OCR Interpretation

The Caledonian-record. [volume] (St. Johnsbury, Vt.) 1920-current, September 06, 1922, LATEST EDITION, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of Vermont

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn90005351/1922-09-06/ed-1/seq-6/

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I 1. 1 e- thf y In !. '.
.-..tini 'u.u!,:., '.'.'... tl'.i CU: iOCÌV'
.01" li, e .i:tj)l' hu.'hiiir.v wilh !.. A.
! 1 'd-.,..r.-l-, ;.inl . Florence Itouse
il ine l :;rv Ani))!' laur;:;)- coni-
Poullry Winnet-s
ai Colini y Fair
ll.-irold i i l i 1 ' 'ì??.'', Danuile, t. j -uà- I k . I . I ? 1 ; ai'ioi-M'ic'i- enti, M r.
,1-lst; (M..Mi. , 'v'u. nini ;:.. wa.s in oha.ri-.e of the
RARRED PLYMOUTH ROCKS ' : hibii from the De Vi ne M. Cimili-lst;
L'-'ird, ?ii'.iw. ' v'm: fai-n, li. !'. Remiek freni
('co. Lìik !.-!;., Si. .lolm.-l.urv. i the Reiv.ick farm and Miss Viola
1-2n(, ..')(!. ! Lemure, Muple Giove Cnndies, Inc.
Cari II. Jone-, Lvndonvillo, 1 -li in t , j
? , , 1 lied Cross Rest Room
L.C. Dermi ict, St. .Ialiti.-. viii'v 1 t tu 1
i-"rd ,mì ! ?nd Lea gue Play ground
Louise McGiiinis, Lyndoiivillo, I First aid va.- ;ivon in ilio resi
l-'ird. .2". wmm r.-a intainod bv 1he Caledonia
A. S. W'oo
5-lst; 2-2nd ; l-:'.ri, ?7.2."
Robert J lavison, G10I011, 1-
?.:(). I
I). I). Crav. t.vndon. 1-2ncl. ft.7.".
V. li. Hall, St. Jolin.-bury, i-Ist; I baby nnp ami tor
j-2ni 1-:ir-l, 1 ether ' ;-:ior.e-eicie.:. A man kickotl
r'.i 4 1 ' w iMti'vrrr.'c Iiv u borse ;-ou;.rht first r.id at tbu
Fred -J. l'ar-ons, Concord,
x. i 1 4 f.
s 1 7
vorkers in h'taber and marhle in- P.each and Portland, wilh iitoi
I !.-wi'il'.- i.- t ii'K U-c.I la Othvr lilita l.'iiliitlefil. : il CÀi.ny II. ,-Un .
1, umbri- and niarblo plauts elosed 1 At Portland aii-pìanes v. ili be
ni account of liquidatici) and Jack l" ovided l'or vienvinj- the stj.'.ht-: of
of arder à H olisi rie: ampio." the city, a short- dinnei- will le
lische, ter "S;i;thl sbortanf of servod and the urti tip will come to
labor. One v.oodwoi kms plant a pranti iirtmt; ine nifc-tn 01 tne, un n
nvo, no t.n :u-k ot oriioi's. l ncse 1 wiui - in i. ai ini
oiit of etrplovment are mven woiK"
011 farnis. Buildirm- trades show
activity. tlonsinu' aletuaie.
U. S. Enijjloyment Bureau 1
Issues Oj)lijnistic Bui- j
ini in (in SWnnlirm i 0. A. Kìiapp Oli 01TCS
fi. tifie Iloi'-.e assoeiation. The
i. jlfl:e Vili be eiii by llóll.
William W. Slickney of Li.idlow,
presidr-iit of tlie Vermont, Histori
cil society, affi- which Ciuy Hub
bard of Viiid.soi- will reati a pajK'.r
011 "The Infhienco of Karly Wind-
l'alinloutii j sor Industries upon the Mechanic
Art''. Followin.n' the dinner these
na)eiK will be i;.ven, "Tlie Ilistory
CXERCISES AT OLD I of the Ohi Consti tu t ioti House" by
CONSTITUTION HOUSE ! Judi-e Shernian l-'varts and "Tht;
Hotel in Portland.
lOlir .li ino't rn 'mm-hiìmiIi .tì 1 1
WINDSOR. Sept. fi The Ver
mont Historital society will Vtold
.. , r a summer meetinj; at the ola Lon-
ter hall Los uutinff , slitlltion HoUHe on Mon.iay ior
SiL'ht seeinf bv airpkmes will which a most attractive program
I niiiiirtance of Windsor in 'er
riont's jlistorv Prior to the Kstab-li.-lmieint
of the Vermont Consti
tmion" by Hou. Henry S. Ward-ner.
! X'arney 'i charK'e. Tlie rest room t AìVichJ
l ! va:.! a pullular piaci
if'iied with chi'.irs far e::h:usted
.. .... C.ll- ATi.n'u nniinir iìt t.hp
in the latc-t Industria Km- ' faJM.u ut Silver
i.i'rr ; 1 11 n 1 1, 1 ,J - ..... .
SprintrM and Niarara. N. Y., Sept-
i.tiomy 'ino i t -t .,.,; illlin Imi
G. A. Knapp, the
. r'.ni).
Fred .1. Par.-on, Coiicortl, !-ll
SI. 0(1.
Robert Davidson. Croton, 2-lst;
l-2nd, SR.lKl.
A. H. 1.V.-.ICI-, Si. .Tòiin. iairv. 1-
l.-'t; l-2nd, Sl.óO.
: 1 . i. ..i ì ..
uin-tit-uiun-Q cft w-uvo nlvin nrnvir - . ' 1 eTYlher tO l'I.
- , , . .. , company s represenuiuvu ni unr,
The report emphasr.e tlu't. p;en- I tio, ,0(s to Boston September
erally in the Green Mountain Mate ? tQ ;n tho poiob,.s un) jobbers'
the buildir.p-trades are vevy active, r r.nn-lnnd on the
1 .1 : : , , . ' , , .. i with a maikd shortcìve in buildmc ,,:.,. ( hv tho
!! Cro-s toni, sii vis werc :
1 tra.'-t-id. bi .li: e ? and bites atton.i
i ; I 1o and evon asiiirin ilealt out lo
I ' l eadi'che'' aLtcmlants. The first
1 ri! ìidvois u-ei- Iis Florence
Mwc- Mi-rv Irle. ATUu l"vu
Spir.n'ue and Mrs. W. A.
;,x ,".;.:. company.
l il nouses. lliuu irttu ani! e:ijjH)
ment conditions continue to ini
the bulletin declart
I.eavin-r Boston Sep-
tember V. the salt men will visir
the factoi-ies at Silver Sprines and
Niaara, returnmg- to Hoston on
ii:K st-ssion at lO.fìl) the society
will be wdcomed by J udire Seth N.
Gaie, pvesident of the Old Consti-
"O it. aite phint--: havo vr-opened and U ' ,ih' Thèv will be entertained
.ai- rsteadilv mcrca: nnv iorces. . , T!. ., ,,,,,i n the l.'Hh eo to
-Morse, l.yidon, l-:'a
Fred .1. Parsoli, Concord,
Ilomer C. Shatisifk. S'.. John:
burv, 4 ; l-2n' ; ì-':v. $!.'.!".
C. A. Nel -on. St. Je!:n.-'ui
l-!st; 1 2;,d, .vi.(M!.
Single Coni!) Wh;te le.t.iioins
I 'lOiis'
I Mauri
The CMC Conimunitv leajrue n:'c'lral:im 1 .,ru" !,'s " : i'"' Spi-in..'fidd to board the Worcester
!.'.,,!,. ,,,1 :, r,nnot ..ovvino io ih,. " '-ormai, a few workin- over .,,t tl..lin comma: iato New hnjr-
I jv;'::oi-.;at' the l'air with a play- t,me- T t , . ... land front Silver Spriiies and,
l.:i o!'i:,l and a tent where narcels ! , ln Jutland, citinsr spccific ca es mfle u of over 100 carloads ol i
ine repon says : intiusiruu ano n Kih its load ol salt ano
)loynient conditions exc-ellent. t t..,r,sn1l.n and iobbers the train
out ot work. Stf.'! v.j jU.0(.,(.(l to Salem, Itevcre
runainu' overtime, witli .
t-oai ds. basket ball and bean baRS mirra snnts ifweninir consxrue-
non will rea ève ine uousiiijr .1101
taire to come extenl." .
TI... Ti, ,..!:.,. ..,nl,.n,A..I I
i ili i m i j l 'i i,iu i 1 1 1 1 . i u ili vi... .n-
H.J.,Thu.ber, St. John: ,ury c".d- b- .heclced On Vednesday ,
ente.-, lì-1-1; 2-2nd ; 2-r;r,l, $1.00. proo-ibly a haif hiuidi-ed clnldren , " ;
J).I. Grav. Lvti.Ioa. 1 -2nd, Sl.00. ; " entertained at various pames i 'J
SINtiLKC'o'.Vt!.! ANCONhS U'id with story-tellin-. Teeter j ' '- '
Day and Evenirne
Start Sept. llth
New clases every few weeks.
Clourses cover rverythinR
pcrtaiiiino; to automobiles.
'rite lo r f:ee pasS ami
Autamotive School
Northea: torri University
Boston Y. M. C. A '
.Ufi Huntington Ave, Boston.
i.:i-!' niany einioren a happy nour
i. .'I r"li(-v( d thei r ti refi mot hors or
li' iwittc'l them to take m some
teli 41 a J w
A ri bar V:ehore. St. .lohn.-.bui v I V'as in ciin'nh with
Cetili r, 1-1 t: l-'!rd. .fl.25. ' ì nwhi W'.-.lt. r, M
G. A. Ni i.-on, Si. John-bnrv, l'Ji'i'iiv,
4-lst; 1 -2nd; !-:ird, .--7.2-". I.'f.-v.el! ;,
'h:ulc . Harvey, I ';.-.- ir.npsir, : i-ian's.
. i.; ,.i t; ... i io, .or ,,, i nailon is aoom, norma . accore
. i II " . I (, I I I t.i L HI J ... .,1 ir.. I 'Wi ' l'.l ! ,
Wtdler ctmdiicted the -torv hours !"? tne survey. ivo pianis a
: -id
llnrnthv 4dm wìir Ihe ! C'0cl. ! evtlleM Oli UH! Ulne selie!!-
,.;-(K-r. In the Communitv 'Ule. j;ui!(lniu- traaes very acnve.
neV lent. Mrs. l'aliih DoiIjc i Many hou-es under const'-iiction
i7' V
f, -A 'A i
Alice i will relieve x isti tur .-.hor'iajret."
es E!i7abeth Down in Bennintfton. it is de-;
oi-'iia P;i.-e, Marion clared, "bu.--ine-;s conditions are,
!' ris Macie able ha- excellent. Sho'-t.ae;e in btif'diii!? i
!'ìk' i'-ii-'s had an exhibit 1 rade.- -nit-n, al so hosierv -m-l kr,i-
1-Lt, .- I....I
Geo. Lind.-lcv,
l-'lrd, S'.2:").
Oliti l.von, S'. J'.''.i-!,-i
l-2nd, $1.2:'..
,VI l'SC,()"'Y DDCl
hats and p-ave , ling- ia-Ils worlters Ali factorie
lek:-.. .b
i y, I d.-iaoa trr.tions of liat makinff. , ere opevatm.r norma!, some over ,
. jtime. Road cont vuction an:! wat-;
!Eas(ern Vermont Horse ,"' works extensio-, airm-ti wo.-u fo.- ;
, . ' manv. Farm labor scan-e. bout
' j at Kut land raif, f01.ty bou.es bemn- i.uìh wìii !-;
Mero horses than ever befoie in; lieve thi.- scriou.- hou inu' .-boriale
l-'n d l'a.i.-on. r,i:eori!, 1-1 t, !?.?. i ih.. !ii :ioit of '.he as-oeition bave ! Komewhiit." '
Louise .MoGinn.V, Lvi-dunviiU-. ; m-r. i-ntt-red io;- the l'or the races 1 "Employmeiit condition.-- ire j
?I.2.". ithi- wetka.t ij'lh.nd. Ther afe hit abont normi'l." -ays the renoi-t in j
A F R 1 C A M G E S. K !pr.-.os rn.i eve-y class has tbree . ouilinirur l'ie .it.uat.ion in North-
John l'ie.-cotl, St. Johi'iurv, ! times a- inaiiv hor: e a- can possi-1 fn.,. "Granile nb'iiis bave reop- I
' 'dy si .ri. T,,eie aie many well- ; oned. onei-atinjr v.--ih pi-eatly re-
j knew f.-ivorilr- : fi-oii' tlns section duced forc . ''Uìldinr of Stale
of 'he slate. .armorv and road c in.-1 niclion nave
rnvnno' nr n( ,'il'f-r t.rMP.lT'
e'- : -: l'v-i Abbe, Roarinir 1 ,-'.i,,. i.-;,. iv,-o,.
l.i. r.-or-V --t -ble -. ISarton in 1he fri"',,,. .,. ,,. ! ph;,,,, u,.p ì,i-c- ì
DITE PABBITS forali: Bell Boy Newnovt Str.ck ,;',.,;-' r,,,u. ''. xì..- - " -
Meni v Fi,'.:, Si. John-l.u: y. v.r. and Coro tv da T!elle and Red; -irn(.,p tp,. .' ..c.-',.,n ' .-i.--,!-,, of
-:-.'pd, S"LT.". Mfteo. lo'rm; Briok s'.ables, in j ""' ''
'OTTED PAPBrrS DK. ".17 eia,-. . : r -
17 1
durine the American Le
rjion convention, Septem-:
hor 15 and '16. Communi-:
cate at once with George,
Ilii-iman, St. Johnsbury. i
m u
2-1 -t, si. .io.
Leo ià.l.-i tv., il, ; t. Jolui.-bu
.'titer, 2-1:1, Sl..t0. The li:--'. ncOi'ier : l'cter lanarion , pm ovnit-'U to main
I.AKI.N'VEI.D-EBS i N't 'vpr-r S'ock fai ai in 1 he 2.1 0 :.-uflirient housire-." i
Geo. land.- k y, St. .John.-!itiry, ; naer : ?-'-nct-,.. in , Ni wnorl Stock j S ì-vev i n hi r Vermont con-1
:!-1st, srì.r.d. . ' ' ì'a-m. and Letti. Woi-thy, Roarine-: t.-j are'ns fdlov : : i
WUÌTE Ct;iES j Brook slaMes. Ballon 'n the 2.1! i Mfintpeliei- "Surplus r.f worl- na j
Cari li. Jo:i .-, I.yieiotiville, 2-!.-' I t-la-'s : M.::'ob- Maelt. Rom'inu' Brook j c o-:.aaite and '.i-ichine indù - ,
S'1 .-"'. t s':-'!,.. in he I rhi-; Joe Me- fvy rcariie irr'-;e : aÉe nnerat- i
JERSEY ' ACK Cl.W'TS ! Kir.i.U. i'. M. l'ielle. Newpoi-t :';,,,; veduei-d forces. Madduo i
l'i ter Cinttoni.. St. Jolin.-.ha-.-y, ! i'el"" B--'lini. Yewport Stock fann , .ò-, cio-ed. plTeetimi- two hundre'1 ;
2-1 si; )-2ntl, ;in the 2.iil e! Peter T.-ì.-, New- : m(,n T...t., nvmi,.nt o take j
SILVER Gli A V DOIiKIVG noi', :to-k farai mi the 2.21 dass; ; cnvo of (lnsp r..l,..a-:ed. Hou.-ir'r j
A. IL Lvslier, Si. Joh.isiairv, i l'om- Exnre --. Ceorjre MShano, , sn, f ry ' ' I
o-t-t: :i-2-id, ?7.50. la n.'iviMe, and Mi Abbie Brino,, ' ro'Sl.,:,',iu: nf worker-- !
i i ia.uiMi i,n. s !iai;i;iis t'oann"- uroou .iines. narvon in
Ker.net!'. Drown, St. .loiinsiiui-v. ! 1
..-IHI, m.i.o
Allea E
r,-l.-l; I-
Mis.. iìiitli P.ai'uaue, i'.a-t Si.
Jobnsliurv. 1-1 st. ?.7."i.
William Ber-k, East St. Johns
kurv, (Msf ; l-2nd, Se.OO.
li. liaìlcLt, St. .lo.-'ti: inirv,
it, ?!.::'.
L Penni'ii'iti, St. John-.lnirv.
2-I-t, .rn),
Keniict II ,1 irow n. St. .Ioli n-hury.
1-ist; l-2ntfv 1.2.".
IL lì. Edward.- . St. John.-bury,
1-1 I: J-2nd. Sl.M.
T,oui- McC.inni.. 1 .-.-n,loiv.;!ì
1-lM, Si. 00.
f'itrolvn McOinivs
Lt'ad, .:,().
1 1 ! i-i k i .:,
James Salii';, Lvu'on, 1-1-t.
"re.! . Pa!-s-)ìi-. Concord. 2-1,.'.
m ài
SS''! ' J
Mi l l -S
t 1
m ti j
The Holbrook Grocery Company
Woodsville, New Hampshire
They Come From Everywhere
To New Englancì's Snappy Fair
1 By train and liv auto, from every New England state, from
Canada' and from New York State, come the visitors to Vermont
State Fair.
I,u.!onv!lie. ! !
They Th-o-v and Blow
II' you are intcrested 'ti a
iualil., (ii'oduct, look over Ih"
Pance. Ye cairy ali sizes in
sintk. Olir prices will )lease
Noi-: Special n.-ices t'iis
week on New Gì aiti Thie.-h.-er.
. A k l'or cataloaue.
Barri!, Vi rimiri
l-'ied .1. P; - on:. ('en.-Oi-d, 2-1, 1.1 1
r reti -I. l a: "n , ( "iici-o!, ."-J
".-:'nd, f-'i. .1).
'layiì'ond Slr.pl'-, St. Libn.daire,
1 U; 1-2nd. -1. ".-..
Mai-'.'-aret .McGinnia. Lvi'eonvi'de
1 1 -! ; 1-2n.l. ,?1.2r..
Vt. SweeVs Exhihiied
111 Manie Sujr u Buiklinfj;
The (aceti Moiitdain sfade'.-.
pi lldt-st boa t, h: r ma'de :-iiyi"
va' exhihiied in a budditm '-nt i '(--ly
devot'-d (o manie produci ( i.'id
v. hde the - 'uiA-i v ;iS ìio o e-Pn-ave
a.s soma ycar.-- il male up
in mialii v at"1 in the aCracìiveiiess
o!' 1 he display.
The chic1' exh'bitors were the
Carv ?iTa'de Sn-:i ; comirinv, tiie
Maplo ("abili, Map-h- dove' Can-ih:-
-, Inc.. Mo'.lti'-'i'I Vicw Fai ni
-i" East B'.n'a-. Dt-Vi'ii- M. Cam
raina's. IL E. I.'einick and the
Vermonl Ma.a!" Prodacls Ceopei--at'vc
E-ahaiee, cf i.-a .Itu.c
lian. l-ivi '-vi h''-" in Ibe tva.Dle line
v.'as siiown, ca lidie-, su.ua r cal.es.
:liircd sia-ar. rujis and evcti
'.ìaph' iiicaar. The v'ia- ai- v:i;
il- tlie fine e:. bil.it o. D.A'ine M.
f 'lltllinill'.'-:. "Ild W: .: Ib" li llv en-
1 i v of il ; kkid. Tlm , . i ( ci ion-:,
l-'MVi-ly l'i-'il.l the Maab- Greve fac
to !-v '-'ere of w;d" ari-ty a.tv!
f r i li! i-i ! an app- 'dm array of
sv-ccl--:. The ("a-v cari ut ny and
t he Manie ('abili -d o ha ! 1jne
.-howinifs ol maide prodaets a-,
hfd IL E. Beiviick. v. ho exhdiiled
t ua pie ca.kes Ihat : !i'd. of 1hi
trae ni-inb- !':i.-: r r-id boro -iv
vca-ds St. .1. The stilar f'-om
La- faim of E. A. Darlinir in làa-1
Bur'i!'. Moan; i.i.a Veiw l'arni, vi
perked in ho-c, -, made from the
te ole trees. Ev'er:!v eonl-Ui-1ed
o1' ha d'.-. ove ni;. pi:-. Ila !;-i s were
in rca.lii v iewi-l i a for tl:e In -.s-
l : 'fct
..-a 'ir. a : .-?''
- -'
"It hadrt fceen
fìlled for a s
whole ye?r"
The fiie piovent'on ea
a;ÌMeer fon nd a'1 extitl
aid licr tii.it ha.dnt lcea
filli d after it had bi ca
u ed to pai out a sma1
in e a ycar la fere.
'l'hi ae.eney olVeis its cl'ents
lire )ire en: ani sei vice lo
la !i prevepi fi io an ì lo pro
vi. le adoipiate in.iirance lo
pay l'or lo. .--es, shoidd they
come. A.-k about il.
(i. l'i
e. il 37
Rite Itii'er
i -3
Good roads radiàt
ing in ali direetions
from White Kiver
Junction, make the
coming and going at
tractive. The fair itself of
fers you the higgest
money's worth in en
tertainment and ins
truction you ever se
di red. The mid-Se)-temher
dates of this
year offer ideal
weather chanecs.
Morril! &
.il.,. ... ., ... Ik.'.i . liWMM
20,000 for Exhibit Premiums
Chihìi en's Day Tucsday
AH cbildren, incliidin.f lindi school, when.
aci-oiiipani.ed by parents or jruardian ftd
niitted l' IMilà. Special .Tuvenile Feature.
The bi:v;e: l entry li. t ever a-seiv.b!ed in
Vernionl. Fasteat truck in ìiorCiern New
làii'.'.'anil. A race meel of rare eci lh nce.
Bii'.ae. t showinj; in the State F.air's bis
tory. Larae i xliiiiit of i'aiicy Morifan
hor.- .es.
Aulo Show
là very .-.pace ia hi
showiiirr of ears o
north of Boston.
Every indi of space ' filici with brie.ht,
clcver and dean attractions. H will 1ake
a day to se e 'cui ali.
l'oys' and Cirls' Deparimcnt
An instructin.i;- aia entertainin;;- fe.alure
comlucted by the A.a ricult mal Exleiv ioti
Free Altraclions
Special Airplane Sia, ila, Fine fri
Ville, Bands.
Vaili le-
Special traili:; and reduced rales on Cen
tral Vermont and Boston & Maine Rail-roads.
liuiliiini;- sold. Best
ail classes rver beld
F ree Auto Park in jf
Adnii.-sion of cai'- lo p.ioiinds only
J'arkiilif s; ace ah--olu1ely free.
Vermont State Fair Commission, F. L. Davis, Secret a ry
and Smith's the place to
get your
6 Harrison Avenue
Pilone 184-21
i f ABkll )
Supreme in Appearance, Mileace,
JNon-DKid GCimxy
Portland Street, St. Johnsbury, Vt.
Why the Voters of Vermont Should Cast
Their Ballo ts on Tuesday, September 12, for
edfield Proctor
For the Republican Nomination for Governor:
FIRST He can ive the State the best business adminis-
tration. , '
SECOND He is progressive; has faith in Vermont's
lutine and desires to assist in aiding the State and its
pcople to greater and better things.
THIRD He has a knowledge f legislative procedure,
baviiig served in botti the House and Senate.
FOURTII His knowledge of men, gained through
ycars of active participation in one of the largest em
ploying industrics of the State, makes him an exper
ienced executive.
FIFTH He has been a student of Vermont affairs for
many ycars. This carne naturali', for the Proctor fam
ily is of this soil, and here, to their credit, they built the
business that stands ?s a monument to their enterprise
and their faith in their native state.
SIXTII He has full knpwledge of he Value of the dollar,
applies this knowledge to the big business in which he
is intcrested, and he would make a Hke applica tioq to
the alTairs of the State.
SEVENTII He would be an executive with whom ali
members of the legislature could counsel. He wculd be
eager to sceme advice. He would be willing to give it
whenever desired.
EIGHTH He would be a sale governor, practical, per
Kcvcring, painstaking a real governor from the hour of
taking the oath of olfice 1 ili the last sentence of his
departing message is read.
1 NINTII He stands for ali that can make Vermont
better, wilhout endangering the finances of the State,
geUing from the dollar the 100 cents return the tax
payers are entitled to.
TENTH He asks for your votes, men ami wnmen f
Vermont, bascd on his equipiikcnt to fdl the olfìce of
governor to the good and betterment of the State.
Proctor for Governor

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