OCR Interpretation

Paragould soliphone. (Paragould, Ark.) 1918-1950, June 06, 1921, Image 3

Image and text provided by Arkansas State Archives

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn90050221/1921-06-06/ed-1/seq-3/

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or Insulated
The plates in your battery
may be merely separated or
they may be insulated.
If insulated with Willard
Threaded 'Rubber Insulation,
Y your old-time wood-separator
battery worries are over.
It's a satisfaction to know that
Threaded Rubber Insulation
does not puncture, check, warp,
crack or carbonize—
No bills for wood-separator
replacement with the Willard
Threaded Rubber Battery.
Threaded Rubber Insulation
outlasts the battery plates.
* Willard
(From Friday’s Daily Press)
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Westbrook'
returned to their homo at Marianna
this morning, after a visit with
Mr. Westbrook's sister, Mrs. O. E.
Mrs. F. E. Burnett is visiting
relatives at Ashley, 111.
C. r. Hills has gone to Cairo,
where he has'employment.
I Save money! Get the latest fash
ion hats almost at your own price.
Also, big sale on muslin and 6ilk
underwear. Mrs. S. L. Byrd.
Mrs. Vanlo Miller has returned
to her home at Malden, after a visit
with Mrs. Jim Darnell.
The Quinta* That Dow Not Affect the Hud
( Because ol its tonic nnd laxative efiect, LAXo
m TIVH MtOMO QUININE is better than ordinary
" Quinine and does not cause nervousness not
iuging in head. Remember the lull name ami
ook ior the signaturt c.I E. W. GROVE. 30c.
Mrs. S. B. Gregory left this morn
ing to visit her father in Provi
dence, Ky.
Mrs. Audio Mims has gone to An
niston, Mo., where she will spend
several days with relatives.
A bad anrain boa's slowly if not
treated with a remedy that has the
power to penetrate the flesh. Bal
lard's Snow Liniment is especially
adapted for such ailments. Three
sizes, 30c, 60c and $1.20 per bottle.
Sold by all dealors. *l£
Bill Walker and Hurry Jones went
to St. Louis last night. They will
return overland In a new National
ear which John Jones ha.s Just pur
chased. b
Don’t aifia tint bargain sale at
Mra. ftjnrd’a. Juna clearance of hats
for women and misses; also, muslin
and silk underwear. Sale now on.
Mrs. O. Comer and daughter, Miss
Ruth, returned to Jonoeboro last
night, after spending a few’ days
in tho city guests of Mrs. Comer’s
daughter, Mrs. Win. Hampton, or
Gentry street.
Mrs. R. H. Hanks of Mt. Olive
is the guest of her daughter, Mrs.
Virgil Harris, of North l*ruet street.
She was called here in response to
a message announcing the illness of
Mrs. Harris.
| White’s Cream Vermifuge is cer
tain destruction to intestinal worms.
It is harmless to children or adults.
Price, 35c. Sold by all dealers.
Miss Carlee Swindlo and her
nephew, Clay Musgroves, left yes
terday for Carterville, 111., where
Miss Swindle will spend two weeks
visiting her sister. From there she
will returned to Rochester, Minn.,
where sbe ia a nurse at tho Mayo
(From Saturday’s Daily Press)
H. F. Ford has purchased a new
Dodge from Blackwood Motor Co.
Mira Lura Glisson returned to her
home in Halliday this morning af
ter attending tho teachers’ institute.
Rev. T. H. Watkins left last night
for Lapile. in southeast Arkansas,
to be gone a week ©r ten days.
Mrs. L. Maddox and son, Alfred,
left this morning for Bloomfield,
Mo., where they will visit friends.

June bargain sale of latest fashion
hats; also, muslin and silk under
wear. Lowest prices in town. Sale
now on. Mrs. S. L. Byrd. *5&s
Miss Dcronda Rhea of Nashville,
Ark., has arrived to spend several
days in the city with relatives.
Habitual Constipation Cured
in 14 to 21 Days
-LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN" is a specially
prepared Syrup Tonic-Laxative for Habitual
Constipation. It relieves promptly but
should be taken regularly for 14 to 21 days
to induce regular action. It Stimulates and
Regulates. Very Pleasant to Taka 60c
ter bottle.
Elmer Jackson, rural carrier No.
6, is ill today, and Mrs. L. E.
Stamps is carrying his route dur
ing his absence.
When your breath is bad, appe
tite poor, and you feel “blue” and
discouraged, you need Herbine. One
or two doses will set you right..
It is a great system purifier. Price,
60c. Sold by all dealers. *tf
M. F. and Earl Walker, who are as
sisting In the erection of a brick
building at Anna, 111., arc at home
for a few days.
Mrs. Arthur Bennett and son,
Robert, will leave soon for Roches
ter, Mlnu., where Robert will enter
Mayo Bros.’ hospital for treatment.
Cold* CAM# ortp and fnfloenxs
cun. Then I* only os* "Btome Qulalr
t W- GRAVE? datum on bra. 80c.
The two-yoar-old daughter of Mr.
aud Mrs. Lem Owens that was badly
urned with carbolic acid about
two weeks ago, le Improving and
la able to walk again.
Garfield and Andrew Johnson
have returned from Washington,
Ind., where they wero called by a
message announcing tho critical ill
ness of their father.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Weatherford
received a card yesterday from their
daughter, Miss Frances, who ac
companied her brother and his fam
ily to their homo in Chattanooga,
stating that she is enjoying her stay
in that historic city.
For every purpose for which a
liniment is usually applied the
modern remedy, Liquid Borozone,
will do tho work more quickly,
more thoroughly and more pleasant
ly. Pr 30c, 60c and $1.20.
Sold by all dealers. *tf
W. S. Hobbs, a railway engineer,
was this afternoon fined fifty dol
lars in Judge Batten’s court ami
placed under a peace bond of one
thousand dollars as the result of an
assault upon William McClain, local
attorney, who moved to Paragould
only a few weeks ago. McClain
stated that ho was standing on the
comer of the street near tho Me
Haney building early this after
noon, when Hobbs came along, and
after making a remark, struck him
in tho face, then told him that if
ho did not retract certain remarks
which Hobbs alleges McClaiu made
regarding Hobbs' wife, he would
kill him. McClain was given until
six o’clock to retract the alleged
remarks. McClain says that ho has
made no remarks he is not able to
substantiate. McClain insisted that
Hobbs had been misinformed.
How’s This?
do what wo claim for it—cure Catarrh or
Deafness caused by Catarrh. We do not
claim to cure any other disease.
liquid, taken internally, and acts through
the blood upon the mucous surfaces of
the system, thus reducing the inflamma
tlon and restoring normal conditions.
AU Druggists. Circulars free.
F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo. Ohio.
Grateful Son Says His Father
Looks Liks Different Man
Since Taking Tanlac.
“My father has suffered from
chronic stomach trouble for over
forty years and has paid out thou
sands of dollars for medicines and
doctors,’’ said G. W. Slayton, a well
known C’o!>b County fanner, living
a short distance out of Atlanta, Ga.
“We tried nearly everything try
ing to cure him and he vent, off
to (ho Springs, thinking maybe the
water might help him but it just
looked like nothing would reach hi ft
trouble. Then he tried dieting and
lived on liquid food until lie .al
most starved, but even that, failed
to do him any good and he just
kept on going from bad to worse.
“I don't guess there ever was a
case as stubborn as his and if there
ever was a confirmed dyspeptic, lie
was one of them and I guess he
would have been one yet if it hadn’t
been for this Tanlac.
“Tlio first we heard of this medi
cine was w^hen my father saw an
advertisement in the papers from
parties he kuew in Tennessee, who
were friends of hla and he knawj
j what they said about It was the
truth so he got It right away and
began taking It. Well, sir, It acted
just like magic—everybody notices
tho change in father—Why, ho is
just like a different man and sits
down to tho table and cats like
a farm-band. Only yosterday ho ate
pork and turnips for his dinner ami
late so much wo wero actually afraid
j he was goiug to over-do tho thing
but he laughed and said nothing
hurt him now and that he was hun
gry and expected to eat and make
up for lost time.
“Now, when a medicine will do
things like that I think people ought
to know about it and I want to
say right now that 1 would not
give one bottle of Tanlac for all
the other medicines and health re
sorts in the country put together.”
in pursuance of the authority a nti
directions contained in the decretal
order of the Chancery Court of
Greene County, Arkansas, made and
entered on the 6th day of April. A.
jiX 1921, in a certain cause (No. 1288)
I then pending therein between Clara
! Stewart, plaintiff, and E. 13. Ktew
art, defendant, the undersigned, an
Commissioner of said Court, will of
fer for sale at public vendue to the
highest bidder, at the South door of
the Courthouse, in Green,, County,
Arkansas, within the hours of legal
sales, on Saturday, ihe 11th day of
June, A. IX 1921, the following de
scribed real estate, to-wit:
Commencing 7.1 feet East ol' the
Junction of East line of l’ruett
street and the North line of Plum
] street, running thence East 50 feet
along the North line of Plum street:
thence in a Northeasterly direction
85 feet; thence in a Westerly direc
tion 55 feet: tin nee in a South west
erly. direction 85 feet to the place of
i beginning; same being part of Lot
'Die (1), Block One (1). Hunt's Ad
dition to the town (now city) of
. T’aragould. Arkansas, in Greene Coun
ty. Arkansas.
TERMS OF RALE: On a credit of
five months, the purchaser to exe
cute a bond with approved security,
bearing interest at the rate of six
I Oi) per cent per annum from date of
■'■ale until paid, and a lien being re
I lained on premises sold to secure
. the purchase money.
Given under iny hand this 11th day
of May, A. IX 1921.
(1316) Commissioner in Chancery.
in pursuance of the authority and
| directions contained in the decretal
i order of the Chancery Court of
j Greene County, Arkansas, made and
! entered on the 6th day of April, A.
D. 1921. in n certain cause (No.
11263) then pending' therein between
[Edna Kunze, plaintiff, and 1. N. Mor
row. et al, defendants, the under
i signed, ns Commissioner of said
Court, will offer for sale at public
vendue to the highest bidder, at tho
East door of the Courthouse, in
.Greene County, Arkansas, within tho
hours of legal sales, on Saturday, the
11th day of June, A. V. 1921. the fol
lowing described real’ estate, to-wit:
Northwest Quarter of Southeast
Quarter of Section eleven (11), Town
ship seventeen (17) North, Range
lour (1) East, in Greene Countv,
Arkansas. i
TERMS OF HARK: On a. credit of
five months, the purchaser to execute
a bond w ith approved .security, brav
ing' interest at the rate of ten (lu) 1
per cent per annum from date of
sale until paid, and a lien being re
tained on premises sold to secure tho
purchase money.
Given under my hand this Uth day
of May, A. IX 1921.
(1313) Commissioner in Chancery.
in pursuance of the authority and di
rections contained in the decretal or- ,
dor of the Chancery Court of Greene
County, Arkansas, made and entered I
on the 6tli day of April, A. TX 1921.
in a certain cause (No. 10S2), then
pending therein between Mrs. R. R.
Alexander, plaintiff, and Frank S.
Yantis and Ora M. Yantis, de
fendants, the undersigned, as Com- ■
missioner of said Court, will offer
for sale at public vendue to the high
est bidder, at the Hast door of the
Courthouse, in Greene Countv, Ark
ansas, within the. hours of legal ;
sales, on Saturday, the Uth day of
June. A. IX 1921. the following de
scribed real estate, to-wit: .
Northeast Quarter of the Northwest
Quarter and Southwest Quarter ‘of (
Northwest Quarter of Section 23,
Township Seventeen (17) North. Range
Six (6) East, in Greene County, Ark- i
. TERMS OF HARE: On a credit of 1
five months, the purchaser to esc- ,
cute a bond with approved security,
bearing interest at the rate of eight
(S) per cent per annum from date
of sale until paid, and a lien being ’
retained on premises sold to secure
the purchase money.
Given under my hand this Uth day
of May, A. IX 1931.
(1311) Commissioner in Chancery. 1
Department of the Interior. U. N.
Rand Office at Little Rock. Arkansas,
flay 27. 1921.
Notice is hereby given that Marion
T. Manes, of Puragould, Arkansas,
who. on June 3, tOlii. made Home
stead application, No. 913113, for Rot..
15, If' and 17, Section 1, Township
17N, Range 7 13., 5th Principal Meri
dian, has filed notice of intention
to make 3 year Proof, bo establish
daim to the land above, described,
before Circuit Court Clerk, at Para
Sould, Arkansas, on the 12th day of
July. 1921.
Claimant names as witnesses:
George H. Lawson, of Puragould
Arkansas, R. F. IX 6.
Allen Spence Watts, of puragould
Arkansas, It. ]•’. I>. ii.
Henry Rashlev. of Puragould,
Arkansas, it. f. it 6.
Adam Gibson, of Paragould, Arkan
sas. j;. F. It ti.
1317_BEN F. SPIKES, Register._
BJLiil-H'UiLUi1—MJ-'JHLggmLJmu IMLLi L-lJBBg
rn tho Chancery Court of Oroono
County, Arkansas Fall term, 1931
Town of Marmaduke, Flaintiff,
Mrs. Stella Rogers, Etta Chambers.
Clarence Asbery, Dm Fielder and
Marie Asbery, Defendants.
The defendant Etta. Chambers is
warned to appear in this court within
thirty days mid answer tho complaint
>f the plaintiff herein.
Witness my tiand and tho real of
mid court, this lltli day of Muv,
A. D., 1921.
Clerk of Chancery Court
(1311) By Ernest Fletcher, V. C.
In the Chancery Court of Greene
County, Arkansas. November
term, 1991.
J. T. McDaniel and E. A. Barton.
Trustees for Brown’s Chapel Grave
yard, Plaintiffs,
Mrs. Annie O’Steou, et al. Defendants.
The defendants John Jones, John
Henry Jones, George Jones. Daisy
Smitlierman. Pearl Scott. Joe Jones
and Do vie Martin mu warned to ap
pear in this court, within thirty days
and answer tho complaint of the
plaintiffs herein.
Witness my hand and the soil
of said court this 21st day of May,
(1318) Clerk of tho Chancery Court.
Local baseball fans uro anticipat
ing a sploHdid game horo tomorrow
when Walcott and Truman meet on
tho diamond, with Ambus Harden
and Joo Fletcher ns umpires. The
Walcott team as composed last sea
son was ono of the best in this end
cf the state, and ended tho sport
ing season with laurels to its credit.
The Trutnann team is also said tc
be composed of splendid players, and
indications are that the game to
morrow will be spirited from start
to finish. j
Weather Defense Used in Law Suit
i International News Service)
Chicago.—The "weather defense,"
first mado famous by Abraham Lin
coln during the Emancipator’s early
law days, won freedom here for
Dharles Keane, twenty-four, and Wil
liam Casey, twenty-ono, charged
with robbery.
Lincoln, defending a man charged
with murder, won an acquittal whon
lie proved that prosecution wit
nesses, testifying that the murder
:iuu uwu lumiunieu on n uiuuu*
ight night, were wrong. Lincoln
•catl from an almanac showing that
be night was cloudy.
“The moon was shining bright
ind we could easily sen the foa*
urea of the two robbers," two wit
leases testified against Keano and
1'asey. "Those two defendants were
.he robbers.”
The jury looked upon the, identi*
'icatiou as complete.
But Attoruoy Ernest Stout i»
nembered Lincoln’s feat. Ho read
’rom the official weather reports
'or tho Chicago district showing
bat it had snowed heavily through*
>ut the night of the alleged rob
iery and that the moon was was
ibscured. Ho also won an acquittal
or his clients.
Wooden Leg Was Holster.
Togus, Maine.—A hollow in his
voodeu leg was used by Ernset B.
Williams, a Spanish war veteran
lonfined at the aNtional Soldiers’
loine here, as the hiding place from
vhich he whipped out a revolver
ind shot dead Lieutenant Melumid
)ridiv, first assistant surgeon.
It is believed that Williams’ mind
s deranged. He was a member of
1 cavalry regiment in tho Spanish
Oridiv, a Roumanian by birth, was
considered an exceptionally capable
In 1SS6 the United States de
nuuded that France withdraw her
nilitary forces from Mexico, which
caa immediately done.
(United Press Association^
Dublin, Juuo 3.-—Six poliemen
ivere killed and four fatally injured
is the result of a Stun Felu aitabush
n tho county of Cork. Tbo dead
ncludc tho district Inspector, a sor
toaut and four constables. Tho
iinu Fuiuere burned the police tr|ick
uni escaped.
-" ■1 j-'.A-'jmjf ~
The lands and lots and parts of lots returned delinquent in Greene*
ft,unity for the year 1920. together with the taxes, penalties and c-ostr
charged thereon agreeable to law. and contained and described ia the tot
ing list, to-wit:
' 1 ~ *' ' » h a > "3 ”3 *3 "o' '£4
sSS 'i a 8 ^
gif i % a a ** ya
? S H a«-J
Names of Owners. Parts of Section. 15 S ■ : “'g
x 73
i a
-:_ ____ I I 1
Nw .. j i;fol 3 to $ ioojiTori sltirjiie $1 ms
I, , ,U oodrufl. M\ . 7 16 7 107.98 1000 27.70 6.93 60 35.23
Poll Drufton, W 1-2 S 1-2 P 1-2 XIV 111 16 3 20 200 5.59 1.40160 7 69
<;eo. tv I)ent. SU NT. .116 16 7 10 200 1.11 l.OllfiO 0.78
Deo U. Bent, U 1-3 MV .20 16 7 80 800 16156 1.11160 21.10
Kerlig & Robinson. N 1-2 NH.21 16 7 SO 800 16.56 4.14160 21.10
Pertly * Robinson. NW.*22116 7 160 1200 27.24 6.81160 31.66
II. \. Ulackwood, I'L X 1-3 XNV. ... 27 th" 3 2 1-2 100 2.27 .57 60 3.44
Unknown. XU SW . 31 16 2 11.70 800 6.21 1.60 60 8.37
Martha U. Vanover, W J-2 SW PU.. 31:10 3 20 300 6.21 1.56:60 S.37
77,- .. Brown. NW ...32 10 3 160 1400 28.98 7.25160 30.83
77* „H* Brown, X 1-3 SW. 32 16 3 80 700 8.28 2.07160 10.95
B. AA. -Ryan. SU XU . 83 16 3 10 3001 6.21 1.21 60 8.31
Mrs. M. K. Sehislei. SU SAV.1. ..-33116 3 40 3001 6.21: 1.56i60 8.31
Unknown. Nil SE .233 16 3 10 C00| 10.35 8.59:60 13.51
Claude Lively, NW NE .I3II16 3 10 100 2.77' .7(060 1.07
Claudo Lively, XU NAAr..t!M;16| S! 10 i 400] 11.081 2.77)60 | ij j
County Assessor’s Notice.
Hurricane Township, Marmoduke, Monday and Tuesday, June 6th
and ‘ 7th.
Breckenridge Township, Lafe, Wednesday, June 8t.h.
Brockenrldgo Township. Hooker, Thursday, June 9th.
Union Township, Gainesville, Friday, Juue 10th.
City of Paragould and Clarh Township. First Ward, Huddleston^
Office, Monday, Juno 13th; Second Ward, City Hall, Tuesday, June 14th;
Third Ward, Bast Side School House. Wednesday, Juno 15th; Clark Town
ship, Court House, from June, 16th to 26th, inclusive.
It will be necessary for you to meet the Assessor in the Township or
Townships in which your property is located, or to flic with him a list
of your property before he reaches the Township in which the property fa
located, In order that the township Board of Equalization may pass upon
the Assessment; otherwise the penalty will be. attached. If you are not
present, either In person or represented by some one, in the respective
Townships iu which your property is situated and you have not Hied your
list with me, please do not at later date ask mo to Tlolat« the law by
not attaching tho penalty.
Taxpayers in Clark township owning property in other townships are
requested to report to Alfred Walden, deputy assessor, if this is more con
All School Boards will please take notice and deliver to me a list
of tax-payers in your respective districts ou or before I roach your Town
Please bring last year’s land receipt.
County Assessor lor Greene County, Arkansas.
From 7 o'clock a. in. to G o’clock p. m. Alfred Walden, Deputy,
CJnufle Lively, KE NW .|34|"|16| 1| 41) | 300| 8.31| 3.08|60 I 10.90
Claudo Lively, l’t NW KW ..|,nl|fi| ;t| r. )|
Claudo Lively, Pt NW KW .31116 3 35 ) 400 11.08 2.77 60 14.45
Claudo Lively, N 1-2 SC SW.:MU6 3 20 100 2.77 .70 60 4.07
Erl Swindle. NE KW .31116 3 HI 200 5.51 1.30 60 7.63
I). W. Ity an, I't KW SB . 31 16 3 30 200 5.51 1.39 60 7.53
Unknown. L 1-2-3 NE . 1 17 3 1 10.08 800 16.16 1.51 60 23.30
W. n. White, KR SE . I 17 3 40 200 5.64 1.39 60 7.53
Unknown, E of Itiver NE . 317 3,212 800 22.16 5.54 60 28.30
Unknown. HE . 3 17 3 160 600 16.62 4.16 60 21.33
Unknown, IT K of lliver HW. 9117 3 6 .35 .97 .25 60 1,S2
J. I). Tolson, NW KW . 14,17 3 40 260 6.73 1.59 60 fl.OS
Unknown, HW KW . 14117 3 40 250 6.73 1.69 60 0.0d
.1. 1). Tolwn, KE NE .16;17 3 40 260 6.93 1.73 60
J- I*. Tolwon. NE SW . 16,17 3 40 250 6.93 1.73 60 9.36
Unknown. KE KE . 15 17 3 40 250 6.93 1.73 60 9.2«
Bertis Land Co, N 1-2 SW. 21 17 3 80 400 11.OS 2.77 60 14.45
W. B. young:, N i-2 N 1-2 KE. 21 17 3 40 250 6.93 1.73 60 9.26
P- O. Childers, HW SW . 22 17 4 40 260 6.93 1.73 60 3.23
W. Thomas. HE SW .2217 3 10 250 6.93 1.73 60 9.36
W. Thomas. SW SE . 22,17 3 10 250 6.93 1.73 60 9.20
Tom ItarcsdoU. NE NW . 23117 3 40 260 6.93 1.73 00 «.t«
Unknown, SE KW . 26 17 3 40 250 6.43 1.36 60 7.39
W. S. Marlott, NE NW.27ll7 3 40 350 9.1)0 2.60 60 12.10
E. S. Davis, NE NE .l32|17 3 40 300 7.71 1.93 60 10.34
E. K. Davis, W 1-2 NE .32‘l7 3 80 600 12.81 3.21 60 16.62
E. H. Davis, J‘t SE NE . 32 17 3 10 60 1.29 .33 60 g;S8
E. H. Pa vis. E 1-2 NW .32|17 3 80 550 14.10 3.53 60 18.214
Weis & Lc.sh MIX Co.. E Pt NW NE. 131117 3 20 2625 67.47 16.87 60 84.94
Mrs. A. M. Knlirht, K 1-2 SE .134117 3 SO 700 17.99 4.50 60 23.0*
Unknown, N 1-2 NW .135 17 3 SO COO 15.42 3.86 60 l»J»g
Mrs. A. M. Knight, SW’ SW. 36 17 3 40 200 5.1 1 1.29 60 7.08
Unknown. Pt NE .I "11S 3 21.84 305 8.28 2.07 60 1Q.WB
H. Sanders, IT SE NW.I 2|18| 3 50x80 800 23.16 5.54 60 28.39
Mrs. E. U Lacy. SW . 3 18 3 160 1000 33.05 5.77 60 2M*
Mrs. M. U. Civile. HE . 3 18 3 160 1600 36.88 9.22 60 46.90
Ed Mo Ken, NW NE . 1 18 2 12 60 200 4.61 1.16 60 Ml .
Geo. A. Burr, HW NE . 1 18 3 40 200 1.61 1.16 60 6.37,
Goo. A. Burr. E 1-2 SW . 118 3 SO 400 9.22 2.66 60 12.31
Geo. A. Burr. SB . ITS 3 160 800 18.44 4.61 60 23.4*.
Geo. A. Burr, SW . 7|1K 3 158.9 600 13.83 3.46 40 11.8*'
Burr & Ivans, SE . 7|I8 3 160 600 13.83 3.46 60 17JI1P
do N 1-:; 8 18 3 320 1100 28.27 7.07 60 »5.«4'
dr* E 1-2 SW . 8|18 3 80 400 6.22 1.31 60 7;M
do NW SB. 8 18 3 40 20U 2.81 .65 60 3.1*,
do S 1-2 SE . 8 18 3 SO 400 5.12 1.28 60 7.011
do NW. 9 18 3 160 70(1 14.13 3.53 60 1U2*
do N 1-2 SW . 9 18 3 80 41)0 5.22 1.31 60 7.13
do SB SW. 9 18 3 10 200 2.61 .66 60 3.8T
ado SE. 9 18 3 160 800 10.44 2.61 60 13jt3
Geo. A. Bun-, NE . 9 18 3 160 700 14.13 3.54 60 18.27
Mary M. llone, NE .Ill 18 3] 1H0 800 16.66 4.14 60 81.M
Mary H. Hone, S 1-2. 10 18 3 320 1600 33.12 6.28 40 4**00
Unknown, NW .10 18 3]l60 COO 13.42 3.11 60 lilt
C. O. 1 In lev. NW HE .1118 Si 40 350 7.26 1.82 60 *.6t
/ . V.- ......... ■ . •'< I ..«« • ' V IV I vv U.V I uu
| ltob. l t Compton, SW SW .12 18 3 40 400 8.28 2.07 CO 10.93
I J. I).' Compton. SK SW .12 18 3 10 400 8.28 2.07 00 10.96
W. O. Boole, NK . 15 18 3 160 800 16.CC 4.14 60 ll.tO
:J. A. Nimnlcht. N 1-2 SW . 13 18 3 80 COO 10.3C 2.59 60 1944
Ja. 11. Loclto, N 1-2 SR . 13 18 3 80 800 16.56 4.14 60 21.20
O. W. Srott. S 1-2 SK. 13,18 3 80 800 16.56 4.14 60 21.20
C O. Haley, NK SR .lilt 3 10 200 3.14 .79 60 4.68
C. n. Itaby. SK SK . 11118 3 10 250 3.93 .98 60 5.61
.1 II. Gilliam, NW SE .1 Ijt8 3 to 250 3.53 .89 60 4.00
Oo. A. Burr, IV 1-2 NE .15,18 :t 80 400 6.28 1.57 60 MS
Qeo. A. Burr, All .16 18 3 MO 3200 60.24 12.56 60 <3.1©
«3to. A Hurt i All 1.17 18 3 610 3200 60.24 12.56 601 6MB
tin N 1-2 NE. 18 18 3 80 400 6.28 1.57 60 MS
Geo. A. Hurr, K 1-2 NK. 18 18 3 80 400 6.28 J.S7 60 MS
Geo. A. Burr, hi 1-2 NW. 18 18 3 80 400 6.28 1.2S 60 MS
O. ’ A. Burr, SE .ISIS 3 160 800 12.54 3.14 60 }«T>
Unknown. S 1-2 NE.19 18 3 8t» 400 6.23 1.57 60 9.45
Unknown. W 1-" NW.i9 18 3 83.4 425 6.67 1.67 60 fr.94
I). W. Rentier, SW . 19 18 3 163.03 800 12.66 3.14 60 16.30
Burr & Ivans, W 1-2 NE. 20 18 3 8U 400 6.28 1.67 60 8.4ft
do NW . 20 18 3 160 800 12.56 3.14 60 16,20
do W 1-2 KW. 20 18 3 80 400 6 26 1.57160 5.1*
do W 1-2 SK. 20 18 3 80 400 6.28 1.57 60 9.45
J. It. Bailey. S 1-2 NK.i. 20 18 3 80 1000 15.70 3.93 60 20.23
do B 1-2 KE. 20:18 3 SO 400 6.2S 1.57 60 8.46
Mrs. Jennie Arndt, W 1-2.|2©I1S 3 320 1600 25.12 6.28 60 32.00
Geo. A. Hurr. NW NE .122 18 3 40 200 3.14 .79 60 4.63
G. W. Scott. E 1-2 NE.123 18 3 SO 600 12.8C 3.22 60 13,67
I). W. Bunder. NE SW .,23 18 3 40 400 10.28 2.58 60 13.43'
A. A. Growhon. NW SW .:23 18 3 10 400 6.28 1.57 60 MB
t). W. Bender, SW KW .23 IS 3 40 400 6.28 1.67 60 g.|J
D. W. Bender. W of Tty SE SW- 23 18 3 20 250 G.13 1.61 60 8.ft*
A. A. Henson. SW SE . 23 18 3 40 200 5.14 1.2960'' 6.1*
<;. W. Scott, N 1-2 NK . 21118 3 80 800 26.60 5.14 60 2*.IP
G. W. Scott. N 1-2 NW .21 IS 3 80 600 10.42 3.86 60 19.it
A. II. 'Me t mull Id. K 1-:: NE . 2118 3 80 800 20.511 6.14 60 36.80
IV. T. Cribhe, N 1-2 SE. 21 18 3 80 600 13.92 3.48 60 18,0©
do SW SK . 24 18 3 40 300 7.71 1.93 60 lffili
tlo Bt KE SE .2 4 18 3 33 250 6.13 1.61 60
(>. A. Henson. NK . 26 18 3 160 800 20.66 6.14 60 26.3©
do SW . 26 18 3 160 800 20.56 5.14 60 26.30.
Geo. \. Burr, NW . 26 18 3 1*0 800 20.56 5.14 *0 20.30
T. J Uleiiton, SE .. 26 18 3 160 800 20.56 5.14 60 26.30
Geo Iturr, NE .27 IS 3 160 800 12.56 3.14 60 IMO
Mrs. Jennie Arndt, NW ., 28 18 3 I HO 800 12.66 3.14 60 »«:|S
Mrs. Jennie Arndt. NE . 29 18 3 160 .800 12.56 3.14 60 16.8©
J. C. Lovell, SE NW .129 18 3 10 200 3.11 .79 60 4:53'
Mrs. Matt it. Lovell, NE SW .i29 18 3 40 350 6.43 1.36 60 7.3©
tide A Burr. SE .129 18 3 160 800 12.56 3.14 60 16.30
do SE NW.30 18 8 40 200 2.14 .79 60 4.58
do E 1-2 KW .30118 3 80 I0U .6.28 1.57 60 8.45
do KE .130H8 3 160 800 12.56 3.14 60 16.2®
do NE. 32118 3 160 800 12.56 3.14 60 16.30
Mrs. Jennie Arndt. NE NW.1.12118 3 40 2*00 3.14 .79 60 4.5*
Mrs. Jennie Arndt, SW NW .:32U8 3 10 200 8.1-1 .79 60 4.53'
Unknown N 1-2 SW.3211S 3 Ml .800 12.53 3.11 60 16.2®
Jack Oetson. SW SW .'32118 3 10 200 3.11 .79 60 4It
IX W. Bender, .V 1-2 ':!3;i8 3 320 2500 39.25 9.82 60 49.fT
do SE ..'33 18 3,160 800 12.56 3.11 60 16.|©
W. S. Clark, NE . 34,18 3 160 800 20.56 C.14 60 26.}*
J. It. Bailey. E 1-2 KW.:3IU8 3 80 500 7.85 1.96 60 10.41
V. J. Heaton, NE .135 18 31160 800 20.56 5.14 60 20.*©
a I.. «■» a II ’dr tv Ml V A t I Alt I 1 A HO A Ml AA • » Sff
r. C. l-ovoeumi?. SW .35 1* 3 ICO 80'» 20.56 5.14 60 2C.fi
Unknown. \V 1-2 SW .36 18 3 NO COO 13.92 3.18 60 18.M
Unknown, KB SW .36 18 3 10 .375 7.07 1.27 60 I.M
Unknown S 1-3 SB . 30 18 3 NO (.50 11.11 3.54 60 11.2*
Hy i-'n. llrnally Ml'g. Co., N 1-3 RW. 25)19 3 NO 800 1N.5U 4.61 60 23.lt
do 8 1-2 SW, . 25119 3 NO 800 18.56 4.64 60 !3.#t
Unknown, W 1-2 SW .26 10 3 NO 600 13.92 3.18 6® IMt
Unknown, SB NW . 32119,3 40 300 C.96 1.74 60 9.1#
Jr.hu II. Johnson. NB .»3|l» 3 ICO 800 18.56 4.64 60 23.it
Unknown. NW NW .!33ll0| 3 10 300 6.96 1.74 60 9.*t
Unknown. SW .|33U9i 31160 N00I 18.561 4.61160 23.lt
John H Johnson, NB SB .3319 3 40 200 4.64 l.li 60 6.4t
Unknown. W 1-2 SB . 33 19 3 SO 400 9.28 2.32 60 12:30
Unknown. SB SB . 3.3 19 3 10 200 4.64 1.11 60 6.60
Jaaou L. Lipht. B 1-2 SW. 2!1C 4 80 350 7.23 1.82 60 9.67
CIum. Uobb. K 1-2 SW NW . 3116 1 20 60 1.24 .31 60 £.1S
(i. .V Ornmllner, SB NW . 3116 I 39.09 120 2.49 .62 60 3.fl
Unknown. NW NW .1111« 4 10 200 1.14 1.01 60 5.7§
Unknown, N 1-2 NB .13 16 1 NO 600 13.62 3.41 60 17.63
Unknown. B 1-2 NW .13,16 4 80 300 7.11 1.78 60 9.6#
W. W. Nowpom. SW MV .13)16 4 10 200 4.74 1.19 60 64R1
Torn rilll, NW NB NW .14|16 4 10 59 1.19 .30 60 2 041
T.oni U!ill. W rt S 1-° NB NW.1116 I 5 10 .21 .06 60 .ft
Mrs. M. C. Tree.?*, NW NW .14)16 H to 1*0 2.37 .69 60 3.96
Tom 'Oilt, W IT SB NW .Ill* 4 10 100 2.37 .59 60 3.56
Unknown, l’t SW SW . |lt!l6 1 4 69 1.43 .36 60 2.3t
W. M Newsom. FT NB SB ..lj|l« 1 6 135 2.96 .74 60 lit
do MV SB .14 16 4 40 300 7.11 1.79 60 Oilf
do rt SW SB .14 16 4 30 350 6.92 1.48 60 * 00
Ix.iijp Wall. NB NW .120 16 I 40 200 1.54 1.14 *0 *.«■
Bonis Wall. IT SB MV .'20 16 1 30 80 1.82 .46 60 *.§•
It. B. Bdpar, NW NB .122 16 I 10 200 4.71 1.19 60 6.9*
H. B. Kdp«r, NB MV. 23 16 4 40 200 4.54 1.14 60 6.2#
IW. L>. Ileator, l't N 1-" SW NW...26 16 I 6 25 .57 .15)60 ,1.33
do SB NW .'25 16 4 10 160 3.64 .91160 0.1S
do 96 l-'< NK SW-125 16 t 10 10 .91 ,23)60 U.7*
K. .V. Forty, NW in SB SW. 25 16 4 .65 5 .12 .03l«0 -.75
J. S. Thotnpaou, SB SW . 27 16 4 40 150 3.41 .85 60 4.86
IUnknown. SW NK ... 32 16 4 -10 200 4.54 1.14 60 6.844
li N. I’uvrcr?, W 1-2 SW .32 16 I 80 20o 1.51 1.1160 €.2*
t'bknown, NB SB . 32 16 4 10 300 6.82 1.71 60 9.1#
Unknown, B l’t NW SB.,... 32 16 4 18 1UU 2.27 .57 60 8.4*'
Unknown, W rt NW SB . 32,16 4 23 125 2.84 .71 60 4.46
Tv't. n*v, Ut NB SW . 33 16 4 24 125 2.84 .71 60 4.1*
W T. Ray, l't NW SW .33116 4 30 150 3.41 .86 60 I.*?
W T.Ttay, SW SW .3-016 1 40 240 6.15 1.3T 60 7.1*.
W. *T. Ray, l't SB SW. 33 16 4 32.84 165 3.75 .94 60 S.M
J. .K. .Thompson. l't N Ditch B 1-2 NW 31 Ik 4 32 250 6.68 1.67 60 l.jfi
Vnkrvwn, L 6 NB . M‘ 4 39.86 100 2.77 .69 60 4-14
IMo. Vac. Uy.. T. I NW. J 17 4 38.85 100 2.77 .69 60 4.J*
W. C Tiiylnf. l't 1j 1, NB . 1 17 1 12.81 65 1.22 .31 60 2.18
B M Cloud, I.ot 13, NB. 5 17 4 39.90 200 3.71 .91 60 5.3#
R. i). J-Towrey. \V 1-3 W 1-2 SB_ 5)17 4 10 200 3.74 .94 60 5.9*
W \ 6'loud. B 1-2 W 1-2 SB. 5,17 4 10 250 4.OS 1.17 60 6.48
Unknown Hot 1-1 NB . 6 17 -1103.88 600 (.61 1.41 60 7.68
I nknowk. I. 2-3-S-9-10 NW. 6 17 4 263.36 2000 37.10 9.35 60 47.35
B T iVoiran, SW . 6;17 4 112.66 800 11.96 3.74 60 19.3#
Unknown*. NB SB . 6:17 4 10 200 3.74 .91 60 5.216
i Unknown* NW SB . 6)17 4 40 200 3.74 .94 60 6.18
I T Olutud, NK NW ., 5.17 4 40 150 3.86 -M 60 (.48
do ^ N 1*2 S 1-3 MV.’ 8! 1» 41 10 125 3.22 .81 60 4,6*
•T. 11. Clottd. N’ 1-2 SB NW. S 17 1) 20 125 3.22 .81 60 4.68
I. T Clou ll. K 1-2 SW NW.| 817 4 20 125 3.22 .81 60 ?4.6§
, . 4.CoatiuucJ ou Bauo Four)
o . ' • >- ■ v.7

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