Newspaper Page Text
■ggßl SHINGLES all kinds ' ♦ Have just unloaded d cdr of Celebrated Washington #ED CEDAR, and have on yarus a good supply of native Cy p^fess. The price, As usual with ns, is the Lowest. lalley-Wassonlbr.Co. a w ** —* ■— » n i a...*4n «e-« ■ Local ana Penonal = -* - . - 1 ■■■ Clothes called for and delivWdd, । Trunks, hand bags and suit eases satisfaction guaranteed. Mack Hardy. Cecil Wade of Cord, after spending a Aw days Mere with his parents, re tuehed to Chrd this evening. Will sell high grade piano, stand aril make, cheap for cash. Address Fidite, Box 4, Batesville. Md Id Hankins of Oil Trough is aiWbng the business vhrttorS in Bwtes viHb Wday. AMIM io rent, famished or unfaen- Caraway, at City Hotel. dtf. For SHe—o*4 Os and wfaM* harness. See O F Sa" dert, or <*» phddd No MB IMltw A beantifei line of traveling seta, from |».50 to 18, at A. T. Evans. 4td. R. Jf. Ramey war amorig the local traveling men leaving the city this morning. A beautrfbr linA of ne* nfecWwedr for men at A. f. Avins’. 3W-4W Deputy U. S. Marshal Webber left I this morning for Calico Rock, where I he will spend today on business. I Cheap, tent’ it? Sult pressed 35e» I pants pressed 16c, coats pressed 25c, I A new line of ties for holidays. A. I A. I Miss May Porter of Newark is I spending today in Batesville visiting ■ relatives. I Sulm made to order and guaran- I teed to Mt. Herthan Gaensel, the I at the cash tailor shop. Phono 339. ts ■ Miss Florence Owen of Sulphur ■ Rock is spending today in Batesville ■ shopping. ■ Your clothes cleaned and preswd ■ satisfactorily at Mack Hardy’s tailor ■ shop. ■ W. C. Brodie is among the railroad ^■men spending today in the city, at ■ tending court. ■ Clothes cleaned, pressed and m ■paired. Price and work guaranteed. ■Herman Guensel. the tailor. ts ■ D. C. Lane, wife and son of New ark were visitors to Batesville today End paid the Guard office a pleasant EhII. ■ — 4 hi in Hirn v" Meuiitiim • [Children’s Week I . I At The Popular \ehristmas Store! I We want you to know that our Counters and Shelves < I have been turned over to Santa Claus, so that he ; I can show you the veiy things you want t 0 se ®U2 • I your sWtetihge Christmas mortting. I Now, don’t forget, girls arid Boys, that next weekis I your week in our store and that J, we are] going^o , I show and sell the very tilings you Hke best. IWW You Some Them? want’s Variety Store I for Xmas. A. T. Evans. 302-itd 1 You can get your clothes pressed' :heap for cash Phone 339. 208-ts. Alex Hull, editor of the Harrison Times, spent yesterday in Batesville with friends, returning home this morning. We are prepared to furnish you With cdbk ♦bod now. Car received .daily. Landers & Kealer, phone 191, 'or see Ernest Kealer. ts. I ». A t W* citisen of I Sulphur Rock, is spending today in Batesville on business. He was a pleasant caller at this office. AR pdrffMl oWW Fike Bros, groc ery ** ibqmad » «et«M same at • th«r eaAMR convenience Fike j William Smith, a clever citizen of ' Anderson, is among the business vis i itors in Batesville today. He was a ' pleasant caller at this office. Warin rooms and good clean beds at the Johnson Rooming Route, Luster building, South Main street. Call and see us. E. B. Johnson, prop. 270- Imd. I T. W. Williams of Cushman, .who has been confined here in a hospital i for some time, is able to be out again and he was a caller at the Guard of- ( flee this morning. J. G. Hirt, a good farmer of this vicinity. Was a welcome caller at the I Guard office today. Mr. Hirt is one lof the substantial farmers of the । vicinity, and is very much interested ' in real estate interests at present. ~ 1 have a beautiful line of Xmas goods in the way of men’s collar bags, dressing cases, linen handkerchiefs, handkerchief cases, tie cases, silk | hose, neckwear, gloves and many • other useful things that we will be glad to have you come in and look over. A. T. Evans. 302-4td. I MAIL PACKAGES EARLY. The postoffice department requests ; mas by mailing their packages early. ' It is fully expected that owing to the ■ parcel post provisions now in force i the package business this year will t be at least two or three times that of any former holiday season. Don’t wait until late in the* afternoon to ( bring your packages to the office, and expect them to be dispatched by next (hail as usual. It takes time to weigh dnd stamp them, and while the post office force will make every endeavor possible to handle the business satis factorily, the public can materially Assist us by observing the above re quest. The patrons of the city de livery service must not expect to re ceive their mail at general delivery after th£ local arrives for the next i two weeks. 1 ■ H. C. Wade, Postmaster. | From Mcßue. The school at this place is pro- ] grossing nicely. Oscar Jones is the > teacher. Prayer meeting was well attended 1 1 list Thursday night. Everybody in vited to attend. Several of the boys came from ' Desha last Saturday night and en- । joyed a splendid time at the enter- | tainment. P N. Linenwever’s daughter arrived 1 last Saturday from California and;' will visit until Christmas. Leo Mayhue has bought Parker’s L place and moved over last week. Clarence Jones returned home this . week from Elmo. A. W. Mayhue was visiting in this place last Thursday. Walter Milligan is visiting friends: here the last week or so and will re- ; turn to Texas Christmas. Misses Laura and Ray Chisam vis ited the home of G. W. Purcelley last Sunday. Annie and May Jones visited their cousins last Sunday evening. Locust Grove. Walter Searcy, the cotton seed buyer of Desha, was in our midst 1 looking after business matters. Miss Opal Brooks of this place' ’ spent Saturday night the guest of her! . friends. Misses Birdie and Maud I , York. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Alexander, on the 15th, a fine girl. Mrs. W. W. Alexander is spending ' several dAys visiting relatives at ! Almbnd this week. 1 Miss Clbvie Greene returned to her home at Alffiond Saturday after sev- ■a. 1 I rNR|MS MVFue Os Great Danger i —=— t I May Ml Mehni of Absorbing Germs in Most Unexpected Manner. 1 ' Bit V : EK, Maka Tear Btead Fara ^aad Imm> WMk In thousand! ot Instance* the moat ease jn*rmi in public place*, and the ap parently iDßignidcaDt pimple baa brra the cdutv. It spreads with astonishing rapidity, 1 ofteh infecting the entire system Id a few Heve It la fortunate, however, that there la -a remedy t<> n<>e quickly and thoroughly with aueb « condition, ahd thanka t<> the ’ cnenty °t Us prottneer* the fahiotlv S. s s. I ii>ay now be had at moat any drug atore In the clrlllied world. This preparation atanda alone as a blood purifier It ia aomywhnl reroJuUunnrr In ta eompoaltloh. aldce It abvohipllah>-s all that waa ever claimed for mercury, lodhle*. araenic. and other deatructlve mineral dnin. and vet It la abaolutely a purely vgetable product. It contalna one ln*r>- . ’ dleot which serve, the active purpose of ' stlmnlatlng e*rh tiny cellular part of the 1 11 sane, to the healthy and judlcloua sole ' tlon of Ita own essential nutriment. Tlure ' are more <a*ew of artlcutkt rheumatism ’ locomotor ataila. paresis, neurltla. and ' similar dlseaMs reaultant from the use ut ' mineral, than mort people ere aVare of ’ Three facta are broncht out In a highly , ' Interesting book complied by the mol cal ' department of The Swift Rpecltlc < 0.. -17 Swift Bldg.. Atlanta, Oa. It la mailed free, together with apeclal Information, to ■■■ ’ who write d&erfMnf their sytoptomm net a bottle of S B. 8. «»day. b?.t be careful not to have -RH”- o# on you falsely cl limed to K fiiM a* gaod.’’ TH® W . r Oewl i! THEATER ; ; Andilorium H.iMimS । I TONiuirr “Hi> ltMe« fWnii liMfeM. ” ' ' Lubin. i I “The Church of Conacience,” weatant; PatM. “Wanted, a Strong Hand," • comedy. } I “Laying a’ Marin* OaM** PBtMs > wcErM 11 Georf I Ife fivers’ I • Do you know there dfe only days more : • to do Holiday^ Shopping^ ; i ■ i: Do you know there are only Eleven more days to get | :: votes in the Piano Contest? Come in now, buy your H i :; presents here, get the votes, and help your friend 1 Win a f 400.00 Piano, I :: or one of the other three handsome prizes. You will :: I :: find what you are looking for at j I ;, < 1 The Terry Dru^ &o^ ’ Extra Votes on Holiday Goods ’ era! weeks' visit at this place. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Ixvvell were in * Batesville shopping Saturday. Misses Pearl Greene and Dessie Brooks spent Saturday night and Sunday at Stony Point visiting. friends. Miss Lizzie Curtis spent Sunday . the guest of Miss Agnes Bell. Rev. Wash Lush filled his regular 1 appointment here Sunday. ■ Prof. M. Myers spent Saturday | night and Sunday with home folks at I Bethesda. Pleasant Plains. Andrew Watts came home from Jonesbobb, whbri- he has b?en at work • for several -.'«eks Dr Johr ton and faffiily of Bates- ' ' ville spent Sunday at his father’s, J B. Johnston. F. M. Copeland will be the Metho- । dist pastor another year. W. R. Pasley was home Sunday. Buck Hilger was here last Monday after cattle. Mr. and Mrs. Webb of Stone coun ty are here visiting Mrs. Webb’s father. l.on Harris. Bennie Robertson, who has been, at Hot Springs for some time, being treated for rheumatism, returned home last week. Bill Garner, who has spent the fall in Indiana, is with us again. G. M. McCauley moved his family back from the bottoms last week. firnest McAdams came home from ■T POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. The Guard is authorised to an nounce the following candidates for office, subject to the action of the Democratic party: For Congre— GEORGE T. HUMPHRIES. W. A. OLDFIELD. For Representative— J. K. YORK. DR C. W. BAYNHAM For Proaecutlng Attorney— ' EARL C. CASEY. THORNBERRY GRAY , I For State Senator— W. O. EDMONDSON For County and Probate Judge— T. M. WALDRIP. JOHN E. McCORMACK. I For Sherif— JI ED. SHRftRILL BLMLR G. HINKLE. E. M. FLY. J. U, MARTIN. LAWRENCE RUODELL. !*dr and Chancery Cterit— JAMES T. EVAJiS. 1 Por County Clerk— J. A. KENNARD. • , S» B. (Butterj WYCOUGH. A. S. WIGGINS G. W. BROWNING. E? R. HOOPER. Air TlMPtelleetbr- BURTON ARNOLD. For County Tt iaefaA* FRANKLIN PERRIN. 1 —=— □ P ^ niff ACT* OM WinalotF Evana’ stora. ODee I n a——B. u* itdWi Wmh* WbMt I J®-* *** | the bottoms M mday. Rev. A. D. Allen preached for us Sunday night. Westbrook and Johnson are giving , their store building a much needed coat of paint. | Mrs. Gordon has the measles. Marvin Brooks made a trip to Batesville last Saturday. ' J. H. Robertsm and son, Arthur, went to Batesvilh last week. Theron Burrow was home Sunday. Jen kins-Johnson. Guy Jenkins, one of the employes of the Batesville phstbffice, and Miss ! Anna Johnson, one of the most popu- I lar young ladies on the West Side. ! were united in marriage at the Bap j tist church at West Batesville last ! night. Rev. D. A. Sutton officiating. । The wedding was attended- by a I large crowd of the friends of the young people, and they are receiving 1 the hearty congratulations of their I Good Things For Xmasl ; j t- Ti-— i! - ; i 2 lbs. Fancy Mixed Candy, - -15 c. ;; <I; 2 Ibß. Stick Caiidy. - - -15 c. <! ; 1 Ife. High Grade Chocdlatea, _ ; t Whipped Gredin Cerit*»H, - -25 c. • ; > 3 packages any iOn'd"ghm, - l^Oc- < ► 2 IdVgb StiWdf Caddy, - - - ; ; Oi^nges, per box, any size, - - OStOfr ;; ; j California Seedless Oranges, per doz. 45c. to 15c. ; k ; I Fancy Apples, Ark. Black or < > j! Wiriesap, per peck, - -50 c. I; Laf# P&dris, 2-lb S- - -25 c. ; ; ’; California Walnuts, per lb. - -25 c. :: Mixed Nuts, - - -20 c. ।(. j; Strictly Fresh Eggs, per doz. - -25 c. : f ' ’ 22 lbs. Light or Dark Brown Sugar, - SI.OO ! ■ :: ir S. M. MOORE, ^ h ^- r W^*<4^<^»*»W»W»»«f*wW¥***4te*hW*+»4*********r*€ I Christmas Shoppy | Toil had better hurry! Ol¥ty 6 more' day’s? Corfit to* l«i<^ ^wxa«.« I flv flvlivuY k^iVl VX W'd terve f chtrite stlediott nf gifts. f f M : XX —T- - • " - “ aw C f. TANNtk • u lit IMt—ri l^kfct many friends today. They are both well known and popular with the young folks of Batesville, and have numerous friends who will join with the Guard in con gratulations And good wishes. New CMBprationa Formed. Little Rot^ Dec. 17.—The Farm ers' Union Warehouse and Banking Company of Bearden has filed a cer tificate changing its name to the Farmers’ Union Company “in order to comply with a late act of the state” as the company is not engaged in the banking business. The Gravette Cash Store Com^bny of Gravette has been incorporated with a capital stock of $5,000, of which $2,500 has been subscribed. The j company will deal in dry goods, shoes, clothing, hats and notions. The officers are F. M. Gamble, presi dent; J. A. Gamble, vice president; J. E. Carl, secretary-treasurer.