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iflE EAIhS VILLE WARD. Entered at the Batesvil.e, Ark., Post office a. second class mail matter. Georgi 'J T.evathan. General Manager. By Carrie. One Month $ 50 Twelve Month- 5 00 Yy Man. Une month $ 35 Three Months ' i 00 Six Months 1 75 Twleve months 3 00 Where deliver . irregular, plca e make immediate con.plaint to the of fice. Phone 26 THE MEXICAN Ot TR IGES. The indignation of all Christian people at the outrage' committed by Huerta and Villa follower' in Mexico against foreigners may result event ually jn intervention by the < nited States, backed by other power.' But President Wilson and Secretary Bry an’s advice of several month' ago should have been followed, when they requested all Americans and foreign ers to leave Mexico By taking account of sucn property they could not remove, notifying the American consuls of its value, and , whom to hold responsible for its safety, the Mexican government would be held responsible for all property destroyed, and lands owned by foreigners will finally be restored to them, no matter who rules Mexico. But since some foreigners elected to remain in Mexico, it becomes the duty of their government to demand and see that they receive protection, so long as they do not meddle with or take part in the factional warfare being carired on in that country. The Benton and Vergara cases are the first ones to appear to demand that this country take some drastic step to punish the Mexican murder ers responsible for their death. The former was a subject of Great Brit ain, the latter an American citizen. While many other outrages are re ported, these two stand out as the ones upon which may la- based a dis 31 Years Experience Come and See Me. I am here to stay. All Sewing Machines repaired in first class shape, and all work guaranteed. Call or phone Ivy Hotel. Supplies furnished on short notice for all machines : : : : L. C. FOX; QI JI .J I I —— LINOLEUM # • THERE has been an awakening the fact Linoleum is the one best and most satisfactory covering tor certain floors— -1 bathroom, kitchen, hall, office and soon. We are ready to meet all demands with a nice large stock of choice patterns 1 We will »e glad to measure your floors, cut the patterns to match, ami even lay it for you. if you wish A. L. CROUCH | YOUR CREDIT IS GOOP @t=3E=3 ^=3E=® ferent attitude of foreign powers i toward Mexico. It Is afe to say that while Eng .a d is rot hasty in action, that gov •mmtnt will demand a satisfactory, ■xplanation from Villa, through the' United States, of Benton's execution. In the case of Vergara, who was nveipled across the border, seize I 'nd impri'oned. and later hanged, the United States must look to Hue: < for satisfaction This latter case - the most out rageou' yet reported, with evidence to back up the charges of thi man ni r in which Vergara was murdered ile was induced to cross the border by a Mi xun'i uHieei on the plea that he w ished to pay for stock 'tol< n 1 < ni \ iigara. and the Xmerican wa seized and taken away , while his wife looked on from across the liorder m I'exa - That Huerta and Villa are both uncivilized in their methods of deal mg with their enemies, and person ally deserve the fate that has come to their victims, it i- to the credit >f the American people that they do not desire to see war between thi' country and Mexico, or any other country. This is not due to any fear as to the final result, should war be forced with Mexico, but to a sentiment that is fa-t taking deeper hold of the Am erican people, that it is wrong' to sacrifice the lives of loyal Citizens in order to settle differences between , nations and governments It is deeply regretted that the Mexican leaders have proven them selves incapable of even conducting what is recognized as civilized war fare, and that their cowardly and overbearing disposition has caused them to commit, or pertAit the com < mission of such crimes as the mur dering of Benton. Vegam and others. Notwithstanding the contempt of Americans for the cowardly Mexi cans. the Christian people of this na tion still have faith in the admims nation at Washington to obtain re tlress for these bloody deeds and re tain the national honor without re sorting to arms. SOCIAL HAPPEhinuS Os THE WEEK IN BATESVILLE I Concluded from Cage One der the management of the S I. A. The Batesville Civic < lub will join with the School Improvement Assoc iatkm to fittingly ob'ervi • ivic Rally Ihiy at an eally date. Inion Missionary Meeting. Members of the different woman's missionary societies of the various I churches met in an annual union im-etmg in the new Methodist chuich Wednesday afternoon of the past । week. A very interestinu and instructive ipi terrain was heard at this time an<l which was rendered by prominent I memU r* of teh various church* so cietiv*. A large crowd was present to enjoy mv i^ihicv of the program, i Dainty refreshment - were servvd at the conclusion <4 the program. i I MS I » « ( I . I>. < . Io Meet. I I fie I . I>. < Wil! hold their regu I tar monthly meeting at the home ot Mis. Geo II Irevathan on Thursday . iternom at 3 o'clock. Ihe Ailing u>n progarm which hud been previ ; ornly announced will l>c given at the t ■ All Ui *dto be pres ent.. Mi-ms Wynueli I an. i lain. 11l , Emn -i and Ada - W yvough , , u i tamed in homo of then y Hing , m ac. Mio M- 'll.- I low. on Saturday of last week, the occasion being the Umteei th birthday of the honoree. Ib- \\ ycoueh Imine was vei y pret ( ty m decorution. suggestive of Wash ington's birthday Thi en'.ei tainmeut feature wa- th* game six hundred, with »l\ tables \tl,, the ' int -i ot ing tame the |o, t. , iwed a dclieiou bin, heon Th ■ ■ Xo> . ve C t iny h dchet tilled w itb candy. The honoree we- the Ii- ipiim of a nun be! of o n pretty ift Mi'. aM-y Entertains < lub. \|। . Sam I asey ent* i tan < d the 'lwcntutl Century < lub on Ihui'day afternoon. ■ Ihe Occasion ploved to be nil. ot the most delightful club entertain . men!' hioiieht tneii tancy wink and soon after then arrival in the hos- | pitabl^ home fingers and tongues Were busy with the enjoyment of of the work and congenial conversation. The hostess introduced a delight ful musical contest, in which those । 1 present were required to answer all questions according to the songs played on the piano Quite a number succeeded in answering all of the ( questions, and the contestants drew 1 for the prize, when Mrs. Ernest Neill■ was given the first prize, a French I harp, while Mrs. Blake Evans was ■ given the second prize, an old-fash ioned "Jews" harp. Other laughable features were in-1 troduced and much enjoyed by the ’ guests. Mis Casey was assisted in caring for her guests by Mrs Charles Met-i calf. Mi-. C G. Hinkle and Miss Ji ssamine Perrin. Delicious refresh meats were served The favors were miniature musical , instruments, filled with nuts, also 1 each guest was presented with a beautiful ru nation as a special favor of the afternoon. I Week us Prayer. The Woman's Missionary I n»on • ( the I n t Ikiptist church will observe the week of piayur for Home Mis -ion. I>euinning a*, the church Sunday. March I Mis S B < alia way. leader. Following im the program; Sunday afternoon. Subjutt, “A Heart to Heart Home Mission Inven tory.” Object. “Tn prepare the hcurt> of; the women for the services of the week by showing that God Udieves in the surest foundations.” Devotional sei vice, -ilent pi a> vi Hymn, “America” Scripture. Psalm 107.1-22. Prayer that each one present may , realize the divine authority for home - 'missions Roll call Response by a quotation showing the value of home missions. . Prayer for the realization of home I mission work a- the keynote of all missions. Dcnumst cat ion. "Home Missiones , < unsnh'H «i < »vographa ally." by Mn Kennerlj Hymn. “Pein Krcp Me Near the Piayei that the home mission ’ Isiard may la* the means of bringing man) to the cross. Three »nn minute talks “Hom* Mission Board Plan of Wmk.” Mr> J A Hinkle “Relations of W M I' to Home Missions.” Mrs McNeil “How to Make the Week of Prayer <ount for Home Missions,” Mis Walkup Preaching. “The Prophetic Cake.” Mrs Wolf Solo. "In the Secret of His Prrs • m e.” Mi-s Fannie Hodge I h-cu-mm. a round table talk on ' homt missions ’ Reading. "Church F.ltaiemv.’ Mr- । Walkup J Prayei Announcements Hymn.' “Sw<*et Hour of Prayer.” * Momlay the meeting will lie held with Mr* Spark* with Mrs. Hinkle leader 1 Subject. "Back to the Country.” R.dl call ' Hymn. "Awake. -My Soul. Stiet«h । Every Nerve” Hymn. "Awake. My Soul i Scripture. “The Great Country . Preacher." Matt 8:1>IS; 11:1-11. Prayei. Talk, home miazions and । the country churrh Talk, important । factors, 1 Prayer. Hymn, "My Soul, Be on j Thy Guard.” 1 Reading. "A Country Churrh Ad I POLITICAL ANNOVNC EMENTS. The Guerd is authorized to an nounce the following candidates for office, subject to ibe action of the Democratic party: • For Congress— & V, . A 01. DUEL!) ” T. W CAMPBELL. I i Rcpusentative— <RK. HA'iXHAM J. 11 MARSHALL I ITER NOE \ G. GRAN .1 R M.E.WNDER l or t irruit Judge R E. JEFFERY Hr Prosecuting Mtorney — EARL < CASEY. THORNBERRY GRAY. HUGH I WILLIAMSON JOHN S GIBSON 1 J MAIHENY I <>r Stale Senator— W <> EDMONDSON'. MAR’ US BONE WILL M. THOMPSON lor Railroad < < mmissioner— T. E WOOD. Fo County and Probate Judge— T. M WAI.DRIP JOHN' E McCORMACK. M 1 ARNOLD. G J. LINDSEY For Circuit and Chancery Clerk— JAMES T. EVANS. For County Clerk— .l. A KENNARD. S. B. (Butler) WYCOUGH A S WIGGINS. ' (~ " BROWNING I E R HOOPER l For Sheriff— J. ED. SHERRILI ELMER G HINKLE. E M. FRY I J URBAN MARTIN. I LAWRENCE RUDDELI NOAH HARRIS. M C. MeSPADDEN' lor I.ix Collector — BURTON ARNOLD l or County T’easurer— -1 R \ NKI IN PERRIN \\ R WESTBROOK. For Assessor— S. D LINDSEY. iFor Surveyor— JNo B. THOMPSON MA< Ix < YPERT J. P MILES For ( unstable, Ruddi II Township D G. HORTON. Hamed" Prayer Round table. Hymn. "America " Ruudmir of aruct. "A Woman of Samana ” Prayvi Doxology. Tuesday, at Mrs < allauay's Mis. Wiggin.*, hnidci Wrdnvsfiay, at Mrs Hinkle’s Mrs ■ Walkup, leader Thursday, at Mis. Hayden's. Mrs. \\ albeit, leader Friday, at Mrs Walden’s, Mrs Grover, leadei Saturday, at churuh. Mrs H<»dge. h-adei. Shm Hospital. Saves yt»u money on all your shoe repairing. Give me a trial First dnor Im’lou II Schott’- store 17-”td STOMACH TROUBLES Mr. Ragland Writes Interesting Letter on This Subject. Madison Heights. Va.—Mr. Chas A. Pigland, of this place, writes: "I have been taking Thediotd's Black-Draught for indigestion, and other stomach troub les, also colds, and find it Io be the very best I have ever used. After taking Black-Draught tor a few days. I always feel tike a new man.” Nervousness, nausea, heartburn, pain in pd of stomach, and a feeling of full ness after eating, are sure symptoms ot stomach trouble, and should be given the proper treatment, as your strength and health depend very largely upon your food and its digestion. To get quick and permanent relief from these ailments, you should take a medicine of known curative merit Its 75 years of splendid success, in the treatment of just such troubles, proves the real merit of Thedford s Black- Draught S > pleasant, gentle in actum, and without bad after-effects, it is sure to benefit both young and old. For sale everywhere. Price 25c. Kc I* ! JUDGE WM. F. KIRBY ( \XDID\TE FOR I NITBD STATES SENATOR. WILL SPE \b \T B\l ESVII I.e\nE\ l MOXDW lilt (GIRI Hot SE. Vl' 2 P. M. EVEIMBOin (ORDIMM |\ \ ITFD IO ( OME Os T \ND HE \R HIM . | == Our j Spring Tailoring Opening : Will Be Held Here I MARCH 2nd and 3rd, lit which lime will h -displayed ;i full line of |j; SCffLOSS BROS. <V CO., " tine Custom Tailoring \\ .olens. in charge ot one ;; of their skilled Designers and Gutters, Mr. W. .1. Tress, who will come prepared to show the new styles for Spring and Summer, and take your measure for any ^oods desired. |;; The new season’s line includes h"ndreds of ;; exclusive patterns not obtainable elsewhere. and many foreign importations. We invite yon ;; to call ami see them; mi obligation to purchase March 2nd and 3rd. HERMAN SCHOTT BATESVILLE - - - ARKANSAS X i The Old Reliable Buggy Shop! Bl'Ch WHITE. Proprietor Opposite first Nahoral »!dnk in Auto Shop. PI tri 317 I hale a nice stock, such as wheels, axles, tiro fifth whet Is. shafts, poles and bows, in fact, ever) piece that belongs to a buggy and of the best th it money can buy. Come and see me i' Prices Reasonable! _ BUGK WHITE ~EUPION OIL " Tor more than 50 years the standard of Quality for the best light Do not be satisfied with some of (he "Just as Good oils, but insist on the genuine EUPION If your dealer does not handle EUPION call on our agent and he will tell you where you can get it PIERCE OIL CORPORATION H. R. RUSSELL General Real Estate Dealer Office Over Barnett Bros. Merc C,o. Phone Nu 237 Special Attention Given to City Rental* ' | YOU WILL BE THINKNKi I of away to p'easv Father. Mother. Brothers and Sisters and maylw sweetheart ami friends Think of a Portrait. Nothing would make a more appropriate gift You have been put ting it ors; come t«xlay and have a lot of nega tives made, and select fiom the best one or more I will please you. J. R. LEWIS, Photographer Ora»M'< SaxMfkc