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Housecleaning Time Is Here z And we have a nice line of varnishes, stains, etc., that we are closing out dt cost. Everything is guaranteed and purchase price will be refunded for any paint or varnish purchased from us that does not prove satisfactory. DENT’S PHARMACY Successor to Don McAdams Drug Co Local and Personal LOOK AT BARNETT’S GUN WINDOW. Wm. Smith, a blacksmith of Sand town, is in the city today. Buy a Jewel and save fuel. At Crouch’s. T. W. Hopkins, the piano man, is spending today in the city. Have you seen Barnett’s line of guns and shells? Sam Mankins of Guion is spending today in the city on business. Munsing underwear for men, wo men and children at Barnett’s 120-2 t E. A. Fallis, a well known f irmer of Charlotte, is in town today. Crossett shoes for men at Bar nett’s. 120-d2t J. M. Jones, one of McHue’s best farmers, is marketing cotton today. New fall furniture arriving at Crouch's. W. H. Lester, a planter, and his son, Desha, of D.shn, is in the city today. "The kir.d that fits." What? Mun aing Union Suits. At Barnett’s *l2O-d2t. W. D. Driskell of Moorefield was 11 business visitor in the city ye <- i erday. ifcWKp ATED SUGAR, 20 LBS. TURDAY ONLY. AT I 120d.1t lOlf 1 E. Reaves of Salado was after business in the city fiV ■Mett shoes for men “make I walk easy.” At Barnett’s. rrest Jeffery, with the Jeffery [r Co., is reported as being very da week. i Provence, a clever citizen of City, is a business visitor in ity today. v. Wm. Nesbitt of Bethesda, a odist minister, who is pastor of hurchs at Desha and Bethesda, town today, en route home from s. 15 Cents A Day fl Many people in our community are actually dying from eating poorly-cooked food, or living in badly-hjated ur poorly-ventilated rooms. We propose to stop this, right now. Here’s our unheard of and extraordinary offer: Come to us at once, and no matter what kind or style of a range or stove you may se lect—whether for cooking or heating—we will de liver you anything you may want from our line of •‘Buck’s” stoves and ranges upon payment of 18 Cents a Day With our full guarantee that it will please or no sale 6. W. Maxfield Qompany See JACK HANDFORD For Concrete Work of All Kinds. Prices and Terms z • Reasonable. Mrs. H. A. Stowell spent last night at Moorefield, returning home this morning. The ladies of the Baptist church will serve lunch in the city on show day, October 19th. 120-d2t S. P. Marlin, a prominent merch ant of Maxwell, is a ' u'’-!ess visitor in the city today. For Sale-Three art square rugs. Wi.l sell cheap. Mrs. V. C. Mathis, 457 Fourth street. d3t Dock Rodgers, justice of the peace of Gainsboro township, is in town today marketing .cotton. E. F. DeCamp returned this morning from St. Louis, where he has b?< n on business. Riley Hightower, a good citizen of Sharp county, is spending today in the city on business. GET YOUR GRANULATED SU GAR AT SCHOTTS, 20 LBS. FOR 21, SATURDAY ONLY. !20d2t William Milligan, a well known merchant of Sandtown, is a business visitor in the c'ty today. W. D. Winstn, cne of James town’s good farmers, is transacting business in the city today. Mr. J. D. Allen, a well to do far mer of Salado, is in the city today, and visited the Guard office. C. C. Bennett of Madison, Wis., who has been spending some time in the county visiting friends and rel atives, paid the Guard a pleasant call. FLOYD E. STEIN Attorney at Law. Practice in all State and Federal courts. Collections. Notary Public. Office with McCaleb & Reeder. THE CAMPAIGN FUND. Following is a list of democrats .n this community who have respond ed to the call of their party for vol untary subscriptions to assist in bear htg the legitimate expense of Uie presidential campaign. The call is urgent and al! loyal democrats are asked to l.slp in the cause, no matter how small the amount. Previously acknowledged .. ..SSB 50 Ross Denison 1 00 Chas. Ba matt 1 00 S. J. McMahan 1 00 Jack Devours $ 1 00 Mrs. P. S. Burley $ 1 00 Judge Charles Coffin $1 00 E. O. Craig $1 00 I'ranklin Perrin $5 00 Mrs. S. H. Davidson of Evening Shade is spending a few days in the city visiting friends and relatives. Ed Hooper, one of Salado’s merch ants, is in the city today and made a substantial visit to this office. Dr. Fred Maynard returned last night from points up the road, where he went on professional business. Randolph Chinn, one of the oldest and c ost highly respected citizens cf Xs ley township, is in town today W. W. Bagwell, a good citizen of Buford, spent yesterday in the city looking after some business atfairs. G. W. Lackey, a good citizen of Mountain View, spent last night in the city, returning home this morn- Deputy Sheriff W. H. Brown l?f this morning for O’Neal, where h: will spend the day on official busi ness. Rev. Wm. Thompson, a Cumberland Presbyterian minister of Sandtown, is in the city today transacting busi ness. YOU CAN GET 20 LBS. GRANU LATED SUGAR FOR SI.OO AT SCHOTTS. SATURDAY ONLY. 120d2t. Cecil Wade went to Moorefield last night to attend the wedding of his brother, Ernest, to Miss Leggett at that place. Bea Conine spent last night at Moorefield, attending the bedside of Louis Massey, who was injured there a -few days ago. Pleas Puckett, after spending a few days here with friends and rel atives, left this afternoon for his home at Franklin. FOR SALE—Two desirable build ing lots, one on Main street and the other on South stre t. Apply to Mrs. J. C. McGuire. d!18-3t Willie Comer of Grasten, Pa., spert yesterday in the city, being en route to Buford, where he will visit for some time. W. B. Pate, the Jamestown merch ant, was a business visitor in the city yesterday and paid the Guard an appreciated call. Prof. H. P. Conyers of Newport spent Thursday in the city, being en route home from Barren Fork, where he spent the summer. Judge -J. B. McCaleb left this morning for Evening Shade, where he will spend a few days attending the fair that is being held there. Arthur Galloway, a well known young man of Sandtown, who was recently married to Miss Florence Scott of Dyersburg, Tenn., passed through th? c ty this morning with his bride, en route home. Gem Theatre Auditorium' Building Management of Moose Band TONIGHT “The Jocular W’inds of Fate," Vitagraph. “The End of the Romance,” a clev erly enacted drama suggested by L Max Ehrler’s famous paintings, Selg. “The Viol'n’s Message,” Lubin. Price* 5 and 10 Cents The Home of Good Clothes SM>Y BoyssuTTl Av Any size at most any price. Come see how good they are. We have paid special attention to buying our Boys’ Clothing. We care sure that some of them will suit you. Fit Your Boy At Barnett ios.Merc.Co. FACILmES COUNT \ 1 7HEN IT COMES to buying and selling lumber, facili ’ ▼ ties for handling it count as much as the buying end. We are prepared to keep large stocks of lumber stored, and in that way, we can carry more than any other concerns whose storage capacity is limited. All this has much to do u ith the price. Buying everything in large quantities always makes the price lower. The advantage of all these things, we offer to our customers. Talley-Wasson Lumber Cc. Mr. B. M. McQuin cf t o Lee’s Chapel neighborhood, is in town to day preparing to move t> Washing ton, D. C., where he will reside per manently. Mr. and Mrs. Lou Coombs were passengers through the city last night, being en route to Little Rock from Kansas City, they have been visiting. Mr. and Mrs. James King last Sat urday moved to Batesville, where they expect to reside temporarily, or during Mr. King's work on the south end of the road. The friends of the family gave them a reception at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gris wold Friday afternoon.—-The Cotter Record. NSW STORF-^ h j Fail lines are complete, and embrace a variety ^ jaffords the greatest latitude for satisfactory selection. * i Ynn must call and see the nice and late styles in Ladies' and Misses :■ I ; Lt>, Hats, Shoes and Dress Goods, even if you don’t need them, because I tl ty art well worth seeing, and the prices are remarkably low, which are I (t ti t v itcesfes to the capabilities of this one-price store in value-giving. I '•■■■■> ' I =======^===============:=======S=X==Ss». 'I I ■■■■■■■■■ ——— I Millinery Department. Remember — Everything I . MeCaWa Patterns.*’^ SI I rt ?» here you wiii find new; Everything marked in I if you want patterns rI I all the very latest creations I that make Style, that eon- '(W I in Fash onabie Millinery— plain figures—One price to all. I form I ell that has been created »| tnands of W Ftg|i)n, pM I by the world’s best artists, L b«p MeGalP-t | I and the prices are just as —— , ‘gm « f atoiw Alld'•Man p#« I* H I moderate as such high- UaMMMAV* I TTtnlr Jr ~ fSTMSTIt I class productions can be nwLmWBJ. L MeCai!'Patten yow I made. You’U say so when ■ you see them. - ** ’ ' I 1 — 1 Miss Elizabeth Leggett and Ernest Wade were united in marriage last night at the bride's home near Moorefield at 8 o’clock. Rev. C. F. Hively officiating. James A. Stages, a well known citizen of Melbourne, was a passen ger through the city this morning, being en route home from St. Louis, where he has been with four car loads of cattle for the markets. A. S. Wilson, a good citizen of Desha, was a visitor to the city this morning, and brought with him a very fine sample of cotton grown on his place. It is known as the Row den cotton, and he says a man can pick out a third more of it in a day than of the ordinary cotton. The very best will last your boy much longer. WANTED—By a very neat, tidy, refined, educated widow of 40, to correspond with and meet bachelor or unencumbered widower. \Some means, a neat dresser, jolly and gen tlemanly. None but respected need write. Address Box 629. DON’T FAIL To visit our store regularly. We hare something new all the time. KELLERS