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Image provided by: Arkansas State Archives
Newspaper Page Text
PROFESSION V'J L CARDS. ~~ ~PROF. A7JJ.\7. —TEACHER OF — Violin, Cornet, Piano and Guitar. ROOM 708 MAIN ST., LITTLE ROCK, - - ARK. DR. E. CROSS. DR. C. WATKINS. CROSS & WATKINS, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, Office, S. E. cor. Third and Main Sts., Residence, Lincoln Ave., LITTLE ROCK, - - ARK. JOHN B. JONES. WILLIAM. S. CURRAN. JONES $ CURRAN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Little Kock, Ark. Rooms 6 and 7 Metropolitan Block. DR. E. V. DEUELL, 806 MAIN STREET. OFFICE HOURS—B to 12 A. M. 2t06. P. M Next to Jungkind’s Drug Store. Residence, corner 9th and Main Street. GRAY CARROLL. WALTER 11. PEMBERTON. CARROLL & PEMBERTON. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Office, Dodge & Meade Building, oppo site Capital Hotel. LITTLE ROCK, ... - ARK. Mrs. Lida S. Williams *V®®Ak IBAGMER* Conservatory of Music: H. G. Hollenberg’s Main Street. Residence, 512 Eighth Street, Litttle Rock, Arkansas. BODIES' PRINTING SOMPANY. In Charge of Ladies’ Journal Company. ARTISTIC PRIIITHG A SPECIALITY, Cards, Invitations, Catalogues, Circulars, Bill-heads, Letter-Heads and Envelopes Printed in t LATEST AND MOST STYLISH MANNER. Akk CJOIB W®RK DONE HEATk¥ AIS® WIW ®IS* A * feH Orders Left at Wilson & Webb’s Book Store, or at Ladies’ Printing Co., Offic , CORNER NINTII & MAIN STREETS, LITTLE R DR. L. W. Ml LLETT, SURGEON DENTIST. PARLORS OVER WIGGS DRUG CO. NUMBER 3151 MAIN STREET. All operations pertaining to dentistry skillfully performed. Children’s teeth a specialty. Teeth extracted without pafti by the use of Ni trous Oxide Gas. ADVICE FREE. HELENA M- M. D. NO 4231 MAIN ST., COR. FIFTH. Sundays at Residence 702 East 9TH Street. Office hours : 10 to 11 am,3to 5 p m, — Telephone. little rock, ark. ESTABLISHED 1868. W. S. HUTT, HEADQUARTERS FOR FINE FANCY GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. 213 Main Street, Starr Block. LITTLE ROCK, ARK. It His Uy kta of the Ladies Jowl GUS BLASS & CO. beg leave to state that their stock of real fine and medium grade of parasols has arrived, the same having been tied up in St. Louis on ac count of the strike. In connection with that department we also wish to say that novelties in all our departments are ar riving daily by express and freight. Most respectfully, GUS BLASS & CO., 307, 309 & 31 1 MAIN ST. Arkansas wfe AND connections. NEW TIME CARD IN EFFECT MARCH2IiW VALLEY ROUTE Al ' rive ' 2.05 p. m. . . p assen _ Depart. 11:25 p.m. - Through Freight north 8 3 ,00 12:40 p.m. - . Passe er 9.05 p.m. - Through Freight I,IO P-m. 7:30 p.m. - Local Freight ' — — 0 0:00 Michael Kirst. Charl esj.k Ramh KIRST & KRAMER DEALERS IN-— groceries AND PRODUCE. Fruits and Fancy Shelf Goods 900 & 902 Main Street. LITTLE ROCK, - - ARK, JAS.E.GIBSOIi SUCCESSOR TO McAlmont & Gibson Wholesale and Retail l-DRUGGIST- N. E.Cor. Main & Markham. LITTLEROCK,