for not uatil now has
the great master permitted a disc phono
graph to be offered to the public in bis,
name. The new Edison Disc Phonograph
duce sound
iS therefore, represents tbe culmination of'A jl THl•'"
c,^-S5 vears of endeavor, to: pecfectl^^pco'^^ff'X'j&f .,.'
Any talking machine can reproduce the fundamental tone of the original music, but the proper
reproduction of all the overtones, or tone colors, is quite another matter. An instrument which
cannot reproduce tbe overtones cannot truly reproduce music, for tbe beauty of music is in its
overtones, or tone colors. Their reproduction is perfectly achieved by the Edison Disc Phonograph.
Something like two thousand, three hundred different kinds of reproducers, recorders and dia
phratns were experimented with and ejected before Mr. Edison found the secret of true tone repro
duction. In the reproducer of the Edison Disc Pnonograh is the raalizitioo of his ideal. TU9 re
producer point, being a genuine diamond, specially selected for this purpose, h'gbiy polished to a
perfect surface and a perfect fit under the microscope, and skilfully mounted, neither wears tbe
record nor is worn itself. Tbe result is tbat the playing of an Edison Disc requires no changing of
oeedles, and the disc itself remains unimpaired, however often it is played. Together these parti
culars insure the life of the record and the always faithful reproduction of it. Surely here are
ideals not yet realized in any other disc machines.
We might continue to mention tbe distinctive features of the Edison Disc Phonograph but
mechanical details seem strangely out of place in describing this wonderful instrument we leave
them for your inspection.
Not long ago a certain musician of note, after listening to the new Edison Phonograph, ex
claimed: ««You do not know what you have. You call it the greatest phonograph in the world.
Yes, it is that but it is more: it is the greatest musical instrument in the world. It means more to
music than anything that has ever happened before."
Hear the Edison Hear It! Then Decide.
That is the inventor's invitation. His own words are:
"Let The Public Hear and Decide"
Please call at our EDISON PARLORS then HEAR and DECIDE—Place
your Order at once so you will be sure of enjoying a Real Edison Christmas
There can only be ONE BEST and knowing that The EDISON is this we
have no fear in making comparisons or in placing1 it aside of any other make.
For further information
N Call at Our
New Uim, Minn.
-.'that may keep you from
enjoying your turkey and
plura pudding on Christ
mas day may occur if you
start on a journey with
out being" sure that your
running" gear, batteries,
magnetos, etc. are in good
working order. You will
have cause togive thanks
for a good drive when
'Wbuv Auto has been over
bed at
Mueller & Aab erected an addition
to their Garage o»n North Broadway
last summer io order to bo in
shape to handle their large business
in auto repairing, Tbe addition is a
solid brick building 50x81 and 12 feet
high. The cement floor will be put in
next spring. It is built with stee
trusses supporting tbe roof and is
practically fireproof, the doors being
sheeted. There are three entrances
which makes it very convenient to
reach. John Gronau and George
Reiser did the worlc at an approximate
cost of $3500.
Residence of Christ Bartl
f\P \XmT*!^" *s
M. E. Schuster has fitted up for
himself at 30S No. Minnesota Street
a very fine new paint shop with an
office and in the rear a room with
all modern conveniences for the re
finishing and other similar work.
Mr. Schuster has never felt hereto
fore that he could do this work suc
cessfully because he could not be
sure that he would be safe in guar
anteeing his work to a lack of facili
ties to do it as it must be done. Now,
however, with a cement room with
water to keep the dust out and a
heating plant to insure even temper
ature while the work is drying he is
ready for any and all comers who
need his services.
Mr. Schuster was formerly located
a block farther north on one of the
side streets and his new location will
be much better for him. The im
provements made on the building cost
$2,500. It is a brick veneered struc
ture with large windows in front. It
measures 24xG0 and is one story high.
The front portion of the building is
devoted to office purposes and here is
kept a full supply of everything
needed in the finishing and decorat
ing line. He employs a number of
workmen to do painting and paper
hanging and has a large stock of
such goods. He has been engaged in
the business sin«e 190S.
Herman Langmack and Weilandt &
Stegemann were employed to make
the repairs. They were just recently
completed and tlie business removed
from the old shop.
am now ready to paint that
car of yours and I can abso
lutely guarantee the job be
cause I have had a fine hew
room fitted up forjust that kind
W V/J. xv» do is perfect. Bring your ear in and have it made
ready for the next season.
Miiii JII li 111
Residence of An old Cordes
Christ Bartl. a well-to-do farmer
of Lafayette, has built a fine, solid
brick, two-story house at 525 North
Minnesota St., facing east Then
are 8 rooms and the house is finished
with a large cement porch with brick
trimmings. The cost was betweea
$3,500 and $4,000. Mason, Reiser
and the carpenter work was done by
Rudolph Borchert Gulden & Hip
pert had the contract for the plumb
One of the houses' which was fin
ished earlier in the season is that of
Arnold Cordes. which is on Frank
lin, at the corner of First North,
facing east. It is of solid brick, of
the red pressed variety, with dark
trimmings. The house is very at
tractive and cost 3,500 to build. The
work was done by Puhlmann and Mr.
Cordes. Emmerich did the plumbing.
Wm. J. Winkelmann spent $1,000
in remodelling the building at the
corner of Center and Minnesota when
George Gastler was compelled to seek
a new place of business by the sale
of the building he occupied to City
Clerk Meyer when the latter decided
to return to his former line of en
deavor. Mr. Winkelmann stopped at
nothing to provide convenient and
commodious quarters for his prospec
tive tenant. He had the entire place
redocorated and painted, inside and
out. Modern plumbing was installed
and a sky light over the stairway put
in. The triumph of the whole job,
however, is the immense north sky
light which is 19 feet high and 14
feet wide. Four new floors were laid
in the building and the business
place of Smasal & Oswald was re
decorated, also. The work, was done
by Weilandt & Stegemann, Keute &
Co., Schiemann & Durbahn and Chas.
Emmerich. A detailed description of
the Gastler Studio was given in the
Review columns very recently and
elsewhere in this issue will be found
a cut showing the Light Room where
practically all the work was done to
prepase the photos for this Building
Edition of the Review.
When the Mitzner building burn
ed down, Jioy L. Berg was making
preparations to move into the Puhl
mann building, which had been oc
cupied by the Larson Garage at the
corner of 1st South St. and Minneso
ta. The fire merely hastened mat
ters and gave Mr. Berg a fine new
place. Before he moved in, consid
erable improvements were put on the
interior, the walls being redecorated
in blue, and the plate glass window
was restored. Mr. Berg now has a
floor space of 3500 square feet, be
sides the full basement, which he
uses for storage purposes. He has
increased his stock to $4000.00 worth
and as he competes with catalog
houses as to price he is doing a thriv
ing business all the time. He also
conducts an exchange by taking in
second hand furniture for new.
Mr. Berg is a Northfield young
man who came to New Ulm almost
three years ago and inaugurated the
second-hand store business. He has
done very well and is recognized as
a hustler.
heated and dust proof so tbat the work I
306 No. Minn. Str.
:4 f,

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