OCR Interpretation

The Caledonian-record. [volume] (St. Johnsbury, Vt.) 1920-current, July 08, 1922, LATEST EDITION, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of Vermont

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn90005351/1922-07-08/ed-1/seq-5/

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numor m
Yes indeed for it is absolutely trae!
True & Blanchard Company, Inc.
And for what has this service been established, you ask.
For exactly what the name implies, we reply.
For the saving of wives ! ' f
True & Blanchard Co., Inc.
Smartly Styled Suits
Our garments are advanced mod
el, and vili serve stylishly
throughout the next season.
New Line of the Famous Paul Jones Middy and
Bloomers at Sale Prices
Children's Dresses from $1.00 to $2.50
Voiles and Ginghams, wonderful assortment. $3.00 value $2.-r0;
$5.00 value ?4.()0; $7.'J5 value $5.95; $15.00 value $12.50; $17.50
value $15.00.
Silks, Crepe de Chine, Taffetà, Creponge, $27.50 value $21.50;
$32.50 at $25.00; $19.00 at $15.00; $22.50 at $1C50; $27.50 at
Big Reductions on ali Skirt Prices
An interesting group of summer fabrics, priced for cjuick dis
posai. Muslin and Knit Underwear going at sale prices
Low Pomestic Prices- are Again Lowered.
Havo been redueed to
low levels. and they
have now reached the
point where you can
buy the one you want
ed for best, at a cost
that makes them ec
onomieal for every day
wear. We have them
from $1.05 to $12.00.
RAG RUGS 24x18 inehes, going at
27x5 1 $1.50 and $1.95
AXMINSTER RUGS 27x54. Selling at $2.95
CONGOLEUM RUGS in ali sizes and pattern-.
Cheap as dirti
Special prices on Uose, $2.50 for
$1.50; $2.00 for $1.50. Sport Uose
50c and 75c.
black and Navy Silk Gloves, 50e. KII)
GLOVES, sale priee $1.50, regular price
ig Keduction in
Muslin Underwear
NIGHT ROBES, stamped lo embroider,
were 85c. Sale price C9c
A Beautiful Line of
Esmond Blankets
Suitablc for home or the coni nights at
camp. Indian colors, S4.95
PLAY SUITS $1.25 and 81.50
12 l-2c, 19c and 21c
PERCALES must pò at 17c, 19c and 25c.
Clasfy hangings, for home or cottage, one,
two and three pair lots to dose at redueed
prices. Special value in Scrini 15c per
yard, better grades at 25c, 29c and up to
50c per yard. Cretonnes, 21c, 25c, 35c, 45c,
and up to 95c.
That take to the water like a
There is an inestimable amount of enjoy
mcnt added to your ;wim in kjiowii.g that
rur costume ali Unii it .-heiild he. That
is the only kind of suit to own and what's
More, the only kind V2 curry.
The cyclone of refreshing price
reductions makes this store the
coolest place in town. We curry
correct wear for every hour of
Iho long summer day.
Sale Starts Wednesday, July 12
"FRUIT.A.TlVESw.The Famout Fruit
Medicine Compietela Rettored Him
The greatet value giving time of the season starts in our store July 12, with plentiful varie
ties and savings that must be taken into account by the economical buyer. On the above men
tioned date we aie going to begin to clear house and a real clearing we will have, with prices
cut in accordance with our poliey of immediate disposai regardles.-- of sacrifice. Brierìy, it is a
clearance event oft'eiing super-advantages, and it is your opportunity. The savings you eiieet
depend upon the amount of your purchases.
Drastic Mark-Down in Womens Dresses
We are to shave our prices to cloce that profits will disappear.
Our dresses range from $0.75 to $47.50 and not a cent of profit.
We have them for $1:3.75, $15.75, $10.50, $21.00, $23.75, $20.50
and up.
Scores of Summer's Prettiest Millinery at
Clearance Prices
Take a look at the prices and then investigate. If you don't
you are going to miss an opportunity that you may later re
gret. Just to givo you an idea oi our cut listcn to this: Form
eri v sold for $17.50, for our i-ale $8.50; $14.75 at $7.50; $12.50
at $(5.50; $12.00 at $0.00; S'J.'H) at $4.50; $7.50 at $3.95.
Colored Silk Sport Hats, $3.95, selling at $1.75. Sailors with
georgette bands, $4.75 value to sell for $2.75.
The Season's Blouse Favorites
at a fraction of their true worth. The sanie price reduction
features our Silk and Wash Skirts. Low prices and attractive
styles combine to make our sale of skirts exceptionally interest
ing. WAISTS $1.95 to $2.95 in Voiles. $3.50 PIMITIES now
$2.50. KIMONOS, good varietv, $0.50 value at SI. 00; $5.00
value at $3.75; $4.00 value $2.25.
"1 was run down in bealth and
tcrribly nervous. My back was weak j
my head ached every day, and I
could hardly stand on my feet
A friend advised me to try "Fruit-a-tives".
I had used other advertisod
remedies, but I finally got a box of
"Fruit-a-tives" and they helped me.
I am stili taking them aud impro
viug ali the time, and will not be
without them again.
As soon as I can do so, I will
answer ali inquiries as to the abova
Statement will gladly do so".
"Fruit-atives" or "Fruit Laxo
Tablets" are made by a special procest
from fruit juices, and are a marvelloua
tynic, unequalled for invigorating
and rebuilding the run-down system.
50c a bo?, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25c.
At dealers or from FRUIT-A-TIVES
Limited, OGDEXSliURG, X.Y.
Sister Angela, who is better re
membeied as Miss Ethel Scott,
and a well known teacher of music
is now located in Sherbrooke as a
member of the order of the Holy
Name she has just had the honor
of one of her piipils beintf awarded
the irize of a joiii medal in a con
test which embraced the whole
Province of Quebec for the best
woi-k in music. Sister Angela has
been teachinji advanced pupils in
Sherbrooke durine the last two
L. Hendy who has been employ
ed in his biother's store on Coven
trv Street has leased the poolroom
in" the Lindsav block from Fred
Ponton and has already taken ios
session. Mr. and Mrs. Cash Remick and
dauH'hter of Harnston, V .Q. called
on friends in town yesterday.
Miss Jeanette Morrill returns
today to St. Joscph's hospital in
Nashua after the weeks' vaca
tion. Miss Winsome Joneò mtei-taincd
a few friends at dinner Thursday
evening in honor of Earl Lewis'
Scott Gilchrist .-l)ent the holi
days in Providence, and his aunt,
Mrs. William Adams returned with
Mrs. Frank L. Holmes of Green
wich and Miss Myra S. Otis of
Kingston, N. Y., are guests of Mr.
and Mrs. R. W. Spear.
H. Barry of Providence was the
guest of Dr. II. F. Hamilton on
Mrs. Addie Brock for five years
prineipal of the South school, has
asked to bo releaed from her con
tract and has accepted a position
in the Springfield Junior High
school at an increase of several
hundred dollars in salary. Friends
and pupiìs of the South school will
regret her decision for themselves
as she has taken a more than ordi
nary interest in her work and the
future development of those who
carne under her influence.
Mrs. Harry Hunter and daugh
ter Thelma of Melrose Highlands
are visiting old friends in the city.
Miss Lucy Dane of Allston,
Mass., is at Camp Vermont with
her sster, Mrs. O. S. Dane.
Mrs. Stanley Judd and two child
ren of Beilows Falls are visiting
Mrs. Judd's mother, Mrs. O. S.
Miss M. R. Wheeler of Provi
dence, R. I., is spending a few days
with Miss Eva Leach.
Mrs. U. G. Libby of Ayer's Cliff
and Mrs. W. Wilson of Sherbrooke
have been the guests of Miss May
Mrs. John Sheldon has returned
fi o two weeks visit to her daughter
Mrs. Hoel Searles in Springfield,
Mass. Mrs. Searles and little
daughter Mrs. Hoel Searles in
Springfield, Mass. Mrs. Searles
and little daughter accompanied
her home.
u nir iti a lliiND BRANI.
l'Illa in lA aed old mrtallic
Tate no otbr. Buy of 7.oaLT
Prucct't. Ask lr ìii-t Jir.rw r.u n
JHAÌiOM ItllAhW riLl.H, for 116
veats known oc Best.Uafest. Alyn Relit-lr
Newporters Win 7-3 ,
From Sherbrooke
(Cotniued from Pace 1J
Chartier, Sherbrookc's heavy hit
ting l'ight fielder, drove out a three
base hit With only one man out,
it lookivl Jike scoring possibilitieì
for a few minutes. But that was
one of the tinn-s Ihnt Polli was on
the job. Savage, Tiext man at bat,
was struck out and then I.andry
popped a fly into Kastings mit
thereby blighting Chaitier's hopes.
In the fifth Fenton and Char
tier each scored a run mainly be
cause of a couple of errors which
may or mav not have been the
result of tìie high wind. W'hen
Newport carne up to the bat Fin
nigan, Polli and Laird werc ali
roosting on bases at just the lime
Power swung out a mighty three
sack bingle, and after thai the
score was permanently in New
port's favor.
Four Newport mn makers cross
cd home in the sixth. It was not
a pai ticularly diflTicult ihing to do
with five good clcan hits and
Browne's sacj-ifiee fiy to help
them along. This was the inning
that Polli caught the ball right
siuarely on the fat end of bis bat
with surh a tremendous wallop
that the bat broke in two and the
fat end ftew after the ball half
way to third base. One surely is
allowed to indulge in a "what
might have been" at the time
when a bat is broken and venture
the o)inion that n good strong hil
in those good strong artns would
easily have sent out a three bag
ger, and possi hly a home run.
The remainder of the game
passed without eilher side making
any very dangerous threats. tIn
justice to Sherbrooke it may be
be said that the injury to her
catcher and his retirement iiob
ably weakened her team some
what, but it is difficult to see how
the game could have ended in any
other way under any eonditions.
1 he summary:
LS !
Special Offer
Hed and blue rub
iter with Scotch
pltiid linins ali
I ofTer this hand
Bome Kaincape which
retai Is al $.1.25, to
any ppnson who will
acnd the Name and
Addresa of 3 of their
friends for the aa
tonishing price of
t 1.63.
Money Refunded if
not Batisfactory
fìive ape of chili.
Send money order.
Lyndonville, VI.
Chartier, if
Savage, ss
l.andrv. c
Reed, "lf
Kcnniiin fi!
Cianai. .'!b
A. Jcnkins, 2b
R. Jenkins, 1 b
Gibeon, cf
Fenton, p
Biowne, rf
Laird, ss
Bowei-, 2b
Eastburn, lf
Hastings, cf
Nicora, lb
Vanotti, c
Finnigan, Gb
Polli, p
, c
r bh po
1 1 1
Il 0
0 12
24 1
1 1
2 2
2 1
Il II 0
2 0
2 1
0 I)
The score
11 0
3 7 11 2
1 2 4 5 0 7 8 9
Sherbrooke n li O II 2 1 II 0 0..
Newport 0 O (I II :j 4 0 0 x 7
ThKc base hits, Chartier. Pow
er. Sacrifico hits. Brown, Power.
First on balls, otr Fenton. 3; off
Polli, 1. Struck out by Fenton .'1;
by Polli 5. Doublé plays, Fenton
to I.andry to R. Jenkins; Savage
to A. Jenkins to R. Jenkins. Time
of game 2 hours.
Mrs. Bianche Hall and Miss
Leonetto Labbe are taking two
weeks vacation from their work in
F. D. Fiint's store beginning
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thra.-her of
Fitchburg are visiting friends in
Mrs. Sarah II. Baldwin of Fargo,
Catarrhal Condii ions
Catarrh is a locai disease greatly
influenced by constitutional eon
ditions. It therefore requires cons
titutional treatment. HALL'S
internally and acts throush the
Blood upon the Mueous Surfaco
of the Svstem. HALL'S CAT
ARRH MEDICINE gives the pati
ent strength bv improving the gen
eral health and assists Nature in
doing its work.
Ali Druggists. Circulars free.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo,
Ohio. Advcrtiscment.
You know what to have for
Saturday Night Suppt-r
Baked Beans
Brown Bread
Tel. 213-3
Newport Vermont
Eugene O'IJrien in
"Chivalrous Charley"
Blister Kcaton in
"The Playhouse"
Coming July 11-12
Priscilla Dean in
"Wild Honey"
N. D.. is the guest of her cousin,
Mis. H. G Bianchirci.
Mr. and Mrs. William Pike of
Derby Line called on frienos in
town yeterday.
Mrs'. Léonard B'ainerd and
children of Chester, Mass., are
spending several days with rela
tivos in this vicinity.
Miss Esther Young is visiting in
Misses Dorothy and Beatrice
Judd of Norwich and Miss Irma
Reid of South Ryegate have beeii
visiting their aunt, Mrs. Addie
Miss May Young of Malden,
Mass., is visiting relatives in the
Mrs. James McDonald of Gi'an
hy, P. Q., is visiting her grand
daughter Ms. Emery Wilkie on
her way to Boston and Mrs. N. M.
Grant and little son are also the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilkie.
Miss Harriet Mason, Mrs. Hattie
Pearl and Léonard Peaii of John
son motored to Newport Friday
and are guests of Mr. and Mrs. F.
D. Flint over night.
Mrs. Montgomery and Mrs.
Beach who have been several
weeks with Mr. and Mrs. John
Burgess have returned to oBach
burg, Ont. Mrs. Burgess accom
panying them.
William Price of W'arehouse
Point, Conn., is visiting his daugh
ter, Miss Dorthy Price.
Mrs. Harry Phillips mot with a
se rious accident Thursday. She
.-lipped and foli injuring her side,
and is cenÌ2?d in bei in conse
(Uence. Mr. and Mrs. George Whipple
and Mrs. Lydia Alien of Lyndon
ville were in town this wee!;.
Ed Bickford of Waltham. Mass.,
is visiting at the home of his son,
Howard Bickford.
The Grange plav "Farm Flks,"
was very success fully presented to
a full house Friday night.
The household goods of the late
Mrs. Alma Martin were sold at
public auction Saturday afternoon.
Rev. and Mrs. John Kimball
and there three daughters have
returned from a ten days vacation
snent at Bailey Island, Casco Bay
Rev. and Mrs. George F. Fortiei"
and daughter Mildred of Morris
vdle. Rev. Charles R. Tennev D.
D. of Southbridge, Mass, Richard
Billings Woodstock ami Rev.
Frank O. Hall D. D. of Boston
werp in Glover Sunday for the
snecial service held in Institute
Mrs. Haz(l Cook of Boston is nt
the home of her father, H. H.
Mrs. Lesbo Clark is entertain
ing her sister, Miss Shirley Davis
of Oovnith.
Clyde Jackman was home from
Burnet to ncnd the 4th of July.
Marquis Cobb is home from the
Militai'y College at Lexington, Vir
ginia for the summer vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. Bartlett of Man
chester, N. H. are visiting Mr. and
Mi George Anderson.
R. A. C. McNally and familv of
Montreal have leased Dew Drop
Inn from F. D. Flint and are to
spend the summer.
Cari Hinman and family are
camping at Lindsav Beach..
Mrs. Garth Batchelder of Brain
tree is a guest at Allendale. Other
recent guests have been Miss Ma
bel Robinson of Montreal, and Mr.
and Mrs. F. B. Semidei-, Mss Scud
der of Bristol. Conn., their guest
Miss Harriett Thompson of
For Infante and Children
Always beare 7
Signature of
X-Ray 8emce
Complete Gas and Oxygen cjnlp-
ment for painless deriistry.
Office hours: 8.30 to 12, 1.80 t 4
Tel. 278- Gilman's Block
Snccessor to HOWE STOWU
Tel. 175 T ofs Block
jtest Ftyins, buttons corerH t
rder. Mail orders filled rroneptly
Misses Tradeau tt Wheeler
11 1-3 Mairi Srept Tri. JIR-1
li F. & IL L. Jackman
Undertakers and Embalmers.
Furniture, Rugs, China.
R. E. JEWELL, Manager
1021 East Main St. Tel. 34G-2
Careful and considerate service.
Orange, N. J., Miss Anita Skelton
of Sag Harbor, Me., who are to
spend the month of July as usuai
on their island home, Minnow
Island, or as their fnends cesig-
Bostoti aie in cir.np at Maple
Miss Giace Williams of Aubui'n
dale, Mass., and Mrs.' M. F. Pen
nate it the "Island of Knchant- S0T1 of Orleans were recent guests
of Dr. and Mrs. S. W. F. Hamil
ton rt Buiteicup Lodge.
I)r .and Mrs. Jack and family of
Proposals of Amendment te
the Constitution of Vermonf
MaUcr ìd limi ics i irw; matirr in brarkn ti old, tm ko niilietl
Relating lo Suffrate
Resoì.-1 by the Senate (two lliirds of ihe members tlicreof corrnirrinl
therein) tl.at the following amcndinent to thy Constitution of tilt State
Vermont be and is hen-bv propost-d to t li e lloue of Rciiresetitative, iuuii"ly:
That section 34 of (Jliapter 11 of the Constitution be uniemlcd so to re
as lollows
"Ecry mani nernnn of the full ap of twentv-one years, who is a natiti'
born citizen of this or ionie one of the l i.ited Slatta , or has iieen nutarulut
agreeably to the Aci of Gmuress, liaving residrd in this State ter the fpace
one vthole year nexl before the cleetion of reprcst'iitties. anJ who is of a ipri
and peaceable behavior, and wjJI take the followinp oath or utiirmatiNi, uh.
be entitled to ali the privileges of a ireeinan of this siate:
"You solenmly swear (or afiirnil that wheni'ver you give your vote or suffraga
touemng any matter tliat concert! the Nate of Vermont, voti will ilo it jo
in your conscirnee vou shall ii;diie will most rondtice to the best uood of
sanie, as establifciicd by the ('onstilulion, without lear or ia or of any linai
Relating to Fillinii Va'i,.mit in the House of Renresentatives.
Reolved by the funate (two third of the menibcis tliereof concorrili
therein) that the iolluwing aiiifiidiiient to the Constitution of the State
rrmont be and is herebv pioposcd to the Hou.e of Kepi esentati ve?, namely:
That sedioli 13 of Chapter II of the Conslilution be aiaeiuled so as to rcjt
as full.iws:
'"Section 13. n order that the freemen of t li i- 1 the slVn may enjoy ti
benefit of rlrrtion -.e eruully as may be, each inhabited town in this state ma
foiever hereafter, loia elections therein and erniose each one r.'j-resnntativt
represent them in ihe !Iu.e of lìcpresentatives. l'roiuìed. hmevver, thai
Cenerai Assembly xi.all liave the mer to regulu'e by ltw the
!e jf ii" ii
ali rucancies in t.ie House oj Represeutatites uhich shall heppr by cui
resignulum ur uthei :.ise.
HL-'atinc to l'roi-ccutions and Kiiilits of Accnsed.
Itesolved by t'"e Scnute llwo thirds of the members tlicreof conrurrin
therein l that the ti.ilowiiig anieiidment to the (Jonstilution oi the Siale
Vermont be ami is liix-liy propused to the House of Reiiresei'tatives, namely:
lliat artnie 11) oi Lhapter 1 ot the Constitution he fllf.-jB.icil S'i a to re;
as follone:
"Artide 10th. That in ali proseeutinns for crimimd nffenss a peisiui ha
a riglit to be heard by hiinsdl and bis c "nsel; to demanrl the cause unti nalu
of his accusatxin ; lo be confi unteti w.'a; the witnesses; to cali for cCt
in his lavor, and a seeedy public trial nv an nnpartial jurv ot the con itr
without the unanimous tonsent of whicli jury, he caimot be fomiti juiiltv
can he be compelled to givo evidence i;;ainst himsclf; nor fan anv persoti I
justly deprived oi his liberty, except by the iaws of the land, or the ititliiiut
of his peers; provider!, ncvertheless, in eliminili prosi ciitior.a inr uQenses n
punishMe bv Jeath or imprisonmrnt ir. the Mute prismi, the nccused with ti.
coment of the nrtsecuting oliicer entered oi record, mav in open court or liy
uriting signed by him and fded with the court, uuire his riplit to a jury tri
and submit tue issue of lus giult to tlw aeternunatton and jud'nunt oj tue coni
uUuiut a jury.
Relating to Amending Artide 1 of Chapter I of the Constitiitiori.
Kesolved by ibe Striate (two thinis ot the members tlicieot conrurrin
therein) that ti te fetlowing amendment to the Constitution of the Slate
Vermont be and is hnebv proposed to the House of lìepiesentatives, namely:
'l'hat article 1 ot Chapter 1 of the Constitutiou be amenued so as to rea
as lollu ws :
Artide Jst. I nat au men are liorn etraalty tree and indepenueut, an
bave certahi naturai, inherent, and unalienable righi, araonjpt which are ti
enjoying and defeuding life and liberty, actuiring, possessing, and protectii
propertv and pursui;:!; aud obtaiinng happiness and saletv; therefore no Ima
persoli born in tlùs country, or brought from over sea, ought to be holden
law, to serve any person as a 6ervanL, slave or iipprentice, after he arrives
the aee of twenty-one vears, Inor female in like manner. after she arrives to ti
age of eighteen ye.rs, unless they arci he is lumnd by ( their I lus own coi
eent, after they arrivej he arrives to such age, or boutid by law for the naymei
of debts, damages, bnes, costs, or the like.
Ogx ot the ScTry of Star
I harebv crtify that Um farveaing profMiU i anirtidmeiU la tb Ci littiliati af Verniti
va trua capie af W preiiaaal al amrndiurnt prupuEi'd Ly a twa thirds ' l uf Ilio mrnibi
af W Sanate and oaurmrd in bv a tuujm-ity af ii.jiifjiibt'ri of tba IIuuc af llrprt-Hclilativas
tbe aaiiiaa af tha Ciuad Asacaukly ha!4ea ia Ivl. mi appean by liie nlrs aod moarda ai tli
Secretary of Statm
C. A. Cramton, M. D.
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Main St., St. Johnsbury, Vt
Appointments- for examination or
glasses by letter or telephone.
Dav and Night Service.
Tel. 2G3-3. Newport, Vermont
There's A Magician Named
He presides over your savings account in
this bank. You open an account and he makes
it grow. His performance is wholly as interest
ing and much more beneficiai than taking the
rabbit out of the silk hat.
He's a world-beater!
Come in and let us teli you ali about him and
what he can do.
Orleans Trust Company
Boston & Maine
New, Second Hand and Rebuilt
For Sale and To Rent
The Hallmark Store, Nev.port, Vt.
Central St. Shoe Shop
Real Shoe Repairing. Trices low
er. It will ave you money to get
vour shoes repaired properly.
22CentralStreet, Newport, Vt.
Henry G. Blanchard
C7 Main Street
Newport - - Vermont
The People's Steam
"Service that Sntisfies"
rhone 242-n Newport
IL C. SISCO, Trop.
Permanent positions for competcnt men
whose work is satisfactory as
3!achinists, Uoilermakers, IJIacksmilhs
Shcet IMetal Workers, Coach ('arpenters
Repairmen and Plumbers 70 cents an hour
Gas Welders (Acetylene)
75 cents per hour
Car Inspectors and Carpenters
G3 cents an hour
Machinists Helpers, Hoilermaker Helpers
Ulacksmith Helpers, Electrician Helpers
Sheet Metal Worker Helpers
47 cents an hour
Apply to
II. F. WOOD, Lyndonville Vermont
To take the place of men on slrike. Office
always open

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