OCR Interpretation

The Caledonian-record. [volume] (St. Johnsbury, Vt.) 1920-current, August 11, 1922, LATEST EDITION, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of Vermont

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn90005351/1922-08-11/ed-1/seq-7/

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Thumbnail for PAGE SEVEN

l'Aliti Hi V JtiX
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Tuesday, August 29, Wednesday,
Angus t 30, Thursday, August 31
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Tuesday, Aug. 29, "Dedication Day"
There is a great surprise to you in the fine new build
ing which will he a feature of this year's fair. A new
grand stand has been raised on the site of the old one. It
is a large, substantial stmcture and will house the attrac
tions of Fiorai Hall. The new stand will seat over 2,000
people in comfort. The new stables to accommodate 50
horses are complete.
Wednesday, Aug. 30, "Race and
Exhibition Day"
One of the features of this year's fair will be the horse
ràcing. In addition to the big trotting and pacing events
will be a stable of Kentucky Thoroughbred saddle horses
which will take part in ranni ng races each day. This is a
new and thrilling feature of the fair. Then comes an ex
hibition by the world champion American Dog Team of
Arthur Waìden which won the 125-mile running classic
last winter at Berlin, N. H.
Thursday, Aug. 31, "Grange Day"
This day will be given over to the greatest gathering of
Grangers ever known in the state. The Grangers will have
entire charge of the day's cvent. There will l)e " a grand
parade of Horribles, Ilorse Races, Exhibition l)y the North
eastern Vermont Granges, exhibition by Degree teams, and
addresses by the National and State presidents of the
Grange. Grangers from far and near will make this a
special day.
f' i ili
Thisrsdav, i
Pian Your Vacation and Your Fall Excursion so as lo take in the
Admission Price Sanie As Lasf Year, SOc For The Big Show
President, HARRY H. CARR Secretary, FRED S. HARRIMAN, Summer St.
Treasurer, CHARLES G. BRALEY, Boynton Ave. Ali of St. Johnsbury
j Col. Emery of Newport
i Writes of His First
Aerial Trip
Lieut. Samuel P. Miils, a well
luiown South Kycj?ate aviator, con
tributes to the current Vermonter
a very readable article entitlerì
"Touring Vermont by Airplane"
in which he drscribos the first
aerial visit to bis home town in
the summer of l'21, a visit to
Newport and a tablo of time and
ditances to 3Mont)e!ier from the
pì'incipal towns anii eities in Ver
mont. The article has pirtures of
South ltyegate, Newport and the
University of Vermont campus
taken from his piane.
By rail it i approximately ÌO.'Ì
miles fi-om Newport to Montpelier
and it take.: four hours and 15 min
uto to make the trip. By the air
line it is 54 miles and the trip can
be made in "f! minutes. The clis
tanre by rail i'rom St. Johnsbury
to Montpejier is 5! rr.ik's and the
trip can be inade in about four
-hours. The distance by air line ìm
only 0", mile and the trip can be
marie by airplane in 22 minute:-.
I.ieut. Mills describes how he
marie his first trip from southern
New Enfiatici to Vermont anrl how
his father. a well-known Kyeate
resiiient and a member of the jury
at this terni of court, tool; the
fi'ain home from Boston. "Lieut.
Molla t and I," wi'ites the aviator,
"staited by air one anrl three
fouiths hours after the drparture
of his tr:in. By the ti me he was
slijjhtly over hall" wuv to Ryefrate
niy mother, in UypRate, receiverl a
tel(-;j;ram from me t 1 1 i n p: her of
ouv sale arrivai in Burliniton. She
stili bari two hours of anxicty won
rlcrinjj if father would arrivo safe
ly." C'omintf nearer home the writer
continues, "A new stream now lay
bolow. I looki'i! at my nnp anrl my
jud:;eni( nt told -ìp it was the Con
necticut river, but it M-emed so
sniall. It was a disappointment
similar to that I once experionced
while flyinjr over the Mississippi
for the first time. But there was
the toll bnvrdo anrl the Wells river
emptyinu: in just bolow it. Perìiaos
I was expeetant for an Amazon or
a St. Lawrence. For almost the
fir.-t time in my ìife I ci-ossed the
river without n.iyìnp- toll, circlerl
Wells River villane once, anrl hearl
rl for Blue Mountain whr re I
di'Opped down to (!00 feot ahove
the summit, while Lieut. Moffat
tihotoirraphed the granite uarries.
Then carne that wondei-ful three
mile olirle strai "ht over the crest,
and into the villane of South Rye
pite, which to mr is home. li was
iioontime, anrl ;r!l the folks, leav
inif thr ir carefully prepaied meal-i
to cool or bum, nave us a royal
welcome, while we photofrraphed
the town. Mother stoorl in the
front vani listeninp: to the roar of
the Liberty as we dipped anrl
'zoomed' wonderinR if the 'infenial
machine' container! ali the rest of
her family, or onìy her son.
"After a very pleasant visit at
Fort Ethan," continues Lieut. Mills
later in his prippina story, "Where
we received the penuine armv hos
pitality for which the Post is not
ori, we starter! for Newport, about
05 miles rlistant r.s the crow flies,
anrl about 100 miles 1y' rail. I re
member distinctly of two former
trips over this route, one bv rail,
durine which I iliade four ehanes
of trains, rorle about four hours
and wr.ited in lonesome snots about
liiree hours more. The oher inp
was far more thrilling than any
airplane flight under normal con
diiions coulrl be, i'or I was chatreur
for Mrs, Vi. il. Flint of Newport
when we broke the leeoni (as we
say,) makinff the trip in about two
j hours anrl thirty minute:: bv auto- j
mobile. This dav, however, our
trusty Liberty motor was destined
to carry us faster than man has j
ever traveled .betrv-een these two
points, althoug-h the trip was made!
at an altitude slihtly'hiuher than'
'Mansfield's Brow' and in a sort
oi arcpath we were over Newport
: in about 5Ì5 minutes i'rom Lake
"In order to adrl to the interest
of our trip we passeri straijht over
the crest of Jay Peak anrl then on
a long- graduai deseent approached
Newport City., The first ohject
visible was the immense sand bank
on Pine Hill. This we would see
even befoie Lake Memp'hemnpog,
due to our approach from t.he west
in the afternoon. A moment later
Newport itself rame into view anri
I gaz ed down upon the most beau
tiful town scene 1 have ever wit
nessed from the air. The business
section is locateti upon a projec.tion
of lanrl which neaily diidos the
lake proper anrl the Back Bay. The
entire scene is laici out in clear re
lief with a clean wiiite Street ap
parently cutting through the very
hoart of the town. The lake lay to
the north in a perfect cairn, its
surface ruffled cnly bv the wake of
the 'Antkiemis' as she headerl for
Magog. Vainly did we look for the
Lady, but "The Lady of the Lake"
had passeri on to Avalon. In faot,
everything was quiet sa ve for a
little group of boys on the roof of
the Yacht Club who pausod in
their diving to wave a welcome as
we glirlerl by.
"A quick rlescont over the town
with moto!' wide open, a sharp
climb and a 'wing over' or twr
were marie ere we headed for a
larger fu-ld in Coventry. In the
center of this .ìolrl stood a Ione
figure who waved his arms franti
cally anrl leaped into thr air in
f-heer delight arni who rio you
sunpose it was? Woll, it was none
other than my old St. J. A. room
mato anrl former Air Service oiri
er, Lieut. Walter C. Cleveland,
more widely known as "Grove".
Iìore again I must relate a little
personal incirlr.'nt which is interer-t-ing.
lìoi'oie our machine stopped
rolling along the fiold, after land
ing "Giove" .vas on the piane im
li'oiing me not to stop the engine,
anrl at the sanie time tearing gog
glos anrl hr lmct i'rom my passeng
er and finully taking the jjlace of
Lieut. Motl'att altogether. 'Givo
her the gun, Sani! Givo her the
gun". I heard a heavy voice about
ari i'nch I'rom my ear, ìight ear,
anrl without argument, I opened
the throttle wide ami headed for
Coventry; for "Grove" coulrl not
be donici! the honor of boing the
fir st aviator to cleave the air abovo
his native vill ige. When our little
'jazz-ride (which mentis a flight
of 'cutting-up' without visible u se
fu! results) was over, we rollerl
ayain into the field and received a
warm welcome from our old
friends anrl then proceeded to the
hospitable home of Judge Cleve
land. On the following day, the
pleasure foli to me of piloting Dr.
Harry Hamilton and Col. Curtis
S Emery on their first aerial ride.
I bejieve that they would make ex
cellent fliers t'or they apneared
perfectly at home and except for
being a bit pecvod at flying so
short a time, both enjoyed the trip
nnrl for the rii-st time roally saw
their home city."
Writing of 1 ìis trip Col. Emery
says :
"I bari always said that noth
ing coukl induce me to go up in
any kind of aircraft. I expect that
Save six of these conpons and mail or bring
them to the Caledonian-Record office with 95
cents and you will receive the latest
You Can Do It Setter With Gas
Don't build a fire, in the
range this hot
weather !
Use a Lion Gas Water Heater,
stronly constincted with rloul)le
copper coil that heats water
quickly with little gas. Easily
attached to any ordinary range
boiler. Order yours to-day and
cnjoy is this summer.
this feeling was rlue to a most u:i-!
jiii'a' .Mn soii.-.uiriii auvuys .p i -encod
when looking lovn I'rom
any consideratilo elovation, a high
ciiir, a building or a monument.
"I supposed I was wcl! ground
ed in this resolution, and I was 1111
td one day last summer when Lt.
Miil--, who was miiking a social
cali in my homo, asked me to go
up with him the next day, anrl be !
foie I bar! time to think it over,,
I said I would, and then it was voo
Into to chance my mind. I doubt
if there was anovher man living
who coulrl have temperi me.
"At the appointed bour, and
having signori the requirod release,
1 was properly clothed and with
asìistance climbed aboard the big
ship anrl away we wenl across the
field and into ihe air. The ground
ìvpirlly foli from beneath us, and
in nlmosl no limo wo were un ,",(100
feet, with the j'arms Newport anrl J
the lake belo 7. Ali r.earby lunri
w; ii-onerl out as fiat as a map.
Ali the hills had been niovod back
and a level gar.ien took the place
of what I supposed were hilly
"It wr.s w.mderful. There war,
i'bsolutely no uncomfortable feel
ing rlur to the altitude, but in its
place a feeling of almost ont'n-c se
curity in the strength anrl rlopend
ability of the, v.reat pk.ne and the
Ekill of the pilot. ,
"I do not atì w how soon I may
ivpoiit file exiieriftico
now wÌK.t l! is ' iil i-
but I hr.oyf.
nr! :t 1.- "V If
uiamrd up ili the or.e word, ii
-j ,
tu'.. . ii.. I "ritmi. !. i
111 mhSgM tòslf
1 - -j .'ì "
Does the Tea You Òsa
Come in this Package À
l f
Every daj' people the ! !;
world over are buying
tea in this flavor-o
retaining package.
Matchless quality has
given ;
Largest Saie in the World
AH Solid Leather-$5.00
And a New Fair '
If you fincì any evidence of paper in the coun-
ters, soles or hcels, you may return the shoes at;',
once and get $5.00 and a new pah. -
The McElwain Shoe company is the largestv
manufacturer of shoes in the world and hence'
can produce shoes more cheapiy man compeutors.
74 Railroad Street
S :
ri a h a
1 The E
ni i'ì 1
: in i
i-j:;vi Cm
fio,.. ia" .t
Thone No. 1GG
anywear lnl9"
andiest Gmmml
You Ever Owned
Every man has his own particular reason, for
wanting a 'TRAVERÒ' knit jackot. To you it may
he the greatest sport jacket over (leviscd for
golfing, fishing, huntint autonuhilinij, ridine; or
tennis, other men however, are convineed that
"TRAVELO" must have heen invented for the
special benefit of salesmen, tourists, vacationists,
and others who tra voi. Thousands contend that it
is the one and only jacket for office, factory or
sto re. But no mattor why you Imy one of these
all-wear, all-year parments, you can use jt for
every thinff business, recreation, travelinp or
jilain knockabouting. Better have one; ancl et
ter buy it here. In our "TRAVERÒ" dopartment
we present this originai elastic knit jacket in a
wide range of sizes, originai styles, beautiful
heathers and plain colors. Evoryone tailored of
line worsteds yarn, properly reinforcod to insù re
clasticity without sleaziness which means pcr
manent shape, fit, and long wear.

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